Ah…Welcome to Raka Theater, where the author known as Raka shows his lemons…

This is my contest entry for Togashi’s thing…so, to all, Webmasters, perverts and pervettes alike, I give you my 14th lemon, “His name is William”

Mimi was at her home in New York, staring at her computer. “Work damn you work! I want to see Sora!” She banged her digivice on the screen. She hadn’t seen Sora for a few years, and she was desperate.

She got an idea. She got on her cell phone and called Izzy all the way in Japan.

*ring ring* “Izzy?”
“Who is this?”
“It’s Mimi you dufus.”
“How ya been?”
“I’m good, hey Izzy?”
“Yeah?” Izzy seemed busy on the other line.
“Do you know how I can open a digital port with my digivice?”
“You did it before didn’t you? What did you do when you brought Michael?” He seemed to be eating.
“Well, I banged it on the desk, and it beeped a little…and then it just showed up.”
“Try it again.”
Mimi banged her digivice on the desk, and then waited. Nothing happened. She hit it again, and she swore she heard a click. She put her ear to it, and it beeped very loudly. She screamed as it beeped again, and it almost knocked her deaf. She put it down slowly, and left it there. The digital port was on her screen.
“It worked! Thanks Izzy!” She hung up excitedly.

On the other side, Izzy was eating some potato chips and jerking off to some hentai. He looked at the phone, and then put it down and continued.

Back to Mimi. She locked the door to her room and sighed. She looked around for Palmon. She was always hiding somewhere. She looked under her bed, and then in her closet. Palmon was under her desk, and was sneaking up on her. She sent one vine to touch her on the back, and then pulled it back. Mimi turned in that direction. Mimi shrugged it off, and turned. Palmon poked her again, and this time Mimi caught the vine in mid-poke.

“There you are! Stop hiding from me!” Mimi scowled.
“Why? It’s fun!” Palmon giggled.
“It’s time to go now. Hold onto me and we’ll go.”
“Oh boy, will I get to see Biyomon again?”
“If Sora is there she will.”
Palmon smiled her smile. “Good.” Palmon grabbed onto her leg and they both went through the portal.


Sora was also trying to open a D-port, but she had a friend with a digivice. Cody had opened it for her, and now she was waiting for Biyomon to get there. She tapped her foot impatiently and looked at the clock. She almost screamed out, “Where in the hell are you!”

“I’m right here…why are you screaming?” Biyomon said as she entered the door. She was carrying some gifts, mostly food.
“There you are. It’s time to go.” Sora held her digivice out, and Biyomon quickly ran at her, and they both got sucked into the portal.


Mimi first arrived. The TV where the portals came from was there, and just about nothing else. Except for snow. Lots of snow. She immediately covered herself with her arms, as her short skirt and t-shirt provided almost no protection form the biting cold. The wind blew, and she shivered violently.

“Palmon! Where are you?” Mimi screamed against the howling wind.
“Mimi…” Palmon cried from a short distance away, but sounded like hundreds of feet away. Palmon weakly stepped towards her, and then collapsed. She was almost frozen already.
“Palmon isn’t for the cold…” Mimi grunted as she picked Palmon up. She put her digimon under her shirt, against her warm chest. Mimi began to shiver even more, but she was helping. She looked around for some kind of shelter, and she saw none. “I have to go back then…” She looked for the TV that had brought her here, but it was nowhere to be seen. “Oh no…”

“Mimi!” Sora’s voice echoed.
“Sora…is that you?” Mimi said between shivers.
“This way Mimi!” Sora pointed in one direction, and then ran that same way.

They seemed to be in a frozen wasteland. The coordinates they had agreed on were supposed to put them near the ocean. Mimi ran as fast as she could, but found the snow too deep. She watched Sora walk slowly on top of the snow. Mimi tried doing that, and soon she was sliding as fast as Sora on the snow. After a minute or so of this, they reached a cave. They both made for it.

Sora arrived first, and then Mimi, who collapsed. She was on all fours, panting heavily. “Sora…why the snow sprint? I thought we were supposed to be on a beach…”
“Me too…must be something with the computer…Biyomon! Are you here?” She shouted into the cave.
Biyomon’s shrill voice could be heard echoing from deep inside the cave. “Down here Sora!”
Sora slowly walked into the cave, which was dark. Scary dark. “C’mon Mimi…it feels warmer down this way.”
“Palmon…are you okay?” She hugged her tightly, got up, and followed her friend. She caught up to Sora.

“So…how ya been?” Mimi said cheerfully.
“Oh pretty good. How bout you?”
“I’ve been okay…I really missed you. And Palmon misses Biyomon…if…Palmon is still…”
Sora paused. “Is that Palmon in your shirt?”
“Yeah…why? I had to keep her warm.”
“Mimi, Palmon is a plant. They can take a lot more cold than us…they just sleep.” Sora continued.
Mimi slapped herself on her forehead. “I should have known that!” She did the ^^ eyes. She took Palmon out of her shirt. “Wake up Palmon.”
Palmon yawned, and then looked at Mimi. “Hi…I must have fallen asleep…can I have some food?”
Sora spoke. “Me and Biyomon appeared at the same TV you did…we managed to take some food with us. Biyomon should have it.”
Palmon jumped to the ground. “Yay! Food! Let’s go Mimi!” She ran into the depths of the cave.
Mimi watched her digimon run off. “Do you think she will be safe?” She said in a short tone.

“What’s wrong Mimi?”
“Oh…nothing is wrong…its just Palmon and me are drifting apart…” Mimi said with the same tone.
“That isn’t good you know. How have your crest feelings been?” (Crest feelings is the term I use for the crests in their hearts…remember then end of 01?)
“They’ve gone away since that one guy…and the guy after him…” Mimi started to talk sadly. “Think it has something to do with Palmon?”
Sora nodded, and then hugged her affectionately. “Of course. You just have to be more pure…choose someone who truly loves you…” She put a hand on her chest. “I found someone who loves me…and…it was the best feeling ever.”

“Marc…I remember Marc. He was so gentle…but…the whole thing wasn’t for love…it was because I forced you to let me do that.”
“Well, he still feels guilty about it.”
“Does he…you two are still going out?”
“Yeah…” Sora nodded.
“Darn…” Mimi stomped on the ground. “I’ll find someone.” Mimi stopped suddenly. She couldn’t go any farther, and neither could Sora. They had reached a rock wall, but there was no pink bird or flower digimon. Mimi put a bare hand on the wall, and cooed. “Ooo…Sora this wall is hot!”
Sora did the same. “Yeah…I wonder where Biyomon and Palmon are.” Sora cupped her hands around her mouth. “Biyomon! Palmon! Where are you?” She said loudly.

They waited a moment. They heard it echo back to them, but no reply. This time Mimi tried. “Hey! Get out here now!” She stamped her foot afterwards…still no response. A pebble fell from above, and landed on Mimi’s shoulder. She looked up. There was a vine hanging down.

Sora pointed to it. “That looks like one of Palmon’s vines.”
“Yeah…” Mimi jumped and grabbed it. It seemed a little fatter than a normal Palmon vine, but it felt the same. It started to pull her up. Mimi watched the cave turn from black rock to a strange bluish moss like texture. She reached out and touched it; it was very soft, almost like fur. After almost three minutes, she reached some light. The vine stopped pulling her up, and just stopped altogether. She climbed up the remaining 3 or so feet and collapsed onto the ground. The ground was covered in the same bluish moss. She pulled a little bit of it, and then watched the vine go back down the hole. She looked for the origin, but found Biyomon first.

Biyomon said hi. “Hey Mimi, how ya doing?”
“Good…where is Palmon?”
“She is talking to the big flower.”
“Talking to a flower?”
Biyomon pointed to a large flower looking thing, although the proportions were closer to a tree. Palmon was on her knees in front of it, almost looking like she was praying. A strange light emitted from the petals. The light was lighting the whole room.

“She is a very nice girl, have you met her before?” Palmon said quietly. There wasn’t any noise after that, but she continued to talk.
“She is quite a cutie isn’t she?”
“I am not sure about that…”
“You are? Or…”
“Were? How did that happen?”
“I’m sorry.”

Palmon suddenly stopped talking and looked at Mimi. “This flower wants to talk to you.” Palmon slowly got up, and sat next to the hole. Mimi, almost before she could think about it, sat next to the plant. She waited for something to happen. Nothing did. She waited for almost four minutes.

“When is something supposed to…mmph!” Her mouth suddenly had a vine in it. It was the same color as the moss, and about 3 inches thick. She tried to pull it out, but someone spoke to her.

Don’t be afraid.

The words just appeared in her mind. She didn’t hear them; it was just there, sort of like her remembering someone saying them. There was also a low buzzing sound. She tried to talk, but her mouth still was full. She thought about what she would say.

What is this?
I’m communicating with you.
How! This vine tastes disgusting. It tasted like old lettuce.
Sorry…I haven’t tasted anything for almost 2 years.
What? Are you a digimon?
Sort of…closer to a human.
What happened? Humans don’t have moss vines…
Well…that is a long story. Do you have time?
Sort of…hey! Are you still there? The buzzing had stopped.

Mimi felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned. It was actually difficult because of the vine. She bit down on it, and it withdrew. Her vision suddenly went blurry, and then went back to normal. Sora was there now.

“You okay Mimi?” Sora seemed out of breath.
“I’m fine…that vine went into my mouth, and then it talked to me.” Mimi said in a disgusted voice.

Am I that bad? The voice was back.

“Sora…did you just hear that?” Mimi backed up, but it didn’t help.
“No, what should I have heard?” Sora sweat-dropped.
“Uh…maybe I just…thought I heard it talk again.”

Tell her about me.
I don’t want to…what are you!
I’m human…just like you.

“Humans aren’t blue and stuff!”

So? I was human… This thought had a sad tone.
Was? What do you mean was?
Why did you bite me? That really hurt.

Her saying the thing about humans, and then the silence startled Sora. “Mimi! Snap out of it!”

Mimi shook her head violently. “Sorry…I keep hearing that voice…”
“I don’t hear any voice.” Sora tapped her foot. She gasped loudly as the same vine that had been in Mimi’s mouth started to slither up her leg. It made its way past her chest, and her futile attempts to keep it away. It buried itself in her mouth, and she cringed. She tried to scream, but it was as futile as her attempt to pull it out.

Hello…are you that one’s friend?

Sora’s eyes opened wide, and she got that same look of wonder that someone who just saw a magic eye picture. Mimi saw this, and she finally spoke.

“Sora, just talk to it in your head.” Mimi almost screamed. The tone of her voice almost scared her.

What is your name?
Uh…my name…my name is Sora.
And what is her name? Her head involuntarily turned to Mimi.
She is Mimi…what are you?
I’m human…and…
And what? What is that buzzing?
I’ll tell you later.
What are you?
I’m human. Like I said.

Mimi squeaked as a vine entered her mouth. This one was about the same as the other.

Look at each other. They both did.
Good, you can both hear me.
(Mimi’s text will have an m before it, and Sora will have an s, the flower’s will be italicized.)
M: Sora? Are you there?
S: Yeah, I am here…is he here too?
Of course I am. And don’t worry about your digimon. They are asleep.

They both turned, and what he had said was true. Biyomon was collapsed on a small rock covered in the moss, and Palmon’s head rested on her stomach.

S: Are they okay?!?
Of course. I’d never hurt anyone.
M: Sora…maybe we should let him talk
S: Okay…do you have a name?
Yes…if I can remember it…William. My name is William.
S: William…hi.
M: Why do we have to have your vines in our mouths?
So I can say things to you. I also have slight control of your bodies.
S: What? You aren’t going to make us do anything like…uh…
I can tell what you are thinking Sora.
M: Oh wow Sora…I can see inside your head too…
S: Hey! Get out of my head!
Sora tried to pull the vine out, but it just went deeper.

S: Let me go!
I haven’t talked to anyone for years…
M: Let’s listen…I am interested.
S: I don’t care…let me go!

Sora bit down on the vine, and it left her, and she ran to the hole. The hole was much too deep for her to jump down.

(enough of the m and s stuff)

Sora looked at Mimi. “C’mon Mimi! Let’s go!”

William, could you let me go for a moment?
Sure…just don’t leave.

The vine left her mouth, and she stuck out her tongue. “Sora, I will talk to him.” The vine reentered.

Sora just threw her arms up. She tried to find the source of the vines. She picked up a seemingly dead one, and followed it. After almost 15 feet of vine, it ended at the flower. She noticed most of the vines ended at the flower.

Mimi…how are you?
What? Oh…I am actually a little depressed.
Why is that?
I don’t think that anyone in the world can like me for me…
Don’t say that. You are the cutest thing to come in here since I got trapped.
Really? Her face lit up.
How can you see me?
The flower. I can see and smell things through it.
Where are you?
Me myself? I am not sure.
How can you not know where you are?
It is complex.
There isn’t any use in hiding anything from you is there?
Not really. I can see into your mind. The last thing I spoke to didn’t want me in his mind, so I killed him.
What? You killed him for not letting you get into his mind?
No, he was trying to burn me.
Oh…well…that is understandable.
I am so lonely…like I said I haven’t seen a girl for two years or so.
It’s okay.
Is there anything you need from the outside?
No, I have everything I need. Why do you think no one likes you?
Well, whenever I talk to a boy, he tells me he doesn’t like my type of girl, or something like that.
They are idiots. I can tell you are a wonderful person. You are actually quite wise for someone your age.
Really? Thanks. Mimi smiled, despite the vine.
Why did you let Marc do that to you?
Marc? I made him do it…I made Sora make him do that with me.

Unbeknownst to Mimi, Sora could hear Mimi’s side of the conversation. Sora looked up, and thought about that time.

Do you regret it?
Sometimes…but I swore I’d never regret it. I wish it had been someone like you.
Really? What makes me so attractive?
You know exactly what to say…I feel a lot better just talking to you. All you need is a nice butt.
Oh? Hm…maybe you could help me with something.
What’s that?

The vine in Mimi’s mouth began to move back and forth. The taste turned from moss flavor to flesh. She didn’t quite understand at first so she panicked.

Don’t be afraid.
What are you doing?
I need some release…
You aren’t forcing me are you? I know you could…
I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.
Can you alter what I want and stuff?
No…I can make your body do things, but I can’t change your thoughts. I like you though…I’ll stop.
Mimi made a quick decision. Maybe we could help each other.

Sora looked up at Mimi. She isn’t going to do what I think she is…is she? Mimi waved her away. Sora just sighed. “You can fuck the flower or whatever…just don’t get me into it…” She yawned. “I am getting pretty sleepy…*yawn*…good night.” Sora lowered herself slowly, and fell asleep sprawled out. Mimi turned back to William.

Mimi was the first to break the silence. William…could…you…uh…
If you want me to. One of William’s vines started to rub her cheek.
Mimi cooed. The vines actually looked wet, but there was no wet feeling. It felt dry and very smooth. She started to lick the vine in her mouth slowly and lovingly.

Does that feel good? Mimi asked in her mind.
Yeah…thanks a lot Mimi.
Three vines came from all around and wrapped around her waist, under her shirt. They picked her up about 6 inches off the ground. A smaller one came and started to play with her shirt. Mimi didn’t resist at all. The vines seemed to soothe all her pain. She suddenly felt the urge to just submit. She resisted that urge for the time being.

Mimi’s shirt slipped off of her easily because the vine had some help from another. Mimi’s breasts bounced as the shirt pushed past them. She was wearing a white lacy bra.

Wow…I have wanted to see this for so long.
Mimi blushed. Am I that attractive?
Of course. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.
Really? Oh wow… Mimi’s body began to ache. You can tell what I am thinking…

Mimi tried to reach around, but two vines wrapped around her arms each, and immobilized them. These vines also looked wet, but they didn’t feel wet. She gasped as she struggled against them, but the one in her mouth pushed deeper.

Are you going to rape me? Even in her mind, she sounded scared to herself.
No, sorry. I’ll withdraw from your mouth…I won’t be able to talk to you though.
Keep it in please…I like hearing your voice.
Okay…please exhale.
Mimi did as she was bidden. She exhaled, and her bra was looser. The tentacles just pulled it off. One of the hooks in the back slipped and scratched her back.

She moaned with pain as the hook scratched her, but immediately sighed as a vine rubbed against her back. This one was very warm. It slithered up the back of her neck, which she shivered at. She couldn’t believe the pleasure she was in already. The vine went down between her voluptuous breasts, and wrapped around one of them. It started to squeeze gently.

Mimi’s eyes opened as she felt one start to poke at her crotch. She had been turned on by the sudden bra yanking, but this was a new thing for her. Her legs started to move on there own, her knees bending up and down slowly. Another pair of vines spiraled around them and kept her legs still. The vine at her entrance wrapped around the crotch of her panties and pulled them down and off, throwing them aside. She was now only in her skirt.

Mimi sighed and closed her eyes as the vine in her mouth stopped moving. The vine at her crotch started to rub her lower lips gently, sending a shockwave through her. She started to moan in her throat, which actually pleasured William. The vine at her crotch suddenly stopped its gentle treatment, and plunged into her asshole. She opened her eyes wide as her eyes started to water. The vine was smooth, but not slick enough to hump without resistance. It started to fuck her in both holes, and she turned and twisted at the sudden pain. She wished it didn’t hurt so much.

Help…William…that hurts…unnh…She was starting to lose consciousness.
Mimi…sorry…I’ll stop. The vine in her ass went 7 inches deep and stopped there. This didn’t hurt much at all.

Her mind as soothed and relaxed, just as her body was. Despite the almost crushing pressure on her arms, legs, and waist, she was in ecstasy. She liked having it in her butt, and she sucked on the vine in her mouth as thanks. William was silent most of the time, and when he did talk, he was apologizing. But now he spoke.

Ah…Mimi…you are making me feel so good right now…
You make me feel good too…thanks William…

A large vine, 4 inches wide, moved up her body. It had small bumps on the end of it. She looked at it hungrily.

Do you want it?

Her supple vagina was dripping with her fluids due to his treatment. She lay down in the air, supported by the vines. The vine that was squeezing her chest moved to the nipple and poked and prodded it, sending Mimi into further ecstasy. Her body was on fire. She wanted that big one in her now. She tried to reach and grab it, but the vines prevented her. She could only wait and hope that it would go in soon.

William began to speak to her again.

There are some very odd thoughts in your mind now.
Just…put it in…now…please William…don’t make me beg…
Okay then.

The vine wavered in front of her face for a moment, as if decided what to do. It then slowly made it’s way down to her crotch. It rubbed the entrance of her, teasing her. The bumps on the end made it especially good. Mimi moaned in anticipation and extreme pleasure. The vine finally entered her, pushing in quickly. Mimi gasped as it felt like it was going to deep, but in reality only 7 inches was in her.

It started to twist a bit, and Mimi tried to scream. It came out as a muffled moan. The big vine slowly pulled out, and then twisted and went in quickly. It started to do this at a faster and faster pace, eventually, to Mimi, it felt like it was never leaving her. Because it was so wide, it stretched her out to her limit, making her insides very sensitive. The bumps on the end of it made her lose all control and she finally came silently, but no cum came out. She was that full. The fucking didn’t stop. She didn’t want it to. Another vine joined the one on her chest, and now they were both rubbing her tenderly.

The vine in her ass began to move slowly in and out. Before it had hurt her with a dull throbbing, but now it was almost as good as the front entrance. Mimi couldn’t resist, she could barely move. She had no choice but to submit to the intense thrusts of her love’s vines. She came and William never stopped. She was in his grasp for 3 of 4 hours, and she loved every second of it.

After all this fucking and stuff, the moss directly under Mimi was turning brighter blue. But then again, Sora had awakened from her screams.

Sora got up woozily, and then saw the vines fucking her Mimi was screaming, and Sora thought she was in pain. Sora screamed. “Mimi! I’ll get you out of there!” Sora tried to grab the vine in her ass, but William knocked her away.

Mimi thought to William.

Release me for a moment would you?
All right…thank you so much.
I’ll be right back.

All of William’s vines withdrew from Mimi’s body, and Mimi shivered because William was warm and the room was cold. She was placed down, and then her arms and legs were released. She was clad in nothing but her skirt.

“Sora…I love him.”
“He isn’t human!” Sora pleaded.
“He is…I can feel his heart…”
“No, he is controlling you somehow!” Sora tried to pull Mimi away from William, but William shot a vine directly into Sora’s mouth.

You should respect her wishes.
Let me go! Sora bit down and the vine withdrew.

Sora looked at Mimi. “That thing has to be killed. It will only make you moss or something. Biyomon! Wake up!”

Biyomon stirred slightly. “Gimme a few more minutes Sora…okay.” Biyomon jumped up.

Mimi stepped forward. “I won’t let you hurt him!” She jumped in front of the flower.
“Then come with me, and he won’t be hurt.” Sora pointed at Mimi’s discarded shirt and panties. “Put those on and we will go home.”

Mimi hesitated. She wanted to stay very badly, but she didn’t want to get William hurt. She picked up a vine and put it in her mouth.

I have to go now…I don’t want you to get hurt.
I could take out the girl and the bird easily.
Don’t! They are my friends…let them go…let me go…
William sighed. Okay…I hope…that I may see you again…I love you…

The vine in her mouth withdrew. Mimi looked at it sadly. “Goodbye William…” She looked at Sora. “I’ll go.” Mimi put her panties and shirt back on. Her bra was no longer useful because of the tearing. She walked slowly to Palmon and shook her. Palmon got up and walked to the hole. Mimi couldn’t stand to look at the flower again.

Sora held onto Biyomon’s legs as she floated down slowly. Mimi and Palmon did something like rock repelling to get down.


Mimi was back at home. It had been a week since she had left William, but her thoughts had never left him. It had been the longest week of her life, and not even Palmon could cheer her up. She was almost always in tears. She looked at her digivice. “I hope William is okay…I hope…” She closed her eyes tightly. “He is all scared…alone…damn you Sora!” Mimi banged her digivice on the table. It beeped, and the digital port opened on her computer.

Mimi looked up. She gasped in surprise. William…I’m coming! She set the coordinates to William’s Cave, and she went into it, leaving Palmon and this dismal world forever.

As soon as she appeared at the snowfield, she found an icicle and destroyed the television. She remembered the way to the cave, and she ran to it.

She ran all the way to the end, and shouted for William to get her. A vine slowly came down and picked her up. William…I’m back…I’m back forever…

Welcome back Mimi…
Thanks William…


This is the end of my 14th lemon, and the only romantic tentacle lemon! ?

So all, what did you think? Did you think at all? This ending is supposed to make you think. If you see me in the MiRC room, tell me what you thought.

As for you Togashi, I hoped you enjoyed this one. I know you got a bunch of other good lemons, but I hope my little bit of extra effort tips the scales.

I got a new email! From now on, send all questions, comments, flames and requests to rakatheauthor@hotmail.com !