This is my first trial lemon. I need a bit of warming up, so if this isn’t that good, sorry.


Rika opened her eyes. The sun had just come through the window, and it was getting annoying. She sat there for almost half an hour, wishing she could go back to sleep. It was in her left eye for a long time and then switched to her right.


“Stupid sun…” She yawned and sat up. “Saturday…at least I don’t have to go to school.” She stood up from her futon, and walked towards the bathroom. “Rena…where is Renamon? That little…” She looked at the mirror.  Her beautiful eyes shined in the mirror, but she wasn’t admiring them. Renamon had appeared directly behind her.


Renamon blinked in the mirror. “You know, I never have liked that thing.”


“What, the mirror?” Rika yawned.


“Yes…the mirror. It feels like that,” pointing at herself in the mirror, “is actually there, and talking about me and plotting revenge or something.”


“You are sure an oddball.” She wondered if Renamon actually had an idea there. Maybe the mirror was into another world; maybe I am just the reflection…nonsense. Rena was strong and fast and fairly clever, but not philosophical. “Rena, what did you do last night?”


“I explored some of the city, found something called a ‘cake’.”  Renamon licked her lips at the thought of the cake. “It was really sweet. The girl that had a lot of them was scared of me for some reason.” She looked in the mirror again. “Oh, yeah, I forgot…I don’t look too friendly.” She had the usual scowl on her face, with the slightly closed eyes. “I also talked to Guilmon.”


“Guilmon? Why did you talk to him?” Now she was scowling. “You should have loaded his data.” She usually spoke her mind. This morning was no exception. “What did he have to say?”


“Well, he said Impmon came and wanted him to come out of the little cage he is in. He didn’t leave, so Impmon left. Guilmon is very interesting to talk to…I kinda wish we could have talked more. But then that Kuwagamon came…and you know what happened there.”  Renamon disappeared after saying this.


“Why did she disappear? Oh well. Fox is a fox.” She looked into the mirror again. She was looking at her eyes now, and there was something different about them. “Why am I crying? This doesn’t make any sense, I don’t miss her that much.”  She dried her eyes, and went back to her room. Food was on her mind now. “Cake sounds pretty good actually.”


A previous thought shot into her head. The battle. It had been a tough one. Renamon had been saved by that stupid little dinosaur.  “Renamon could have taken Kuwagamon on by herself.  Lucky she got the kill.” She punched into her own hand. “Good thing I used that modify card. What digimon was it?” She found her deck and looked through it. “Ah…this one. Meramon.” She grinned to herself.




Guilmon woke up to a pressure on his chest. “Hummm? What is that?” His eyes came to focus. His eyes shot open.


“Hey sleepyhead, wake up so we can…” Calumon was his normal cheery self.  “Plaaaaaaaaaaaay!” His ears shot out and he started to bounce about.  “C’mon, c’mon! Let’s play tag or hide and sheek!”

“Okay!” Guilmon was also happy to see him. He hadn’t had anyone to talk to since Renamon appeared there in the middle of the night.  And she wasn’t his favorite digimon to talk to. She doesn’t play tag.


Calumon jumped on Guilmon’s head.  “Let’s go!”


Guilmon jumped over the fence like he normally did and he started to go to the pond. He had to duck behind the trees and several bushes, but he got to pond safely.  He looked into the surprisingly clear water. A fish splashed at him. “I am gonna get that fish someday. Pyrosphere!” He shot the fireball into the water, getting a lot more fish than he thought.  They all swam away, spitefully so.


Calumon jumped up and down on his head. “You aren’t supposed to cook the fish until you catch them! You big silly! Hey…what’s that?”  Calumon’s voice was unusually scared. A dark pair of eyes was looking at him in his own reflection. Guilmon’s too.  Calumon ran away, followed by a cat that thought Calumon was a mouse.


Guilmon stayed. He thought he could make a face out in it. The face uttered one word. “Rena…” then it disappeared.  “Rena? Renamon? I hope she is okay.” Guilmon started back to his little house.  No one to play tag with here.




About three hours later, Rika’s digivice began to beep.  Rika had just showered and was in a towel.


“Damn! I need to get dressed!” She got dressed quickly. (Sorry, this one is about Renamon) She located her deck. Then she did something she rarely did anymore. “Renamon! Where are…” Renamon appeared just before she finished. Rika ran out of the house, followed by Renamon. 


She finally arrived in the mall, where the digimon was emerging. Luckily, most people are scared away by mist suddenly appearing in a small, indoor area.  The digimon inside the mist was obviously big.  She put on her glasses and ran in. Henry and Terriermon were already there. She tried to scan it with her digivice, but it was just staticy. “What the hell is wrong with this thing? Henry, what digimon is that?”


Henry chuckled. “The digimon queen doesn’t know what that is? Fine.” He scanned it quickly. “MoriShellmon, Data, Champion level. Attack is Hydro Cannon.”  Terriermon wanted to fight.


“Henry…I want to fight!”

“Remember what happened last time? Renamon is here. You don’t have to now.”

“I won’t go outta control!”

“You will. That is why you aren’t! Now shush or Susie will get her doll for longer tonight.”  Terriermon shut up.


Renamon showed up in her almost predictable manner, suddenly appearing above the enemy, kicking it in the head.  Rika was impressed. “Nice shot.”


After the kick, she flipped down to the ground and sized up the MoriShellmon. “Looks tough skinned, better confuse it first.”


She jumped into the air and concentrated on her second and not very practiced attack.  She summoned the energy; breathed deeply, and said, “Kohenkyo!” She was suddenly on the ground. The Shellmon was suddenly about 16 feet in the air. She took a few steps to the side, and it fell into the hard mall floor. That took a lot of it. The poor champion was upside down, and it knew its fate. In an attempt to get away, it flipped on its side and shot a Hydro Blaster at Renamon. She dodged nimbly, and looked at her tamer. “I would like to end this now, Rika.”


“Sure, why not? I’ll use this new card I got in a booster pack. You might like it.” She pulled the card from her pouch, and held it up. “I haven’t seen this one before. Pretty cool lookin’ though.”


She did the motions of pushing the card through the slot on her D-Ark, and said, “Digi-modify!” Renamon felt a surge of power, as a new technique was loaded into her. “Rakamon’s The Emerald’s Bane activate!”


Renamon hit the floor, on all fours. She was whispering something to herself, and clutching where her heart would be. “Raka…raka…” It looked like she had just been shot with a rifle. Renamon started to cry, and curled into a ball. “Rakamon…”


“Renamon! What is wrong? Did I hurt you?” She didn’t answer.  She just continued to sob quietly.  Rika ran to her partner. She was holding something in her paw, but it was small enough that it couldn’t be seen.


Henry looked worried and sprang into action. “Terriermon, you are up! Get out there!”

“About time. Bunny Blast!” he shot the familiar green ball of energy at the almost helpless Shellmon. He received a boost of power and shot again, destroying it. He loaded the data, and said his line. “You see…momentime.”


“Renamon! What is wrong? Tell me!” Renamon was silent. She had stopped whispering Rakamon and just fallen asleep. She was still crying. “Renamon…please…” Rika wrapped her arms around her digimon, and started to cry herself. “I want to help…I’m sorry…”


Henry was stunned. He had never ever seen two girls cry about nothing.  Especially a giant yellow fox and the meanest girl he had ever met. “Rika…let me try.”


“Renamon is my partner…I should be here for her…whatever happened to her is my fault.”

“You can’t say that until you know what is wrong.” He walked to Renamon’s sleeping form. “Renamon…” he touched her back, “what is wrong? Who is Rakamon?”


It seemed to get a response.  She woke up and uncurled herself. “Rika…I’m sorry. It will never happen again.” Rika hugged her again. “It’s okay…it must be something big to make you cry. If you don’t want to talk about it…it is okay.”


“Thank you…I will tell you later though, if you want to hear.” She dried her eyes off, and did something to her mane. “Rika, could I have the card you used?”


Rika handed it over, but she looked at the picture closely.  It looked a lot like Renamon. But this digimon was green, and a few other details were different. “You know, you two could be siblings.”


Renamon said something under her breath. She signaled to Terriermon not to tell what she said. She stared at the card for a while, and disappeared.


Rika and Henry ran out of the mall, and went to the park. Henry was stroking his chin in thought. Rika looked at him and said, very sarcastically, “Hey, do you shave a lot or something?” Henry looked at her oddly for a second and laughed. She started to laugh too, but Rena was on her mind.


She talked to the rabbit.  “Terriermon, did you hear what Renamon said before she left?”

“Yes, but I promised not to tell you. She wants to tell you.”

“Oh? I have to find her then.” She ran off, obviously in a hurry.


Henry looked at the rabbit.  “What did Renamon say?”

Terriermon looked puzzled and said, “She said, ‘Or a mate.’”






Renamon appeared on the roof of the mall, in a shady part near a vent. She looked at the card, and started to cry again. “Raka…I’m sorry…” Her head suddenly shot up, as a dark figure approached.


“What happened now, toots? Did you forget to brush your fur?” Impmon laughed at her frazzled form.  “Whatcha cryin’ about? That card couldn’t be that scary. Who is it…a mirror?” He started to laugh at her pain now. (See, Impmon is evil still) He was almost rolling on the floor, still laughing, “You looked like you lost a tail or somethi…” Renamon stopped him short of his joke. Her eyes were glowing green, as she held a small green jewel in her hands.


“Do you fear this?” Renamon said with a cold tinge in her voice.

“Uhh…ahh…AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Impmon ran for his existence. Renamon appeared in front of him, with her cold, green eyes.

“The Emerald’s Bane!” She said Rakamon’s attack, and a glowing green claw grasped Impmon’s puny form. He started to crystallize, into emerald if you can guess. “Your body is the emerald…” she held up a claw, “and this is your bane!” She swiped at his face, and received a nasty scratch. The crystal was taking most of his body, all of him below his shoulders.  Renamon reached back to do another slash, to finish him off, and stopped herself just before contact was made. Her eyes returned to the gentle blue color they had been before. She shattered the crystal around Impmon.


“What did you do that for? My data was yours!” Impmon admitted defeat.

“I…am sorry…I…” Renamon started to cry again. 

Impmon showed no remorse or pity or even gratitude for her sparing his life. He jumped off the mall roof, and landed nimbly on his feet. He saw Henry and Rika run by. “Stupid humans.  That girl is leaving her digimon like that. I knew they were no good for us.”




At about sunset, Renamon was at Rika’s house.  Rika was eating dinner in her room, and staring at Renamon’s still crying form. Every time Rika tried to talk to her, Renamon just curled up tighter. 


“Rena…please talk to me.”

“…” Renamon just curled up more.

“Please Rena, I want you to talk.”


“There is that name again. Who is Raka? Tell me!” She pounded her fist on the table.

Renamon looked up, with the same green glow in her eyes.

“Rena…I’m not scared of your eye trick. I think it looks cool.” She thought she could cheer her up.

“Rakamon…I’m sorry…”

Renamon stood and looked at Rika the same way she had looked Impmon. With the same cold twinge in her voice, she approached her and said, “Why do you keep bothering me? I want to be alone!”

Rika was scared now. But glowing eyes and a scary voice wouldn’t distract her. “What is wrong? You aren’t Renamon!”

Renamon stopped in her tracks. Her eyes returned to normal, and her voice was the oddly soothing one it usually was.  “Rika…sorry…”


“Why do you keep apologizing? You haven’t done anything. Tell me who Rakamon is! Did you meet her in the digital world?”

“Rakamon is a male…he was my…uh…” She was talking to a twelve-year old girl. She didn’t know how to put it so she would understand.

“Mate?” Rika obviously knew what she meant, so Renamon continued.

“Yeah…uh…mate. Well, he was my mate, that is right.” She was stuck. She knew Rika didn’t know what mates do. “Okay, well, Rakamon was my mate. Let me see your digivice thing.” Rika handed over the device. Renamon took it, and placed it on her forehead.


“What are you doing?”

“I am finding Rakamon’s description.” She started to hum something, and she dropped the device. “He isn’t on it.” An idea popped into her head. “My…gem.” She reached into her mane, and pulled out the same green jewel that had scared Impmon. She held it in front of the device. It beeped, and a digimon appeared on it. Rika read the description.


“Rakamon, unknown level, virus type. Attack The Emerald’s Bane. Level unknown? What level was he?”

“I don’t know actually. I always thought he was a rookie until I saw him fight. He made me feel like a newcomer when I saw him fight.”

“Your mate was a virus? What went on there?”

“He beat me in a fight. He spared my life…so…well, maybe I should show you.”

“Show me? How?” Rika was very puzzled.

“Tomorrow…I will show you.”




Renamon appeared at her den in a church.  It was a spacious church, and her den was in the basement, so she could see outside. Her makeshift bed was a pile of pillows.  This is where she was laying, resting from the fight and her loss of sanity.  She was currently staring at the green jewel. There was something inside, like energy, but not quite. It was all that remained of Rakamon, his very essence, like his soul. 


“I shouldn’t even have this thing. Why did I keep it?” Her thoughts trailed off, to the night she mated for the first time. “What a night that was.  Is that why I miss him? Or was it something else? Maybe…something Rika calls love…” Renamon had lost herself in thought, and the jewel just fell as she started to fall asleep.


She was tossing and turning for almost 2 hours. “I’m not tired yet…I know what I could do.” Renamon laid back, and felt through her mane, as if exploring there for the first time. She found one of her nipples, and started to rub it gently. Her fur started to stand up on her neck, and she started to pant. She started rubbing harder and faster, but then it started to hurt.


“Raka was always good at this.” She tried to remember what Raka had done. She now rubbed both of her nipples, getting a soft moan from herself. Her body started to quiver; she hadn’t done this in a long time. She moaned a bit louder, and she stopped rubbing herself. “What else is there?” Her hand started to go towards her crotch, as she rubbed the outside of it. The other hand continued rubbing her tits. “Mmmm…Raka…Raka…” Her mind turned to Raka, as she imagined him doing this to her. She couldn’t do half of the things he had done, but this was adequate.


She licked her lips and pushed her finger inside of her. “Ugg…ahh…Raka...” Renamon was pushing her finger in and out, at a pace that would make a human female faint quickly. She found her own clit and rubbed it instead of her now bright red nipples.  She rubbed it slightly, then slowly and hard. Her hips started to buck into her own hand. She couldn’t stand it anymore. She needed release. She pushed her hand in, as far it would go, almost all the way to her elbow. 


She lost control of her body, and she frantically looked around for something to go deeper in her.  She spotted a piece of wood; it would have to do. She jumped over there and picked it up. It would fit nicely, and it was almost a foot long. She licked the end of it, and then shoved about four inches of it in her mouth to give her ‘dildo’ the right amount of lubricant. Her imagination thought it was Rakamon’s member in her mouth, as she started to suck on it…hard.  She almost let go of it, almost sending it down her throat. She pulled it out, and made better use of it.  She opened her slit, and pushed it in. A long, deep moan escaped her, as she pushed it in as far as it would go.  She held it tightly, and pumped it in and out of her. Her imagination was making her feel Raka pumping in and out of her, but the smooth, cool wood would do her…literally.  She laid back, imagining Rakamon holding her down, fucking her for all she was worth. Her now very wet cunt was tightening its grip on the wood, giving it more resistance and increasing her pleasure. Her back arched…her muscles tightened throughout her entire, burning body. She came with a very load moan, getting her pillows wet. She collapsed on her bed, and placed the wood aside.


She let out a satisfied sigh. “I need to do that more often.” Her thoughts returned to sleep. “Sleep is good…tomorrow I will see Raka again.” She closed her eyes, and fell into blissful sleep



K, this is the end of my first lemon, and the first in the ‘Rena’s Mate’ series. I apologize if the lemon part wasn’t what you expected in a Renamon solo, but hey, I usually only write the plot part.


Send flames, comments, and maybe even requests to In the next installment, Rena finally…yeah. Like I am gonna tell ya.