This is my 17th lemon. It is also my first first-person point of view attempt. Also…this is my first 04 lemon, and it will also be one of the first 04, if not the first straight one. It will be from the point of view of David. Couldn’t think of a cool Japanese name this time. The stuff in [] is thought…btw. And…if you don’t know who Izumi is…her name is Zoe in the dub.


With no further ado…my masterpiece of lemon literature, ”Innocence and Purity.”



“Did you ever force Izumi to touch you?” A lawyer’s voice caught my attention.


“No.” I answered quickly and almost without thinking.


“Have you and Izumi ever had sexual contact?”


The question echoed in my mind. I froze. I went over our first time, thinking of how happy I had been and the pain I had made her go through. Yet she had always loved me, and wasn’t scared of me. I couldn’t say that of most girls.


“Mr. Wilkinson, answer the question.” The lawyer sounded annoyed.


After hearing this, my gaze went to Izumi herself. She was a beautiful creature; about 5’4”, the brightest yellow hair possible, and eyes so green they almost looked magical. Very tall and very mature physically for a girl her age.


She looked at me and nodded slowly and closed her eyes. Her little hands were shaking; she was as nervous as I was. I didn’t blame her.


“Mr. Wilkinson!”


“Yes…yes we have.” I said slowly.


A shudder of disbelief and anger went through the court. The judge pounded his gavel on his desk. “Order! Order!” The judge’s command was answered. The room shushed, a man left, most likely a reporter. The judge continued. “Counsel, proceed.”


The over dressed lawyer looked at me again; I could almost sense a glimmer of hate in his eyes. “Did you make her do this?”


“No…I’d never do that.” I said, holding my head up.


Who’s idea was it to first start doing that?” The lawyer put a hand on the bench in front of me, almost as if saying, ‘I hate you.’


“…” I didn’t say anything. I looked to her again, and she shook her head. She knew what I was going to say. She mouthed the word ‘don’t’ and pointed to herself. I shook my own head and gave my answer. “It was my idea.”


This time the response was mixed. Some people roared in anger, some drooped their eyes and heads in despair. Some even broke out into laughter. I knew none of them; most were from the press. Izumi covered her face and made a small whimpering sound. [I’m sorry Izumi…but I have to protect you and your purity...] I thought. She looked up at me as if she had heard my thought and nodded. As the judge pounded the stand in front of him, trying to restore order, my thoughts wondered again to Izumi and how we had gotten into this, our first time, but mostly how we met. My thoughts were interrupted by the gavel; it once again brought me back to reality.


“Order!” The judge boomed. “Order in my court! Counsel, you may cross examine.”


The first lawyer sat down at an empty table to my right, then the one sitting next to Izumi stood. Izumi herself sighed as a hand was put upon her shoulder. It was the fat hand of her mother. It was by Izumi’s mother’s hand that we were in court right now. I hated that woman to the depth of my soul.


The new lawyer stepped up. He looked more the part than my lawyer did. “So, you and Izumi have had sexual relations?”


“Yes.” I confirmed.


“And it was your idea to do that?” He asked with a heightened pitch.


“Yes…it was my idea.” I shook my head and sighed deeply.


“Did she want to?”


“Yes! I’d have not done anything if she didn’t want me to.”


The lawyer took a step back to his table, and looked at a folder, and then approached me again. “Is Izumi, in your opinion, physically attractive?”


She was the beautiful girl in the world to me. “What does my taste in girls have to do with this?”


“Answer the question.”


“Yes…she is very attractive.” I sighed as I said this.


“You are a big guy, pretty smart too. Your I.Q. is 156, did you know that?” He smirked.


“Yes…I know my I.Q.”


“It would be easy for you to manipulate her, wouldn’t it?”


“I’d never do that!” I stood up and almost screamed at him.


“But could you?”




“Could you hold her down and rape her?” He put his hands on the bench, next to my hands.


“I would never do that!” I repeated, louder this time.


“Answer it! Yes or no!”


My lawyer stood. “I object, he’s badgering the witness.”


“Sustained.” The judge said calmly. He turned to me. “Answer the question.” He turned to the lawyer afterwards. “You ask him nicely.”


The lawyer, who was starting to smell from his own perspiration, looked at me and asked again, this time in a more polite tone. “Could you hold her down? Are you strong enough to restrain and disrobe her?”


Izumi looked at me with almost teary eyes; she mouthed ‘don’t’ again. I sighed and nodded.


“Answer the question.” The judge pointed his gavel at me.


I glared at the stinky lawyer, and then I said, slowly, “Yes…yes…I could.”


“Could you trick her into doing it against her will? Is she gullible?”


I looked at her again. She smiled at me…it was so beautiful. “No…she is too smart for me to trick her into anything. I can’t even get her to get a soda from the fridge for me.” I laughed a little.


The smelly lawyer looked at me indignantly. His eyes lit up, as he seemed to get an idea. “Before you two had relations, did she trust you?”


I didn’t hesitate. “She trusts me with her life.” Izumi nodded at me and winked.


The lawyer smirked. “Have you ever taken advantage of her?”


Just then, I made the worst mistake I’d ever made in my entire life. I hesitated. “Uhh…I…” The lawyer smiled and looked at the jury for a moment, and then said, “No further questions.”


I was dismissed. As I stepped down from the bench, I mouthed to Izumi ‘sorry’. She covered her eyes and didn’t look at me. I sat down and my lawyer nudged my shoulder. It said: “Don’t worry, Izumi will help you if she is as loyal to you as you say she is.”


The other lawyer spoke. “I call Orimoto Setsu to the stand.” The evil woman stood and went to the bench and was sworn in. I stopped paying attention to her, and turned to my Izumi.


Her head was down, and she was sobbing quietly. I wanted to go to her and hold her and to calm her fears. But law forbade me to even speak to her. Seeing her like that brought a pain to me. I began to think of when I had met her, 6 months ago. I drifted into my thoughts, and thought of that time.




Today was June 11th. I met her on the New Year’s Day previous, into 2002.


It had been a long day the day before. I was coming home from a party where I had gotten pretty wasted, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was walking down the street, past the many lights and signs of Sagamihara.


I had just crossed a street, about half a mile from my house. Suddenly, a girl ran into me. She literally ran into me.  She fell on top of me after colliding; we looked at each other in surprise, then, just as quickly she had come, she picked herself up and ran away. Someone followed her, and caught her, thanks to my clumsiness. It was a tall man, not as tall as I was, but he told her to give him all her money.


She screamed at me, so I took my knife out and pressed it against his neck. “Let her go…or I get your throat.”


He didn’t turn, he just ran; she dropped onto the ground and moaned in pain. “You stupid jerk! That really hurt!” She turned to me and stood up woozily. “Thank you for saving me…” She looked up at me. “You aren’t gonna rape me or something are you?”


“No…what makes you think that?” I inquired, insulted slightly.


“You are pretty tall and strong too…I’d bet you could hold me down and rape me with one hand…” She looked nervous.


“The thought never crossed my mind. Are you alright?”


She spoke as though she didn’t hear me. “You are pretty scary looking…no offense.”


I ignored this. “Are you alright?”


“I’m fine…thanks again…” She made to turn to run away, but something held her back. Not that I knew what did. I still don’t. She put her hands on her hips and smiled. “What’s your name, sasquatch?”


“Sasquatch? You sure are mean to the one that saved you…should I get that guy back here?”


She ignored this too. “What is your name, big boy?”


“That’s better…my name…is David.”


“David eh?” She made a little curtsy. “I’m Izumi…”


“Izumi…means springtime.” I recalled my Japanese lessons from when I moved to Japan.


“Yeah…I like my name a lot.” She seemed lost.


“Where are you coming from anyways?”


“No where really…just a little party. Nothing special. I just spent most the time in the corner.” She giggled slightly, as if embarrassed.


“Oh c’mon, you have no reason to be like that…I’d bet you are a hit with the boys.” She should have been too. She had a very curvy body, even under that purplish-pink skirt she wore. She had almost no chest, but her legs and butt more than made up for it. But, of all her splendor and beauty, her eyes and her hair most captivated me. Her hair was the brightest yellow you’d ever seen, and she wore a strange purple hat that made her look like she had kitty ears or something. Her eyes were deep green, very green. Almost unreal; almost magical. Izumi caught me looking to her eyes. But I was caught in them, I had been sucked in and I didn’t struggle or resist…magical eyes…


“What are you staring at?”


“Eyes…deep green eyes…so beautiful…” I was hypnotized.


She looked at me shyly, almost as if confused. “You think I’m pretty?”


I nodded dumbly.


“Oh wow…” She looked down and was blushing furiously. “I’ve never had anyone tell me that before…it really means a lot to me…”


I snapped out of it, and looked at her. “You are the hottest girl I’ve ever seen…and I’d like to spend more time to get to know you…” I motioned for her to take my arm. She hesitated for a moment.


“I’ve never even held hands with a boy before…” She took my arm and looked up at me. “Like this?”


“Yeah…which way do you live?”


“That way…to the left.” We went left.


We talked all the way there…it took us 3 hours, even though we took the subway. I found out she was very lonely, and that none of her classmates liked her because of her attitude. I never thought a 14 year old would be so deep. But she wasn’t a deep 14 year old. Despite her appearance…no matter how smart she was…I didn’t find out till 2 months later when she told me her real age. Eleven.




My mind drifted back to reality. It wasn’t a pleasant trip. My lawyer poked me with his pen, and told me the judge had declared a recess till tomorrow. I was free to go home. No cops at home…no press either. Thank god for that. But no Izumi…damn him for that.


As I went outside of the courtroom, the press mobbed me. I knew they’d follow me home. But I got into my car anyways, and drove off. They all started to follow.


I pulled up to my house, turned off the car, and went to the front door of my house. The first of the paparazzi were arriving as I hastily unlocked my door. I went in, locked the door behind me, and ran to the phone, dialing 10 numbers really quickly and hanging up. That was just for the cops to know I was at home.


I sighed deeply and looked around my empty house. My thoughts seemed to echo…because I said them. “I wonder if I made the news again.” I turned on the T.V. and slumped into my chair.


‘Today on 5 at 6, the trail for the accused rapist Wilkinson David continued. Today, David admitted to having sexual contact with 12-year-old Orimoto Izumi. David, who is 17, is accused of statutory rape, which is sexual relations with someone under the consent age of 12. Izumi is now above consent age but the first contact was before then. Izumi herself, however, says that it was consensual and that David isn’t capable of…”


I turned off the TV. It was getting on my nerves. Stupid press…they didn’t have a heart. Which was exactly what was wrong with this world. But I got a strong feeling I should turn it back on, so I did.


            “We’d like to know what you think. Call 555-0312 and have your comments on this trail heard. We’ll start taking calls after this commercial.”


The commercials went by, so I thought I’d defend myself. My voice hadn’t been heard by the public before…why not? So I called. The line was busy; big surprise. I hung up and tried again. This time it went through.


“Hello, Channel Six.”


“I’d like to comment.”


“Alright, what is your name?”


“My name is Edward.” I lied. Like I’d say my real name on a commentary about myself.


“Alright then…please hold.” There was some very pleasant and corny hold music. So I listened to the comments about me.


“David is a pervert and a rapist…he should be locked up forever.” Said an old woman.


“How could he rape that little girl? He must be pure evil.” Said a middle-aged man.


“I’d bet if he hadn’t been caught she’d still be prisoner in his terrible grasp…good thing her parents caught him defiling her…I don’t believe for a moment she gave him permission to know her name.”


“He is a liar! He forced poor Izumi into doing that…poor child.”


I laughed at myself. “Not one bit of support…not one shred of it.” It hurt though, my brothers and sisters…it hurt. Deep down it burned. No one soul in the whole world believed I was in love with a 12-year-old girl. Izumi did, but she was young…I didn’t blame her for being scared to testify in court. The voice on the phone came back. “You are on the air.”


I breathed deeply and began to say my piece.


“Hello people out there…many of you assume that David did it. Can you prove it? Assume and you make an ass out of you and me…see how that works? Anyways, if Izumi gave him permission, is there really a fault? She is a very mature girl. She is wise enough to make her own decisions. Why would she lie about something this serious? Maybe they are truly in love. They obviously don’t care about the age difference, so who are we to judge them? You are saying that if they have a few years between them, they can’t love each other because it is immoral. Who voted on what was moral? Do you remember voting on that? I don’t. David is a good friend of mine, I know he’d never touch Izumi if she didn’t want him to.” I was cut short by one of the anchors.


“So, you are saying you think Izumi wanted to have relations with him?”


“Of course. David considers himself the luckiest guy in the world because Izumi loves him. And whom said they couldn’t love each other?”


“You do bring a good point Edward. But we have to take at least one more call so…” The anchor’s eyes went wide as he pressed his earpiece to his ear. “The last caller is Izumi Orimoto herself. Go ahead, Izumi.” He said, astonished.


“David didn’t rape me! I wanted him to…well…I asked him to but he refused! He wanted me to wait till I was older …if anything I raped him!” She was crying on that side, she paused to sob a little. “The only reason that stupid trial is even going on is because my mom thinks I’m not mature enough to feel love! She’s the one that’s making me do this…she is raping my heart…all David wants to do is make it better…”


“Don’t do this!” I screamed at my TV. “Please don’t do this to yourself!” She couldn’t hear me of course…I just said this to make myself sound noble to myself.


Izumi continued. “He’d never rape me…he is so kind and gentle…it hurts me when all you people out there say bad things about him…so please stop it…do you want me to cry more?” She was all out bawling now, and she hung up the phone.


After the commercials started on the TV, I called Izumi on her cell phone. This was grossly illegal, but I didn’t care. She answered after 3 rings.




“David…” She was holding back tears. “Should we go to the place?”


“The secret one…meet there as soon as possible…see you then…love you.” I hung up. By law I was even more forbidden to see and touch her. We had found a place where we could meet in peace.


I took my jacket and put it on. I then decided it wasn’t a good idea to wear a jacket in June. But I wore it anyway.




I arrived at the secret place. I went on foot because it was only half a mile away from my house. Luckily, I didn’t run into any cops. I wasn’t even supposed to be out of the house. I was breaking about 30 laws and ordinances today…why not a 31st?


The secret place itself was a video arcade. It had a lot of video games, just about everyone you can ever think of. Izumi and I always met at the Puyo Puyo machine near the bathrooms. She had already arrived. She was actually playing on the game, and doing quite well. I let her play.


After she lost after 10 minutes, she put her name into the high score. She held positions 2-10. I had number 1 of course. And she would never beat me. But that wasn’t important.


“I’ll beat him someday…I have to…” Izumi pounded on the machine.


“You’ll never beat me like that…you have to love the machine…” I said, sneaking up behind her, putting my hand on her shoulder.


“David!” She fell into my arms, holding me tightly.


“Izumi…I’ve missed you so much…” I said with a slight whine.


She didn’t say anything. She just held herself in my arms.


I looked down upon her. She was about a head shorter than me. I cupped my hand on the back of her head and pushed it so she knew I wanted her close. I took her hand and squeezed it and smelled her hair, which smelled of flowers.


“It’s been about a month since we’ve been this close.” Izumi whispered.


“Much much too long…I’ve been wanting to do this for so long…longing for your gentle touch…the smell of your hair…I wish I could fall into your eyes and drown in them…” I said quietly.


“Always the poet Davey…let’s go somewhere a little more quiet.” She hugged me tighter for a moment, and then led me to the entrance. “Is your house open?”


“For a few hours…let’s go quickly.” Izumi mounted her bicycle, and I ran, jacket and all. It only took a few minutes to get back to my house.


As we arrived, there were paparazzi. I hated them all, so I took Izumi by the waist and put her behind some bushes. “They just had to be here, didn’t they? Sneak to the back, leave your bike here.”


Izumi nodded. “Alright then…David…I don’t want to sneak around like this anymore.”


I got up and sighed. “Me too.” I noticed a cop car. “You might need to stay here a bit longer…sneak into my bedroom and hide under the bed.”




“Yeah…” I chuckled. “Don’t laugh this time, I don’t care how giggly you get.”


“I’ll try…I love you David.” She smiled cutely.


“I love you too…see you in a bit.” I walked off, hoping we wouldn’t get caught.


As I approached, one of the reporters pointed me out. The rushed at me like teenagers rush to a free pizza bar.


“Did you rape Izumi?” “Where were you?” “What did you think of Edward?” Were some of the questions they asked me.


“No comment…get off my property!” I pushed them aside and fought my way to my front door. I even had to punch one to get him out of the way. It would most likely be in the headlines tomorrow. By the time I had gotten to the front door, they had all learned not to get in my way.


The cop was already there. He was the one that was supposed to escort me. “Where were you?”


“I was playing video games at the arcade.” This was almost truthful.


“Why didn’t you wait for me?”


“Because you’d have gotten bored…” I smirked.


“You know, I could drag you in right now for disrespect!” the cop threatened.


“But if you did that, then I wouldn’t get to be in the trail anymore…”


“I know you raped her! The courts are always right and always convict.”


“There isn’t any evidence. The only reason there is even a trial is because Izumi’s mother hates me!”


The cop was silent. He tipped his hat, flipped me off, and shooed away the reporters. After they all left, I went inside and locked the door behind me.


“Bout time…” I looked around the house. Izumi wasn’t there, although she should be in my room by now. I checked throughout the house, locking doors and closing windows on my way to my room. I opened the door, and there she was, in all her splendor, on my bed.


She had changed out of that dress and into a pair of my shorts and my favorite green t-shirt. She looked at me with those big green eyes. “Thought I’d get a little more comfy.”


I laughed and took off my jacket. “You look comfy…mind if I try you on?”


She did that cute giggle again. “I’ve missed this so much…I just want to be in your arms…you look very handsome in that outfit David.”


“Thanks…” I took off my pants and put on some shorts as well.


Izumi looked at me, this time with more depth and meaning. “Hold me.”


I took off my shirt and lie next to her. I took her in my arms and squeezed her. She closed her eyes and ran her hand up and down my back, slowly like you would when you pet a dog. The mere scent of her was intoxicating. Her touch was soft and gentle, like an angel’s. In fact, I called her that all the time. Angel.


“Izumi, I’ve wanted this for so long…” I stuck my hand into her shirt and ran my hand on her side, the tips of my fingers going from her armpit down to the top of her hip, and back up. She was unbelievably soft and smooth. I was rewarded with a soft coo and some goose bumps rose on her arms. I asked her, “Does it feel good?”


“Yeah…mmm…” She moaned quietly and held my free hand. “It feels better when it’s forbidden…” She smiled at me again.


“Does it? I wouldn’t know…I don’t think it can get any better than this.” I kissed her cheek while saying this.


She moaned and suddenly she broke into tears. She pounced on me and hugged me, crying her pretty little eyes out. “David…I want to be this close…I want to be right here…in your arms…forever and ever.” She rolled over and put me on top. “Take me…David…please…” she said this, almost as if begging.


I wasn’t going to deny her, but I still wondered why. “You sure Izumi?”


“Yes…please take me…” She tried to take her shirt off, but I held it down.


“That’s my job.” I kissed her again, right on the lips. She pushed into it and closed her eyes.


“David…” My angel whispered to me. “Remember our first time?”


“Yeah…best moment of my life…” I kissed her and rubbed her nose with mine.


“It did…it hurt a lot…” Izumi sighed. She said this to make me feel guilty, and it normally worked. “Please be gentle…”


“Of course I will…I don’t want to harm you…” I pulled the shirt up and off her, revealing her torso. She was perfectly smooth, as I have said. She did have a little bit of baby fat, which just added to her innocent appearance. She was a work of art. She bore her almost flat chest innocently, and she put my hand that was rubbing her side and moved it to her belly. “You are so cute…I’d bet you taste like sugar…”


“I do…you will have to taste me.” Izumi giggled. It had always amazed me at how quickly she could change moods. I guess that is made her attractive to me. Izumi was perfect. The fact that she was 12 used to bother me, but she never acted her age. She acted 17 more often than I did. She is an equal in my eyes, as all mates should be.


Back to Izumi. So I started to rub her tummy in soft circles and she cooed again. I leaned down and kissed her belly button, she cooed louder and put her hands on my back.


“Please David…more…more…” She moaned.


“Be patient my angel…you’ll get what you want.”


“Okay…but hurry…I’m on fire and I need quenching…” She begged again.


“Izumi…what’s wrong? You never want to go this fast.”


“A month is a long time to go without ecstasy…” She motioned for me to kiss her again, and I did.


I nodded afterwards. I hadn’t even masturbated since out last time; I was aching too. “Alright…I’ll go on with it.” I pulled the shorts down and off. Apparently, she had already gotten herself quite wet. “Did you touch yourself before I got here?”


“Yeah…sorry…but please…Davey…” She pulled her panties down, and rubbed herself just a little, she squeaked when her hand slipped and rubbed her clit a little too hard. “Ow…I need a gentler touch...but now I just want it…please Davey.”


“I was hoping for something a bit slower and more romantic…” I said as I pulled off my own shorts. I lay next to her and she got up and pulled my boxers down and off. She stared at my cock for a while, and then put herself in position on top of me. She hovered over it and pushed the head in, and squeaked as she was penetrated.


“Go slow…else you’ll hurt yourself like last time.” I warned. I wanted to just push her down on it and get it all in and fuck her till she screamed, but I knew she’d be hurt. Her age was showing. Her pussy was very tender and tight; the lips were barely developed. It was little more than a slit between her legs. It was perfectly hairless, the crown jewel of her body and ultimate proof of her innocence. Yet somehow my cock fit all the way inside her. I think I might have broken her during our first time.


But anyways, she lowered herself down, going very slowly, gingerly. She sighed as it went into her; I could scarcely think. She was amazingly tight as well as perfect. She was stretched to her maximum easily, and maybe even more. But I somehow managed to stop myself from really raping her…just barely.


She finally got to the hilt, and rested for a moment. “David…you’re so much bigger than I remember…” She was breathing heavily.


“You’re almost too tight Izumi.” I replied. She very carefully lowered her chest and lay on me, still connected to me.


“Izumi…” I moaned and I made my best effort to try and ignore the tightness, but I couldn’t win that fight.


She looked into my eyes and then laid her head on my shoulder. “David…you complete me…I feel so full right now…I could melt into you right now…become part of you.” She shuddered with pleasure. “It feels good.”


“Glad I could make you happy.” I held her hand closer. I still couldn’t ignore the sheer tightness of Izumi’s tender little pussy. “Izumi…I uh…”


“You want to come?” She asked sweetly.




“Alright then…” She pushed off me, and straddled my hips, still connected. She pushed up more; pulling herself off for a second, then let gravity pull her back down. Izumi seemed to enjoy making me feel good. Almost obsessed.


This was extremely pleasure and enjoyable for me, but I could never tell if she was in pain or not. “That feels good…”


She smiled cutely and tightened herself further, almost impossibly so. “How bout now?”


“Ooo…” I could barely think. “Izumi…more please…”


She didn’t reply, but she did repeat the motion very quickly. She was still tightened, so every second was pure ecstasy for me. Her soft, hot flesh, rubbing against my bare rod was too much. Up and down, again and again, I thrust upward when she was going down and came like I had never come before, filling her womb all the way. She shuddered a little and loosened herself a bit. I couldn’t talk; the wind had been knocked out of me by the waves of severe pleasure that were still going through me. They eventually died down.


“Did I please you David?”


“Uh…ah…” Told ya I couldn’t talk. I then noticed something I’d never noticed before. She was crying. Not all out crying, but her eyes were watering. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t.


She pulled it out of herself and lay next to me. My angel cooed and turned on her side so she could hug me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck. “Good boy…hehe. I love you David.”


I still couldn’t say anything. By now my rod had gone down to normal. I held her as tightly as I could. “Hmm…” was the most I could get out.


“David…why do we have to do this stupid trial…it’s just stupid…” She said into my ear.


“Thank…you…” I said weakly.


“You know I like to do this…it was no trouble.” She smiled.


“No…” I said almost normally. It had been an especially strong orgasm. “Thank you for defending me on the news…”


She blushed and rubbed her chest against me slightly. “You’re welcome…Edward.”


“Yeah…Izumi…you are wonderful. I really mean it.” I pulled her on top of me.


“You are so warm…” One of her tears fell on my cheek.


“Why are you crying?”


She hesitated. “Its because I’m going to miss doing this…”


“No it isn’t…what’s wrong?”


She looked down. “You go in too deeply…I feel empty when you are in me sometimes…”


I had always thought that she could take it all, but I was wrong. She never had been able to come with me in her. I had always thought that she just needed more stimuli. “I’m sorry…”


She looked up with teary eyes. “It’s alright…”


“I have an idea…” I pulled her to the side and I go on top of her, and I pushed myself about halfway in. “Is that better?”


“Yeah…try going in and out…” Izumi looked confused, but she smiled and lay back and opened her legs to give me better access.


I pushed in just a little bit more and pulled out so that just the head was in.


“David…it feels good…I’ve never felt pleasure like this…” She was clutching the sheets under her.


I nodded and pushed in just a bit deeper than before. “Tell me when you can’t feel anything…k?”


“Alright…mmm…” She moaned and let out a small cry.


I pushed in about a half inch more, no response, another inch, she twitched slightly. “Did it hurt?”


“Yeah…only a little though…and now I can’t feel anything…” Izumi closed her eyes.


“I’ll just have to stop at this length then.” I looked down. I was barely halfway in. I had doubled her maximum every time. No wonder should couldn’t come with me in her. I pushed into her a bit more. I started to feel guilty about it…I had hurt her when she was trying to give me pleasure, and I had never realized it. I felt like a real jerk, but I had to make her feel better. “Good?”


Izumi opened her eyes again. “That’s good…yes…”


I did the motion again and again; trying to give her the pleasure I had denied her before. Her tender little pussy was gripping on my dick pretty hard, and she looked up at me with tears of joy in her eyes.


“Thank you…thank you David!” She screamed out and came, but she was so full of meat that none of her juices could escape. “Deeper…please…” She sighed as the orgasm rocked through her, which made her back arc and her whole body shake..


I pushed in as deep as I could go without there being any resistance. Izumi’s whole body was quivering and shaky, but obviously loved the feeling of coming with me in her.


“David…thank you…thank you…” She was just breathing loudly and heavily. Her face was beet red.


“It’s alright…” A chill went up my spine, into my head, and back down to my rod, then I came very hard, and held it in her deep so I could get it all in. I waited for a moment, and then I lay down next to her and licked her neck. “I’m happy I could take away your pain.”


As she was quivering there, moaning my name slightly, she slowly fell asleep and clutched onto my hand. I thought about our times together and the times to come. No matter how far we were apart in one aspect, we’d always be one heart in a much more important aspect. Always. Even if I did get sent to jail.



This is the end of my 17th lemon, as well as the best lemon I’ve ever written.


I am also sending this in for the February lemon contest at the DaD. I hope all you judges loved this, and maybe you will consider reading it again, as a fan this time.


So, as for the title, which is Izumi and David’s love? Innocent or Pure or both or neither? There is an answer, and if you know it, keep it in mind.


Send all comments, questions, flames and requests to