This is the 18th lemon I’ve written…and it might be a damn good one too. Last time, Juri and Ruki danced on the softer side of the bed…i.e. fucked each other, and Rakamon lost an ear. To find out what happened after the last chapter, continue reading this one. This one is named ‘A Good Day.’



We start with Juri and Ruki. It is the next morning, at around 7 a.m.


Juri’s orange eyes opened slowly, squinting at the sunlight. She was the first to wake of her and Ruki, but she had temporarily forgotten what happened. She felt the weight on top of her, she wasn’t used to this because whenever Takato slept with her, he was on the bottom. Her eyes finally focused after she rubbed the sleep out of them with one free hand.




Juri finally realized she wasn’t in her bed, and that the weight wasn’t Takato’s. The realization of what had happened the night before hit her; she almost screamed.


“I…did what with her…oh God…” Juri, blushing deeply, wiggled out from under Ruki’s sleeping form and stood. She hugged herself and shivered; despite it being sunny it was a cold morning. I have to get us both dressed before her mom comes in here… She ran around the room, forgetting the cold and looking for a drawer with pajamas in it. Juri was a relaxed girl; she wanted to wear pajamas. She finally found one and took out a light blue set of pajamas and green ones with a red stripe going down the right leg. She also grabbed a pair of panties for Ruki. She was amazed with all the clothes Ruki had, she herself only had a few dresses and a really big shirt that passed for pajamas. Juri searched around the room for her panties, which had been thrown randomly off herself the night previous. She heard footsteps coming down the hallway.


“Ruki!” Juri said in a quiet scream.


“Wha…?” Ruki stirred, sitting up after a second or so. “Why are we naked?”


Juri threw her the clothes. “Put these on quickly!” Juri wiggled into the green and red striped ones.


The door opened, and Ms. Makino’s head poked in. “Are you two up?”


“Yeah Mom! Go away!” Ruki was covering herself with her blanket.


She nodded slowly, looking at Juri for a moment, and then left without saying another word.


Ruki hastily put the pajama top and the panties on, and then stood up to put the bottoms on. “Juri…what did we do yesterday?”


“I…don’t know…did it mean anything to you?” Juri looked confused and embarrassed.


“No, not really…” Ruki put the pants on. “Let us never speak of it again.”


“Alright.” Juri smiled. That was pretty good though…almost as good with Takato. I kinda wish we could do it again…


“How was I anyway? Did I do it for ya?” Ruki winked at her, which caused Juri to blush a little.


“You were great…how did I do?”


“The butt licking thing freaked me out…and why mommy?”


“Just something I do with Takato, when you and Jenrya do stuff like we do, you’ll understand.” Juri nodded. “It is fun sometimes to role play.”


Ruki nodded, then fell down to her knees, with no real expression. “What happened to me…”


“Nothing really…” Juri kneeled next to her, with a concerned look.


“Yes something happened!” Ruki held back some tears. “Juri…you know very well what happened…I was raped…and Jenrya probably hates me now…”


“It’s alright Ruki…cheer up…” She started to rub Ruki’s shoulders. “It will be fine. Jenrya will understand.”


“You think so?” Ruki said, with a hint of pain in her voice. “I think it just hit me really…like I finally comprehend what happened.”


“It took me awhile too…” Juri looked down somberly. “About a week…Takato helped me get through it. Jenrya will help you, don’t worry…”


“Why would he like me…I’m a whore…” Ruki pounded the blanket with her fists. “Who could want me…”


Juri slapped her. “Don’t ever say that!”


Ruki didn’t recoil, just took it. “Ow…alright…” She felt a tear drop off her cheek. “Let’s get some food, I haven’t eaten for a long time.”


“Alright, I’ll cook us something.” Juri stood up and smiled. She held out a hand. “C’mon.”


“Alright…” Ruki took her hand and stood up with her help, getting dizzy for moving so quickly. She wobbled a bit, then led Juri out of her room. Maybe today will be a good day…yeah…I’ll apologize to Jenrya, then be happy again. She smiled, despite the pain in her heart.




Meanwhile, Takato had been up all the night before, worrying about Guilmon and Juri. He was now at the park, approaching the cage where Guilmon normally slept. He opened the gate, and there he was, sleeping like a good little dinosaur.


Today, Takato had decided, he was going to play with Guilmon. All day. He had neglected him a lot since Juri and himself got involved romantically, and he was feeling guilty. He kneeled next to Guilmon, and nudged his head a little.


“Wake up buddy…” Takato smiled and pushed a little harder.


Guilmon slowly opened his eyes. He slowly sat up from sleeping on his side and moved into a sitting position with this tail at his back, holding him up. “Is it time to play today Takato?”


“Yeah…” Takato patted Guilmon’s head. “We’ll get some bread and peanut butter, and then we’ll play all day.”


“Yay!” Guilmon jumped to his feet in an amazingly balletic movement. “Hurray for Takato!” He cheered and licked Takato’s face.


Takato couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright, let’s go.” He wiped the dampness of his face with a cloth he kept in his pocket, and then followed him out of the smallish room.


They both thought at the same time, ‘Today is a good day.’




Unlike Takato, Jenrya didn’t have a happy day planned. He had also been neglecting his digimon. Worse still, he didn’t even know where he was. He had spent the entire night worrying about him, but he couldn’t slip out of the house, now that his father knew where he might be going.


He stepped outside his apartment building, and took a nice deep breath to energize him. He almost coughed a lung up. “Ack! Forgot there is a fish plant down the street…” He turned to his left, and beheld the awesome sight of the Osaka Fish Concern. What had always puzzled him was why Osaka Fish Concern would be in his city, which was certainly not Osaka. But anyways, he turned all the way around and started yelling for Terriermon at the top of his lungs, occasionally looking at his D-Arc for a clue. “Terriermon! Where are you?”


He walked about a block, then turned towards the park. It was a long walk there, but he could take the subway. He decided against it. Terriermon didn’t know how to use the trains. He took a left and yelled again.


“Terriermon!!” Jenrya shook his head in dismay. “This is never going to work…the city is too big…” He saw a noodle cart, and his stomach rumbled in protest of its lack of work. “I should have eaten breakfast…” He felt his pockets for a few coins to purchase a bowl. He reached into his pocket, and felt what he thought was money, but it turned out to be a digimon card. An idea hit him. Hard.


“Ow…that hurt…” It attacked him again, and this time it registered. “Maybe there is a card I could use…” He pulled his deck out and thumbed through it, looking for a card that might help, and not cause a national disaster.


“Hmm…” The last card in his deck was Phantomon’s. “Phantomon…” He tore it up, threw the pieces on the ground and then stepped on them. “Damn that card…damn it to hell…” I lost Ruki because of that god damn card… He shook his head. It was my fault…I let it control me… He shook his head again.


A passerby saw his angst. He patted Jenrya’s shoulder. “Lose an important game cuz of that one?” He had a slight American accent.


“Yeah…you could say that.” Jenrya looked up at him. He was a teenager, about a head taller than him.


The teen took his deck out, thumbed through it, and gave him a card. “Take this one. It’s never failed me.” The teen walked away in true hero fashion, hands in pockets and into the sun.


Jenrya looked at the teen, and then at the card. “You sure you want to give me this one…this is the rarest card in the set…”


The teen simply waved him off.


“Alright then…” He slid it through his device, and Terriermon appeared in front of him in a flash of light.


Terriermon looked up at him. “Where did you come from? I was in this toy store…”


“Hey!” He picked Terriermon up, and hugged him tightly. “I’m so sorry…”


“It’s alright Jen…” Terriermon hugged him back. “We’re together now.”


“So…did you find a mate?” Jenrya turned and headed for home, brandishing Terriermon as a hat.


“Yeah…but I was too much of a man for her.” Terriermon laughed a bit. “Momentai I said...there are plenty more girls in the world…”


Jenrya smiled. “You must take after me…you lady killer.”


“Yeah!” Terriermon slumped suddenly. “How did you make me appear in front of you anyways?”


“Somebody gave me a card…It’s been a good day.” He looked at his new card, called Togetherness.




Renamon and Rakamon had had a very uneventful night. They had shared a box of chocolates, and then slept. Tail in tail. Well…Rakamon slept anyways; Renamon hadn’t.


Something was bothering her; something concerning Rakamon and offspring, and remembering that small sound Juri had made while sleeping the day before. There was something about that small coo that Renamon was obsessed with. It wasn’t Juri herself though, just the sound. Renamon had been thinking about it a lot obviously. Ultimately, she came to the following conclusion:


She’d become the cold, merciless fighter Ruki wanted and Rakamon admired. The digimon she was before Rakamon had returned.


The last step in this transformation was to tell Rakamon to lay off the digimon fighting for a while and let her fight. But…he was asleep. Hard to talk to a sleeping person.


“Rakamon…o…Raka…?” She called gently. Her mate was sleeping like a rock, with a goofy grin on his face. His arms were wrapped around her very tightly. She had finally had it, time to start.


She dug her claws directly into the soft spot on his sides while screaming “WAKE UP!!!” at him.


Rakamon screamed in pain, rather indignantly. “Ow…” He released her and rolled onto his back and rubbed his sides a little.


She jumped up, doing a superfluous flip, landing neatly on her back paws and stretching. “About time…one more second of that and I’d have ripped off your tail.”


“I don’t need to lose another body part.” Rakamon said sheepishly. He rubbed the nub where his ear had been, and flinched slightly, for it was still tender.


Renamon saw it for the first time. She reached up and rubbed the nub tenderly, licking it a little as well. “My poor baby…” She said sympathetically. Renamon then gave him a nice hard bitch slap across the nose.


He recoiled, almost striking her with a claw, but he caught himself. Renamon didn’t flinch or even blink, though the tips of the claw were close enough to scratch her eye if she did blink. “What was that for?” He rubbed his nose now.


“For being a pussy. You didn’t whine when you had your tail cut off in that fight with Okuwamon.”


Rakamon stopped rubbing his face. “You got awfully mean overnight…I think you need a good fucking.” He reached out to grab her and start to rub her middle, but she caught his wrist.


“Oh no you don’t…” She pulled, sending him flying after tripping him. He fell just short of the opposite wall from the cushions. She jumped over and sat on his chest, touching the stub of his ear some more. “Why haven’t you made it grow back?”


“No data packets around here…” He said, his breathing labored from the attack.


“Maybe you could absorb a digimon, then use that data to rebuild your ear.”


“I don’t feel like it…my hearing hasn’t lost any really, it is just a waste of effort.”


“Why would you want to have only one and a half ears?” She playfully tickled his neck.


“You can’t scare me with that attitude…” Rakamon nodded. “I just don’t feel like growing it back.”


Renamon nodded slowly, then jumped up onto her feet. She stood, her side showing to Rakamon. She turned her heads towards him. “I want to fight…”


“Fight me?” Rakamon stood slowly, clenching a paw.


“No…I don’t think I could beat you Raka…” She sighed.


“Sure you could…you don’t need a tamer. I could beat adults when I was a child, easily so. So can you.” Rakamon said, assuring her.


Renamon turned her body to face his. “Really?”


“Really really…alright then. You will fight from now on…I’ll step in if you get yourself into something you can’t win…” Rakamon looked down. “I don’t want to lose you…”


Renamon put one hand on her hip. “How could I lose?” She smiled mischievously at him, and he returned it. “Today is a good day…I feel invincible.”




Meanwhile, back at Ruki’s pad…


“Where were you?” Ruki’s mother questioned.


“Nowhere…leave me alone.” Ruki took a big bite of the apple she was holding.


“Tell me…please Ruki…” She sighed a little.


“None of your business, Mom…” Ruki said ‘Mom’ a little sarcastically. She stomped her foot. “Where were you when I needed you?”


Ms. Makino seemed confused. “You never said anything…”


“Well, when I was gone for almost two days, why didn’t you look for me?”


“I…uh…” She stuttered.


Ruki clenched her fists, dropping her apple. “The first time I was ever scared…the only time I ever needed you…” Ruki’s eyes watered, a single tear falling to earth. “I needed you mom…the only time in my whole life…and you were at work!” She pointed an accusing finger at her, and then stormed off to her room.


Rumiko, Ruki’s mother, sighed in despair. “When did I lose her…”


While she was drooped, Juri entered the room. She looked around, then saw her. “What happened in here?”


“Ruki got mad at me…big surprise…who are you? Sorry…we haven’t really spoken yet.” Rumiko bowed to her.


Juri returned the courtesy. “My name is Katou Juri. I’m Ruki’s friend…I think I am anyways…”


“I didn’t think Ruki was capable of making friends…do you know what is bothering her?” She asked.


“She and Jenrya have been fighting…well…Ruki is in a lot of pain right now, and she just needs someone, but she doesn’t want to chance losing him…” Juri said slowly, after much thought.


“Who is Jenrya?” The distressed mother shook her head. “I couldn’t be a worse mother…”


Juri hugged her. “I’d bet you are a great mother…but, well…”


“Why is she in pain? What happened?” Rumiko asked.


Juri thought and considered for a moment. “I can’t tell you…I don’t know if she wants to tell you or not. It happened to me too…I don’t want my parents to know either. Not yet…if they pushed me enough, I’d tell them though. I’d tell because I’d know they really care for me.” Juri smiled and winked at her.


Ms. Makino looked at Juri for a moment and nodded. “Thank you Juri…there is food on the table if you are hungry. I’m going to go to her and see if I can talk to her.”


Juri smiled. “Remember…gentle…don’t be too forceful.”


“I’ll try not to.” She sighed. Ruki…you are everything to me…I have to win you back. She walked out of the kitchen, approaching Ruki’s room’s door. She knocked on it. “Ruki?”


No answer.


“Ruki, please answer…” Rumiko opened the door, looking inside. Her pajamas were on the floor, and her character jeans and shirt were gone. But no Ruki inside them. “Ruki? Are you in here?”


No answer still.


She closed the door behind her and looked outside. “There she is…phew…why am I so nervous? I’m only going to talk to my daughter.” She stepped outside, looking at Ruki, who was sitting on the bridge crossing over the small curvy stream that flowed through it. She was lying down on her stomach, her head and legs hanging over sides of the bridge. Ruki was also crying, the small ripples in the water under her head were proof of that.


The concerned mother approached quietly, and sat next to her, putting a hand on her back and rubbing it gently. She sighed in her mind and said, “Juri is a nice girl…when did you meet her?”


Ruki looked up and blinked a few times, not saying anything.


“Do you want to tell me what is wrong?” She asked.


Ruki continued to look down, but her eyes were open now, filled with tears. “I…go away…”


She stood her ground, er…sat her ground. “I’m not going to leave until we are friends Ruki…when I was younger, I always wanted my daughter to be my best friend…I was hoping we’d be like that…”


Ruki rolled onto her back and at up, facing her mother. “That sounds stupid…I wouldn’t want to be friends with my mom...or my daughter.”


“What is that?” Rumiko hid the fact that the last comment had hurt her deeply.


“Because…my daughter wouldn’t be anything like me…why would I be a friend with someone like that?” Ruki didn’t think this through too well.


Rumiko smiled gently. “Because…you are half me…I’m curious to know what is going on in the little head of yours.”


Ruki realized she had just described her own relationship with her own mother. “Hey…you tricked me!”


She laughed and covered her mouth. “I’m not just good looks you know…”


Her daughter looked down. “I don’t want you to know what is going on in my head…you wouldn’t understand.” Ruki turned to face the water.


“Why wouldn’t I understand…I’ve been through a lot, my daughter…” She opened her arms, offering her a hug, but she refused.


“I don’t think you know…and I don’t need a hug.” Ruki pushed her arms away. But inside she wanted that hug…the grief in her was building like pressure in a soda bottle, and her mom was shaking her hard.


“Hmm…” Rumiko thought for a moment, then pulled Ruki towards her, hugging her against her will. Ruki struggled for a bit, but the quieted down.


“What do you want from me…?” Ruki said weakly.


“I want to know what is wrong…”


Ruki bit her lip, almost till it bled.


Her mother only hugged her tighter. “Tell me…please Ruki.”


Ruki looked up at her and sighed. “Please let me go…Mom…” Her eyes were started to water again.


She wouldn’t be swayed. “You can tell me anything Ruki.”


Ruki let some tears flow. “I don’t want to say…”


“I am not going to let you go until you and I are friends, Ruki…”


She panicked and started to scream, kicking and yelling and begging to be freed, but she couldn’t escape. The bottle had finally burst. She decided to give in and tell, but she knew it was going to hurt. Goukanmon had violated her in many ways, it felt like his finger was still in her, raping her more and more as she thought about it. “Okay…okay…I’ll tell…”


Rumiko loosened her embrace. “Alright…go ahead…”


“But first…you have to tell me about your first time.” Ruki said quietly.


“My first time? Doing what?”


Ruki looked down, putting her hand on her crotched, and sighed deeply.


Her mother looked at this gesture, and realized what she meant. “Oh! I see…” She started to blush. “Ruki…why would you want to know about that?”


“I’ll tell you later…now tell me about your first time…don’t leave anything out, talk to me like I am your age…” Ruki hugged Rumiko tightly, curling into her lap. I like this…I feel safe here…


“Well…I was 16…it happened pretty close to this spot…right over there in fact.” She pointed to a patch of grass next to the source of the stream. “His name was Shinpei. He was 18.” She sighed happily. “He was the only man I loved besides your father…”


Ruki tightened her grip on her, not saying anything.


She continued. “We had been messing around, and he put his hand on one of my breasts…it felt so good…and…well…” She laughed a little and blushed. “He was very gentle…and very skilled…”


Ruki looked up at her, and the tears started to flow again. “It’s not fair…”


Her mother looked at her, and then a horrible thought came into her mind. “Why do you want to know about sex?”


Ruki continued to cry. “Please…don’t tell anyone what I am gonna tell ya…”


“I promise…but I think I know what it is now…”


“What do you think happened?”


“Does it have to do with Jenrya?”


“How did you know about Jenrya?” Ruki shook from the tears in her eyes.


“Did he force you to do something?”


“What…no…No!” He’d never do that to me…” She wiped away a tear. “He is so great to me…”


“Juri told me…she also told me you were hurting, and that the same happened to her. If it wasn’t Jenrya, what happened?”


Ruki swallowed, then looked up at her mother’s face again. “You can’t tell anyone…okay?”


“I promise…” She braced herself.


“It was the day before yesterday…I was going home from the park. Jenrya said he wanted to go with me, but it is a long walk to his house from ours, and I didn’t want him to be tired. I had just left that bookstore, the one that sells digimon cards…” She hugged her mother closer. “I stopped in that alley…between the book store and that departments store…”


“I know that alley…they found a piece of weird stone there.”


Ruki sighed. “It might be the same one, but what happens next is more important. Jenrya and I had had our first real kiss in that alley…the kiss happened a month before that day. Well, I was in there, and I was looking at the spot where we had…and I said, ‘Jenrya…I’d want to do it right there if it wasn’t so open…’ and then a man said, ‘Do what?’ and he grabbed me and pushed me down and tied my hands up and put a blindfold on me…and he…he…” Ruki was almost lost among the tears, but she managed to get a few more words out. “He raped me…” After this, she let out a loud sigh and nuzzled her mother’s neck, crying her little purple eyes out.


Her mother instantly broke into tears upon hearing the word ‘rape’. She didn’t say anything as well, just held her and rubbed her back, apologizing. “I’m sorry Ruki…I’m sorry…this proves I’m not a good mother…I should have been there to protect you…”


Ruki cried and cried more, never feeling safer in her entire life, inside her mother’s arms.


Rumiko felt so useless, a great feeling of hopelessness settled within her. “Ruki…I hope I can do something to help…”


“…” Ruki only cried. The tears burned, her throat was closing, she ached all over, and most of all, she was empty. She had forgotten all but pain and misery and fear. Not even her mother’s love and concern could pierce the shield of darkness within her.


Rumiko just held her daughter close, rubbing her back, whispering comforting words into her ear. “It’s okay…you are safe…you just get all your tears out…” She said, feeling her own cheeks burn and her eyes soaking wet. “If there is anything I can do…tell me…I want to take away your pain…please let me…please…”


“Don’t let me go…” Ruki buried her head into her mother’s chest, finding safety and warmth there.


Rumiko only held her there, swaying back and forth slightly. “I’ve never had to go through that…so…I don’t know what you are feeling…wait…Juri…was…was she forced too?”


Ruki nodded slowly. “About a week before me…by the same guy. She has been helping me…” Her thoughts drifted to the night before. “But this has helped a lot more…”


“Maybe I could talk to Juri…” She started to stand, but Ruki held on. She decided to pick her up and take her with her. She carried her daughter like you would a baby. Rumiko was reminded of when Ruki was a baby, by the way she was crying and the way she was being held. Rumiko never wanted her to grow up, so she would stay in her arms forever, but she knew Ruki would grow to be a woman and she wouldn’t be able to protect her anymore. She held back a tear as she walked inside the house with her daughter in tow. “I have a lot of time to make up for. I hope that I can help you more…are you okay…physically? Is there any damage?”


“It hurt a lot when he first went in me…is that…supposed to happen…?” Ruki said slowly and meekly.


“It always hurts the first time…it’s normal…” She opened the door to Ruki’s bedroom and stepped inside, luckily, Juri had cleaned up the room while they were talking. She was already inside, watching television. Upon seeing them enter she stood.


“Is she alright?” Juri asked, concerned about Ruki.


“We will have to go to a gynecologist to repair any physical damage.” Rumiko replied.


Ruki was placed on her bed, still crying, but a little calmer now. “What does a…gynecologist do?”


Rumiko pulled a blanket over her daughter. “He is a doctor that specializes in that…area of the body.”


“Mom…I don’t want to go to a man and have him feel me and touch me…down there…” Ruki shivered a little.


Juri piped up. “Maybe I should too…” She covered her mouth.


Rumiko looked at Juri. “Ruki told me…don’t worry. You probably should…but your parents should take care of that.”


“My parents and I aren’t very close…” Juri sweatdropped.


Ruki tried to force a smile. “I feel a little better now, after I told Mom…maybe you should tell yours, Juri…but, I don’t want anyone touching me down there except Jenrya.” She covered her mouth, realizing what she had said.


Both the other girls gasped. Her mother spoke first. “Ruki…have you had sex with Jenrya?”


Ruki looked away, blushing. “Yeah…twice.”


“Ruki…” Rumiko shook her head. “You are growing up so fast…a lot faster than I thought you were…you are 12…and you have made love…”


Juri spoke as well. “Ruki, you never told me that you and Jenrya did that…Takato is going to be mad. He always held that above Jenrya, and now…”


Rumiko turned to Juri. “Who is Takato?”


“He is my boyfriend…he is a real sweetie…and much cuter than Jenrya.” Juri giggled.


Ruki sat up in protest, her tears all but gone. “Of course Takato is cuter…he is a little boy. Jenrya is a real man…ahh…” She sighed as the thought of his touch caressed her aching heart.


Her mother looked at them both. “Has Juri and Takato…”


“Yes!” She pointed to her. “She told me about the time she and Takato did it on the balcony!”


Rumiko broke out in laughter. “On the balcony? Wow…”


Juri covered her face, which was now the color of strawberries. “Ruki!”


Ruki smiled. “We’re even now…”


Rumiko shushed her. “We need to go to a gynecologist. Both of you…there could be permanent damage…”


Ruki protested. “I said I didn’t want a man doing stuff down there…”


Juri agreed. “Yeah…a man messing with my insides…only Takato…or maybe a woman…can touch me down there…” Juri hmphed after saying this.


Rumiko shook her head. “There are female ones…it doesn’t have to be a man.”


“You sure…?” Ruki laid back down. “Let me think about it…couldn’t someone I know do it…?” She looked at her mother. “You?”


“Me? I don’t know anything about that…God…Ruki…I…” Rumiko was blushing deeply.


Juri looked at her. “Do me too!”


“No…definitely not you Juri…sorry but that is something you have to take up with your own parents…” She dismissed that matter. “Ruki…I don’t know anything about the other side of that.”


“There are books and stuff.” Ruki said. “Please Mom…I don’t want a stranger doing that to me…”


Juri looked down. “Maybe I should go home…and tell…” Juri sighed. “Ruki…could you come with me?”


“Why do you need me?”


“Because…well…I don’t feel too comfortable around my parents…and we are good friends…maybe you could hold my hand and help me through it…” Juri rubbed her toes against the ground slightly.


Ruki thought for a moment. “Alright…I’ll help you. You helped me…why not. But can it wait for a bit…I’m sleepy…” Ruki laid back and yawned, then drifted off into sleep. Or she pretended to.


Rumiko was still thinking about her daughter’s desire. “Juri…what should I do?”


“It’s up to you…but…I would do it. I know she needs someone right now…maybe…I will tell Jenrya to come over here. You two could talk, and figure it out…” Juri looked around. “How come I always help others…I never get help.”


“Ruki is going to help you tell your parents, remember?” Rumiko nodded. “I need to go find a book on that stuff…” She sighed. Where did that request come from…god this is going to be strange…I better wait to do it when my mother is gone. She leaned down and kissed Ruki softly on the cheek, and looked at Juri. “You should probably tell your parents you are here. Make yourself at home, we’ll talk more when I get back.” With this, she left the room, shutting the door quietly.


Juri looked at Ruki. “I know you are still awake…do you mind if I join you in there…I’m so nervous…” Juri looked down.


“No perverted stuff…” Ruki lifted the blanket up for her to get in, and she did. “I’d rather you were Jenrya…” Juri was facing Ruki’s back, so there was no eye contact.


Juri didn’t even tell when Ruki had fallen asleep. She felt a stirring in between her legs as Ruki’s butt pressed against her hips, but she resisted. No…enough of that…I may have wanted that last night, but…not anymore. Today has been a good day so far…maybe later on it will be better still…



This is the end of my 18th lemon, and the 14th in the Rena’s Mate Series.


Lime alert! Sorry, but the lemon I had planned for this part was much too long, and I thought I’d put it into the next chapter. But I am sure most of you read my stories for the plot and not for the sex, I am sure of that.


Sorry this took so long. 4 months if remember right. I’ve been having a lot of personal things going on, I promise I will post more often. At least once a month now.


Send questions, comments, flames and requests to J