Warning: The following material may contain explicit sexual scenes not intended for anyone under the age of 18.  If you are not 18 or older, then do not read any further. The characters used in this lemon are not my own but are owned by BANDAI and TOEI. This was in no way written to humiliate or stop people from watching the show or buying merchandise.  It was written solely for the purpose of entertainment to the people who are into this.                                                                Thank You,

                                                                                                Paladine900 a.k.a. Pala


Contact me: AIM: Paladine900     E-Mail: jwestmo1@tampabay.rr.com

Author’s Note: This is mainly a plot-builder, but there IS a lemon scene, so don’t worry.

Paladine and RedRover 4Ever!!! ^^


Digital Plague Chapter One: The Chase


            Flamedramon was worried; he had never had to stay in his armor form so long. The cops came after him in his Rookie stage. He didn’t know why, only that he had been framed. There was a jewel thief who was committing crimes across the city and HE had been getting the blame. Although he knew he was the only Veemon in the real world, so he figured that there must be some evil at work. He jumped from rooftop to roof top, waiting and thinking for a way out of this mess. An alarm was sounded in the distance, the noise caught Flamedramon’s ear and he went for it. Luckily, by the time he had gotten there, the thief was just exiting the jewelry store with a sack, overflowing with valuables in his grasp. Flamedramon stood outside the window of the store for a closer look. His eyes widened at what he saw. It looked exactly like him in his rookie form, except a slightly lighter shade of blue. The Digimon seemed to be thinner, and Flamedramon looked it over to find out that it was a female. The breasts easily pointed this out. Her eyes were also not the same as his; they were a more teal color, not red like his own.

Flamedramon gasped from the side of the store. "What the heck? Another Veemon? And... It’s stealing from the jewelry store? No wonder I was getting in trouble!”  Ladyveemon didn't notice the Mon that spotted her and continued to run off, avoiding any lighted area. The sun would be down soon, and after that, she was home free.  Flamedramon took a giant leap. In this form he was more than a match for a single Veemon. He land right in front of the fleeing Veemon, and suddenly gasped. He was reassured that she was a female, which still freaked him out.

LadyVeemon stopped dead as the creature dropped in front of her and halted her escape, she looked up at him, noticing that he looked quite similar to her, only darker, and taller, not to mention handsome. She snapped out of her awe and sidestepped, "Get outta my way!" Flamedramon’s hand lashed out, and grabbed the sack of jewelry from her grasp. "No way lady. I am getting in deep trouble because someone is stealing everything in sight, and the thief happens to look like me."

LadyVeemon reached up for the sack of jewels, angry at his rashness, "What do you mean, I don't look like you!" She stopped, crossed her arms and looked a little more closely, noticing his more masculine features. "See, you’re a boy!”  Flamedramon’s eyes bulged out as LadyVeemon decided the best way to stop a guy three times her size was to go for the crotch. And, like Veemon, this female version had really, REALLY strong hands.

Flamedramon fell to his knees, and started to whimper. "Lady... please stop squeezing..." he started to cry out into the air.

LadyVeemon snatched the bag out of his hand before giving his sack one final squeeze and running off again, muttering under her breath, "Sorry...” Flamedramon fell to my knees as she ran. He tried to stand once, but fell to his knees in pain. His second attempt at standing was better, but he was still angry, since a rookie, even his own rookie form, could get the better of him so easily. He leapt straight up, and landed on the rooftop, intent on following her.

LadyVeemon looked back quickly, noticing that he was gone and hiding in the alley that was closest to her left, giving a sigh of relief. She thought she was home free and had gotten away. "Wow, he was cute....I wish I didn't need these..." She opened the bag and looked at the jewels, glistening in the dusk sunlight; she waited there for a minute, until complete darkness washed over the area of the city. Flamedramon glared down from the roof. She didn’t seem to think about looking up for followers. She was an amateur, but she still had his strength and speed. Flamedramon could see the sack, filled with watches and rings, enough to make a small fortune.

LadyVeemon began to breathe regularly, not knowing that she was being silently stalked by the Digimon that she thought she immobilized earlier. She walked out of the alley, strutting and shaking her tail at having accomplished something, and continued at a walk towards the forest next to the city. Flamedramon leapt silently to the next building over head. He could blast her from the air with ease but.... it did not seem right to hurt her. Flamedramon sense there was more to this. LadyVeemon looked back really quick to make sure she wasn't being followed. She looked to her left and right, still not thinking of looking up. She didn't see anybody, and ran into the safety confines of the forest. (In here, I can be almost invisible, especially with the treetops overhead.) She thought.

Flamedramon jumped lightly to the next tree, the branches hardly swaying as he landed.

He easily kept her in sight, but held far enough back so she could not see him. LadyVeemon ran up to a hollow tree stump and knocked 3 times. The tree stump opened and she walked in. When she walked out, the bag of jewelry was not in her hands anymore, and she sighed with relief, "Thank goodness that's over...man, I wish I didn’t have to do that to that guy, he was cute...."

Flamedramon suddenly landed behind the Female Veemon, taking her by surprise. She gasped, but I quickly grabbed her by the neck again. He felt a little guilty for grabbing her, even though he wasn’t hurting her. But Flamedramon needed to stop her; she was a thief and was framing his good name. "Missed me blue?" Flamedramon held her at arms length by his armored gauntlet so she could not kick or punch him.

LadyVeemon gasped, "What is your problem, why do you care if I steal from the humans? What have they done, besides leave people out and throw the ones that aren't as wealthy as others to the ground...? LadyVeemon stopped struggling and started to cry. "Those stupid humans.....all they care about is money, it's never what's in the heart.” She pointed to the hollow log that was behind them. 

Flamedramon held her tight, though he felt like crying. Stealing was wrong, no matter what the reasons. How she justified her greed did not matter, though Flamedramon felt weak in his resolve. "My digidestined is my best friend. I can’t count the times he has laid down his life to help others, including mine." Flamedramon reached into the hollow log, ripping it to shreds as he spied a large sack filled with jewels and cash. He looked at the ill gotten goods. "This will go back to the rightful owners, and you will come with me to the police so you may tell them it was you, not me."

LadyVeemon struggled to get free, "But....I NEED THOSE!" She struggled as hard as she could to get free from her predicament. Finally she figured out that it was useless and stopped. A tear falling to the ground, "I...I need those for...." She closed her eyes..., “a human… She needs money for an operation, and no other human will give it to her because they are all too greedy!" She buried her hands in her face and started to cry.

Flamedramon stopped cold. It was amazing how one's principles could change so much with a few tears from a crying girl. "Operation?"

LadyVeemon continued to cry and tried to speak at the same time, "Her...*sniff*...Disease could be cured....but the stupid humans said that it costs a lot of money.....and her parents can't afford it..." She couldn't help but cry now knowing that all her long efforts of trying to work up enough money would be for nothing.

Flamedramon cringed. This female Veemon had stolen from rich jewelers and uptown apartments. What she stole would not even be missed, and covered by insurance. Did it really matter? Does a wrong become right? "How do I know this isn't come trick? Something to make me let you go?"

LadyVeemon continued to cry, "Well, put me down and follow me...." She looked at him, the tears still streaming down her face. "I can prove it to you...”

Flamedramon thinks for a second. Perhaps she wanted to try and run? Or even fight him in his champion form? But the tears seemed so real... Even Flamedramon could not believe that they were not real. "Don’t try and run or I'll catch you."

LadyVeemon was placed gently on the ground by Flamedramon, "This way," she said walking off back towards the city again. Her voice had no tone to it, and was the saddest thing Flamedramon had ever heard, coming from the most beautiful creature he had ever saw...

Flamedramon walked for several minutes as they finally entered the city limits. This part of the city was grungy and dark. Japanese whores paraded the corners while drunks lay in the door ways. Flamedramon was scared enough to be walking down here, even in his champion form, he could not imagine living here, especially with an apparently sick digidestined. LadyVeemon led him to an apartment building that didn't look like an apartment building at all; it looked like an old condemned place that had already been halfway torn down. She walked up to a window, wiping the dirt from it with her paw and pointing inside to a girl lying in a bed and coughing, with a thermometer in her mouth. There was another lady, whom Veemon said was the girl's mother, which was sitting in the corner crying, because she knew she didn't have enough money to fund her daughter's operation.

The Veemon pointed in the window, but did not look herself; she couldn't bear to look at the sight she had looked at a thousand times before..."You see?" She managed to mutter, a very sad look on her face, the tears still steadily streaming down her face. Flamedramon had seen some rather horrible things. Digimon and humans die in front of his eyes. A world enshrouded in darkness. But this... this was worse.

Flamedramon gazed over to her mother, who only seemed dimly aware of his presence. The mother spoke softly. "Daphne is getting worse... She woke up with a high fever again..." The mother cried at her helplessness. Long sad tears seemed to stream a known path down her face.

LadyVeemon sat down and leaned against the window, looking at the ground, "Do you see? That is why I hate most humans; they don't even take care of their own kind. I know though, all humans are not like that." She pointed once again to the girl in the bed. "She is different, she loves all living things, and she loves me. I love her to and I will do anything to protect her..." She stood up and looked dignified for a second, but then looked at the ground again. LadyVeemon was in a slump, her voice trailed off again, "But, when it comes to money, what am I supposed to do?" She sat down again, losing all

of the hope that her recent words had brought her.

Flamedramon looked back at the child. A fungal infection, or something as evil, could be ravaging her heard and lungs now. It was the worst kind of evil, it was the random kind. It was the kind that left Flamedramon as helpless as a new born. He looked at the female Veemon again, she was crying now. All her efforts were gone to waste. She would probably go to prison, and have her digidestined die while she stood helpless in a cell, miles away.

Flamedramon took a deep breath. "Veemon... could you please come with me?" LadyVeemon stood up and followed him reluctantly. Before she got out of sight though, she turned again to look at her Digidestined, hoping and praying that she would stay alive for them to meet once again.

She turned back, speeding up her step a little more to catch up to him. "Where are we going," she said with the same sad tone in her voice. Flamedramon picked up the female Veemon before she had chance to say anything. He leapt high into the air and landed on a roof, his foot going through the weather worn shingles.

Flamedramon lost his footing, Veemon falling from his hand. "Oops err... sorry."

LadyVeemon fell to the ground and stood up slowly, "That's okay; people here are always getting put down and forgotten..." There didn't seem to be anything that would end the sadness in her voice. She thought to herself, "I wish all humans were like some of the people here, they appreciate what they have and would give out charity in a heartbeat..." She looked up at him again, this time with no tears, but she was only hiding them.

Flamedramon looked up at the tiny rookie who just came up to his waist. She looked so sad, yet so beautiful. "I want your word on something."

LadyVeemon looked at his face again, "My word?" She never made promises unless she was sure to keep them, the last promise she made was.... to save her digidestined from death. He saying this reminded her of that promise. "What do you want my word for?" She asked, she wanted to make sure that she would be able to keep it before she agreed to anything.

Flamedramon looked down at the rookie. "That after the operation is successful, you will turn yourself in." Flamedramon took a deep breath. "No one else knows that there is another Veemon in the world, it is common belief that I... we… are unique." He took another breath. "As far as the police are concerned, I am the one doing these crimes. The only reason I am not in jail now, is because I saved the world. But with all the videos, witness, and evidence they are sure it's me."

LadyVeemon looked at him up and down, "How could they mix up you and me? You look nothing like me; you are taller and have that flame armor." She thought about it again in her mind, still having no idea how people could mix the two up, except, for their color and head shape, which looked relatively the same.

Flamedramon grabbed his helmet and slowly took it off. "My armor champion form... My Digidestined can Digivolve me to be bigger. I did this so I could track you." Flamedramon smiled softly as he placed the helmet on the roof. His face looked a lot like he did when he was Veemon, with the yellow V on his forehead. "But I look a lot like you as a rookie, same type, except of course... I am a guy..."

LadyVeemon looked at his handsome face in amazement. He did look similar to her, but cuter in her opinion. "Ok, but I still don't understand. Well, I guess it’s one of those things I am going to have to find out for myself though, huh?" She looked down at the ground again, "So, what's next?"

Flamedramon nodded softly. "Don't go out in public at all. No one can see you if I get arrested or they will know it not me. Just... take care of your digidestined, ok?"

LadyVeemon nodded and looked down at his crotch area, remembering what she had done earlier and shaking her head, "Oh, I am uhhh, sorry about the, uhhh, you know..." She blushed slightly, putting both of her paws behind her back and looking up at him with eyes that begged for forgiveness.

Flamedramon bent down and chuckled softly. "It was more of a blow to my pride than anything, getting beaten up by a rookie." He smiled as he touched her lightly on the face with one of his armored gauntlets. "You are incredibly strong and resourceful. I am...impressed with all you've done."

LadyVeemon sighed in relief, thanking herself that she had not injured such a beautiful creature, she walked towards him, in a seemingly zombified state. Without any hesitation, she closed her eyes, leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Flamedramon closed his eyes as he bent down to kiss the beautiful creature against her white lips. He slipped his red and yellow gauntlets off, taking out his blue hands so he could wrap them around her body as they kissed, pulling her into his chest as he leaned back.

LadyVeemon followed his movements to every detail, being as gentle as she could, even knowing that it was not necessary, but just because of her love and respect for him. The clock seemed to tick forever as they shared a kiss.

Flamedramon slid his tongue into her eager mouth, feeling her own tongue bush back as the kiss becomes deeper. He rubbed his hands up and down her smooth back as they kissed passionately. He ran them down to her tail, which made her moan slightly.

LadyVeemon had never felt this before, this pounding feeling that seemed to throb in her chest. It was like the exact opposite of what she felt when she looked at a human that was greedy. The feeling was also very close to the one she got when she looked at Daphne. But this was different, it was stronger. She touched her tongue to his.

Flamedramon let his left hand wander down under her tail, touching her smooth blue ass. Lady Veemon moaned softly, not shrinking away from the touch as he pulled her closer. Her chest rubbed against his, increasing the passion between the two.

LadyVeemon reached her shorter arms as far as she could around him and placed her hands on his cool, blue, sides, swooning slightly from the hand on her ass. She broke the kiss gently and looked at him, "What are we doing? And why does it feel so good?" She finished the question and went right back into the kiss, not being able to keep her lips off of him for very long.

Flamedramon moaned back speaking into this kiss. "Just being close..." His hand dipped between her legs, rubbing her on the crotch, her pussy becoming more visible as it became wet. He had never felt anything like this before either. He was a virgin, having little more than a kiss under mistletoe for past love experience. That was all changing tonight as the young lovers groped under the setting sun.

LadyVeemon cooed softly into the air at his loving touch on her pussy. She reached between his legs, this time not to harm, but to pleasure, and gently fondled his pouch. She loved this Digimon, she knew it in her heart, the only other time she had loved another was when she first met Daphne, all those years ago. But this was completely different. There was a stronger bond between the two dragons. She continued to rub his pouch, making him close his eyes and smile a little, even during their kiss.

Flamedramon moaned softly into her mouth as he started to extend. He began to rub harder, feeling his lover become wet on his finger as she was touched their for the first time.

LadyVeemon felt the long, warm object escape from its hiding place out into her hand and widened her eyes a bit as she felt it. It was so smooth and soft. She slowly began to stroke it, her hand moving up and down, not knowing why, but feeling in her mind that it was the right thing to do. Her face kept twitching from his gentle rubbing to her clit area.

Flamedramon moaned as Lady Veemon began to masturbate him, his slender dick becoming hard in her strong hands, yet she did not hurt him at all. The pleasure was building up as he started to drip some pre cum from his cock.

LadyVeemon felt a little liquid spill onto her paw that was massaging his prick, but didn't care because she was feeling kind of wet down in that area herself. She couldn't help but moan loudly as he pulled his hand back and forth across her clit. The feeling was intense, she loved it so she wanted him to feel it to, and started to stroke a bit faster.

Flamedramon slipped a finger into the white folds of her pussy lips, rubbing the slit with long strokes. He began to work one of his fingers slowly into the virgin cunt, pressing his thumb on to her clitoris to ensure her pleasure would be heightened. He moaned loudly as well, as he was so close to his own orgasm as LadyVeemon stroked his cock, her hands wet form the few drops of precum that fell down his shaft.

LadyVeemon moaned again into his mouth, their kiss still being shared and enjoyed. She felt as if she was going to explode out of her pussy. The feeling seemed to build up inside of her and it felt like it wanted to be released. Flamedramon couldn't hold it back any longer, and let out an orgasmic groan as he pulled his lips away briefly from LadyVeemon's lips. His pisshole shot out cum all over his LadyVeemon’s chest, until the flow subsided, dripping down his blue shaft onto LadyVeemon’s hand. Flamedramon furiously fingered the small rookie, wanting her to feel the same intense pleasure he just felt.

LadyVeemon groaned as well as she finally exploded all over his finger and hands, the liquid not spreading as far as his. She now panted loudly and looked at him. They were both cum-soaked and exhausted. She looked at him and smiled, "What was that?" "I...I want to do it again..." She blushed, now worrying that he might think she was greedy.

Flamedramon looked into her eyes. "It was an orgasm.... it's what makes us feel really good... have you never... touched yourself there?"

LadyVeemon looked down, "No....I haven't..." She wondered what he meant, and if it was a natural thing or not.

Flamedramon looked embarrassed. "Well... I do it to myself... sometimes... Though it was nothing compared to what if felt like being with you.

LadyVeemon smiled, "I hope so, because I really enjoyed it as well..."

Flamedramon started to kiss Ladyveemon again on the lips, overcome in the fact that like her, he wanted more. He stopped kissing her and ran his tongue down her neck, stopping at her small white breasts, and licking the now exposed nipples.

LadyVeemon groaned and put her hands on his head, wrapping her paws around his horns lightly and holding him in place. She looked down at the top of his head, which was bobbing slightly on her breasts. Flamedramon felt LadyVeemon hold on to his blue horns as he went lower, the breasts bouncing against his nose. He started to lick down her white body, until he reached her sweet wet cunt. He held her in place with his two hands on her ass as he experimentally tasted her once.

LadyVeemon continued to hold on to his two horns for balance. She was now completely off of the ground and her mind raced through thoughts. (Why is he doing this for me? What have I done for him? Man, he sure is nice...) When she felt his soft tongue enter her pussy slightly, she grasped on his horns even harder now, not just for balance, but because of the pleasure. She closed her eyes in comfort.

Flamedramon slowly laps the cunt, running my tongue and tasting her flavor. She tasted surprisingly sweet, almost the faintest hint of blueberries as he lapped her cunt from the previous juices. He heard her moan slightly and rocked slowly.

LadyVeemon swayed back and forth in the air. His smooth tongue was teasing her pussy so she couldn't help but keep her eyes closed in this moment of ecstasy. She again opened her eyes and looked down at the top of his head, his eyes were closed and he was enjoying pleasuring her.

Flamedramon loved the smell of the Ladyveemon, as he slid his tongue deep into her cunt. His long reptilian tongue was able to go deep into her, reaching a fleshy barrier and licking the area around it.

LadyVeemon moaned again, the moan was soft, but the still air around the two lovers made it seem like a roar. "I....don't....even...know...your....name..." she managed to spurt out between pants and moans. Her eyes were closed and her head fell back in pleasure, but her ears stayed active for the answer to her question.

Flamedramon licked as he spoke, his own cock growing hard again has he held the rookie blue girl to his face. "Flame... dramon..." He panted as Ladyveemon began to moan louder. LadyVeemon screamed in pleasure as his tongue hit a sensitive area in her and held her breath. The feeling came again, as if she was going to explode, she looked down as Flamedramon opened his mouth in front of her pussy, as if waiting to sample more of her tasty juices. She breathed deeply out and her juices were spilled into his waiting mouth, him swallowing the sweet stuff and smiling at her, while licking his lips.

Flamedramon loved the flavor of Ladyveemon as she came, savoring it until she stopped cumming. Her breathing was still heavy, but slowly dying down. Flamedramon took the pussy from his lips, and started to pepper her with kisses all the way up her body as he lowered her in his grasp. LadyVeemon was panting heavily as she let her small body be manipulated by him. She looked at him in the eyes as her body was covered in kisses by his sweet mouth and told him straight, "I, I think I love you...." Her face turned red and she looked towards the ground, there was a grin plastered on her face and she looked embarrassed having said this.

Flamedramon blushed when she said this. But he felt closely connected to her. She was stronger in ways that he could ever hope to be. "It’s ok..." Flamedramon stroked her head slowly. "I love you too...”



To be continued…