Warning: The following material may contain explicit sexual scenes not intended for anyone under the age of 18.  If you are not 18 or older, then do not read any further. The characters used in this lemon are not my own but are owned by BANDAI and TOEI. This was in no way written to humiliate or stop people from watching the show or buying merchandise.  It was written solely for the purpose of entertainment to the people who are into this.                                                                Thank You,

                                                                                                Paladine900 a.k.a. Pala

Contact me. AIM: Paladine900     E-Mail: jwestmo1@tampabay.rr.com

RedRover and Paladine 4EVER!!!

Digital Plague Chapter 2: The Visit


Veemon sighed as he slowly washed the dishes, sitting on a cold metal stool. It had been only a week since he was incarcerated. There was multiple breaking and entering charges, and theft over five thousand dollars. Veemon had a list as long as he was. And the thing was Veemon did not commit a single crime.  He had been caught because he looked like the real thief, a LadyVeemon. A beautiful, heart pounding, girl with soft blue skin and teal eyes that went on forever. LadyVeemon was beautiful, and a thief. But she was a thief only for necessity.

Veemon had discovered that her digidestined lungs and heart were being eaten away by black mold, eating her from the inside out. She had stolen money to pay for medical treatment that was far too expensive for a mother who lived waiting tables in a dingy bar. Veemon took pity on her, and took the rap, with the promise she should turn herself in.

The place he was in was a special prison, made for Digimon. Since the Digital World had opened up, Digimon flowed back and forth through both worlds with ease. The problem with that was that Digimon criminals. While the crime rate dropped since many humans now had digital monster protectors, but now they had a new element. Criminals were so powerful they could destroy a jail cell with ease.

Veemon chuckled as he washed the dishes, a black ring on his arm. He admired the human's ingenuity. Ken's dark rings, modified, were perfect. This modified human jail had four dark spires in each corner with powered these black rings on the criminal’s arms.

Veemon tapped the ring. It kept track of Digimon, prevented evolutions, and in fact forced Digimon to stay as rookies. Ken had helped with the reprogramming, so that the Digimon could be held captive without endangering human lives, or deleting the Digimon. It worked great and now on Veemon, as the next five years of his life were going to be spent in jail. He had gotten off easy. Saving the world scored major brownie points with the judge.

EbonAgumon was washing dishes in the sink next to the blue newbie. He heard the blue one chuckle a little and scowled at him, wondering how he could be laughing about his predicament. He himself was in for 20 years. He had snuck up on, attacked, and raped two young girls in the middle of the night. He didn't realize that any jail could keep him, until they put that damned black thing on his arm. He looked like he would fit in to jail life, but he looked at the newbie and decided that he wanted to know why the goody-goody could be in here. He looked up at him quickly and glinted with his red eyes, "So, kid, what're ya in here for?" 

Veemon didn't turn around, keeping his eyes on his work.” Washing dishes, what does it look like?" Veemon had been here a short time, and he had been harassed, spit on, and treated like dirt. He was a hero in a place of violent Digimon of all type.

EbonAgumon growled at him, "I didn't mean what you were doing now, stupid-ass, I meant why are you in The Pit." They had given the jail a nickname after being in there for so long. Having a short-temper, he had already decided that he didn't like the blue one's smart-ass mouth, and decided that later tonight; he would get the beating of his life.

Veemon placed a plate on the pile. "I was arrested for stealing from several jewelry stores, pawn shops, and so on and so forth." Veemon grabbed another plate and started to wash it slowly. "What are you in for? Could it be excessive body odor?"

EbonAgumon was enraged by the little Mon’s attitude, "Alright, punk, you got beef? Well, bring it!" He took the plate he was cleaning and threw it on the ground, scattering shards of glass all over the "arena" (a.k.a Kitchen). He held up his jet black claw and folded his fingers in a "Just Bring It" gesture.

Veemon still didn't turn, washing his plate. "You aren't too smart. I was born from my digi egg fighting. I fought Digimon powerful enough to level cities." Veemon replaced the next plate on the stack. "So you will excuse me if I am not scared of a retarded Digimon with the body hygiene of a dead water buffalo."

EbonAgumon looked at the puny, blue one and laughed, almost falling to the floor, but keeping his balance as to not fall onto the glass trap he just made. Boy would that have ruined his reputation. He steadied himself and snarled at the bragger, "Why don't you come down here and prove it?"

Veemon sighed as he stopped drying his plate. (Where is a guard when you need one?) He thought as he turned around, hopping off the stool. "I really had a bad week, so I don’t need this."

EbonAgumon looked at him, snickering slightly, but not flinching. "So, you think some of us would actually have a good week in here?" He looked in his mind back at some of the horrible memories that he had here, including his "initiation" rape, fights, and "welcoming" the newbie's. (Hehe, after I beat the pulp out of this one, I'll "Welcome” him as well. The prison had gotten his sexuality long ago, after he realized that he would never see a female Digimon again.

Veemon sighed as he looked at the blackened copy of his friend Agumon. "No. But there is no need for us to get in a fight and someone getting hurt. So why don't we say you win, and move on with our lives?"

EbonAgumon shook his head, "That might be the way YOU settle things, but in here, they are settled in different ways." EbonAgumon decided that since Blue was obviously afraid of him; he would take the first strike. He charged forward and held out his sharp claws, aiming for the little one's jugular.

Veemon sighed as he stepped to the side, sticking out his foot. EbonAgumon was strong, but not a smart fighter. He had put all his weight into a charge. EbonAgumon tripped over the foot, screaming and going head over heels, smashing his head into the metal cabinet, a huge ringing filled the kitchen. Nearby Digimon who were cleaning and preparing for the day's meals stopped to watch.

Veemon stood with his hands on his sides. "Can we call it a draw now?"

EbonAgumon continued to charge, unpaved by his words.

Veemon moved to the left, the razor sharp claws missing him again. He ducked as the claws came at him again, sending up sparks as they dragged across the metal cabinets. Veemon suddenly shot up with his head after he ducked the blow. The black rings may inhibit a Digimon’s power, but Veemon still had a head with three inches of bone and half an inch of thick scaly hide.

EbonAgumon bit his tongue accidentally as his quick opponent dodged his clumsy blow easily, and countered with a hit to his lower jaw. He reacted with one of his paws going to his chin and rubbing it, trying to recover from the sharp pain that he was incurring. He attacked back by slashing with his claws in a desperate attempt to slice the hard-headed Digimon.

Veemon stepped back as EbonAgumon did a clumsy swing at his face. EbonAgumon stumbled as he over extended his punch, actually turning halfway around, showing his black Tail to Veemon. Veemon smirked, as he lifted his foot back, and kicked EbonAgumon as hard as he could in the butt, lifting him off the ground and making him land on top of the kitchen counter.

Veemon smiled to himself as he heard the groan from the countertop. "So, are we done yet? Or do I need to actually use my hands?"

EbonAgumon fell unconscious on the counter. The only reply coming from him was a slight gurgle as blood dripped from his injured tongue which was hanging out of his mouth. He had a look on his face that was one not of defeat, but of surprise.

Veemon held out his hands at the guard came running across. "It was self self defense! He attacked me!" Veemon held out his hands in surrender. He did not want to fight with the guards. Truth be told, the guards loved him. Veemon was the perfect convict. He behaved, treated guards with respect, as well as the other inmates. Well, at least the inmates who did not try and kill him. Maybe that is why the more colorful of the inmates hated him so much, since just about everyone else loved him.

"I know I know." The guard looked at the injured EbonAgumon on the counter. "They are still stupid enough to mess with you.” The guard patted Veemon on the shoulder. "Anyway, you got a visitor."

Veemon winced. He loved his friends, but.... he hated lying to them, defending himself, covering up for Ladyveemon. Davis was a basket case, and couldn't even look at Veemon with out breaking up. His friends weren't much better, either wanting him to break out and find the true culprit, or wanting to know why he did it. Veemon looked up to the guard and nodded. "Yeah, that’s great." He sighed as he followed the guard to the visitor’s center. The area was quite large, a few Digimon were talking to other Digimon or humans. Veemon looked around at the benches, seeing no one there he knew. In a way, that relieved him, it meant he didn’t have to lie or explain anything.

"The Chibimon is over there." the guard pointed to a secluded corner.

"Chibimon, who’s Chibimon?" Veemon looked across the visitor’s center, seeing a yellow Digimon look with orange gloves, vest, and boots. Long fairy wings came from her back as she looked at Veemon, standing up on the bench.

"Hey, Veemon!" The Chibimon smiled as she waved to Veemon with orange gloves on her hand.

Veemon gave the guard a confused look, but his curiosity got the better of him and he walked over to the weird Digimon. He came over to the bench, and sat down. "Who are you?" Veemon looked at the strange Digimon and tried to place the face.

"Come on." The Chibimon batted her teal eyes. "You don't strike me as the love them and leave them type."

Veemon gasped as he recognized those beautiful teal eyes. "LadyVeemon?!” He hissed as he bent over the table looking at the Chibimon in a new light.

Chibimon giggled softly. "Ya got it right on the first try." Ladyveemon smiled at the dumbfounded Veemon.

Veemon broke into a sweat as he looked around. "LadyVeemon..."

"Remember, call me Chibimon." LadyVeemon corrected Veemon.

"Chibimon then." Veemon looked at the guard briefly who stood far on the other side of the visiting area. "What are you doing here? If they find out about you..."

"Oh, I am in disguise, can’t you see?" LadyVeemon motioned to herself. Her skin was bright sunshine yellow, which looked completely different than her normal blue skin.

"But still..." Veemon looked again nervously at the guard.

"Veemon..." Ladyveemon held out her orange-gloved hand and brushed Veemon's skin. "Maybe this was a risk, but I just had to see you...."
"What about Daphne? Is she back home yet?" Veemon whispered to LadyVeemon as he moved close.

"She's a bit better.... but not out of the woods yet." Ladyveemon moved her lips close. "You’ve done more than I could have ever asked and I have talked with her about you. She is the one that drove me to visit you. Although in my heart I truly wanted too.

"Veemon," the guard suddenly appeared behind the pair.

"Gah!" Veemon's heart skipped a beat as he looked up at the guard. "Sir!" He stood facing the guards with his hands cupped and at his sides. A bead of sweat dripped down between his eyes.

"Gee calm down! You act like it is your first time." The guard had a huge goofy grin on his face as he looked down at the blue Digimon.

"First…time?" Veemon's mind raced at the thought. That could mean so much... first time he misbehaved, or the first time he was caught.

"Anyway you two, the trailer is ready for you both." The guard motioned for the two young Digimon to follow him.

"Trailer?" Veemon looked back at LadyVeemon. "What trailer?" Veemon was very confused. The last few minutes were full of questions that he hoped LadyVeemon would answer.

Ladyveemon blushed as she got off the bench and stood up. "You'll see..." Ladyveemon smiled softly as she led Veemon off the table. The guard led them out to the courtyard, where several old trailers stood rusting in the outside. They walked along a sidewalk for a while, passing several trailers on the way there. They held hands and blushed as they walked. Veemon looked at the trailers on the way there. The windows were covered and there was really nothing to see. He still wondered what they were doing. But he didn’t complain, it kept him close to her and not in the jail, with all of the criminals.

            They arrived at a trailer at which the guard turned and walked up to the door. He pulled out some keys from his back pocket and fiddled with them a bit until he found the right one and stuck it into the door handle. He turned the key and opened the door. Next he bowed in front of the door and waited for them to go inside.

            They looked at each other, Veemon still had no idea what was going on. She smiled at him and started walking up the steps to the entrance. The guard closed the door behind them as they walked in, and locked it.

LadyVeemon walked over to the mattress and pulled off all of her disguise, starting with the wings, and then finally rubbing all of the makeup off until she was her usual beautiful self. She compared herself to Veemon, noticing only slight differences between them. The colors of their eyes were different, she was a bit slimmer, he had more body muscle, but they looked almost identical.  "Hehe, will this be better than Flamedramon?"

Veemon finally knew exactly what was going on. IT had been several months since they fooled around on roof. Veemon was still a virgin, and quite nervous. "Err... I don't know... "

LadyVeemon looked at his body up and down, nodding.”Well, then, we'll have to find out, won't we?" She smiled and pulled him up on the bed with her. She rubbed her hands on his abs slightly, they were rock hard. She guessed they must have been working him pretty hard here.

Veemon moaned softly as Ladyveemon rubbed his stomach. He leaned back on the bed. "That feels nice...."

LadyVeemon smiled and rubbed his stomach a little while longer. She didn't want to rush things, since they had plenty of play time. She had been very bored lately, her Digidestined was still in the hospital, recovering from the surgery, and her mate was in jail.  She smiled at him and bent forward slowly, licking his belly with her soft tongue, which took the place of her paw.

Veemon began to shudder slightly as Ladyveemon, who seemed awfully forward, began to lick his white belly. "Mmm…I missed you...." He moaned softly as his tummy was bathed with the wet tongue.

LadyVeemon looked up as well, "I missed you too..." She lowered her tongue to his naval and gently rubbed it around the outer edge of it. Her eyes were stuck in a gaze with his. Finally she had someone to be with.

Veemon moaned softly, feeling the tension of the last few weeks melting away. No more prison attempted rapes, jail yard bullies, just LadyVeemon and him.

LadyVeemon noticed that he was lost in thought and decided to wake him up by tonguing his left ball slightly.  She lapped at it with her tongue, giving him a startle. He opened his eyes widely and then smiled at her.

Veemon panted slightly. "Where... did you learn about stuff like that?" Veemon panted slightly as his cock jumped a little.

LadyVeemon looked at him and smiled, "Instinct, hun, Instinct," She licked the outer edge of his pouch in a circle and watched it protrude slightly. She licked her lips and laid her warm tongue on his protruding member, hoping that would give it the provocation it needed to come out.

Veemon’s whole body shivered as he received his first ever blow job. Veemon began to pant loudly as LadyVeemon went very slow around his pouch. His blue dick slowly extended from the sensation.

LadyVeemon felt his penis enlarge next to her mouth. She stood up on her knees to get a good look at what she was about to take in her throat. She licked the tip of his member lightly, dampening it and then letting the cool wind blow on it.

Veemon shivered as the tongue wet his cock. Veemon felt very exposed, his cock sticking out as Ladyveemon examined him, with an almost child like curiosity. "Guess it is a bit smaller than Flamedramon’s is?" Veemon made a little joke.

LadyVeemon shook her head and spoke, all in one motion, "A little, but I think yours suits me a little better," She reached her paw to her clit and spread it a little.

Veemon felt his blood pressure race as he jolted his head up, seeing the tiny little bulb as Ladyveemon exposed herself to him. Veemon blushed until he was a deep purple. "Err yeah..." Veemon felt a sweat drop fall off of his forehead.

LadyVeemon looked at him, confused, "What's wrong? You look like you are holding your breath?" She caressed his face with her hands, (Veemon remembered that her hands had just been on her pussy and gulped) and smiled, planting a kiss on his white lips.

Veemon moaned softly into the kiss, smiling slightly. He brought his hands up to her face, grabbed her cheeks and pulled their faces into one another.

LadyVeemon broke the kiss and smiled at him, "Well now, aren't you going to help me get into the mood a little bit?" She looked at his dick standing straight up into the air. "Because it seems you are horny enough." She reverted onto her back, laying on the bed and grinning at him, "But what about little ole' me?"

Veemon smiled happily as LadyVeemon lay back, and used her hands to spread her white lips wide, so he could see right into her birth canal. "Well never let it be said I kept a lady waiting." Veemon moved forward on his stomach, his cock bouncing on the mattress. He placed his strong blue hands on her legs, forcing them apart although he had no need. Veemon started by blowing softly over her lips, just to tease.

LadyVeemon giggled softly, the tease just tickling her pussy slightly. His warm breath felt soothing to her. He looked up at her, his eyes were so beautiful. He smiled warmly and looked back down at her exposed pussy.

Veemon moved his head forward, and stuck out his tongue. Veemon licked slowly up her slit, making one long stroke until he reached her clitoris. He then pressed down hard on her cloth with his tongue, seeing LadyVeemon squirm happily.

LadyVeemon gasped for air. The feeling was so good, that she couldn't get the smile off of her face.

Veemon began to lap harder, making short stroke up her pussy as if he was licking a lollipop. Ladyveemon began to groan loudly now, in extreme pleasure.

LadyVeemon held out her paw and put it on the top of his head, signaling that she was ready for him...It was hard to stop but she knew that better feelings would come soon.

Veemon looked up, licking his lips of the salty taste which hinted slightly of blueberries. He moved up almost magically, Ladyveemon guiding him upwards. He ran his strong hands over her body as he moved up.

LadyVeemon felt his hands grope her and spun around, falling on her back, him on top of her. She licked his cheek as they laid there on top of one another. Her face was blushed a little bit, the only awkward thing about this moment being that they looked so alike...

Veemon looked into her teal eyes smiling a bit. She was so cute and beautiful at the same time. He bent down and kissed her on the white lips, moving his dick forward some and rubbing it over her white crotch.

LadyVeemon felt his member brush against her clit. This turned her on even more, the two horny Digimon basically teasing each other. They were lying so close, and both so horny, and yet....They weren't pumping yet. LadyVeemon thought about this for a minute and smiled, "He must love me for more than just my body....otherwise he would be plugging me by now..." She smiled again and fell into the kiss.

Veemon did want this to last. Being here with her, so close, it made the harsh prison seem miles away. Veemon wanted to take her now, but he also wanted this moment to last forever as they embraced deeply in the kiss, his cock lightly rubbing her pussy lips.

LadyVeemon couldn't take much more of it. His romantic musk was getting to her, and she couldn't hold out for much longer. Even now the pleasure was immense, so she imagined what it would be like later. She held out still, feeling the tip of his precious member poke her thigh slightly as it rubbed against her

Veemon couldn't take it much longer either, his cock begging for release. He began to wiggle his hips down slightly, feeling his head start to slip into the soft white folds of her wet pussy.

LadyVeemon cried out, not expecting him to make the first move, but glad that someone finally did. She groaned more, even though his cock stayed at a steady depth inside of her. She knew the moment would be ephemeral and she had to enjoy it for all it was worth.

Veemon kissed her lightly on the face as he slowly entered his head into her virgin cunt. His heart was beating a mile a minute. He was still afraid that she would stop him. That she wouldn't want to continue, but her moans said other wise.

LadyVeemon thought just the opposite, she was afraid that HE would want to stop, but he didn't. She felt his dick enter her and she knew that he was hesitant. This was the first time for both of them and each seemed to want to comfort the other one more than they were being comforted.

Veemon slowly, almost too slowly for both of them, entered deeper and deeper into her pussy, as he suddenly encountered some sort of barrier. He knew that it was her hymen, still intact, proving her virginity. Veemon looked up at Ladyveemon. "Are you ready?" He asked in but a whisper.

LadyVeemon looked at him. Her cheeks were red from his slow descent. "Y....Yes... I am ready." She slowly turned her head and closed her eyes, waiting for the breech of her chastity. This would end it all, after this, they would belong to each other...

Veemon took a breath, and shoved his blue hips forward with a bit of force, feeling the resistance suddenly go as his cock shoved all the way into her cunt, his blue balls slapping against the bottom of her slit.

LadyVeemon pushed her head forward, her mouth shot open and she gave a squeal, it was over, there was no more pain. Only pleasure, she licked his face over and over again. The sensitive membranes in her cunt were convulsing, sending her hormones flying out of the window.

Veemon kissed LadyVeemon on the neck. "Are you ok..." Veemon whispered as he started to slowly move his hips, instinct taking over.

LadyVeemon kept licking him, speaking only between licks, "This...feeling...it’s...incredible...my...nerves...are...uncontrollable."

  With the last word, she opened his mouth and broke into another kiss. Her tongue instantly latched on to his in a lovelock.

Veemon started to french kiss Ladyveemon with his eyes closed even as he started to move faster, his blue tail bouncing up and down as he penetrated Ladyveemon again and again, both of them moaning through the kiss.

LadyVeemon loved the taste of his mouth, all the while knowing that it was like any other mouth, but just the fact of knowing that is was HER MAN’S mouth made it all the sweeter. The sides of her pussy were stretching a bit, but she didn't care. The only thing she cared about was him right now, HIS pleasure, HIS feelings, HIS love...

Veemon loved the feel of her around his cock, she was so tight. Veemon was surprised that it did not hurt her, but she only moaned and kissed harder, enjoying this. Her hands went all over Veemon's back as he slammed into her faster, his orgasm building in his balls.

LadyVeemon was propelled back and forth by their lovemaking, his strength was massive, she could tell just by his grip on her and everything else about him. His penis started to convulse inside of her, which heightened her senses. She felt an orgasm beginning to build up inside of her as well...

Veemon began to moan loudly as he shot some precum into her cunt. "Almost... there..." Veemon started to pant, kissing her face whenever he thrusted forward into her tight cunt.

LadyVeemon smiled and locked her legs, she was almost there too and, hoping that they could climax together, she began humping her hips into him too. This made him slam in harder, which increased the pain slightly, but pleasure soon washed over it.

Veemon suddenly arched his head back, removing his lips from her face. "LadyVeemon!" Veemon screamed as he cummed deep into her belly, coating her vaginal walls with his sticky fluid as he pounded into her more, wanting this moment to last for both of them.

LadyVeemon climaxed as well and their cum mixed inside of her. She moaned with her mouth stuck open lightly for a while. Her face was flushed. Her teal eyes were staring into his sapphire ones, which were glaring right back at her. This moment would stick in her mind forever.

Veemon bent down and kissed Ladyveemon on the lips hard, unable to stop himself. He wanted to bask in the afterglow as they lay locked in one another, feeling like heaven on Earth.

LadyVeemon kissed back sucking his tongue into her mouth and wrapping hers around it. She was panting softly into his mouth. They felt each others hot breath as they frenched. LadyVeemon looked to the side at the clock on the wall. "Hmm, we still got

  3 and 1/2 hours left."

Veemon smiled softly as he pulled out, his cock dripping cum on to the old mattress. "It seemed so short." Veemon sighed as he pulled LadyVeemon up, and pulled her into his lap, facing away from him. "But I plan to make every moment count." Veemon kissed her on the back of the neck.

LadyVeemon shivered and giggled slightly, his soft lips making her have a chill. She turned around to his face for a second and placed her hand softly on his cheek. "I love you SOOOO much!" She kissed him on the lips slightly and then turned back around.

~Three Hours Later~

Veemon was rubbing yellow makeup all over LadyVeemon's body as she stood still, arms all out stretched. LadyVeemon had smuggled the makeup in with her, to reapply the disguise. "Man..." Veemon blushed softly as he rubbed between her legs. "I am really getting turned on."

LadyVeemon giggled and licked the top of his head, "Don't worry, love, I WILL find a way out of here for you..." She went back to her still position.

Veemon blushed as he continued filling in the last spot. "I know... but if you find a way out for me.... it means that you will go to jail in my place and I... don't even know if I can handle you being locked up."

The grin fell from LadyVeemon’s face as he stood up to look her in the eye. "I promise, I WILL find a way..." She felt like crying, but held her tears, for fear of the make-up smudging. She walked over to the wings and bent down to pick them up. "Do ya mind helping me with these?" Her voice sounded less happy now, realizing that she MUST find a way to get him out of this horrid place.

Veemon held out the orange vest with the wings as Ladyveemon snuck an arm into each of the arm holes. "I am just glad I can help you LadyVeemon." Veemon smiled as he handed her the gloves and boots as she turned around.

LadyVeemon put them on, a frown on her face the whole time, she thought about ways to get him out of here. She wished that she could grow larger and stronger like he could, maybe then she could bust him out, but...." Her heart beat faster, holding back the tears were difficult, because she didn't know of anything that would break him out of this maximum security prison.

Veemon handed LadyVeemon her wig. "You... give Daphne a hug for me, won't you Chibimon?" Veemon tried to smile, but it was half hearted.

LadyVeemon took the wig from his hands, her face looking down to the ground. She looked to the door and then back at him.

  Suddenly, the door wiggled a bit, "Must be the guard warning us..." It wiggled for about 20 seconds, and then opened slowly. The guard was standing there waiting for them to exit the trailer.

Veemon looked up at the guard as Ladyveemon walked out as Chibimon. The guard winked again at Veemon. They walked out of the trailer and out of the compound to the visitor’s center, led by the guard.

LadyVeemon walked silently, too heartbroken to talk to him, but she turned to look at him and gave him one final goodbye kiss on the cheek, making sure to wipe the yellow smudge off of him.

Veemon sighed as he watched LadyVeemon leave with the guard out of the Visitor’s Center, and out of his life for who knows how long. Already he felt a longing. He missed his friends, he missed Davis... he missed his life. But for her... it was worth it.

LadyVeemon turned back and waved at him one more time, mouthing, "Goodbye...I'll miss you...” The door then slammed shut, blocking his view of her.

~Back in Veemon’s Cell~

Veemon sighs as he throws a ball up on to the roof, having it bounce then catch it as he lied on the top bunk. "Life sucks..." Veemon sighed as he threw the ball again.

Monodramon got off his bed and leaned against the corner of the room, "Yea…what's new?" He looked at his cell mate. They had actually started to become good friends, seeing as how Monodramon was a little more "upper class" then the rest of the scum that came into The Pit.

Veemon started to throw the ball some more. "I mean when you find the perfect girl, it is all supposed to work out right? Happily ever after, kisses, white picket fence, a digi egg waiting to hatch."

Monodramon grinned, "Yeah, I guess that's how life is supposed to go, but not for us..." He sighed and sat down on the stool in the corner. He was in for the same reason as his cellmate. He was branded a thief as well. He stole to survive. Life was dealing him a bad hand, so he needed food and shelter. He did what he had to do to survive..."but we "thieves" don't deserve the right to explain ourselves, we our just sent straight here.” He looked to the ground again, "Well, I guess this hell is better than death..."

Veemon tossed the ball again. "Really? I am locked away from my friends and the womon I love. Because I am a vaccine hero Digimon, every scum bucket here want to anal rape me here just to feel tough, so half the time I am fighting, and the other half I am watching my ass, literally."

Monodramon chuckled slightly, "Yeah, being a Vaccine is tough in here....I guess they think we are better at sex." He sighed and then continued, "The womon you love...I really can't comment on that, having lost someone to this place as well..."

Veemon grabbed the ball and looked at the bottom bunk at the small rookie. "Oh man I am so sorry.... "

Monodramon close his eyes and shook his head, "Nah, don't worry about it. I am long over her...But what about you? Who is the lucky woman?"

Veemon blushes as he turns back to the roof. "I can't say...."

Monodramon shrugs, "OK, it's up to you..." He walked forward and got onto his bed, "Well, it's almost lights out… we had better get ready."

Veemon sighed. "Yeah..." Veemon looked at the wall as the guard called lights out. He took his claw finger, and slowly dragged another scratch in the wall. "Only 1817 days to go... He watched as the lights dimmed off around him, and he slowly drifted off to sleep.



To be continued…