Warning: The following material may contain explicit sexual scenes not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are not 18 or older, then do not read any further. The characters used in this lemon are not my own but are owned by BANDAI and TOEI. This was in no way written to humiliate or stop people from watching the show or buying merchandise. It was written solely for the purpose of entertainment to the people who are into this. Thank You,

Paladine900 a.k.a. Pala


Gatomon - Me

Agumon - Cronoshadou

Gabumon - NightFox202

Thanks Guys!!!!^^

The Cat’s Outta the Bag



Gabumon sighed to himself as he walks down along the road to Tai's house. He was thinking of what happened last night and wondering why Matt seemed to be so angry with him. He walked for while, until he finally came up to Tai's door, knocking on it softly with his paw to see if anyone is home.

Agumon heard the knocking and walked out of the kitchen towards the door. He opened it, with what is left of his sandwich hanging out of his mouth. He looked out to see Gabumon, he grinned at the site of his close friend. Unfortunately it looked like something was wrong. His grin faltered as he sees the depressed look on his face, "Wash wrong?" he asks through the food that was in his mouth, before swallowing the rest of it down and inviting his friend into the house.

Gatomon was upstairs napping in Kari’s room and perks her ears at the sound of the knock and ran down the stairs to see who it was. Gabumon looked up at Agumon seeing the food being swallowed down very quickly. He laughed a little, still feeling depressed over what happened the nigh before. "Oh, Hi Agumon... I'm just feeling a bit down is all... Something happened to me last night...” He sighed and looked at the ground.

Agumon cocked an eyebrow and gestured for Gabumon to come in and make himself at home, “What happened? Did Matt yell at you for raiding the fridge again?"

Gatomon walked out of the door expecting to see Matt standing there she didn’t and looked both ways before walking back in and closing the door behind her, "Where's Matt? Gabumon shook his head, “No that's not it at all... I dunno if I should tell you. It's kind of personal." He hid his face and blushed through his fur. Gatomon walked up to them, "What happened, why didn't Matt come with you?"

Gabumon sighed and looked at Gatomon, "He's at home being mad at me for what was doing last night when he woke up." Agumon smirked and clapped his old friend on the back, "Aw common Gabumon, I have known you since you were Tsunomon... nothing you did could have been THAT bad!" Gatomon turned her head, now thinking that they were just ignoring her, "Fine then!" She walks past them both to the fridge and opened it, rubbing her tummy. Gabumon looked to Gatomon again feeling even sadder at making her mad,” Well I was.... Ummmm... Pleasuring myself quietly... Then he woke up and saw me doing it... Boy was he mad at me... He sighed again, blushing even more.

Gatomon giggled slightly, hearing what happened and busting in on the conversation, “And why would he be mad at you for doing that?" Agumon went wide-eyed before pressing a paw to his muzzle, suppressing a snicker slightly. Gabumon shrugged and thought for a moment,” Honestly, I don’t really know why he is mad at me.... I bet he has done it before too just as I have." Agumon nodded, finally regaining enough control over himself and giving a goofy grin, "Yeah, people are so picky about things like that"

Gatomon fell on the floor in the background, laughing and holding her stomach. But then she looked at his face, seeing that she wasn't helping his situation and stood up, getting serious again. Gabumon sighed again,” What should I do? Do you have any advice?" Gatomon walked up to them in and stopped in front, looking at him, "Well, first we need to establish why you were doing that in the middle of the night." Agumon looked at Gatomon strangely, wondering how that could help but deciding not to ask. Gabumon blushed,” Well.... I get... Ummmm... Horny sometimes and I just do it... He blushed more, feeling really embarrassed at his last sentence.

Gatomon wondered why she got the strange look, "Well, Agumon never does that stuff, so why do you need to do it" (Well, at least not that I know of.) She thought. Agumon blushed brightly, "Uh... yeah, well that’s not entirely true..." he said, looking down at his feet as though they have become the most interesting thing in the room. Gatomon looked wide eyed at him and then at Gabumon, "Well, both of you horny boys talk about it then, she turned away and walked towards the stairs, walking slow and sexy all the way there.

Gabumon looked at Agumon and went over to him, poking him in his side repeatedly, "Do you do what I did too?" Gatomon sat on the first step and pretended not to listen to their conversation, although her big cat ears picked up every word. Agumon followed Gatomon steadily with his eyes, not noticing the Digimon poking him in the side until she sat down. He turned to look at Gabumon, "Huh? What?" Gabumon tilted his head,” Do you ummmm pleasure yourself like I do?" Agumon suddenly remembered what they were talking about and blushed once again, "Well, err... yeah, every once in awhile.... though I make sure no one is around when I do it" Gabumon sighed and nodded, "I thought Matt was sleeping... I think I woke him up with my moans." He blushed heavily now.

Agumon snickered, "You moan?" Gabumon snickered a bit too,” Well, it's like a moan, but more of a low growl...Wait, why am I talking to you about my moans for?" The blush never left his face. Gatomon turned her head away, giggling at their conversation, but not letting them hear her. Agumon snickered at this, "He he, well, to each his own I guess... So, was Matt really THAT mad over something as simple as this?" Gatomon wondered in her mind, (Why do these boys have to do that kind of stuff anyway, neither I nor Biyomon has to...) Gatomon suddenly broke into the conversation again, "Well, what did Patamon think about it?"

Gabumon shrugs yet again,” You see I don’t really know why he got so mad in the first place." Agumon turned to the stairs to look at Gatomon, who he had assumed had left, "Eh, heh, sorry Gato... didn’t know you were listening…" Agumon blushed brightly.

Gatomon laughed, "Why are you turning red now, (Sheesh, guys sure do act weird...) Agumon spoke lightly, in a slightly squeaky voice, “Eh, I didn’t know you were listening in on us. Gabumon laughed and shook his head,” So, what do I do now? I'm still lost at what to do at a time like this."

Agumon shrugged, "I have no idea... What about you Gatomon, any ideas?" Gatomon shrugs, "I couldn't tell ya a thing!" Gatomon yawned and walked the rest of the way up the stairs to Kari's room, "I am going to sleep, I am tired from all this talk of...you know" Gabumon sat down on the couch that was next to him and relaxed, trying not to think about it so much as before,” Thank you both for understanding me." Agumon smiled, "Alright Gatomon... have a nice catnap!" Agumon grinned, "Heh, like I said Gabumon, I have known you for like forever. Don’t worry about it. Matt will forget about this in a few days and it will all be over.

Gabumon nodded,” We have been friends for a very long time I know I can always trust you... I bet he will... I bet he will......" Agumon looked at Gabumon, wondering why his voice trailed off, realizing it seemed that he was listening to something, “What is it Gabumon??” Gabumon closed his eyes, hearing a faint sound up stairs,” I thought I heard something." Agumon cocked his head to the side again, his reptilian ears unable to hear anything, "Like what?"

Gabumon perked his ears again, “It sounds like moaning of some sort....” Gabumon blushed at what he thought it could possibly be. Agumon snickered as he got to the same conclusion, "Heh, wouldn’t it be funny if Gatomon was doing the same thing you had just got in trouble for?" Agumon laughed at the very idea, "Like she even knows what that is!?" Gabumon grinned at the thought,” Why don’t we go up stairs and find out for ourselves what that noise is?" Agumon chuckled and nodded, taking initiative and quietly inching toward the stairs.

Agumon slowly climbed the stairs, carefully making sure to avoid one that is known to squeak, with Gabumon still about half way up the stairs as he reached the cracked door to Kari’s room, where even he can now hear a slight purring, occasionally interrupted by a soft moan. Gabumon peaked up behind Agumon's shoulder seeing what he believed to be Gatomon playing with herself. Her moans were louder then before

Gatomon was oblivious to the fact that the boys were spying on her and she continued to rub herself, trying her hardest not to make noise, but not doing very well at it. Agumon gasped as he seen the mon he considered as almost a sister curled up in her partners room, doing exactly what he had thought funny only moments before. He grinned now and he pressed his eye to the crack in the door, finding it causing a different kind of joy in him, not realizing that his own paw crept down to his pouch while he watched the spectacle.

Gabumon’s eyes went wide watching Gatomon's every action. He felt himself starting to get hot around his whole body. It felt just like the night before for. He crept his paw down onto his pouch, rubbing softly at first closing one eye while keeping the other one trained on Gatomon. Agumon grinned and pressed his muzzle further against the door, hoping to get a better look at the feisty feline. His member was now beginning to harden as it slipped out of its pouch. He accidentally pressed his muzzle too far forward into the door as it swung slightly with what seemed like a deafeningly loud creak.

Gatomon widened her eyes and looked between her legs at the two. Her face pigment turned to a blood red color. She quickly jumped up, her paws covering her clit, which was slowly dripping her juices onto the carpet. She ran over to Kari's closet, opened the door and closed it behind her, not believing that she got caught.

Gabumon growled a bit loud, trying his very best not to make too much noise. He leaned over to get a better look, losing his balance in the process causing him to fall on top of Agumon sending them both falling into the room. Gabumon rubbed his head a bit feeling a bit stupid for doing that. He helped his friend up to his feet, “You ok?"

Gatomon watched through the crack in the closet as both the peepers fell into the room on top of each other. She was hoping in her mind that they didn't see much, and she couldn’t think of anything to say, "I....uhhh... Hope your members touched, that would teach you a lesson not to spy on me!!" Agumon groaned in pain as his member was pressed forcefully back into his pouch from the fall. He stood up a bit awkwardly with Gabumon’s help and nodded, managing a slight grin and speaking loud enough so that he is sure Gatomon hears him, "Yeah, I’m just surprised... I thought Gatomon didn’t DO that kind of stuff…"

Gatomon turned red and growled at them both of them; she realized now that they had done nothing wrong and opened the door slightly. Gabumon grinned back at him knowing what he was trying to do, "Yea... I can't believe her either... I had so much respect for her too...” Gatomon stuck her head out of the closet, leaving the rest of her body inside of it. There was an innocent grin on it, "Well, guys, I am sorry you had to see that, ummmm.....I think." Gatomon saw them both with their members in their paws.

Agumon blushed as he saw her gaze drop down to his pouch, quickly covering himself with his paws as he realizes that his member had come back out again, “Uh, no problem Gatomon.... we were just, uh... worried about you. Yeah, that’s it!” Gabumon looked down at his member, not being ashamed for it being hard the way it was,"Well I guess we all have are inner most desires, eh?" Gabumon snickered to himself, trying to cover up his member again.

Gatomon walked completely out of the closet, "Well now, I see that you too were getting kind of frisky yourselves..." Gatomon sat on the edge of the bed. There was a grin on her face. Gabumon punched Agumon in the arm and shook his head,” Its best to tell the truth." Agumon blushed and slowly moved his paws to the side, "Well, uh... yeah, I guess so…"

Gatomon looked at Gabumon, the smile still plastered to her face, "And....what, pray tell, is the truth?" Gabumon looked up at her and smiled weakly, not being fully sure how to explain what he wanted to say to her. “Well... ummmm... Agumon and I are in need of some pleasure...” He blushed and rubbed the back of his head with his paw as he talked to her.

Agumon nodded, "Uh, yeah... well, we just heard you at first and then we were going to come up here and just see what you were doing but then when we saw you, well..." Gatomon blushed slightly, "I see...." Gatomon hummed to herself, "Well, you know, it isn't polite to wait for a girl to make the first move…"

Gabumon’s eyes went wide wondering what she meant by that, thinking that he knew what she was talking about, but also thinking that she might just be playing around. Agumon froze for a moment, waiting for Gatomon to laugh it off, but then suddenly looked at her with a grin. His sensitive nose picked up the scent that gave away that she was not playing around at all, "Well, let it never be said that we kept a lady in waiting!"

Gabumon tilted his head at Agumon, sniffing in the air as well and thinking she might be in heat, knowing that this may be his only chance to get what he was really after, “Indeed, it is not good to make a lady wait." Agumon grinned as he moved towards the bed, pulling himself onto it, and taking a seat beside Gatomon with a grin. He wrapped his paw tenderly around her shoulder, "I don’t suppose you would like OUR help with your little problem, would you?"

Gatomon looked pleased that the boys are finally going to hive her what she wants, "Well boys?" She laid back on Kari's bed....."I'm waiting..." Agumon grinned as he passed a glance between him and Gabumon. They both nodded and inched forward on the bed towards the all too willing champion Digimon.

Gatomon looks at the two, knowing that they would soon be filling her with pleasure. Her mind flared with anxiety and her face darted quickly between both of them. Agumon smiled as he reached her outspread legs. He slowly ran one claw up one of her inner thighs, stopping teasingly before he reached her wet snatch. He looked up to see the look of near panic on her face and gave her a warm smile, "Don’t worry Gato... We'll take good care of you" he murmured to her in a soothing voice, before moving his claw once more up and down her inner thighs.

Gatomon shuddered at the scaly Agumon's warm touch, feeling his tenderness on her thighs, telling her mind once more to have the anxiety feeling. She was now looking at Gabumon, waiting for his move. Gabumon padded along over to her head and smiled down at her lovingly, giving her a soft gentle kiss onto her lips. He placed both of his paws onto her chest, softly motioning them into circles along her breasts, making her purr with delight from his touch

Gatomon murred softly at this double pleasure she was getting from them, not wanting this moment to end....ever. Agumon smiled as he swas the girl relax, sliding his claw up to lightly caress the outside of the girls glistening slit. Moving his muzzle forward, he lightly ran his long, lizard like tongue up her leg as he had done with his claw. Gatomon shivered as his tongue trailed the warm path etched by his claw and kissed Gabu a little more intense now, the muscles in her relaxing and loosening.

Gabumon washed his tongue along in the insides of her mouth, exploring as much as she allowed him too, feeling her warmth ness through their deep, passionate kiss. He pinches each of her nipples gently with his claws, making them turn bright red, only wanting to pleasure her the best way he can in this position. Agumon grinned as he suddenly darted out with his tongue to slowly run over the sensitive nub at the top of her moist slit, pulling it back with a grin. He blew his warm breath over the area now slick with his saliva.

Gatomon tasted his tongue sliding around her mouth, turning her on even more. She stuck her rough tongue onto his and wrestled with it slightly, her whole body now shivering from the treatment she was receiving from Agumon. Gabumon growled softly into her mouth, fighting with her tongue over who controlled whose mouth. He drew back from the kiss and grinned at her, giving her small licks onto both of her cheeks and bringing his muzzle down onto the tips of both her ears nibbling down gently onto each of them.

Agumon grinned as he saw her body shudder in pleasure, taking as a sign to continue. He ran his tongue over her clit in a long, slow motion, this time easing his claw into her slightly, being careful not to cut her. He moved it in very slowly, giving her time to adjust to the size of his claws. Gatomon closed her eyes and purred into the air, not being able to move her muscles from the pleasure, "Uhhh....Agu...mon, Gabu...mon."

Gabumon smiled at her, hearing her soft moans of pleasure as he places his paw onto his pouch, wanting her to pleasure him too. He licked along the backside of her ears slowly, dragging his tongue along her neck and down to her chest, now licking each of her nipples slowly with his rough tongue.

Gatomon moved Gabumon’s body to where he was straddling her over her head. She reached forward, grabbing his thick member and pulling it slightly urging him down to her face. Agumon grinned when he heard his name called out, now moving his claw in as far as he is able, before pulling it out and pumping slowly and gently back in. his tongue was now moving in slow circles around the feline's nub, darting over the top of it quickly and he thrusting into her slit.

Gabumon smiled down at Gatomon and leaned downward onto her face, crawling right above her head. He nodded to her to begin what she is about to do to him while he traces his claws along her sides stroking through her fur slowly loving her slender body.

Gatomon started to moan slightly louder, feeling her orgasm approaching and pulling Gabu's member into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around it and spilled her liquids onto Agumon's waiting hands. Gabumon closed his eyes, ever so slowly, feeling her warm, wet, soft tongue wrap around his member gently, causing him to growl out loudly with pleasure. Wanting her to suckle on him more, he bucked his hips into her small, little mouth, not wanting to choke her and being careful as possible.

Agumon grinned as he got a taste of the precious fluid, moving his paw out of the way as he licks at it, enjoying the strange flavor and finding himself wanting for more. He moved his muzzle now to plunge into the damp slit, delving deep with the long muzzle to lap at every trace of the juice.

Gatomon cried out in pleasure as her still sensitive clit is penetrated by Agumon's cute muzzle and intensifies her sucking on Gabu's dick. She looked at his face, which his eyes were closed and his tongue was hanging out. Agumon was lost in the exquisite taste of the feline, his tongue wriggling about within her, searching out every nook and cranny. He suddenly gasped into her as her tail twitches against his member, the accidental gesture sending a swift thrill through her.

Gabumon slurped his tongue back in as he gasps for air feeling his throbbing member turn hard as the night and many others while he motions his paws again onto her breasts cupping them both at the same time and holding them in place. He thrusts into her mouth slowly after each of her suckles. Gatomon felt Gabumon's length hit the back of her throat after every pump he made. Her mind was totally centered on the object in her mouth, but slowly trailing off and wondering what Agumon was going to do next.

Agumon nosed the girl’s clit with his cold, wet muzzle. His tongue delved deep into her furry body. One of his paws was moving around behind her and lightly rubbing around the base of her tail, the other was gently squeezing her furry bottom, and pressing her into his muzzle. Gabumon murrs happily knowing his climax was soon to be here and he slowed his pace of his thrusting into her mouth, exploring her body with his paws as much as he could.

Gatomon felt Agumon's nose in her sensitive clit once again, feeling as if she is about to cum, making sure to never slow down on Gabu's dick as he face fucks her. Agumon suddenly plunged a single claw into Gatomon’s rear entrance, the claw already moist with the girls own juices, sliding it in carefully, making sure not to hurt

Her. He plunged his tongue roughly into her.

Gabumon gritted his teeth, no longer able to hold back his load. He released his hot seed quickly into her warm, loving, small mouth, feeling her suck every last drop out of him. His pace slowed almost to a full stop. Gatomon closed her eyes in sheer pleasure as Agumon's slick, moist claw was inserted into her anus. She was not able to moan because of the sperm that was being injected into her mouth. Agumon suddenly increased all of his efforts and felt the girl’s small body tense up. He realized what was about to happen and sped up with his thrusting tongue and claw. He was now moving his other paw to lightly pinch and press against the girls engorged nub.

Gabumon panted heavily, feeling his body relax completely as he rested his paws onto each of her sides, bending down over her and making sure she cleaned up the mess that she made him make. Gatomon swallowed everything that entered her mouth and licked the outside of her lips. She screamed in pleasure, spilling her juices once again into Agumon's face. She panted for a little, gave a little meow and began to purr lightly. Agumon grinned inwardly as his reptilian muzzle was covered in the delicious fluid. The scent of it was heavy in his sensitive nose. He was still lapping gently at her furry crotch to get the liquids off of her body, forgetting about the stuff on his face. He removed his claw from her puckered hole.

Gabumon removed his member, from her face and looked at Agumon, snickering and looking down at Gatomon and giving her a quick wink. Gatomon rested her body, her muscles going limp from the orgasm and her lips still wet from Gabu's, now looking at the two Digimon. She still wanted more. Agumon smiled up at the feline champion, her flavor was still lingering on his lips, and his member was now throbbing almost painfully beneath him. Gabumon smiled at Agumon, sitting down beside Gatomon and letting his best friend have the first shot at her. Gatomon looked towards both of the horny male Digimon, trying to make out which one was going to come after her first.

Agumon smiled and slowly crawled up Gatomon’s body, bringing himself so that his chest was pressed to hers. Her juices were still glistening around his muzzle when he looked down at her. The head of his member was pressed lightly against the matted fur around her slit. Gabumon sat back and smiled, waiting for his turn. He rested his paws around Gatomon's head, softly giving her a temple massage and getting her ready for what is about to come.

Gatomon gazed into his eyes, feeling his length pressed against her, ready to penetrate at any time. She closed her eyes, knowing that soon he would be inside of her. Agumon smiled as he looked down at the lovely champion Digimon. He slowly ran his tongue lovingly across her cheek, reassuring her as he slowly eases the first inch of his member into her tight snatch. Gatomon licked his cheek too, making a slight grunting sound and then smiling as she was comforted by his warmth. She pressed against him too, pushing his cock deeper inside of her. Gabumon hummed happily as he treated Gatomon's head. Then he moved his paws and treated her with a neck massage, rubbing his paws along her neck trying to get her to relax. He wanted her muscles nice and loose so that his friend wouldn’t hurt her.

Agumon murred in pleasure, her moist slit was still enveloping his member in its warmth, and his mind seemed to swirl in a blur and ecstasy as he eases more and more of himself into her. The moisture from her previous engagement eased his movement. Gatomon cried out a little, his size was stretching her a bit, but not enough to draw blood. The stinging pain would numb soon, and be replaced by waves and waves of pleasure.

Agumon heard the cry, and realized that he had begun to move too fast for the Digi-girl, slowing his inward movement to a near stop, and giving the feline time to adjust. He then stopped completely as he seemed to have run into a fleshy barrier within the girl. His eyes widened as he looked down at the girl, "Y-you’ve never...?" Gabumon guided his paw pads down onto her chest, circling around her chest, cupping each of her breasts softly and giving each of them a soft, gentle pinch. Just doing that made both of them both turn hard the instant he pinched. He then traced his claws around each nipple, slowly tickling her a bit, hearing her yelp a little from his friend’s entering of her.

Gatomon felt the pleasure begin to overcome the pain, while her vision seemed to blur from this ecstasy of pleasure. She compromised to this by closing her eyes, and leaving her body open to them both. Gatomon then thought about Agumon, not knowing how to answer his question. Agumon gulped, not having thought of the possibility of Gatomon’s virginity. He didn’t know if he should proceed, or how to do so, his member was still lightly pulsing partially within the girl’s body.

Gabumon looked up at his body while hearing what they were talking about. He nodded to his friend in reassurance.” Go on Agumon...

Show her what you got buddy... Gatomon took her hands and wrapped them around the base of Agumon's tail, pulling him further into her. The pain was no longer a factor, her mind wanted more, and her body responded. Agumon widened his eyes in shocked surprise as he felt his member suddenly push through her fleshy barrier. Gatomon’s paws pushed him in nearly to the base of his member, the pleasure washed through him and began to numb his senses, though not enough for him not to look down at Gatomon with concern, noticing her slight tears of pain and moving his tongue lightly up her cheek as he rested with his member within her for a moment for her to adjust.

Gabumon grinned at his friend, watching him enjoy himself every time he thrusted into her small, tight snatch seeing both of there faces turn flushed from there actions onto each other. Gatomon couldn’t even begin to describe the feeling she was getting from his cock being all the way inside of her. She looked at Gabumon and saw that he looked rather alone. She poked him and reminded him that she DID have another entrance.

Agumon grinned as he saw her adjust nicely, now focusing on the pleasure he was receiving, his mind was now swirling and blurring with pleasure. He rolled the two of them over so that she was on top of him, giving his friend access to her furry bottom. He was satisfied at her small tight hole; he rested his paws onto her back. Gabumon smiled down at them both, closing his eyes and slowly crawling his way over to Gatomon's little behind. He positioned himself at her small tight hole. He rested his paws onto her back, right under Agumon’s.

Gatomon felt the tip of his already hardened prick touch the entrance to her anus, and rested his big paws on her back. She took her arms and now placed them onto Agumon's shoulders, now pinning him to Kari's bed. She slowly began to move up and down onto Agumon. Agumon closed his eyes and tilted his reptilian head back, as Gatomon held him in place. Agumon released a low growl of pleasure as he felt the tight feline slide up and down his member, pumping slowly into her in return.

Gabumon murred to himself silently, as he inched his way into her tight anus, making sure not to hurt her in the process. He reached his half way marker, feeling Gatomon react quickly to his intruding member. He stayed there for a bit and gave her time to adjust to his size. Gatomon felt her clit lips bounce against his scaly sac. She kept a slow pace on their pumping, making sure to make this last before her climax. She slowly bent her head down and licked his neck. The member that was being inserted to her anus brought back a small feeling of pain, but only slightly. Every time she pumped forward, she was thrusted into Agumon, and when she came back, Gabumon's cock went deeper. The feeling was amazing.

Agumon groaned and widened his eyes in surprise at the rough tongue on his neck, feeling a sudden broiling deep within him. He knew that he would not last much longer, but he held back, determined to make this incredible feeling last for as long as possible. Gabumon gasped in pleasure, bucking his hips into her slowly, matching along with their pace. He saw what she was trying to do for the both of them. He rubbed his claws through the fur on her back She moaned with pleasure from both of their gentle thrusting into her.

Gatomon almost forgot to breath the pleasure was so intense. She felt like exploding already, but made sure to hold it, wanting them all to experience the moment at once. She loved the feeling of their two hot, thick, members injecting her from front and behind. There was no more pain either, all of it had been washed away by the extreme feelings that she was getting in her stomach, crotch and anus area. She rested her head onto Agumon's chest.

Agumon groaned out in pleasure, "A-almost there!" still holding back the tremendous pleasure until Gatomon was fulfilled. Gabumon gritted his sharp teeth, feeling his throbbing member beating in and out of her tight anus. He was also trying his very best to hold on as long as he could, wanting to climax at the same time as both of them. He still kept up with both of there paces, knowing that soon their time would come.

Gatomon knew that they were both holding it in as well as she was. She decided to break the ice. She locked her legs and moaned loudly. The flustered red color shown easily through the white fur on her face. She felt her juices slip out of her onto Agumon's member, dripping down the shaft and moistening his testicles. She knew the two boys were waiting for this, as the cum already seemed to be dripping from the heads of their throbbing members. Agumon suddenly thrusted his hips deeply into Gatomon’s, her orgasm pushing him finally beyond the point of any resistance. He buried himself completely within her, releasing his thick cream into her tight snatch in an explosive burst. His muzzle lunged forward and pressed against hers in a moment of passion.

Gabumon’s eyes widened suddenly, feeling them both set off almost at the same time, which sent him now over the edge. He, like the other two, was no longer able to hold back. He thrusted his whole member deeply inside of her small anus, filling her up to the brim. He lay onto her back, panting heavily from their love making. He kept his throbbing member inside of her until he began to feel it shrink down to its normal size.

Gatomon couldn't tell what was going on; the two long members were both placed inside of her sensitive areas deeply. The forces of their injection locked her throat and she couldn't breathe or say anything. This moment lasted for seemingly hours, even though it was for only a few seconds. As her friends penises softened, she could slowly feel her breath returning to her, the first words coming out of her mouth being, "MORE!!"

Agumon gasped as he heard this, he had slowed down to a near stop. Suddenly, completely out of instinct, he thrusted into as she screamed this word. He had felt the raw need in her voice, and his member was quickly restored of whatever hardness was lost. Their combined juices let him slide in faster and harder, each thrust plunging all the way in before pulling out all but the head and plunging in again.

Gabumon snickered and nodded to her as he gripped her sides again firmly with his paws. He plunged his member into her widened anus, allowing him easier access. Just the fact of him being able to probe into her deeper then before drove his anxiety into almost insanity. He felt his member revert to its full form while it was inside her anus.

Gatomon pulled Agumon out of her clit and whispered into his ear, "You need special treatment..." She pulled his body into a sitting up position where his hardening member stood right in her face, begging for a covering. She complied to its request with her mouth, covering only the tip of the still moist member and groaning slightly again from the pleasure Gabumon was still administering. Agumon widened his eyes in slight disbelief, watching as Gatomon enveloped the head of his member, still covered in both his and her juices. The thought of the girl tasting her own juices sent a thrill down his spine, though the warm enveloping of her muzzle on his member also could have been a partial reason for the feeling.

Gabumon murred loudly, still thrusting into her deeply, not wanting to move nor stop his treatment. He stopped only briefly, to wait for his friend to change positions and then began to pump again.

Gatomon panted slightly, because of Gabumon's rough pounding into her anus, the motion was fortunately going rather smoothly now. The panting intensified Agumon’s blowjob lightly, being as her hot breath was added into her masterwork of sucking, swishing, and lapping at his member. She already tasted one of her fellow Digimon's seed today, and she was hell-bent on tasting another. Agumon groaned at the feeling of Gatomon’s rough tongue running over his member, setting off waves of pleasure through him, feeling the familiar warmth broiling up within him at her frantic treatment.

Gabumon closed his eyes feeling in complete bliss and pleasure, wishing it would never end trying to make it last for a very long time. He slowed his pace, pulling out of her almost before slamming back down into her with force making her yelp out loud with pleasure. Or at least what he thought was pleasure. Gatomon continued sucking on Agumon tightly. She noticed his tongue hanging out and nodding her head, (Glad he's enjoying this) she thought. Her face was beginning to fluster again from Gabumon's rough love on her ass. She loved this feeling and could tell by his excitement that Gabu did too. (Well, I guess he is over his embarrassment), she thought. She wondered why she never thought about Agumon and Gabumon before, especially when she needed to be comforted, (Well, at least, I won't have to use my paw anymore) she was relieved.

Agumon closed his eyes tightly at the pleasure, trying to go over the events in his head in an effort to hold off on his second orgasm, thinking that this could possibly change his entire view of Gatomon, but smiling as he realizes that some very good changes may come along with that. Gabumon thought for a moment and decided that he liked this new kind of Gatomon that he as never known before. He knew now that their would be many more times they will be able to do this with each other. He pumped into her anus with his entire member, feeling it begin to shift slightly, getting red hot, he almost lost all control of himself.

Gatomon started massaging herself with her right paw, not taking much to build up her orgasm quickly, mostly because of Gabu's pumping, and that fact that she had a member in her mouth. The fact that Agumon was her friend and that she has knew him for a while was kind of kinky and turned her on even more. She couldn't hold her self much longer. She now deep throated Agumon's cock in a desperate attempt to taste cum as she spilled it. Agumon let out one last groan as it felt as though the feline swallowed his member, the strange sensation sending a massive wave of pleasure down the length of his rod, setting off an explosion within him, shooting wave after wave of the milky substance into the girl’s stomach. Gabumon looked down at Gatomon and pulled outwards catching his breath for a second before shooting back into her at full force, not letting her catch a break for even a mere second, pleasuring himself as much as he can before he exploded into her with his hot loving seed, knowing his time is soon to come.

Gatomon closed her throat as the last ribbon of cum shot out of the tip, making sure to keep some in her mouth for taste, and spilled her own juices onto the sheets of the bed, hoping that Kari wouldn't mind, and laid forward on top of Agumon's legs, not being able to say much, the tiredness overcoming her. She felt a softened dick, exit her now sore ass area. Agumon let out a low growl of contented pleasure, feeling exhaustion wash over him as well, having only the energy to rest one claw on Gatomon’s head lovingly, "Next time you need pleasuring, don’t hesitate to ask"

Gatomon turned to look at Gabumon, "Well, you….certainly aren't shy….anymore…are you?" She muttered those words and fell onto Agumon's legs again, giving him a quick wink as she fell into sweet slumber. Agumon smiled down at the feline, sliding slowly out from under her, setting her head comfortably on the bed. Gabumon kissed Gatomon's head softly, and got up saying to her in a soft voice,” Not anymore thanks to you." Agumon motioned for Gabumon to follow him as he slid silently off the bed. Gabumon smiled at his friend and nodded, following his lead.

Agumon slipped slowly out of the room, sliding his member back into his pouch before making his way to the upstairs bathroom to quickly clean himself up. Agumon then headed down the stairs with a broad grin, collapsing on one end of the couch and beginning to close his eyes before he heard a familiar ringing of keys at the door. Gabumon looked down and does so also to his member following along with his best friend seeing his fur a bit messy. He cleaned himself up, quickly heading down stairs after Agumon. Agumon looked at Gabumon then to the door, just as the lock turned and in walked Tai and Kari.... and Matt. Gabumon stood behind Agumon, watching them come into the house. Agumon relaxed for a moment, thinking that Matt wouldn’t mention anything about Gabumon, but then his muscles stiffened as he remembered one little detail... GATOMON! She was still lying on Kari's bed covered in cum!

Matt walked into the house looking at the floor, keeping himself quiet and walking into the kitchen, motioning for Gabumon to follow.

Kari looked around for a bit, "Where's Gatomon?” she asked. Agumon patted Gabumon on the back in a 'good luck' manner, before his friend was called into the kitchen.

Tai walked in and lay down on the couch, pulling off his shoes and flipping on the T.V. before inviting his friend Agumon to watch as well.

Gabumon followed along with Matt, keeping his head down to the ground. Agumon came up with a split second excuse, looking up at Kari as he took a seat on the couch, "Eh, she wasn’t feeling well, but me and Gabumon finally got her to sleep in your bed just before you came in. She really needs her sleep, and you wouldn’t want to wake her." Matt and Gabumon were both in the kitchen, and there was a kind of awkward silence as they both inched their views to look at each other. Matt broke the silence, "Gabumon, about last night.....I'm sorry..." Kari began walking towards the stairs, "Well, I need to talk to her about something, I won't be long."

Gabumon looked up at Matt, surprised a bit,” Your sorry?" Agumon widened his eyes, trying to relax as he sits back to watch TV with Tai, thinking that there is nothing left that he can do. Matt looked back at him, his face red, not liking to apologize for anything, "Well, I had a long talk with Tai about it, and he said that it wasn't a big deal, and that you guys need to do it just like we humans do.. So, yeah, I am sorry for yelling at you." Agumon sat anxiously watching the TV, awaiting the screams that are sure to come from Kari’s room.

Gabumon smiled at Matt,” Thank you for understanding Matt." Matt hugged Gabumon, "Well, I am glad we are friends again..." Suddenly, a scream was heard from Kari's room, “Hmm," Matt said, "I wonder what that was all about?" Gabumon sweat drops thinking about what just happened knowing this might turn out ugly. Agumon tensed slightly at the scream, though he played along as though he didn’t know what was going on, leaping off the couch and making some comment about the possibility of an evil Digimon. Gabumon looked at Matt playing dumb wondering what is going on as well. Kari stormed down the steps and looks at the two Digimon, holding the exhausted and cum-soaked Gatomon in her outstretched hands, "WHAT DID YOU TWO DO TO HER?!!!" Tai and Matt each looked at their Digimon partners, tapping their foot and waiting for an explanation. Agumon and Gabumon looked at each other, sweat dripped down both of their faces…


To be continued….