Dear Reader,


            The following piece of fan fiction, as you know, is not fit for those who have no business viewing it. In any event, this is a Star Trek Voyager lemon that I had been meaning to do for quite some time. Some of the stuff in here is technical, but you don’t need to know any of it. This isn’t one of my plot-lemons, this is meant purely for fun, but its still technical enough so that a trekkie could understand it. The only thing you might care to know is that tachyons are related to temporal anomalies in Star Trek.  Anyway, this “takes place” between the last two episodes of Voyager, “Renaissance Man” and “Endgame.” Enjoy ^_^


Yours truly,

The Author Presently Known As Notorious


Lieutenant Tom Paris, chief helm officer of the USS Voyager, was dressed, as usual, out of uniform on the holodeck with Tuvok, the Vulcan Chief Security Officer. Tom was adorning a twentieth Hawaiian shirt, and some khaki shorts topped off with a pair of sandals, and some blue sunglasses. Tuvok, on the other hand, was dressed in his usual Starfleet uniform, a black and gold jumpsuit with an open collar showing a high-necked blue shirt under it showing off his two golden pips.


The two of them were sitting in a dimly lit room alone at a table. Paris looked to be having the time of his life, while Tuvok looked plain annoyed.


“Lieutenant,” Tuvok sighed in his usual emotionless monotone voice. “I do not understand the objective of this game. I believe it would be more ... logical to engage in a game of Kaltou in the mess hall instead of playing this primitive card game.”


Paris smiled broadly.


“Are you kidding?” he said as though he had heard the most blasphemous thing in his life. ”This is GREAT. Your just mad because I’ve got you beat.”


Tuvok raised an eyebrow.


“Lieutenant, I believe that this game was designed for children...” he said simply.


Paris scoffed drawing a card from the top of his deck and placing in face down on the table.


“Well by the next move it’ll all be over my Vulcan friend,” he said with another smile. “Your turn.”


The Vulcan shook his head sadly, drawing a card from the top of his deck. Then, suddenly, he began flipping cards in a complex sequence, allowing him to get more and more cards from his deck. Then all of a sudden he lay his hand of cards down onto the table. Tom frowned and blinked.


“I believe that this is called Exodia,” the Vulcan said, oblivious to Tom’s dismay. “And now that I have beaten you ... again .... may I engage you in a real game of Kaltou, rather than this childish ‘Yu-Gi-Oh’ pastime ...”


“Aw come on Tuvok,” Tom said uniting all of his cards into his deck and shuffling expertly. “Best five out of six?”


Before the Vulcan could reply there was a beep on the com system and a female voice sounded.


“Attention all senior officers,” went the captain of the ship, Katherine Janeway, “Please report to the bridge immediately.”


Then all of a sudden the program ended and the lights signaling a yellow alert began to flash as Tuvok and Tom Paris immediately put down their cards and headed out of the large holodeck doors.




“Eye of the Storm”


The bridge of Voyager was busy as officers rushed from station to station checking this and that. The turbolift doors opened with a “SWOOSH!” as Tuvok and Tom Paris exited them and headed to their stations.


“Report!” Captain Janeway, a middle-aged woman with red hair down to her shoulders commanded. She adorned four pips stating her rank as Captain and a black and red uniform.


Ensign Harry Kim, an Asian officer with only one pip and a black and gold uniform pressed a few keys on his console trying to find answers.


“The power flux on the ship is getting worse,” Ensign Kim sighed. “I’m receiving reports of system failures shipwide. Replicators have gone offline, sonic showers have stopped working suddenly, and Deck Nine doesn’t even have lights.”


“Not to mention holodeck programs going offline without warning,” Tom added in sarcastically.


“Nothing serious though,” Ensign Kim said giving Tom a strange look. They were best friends, and everyone on the bridge, after being together for seven years, had gotten used to Tom’s sarcasm. “Life support and vital systems are still holding, but if this keeps up, it won’t stay that way.”


Captain Janeway sat back in her black leather Captain’s chair beside Provisional Commander Chakotay, a large American-Indian who gave her a concerned look. He then looked at Tom who was at the helm, still dressed in his Hawaiian shirt.


“Tom,” he said. “Are you picking up anything in front of us? Anything that could be causing these power fluctuations?”


“As a matter of fact I am,” Tom said squinting at his panel. “I’m detecting a large subspace anomaly right in front of us. Its emitting a copious amount of tachyo-radiactive energy, and electromagnetic surges.”


Harry Kim nodded taking this into account.


“He’s right,” he said. “The more we go in this direction, the worse the power problems are becoming. If we keep at this course, we’ll be dead in the water. The warp core’s power is already started to wane.”


“All stop,” Janeway commanded. “Full reverse. Get us a few thousand kilometers away.”


“Yes ma’am,” Tom said without hesitation and brought the ship to a complete halt before engaging reverse impulse backing the ship up to a safe distance. “Captain, I’m getting more readings through the interference. The graviton emissions on this thing are off the scale and its outputting the same energy as ten G type stars.”


“On-screen,” the Captain ordered and instantly an image popped onto the large view screen directly ahead. “What in the...”


On the viewing screen was what looked to be a large bluish cloud floating in space, the center of which illuminated with an eerie light.


“What is it?” Chakotay said standing up to get a closer look. “Magnify the center ...where’s that light coming from...”


Ensign Kim tapped a few keys and picture focused in on the center so that it took up the entire screen.


“Sir,” Kim reported. “I’m receiving some rather strange readings from sensors. This anomaly seems to be some kind of subspace rift ... some things are coming through the other side. Most of these things are metals and chemicals.”


Chakotay blinked at Kim.


“Why is that so interesting Ensign?” he asked puzzled.


“Because some of these elements are indigenous to the Alpha Quadrant.” Kim said wide wide-eyes.


Captain Janeway stood up beside Chakotay to look at Harry with the same surprised expression.




Voyager was still stationed in a safe distance of the anomaly, its sensors still gathering as much information as they could without getting closer to it. Inside the ship, in the Astrometrics lab, a momentous room filled with monitors and consoles, along with a giant view screen, even larger than the one on the bridge, the entire senior crew had gathered, this time with the additions of B’llana Torres, the pregnant half-human half-klingon who had been too busy trying to keep things working down in Engineering, and Seven Of Nine, a provisional science officer and ex-borg, and now curvy female, who was exempt from Star Fleet uniforms and was adorning a tight silvery jumpsuit instead.


“Alright,” Captain Janeway said clapping her hands together. “What do we know so far about this anomaly?”


Ensign Kim glanced at Seven, whom he had a bit of a crush on, and then looked back at the Captain to explain his findings.


“There’s a LOT of interference,” Kim said matter-of-factly. “But we have been able to determine that this anomaly is a rift leading right to the Maelstrom, the Alpha Quadrant.”


“And Earth obviously,” Tom added in. The crew of the USS Voyager had been stranded in the Alpha Quandrant for the past seven years and it was likely that, even at top speed, it would take twenty-three years to get back to Earth without some help. “The rift seems to have been formed within the past twelve hours, and unfortunately, it isn’t stable. It’ll collapse sometime within the next forty-eight hours.”


“And if we wanted to use it as some kind of conveyance home,” B’lanna added in following her husband. “Every system on the ship would be fried. We would never make it through unscathed, and with systems online. When we got to the other side we’d be dead in the water without life support. We weren’t even a kilometer within range of that thing and it caused havoc on the ship. If we tried to get through it...”


Seven of Nine interrupted.


“I believe I have found a solution,” she said. B’lanna looked annoyed at being interrupted but allowed Seven to continue. Harry absent-mindedly was ogling her until, Tom, being his friend, elbowed him. Seven knew that Harry liked her, and Tom was the only one outside of the two of them with this knowledge. Seven pressed a few buttons and a highly detailed animated diagram of the anomaly appeared on the giant screen. “The anomaly’s output of tachyo-radiactive energy and electromagnetic pulses is what is causing the power fluxes. I believe that I can modify the Delta Flyer with special armor that would allow it to enter the anomaly for a short while – long enough to emit an Aurora Pulse that would counteract the troubles.”


A simulated animation of the shuttle entering the anomaly and emitting the pulse was shown and the surrounding bluish clouds, apparently the source of the pulses, disappeared leaving the sphere of light.


“How long would it take to make the modifications?” Captain Janeway asked.


“Approximately thirty-two hours and fifty-six minutes,” Seven replied.


“That’s your idea of an ‘approximation?’” Tom said in disbelief but was ignored.


“And how long would it take the Flyer to make the rift safe?” Chakotay asked.


“The armor should allow for the shuttle to remain within the anomaly for at least ten hours. It will take at least nine and a half of those hours to repair the anomaly-”


“Leaving Voyager and the shuttle just enough time to rendezvous and get through the anomaly – which could take anywhere from five to ten hours to get through. We’d just make it out on the other side before the anomaly collapsed with mere minutes to spare – maybe not even that.” B’lanna said. “We could be crushed like a bug in mid-flight! We have no clue how long this rift is ... it could take days to get through.”


“I’m willing to take that chance,” Seven said, and the Captain nodded.


“Once the pulses are neutralized, the Flyer can get more detailed readings of the rift and we’ll see exactly how long it is,” she said. “If the timing is too slim, we’ll just turn around and go on about our way. Besides, the anomaly’s output is making it difficult for us to pass. I’d hate to cut through alien territory again, this area is rumored to have a hostile host of species. B’lanna, get your team to work with Seven to modify the Delta Flyer, and then Seven and Harry will go on to neutralize the anomaly. We’ll need B’lanna on board the ship to make it ready for a possible bumpy ride through subspace. Dismissed.”


Everyone nodded and went on about their way. Harry and Tom exchanged looks, and Tom winked.


“Have fun on your away mission,” he said patting him on the back. It was the first time Harry had felt hate towards his friend of seven years.





“Captain’s Log, Stardate 54973.4


After a hasty effort by the entire engineering staff aboard Voyager, a small away team comprising of Ensign Kim, and Seven of Nine has been briefed and is ready to take the Delta Flyer into an anomaly that the crew has dubbed the “Eye of the Storm” because of its hurricane-like appearance. With only twenty-seven hours left until the anomaly collapses, the entire crew is depending on the success of our young Operations Officer, and an Ex-Borg to bring Voyager and its compliment back home to the Alpha Quadrant. As peculiar as that last statement was, I believe in my heart, along with the rest of the crew that these two members of the Voyager family will prevail over the odds, and with any luck, my next log entry will be made in mid-flight of the Eye, or, if the ride is a quick one, in the Alpha Quadrant. Before our away team leaves the ship, however, I’ve made time where there is none, to make a bit of a speech ...”


Both levels of Engineering was filled to its capacity, as Captain Janeway stood atop the highest level, looking down on the hopeful faces of the crew. For those who could not fit in the room, which was near bursting, they had opened a shipwide comlink allowing the speech to be broadcasted through all decks of Voyager. The population of the Engineering room was talking loudly up until Lieutenant Tuvok cleared his throat loudly, and like magic, everyone fell silent. The Captain straightened up and cleared her throat ready to speak and the entire audience applauded loudly. Katherine could not help cracking a smile.


“Thank you all,” Captain Janeway said straightening her jumpsuit. “Thank you, but no applause is necessary. We want to wait until after we’re snug in Sector 001 again before we begin cheering ... its been seven years since we were first stranded in the Delta Quadrant ... and in that time, we have made friends, and lost friends. We have laughed together, we have cried together... but overall ... we have become a family. One that I am proud to be the mother of ... but now... its time to go home.”


The Captain raised a glass of champagne that had been handed to her by Commander Chakotay discreetly during her short speech.


“To Earth,” she said raising the glass, and the crowd followed suit muttering the words in turn.


* * *


The Delta Flyer, a gold triangular auxiliary craft, left Voyager’s docking bay without incident, although several people on the side of the ship where the Flyer was leaving, did occasionally press their noses against their forcefield-windows as hope left the bowels of the ship and flew into the Eye of the Storm in hopes of getting the compliment of one hundred and forty-two back home in the Alpha Quadrant, the Maelstrom.


Ensign Kim, and Seven of Nine were in the cockpit of the shuttle as they neared the bluish cloud that was swirling around the sphere of light, the rift that lead back home. Though the cockpit of the rather large shuttlecraft was designed to accommodate four cremembers, Captain Janeway had only sent Seven and Harry because she needed all of the rest of the crew to work on modifying the momentous ship, Voyager, so that it would be able to survive the immense gravitational stress that they anticipated within the Eye. Seven was busy piloting the craft, so she was seated in the pilot’s seat in front. Harry, however, was seated in the far back seat sheepishly doing diagnostics on the deflector that would emit the Aurora Pulse, though he had checked it dozens of times before they had even left the bay.


“Brace for impact,” Seven said in her strangely mechanical voice. “We’re entering the anomaly...”


Harry grabbed a railing just in time as the shuttle heaved and shuddered as it entered the gravitational pull of the anomaly. Seven expertly punched the controls avoiding most of the “bumps” in the road, and soon they were slowing their speed.


“I’m bringing us within the desired position,” Seven said. “This will be the best place for the Aurora Pulse to have relevant effects on the radiation ... prepare to engage the Pulse.”


Harry didn’t answer and kept his eyes down on the controls and monitors waiting for the exact nanosecond in which he would need to engage the deflector. The time soon came and he turned on the deflector. The shuttle immediately stopped moving ad the engine power was redirected to the deflector. Harry looked up a bit surprised as the shuttle made an odd whirring sound as the lights suddenly turned off leaving the cockpit in total darkness.


“What the...” he uttered as his own console stopped giving off light. Seven of Nine didn’t even turn around to look at him as she continued pressing her darkened keys.


“The pulse is having the desired effect,” she said sounding unconcerned. “The electromagnetic energy is dissipating at a rate of point two terawatts per second ... the tachyon is also beginning to neutralize itself, but at a slower rate... it is dissipating at a much faster rate than we anticipated... at this rate we should be able to return to Voyager in less than ten hours, fifty four minutes.”


Harry looked around, still curious as to why the power had been cut.


“Lieutenant Torres modified the resource allocation systems,” Seven said as an afterthought. “So that all unnecessary systems would divert their power to the deflector making as little room for error as possible. I suggest you move up here besides me, Ensign. There is still light here.”


“Oh crap, Harry thought to himself. “I hope she isn’t wearing one of those...”


But to Harry’s dismay, Seven of Nine was indeed wearing one of her leotard-like outfits. Her nipples poked innocently through the silvery fabric of the outfit. She didn’t even look up at the Ensign as he took his seat beside Seven and began to force himself to concentrate on monitoring the pulse’s power levels, though these observations were obsolete. Seven, however, did not pretend to be busy, and took her fingers away from the panel with a sigh.


“You do not need to stare at those monitors Ensign,” Seven said eyeing him oddly. “Relax.”


Harry blinked looking up from his controls starring at Seven who starred back unblinkingly. Something definitely was off.


“Excuse me?” Harry said initially thinking that he had misheard her.


“I said relax ...” she said suddenly standing up and coming towards Harry. “We have a considerable amount of time aboard this vessel. I suggest we do not waste it.”


Before Harry had an opportunity to wonder what was going on and why, Seven leaned over and locked her lips with his forcing her metallic tongue with amazing force past Harry’s lips exploring his mouth with a low moan. Harry at first, tried to push her off to no avail, but suddenly felt a wave of lust hit him, and his eyelids drooped and he moaned back. She then released him and stood up beginning to unzip her outfit, much to Kim’s excitement.


“I believe I asked you this several years ago,” she said very businesslike. “Perhaps this time you will be wise enough to comply. Remove your clothing. Resistance is futile.”


“Computer, End Program,” came the voice of Tom Paris and the entire scene melted away leaving an embarrassed Harry Kim on the floor of the holodeck. “I hate to interrupt your fun, but they need you on the bridge ...”




Ensign Harry Kim had never felt more embarrassed in his life...


Uhhhh,” he stammered, blinking. “How... how’s stuff going T-Tom?”


Tom frowned.


“I didn’t see anything if you didn’t,” he muttered under his breath. “But next time, leave a tie on the door or something ... oh and Harry? You might want to tell your uniform its not nice to point. Captain Janeway might have a problem with that...”


With a laugh, Tom left through the holodeck doors.

Notorious: ...


Producer: ...


Notorious: ...


Producer: ...uh ... yeah ... this is what happens when you’re clearing off your hard drive and you find a half-finished Star Trek lemon that you have no desire to write a sex scene for anymore after seeing the new season of Enterprise, right Noto?


Notorious: Well ... just call it a comedy, and we can probably get a way with it...


Producer: ....


Notorious: ...


Producer: *SLAP*

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