

Welcome, welcome, welcome to my fourth and hopefully best lemon. Atleast it'd better be the best considering I'm writing it in the bottom of a FREEZING COLD FUCKING CARGO SHIP!!!! Okay then now that i've got that off my chest here's the legal crap. You must be 18 or older to read this as a bunch of government pansies seem to think that sex is bad and that the "mature" content of this maybe too harsh for people under that to handle. Anyways here's the lemon.



"Dammit!!," The Digimon Emperor shouted,"I thought for sure that that fucking Nuke would still get them. Thankfully Psymorphixmon is already after them. She will succeed where the bomb failed." He got a twisted look on his face," But I'll get her to bring that treacherous bitch, who escaped and stopped my bomb, back here for me to deal with....personally, heh heh heh ha ha ha Ha Ha Haaa!!!!"


Meanwhile back at the Digidestined's meeting place...


"DAVIS, WHERE WERE YOU?!?" Yolei yelled angrily, she was EXTREMELY pissed off at how she had gone through all that trouble to save everyone and Davis had had the nerve to show up late. "Sorry," He whined,"It's not my fault. It's just that I found this really cool waterfall and then I kinda fell asleep and some koromon stole my clothes, but I got'em back, and then raced here as fast as I could and I'm reeeeaallly sorry." Davis looked at Yolei with a big, fake, smile on his face. "Oh, I suppose I can forgive you," she sighed, "But only because a pack of wild koromon stealing you clothes seems like it was punishment enough." Eveyone laughed, even Davis. Amidst all the laughter though no one noticed the small grey rock that was inching it's way into the underbrush. When the rock had gotten a significant distance, from the digidestined, it began to writhe and twist until it wasn't a rock anymore but a beautiful green woman with long flowing purple hair. Psymorphixmon. "Damn, how am I supposed to infiltrate their group when they're all together??" she pondered for a few moments and then it hit her. "Of course," she thought gleefully, "Why didn't I think of it sooner? I'll turn into a human and act as if I'm a new digidestined then I'll be able to tag along with them where ever they go. But first I'll need a digimon of my own." Psymorphixmon turned and ran into the woods, she walked for a few minutes looking left and right at the digimon scampering about all around her. She stopped when she saw exactly what she was looking for. A few feet ahead of her she saw a small geckomon sitting on a stump looking quite lonely, she walked up to it, it jumped off the stump and stared up at her as she approached. "W-what do you w-want???"the startled geckomon squeeked looking utterly terrified of the enormous thing standing before it. "Nothing much," Psymorphixmon said standing over the frightened digimon, "just YOU!!!!" She lunged and grabbed the geckomon by the head with her right hand and seemed to go into some sort of trance, the geckomon screamed but only for a few seconds after that he fell eerily silent. After a moment she placed him back down on the ground and he spoke,"What is your bidding oh mistress?" It muttered lifelessly. "Excellent," Psymorphixmon said, "now I just need to take human form and I will be able to "join" their happy little crew no problem."  Psymorphixmon focused her thoughts and began to change. Her skin turned to a light shade of peach her hair changed from purple to red, and her cape receeded into her body. She stood for a moment looking at herself, she had become a fully developed, nude, human girl. "Perfect," she thought, "they'll allow me into their group for sure now. She hastily took off though the woods back towards the digidestined, but when she got there they had already left. "DAMMIT!!!!" she yelled, she hadn't come all this way just to lose them now. She was just turning to see if she could see which way they went when she heard a voice shout "HEY!" Psymorphixmon stopped and turned to see who it was. She was looking right at Izzy. "Who are y*..." Izzy started to say, cutting out mid sentence as he clued into the fact that the girl infront of him was stark naked. As he stared for a moment at the gorgeous girl before him he felt his pants bulge as they tried to contain the massive erection forming within. Reestablishing his motor skills he finally spat out his earlier question "W-who are y-you?"

"Oh! I'm psy...uhhhhh....psy...psy..psya....psyan??? Yes that's it my name is Cyan." Psymorphixmon sighed with relief as Izzy bought the fake name completely. "Cool, I'm Izzy. So...uh...what are you doing here? And....ummm...why are you naked??"

"CRAP!!, I forgot about clothes!!!" Psymorphixmon thought to herself. " see I, honestly, don't know what I'm doing here, or where here is for that matter. As for my clothes, well, I was walking and all of a sudden these reddish looking things with green tentacles attacked me and stole my clothes and ran away." Cyan sobbed and acted as though she were trying to cover herself. Izzy walked over to her and set his hand on her shoulder. "There, there it was just a couple of red veggiemon. We'll run and catch up to the others. I'm sure the girls will have some spare clothes they can loan you." Izzy said, trying to comfort her. Cyan suddenly remembered Davis and began wondering if she could get Izzy to do the same. She quickly scanned his mind to figure out what it would take and then said, "Oh, Izzy. You're soo sweet." she began tracing a finger along his chest, "I wish there was some way I could..." she reached down and set one hand on his crotch, "...repay you."


Izzy just gulped as Cyan began rubbing the large bulge in his pants. She started with just her hand but soon she had Izzy in a tight hug and was slowly rubbing herself up and down against him. Izzy was twitching nervously, he had never been in this kind of position before so, he didn't quite know what to do. Cyan wasn't about to give up she began rubbing faster and faster until Izzy couldn't take it anymore and snapped. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her up against a nearby tree. He than ripped off his own clothes, pressed himself up against her and thrust his throbbing member up into her dripping pussy. Cyan yellped in shock of the much-larger-than-anticipated dick now moving in and out of her less than experienced cunt. Shuddering at her approaching orgasm Cyan threw her legs around Izzy's waist, bucked her hips tight, and began kissing him just as he blew his load into her, the force causing her to climax sending a torent of cum to the ground. Izzy lowered Cyan to the ground and got dressed. He tossed Cyan the gym shorts and tshirt he'd had on underneath his clothes and together they set off to find the others. As they walked Cyan thought to herself "Man, these digidestined are sooo easy to manipulate. I'll have them completely under my power in no time."


To be continued...........


Ta Da!!!! There you have it, my fourth lemon, and proof pigs fly, In your face everyone who said I can't write. Well if you have any, and I mean ANY, comments, suggestions, or (heaven forbid) complaints, email me at:

"Whenever I see a clean house I just have to ask myself, What kind of twisted freaks could possibly live in this?!?"