Gatomon’s Mainframe Adventure

By Moonstone

Summary: This is another of my ReBoot/Digimon crossovers, set at a different time from the other lemon “Digital Infection.”

Characters featured: Gatomon/Frisket



Bob and Dot looked up at the falling game cube.

“Oh great. I’m so busy right now and the User imports a game cube.” Dot sighed.

Bob jumped on his zip board. “C’mon Dot, you know you’ll enjoy it when we get there.”

“Guess you’re right.”

“Hey Dot! Wait for me!” Enzo yelled, zooming after them, Frisket not far behind.

The game cube was nearly down, when Megabyte’s sabotage occurred.

“Fire the energy drainer!” he ordered at Hack and Slash.

“Uh right boss, we’re right on it!”

“He meant me.”

“No Slash, he meant me.”



Megabyte grew impatient with his bumbling henchmen. “Will you two imbeciles just fire the gun?”

“Uh, yes boss.” They fired it. A blast hit the falling game cube, which immediately began to warp and twist.

“Hey, what’s happening to the game cube?” Bob said. “Glitch!” he looked at the key tool on his arm.

“Hmmm, well what a surprise - Megabyte’s attacked the game cube with an energy draining device. Now that’s bad!”

“Why, what will happen?” Dot replied.

“He’s completely corrupted the game! Look, it’s fragmenting!”

A few nanoseconds later, the whole game cube completely exploded. While most of the components were destroyed, a few were scattered all over Mainframe. The system’s inhabitants were bemused to see strange creatures falling out of the sky.

The game had been a Digimon themed one. Now Digimon game sprites were landing all over Mainframe and creating quite a stir amongst the binomes.

When Gatomon opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a huge wet nose sniffing right in her face.

“Gah!” she yelled, coming to her senses and leaping to her feet. A massive orange and yellow dog was standing right over her. It was Frisket, Enzo’s canine companion.

“Get away from me!” Gatomon yelled, “unless you want to feel my Lightning Claw!”

Frisket was surprised by this mysterious creature. The only other cat he’d ever known had been Hexadecimal’s pet, Scuzzy, and he couldn’t talk, like this one could. He backed away from Gatomon and regarded her with a puzzled expression. Normally, Frisket was most aloof and unfriendly to strangers - he still growled at Bob, and would only take orders from Enzo or AndrAIa. He just couldn’t bring himself to growl at Gatomon however, even though she was a cat and an unfriendly cat at that!

Gatomon looked round. Where on earth were Veemon, Davis, Kari and the others?

The explosion must have separated everyone, she thought. Turning to Frisket, she wondered if the dog could help her.

“Where am I?” she ventured.

Frisket wagged his tail. “Mainframe,” he barked. (Frisket couldn’t talk, but Gatomon could understand him).

“Mainframe? How did I get here? All I remember is the explosion.”

“The game cube broke up, and lots of game sprites were scattered all over the place. You were one of them.”

“A game sprite? But I am a Digimon.”

“Whatever comes out of a game is a game sprite. My master Enzo’s best friend AndrAIa was once a game sprite. She was able to leave the game by uploading a backup of herself onto his icon.”

Gatomon blinked. She hadn’t a clue what he was talking about. “I think, you’d better explain everything dog,” she said.


“Ok Frisket.”

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Gatomon.”

Frisket explained as best as he could, everything about Mainframe and the people that lived there.

“You’re quite nice….for a cat,” Frisket replied.

“Only quite nice? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Frisket’s ears drooped. “Um, well I don’t usually get on well with cats,” he whined, pawing the ground awkwardly.

“I could say the same about dogs,” Gatomon replied. “You know, I still find it hard to believe that I’m actually a character from a computer game and we’re in a computer’s CPU right now.”

“Thanks to the User I got to meet a cuter cat than Scuzzy!” Frisket barked, jumping at Gatomon.

“Cute? Cute is word you use to describe a baby, or a puppy! I assure you, this Digimon ain’t cute!” she leapt onto his back, with startling agility, and Frisket responded by pinning her to the ground.

“Whoa, I can strike fear into the hearts of viral binomes….and all cats!” he barked. He wasn’t going to hurt her, just frighten her a little. “Prepare to face deletion by being licked….” he ran his huge tongue from Gatomon’s chest down to her crotch.


Frisket tilted his head. Not quite the reaction he had expected. He licked her again.

“That felt nice,” Gatomon purred, closing her eyes. Having a big hot, wet tongue caress her body was turning her on. “Keep doing it…”

“Ok then,” Frisket obeyed, still oblivious to the fact that Gatomon was becoming aroused. Before long though, a strange smell met his sensitive nostrils. He sniffed. It was coming from between Gatomon’s legs. He sniffed again. That smell excited him immensely.

Gatomon suddenly felt the dog’s big cold nose touch her moistening pussy. She shuddered at that feeling.

“Uhh…Frisket,” she moaned. She opened her legs wide, exposing herself to him.

Frisket looked down at her swollen pussy. It all became clear to him now.

“Uh, do you want me to lick you down here?” he woofed softly.

Gatomon smiled. “Yes. I think I would.”

Frisket needed no encouragement. That smell did something to him, he couldn’t control himself, and began licking her cunt in earnest.

Gatomon groaned louder; the big tongue stimulating her in so many different areas at once - her inner thighs, clit and pussy. “Mmm, keep going Frisket - lick harder!”

Frisket pushed his tongue inside her, tasting her juices. He was surprised by all this wetness, this was all new to him. Even more surprising to him, he felt his dick hardening and emerging from his hidden pouch.

Gatomon sat up at once.

“Why did you get up?” he said. “Don’t you like me licking?”

“Of course I do,” she whispered. “But I think it’s time I returned the favour?”

“Huh?” Frisket whined, as Gatomon crawled on all fours under his belly and put her hand on his now fully exposed dick.

“Gatomon, what are you doing?” Frisket said as he felt her stroking him. He’d never been stroked down there before and it felt really good.

“Doesn’t it feel good?” she replied.

“Why yes, it does….howwwwlllll!!!” Frisket howled as Gatomon cupped his yellow balls.

“Ssh! Don’t make so much noise, you don’t want anyone to see us do you?” Gatomon said.

“Sorry. But I just had to howl! It feels so good when you do that! But you’re right, we’re right outside the Diner, and Dot might come out and see us. Let’s go round the back.”

“Good idea!” Gatomon said, climbing on the big dog’s back. He trotted round to the back of the Diner, where there was a narrow alley with trashcans lining each side.

“It’s a bit dark, but no sprites or binomes ever come here.”

“Perfect,” Gatomon purred. “Frisket, would you lie on your back?”

Frisket obeyed, and rolled over, his large prick now pointing right up at Gatomon.

“Ah that’s better.” Gatomon crawled onto his stomach, so that they were both lying sixty-nine fashion. She placed her hands round his shaft, being very careful not to cut his sensitive organ with her sharp claws.

Frisket, seeing that her pussy was right in his face, responded by licking her out. He pressed his forepaws against her sides to get a better grip. This was fun - a different kind of fun from what he enjoyed when he went into games with Enzo and AndrAIa. It was something new and personal, and he wanted more.

After jacking him off with her hand, Gatomon placed Frisket’s cock in her mouth, her other hand on his balls. She’d performed oral sex on a number of Digimon in the past - most memorably Garurumon. This reminded her a bit like that - Garurumon walked on all fours like Frisket, and he was a dog. Maybe she did get on well with dogs after all! Garurumon’s dick had been far too large for her though - it had been even longer than her whole body, so she could only stroke him.

Frisket made muffled howls as he continued licking Gatomon and she continued sucking him. He felt a release, and an euphoric feeling sweeping over him.

Gatomon braced herself as he came in her mouth, his seed spewing right down her throat. His cum tasted just like Garurumon’s except it wasn’t ice cold - a feature of his type of digimon. At the same time, she climaxed, and Frisket’s mouth was flooded with her digi-cum. The dog grunted as she slid off him, getting her breath back. Gatomon sat on the ground, licking the cum off her face. Frisket stood up and came up behind her, nuzzling the back of her neck like dogs do, when they want to mount a female.

“Gatomon…can I…?”

“Yes,” she murmured, assuming doggy position, felt Frisket climb on top of her. His hot breath on the back of her neck.

“Do it,” she gasped. Frisket positioned himself so that his cock nudged against her pussy opening. Suddenly, he pushed forward and Gatomon winced as he penetrated her. The pain soon ebbed away and gave way to intense pleasure. Frisket grabbed her sides tightly with his paws as he fucked her hard, pounding relentlessly. Gatomon mewed in ecstasy, savouring the big dog pressed against her. Frisket seemed stronger than Gabumon and Veemon put together.

Finally, Frisket came a second time, emptying himself into Gatomon’s throbbing cunt. In the heat of the moment, he nipped at her neck with his teeth.

“Ouch!” Gatomon said, as he withdrew.

“I’m sorry!” he barked, realising what he had done. “I bit you, I’m really sorry, I just got carried away…I was…”

“It’s ok Frisket,” Gatomon smiled. In a masochistic way, the little bite turned her on.

Frisket wagged his tail and licked Gatomon all over as she lay panting on the ground. She responded by kissing his muzzle and head. “Thank the User,” she whispered.

Frisket nuzzled his new friend, his dick slowly shrank back into his hidden pouch as he relaxed. “Gatomon, that was so much fun - will you stay in Mainframe and be my special friend? I mean, game sprites can stay here - AndrAIa is Enzo’s special friend and…oh…what happened to your hands?”

Gatomon’s gloves had slipped off while they’d been having sex. She looked down and saw that the deep scars inflicted by Myotismon were visible.

“ was a long time ago,” she said sadly. “She recalled the brutal punishments of Myotismon. “He punished me very severely.” she felt another twinge of sadness when she thought of Wizardmon.”

Frisket whined and licked the crossed scars. “Someone treated you very bad in the past? Did you lose someone you loved?”

“Yes,” Gatomon replied. “His name was Wizardmon. He was a good friend…”

Frisket hung his head, then his ears pricked up. “I know someone who can help you,” he barked. “Will you come with me? I want you to meet Bob.”

“Bob? Who’s Bob?”

“He’s a Guardian. Enzo looks up to him. I must admit I’ve always viewed him with suspicion, but he is a good guy - I just find it hard to accept anyone else taking my place as Enzo’s protector. He can heal your scars.”

“Are you sure about this?” Gatomon said, as she climbed on his back and they headed towards the front of Dot’s Diner.”

“Yes. But you’ll have to tell him - you can talk and I can’t. tell him to heal your scars.”

“The mental scars will never fully heal,” Gatomon thought, but to be free of these horrible scars on my hands - it would be wonderful.

By sheer good luck, Bob had just returned to the Diner on his zipboard.

“There he is!” Frisket said. He ran up to Bob, Gatomon standing cautiously behind him.

Bob looked down. “Uh…hi Frisket,” he said nervously, expecting the dog to growl at him as usual. “If you’re looking for Enzo, I’m afraid he’s still at school…”

Frisket barked and wagged his tail.

“Wha…you’re being nice to me for once?” Then he saw Gatomon standing behind him.

“Oh…who’s this?”

“Uh…are you Bob?”

Yes…whoa re you?”

“I’m Gatomon…please can you help me?” She showed him her scarred hands.

“Frisket said you could help me.

Bob blinked. “Frisket said? Oh ok…I get it. Hmmm, those look deep. I’ll see what I can do. Glitch - laser!”

Frisket watched anxiously as Bob held his key tool over Gatomon’s hands. Once or twice, the digimon screamed in pain, but a few nanoseconds later, he removed the key tool and Gatomon looked down at her hands. There was no trace of the scars at all.

“Why…you…you’ve healed them!” Gatomon said, barely able to believe it. Overcome with emotion, she burst into tears. “You have no idea what this means to me. Thankyou so much.”

“Whoa, hey it was nothing,” Bob replied. “Always happy to help!”

Gatomon climbed on Frisket’s back and the two of them raced off.

“Well it looks like Frisket has found a….hey wait…that cat was a game sprite!!!!”

“Will you help me find my friends?” Gatomon asked the dog as they travelled around Mainframe.

“Of course I will,” Frisket replied. “I would give up my code for you.”

Gatomon smiled. Maybe she could adapt to life in Mainframe, but it was all a bit sudden.

Megabyte had ordered Hack and Slash to capture any game sprites that had been cast out into Mainframe. This was all part of his new devious plan. If game sprites could be converted to viral sprites, they would be ten times more powerful than his binome army. Also, they would be more than a match for Bob, Dot and Mouse. His plan to take over Mainframe for the umpteenth time might now become reality.

“About what I said earlier,” Frisket said to Gatomon.


Gatomon didn’t have time to reply, for Hack and Slash swooped down and picked her up.

“Hey!” she yelled. “What the hell are you doing? Get your filthy hands off me you tin plated buffoons!”

“Sorry kitty,” said Hack, “but we’re under orders from Megabyte to capture all Game Sprites.”

“Hey that was my line!” Slash interrupted.

“No it wasn’t.

“Yes it was.”



“What are you talking about?” Gatomon yelled, struggling to free herself as she was flown over to G Prime.

“Megabyte wants Game Sprites to form his new viral selective. He intends to build an army so powerful it will…”

“Shut it Hack! We’re not supposed to reveal that!”

“Oh yeah I forgot!”

Gatomon sighed. Hack and Slash hadn’t a single bit of intelligence between them. She decided to play along. Sooner or later, she thought, she’d figure a way to escape and return to Frisket.

“Well why not,” she said. “I’m just dying to meet your boss, Megabreath?”

“That’s Megabyte. He’s a virus and boy is he mean.”

“Oh yeah, he is so mean!” Slash replied.

Gatomon was interested now. “A virus?” she knew all about virus type digimon and vaccine types. But a walking, talking computer virus? Now this she just had to see.

Hack and Slash returned to Silicon Tor with Gatomon.

Megabyte was seated at his throne, Nibbles the null was on his shoulder, and he was observing a Vidwindow, when Hack and Slash entered the room.

“We’re back boss! We got you the first of the Game Sprites!”

Megabyte spun round. “Excellent,” he replied. Nibbles suddenly jumped off his shoulder and slid away.

“A cat?”

“She’s called Gatomon sir! She’s a feisty one!”

“Is she indeed?” Megabyte smiled, observing her closely. “Well that’s just the kind of qualities I’m looking for. Put her down and get back out there to find me those other sprites!”

“Sure boss! Whatever you say!” Hack and Slash released Gatomon and hurried out of the room.

Gatomon looked up at the imposing figure of Megabyte on his throne. He was nothing like what she had imagined. To her shame, she thought he was devastatingly attractive, certainly his deep commanding voice had caught her attention.

“Are you really a virus?” she said.

Megabyte regarded her carefully with his green/red eyes. “Indeed yes. That is my format and I am proud of it. And you?”

“I am Gatomon, a Digimon…”

“Hmmm,” the blue virus said. “Just give me a nanosecond.” he pressed a button on his throne and a panel on the floor opened up and a pair of blue legs appeared.

Gatomon blinked, confused at the sight. Megabyte swung round and lifted himself out of his throne and lowered himself onto the legs and they snapped onto his body.

“You have removable legs?” she gasped.

“Why yes - it’s so I can sit at this throne,” the virus replied, walking over to her.

Gatomon said nothing. It seemed a bit odd to remove your legs just so you could sit behind a desk! But she decided it was best not to question him further. She had learned a lot since her days working for Myotismon.

“When they’re attached, they really are part of me,” Megabyte smiled, suddenly leaping ten feet into the air effortlessly, to demonstrate his agility.

“So I see,” Gatomon replied. “Anyway, what do you want with me?”

“Oh come, come Gatomon. You’re obviously intelligent. Haven’t you worked out that you have been chosen to join the Viral elite? Once I have converted you…”

“Wait a moment…what do you mean converted? I’m not being converted to anything!”

“Oh I think you are!” Megabyte said, unsheathing his claws and advancing towards her.

“Lightning claw!” Gatomon flew at Megabyte and swiped him right across the chest, but her sharp claws left no mark whatsoever on his blue skin.


“I’d advise you not to try that again,” the virus chuckled, giving a sinister grin. “We wouldn’t want to blunt those fine claws of yours would we?”

Gatomon sighed in frustration as she dropped to the ground. Escaping was going to be harder than she thought. She was desperate to escape.

“Really Gatomon, the viral transfer is a painless affair. It will take only mere nanoseconds…”

“Wait,” Gatomon interrupted. “What if I was to give you something really special - something you’d never had before - would you let me go free?”

Megabyte thought carefully. “Well I might…but what could you possibly give me that would be so special?”

“Depends if you’ve got the essential equipment,” Gatomon smirked, growing bolder.

“Oh DO come to the point. You are cryptic in your speech.” Megabyte sighed.

“Sit down on that couch,” Gatomon said.

“Who are you to be giving me orders, sprite?”

“Just do it!”

Megabyte fumed as he sat down. He was taken aback by Gatoman’s lack of fear. He’d never been spoken to in this manner before.

“Very well, I’m sat down. You’d better have a good explanation for this, Gatomon. I don’t tolerate such insolent behaviour….”

He didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence, for Gatomon had leaped into his lap.

“Look, if you think you’re going to become my pet and expect me to stroke you, you can forget it - I have Nibbles for that…”

“Oh no, not at all. But you see now why I wanted you sat down?”

“As a matter of fact, no. Could you enlighten me here?” the virus said.

Gatomon began rubbing Megabyte’s crotch.

“What in the Net are you doing???” Megabyte snapped.

“Rubbing your crotch. What does it look like I’m doing? Why, do you want me to stop?”

“I never said that!” Megabyte yelled back. “Just what gives you the right to touch me down there?”

“Don’t be dumb. Surely you’ve dreamt of this…”

“Are you saying I’m basic???”

“Of course I’m not!” Jeez, why are you so uptight?”

“I’m not uptight!” Megabyte yelled at her.

Gatomon smiled. Her plan was working. “Oh now I get it…it’s because…”

“Because what?”

“I should have guessed sooner. It’s clear now. You don’t have a dick, do you?”

Megabyte’s jaw dropped open. What a cheek!


“Well where is it?”

“Mind your own business!”

“Prove it!” Gatomon shouted.

“You are an insolent lout!” Megabyte yelled.

“Look, I can’t see any evidence of a dick here,” she said, rubbing his crotch again. There’s nothing here at all! You’re lacking, Megabyte!”

Megabyte had had enough. “I’ll show you!” he bellowed, tapping a hidden panel on his arm. He pressed a button and his armour snapped off. Megabyte’s penis sprang forth like a coiled spring, hitting Gatomon right in the chest.

“There…are you happy now?” Megabyte snarled.

Gatomon was silent for a moment. “Oh…yes,” she smiled, staring at the virus’ massive blue member and his equally massive balls. “Very impressive!”

Megabyte suddenly realised that he’d exposed his entire private parts to Gatomon! He blushed immediately.

“Alright, that’s it, you’ve seen for yourself! Stop staring at it and get off me!” he was about to tap the button to snap his armour back on, but Gatomon placed her hand on his cock and began rubbing it up and down.

The feel of her hand on his shaft stopped Megabyte in his tracks immediately. He moved his hand away from the panel and lay back as he watched Gatomon caressing him. He was finding it hard to concentrate on the viral conversion now that he was being pleasured. He tried to stop himself from getting aroused but it was impossible. Gatomon felt Megabyte’s dick hardening in her hand. Then she began giggling.

“And just what is so funny?” Megabyte said.

“Well nothing really,” she replied. “I just couldn’t help noticing that the same symbols on your chest are also on your balls!”

Megabyte managed a half laugh. “Well I guess that is mildly amusing…uhhhh…” Gatomon began stroking his balls. Then she placed the virus’ huge cock in her mouth and began to suck, just like she’d done with Frisket.

Megabyte was in heaven. He watched the small feline game sprite sucking him and wondered if perhaps he should abandon the whole conversion thing altogether.

After all, this was far more enjoyable…

“Oh oh oh!!!” Megabyte groaned, feeling Gatomon’s teeth nibbling him ever so gently…oh that WAS good!”

He let out a roar, on reaching orgasm and shot his load of viral cum into Gatomon’s mouth. She shuddered as her mouth filled up with his seed. Now this cum was freezing cold, just like Garurumon’s - but it had such a weird taste - just like metal. She swallowed it anyway. She always did.

“You…have…earned your…freedom,” Megabyte panted. Gatomon sat up. “Well who says I ant to go at this moment?” she smiled, stroking his dick. “I want to get to know viruses a bit better…”

Suddenly, the door of the room burst open and Mouse came sauntering in.

“Well Megabyte honey, seems I’ve managed to hack into your Tor…” then she saw him lying on the couch…

“MY, but that’s a BIG one, sugah!!!!”

Megabyte looked mortified. “Mouse?? What are you doing HERE?”

“Well Megastud, you never struck me as being a cat person…my, that’s a BIG one…oh I said that already, didn’t I!”

Gatomon leapt off Megabyte. “Who are you?”

“I’m Mouse sugah, and I’m a hacker. I take it you’re Gatomon, the Game Sprite we’ve been looking for?”


“From where I’m standing, it seems like you’re the cat that’s got the cream! You know Megabyte honey, the folks at the Principal Office would delete themselves laughing if they were to see you right now…”

Megabyte covered his dick with both hands. “Mouse, you wouldn’t dare!!!!”

Mouse clicked her fingers and a Vidwindow appeared.

“Oh yes I would!”
