Throne of Souls - Original series by MISTER BIG T

Things are about to become even more wicked.

Chapter 2: Lies and silence

“You never told me your name,” Elfen finally said to the man who was carrying her.

He was silent but finally answered “Menor.”

Menor… A pretty name for a no doubt pretty man…” Elfen complimented her.

Menor gave a smug grin “You’re lucky you’re blind young lady. My face alone would give you nightmares. But enough about me, I’d love to hear your story.”

Elfen shook her head “I am sorry sir. It’s… Too troublesome for me to tell. Not to mention, I really can’t remember anything other than waking up in the marketplace suddenly… Someone had saved me and healed me and then left me all alone…”

Elfen suddenly felt how Menor had stopped walking.

Are we there yet sir?” she asked.

Yes. But from now on, you shall refer me as ‘master’ do you understand?” he questioned her.

Elfen gave a slight nod “Anything my savior wishes.”

Menor slowly placed Elfen down on ground. There was a disgusting smell and she could hear Menor walking away from her. Suddenly she heard a door close and being locked.

I suggest you learning how to move yourself. Even though I promised to feed and give you shelter, I shall not assist you anymore than that,” he spoke as he watched her from behind the bars of the cage he had locked her in.

Elfen seemed surprised “I guess… I can move without any help but it’s really hard. Must I really do this master?”

Oh yes…. Yes you do my pretty…” Menor chuckled as a response.

He walked away from her and close to one man.

“Start spreading the news. We’ve got a magnificent, one of the kind… Worm woman…. I'm still considering how much money we can ask for each view,” Menor instructed him.

And so Elfen became without her knowing the biggest attraction in Menor’s circus of freaks. Even though some people acted quite rudely around her, she did not mind. Anything was better than being without a secured home.

But then one day it all went too far.

Look there she is!” one teenage boy said to another.

Come on guys, this isn’t funny anymore!” a scared voice replied.

Elfen turned towards the direction of the voice and gave her usual bright smile. Just then she felt as someone pressed their lips against her own.

Holy hell you assholes made me really do it!!” the boy exclaimed and ran as the other boys laughed and ran as well.

Elfen’s lower jaw trembled in a pure shock. Her first kiss. But it wasn’t a kiss of neither passion nor care. It was a kiss of disgust, hatred, and tease. Her eyes were filled with tears and she bowed her head. No one had been that cruel to her, no one had used the gesture of a love as the gesture of hatred before.

Just then she heard a coin being dropped on the ground next to her. “Sorry about all that,” the person who had dropped the coin spoke.

As Elfen was about to thank the man, she suddenly recognized the voice. The blue dragon from ten years ago….

As the dragon was about to walk away, he saw as the surroundings began to blur and begin to tint to red. He turned around and saw the blue glass eye of Elfen radiating bright purple and her seemingly being frustrated.

“You’re one of them!!” she screamed with a thunderous voice.

The dragon shook his head and with a scared voice replied, “I didn’t want to do it!!! I felt so huge regret that I had to return back for you… I never agreed with Drett and his idea of brutalizing you! I saved you and have tried to help you ever since then to make up the mistake of being there ten years ago...”

Elfen shook her head, as she spat from her mouth “It’s not enough! It’s NEVER enough!!! You people stole not only my parents but you also stole everything from me!!! YOU STOLE ME OF MYSELF!!!”

Just as the dragon tried to speak up for himself, he gave a bloodcurdling scream as the blood in his eye sockets began to boil so hard that his eyes melt. He fell on his knees and coughed blood, which boiled as it landed on the ground. Giving a painful groan, he fell on ground dead.

Hey? What happened?” Elfen asked, unaware of what had just occurred to him. “Come on!! You spineless worm, you can’t be scared of someone in state like me!!”

No answer. Only the body of the dragon gave a few sickly looking twitches still.

What?! What have you done??!” Menor exclaimed as he dropped the plate of food that he had been about to bring to Elfen.

What? What’s wrong?” Elfen asked.

Menor tried the pulse of the dragon and yelled, “You killed him!! Why?? WHY??!”

Elfen’s mouth opened in surprise “I didn’t do anything!! I swear, how could I have??”

I’ve given you food and place to call home and… This is how you thank my kindness? You kill a customer!! Oh God…. What the hell am I supposed to do now??” Menor exclaimed as he fell on his knees and shook his head.

Just then he opened the door of the cage.

Get out of my sight before I call the guards. I don’t care where you go or what you do… Just get away from me and everything associated with me,” he spoke as he walked towards Elfen.

Elfen started to cry as she began to crawl away, once again being completely lost without anyone… Anyone at all being there for her…


Chapter 3: The story of a monster

Drett gave a yawn and stretched his arms high above his head. He was sitting on a chair in a bar. The yellow dragon eyed at him. They were in a bar that had very few people in it. The dim atmosphere in the pub was only made brighter by few candles.

“What’s the matter?” Drett asked as he noticed the staring.

The yellow dragon moved closer to Drett “I’m worried about you. Have you forgotten the reason we’re doing all of this? It seems to me that you’re nowadays only looking for excuses to torment those who you think serve Chaos… You don’t care about any of the old codes either…”

They deserve neither pity nor a chance for retribution. They’ve chosen to walk the cursed path; they shall walk the path ‘til their demise,” Drett spoke as he got up on his feet. He then continued, “Besides Drang, do not forget your own sins for they are far greater than the fact that I enjoy tormenting the creatures of the night.”

Drang lowered his head in shame “How could I forget? I was so confused and young back then…. But that doesn’t excuse my actions… I’ll never forgive myself for what I did…..”


Our men have attacked your kingdom. They will not stand a chance against us,” Drett spoke as he raised a glass of wine.

Drang raised his own glass and touched Drett’s with it “They refuse to take sides. We can’t risk that they choose to walk the path of darkness instead of joining us…”

Drett laughed a bit as he downed his glass in one sip “Seems like you’re taking notes from me. What a fine student you are. But there’s one thing you must understand. If we’re to destroy chaos, we must become even more ruthless than the chaos itself. We are to become something so terrifying, that the chaos will run away when they face us. Forget everything about emotions, pity, and mercy. For if you don’t… You’ll die.”

Drang gave a nod and took a small sip from the wine “I am aware of this master. Do not fear, your pupil is able to be totally ruthless if he so wishes to be.”

Excellent,” Drett replied and tapped his hands.

Just then, the wooden doors leading to the throne room opened. As Drang turned to look he saw his mother and his younger sister; both tied up and being taken to the room by several guards. They had now arrived into the castle of Drett… And would probably never leave.

You know what must be done. I’ll leave you in a private but I’m there behind the door. You can talk to them or whatever you wish,” Drett spoke as he left the room and the doors were closed.

Brother!” his little sister yelled out in happiness.

I am the dragon soldier of light, Drang. Never again refer ME as your *brother* unless I so tell you to do wench,” he replied.

Both of the women gasped.

Drang walked towards the women and gently moved his hand to caress the neck of his mother “My dear mother, you’ve always been young and beautiful and I’ve always envied you for that.”

What? I… I don’t understand what you’re talking about Drang…” she replied.

Drett turned to look at the little girl “My dear sister… My how I’ve always hated thee...”

The little girl gagged in the pure terror as tears started came to her eyes. This was not the brother she used to play with and whom she loved… This was someone else who just looked like her brother but was an entire different person…

With one swift move with his hands, Drang tore his little sister’s dress off. The little sister’s face was filled with horror. What was he going to do?

“Drang!!!” his mother exclaimed in a shock.

And so Drang took both of the women. After he was done, he killed them swiftly. The screams were short.


I had kept telling myself that it needed to be done in order for us to win the chaos. That was what I kept telling so I could live with myself. But the images of them both haunted me in my nightmares and when I saw you mutilate that little girl…. It was too much,” Drang sighed as he closed his eyes.

Drett gave a small laugh, which was broken by him starting to cough. Finally he was able to respond “And thus you gave up your sword and cut off your horns. You became a monk, a holy man and started to spread the words of joy for those in need of them. In truth, you were just escaping yourself and what you had become. In truth, you were justifying your past actions by trying to make them up in present.”

I don’t claim to be innocent. I’ve sinned and will no doubt go to hell as I die…” Drang mumbled when he finally placed his hand on the shoulder of Drett “But you do not have to follow me into there my dear former master.”

Long silence passed between the two.

Drett looked at his arm he had covered his mouth with. It was covered with blood. “Look at me Drang. I’m an old, pitiful dragon. I’m old even by dragon standards and by human standards I’d be ancient. Each passing day, I’m becoming more of a shell from my former self. Each morning, I’m sicker and it is harder to move in my armor, yet alone raise my hand to strike someone down. Yet in almost thirty years, I’ve not lost a single battle. And the reason for that is because it’s the only thing keeping me alive. The taste of victory. It is unmatched by anything, neither money, power, nor sex can give one such a need to wake up in the morning such as valor in combat. The feeling I get when I end someone’s life with my sword… Is what helps me not end my own with it.”

Drang fell silent. He then gently rubbed the shoulder of his old master “You poor old man… That attitude shall be the thing, which will be the death for you…”


Elfen wiggled her way out from the carnival. She did not know where to go or what to do. She thought of returning to the marketplace but she then realized she didn’t even know where she was and she couldn’t find her way back to there.

“Someone! Anyone! Please help!!” she screamed in hopes for some kind soul finding her.

Just then strong arms raised her up “My God what has happened to you girl?” the old male voice spoke.

Elfen tried to smile but she had lost it. She had lost her ability to smile. The world had made her lose everything, even her humanity and happiness.

“Please help me…” she begged.

I will… I will help you…” the man replied.

And so Elfen once again had to entrust her life at the hands of others…