Prelude to pain-First part in Digimon series 'Digimon: Unforgiven' by MISTER BIG T

I’m writing out my most loved story series with better grammar and such.


Gatomon painfully opened her eyes. She gasped as she realized she was tied.


"What? Where am I?" she screamed as she got up, only to realize that her bonds tying her were not any ordinary rope.


She was in a straight jacket.


"Wh…What??" she gagged as she backed against a wall. It was comforted.


She ran towards the window of a door near her.


"Someone please help me! I want to get out!" she screamed.


The guard in the asylum had gotten used to patients’ complaints and didn't pay any attention at all, as he walked down the halls…




Gatomon was lying against one wall, when suddenly the door opened and three men in white jackets came in.


"Good morning miss Gatomon," one of the doctors spoke.


Gatomon was silent for a long time before finally asking "Why am I here?"


"Because of your actions," the doctor spoke again as one of them closed the door.


Her voice trembled a bit with fear as she quietly asked,” What…What did I do?"


The doctor leaned towards Gatomon placing his left hand against the wall above her head.


"You killed Kari, your tamer," The doctor calmly replied.


Gatomon gasped and her eyes widened from the pure shock of what she had just been told.


"I could never kill Kari! Kari's more than my tamer, she’s my friend!!!" Gatomon screamed with tears flowing down her eyes.


The doctor’s voice was cold and monotone as he continued, "You killed her. We found some of your claws’ remains inside her when we performed an autopsy."


Gatomon was shocked. She was accused of a murder. But that was not the worst part of all this. The worst part was that she did not know if she truly had killed Kari…




Kari yawned and shut the TV down. Nothing good was on.


"Gatomon, where are you?" she called in her Digimon.


Gatomon's right ear rose up and she tilted her head towards direction of Kari.


"Right here Kari," she replied.


Kari walked towards Gatomon "Gato… Let's go for a small walk shall we?"




Patamon emptied another Pepsi glass.


"Veemon come quick, it's your favorite TV show!" Patamon suddenly yelled.


The roommate of Patamon came from the kitchen, still wearing the rubber gloves.


"What? Already? But I'm doing the dishes!" he hissed.


Patamon walked towards the kitchen as he spoke "Well, I'll finish them up for you. You can watch the show."


Patamon began to wash the dishes when suddenly he looked outside the window.


"Hey, Veemon. What's that building over there?" Patamon asked.


"Oh that? It's the Kennington's Institute," Veemon stated as he opened a beer can.


As Patamon placed another glass into the bubbly water he slowly mumbled "Ah yes of course. It looks so much different during the nights."


Suddenly they heard the door bang as TK came home. He was all wet from the rain that was ravaging the outside.


"Hey, TK!" Patamon said, as he moved his sight from the dishes.


"Yo TK" Veemon greeted.


Suddenly the two Digimon saw it. TK's eyes were filled with tears.


"TK, what's wrong?" Patamon asked, while stopping his duties.


"Kari…. Kari she’s…" TK tried to begin to say but his voice got low and he hid his face.


TK was crying and tried his best to hide it. Veemon and Patamon got closer to him.


"Kari is dead!!!!" TK screamed while tears flowed down his cheeks.


Kari… My beautiful, beautiful…Kari…


Both of the Digimon were shocked. They could not believe this.


"This…This can't be true." Patamon whimpered.


"First Davis, then Matt and… Now Kari…" Veemon mumbled as he looked down.


"Why… Why…" was the only thing that TK was able to say.


The two Digimon hugged the kind boy. Veemon was not really TK's, but ever since that day… He has tried his best to help both him and Patamon.


At the same time, unknown to them, Gatomon was inside the comforted cell. She was drooling over herself due to the medication she was given was extremely strong. All she could see were mere bright lights.


"Someone… Anyone… Please…" she screamed in her mind as she moved her right eye around the room, searching for a way out.


But no one answered…Yet…


To be continued…