Death and mayhem throughout the world

Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T

The final show down.


Masses of humans fought for the chance to get inside the broken walls of the Digimon shelter. They were fighting for who got to go and butcher the Digimon inside it first. But as they got inside a single Digimon chewing on some food greeted them. It was Silvermon.


“Mmm, Gatomon sure was a good chef,” he spoke while walking towards the drooling humans who watched him in daze. “Did you come in to join me for a meal?”


The first human started to run towards Silvermon and slashed his right hand towards “his prey” who easily dodged it. He then slammed the spoon into the human’s eye and pried it out in an instant. While the man wailed in agony, Silvermon lashed with his razor sharp tail and cut the throat of the person clean open.


Then two humans ran towards Silvermon, both trying to get an advantage because the Digimon was using only one arm. Silvermon smiled, tossed the bowl into the air, and pushed both of his hands index and middle fingers into the human’s eyes. They both howled in pain as blood flowed down the sockets.


But even with all his strength Silvermon knew he couldn’t fight against all of these humans by himself. Instead he placed the bowl on the floor and summoned Silver Lighting Blast, which he shot straight up into roof. The roof gave up and blocked the entrance.

“I bought us some time. I pray you’ll be able to do your part brother,” he thought to himself while he raised the bowl of food and took another spoonful.




Gatomon coughed and shivered from the agony. She could hardly move. The battlefield was filled with the stench of burning flesh and gallons of blood. She crawled painfully towards the body of Gabrielmon.


“Ga… Gabrielmon… A… Are you all right?” she whimpered.

Gabrielmon painfully opened his eyes “I think I’m dying, please help me on my feet so I can help you Digivolve.”


Gatomon tried to struggle to her feet and help the much bigger Digimon to stand. He waved his hand over Gatomon’s head and once again, she transformed. This time the transformation was much less painful and she did not go through a shell of herself.


“My dear husband in writings, we have defeated the demonic champion of this realm,” Angelissamon sang.

Gabrielmon coughed “I am unable to finish the ritual. It’s up to you now t-”


Just as Gabrielmon was about to finish the sentence, a huge inhuman roar was heard. Both of the angels turned to look at Luciantmon struggling up to his feet against all the odds.


“Impossible, I killed you!!” Gabrielmon screamed.

Luciantmon coughed blood as he tried to stand “I… I am not gonna die just yet…” he said while shaking his head and rubbing his eyes from the blood.

“Angelissamon, let’s defeat him once and for all!” Gabrielmon spoke as he started to unknot his sheets.


Just then he screamed in utmost agony as Angelissamon’s hand had torn itself through his back and his chest. His feathers were falling down and blood was shooting from the wound at fast rate.

“Angelissamon… My love… Why…?” he groaned.

Angelissamon smiled “You are inferior. You are not able to even kill a single devil. You shall help *me* become the ultimate being.”


Having stated this, Angelissamon opened her mouth to a grotesque size. Gabrielmon tried to struggle but it was no use. Angelissamon bit on his head and he screamed as she ate him out a live, feasting on his organs and the innards. While witnessing this horribly carnage take place, Luciantmon saw that Angelissamon was changing… And becoming a new Digimon, Mariamon. She had eight purple wings and a completely red hair. She had feathers on her legs and she wore some sort of a golden chest armor and similar sort of armor over her private regions. A Goddess.

Luciantmon glared at Mariamon's blood covered body with his only eye "He deserved better than to die like that," he snorted while some steam was blown from his nostrils.


Only few blood splattered feathers that were slowly floating towards the ground and remains of the once white sheets evidenced that Gabrielmon had ever been there or even existed.


Mariamon quietly watched the feathers drift to the ground, a small smile curved across her face. "After all that he did, you still say that?" she asked, obviously amused by her expression--and not otherwise. Her voice was surprisingly monotone.


Luciantmon stared directly into the eyes of Mariamon. She was a true divine creature. "His goal was admirable; his way of trying to execute it was not. If he would have tried a different approach, I would have even assisted him instead of opposing him..."


Mariamon looked at him with a tilt of her head, her armor clacking together with the minor movement of her head. "But wouldn't the ultimate outcome of your fight would be to stop him?" she asked calmly, "I did that for you. He won't be hurting anyone anymore..."


She turned, exposing the eight wings that aligned her shoulder blades to Luciantmon as she stepped away. "You just have me to worry about," she said with a smirk.


Luciantmon shrugged his shoulders "Look at me. I've lost an eye, a wing. I can hardly stand, much less speak. What do you think you'll gain by killing a defenseless creature such as me? How can you be so cruel and so unforgiving, yet masking yourself behind the mask of innocence?"


Maria whirled back around to face him, her red hair swaying stiffly. She narrowed her eyes, as though enraged, but soon a smile much like the vaguely innocent one she flashed at him before replaced her smirk. She took a few steps forward, so she was only a few centimeters from the taller, heavily built dragon, then rested her hand gently against his mutilated face.


"Do not confuse my motives with those of pure sadism... I'm just as benevolent as my fellow angel Gabrielmon was," she said, the smile never faltering from her face. "My reasons are the same as his. My fondest desire is the redemption of every sinner and wrongdoer that plagues this world, and I will bring them it. The reason Gabrielmon died was that he simply did not have the power to do it... and thus I, a more capable being, will take his place and pick up from where he left off. He will rest well in his final home," she closed her eyes for a brief, ponderous moment, as though bidding him a farewell in her mind. She re-opened her eyes, and dropped her hand from his scaly cheek. "Your bodily sacrifices will be repaid tenfold if you simply do not interfere with my prerogatives. You will be rewarded well, in the end."


Luciantmon moved closer so they were only mere inches away from each other. To a distant observer, they may have appeared like they were about to kiss. "You may claim my life but I'll truly lose my soul if I'll not at least try to stop you from destroying everything many Digimon and humans have died for."

Without missing a beat, Mariamon responded with the same coolness in her tone, "They would have died for a noble cause. To make this world safe for your children and your children's children."

"If you're to destroy everything... How can there be an offspring?" he asked while he bowed his head lower.

"Not everything, precisely," she corrected him with a condescending wag of her finger. "Just those who have sinned. The few pure will remain alive to watch their world begin anew, without those who would soil it, who would molest the earth that the Lord our God has preserved." She leaned closer to him. "If you don't interfere you could be among the survivors..." she said daringly, "And if you don't survive I can promise you great things. A Goddess knows no limits to her power."

Luciantmon was silent for what seemed like eternity. Finally he spoke again "If you're so great, why don't you give everyone a chance... Why don't you cure the madness of the humans and help everyone become pure and able to work together? Why don't you help, recreate the world to what it once was before the war destroyed us?"


For a moment significantly shorter than Luciantmon's, it was Mariamon's turn to be mute. She stared defiantly at him, looking as though she wanted desperately to crush his throat for such insubordination, for questioning a Goddess--but with a shuddering intake of breath she diffused her temper. She said, ponderously, "The humans will all be saved from their madness in death, don't you see? In their resting-place they will be judged, and they will find salvation. The humans, who in their vengeful avarice, nuked the Digital wasteland, the world WILL be recreated to something even greater than that," she said reassuringly.

Luciantmon extended his arms to his sides "I don't want anymore bloodshed. The only way your dream of destroying everything so many fought for.... Is to kill me."

Mariamon looked at him with surprise, rattled. "You wish for me to grant you death?" she asked suspiciously. "And you do not protest? What about everything you've fought for?" She ventured curiously, "What about your eye and your wing?"

"You misunderstood my words. I do not wish you to kill me. I meant that I intend to stop you. And the only way you can stop me is by killing me," Luciantmon spoke as his healthy eye gazed deep into the very soul of Mariamon through her eyes.

Mariamon stared blankly at him for a moment, a vacant glaze in her eyes. Silence.

"...So be it," she said sharply.


In the tattered remains of Gabrielmon's bloodstained sheet, and the tiny piles of the fluffy feathers, she spotted Gabrielmon's halberd, impaled blade-first into the moist dirt. With no more than a small circular gesture with her hand the ornate spear rose up and soared into her grasp. She spun around, pointing the blade under his chin, the axe-like protrusion around it scraping against his upper pecs. Just then, Luciantmon punched his fist into the halberd and tilted it to side while he slashed with his tail at Mariamon's chestplatings. However this was a mere distraction as when Mariamon gazed at the tail, Luciantmon punched her with an open palm of his healthy hand and its force made her fly a little backward. Luciantmon looked at the hand that the Halberd had pierced and pulled the halberd out. As Mariamon shook her head, Luciantmon slashed at her face at full force with the Halberd. She screamed and a trail of blood dripped down on the floor. To a person with nearly unlimited amount of powers; this was the ultimate disgrace.

Mariamon rubbed the spot that he had hit and looked at her hand that was covered in blood “You… You dare make a Goddess bleed?!? You shall die the most painful death imaginable!!”


Mariamon tossed her halberd to the ground and she began to mutter some words that Luciantmon did not understand. Suddenly he gagged as his head started to swell and take another shape and his entire body shook with terrible force. He reached up and tried to touch his face only to realize that it was all soft and his curves were disappearing fast. Yellow ooze emitted from the soft pieces of the skin that blocked Luciantmon’s vision, as he frantically tried his hard to scrap this off.

Mariamon laughed at his misery “Now you shall feel the power of a true Goddess.”


Luciantmon finally tore off the skin pieces covering his vision. Sadly for him, the said “skin pieces” were his face. His exposed melting flesh and eyeball were horrendous sight. His only remaining eyeball was starting to drop out from the skull, as Luciantmon’s body’s skin was starting to dissolve too with his ribs starting to appear. The pain Luciantmon was receiving was so enormous, that no words ever could be used to describe it. But he had lost ability to say anything; all he could was turn his head around while his lower jaw fell off.


“Puke black blood, cry your dark deity’s name, and disappear into hell!!” Mariamon mocked him as she walked towards her dying foe.


Luciantmon reached his hand, which was now nothing but bones towards the direction of the voice. It trembled as he tried to desperately reach towards Mariamon who was smiling.  It was shaking and waving, yet passionately trying to kill her.


I am sorry everyone… I… I have faile…


Just inches before reaching her face, the hand cracked and fell down. Luciantmon’s legs gave out next and he fell out, his slowly melting corpse finally dying out. Upon the impact with the floor, Luciantmon’s spine cracked and his head rolled on the floor.


And yet even though Mariamon was victorious she could not help but feel odd and somewhat of guilty. Like the sheer determination of Luciantmon trying to strike her down even as mere pieces of flesh was…. Mariamon was confused. If a mere demon would want to help the world this much, could the earth truly still deserve another chance?


Why don't you cure the madness of the humans and help everyone become pure and able to work together? Why don't you help, recreate the world to what it once was before the war destroyed us?

“I shall not be less forgiving than a foul a demon!” she thought in her mind as she began to summon all her might. “The world shall get another chance. There shall be differences to distinguish this world from the other world. There shall be humans whom have understanding and memories of the dark war ages. The Digimon and humans shall live in a union together without such war. I shall observe if this New World is as corrupt as the one I now stand on. For if it too becomes corrupted then I shall bring Armageddon among all those who’ve sinned and with lies and deceit made me give them another chance to repent.”


Mariamon closed her eyes, as the huge energy surrounding her started to engulf everything in a bright flash that seemingly ate everything on its path.


And it all just turns into nothing.



This is the end of Destruction series. However, do not fret! The show goes on in “D.I.G.I” series that’ll soon hit the lemon stands. And before you call me sell out, that was done originally before this particular series.


“Sometimes it seems like God is difficult to find and impossibly far away. We get so caught up in our small daily duties and irritations that they become the only things that we can focus on. What we forget is that God's love and beauty are all around us, every day, if only we would take the time to look up and see them.”

-Matthias, Correction Weblog, 11-01-03