Chapter 1 of  “Pokémon: Sex in a strange world”


 The Meeting, Part 1(Lime)



(Note: this story is a Pokémon crossover. It has to do with my first time having sex with Pokémon. This is my first time doing this, so here I go. Oh, and this takes place in two seasons: For me, it takes place in Season 1 of Digimon; for Ash and everyone else, it takes place when Ash has finally become a Pokémon master, Brock becomes a really good Pokémon breeder, and Misty becomes a really good trainer of water-type Pokémon. She’s almost as good as Lorelei.  I am 14 in this, Ash is 17, Brock is 20, and Misty is 19. When I say Mike in this story, I mean me. )


Mike(this is me, by the way,) was watching the sunset in the Digital World when Patamon said, “Mike, there’s a strange light coming from that cave.” “What?” Mike said. “Huh? Did you say something?” Mike was distracted by the sunset. He looked over to see that there was a light coming from a nearby cave. “Let’s go examine it,” he said. So Mike and Patamon walked into the cave. The light kept getting brighter. When Mike got closer, he realized that it was some sort of portal. Before Mike could get away, he was sucked in.


Meanwhile, in the Pokéworld:


Ash: I’m finally a Pokémon Master. Brock: You should be proud, Ash. Look at all the badges you’ve gotten. Ash: I still can’t believe that I finally achieved my dream of being the greatest Pokémon breeder. Misty: Yeah. I’ve finally achieved my dream of being a great Water-type Pokémon trainer. Misty: You’ve also learned not to be so stubborn, Ash.  Ash: Yep, I sure have, haven’t I? Well, let’s go. Pallet Town is just ahead.


Just then, the portal opened, and Mike fell through and landed on Ash,Misty,and Brock. Mike’s digimon fell too, and landed on top of him. “I’m so sorry,” Mike said. “Here, let me help you up.” Mike got off of them and helped them up. “Thanks.” Ash said. “By the way, where did you come from?” he asked. “I came through a portal from the Digital World,” Mike replied. Mike showed them his D-3. “My name is Michael, but just call me Mike.” Mike told them. “Well, Mike, I’m Ash, and this is Brock and Misty and Pikachu. You‘re in the Pokémon World.” “Hello, Brock and Misty,” Mike said, and shook their hands. “Hello,Pikachu,” Mike said to Pikachu. Mike petted him on the head. Somehow, for some strange reason, he didn’t shock him. Mike was a stranger in this world, after all. It was almost as if he knew Mike somehow and trusted him. “Pika pi,” Pikachu said. “What’s a ‘Digital World’?” They all asked, including Pikachu. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything once we get to Pallet Town.” Mike said. “In the meantime, let’s keep going.” We all continued to walk towards Pallet Town. Little did Mike realize that he wasn’t here just to be here: Something BIG was going to happen, and he had no idea what it was….


End of Chapter 1


(How do you like it? Whether you hate it or not, send your replies to: mike_the_magician_64@