The Shuffle

Chapter Eight - One Person's Heavenly Dreams is Another's Nightmare

The concept and characters of Digimon belongs to Toei Animation
and Akiyoshi Hongo. They are used without permission or the intent of profit.

Who's who:
Taichi is in Sora's body, Sora is in Taichi's, Koushiro is Miyako,
Miyako is Koushiro, Hikari is Jyou, Jyou is Hikari, Mimi is Ken,
Ken is Yamato, Yamato is Iori, Iori is Takeru, Takeru is Daisuke, and Daisuke is Mimi.

Reminder, I will be referring to the characters per the body they
are in. For example, if Mimi in Ken's body thinks about Daisuke
in Mimi's body, then Mimi thoughts will regard that body in the
masculine possessiveness, that Tachikawa's body is HIS real body
since Mimi is currently male and will be referred to as such. When
Hikari, in Jyou's body, is talking she will be referred to as Jyou.
The only exception is dialogue where the characters are the ones to refer to each other.


Iori learned what a burden faulty memory can be, Daisuke experienced
boys flirting and having a period, and Takeru could care less about
having a short attention span. All told, being someone else was
not easier than being yourself.

The two weeks were nearly up and the memories held in the body blurred
with the spirit of the one in it. We all learned things about each
other we never wanted to know, but none more so than the memories
Taichi and Sora held secret from each other.


Sora's school blouse and her bra were hiked over her breasts. She
moaned in delight as Yamato's hands glided over her bare mounds,
pinching her nipples tenderly. She wasn't about to be outdone as
her hands blindly unfastened his pants. Her boyfriend pulled away
from her in surprise and she took the opportunity to make him naked
from the waist down. She gasped seeing his large hardened manhood pointing at her expectantly.

"Sora, wha...?" was all Yamato could ask before his girlfriend yanked
him down on top of her by his shirt and kissed him deeply. Her free
hand wrapped itself around his meat and began to stroke it softly
causing him to groan out her name in desire.

"I think I'm over dressed," Sora whispered teasingly into his ear.

"You sure?" Yamato wondered.

Sora nodded.

Yamato's hands twitched as he reached under her short skirt and
grabbed her panties. Ever so slowly he pulled them off and could
only stare at the marvelous sight before him. Her red delta of hair
pointing at a treasure she had never intentionally shown to anyone
else. He swallowed hard as Sora rubbed her opening and spread her own labia.

"I'm waiting," she called out seductively and he could no longer
refuse her. Yamato pressed his penis at her virgin opening and pressed himself into it.

Sora bit her lip as she felt her hymen stretch and then break. It
didn't hurt as much as she thought it would have, and the feeling
of Yamato inside her dwarfed the discomfort she did feel. "Yamato..." she breathed.

With that one word, Yamato began to thrust into her. His words of
pleasure and love became lost to Sora. She could barely hear herself
goad her lover to continue, to go deeper, to make her a true woman.
Ecstasy ruled her body as her blood boiled in passion. Then the
most wondrous feeling overcame her as she felt his hot cum coat
her insides. Over and over again his burning white love seed shot
out, filling her. Then as his orgasm receded, she finally came as
well with her emotions drowning her in their intensity.

"WHHHHAAAAAHAAAA?!" Sora sat up with a jolt.

"What is it, Taichi?" Jyou questioned.

Sora tried to get her bearings. She was really Taichi and was in
the Yagami home. That was just a dream. That didn't really happen.

"Taichi?" Jyou called out again, looking down from the top bunk.
His eyes then bulged wide in shock as his female brother had her
pajama bottoms and panties around her ankles with a four fingers
shoved deep into her vagina. He then quickly laid flat on his bed
trying to forget what he just saw.

"Hikari?" Sora questioned with a shaking voice.

"Yes, Taichi?" Jyou returned nervously.

"How far into a girl is the hymen?" Sora asked.

"It's not IN the girl. It's between the labia minora and labia majora," Jyou replied.

"Stop being Jyou and tell me in Japanese!" Sora shot back.

Jyou flinched. "It would just under the outer lips covering the vagina."

"Hikari... I don't see it there!" Sora was almost hysterical.

Jyou swallowed. "I'm sorry, Taichi. But she would have to be rather
experienced to allow four fingers to penetrate her. I had a hard
enough time with two." He then frowned looking down at his own waist.
His first time as a girl was undoubtedly going to HURT.

Sora didn't say anything for a moment. She then quickly pulled her
lower clothes back on and then bolted to the bathroom to throw up.


Taichi's hand was firmly wrapped around his hot member. It pulsed
as if it was alive. Light stroking hadn't done anything more than
make it hard. Gentle petting did wonders for a girl, but jerking
hard was what was needed to get the boy off. Smacking it was certainly
out of the question as he learned the hard way. Oh gods, it felt
good to yank on yourself. His arm grew tired, but he couldn't stop
himself if he wanted to, and he certainly didn't want to do that!

Taichi tried to hold on, but he came with a shuddering grunt of,
"Soooraa!" His cum splashing against the bathing room wall.

Taichi panted from his exertion and then blinked in surprise. What
name did he just moan?! He couldn't have called out THAT. He WAS
Sora! It had to have been his imagination. He wouldn't call out his own true name.

Taichi shook his head and got off the shower floor. He made sure
the watery spray wash away the evidence of what he did. He then
set himself to finish his shower quickly and get out.

Ken stood at the bathroom door as Taichi exited. He smirked. "Enjoy yourself, Sora?"

Taichi blushed. "It was just a shower, Mimi."

"Right. And boys usually taking longer getting ready," Ken returned.

"I suppose you 'played with Ken?'" Taichi shot back.

"Of course. Though I'm surprised at how much Ken likes Miyako. And
how perverted his imagination can be," Ken replied. "Who does Taichi fantasize about?"

Taichi looked away. "I'm... not sure."

Ken frowned.


Sora walked the streets of Odaiba aimlessly. She could have done
without knowing that his secret crush was fucking his best friend.
She could now remember other times the real Sora had made love to Yamato.

Sora didn't know what was worse: feeling that kind of love for Yamato
or knowing what it felt like to have a cock shoved up your cunt.
As a guy, she was rather straight. Unfortunately, she was still
straight as a girl. She hadn't noticed the problem for herself as
fast as Hikari had in Jyou's body, but the fact remained girls didn't
do nearly as much for her currently as guys did.

The red head sighed. She still didn't have all of the real Sora's
memories, and was pretty sure she didn't want anymore than she already had. They hurt too much.


Sora blinked and saw the last person she wanted to see, the real
Sora who was in her original body. "Ah, hi, Sora...."

Taichi shifted uneasily. "So... what brings you here?"

Sora suddenly realized where she was at, the Takenouchi's Flower
Shop. She giggled nervously. "Just wandering around. Seems your feet decided to go here."

Taichi and Sora stood there for a long awkward moment.

Taichi clenched his fist and then asked, "Taichi, can I ask you a question?"

Sora glanced over at a bank clock. "Oh, look at the time. I got to go home. Bye!"

Taichi frowned, watching Sora's departing form. He needed to ask
her if she liked him. They were close friends and he didn't want
to hurt her. If they didn't confront the issue, it would only get worse.


From: Gennai@!!!!!!!!!!!

The fake crests are ready. Come as one group to my home tomorrow at noon to begin testing.


That simple message brought relief to all of the Chosen. For two
weeks of being confined in a body that was not their own tested
them in ways that they never had been before. When the very idea
of who you were began to disappear. When the question of which gender
you were became difficult to answer.

I'll be a guy again soon, echoed in Sora's thoughts as she tried
to go to sleep. She knew the nervousness about getting her trait
back wasn't the only thing keeping her up. It was the problem with
what she knew about the real Sora now. She had been right to stay
to the side and let her friends become close. If Yamato loved the
real Takenouchi the way she loved him, it would be a crime to get
in their way. Unfortunately, by now the real Sora knew about her
feelings. She had interfered with their relationship even though
she never wanted to hurt either one of them. What could she possibly
say to her beloved friends now?

"You still awake?" Jyou called out.

"What is it, Hikari?" Sora questioned.

"Are you afraid about tomorrow?" Jyou asked.

"Maybe a little nervous. But I'll have the trait of courage and
Agumon back, no problem," Sora replied with false bravado. "I'm
sure you'll get trait of light."

"I hope so," Jyou almost whispered. "I know I failed to get Jyou's trait."

"Why would you say that?" Sora questioned.

"In the past two weeks I've lied several times and betrayed a friend's
trust. Those go against Jyou's very nature," Jyou answered.

"True, but taking the burden of others' problems is YOUR nature,
Hikari. You WILL have your trait back as no one else can be the
power of light," Sora told her seriously. "Now go to sleep. We've got a big day ahead of us."

"Okay... little sister," Jyou called out with a slight chuckle.

"Ha. Ha. G'night, big brother," Sora returned.

Sora finally drifted to sleep and dreamed back to the time of being
a sixth grader when she sat by the phone waiting for her crush to
call her, but it sat in silence.


"Whhaaaahaaaaa?!" Taichi sat up with a jolt.

Ken looked over from the futon matress he was sleeping on. "Nightmare?"

Taichi shook his head to get his bearings. "You could say that."

"What was it about?" Ken pressed.

Taichi frowned. "It was a memory of Taichi's." He took a deep breath.
"It was when I made some Christmas cookies for Yamato and approached him to be my boyfriend."

"Why was that a nightmare?" Ken wondered.

"Because... Taichi is in love with me," Taichi admitted reluctantly.

Ken flinched. "Ouch. Do you think he's still in love with you?"

Taichi nodded. "I'm afraid so. He TRIED to be fickle. Though considering
how Catherine looks, I'd be tempted to have fun with her even as
a girl. Everyone is right when they say she's much more beautiful
in person than her Internet pictures." He slumped back into the
bed. "What am I going to do, Mimi?"

"I suggest you don't worry about that now. We've got to get our
traits and defeat Piemon first. When we're back to normal, then
you can deal with your love life undistracted," Ken replied.

Taichi sat quietly for a moment. "Do I do that too?"

"What?" Ken asked.

"Switch personalities. You were Ken just now, not Mimi," Taichi commented.

Ken shrugged. "It's hard to tell. You already share some of his mannerisms."

Taichi huffed. "G'night, 'Ken.'"

Ken smirked. "Goodnight, 'Taichi.'"


"Let's see." Piemon tapped a pen to his chin. "Special party hosts?
Check. Place to hold the party? Check. Party guests? Still need
to give them their invitations. Prizes?" The demonic clown looked
at the Mickey Mouse watch on his wrist that hadn't been there seconds
before. "I'll be picking those up tomorrow when I drop of the invitations."
He grinned wickedly as he surveyed his preparations for the Odaiba
Chosen. Tomorrow would be a day they would never forget.

Mega Dramon cringed as the ultimate clown began to cackle evilly. "He's still quite mad."

"So what?" questioned Pandamon, a giant stuffed panda bear. "I get
to play tag with Takeru again!"

"Death didn't help you mature any." Mega Dramon sighed.

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Pandamon snapped.

Juriemon, a giant cherry tree, glare at the stuffed bear. "I can't
believe I'm working with you after what you did to me. I should
toss you in the river with a new pair of cement sneakers."

"Go soak your leaves," Pandamon shot back.

"Save that aggression for the Chosen, boys," Piemon called out.
"You'll be fighting them soon enough."

"Now beloved, why can't I play with that bitch of light?" Lady Devimon asked seductively.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn what you want," Piemon told
her bluntly. "I need you to handle someone else." He then smirked.
"And wear that sailor fuku number tonight. You are SOOO cute in it."

Lady Devimon pouted. "But you hate cute."

"Of course. I just want to slap you around and then anal you with
one of my swords. Doesn't that sound like fun?" Piemon asked cheerfully.

"Ah, no..." Lady Devimon sweat-dropped.

"Neither is having my plans questioned. But you did that anyway."
Piemon patted her on the head. "See you tonight!"


Author's Notes:

Next: Chapter 9 - Of Chosen and Digimon
The Chosen go to receive their traits and digimon, but Piemon has
a few surprises in store for them.

Didn't mean for this entry to be so short, but I got through what
I needed to happen. Now it's time to start the second arc, the battle
against Piemon.