The Shuffle


Chapter Two - A Hellish Explanation


By: Lord Archive


Digimon belongs to Toei Animation, Akiyoshi Hongo, Bandai, Saban, Fox Kids,

and so on. They are used without permission or the intent of profit.


Reminder, I will be referring to the characters per the body they are in.

For example, if Mimi in Ken's body thinks about Daisuke in Mimi's body,

then Mimi thoughts will regard that body in the masculine possessiveness,

that Tachikawa's body is HIS real body since Mimi is currently male and

will be referred to as such. When Hikari, in Jyou's body, is talking she

will be referred to as Jyou. The only exception is dialogue where the

characters are the ones to refer to each other.




Takeru's Journal, August 1st, 2004:


Life as a Chosen is always interesting, now more so than ever before.


On a day to celebrate becoming Chosen, Demon broke free of Dagomon's Ocean.

He tried to kill us all, and Holy Angemon evolved and tried to use Heaven's

Gate. However, Demon damaged the gate and Piemon was able to break free.


Piemon first asked Demon to join him as a new Dark Master. When Demon

refused, Piemon killed him easily. The devil clown then used some cards

depicting each of the Odaiba Chosen. He let each of the cards fly and when

they hit a Chosen, the spirit of the person who was depicted on the card

entered that body.


Now Taichi is in Sora's body, Sora is Taichi, Jyou is Hikari, Hikari is

Jyou, Miyako is Koushiro, Koushiro is Miyako, Yamato is Iori, Iori is

Takeru, Takeru is Daisuke, Daisuke is Mimi, Mimi is Ken, and Ken is Yamato.


Anybody else confused? Good, I'm not alone.




"What do we do now?" Ken whined.


Mimi clenched her fist. "We find that clown and make him change us back!"


Taichi shook his head. "And HOW do we do that? Piemon is one of strongest

digimon we've ever fought, and right now we only have baby digimon. There's

no way we could force him to do anything."


Miyako ran over to Koushiro. "I need my computer." She unsnapped the

backpack on Izumi's back and pulled out the laptop. She opened it and

turned it on. "I'm going to request help from Gennai. He might have a clue

as to how to undo this."


"Do that," Sora said flatly. She looked at Taichi with a disgusted look and

commented, "Why did you choose today of all days to wear a dress?"


"Sorry," Taichi replied shortly.


"At least Mimi was wearing something boyish," Mimi sighed and then

stiffened. "But what are we going to do? We have to fix this!"


"That's obvious," Sora griped. "I'm open to ideas."


"That's a first," Iori quipped. "You were always so gung-ho during our

first adventure."


"Ha ha. Very funny," Sora groused.


Miyako spoke up, "I've warned the all the other Chosen and Digi-destined

about Piemon and about the cards, but not about what they do and what's

happened to us. I suggest we go to Gennai's house in the Digital World. We

should be able to figure out how to evolve our digimon again at the very



"Sounds like a plan to me," Mimi voiced her approval.


"Just one thing first," Sora stated. "I NEED to get out of this dress."


"Well, we do need to get to a desktop computer to port to the Digital

World. I certainly don't want to leave my laptop behind," Miyako commented.


"Why don't we go to my place?" Sora suggested. "That way I can get a change

of clothes."


"Do you mean Taichi's or Sora's?" Mimi questioned.


"MINE, as in Taichi's!" Sora snapped.


"Any problem with that?" Iori asked while looking at Taichi.


Taichi sighed. "No problem with me."


"Sora, Jyou, I suggest you try to act as if you are Taichi and me. I don't

want to worry Mom and Dad over this," Jyou said nervously.


"But, Hikari, won't they ask questions about 'Sora' borrowing Taichi's

clothes?" Ken pointed out.


"Nah. I'll just tell them we decided to go to the Digital World and didn't

want to accidentally ruin my dress," Sora replied.


"Wouldn't they be worried about that?" Takeru noted.


"Not if we make it sound like we just moved the picnic there," Jyou



"Something tells me they're going to suspect trouble anyway," Hikari

returned. "All of our digimon are in their second stage baby form, even

Tailmon. That's going to make them suspicious."


Jyou frowned.


"It's still a plan," Sora stated firmly. "We'll worry about any problems

when they show up."


Iori gave a short laugh. "Now there's the Taichi I remember."


"Give it a rest, Yamato," Sora shot back.


"Don't you dare get in a fight in my body!" Taichi yelled.


Koromon sighed. "This is all really confusing."


"My head is spinning," Tanemon complained.


"This is all one big headache," Nyaromon grumbled.


"You said it," Tokomon agreed.




Mrs. Yagami was surprised when the door opened and Taichi led all of his

friends into the apartment.


"Hi, Mom. Decided to move the picnic to the Digital World," Taichi said

without much concern.


"Yeah... Picnic in the Digital World, Mother." Hikari smiled in a slightly

demented fashion, obviously hiding something.


Jyou palmed his face.


Mrs. Yagami blinked noticing the digimon. "What happened to all your



Miyako nudged Koushiro.


"Huh? Oh, right." Koushiro smiled nervously. "Well, apparently our digimon

have been in the real world too long and have gotten weak. We need to go to

the Digital World for a while to build up their strength."


Mrs. Yagami nodded. "There's some major threat to the Digital World and

it's already attacked you. Now you need to go to the Digital World to

figure out how to beat it. Should I expect you to return today?"


Taichi massaged his forehead. "Hopefully."


"I see. Well, be careful." Mrs. Yagami looked over the children. "Taichi,

why don't you let Sora borrow an outfit. I doubt she wants to get her dress



"Sure." Taichi shrugged.


"Thanks!" Sora dashed into Taichi and Hikari's bedroom.


"Should I even ask what the threat is, or is it something I don't want to

know about?" Mrs. Yagami questioned.


"You probably don't, Mom," Taichi answered.


Hikari tried to giggle, but it came out more like a sob.




Sora tried not to think about the body she was in. She was born a guy,

always been a guy until now. She pulled off the green sun-dress she was

wearing and looked in the closet mirror. She saw the image of a red head

wearing red bra and panties. She slouched, finding it a little odd at not

really feeling aroused at seeing Sora's body like this. It felt too wrong

to her to think that way at the moment despite knowing if she was in her

real body and saw this, you could wave a flag from her tall and proud



Sora clamped her eyes shut and turned sharply into the closet. She opted

for worn out jeans and a heavy cotton orange T-shirt. She didn't want to

think about who was in her real body at the moment. That all the girl she

secretly loved had to do was look down into her pants and see her manhood.

Sora shivered at the thought, still with more dread than arousal.


Sora composed herself before opening to the door. "Okay, guys, I'm ready."


Hikari zipped inside the room.


"Is something wrong with her?" Mrs. Yagami questioned.


"She just lost all her powers and wants me back to Tailmon," Nyaromon lied



"I guess you all lost your powers then," Mrs. Yagami noted.


"Yeah, but Gennai should be able to help us get them back," Koushiro



Miyako frowned and then forced a cheer, "Let's go to the Digital World and

get our powers back!"


"Right!" Koushiro, Ken, and Mimi readily agreed in chorus.


Taichi sighed. "Come on, guys. See you later, Mom."


Mrs. Yagami frowned as she watched all the kids enter her children's

bedroom, the last of them closing the door. There was something wrong about

what was going on. More than just another threat to the Digital World. She

was pretty sure she didn't want to know whatever was truly troubling them.


Miyako went to Taichi and Hikari's computer and logged into Koushiro's

email account. She sighed seeing a LOT of replies to the Piemon warning.

She skimmed through the messages hoping to find a reply from Gennai. She

smiled and told everyone, "Good, Gennai replied to my message." She opened

it and read the message. "He wants us to port to his house and gave me

coordinates to enter his house directly."


"Good," Sora replied. "The faster we get this done, the better."


Hikari fidgeted. "I don't think it'll be soon enough."


Miyako removed the D-3 attached to her belt and held it to the computer

screen. "Hopefully I can make this work. Digi-port open!"


The computer monitor shifted in appearance and a bright light flashed and

Miyako disappeared. The rest of the Chosen and their digimon followed in

after her. They briefly enjoyed the sensation of flight as they traveled

between dimension before landing in a giant heap of humans and now child

level digimon in the family room of a Japanese-styled house.


"My, what a mess," Gennai commented as he watched the Chosen and their

digimon untangle themselves with an amused smile on his face.


"Great to see someone's having a good day," Sora groused.


"Gennai-san, we really need your help with this," Miyako pleaded.


"I know. I got your email." Gennai crossed his arms. "Though I don't have a

clue how to undo what Piemon has done."


"Can we get Qinglongmon to change us back?" Mimi asked.


Gennai shook his head. "The first thing Piemon did when he came to power

the first time was seal away Qinglongmon. He will be guarding his power

carefully in case Piemon decides to attempt that again."


"Wonderful," Iori commented sarcastically.


"How do we get our digimon to evolve so we can make Piemon change us back?"

Mimi questioned.


"That's a lot more complicated than you might think. When each of you

became a Chosen, you were each assigned a trait that matched the strongest

aspect of your personality. However, your personalities are not solely

caused by your spirit, but by your body as well," Gennai explained.


"I was afraid of that," Hikari commented. "My penchant for nervous attacks

may be biological in origin, meaning that with Hikari in my body, she might

start having nervous attacks."


Jyou frowned.


"I don't see what you're talking about? How can't our personalities be our

spirits?" Yamato questioned.


"Ken, right?" Gennai questioned, and Yamato nodded. Gennai went to a shelf

and picked up two harmonicas. "I'd like you to play this, Yamato." He

handed one of them to Iori.


"Sure." Iori took the small musical instrument and at first tried to find a

comfortable grip on it. When he seemed satisfied, he blew into it and

failed to produce anything more than a flat whistle. Iori blinked and tried

again, and succeeded in making a horrendous sound.


Everyone in the room flinched in pain.


Plotmon covered her ears. "Sometimes sensative hearing is a BAD thing."


"Now you try, Ken." Gennai handed the other harmonica to Yamato.


"I've never played one of these before," Yamato replied. He brought the

musical device to his lips in a similar manner that Iori had. He blew into

it and a few notes played. His eyes widen, not sure how he had done that.


Sora snorted. "Ken's better than you ever were, Yamato."


Iori glared daggers.


"Muscle memory," Hikari explained. "Yamato always plays around with musical

instruments. Through constant repetition of movements, muscles will

remember how to do repetitive tasks with less energy. So, while you might

not know how to play an instrument, Ken, the body you are in does. The same

applies to Koushiro's typing. If Miyako wasn't proficient with typing as

well, he would've found it difficult to type out his messages."


Gennai nodded. "Correct, but that's only part of it. Your spirit remembers

all things you've done in this life, but your brain also records all that

information as a back-up. The longer you are in someone else's body, the

more you'll be able to access their memories. While Ken can only manage a

few notes now in Yamato's body, if he were to be in that body for a few

weeks or months, he would remember how to play full songs. He'd also be

able to tell you how Yamato had created those songs."


"So, we've got to change back. Fast," Sora stated.


"I'm afraid that's not possible." Gennai sighed. "In order to evolve your

digimon, you must acclimate your spirit to the body you are in. Once you've

done that, a trait associated either with your spirit or your body will be

able to manifest. When you've got your new trait, you'll be able to evolve

the digimon associated with that trait."


Gennai place his hand on Takeru's shoulder. "Take Iori, here, for example.

His original trait is that of justice. If he were to reclaim that trait, he

would be able to evolve Armadimon, the 'digimon of justice.' He could also

obtain Takeru's trait of hope since that's the body he's in. If he does,

then he can evolve Patamon. However, since Iori also has the Digimentals of

reliability and knowledge, he could acquire one of those traits as well and

be able to use Gomamon or Tentomon.


"The problem with this is, only one trait can be used by any of you. If

Iori were to first activate the trait of reliability, he would not be able

to use any other trait or the digimon associated with them. Also, Jyou and

Hikari would become limited to only light as no one else can use Gomamon at

that point but Iori. And when one of those two achieve light, the other

would be unable to receive a digimon."


"If the traits are what you used for the crests, then what's my trait since

I never had a crest?" Koushiro asked.


"You were compassion, Miyako," Gennai answered and then turned to Mimi.

"And Daisuke was miracles."


"Miracles?" Mimi chirped.


"To defeat Belial Vamdemon, you needed a miracle. You know very well that

you still had many insecurities, and you should've been affected by his

dream attack even if you don't let your problems bother you. However, your

trait helped protect you and guide you in defeating Vamdemon once and for

all," Gennai answered with a frown. "That trait is a difficult one to

activate. You stand the greatest chance taking on a different trait."


"That's nice," Sora griped. "Now how long will it take us before new traits

will activate?"


"Not sure. I suspect it might take a few weeks," Gennai replied simply.


"A few WEEKS?!" was chorused.


"Sorry," Gennai apologized sheepishly.


Hikari whimpered.


"What's wrong?" Daisuke asked.


"I... ah... well, that is... I...." Hikari stammered while blushing.


Jyou noticed something and his eyes widened. "Oh, god. I forgot about



"What?" Daisuke questioned.


"I had to go the bathroom when Piemon attacked," Jyou answered.


Sora slapped her forehead. "Don't tell me you just wet yourself."


Hikari nodded with tears coming out of her eyes. "I didn't want to go if we

could change back quickly."


Gennai wanted to laugh. "I suggest you go take a bath."


Hikari shook her head. "I can't! It wouldn't be right."


"You know what'll happen if you let wet cloth stick to your ass," Gennai

said evenly.


"Of course, but...." Hikari trailed off.


Jyou looked away. "It's all right, Jyou. I trust you not to do anything

wrong. You're going to have to deal with it anyway. Besides, I'll

eventually find out what you look like naked as well."


Hikari reluctantly nodded.


"I'll take you to the bath," Gennai offered and led her away.


Sora plopped to the ground. "Now we need to figure out what to do."


Jyou nodded. "Do we let our parents know about this and try to live

normally in these bodies, or do we try to lie to them and pretend to be the

person we're in the body of?"


"Or do we just hide in the Digital World until we can fix this mess?" Mimi



"I don't want to lie to anyone," Takeru replied.


"If one of us doesn't act the part, none of us can," Taichi noted. "So do

we go home and explain this or do we stay here?"


The room was quite for a moment.


"Either way, our parents are going to worry about us," Jyou stated.


"It'll make things awkward at home," Mimi added.


"However, our families can help us deal with this and possibly help us get

our new trait," Koushiro said.


"I'm sure I'm not the only one who has things they still want to do back

home rather than wait around in the Digital World," Miyako mentioned.


"Well, we can leave my parents in the dark for now. All I'd need to do is

have Daisuke call my uncle's house before five o'clock and leave a message

that I'll be staying at Sora's house," Ken said. "If that's not a problem,



Taichi shrugged. "I doubt it would be, Mimi."


Sora nodded. "Guess we'll go back then. But what about the digimon? They

were only baby digimon back on Earth."


"They'll have to stay here," Gennai answered as he walked back into the

room, holding a basket with Hikari's clothes in it. "Until a trait

activates, they won't survive for more than a few days even if they're with

'both' of their partners."


"Guess it can't be helped, huh?" Plotmon voiced.


Gennai nodded. "It'll only be for a few weeks at most."


"Hopefully," Patamon replied with a sad smirk.




Hikari cried as she sat in Gennai's bath. She couldn't help but look at her

delicate little hands and remembered them to be much bigger. She didn't

dare to look down, to see that her manhood was gone, that she had breasts

and... something else instead. She would've worn Hikari's clothes until

they would able to switch back, but that wasn't going to be the case. She

would have to be Hikari for a few weeks, maybe months, before she would

have the CHANCE to return to being 'good ol' Jyou.'


When Hikari had washed herself down, she approached it as if she had to

sponge bathe a patient at a hospital. She tried not to think about what she

touched and simply on the task that had to be performed. She would never

betray this body's owner, to touch it wrong ways. Though she had to admit,

even now, it was tempting to see what it would be like to orgasm as a girl.


Hikari submerged herself, trying to wish that dirty thought out of her

mind. Guys shouldn't know about that and she was a guy, not a thirteen year

old girl!




Author's Notes:


Thanks to Jeremy Mullin and my pre-readers.