Neo Digimon:
Digital War

Episode 2 - You're In The Army Now

Chibi-Taichi jumps up. "Hey, this version of Digital War is rated
NC-17 for later parts. Digital War will get extremely violent, very
dark, will include sexual violence in later parts, and includes
nudity. If you are seventeen or younger, then do NOT read this.

"Digimon and all the characters in this series belongs to Toei Animation
Co., Fox Kids, Saban Entertainment, Bandai, and so on... and is used without consent."


"I was going on a class trip to Tokyo Tower with my brother, Taichi.
His class acted as sempai to mine. Then right out of Magic Knights
Rayearth, I was summoned along with eight others to some other dimension," Hikari said excitedly.

"Anyway, we then had to run from something called Ogremon, and were
defended by some creatures called digimon. The talking Gon-like
dinosaur digimon, Agumon, somehow got really big and became Greymon
while Taichi was being hurt. Unfortunately, Ogremon decided to break
the cliff we were on and sent us falling to our fate."


Among the noise of the screaming teenagers and five digimon, a new
voice screamed something about fish. They didn't splatter when the
landed after there fifty-meter free-fall, but crashed into something
the was somewhat soft and spongy, not to mention slimy.

The kids were quiet disgusted, but extremely relieved, to be saved
by a large school of fish that had somehow been able to cushion
their fall. They were now safely sitting on top of a mass of fish.

"Gomamon!" the giant bird chirped happily.

A white seal with purple stripes grinned. "Someone had to stay behind
and save your hides. But you should also thank my friends." Gomamon waved a fin at the fish.

Daisuke picked a fish up and kissed it. "Thank you!"

Now Mimi really looked like she was about to throw up.

Takeru slapped his friend on the back. "Well, that's one way to get your first kiss."

"Hey." Daisuke swatted at Takeru, but missed as he slipped.

"Gomamon, is your partner here?" Agumon asked.

Gomamon looked over the teens and shook his head. "Nope."

Agumon sighed. "Well, let's head to base quickly while we have the chance."

The six digimon began to walk into the woods, and waved at the kids
to follow. Uncertain what else to do, they followed. The walk wasn't
easy, not to mention bizarre. The plants sort of looked like what
you'd see on Earth, but there were some things that were wrong,
like flowering pine trees. Not to mention the area which was filled street signs.

Mimi really hated walking and expressed that, often. To distract
herself she started to eat some candy she brought with her and shared some with Palmon.

"Can you start explaining what's going on?" Taichi asked.

Agumon looked over at Taichi. The human was almost twice his current
height. Taichi was also a bit thin. Inside the mass of wild brown
hair the went in every direction possible was a pair of goggles.
He wore a white shirt, like the rest of the boys, but only Yamato
was also wearing the same color blue pants while the rest of the
boys had green pants. "Where to start?"

"Try from the beginning?" Taichi prompted.

"That's kind of difficult since I don't know that myself."

"How about your names?" Daisuke suggested.

The bird seemed to blush through her feathers. "Oh, right. Knew
I forgot something. I'm Piyomon."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sora." Sora had light reddish brown hair
dipped just below her shoulders. She was wearing a white blouse
and was the only girl in a blue dress that matched the same shade as Taichi and Yamato's pants.

The lizard wearing a fur coat extended his paw. "I'm Gabumon."

Yamato took his paw and shook it. "I'm Yamato." He had slick blond
hair. He then pointed at Takeru. "He's my little brother, Takeru."

"Hi." Takeru waved. His blond hair was combed in a conservative style.

"I'm Daisuke." His dark brown hair was shorter than Taichi's, but no less messy.

The seal bowed. "I'm Gomamon."

"I'm Hikari." She bowed back. Her short light brown hair framed
her face. She was wearing a green blouse and skirt like the other girls besides Sora.

"I'm Miyako." She had long lavender hair and wore coke bottle glasses.

The strange flower plant smiled. "I'm Palmon."

"I'm Mimi. Isn't there a taxi around here somewhere?" While a girl
can't alter her school dress, some things can be done to her hair.
Her light brown hair was growing out a dye job of what looked to
have once been the entire rainbow of shades. She had several hair-clips
in her hair that looked like shooting stars.

"Afraid not," the giant bug answered. "By the way, I'm Tentomon."

"Koushiro. Do you have any forms of communications, maybe an internet
connection?" He had short reddish-brown spiky hair and walked with
a severe limp. A computer was strapped to his back.

"Don't have that either," the dinosaur replied. "I'm Agumon."

"I'm Taichi. Now, how'd you become that big dinosaur?"

"You mean when I turned into Greymon? Well, that's because you needed me," Agumon replied.

"Because I needed you?" Taichi blinked. "Can't you just stay like that?"

Agumon shook his head. "Don't have enough energy to do that."

"Why are you helping us?" Koushiro asked.

Tentomon flew closer to him. "Because we are your digimon partners.
You see, Koushiro, I'm your digimon, like Agumon is Taichi's, Piyomon
is Sora's, Gabumon is Yamato's and Palmon is Mimi's. We evolve into
stronger forms because of you."

"Because of us?" Sora questioned.

"You are the Chosen, the ones called to help us fight against the
evil that threatens to destroy both our worlds," Piyomon answered.

Mimi waved her hands defensively. "Called? I don't remember anyone calling me about this."

Palmon folded her arms. "You were called when you were brought here."

"Why are we these 'called Chosen?'" Sora asked.

The digimon looked between each other.

Agumon scratched the back of his head. "Don't know. We just know that you are."

"How can you be certain?" Taichi demanded.

"Because you have those." Agumon pointed at the strange digital
device on Taichi's belt, and then pointed at himself. "And because
we feel some kind of connection to you."

"Can you explain what these are?" Koushiro examined his digital
device, which looked like a gray plus sign with a screen in the middle.

"They're digivices and visible proof that you're the Chosen." Tentomon
shrugged. "Beyond that, I don't know what they do."

"How comes some of ours are different?" Hikari questioned. Her digivice
was white and pink and shaped like a coma with a screen towards the top.

The bug shrugged helplessly. "Don't know that either."

"Oh, you have a pink one? I'll trade!" Mimi offered.

"You can't!" Palmon shouted. "Those are bonded to you and can't be given away."

Mimi looked at her digivice like it was a snake. "Bonded? I don't like the sound of that."

"She simply means they are in tune with you to better help your
digimon partner evolve," Tentomon assured her.

"How were we bonded in the first place?" Daisuke asked.

The digimon glanced between each other. Piyomon shrugged and answered. "We don't know that."

"A lot of help you guys are." Daisuke threw up his arms. "Why don't we all have digimon?"

"I'm sure all of you do, we'll just have to find them first," Piyomon assured them.

"And how long will that take?" Daisuke questioned.

"Don't know." The bird shrugged.

Daisuke screamed.

"What here have we?"

"Looks like Chosen."

The kids and digimon turned and saw what looked like a giant yellow
turd with arms. Some kind of black gear embedded a pink mouse into it.

"Do shall we?" the yellow thing asked.

"Destroy them, of course," the mouse answered.

Palmon shuddered. "Oh, geez, Sukamon and Chuumon."

Mimi took a step back. "What are they?"

"They're annoying virus digimon that always work together," Palmon
replied. "They're really disgusting. Especially after being possessed by that black gear."

"Black gear?" Taichi asked.

Agumon glanced toward his partner. "A device of Devimon. It controls
almost all of the digimon on the entire island and feed him power."

Koushiro nodded. "I shall have to investigate that."

"Less talk and pay attention!" Tentomon warned.

Volleys of pink projectiles fell into the group.

The group dodged out of the way.

Daisuke stared at gunk that landed where they had been standing.
"What is that stuff? Looks like shit."

"Well, it is," Gomamon replied flatly.

"Why don't you deal with him?" Taichi asked Agumon.

"Right. Baby Flame! Puff!" Agumon launched a cloud of black smoke. "Oops. Out of power."

"Can't you grow big or anything!" Taichi demanded, and then hopped
out of the way of another attack.

Agumon dodged and then shook his head. "Haven't eaten anything in
a while. Too weak to do anything."

"How about any of you guys?" Sora asked.

Piyomon sadly shook her head.

"Stand still so we can hit you!" Chuumon called out.

"You've been eating my candy, can't you do anything?" Mimi questioned Palmon.

"But then I'd have to touch him," Palmon whined while looking at
her vine-like fingers. Her head rocked forward as she struck from behind. "Eww."

"Look out, you two!" Yamato warned.

"A little LATE!" Palmon shot back, but was then hit a few more times.

Mimi ran away from the attack, but shrieked as she was hit several
times, a few times on the head. She tentatively reached her hair
and scooped off some of the shit. She then sharply shook her hand
sending the excrement to the ground. "That is extremely disgusting."
She glared at Sukamon. "Do you know how much work it is to tend
to my hair? Palmon deal with him."

Palmon nodded as a sensation filled her. "Palmon evolve!" A pillar
of light formed briefly, and when it finished a two story cactus
with boxing gloves stood there. "Togemon!" The gigantic cactus stepped
toward them. "You're going down."

Togemon shook in fury as Sukamon and Chuumon unleashed another volley
of shit. "I don't care if you die. Prickly Bang Bang!" Several volleys
of cactus needles flew out of her body.

Sukamon and Chuumon screamed in pain as their bodies were riddled
with needles. The black gear then exploded into dust and the two digimon collapsed.

Togemon shrank back into Palmon. "Whoa! That was neat." She made a fist. "Like the power."

Mimi scrapped off more of the shit. "Is there someplace where I can wash off?"

"Well there is a river over that way. But it'll add a half-hour
to our trip." Gomamon pointed off to the side from where they were headed.

"Well, then let's go." Mimi started to walk toward the river.

Taichi was about to object, then caught a whiff of Mimi. "Right.
Hey Mimi, how about we scout out ahead and you stay behind." And
downwind from him and the rest of the group.

Koushiro limped pass him. "That's a great idea, especially from you."


"Let's see if I got this straight." Koushiro rubbed his chin. "We
were transported from our world to this Digital World to help you
defeat some sort of great evil?"

Tentomon nodded. "At least that's what Gennai-san has informed us."

"And this Gennai-san is on a continent called Server, but we're currently on File Island."


Taichi scratched the back of his head. "So, not only will we have
to defeat this local lord, Devimon, but we'll have to take on others like him?"

"Are you sure you have the right people for this?" Miyako asked.

"If you weren't the right ones, you wouldn't be here," Gomamon answered.

Hikari nodded. "He does have a point. If we were brought here, it
must be because we're the only ones who can do this."

Taichi folded his arms. "Hikari, this isn't one of your anime shows.
They're asking us to fight some kind of war. In which, if you hadn't
noticed, we lost our first battle against just one of Devimon's minions."

Koushiro scowled. "It won't be easy for us, and there's a chance
we could lose. But we might be the only chance either of our worlds have."

"Can we even fight these things?" Takeru asked.

"Of course," Agumon answered. "All of us should be able to evolve
into more powerful forms. Once we have that mastered we can take Devimon down, no problem."

Taichi sighed and then stepped forward. "Well, if Gon's all for
taking on this war, I might as well help."

Agumon blinked. "Gon? Who's Gon?"

A few of the kids laughed.

Hikari patted him on the head. "Just another chibi-Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Agumon looked more confused. "And what's this 'tyrantous wrecks?'"

The kids laughed again.

Taichi groaned. "Let's just say that it's a creature that you resemble."

"Oh." Agumon shrugged.

"Takeru, where's your friend?" Sora asked.

Takeru glanced toward the river. "Not sure, but I think Daisuke
is about to get into a wee bit of trouble."

Taichi sighed. "Just wonderful. Knew I should've kept an eye on him."

Yamato chuckled. "Yeah, you are his sempai for the day."


Mimi rubbed her breasts while bathing in the river. Somehow the
digimon's slimey shit had slide under her school blouse. She would've
loved to use some soap to help wash off that disgusting digimon's
crap, but she didn't see any way off finding some soon.

Palmon stretched out in the water. "This feels good after a hard battle."

"I wouldn't know about that." Mimi sighed. "But this does help remove tension."

"Oh, my goddess," Daisuke breathed. His pants were tented as he
watched Mimi fondle herself. He moved to unbutton his pants to deal
with his painful erection just as the branch he was perched on broke.
"Whaaaa." He crashed into the ground painfully.

"Eek! A pervert!" Mimi submerged herself.

"Poison Ivy!" cried out Palmon.

"Oh, shit!" Daisuke yelled as Palmon's vines wrapped around him.
With an impossibly strong tug, he was airborne and landed in the middle of the river.

Mimi ran out of the river grabbed her clothes and hid in the bushes.

Daisuke swam to shore after Palmon left. He could die a happy man
at the moment since he got a good look at Mimi's bare, soft round
ass before he fell. He slogged toward the forest, stopping brief
to shake the water out of his clothes. "Damn, now I'm all wet again."

Daisuke trudged back to the group and smiled sheepishly. Mimi arrived
a moment later with Palmon, both glaring daggers at the boy.

"Well, now that everyone's ready, let's move out. We should get
to this base before sun down." Taichi pointed of to the distance and began walking.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but the base is this way." Tentomon pointed off to Taichi's left.

Taichi forced a laugh. "I knew that."

The other kids didn't force their laughter.

"Come on, fearless leader," Hikari teased. "Daylight is burning."

Taichi smiled at her as they followed the digimon to the start of
a war they had been drafted to fight in.


Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake!

"I found out what all our crest are." Sohryu Asuka Langely shuddered
uncontrollably. "We don't have a chance on succeeding if we have to make them shine."

"Come on, Asuka. We can't give up now," Ikari Shinji tried to reassure her.

Asuka scowled. "You've got the crest of courage."

Shinji blinked several times. "Me? Courage?"

Kensuke pushed up his glasses. "Now come on, Asuka. He is very brave when he needs to be."

Asuka laughed. "Well, at least your crest makes some sense, dork. It's knowledge."

Kensuke cheered, "Cool!"

Touji folded his arms. "There goes his ego."

Asuka glared. "Guess what, you're friendship."

"Him? Friendly?" Hikari questioned. "That's a good one."

"You're purity."

Touji shook his head. "I know she's not 'pure.'"

Hikari smacked on the back of the head while blushing. "I haven't gone THAT far."

"What about me?" Rei asked.

Everyone blinked because she talked.

"Light," Asuka answered simply.

"You're kidding," Rei replied emotionlessly.

"No, I'm not."

"But what about Kouru? Didn't he have a crest?" Shinji questioned.

"Oh, he did. His was faithfulness. Doesn't really matter, though.
He turned traitor and you killed him."

Shinji sweated nervously. "What about you?"

Asuka sighed. "Love."

"Oh, SHIT!" Kensuke screamed. "We're all doomed, dead, might as
well be buried. There's no way we can plausibly win now."

"I'll bury you right now." Asuka slammed a fist into Kensuke's head and kicked him into a tree.

A trap door popped open in the middle of the group. Most of the
group stared in surprise as chibi-Taichi stuck his head out. Asuka was still beating on Kensuke.

"You know, using Neon Genesis Evangelion actually makes the chapter
darker." Chibi-Taichi shrugged. "Oh, well. Better luck next time.
Be seeing you."
