Neo Digimon:
Digital War


Episode 1 - The Call

Chibi-Taichi waves. "Hey, this version of Digital War is rated NC-17
for later parts. Digital War will get extremely violent, very dark,
will include sexual violence in later parts, and includes nudity.
If you are seventeen or younger, then do NOT read this.

"Digimon and all the characters in this series belongs to Toei Animation
Co., Fox Kids, Saban Entertainment, Bandai, and so on... and is used without consent.

"If you have not seen Digimon, don't worry about it. The characters
will be explained as if this was an entirely new series, because in several ways-- it is.

"For those who have seen Digimon, this isn't the exactly the same
series. While the basis and characters are technically the same,
there are some major differences. Try to think of it as a remake
like Bubble Gum Crisis 2040 is to the original Bubble Gum Crisis.

"If you're expecting us to act like a bunch of hopeful and persevering
kids as shown on Fox Kids, you won't find that here."


Why do they insist on sending almost an entire school district to
Tokyo Tower at the same time? Over a thousand kids and handful of
teachers and chaperons to try to control them. Not an easy task
when everyone has been waiting in line over two hours to go to the
observation floor. They're trying to control it by having senior
high students watch after the junior high kids, but that's rather
futile. I don't even understand why the school sends us here almost
every year. We go up the elevator, look over the city, look at a
bunch of high raise towers and then go back down. It's not like
anyone will be sent to another dimension or have to fight some embodiment of evil.

Despite that, here I am, Yagami Taichi-- age sixteen with the eternal
bad-hair day, bored out of my wits. There's not much for us to do
but wait and look at everyone else. At least I'm not in class.

I'm kind of glad that they did send the junior high with us, since
it sort of allows me to keep an eye on my little sister, Hikari.
I'm worried about her since she's never really been healthy. She
has had chronic illnesses of one sort or another until about five
years ago, then it suddenly became chronic nightmares. We were supposed
to have gone to summer camp, but she had gotten sick and I stayed
home to help her. The day after we would've gone to camp, she suddenly
felt better. That night was when her nightmares began. I had tried
to wake her, since she sounded like she was in pain-- but she wouldn't.
Finally she woke up and was literally scared shitless. She couldn't
remember that dream or any other since then, but they are still keeping her awake at nights.

The school had been concerned about her frequent nightmares and
sent her to a quack psychologist, who believed that either Hikari
was suffering from Night Terrors or that I had traumatized her by
raping her. Hello! Jackass, her nightmares started when I was eleven--
I was only beginning to realize how girls were different back then.
If I had tried anything with a girl, it would've been with one of
my friends, Sora. Not that ever I would. Besides, Hikari's nightmares
tend to start ten or more minutes before she wakes, Night Terrors
is more like bottle fear with the cap blowing off-- intense but
short. No one really knows what's causing the nightmares.

Right now, Hikari is talking with her sempai for this trip, Takenouchi
Sora. Man has Sora grown up. Too bad her Mom has been dulling her
tomboyish nature. I like her being free-spirited and competitive.
We were good friends as kids, and we still are I guess-- but she's
no longer playing soccer and has started working at her mother's
flower shop. I hardly get to see her outside of school.

Ishida Yamato is probably my best friend. He's been trying to start
a music career. He's not bad at it, but he's missing something that'll
keep him from being a success. However, he can still pump out a
song a drop of a hat, which is why the girls are all over him. He
certainly likes being chased by the girls and not having to work
at it. Yamato is the sempai to his brother, Takeru.

So, he's here too. Until a year ago, Izumi Koushiro and I were the
best of friends. I actually got him away from his stupid computers
and gave him something of life. Then I had one of my stupid and
crazy ideas and talked him into playing along with it. I can't stop
wishing I had never thought of it or dared to try it. The last time
Koushiro said anything to me was when he got out of the hospital
a week later, and that was to say we were no longer friends. With
his limp, he hasn't been able to run ever since then.

Koushiro is talking to Inoue Miyako, who has gotten a nickname of
dog-girl in her junior high. That name's not base on tweaking her
clan to Inu or dog as much as her looks. With coke-bottle glasses,
pole-like physique, and ugly purple hair along with her geeky attitude--
she is hardly considered attractive. Which is really a problem since,
according to Koushiro, she can fall in love with almost anyone at
the drop of the hat-- and he meant ANYONE, including other girls.

"Yo, Earth to Taichi-sempai, lines moving."

"Oh, sorry Daisuke." And we trudge forward the few feet to be one
elevator ride closer to going up.

Motomiya Daisuke is the kid I'm playing sempai to for this trip.
I've been accused of being his big brother, but his only sibling
is Yamato's self proclaimed girlfriend, Jun. We used to be on the
same soccer team back in grade school. He has gotten pretty good,
but not as good as I am, of course. Heard he had scored a point
against that genius kid's team, but that was before Ichijouji showed
up and played the last game of his life.

"Whoa! Check her out!" Daisuke drooled.

Daisuke is also as crazy for girls as his sister is for boys. Right
now he's staring at Tachikawa Mimi, the bouncing student who kept
changing schools while her dad kept on being transferred because
of his job. She spent a few years in America and can speak English
with more fluency than some of the English teachers. Her fashion
sense is blinding-- either because you love it or hate it. Most
of the guys love it for some reason, probably because she's different.
I wouldn't want to go after here, she's too experienced-- and she's still in junior high.

"Why don't you try someone your own age, like Hikari." Okay, I don't
normally push my little sister towards a guy, but even if they end
up 'just friends' it'll be one more friend than she had.

Daisuke blinked and stepped back. "No offense, Taichi-sempai, but
she's got that Ayanami syndrome going."

Taichi looked perplexed. "Ayanami syndrome? What are you talking about?"

"Well, you've read the Evangelion manga, right?" Daisuke asked.

Well, the old cartoon with the giant purple robot.... "Some of it."

Daisuke nodded. "You know Ayanami Rei then, the girl who pilots unit zero."

Taichi shrugged. "Yeah, she doesn't talk much."

Daisuke grinned. "Exactly. Hikari doesn't either. She always looks
half-asleep and doesn't socialize at all. Sometimes she looks like
she's on another planet. I might be interested if she was more active,
but she's doesn't do anything."

I barely notice that I'm rubbing my head. I should've seen that
coming. While Hikari's nightmares don't occur every night, they're
damn close and she only gets four or five hours of sleep and they aren't very restful.

Daisuke patted Taichi's arm and said, "Cheer up, my pal Takeru likes
the quiet type. But he's too shy to ask a girl anything. If you
want to set her up with someone, he'd be good for her."

"I'll think about it." Set Hikari up with Yamato's little brother?
Fat chance. I know what Yamato's like and if Takeru is anything
like him, I don't want Hikari near him.


The wait was over and Taichi was finally on the observation level.
Daisuke was certainly observing things, but it wasn't any scenery
outside of the tower. Sora and Hikari were sharing one of the telescopes.
Yamato and Takeru were talking about something. Koushiro was still
talking with Miyako. Mimi was in a group of friends talking excitedly.

A loud static like sound echoed through the tower and everyone stopped
and stared. The wind outside howled, shaking the windows as a blizzard
began to blow. Summer break would begin in a couple weeks, and it
was snowing-- in July! Some of the snow was not the white and fluffy
variety, but the kind that came from the television. It slowly formed a picture.

"Ch-schkt-ned. Oh-frashcht-this thing."

The vaguely human form looked like it smacked something. The floating
holographic image solidified almost immediately into a two story
image of elderly man wearing a robe with some odd mechanical parts that seemed to be attached.

"Finally, most of you are together. You who are the Chosen ones,
the Digital World is in great peril. I have waited for the day that
you would be gathered and have shielded your world as best I could.
We can not wait any longer, or both our worlds will forever be destroyed."

Eleven streaks of light burst from the image. Nine of them went
into the hands of students in the observation level and formed into
some kind of digital device. Two others arced away from the tower
and disappearing into the clouds. The windows exploded and the nine
children with the device in hand were violently sucked out of the tower.

Then all was quiet. The glass in the observation deck was intact.
Nine students were missing. And the snow fall had slowed down to light flurries.



Taichi sat up and looked at an upset and slightly scared looking...
chibi-Tyrannosaurus Rex? "What the hell?"

"You might just end up there if you don't run, NOW!"

Now Taichi felt like he was really messed up. The dinosaur talked?!

"Come out, come out, where-ever you are! I've got a nice club to introduce you Chosen to."

Whoever said that obviously didn't mean some kind of dance club.

The dinosaur looked at Taichi. "That's Ogremon, a really evil digimon.
He's here to kill you before you come into your powers."

Taichi blinked. "My powers?"

"I'll be able to explain more once we get somewhere safe. Now let's
go!" The dinosaur tugged at Taichi's arm.

"Found you." The three meters of green skin and muscles certainly
wasn't the Incredible Hulk and looked a LOT less friendly. Ogre
was a good term for his appearance, too.

First Gon, and now Ogre with True Ogre's toothy grin and no armor--
had he somehow fallen into a warped version of Tekken?

"Let's book!" Taichi ran away from the creature as fast as he could.

"NOW you listen." The dinosaur ran after.

"All I want to do is play!" Ogremon swung his club and a tree was no longer in his way.

Taichi looked back and tried to hold in his urine. This was SO not
good. He then crashed into something.

"Look where you're going."

Make that someone.

Taichi glanced down. "Sorry, but it's time to run."

Koushiro glared, but then was shocked to have Taichi pick him up.

A giant red insect that looked something like a lady-bug flew near
them. "You two run on ahead, we'll try to slow him down."

The dinosaur turned around and nodded. "Baby Flame!" A ball of fire
shot out of the dinosaur's mouth.

"Petite Thunder!" A bolt of electricity arced towards its target from the large bug.

"Ha ha! That tickled. Do it again." Ogremon grinned.

Koushiro blinked several times. "What is going on?!"

"Don't know, but we're history majors." Taichi started running as
fast as he could, but Koushiro's weight was slowing him down.

As he passed a tree, he felt his armed being grabbed and was somehow
pulled inside... a hollow tree?


Sora held her hands over both Taichi's and Koushiro's mouths and whispered harshly, "Be quiet."

Not that either of them had a choice since Sora didn't remove her
hands. They didn't dare move, and time seemed to slow to a crawl.

Suddenly growling voice echoed everywhere. "Citadel is under attack,
everyone report to your stations."

They heard a sigh and looked over at a large pink bird. "That's
Unimon's distraction for us. We should be able to make it to our base now."

Sora relaxed and let go of the boys' mouths.

Koushiro forcefully pulled away from Taichi and stood up on his
own feet. "Unimon? Distraction? Base? What is going on?"

The bird bowed slightly. "All will be explained once everyone is gathered. Please be patient."

Koushiro folded his arms. "I'd rather be home."

"I'm sure you do. I would like to be home, too, but mine doesn't
exist anymore. Please follow me." The meter tall bird walked through
the bark of the tree like it wasn't even there.

Koushiro limped after while gazing at what appeared to be a holographic
tree in wonder. He then looked around and was stupefied. "Where are we?"

The bird sighed. "We are in the Digital World. Please hold off on
any more questions until everyone is together."

"Hey, you okay?" Taichi questioned the dinosaur that was waddling toward him.

The dinosaur forced a smile. "I'm great."

The giant bug zigzagged through the air. "Speak for yourself."

"Niichan, is that you?"

Taichi released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Hey, Hikari, over here."

Hikari brushed aside some of the foliage and then blinked. "What are those?"

The dinosaur smiled toward her. "We're Digital Monsters, or Digimon for short."

Hikari nodded slowly. "Um, okay."

"Hey, guys. I see I'm not the only one." Yamato stood confidently.

A horned lizard wearing a fur coat was next to him. "Hello."

"Anyone know where we are?" Daisuke joined the group with Takeru following him.

"Help me!" A girl shrieked.

Chivalry wasn't dead with this group as the guys rushed to help
the damsel in distress. Sora and Hikari followed behind.

The first one to help Miyako wasn't one of the guys, but was actually
Mimi. "Hey, you keep away from her!"

"Why should I ever do that?" Ogremon had followed orders to return
to the citadel, but he came across this human girl without a digimon
and had to pick her up for the boss.

"Because we'll stop you!" Taichi hoped that sounded impressive, but it seemed a bit hollow.

Ogremon looked at them stupidly and then began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Poison Ivy!" The plant next to Mimi lashed out and pulled Miyako
out of Ogremon's clutches. "All clear. Get 'im guys!"

"Baby Flame." A dinosaur's fiery breath attack.
"Petite Thunder." An insect's electric assault.
"Petite Fire." Ion energy in a dangerous howl from a fur covered lizard.
"Magical Fire." The bird released spinning destruction winding towards its victim.

And Ogremon continued to laugh. "You're all too cute. Let me bloody
your faces then you'll look lots better." The monster trudge toward
them, smacking his club into his palm threateningly.

Sent to another world AND fighting an embodiment of evil. How the
hell did he end up in some kind of anime show? What Taichi needed
now was a plan. "How do we beat him?"

The dinosaur shrugged weakly. "We were hoping you'd be able to tell
us. We can't beat him without your help."

"Just great." Taichi sagged. "I guess we run then."

Sora took a step back. "Sounds good to me."

Taichi knelt down. "Kou, climb onto my back."

Koushiro looked from Taichi to Ogremon and back. He hoped onto his
ex-friend's back. "Right, let's go."

The group ran as fast as they could, with Ogremon happily pursuing them.

Mimi blinked. "They forgot all about us."

"I like it better that way. By the way, I'm Miyako. Thanks for the rescue."

"No problem, I'm Mimi."

"I'm Palmon." The plant looked toward where the others had gone.
"I don't mean to be a spoil sport, but I think we should try to
help the others. We're going to need everyone alive, if we're going
to succeed in saving the worlds."

"Do we have to?" Mimi whined.

Palmon nodded. "I'm afraid so."

"Well, I'll go behind you. Waaaay behind you." Miyako stepped back.

Palmon sighed. "Come on, we have to hurry."


"Shit! A cliff!" Daisuke looked over the edge and saw a peaceful
looking river flowing, about fifty terrifying meters straight down.

"What do we do now?!" Takeru was quickly developing a fear of heights.
Though the fall looked preferable to that creature chasing them.

"We'll just have to stand our ground." Taichi set Koushiro down
trying to figure out what they could possibly do.

The dinosaur stepped closer to where Ogremon would probably appear.
"Right. Digimon, prepare for battle."

"Prepare for your deaths sounds more like it." Ogremon's club barely missed the dinosaur's nose.

"Baby Flame."
"Petite Thunder."
"Petite Fire."
"Magical Fire."

"Ow. I think you scratched me. Let me return the favor." Ogremon
swung again, connecting under the dinosaur's maul sending him flying.

Taichi caught the dinosaur causing him to land on his ass. "You okay?"

"Did you say something?" the dinosaur asked.

Taichi sighed. "I'll take that as a no."

"Batter up!" Ogremon sent a flying insect to the feet of Izumi.

Koushiro folded his arms. "Just great, we're paper cutting him to
death and he can knock us down for the count with a single hit."

"A little sympathy would be nice," moaned the insect.

"Poison Ivy!"

Vines shot out of the woods and wrapped themselves around Ogremon's head.

"Nice try." Ogremon reached behind and grabbed the vines. With a
mighty pull, Palmon was launched into the air towards the main group of kids.

"Oh, no! Palmon-san." Mimi ran after the flying plant.

Ogremon smirked toward Miyako, who decided that there was safety
in numbers. She chased after Mimi.

The evil digimon then charged the last two opponents. He kicked
the lizard with a fur coat into the air and hit the bird, both landing near Sora and Yamato.

Taichi stood between the dinosaur and Ogremon. "I'm not going to let you hurt them any more."

Ogremon picked him up. "Oh, good. Because I don't care about hurting
them, only killing you." He started to squeeze.

"Taichi!" Hikari and Sora yelled.

"I cannot let you hurt him...." The dinosaur struggled to his feet.

Ogremon chuckled. "Oh, really? And just what are you going to do?"

"Get out of here. You can't face him." Taichi's face was locked
in a grimace of pain. "Can't let you get hurt for something that's
my fault." A digital device attached to Taichi's belt began to glow.

Koushiro blinked and then glared.

"I'm going to defeat you, Ogremon. Agumon evolve!" A pillar of light
formed, momentarily surrounding the little dinosaur. Suddenly he
wasn't so little anymore, as he somehow grew to almost five meters
and had some kind of skull mask. "Greymon!"

"Holy...." Taichi breathed.

"What the?!" Ogremon took a step back and his grip loosened slightly.

"Poison Ivy!" Palmon pulled Taichi out of the digimon's hand. "I
can't believe that worked twice!"

Greymon grinned. "Mega Flame!" A fireball erupted out of the large
dinosaur's maul and scorched the air as rushed towards it target.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Ogremon patted his hair. "Stop playing with fire.
You could hurt someone, namely me."

"Why would I care?" Greymon growled. "Mega Flame!"

Ogremon dodged and then noticed something. Where the fireball hit
had caused some cracks in the ground. With so much weight on the
cliff, it was almost ready to fall. "You remember the adage, the bigger they are?"

"The harder they hit," Greymon 'answered.' "Mega Flame!"

"That too, but they also fall down really hard!" Ogremon leapt into
the air and slammed his club into the ground with all his might.

Greymon looked down. "Was that suppose to do something?"

Ogremon scratched his head. "Well, yes."

Koushiro felt a shiver of pain through his lame leg. He then paled. "Oh, no. Stress fractures."

"Huh?" Daisuke asked intelligently.

"Everyone off the cliff now!" Koushiro ordered.

Ogremon pounded the ground once more. "Ah hah!" Cracks formed across the ground.

Greymon devolved into a weakened Agumon. "Oh, no."

"Bye-bye." Ogremon waved as the cliff finally gave way.

The ground collapsed and the nine kids with five digimon started to fall.

"I'm too young to die!" Miyako shrieked.

"This is too soon! I haven't gotten laid yet!" Daisuke whined.


Author's notes:

What's with the odd name usage?
Where ever possible I'm going with the Japanese name, including
attack names, to better distance this series from the American version.

Niichan is the 'cute' way of saying 'older brother.'

Sempai loosely translates as upperclassman, but it's general meaning
is as an honorific used for someone guiding you in something like
a tutor, an upperclassman, or someone at work with more experience.

Taichi's opinions on the group are just that, his opinions. He is
wrong about a few of them, but these are his impressions of the
group before everything begins.
So far, the cast:
Name: Age: Grade:
Taichi 16 10
Sora 16 10 Odaiba Senior High School
Yamato 16 10
Koushiro 15 9
Mimi 15 9
Miyako 14 8 Odaiba Junior High
Hikari 13 7
Daisuke 13 7
Takeru 13 7

Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake! Omake!

A glass door silhouettes two forms. Suddenly they jump on the door
causing it too fall, but miraculously doesn't break.

"Hi, everyone! I'm Taichi!" called out chibi-Taichi.

"And I'm Sora!" added chibi-Sora.

"Not it's time for what you've all been waiting for, the second part!" they chorused.

"Hold it!" A chibi-knight it brass colored armor and black hair
walked over to them. "You can't say that. That is part of MY series,
Record of Lodoss Wars-- Chronicles of the Heroic Knight!"

Chibi-Taichi crossed his arms. "More like Spark's series, old-man Parn."

"I am NOT old!" Chibi-Parn pulled out his sword.

Chibi-Taichi waved him off. "Hey, Greymon, deal with him."

"Sure thing, Taichi," came a loud growl.

Chibi-Parn stared up at the massive dinosaur. "Hey, you're not chibi."

A cute blue and white lizard popped up. "Some call for me?"

"No, Chibimon," chibi-Sora answered. "Now go back to your egg. You're
not suppose to come out for a while yet."

"Darn it." Chibimon hopped away.

"Now where were we." Chibi-Taichi paused in thought. "Oh, right,
Greymon, take care of the old geezer."

"I'M NOT OLD!" Chibi-Parn then pointed at Greymon. "But he's supposed
to be small and somewhat deformed."

"I don't do chibi," Greymon growled. "Mega Flame!"

Chibi-Parn ran around trying to put out the fire burning on his ass.

"Perhaps you're wondering why this is here?" chibi-Sora asked. "Well,
this is to lighten the tone of the Digital War series. Future installments
of this will pair off Digimon against other series. Such as watch
Inoue Miyako meeting Inoue Mayuko of Ushio and Tora!"

Chibi-Taichi jumped up. "Not to mention 'Kamiya Tai' verses Kamiya Kaoru of Rurouni Kenshin."

"You would enjoy beating up a girl." Chibi-Sora crossed her arms.

Taichi paused with his mouth open. "No I wouldn't."

"Anyway," chibi-Sora continued. "There will also be installments
of characters of other series are fussed with Digimon. Such as the
one that will occur after chapter two."

"Wahhhh!" Chibi-Parn ran past them with Greymon chasing after him.

"That means our time is up. Be seeing you!" Chibi Taichi waved goodbye
along with chibi-Sora.