Digimon: The Afterhours Adventures

Episode 2: Un-Tamer-ble...

A tall and lurching figure with REPAIR MAN stenciled on the back of its heavey trenchcoat slowly approaches the Digimon studios...

Agumon groaned from the figure's "stomach", pant and wheezing... "Geeze.. Why do we have to do this again?"

Tentomon answered from the head, looking down. "It was Gomamon's idea to get them addicted to "reality TV" and they're getting bored with us.. Least you don't have to lug the briefcase fulla cameras.."

Agumon groans and shakes his head. "No, I meant... why do I have to be on the bottom again?" He grunted and shifted a bit, trying to steady his step again as he continued forward

Tentomon shrugged at Agumon's complaint. "I'm the brains of this outfit, and I know how to work with people..."

Agumon groaned and walked a little faster... "Well can't you flap a bit up there? why do I even have to carry you?"

Tentomon stomped on Agumon's snout as some tourists turn to look at them as the approach the front gates

Agumon grunted at the stomping and started walking faster, hurrying to get inside one of the studios, before sneaking to a dark corner behind some scenery boards, where he dropped Tentomon off from his shoulders. "Gah... That's it, I don't care what happens next, you're getting someone else to carry you next time..."

Tentomon got up with a buzzing growl "Yeah yeah.. Now to place the cameras..."

The PA system suddenly blared out: "The D-Reaper wants his cheese danish... I repeat, The D-Reaper wants his cheese danish. Get off your asses Gazimon!"

Tentomon and Agumon both froze up as the PA blared and silenced again. " ....... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Agumon..."

Agumon shuddered and nodded, a disgusted look on his face. "I head about that D-Reaper... Freakish critter. I hear he's almost as bad as Puppetmon was..."

Tentomon shook his head. "No way... Worst then Puppet "I wanna play with little boys" mon?"

Agumon looked at his friend and gave him a sinister "I'm about to let you in on a dark, scary secret" type smirk. "Tentacles. Lots of them. and everything he has has a chord coming out of its ass.."

Tentomon gulped and shuddered, grasping Agumon's snout to shut him up, shuddering. "Lets get the hell out of here as fast as possible.." They both stood up and quickly scrambled towards the dressing rooms...

Both Digimon are soon inside one of the Dressing rooms, with Agumon holding a box of small cameras, hoisting it up as Tentomon arranges some of them to look inside the room. "How's it coming along?"

Tentomon chuckled and puts down the screwdriver into the box, before fluttering back down. "Done with this one."

The rest of the dressing rooms are bugged without incident, as they all seem strangely devoid of people, even between takes...

This caused Agumon to begin worrying a bit... "Where IS everybody?"

Tentomon hummed as he looked around, then spied a room labeled Employee Rec. "Bingo" He crept over and looked into the of the windows before begining to drool uncontrolably... (a rather disgusting sight on an insect, needless to say.

Agumon blinked and held back some disgust as he looked at the bug, scratching his head. "What is it?' He stood up to look over the bug's shoulder... "Its just the Terrier surfing the web.. " He then noticed the pentium 7 computer and sighed, shaking his head before smacking the back of Tentomon's head. "Oh, get a life, you nerd..."

Tentomon groaned as he crouched back down, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry about that... I guess I've been hanging around Izzy too long..."

Agumon sighed and shook his head. "I know, I know... Geez, we should get that boy a real girl, before he builds himself one. Anyways, I only spotted Terriermon in there, but not Guilmon, Renamon, or any of the others..."

Tentomon snickered at Agumon's comment. "BEFORE he builds one? Have you looked in his closet?"
Agumon went pale and sweatdropped at Tentomon's comment. "I did NOT want to know that..."

Tentomon smirked back at Agumon, enjoying his little payback for the "D-Reaper revelation", then stopped as he heard other people coming and grabbed Agumon and pulled him into the shadows. "Uh oh.. Someone's coming..."

They both hid and were surprised to see an old Japanese looking litter being carried into the room by an entire herd of domesticated Gazimon, a proud and superior looking Renamon streached out on the small throne, looking quite regal... Tentomon groaned and sunk his face against an up-raised claw. "Oy.. And I thought she had an ego complex ON stage.."

Agumon smirked in response. "Heh.. I guess that explains why D didn't get his danish.."

Renamon yawned and raised one of her hands to check her claws, before holding it down to one of the Ghazimon while leaning against her other hand... "My claws are getting dull... sharpen them."

Some of the Gazimon started to push each other around before one of them stepped over the others to get to her side, holding a nailfile before taking her hand. "At once, your vulpine magnificence..."

Renamon smiled as she simply let the Gazimon sharpen her claws, tilting her head to take a sip from the straw in a can of cola held by another Gazimon.

Agumon blinked as he watches, then turned to look at Tentomon, who's already recording it with his videocamera. "Oh man, this has GOT to be part of the final cut..."

Terriermon smirked at the scene before turning the monitor a bit to show a MALE Renamon being yiffed by Guilmon. "Hey, guess what? Another one thinks you're a guy. What's the total now your "Vulpine Masculinity"? 50?"

Renamon went wide-eyed at Terriermon's words. "WHAT!?" The Gazimon screamed and scattered as Renamon leapt off the litter, yelling "Diamond Storm" before throwing her glowing darts! Terriermon yelpt and barely had the time to duck as the darts riddled the computer, shattering it to pieces!

Agumon quickly grabbed Tentomon's mouth before the insectoid could scream to express the emotional pain he felt at the ruined computer. At the reptile's urging, the crying insectoid continued to watch and record the events in the room...

Terriermon winced and looked up from under the desk, sighing. "Geeze.. I can't help it if they find you too butch to be a chick..."

Renamon growled and brushed her fur back into place... "Too Butch!? Too butch indeed... I'm sexier then half the other females on this series..." She sat back down on the litter, crossing her legs as the Gazimon crawled back up. She turn to smile down at them. "Isn't that right, boys?" she asked, flashing them a wink. They nearly all swoon, kneeling at her feet to start bowing, chanting "We're not worthy, we're not worthy..."

Terriermon smirked. "I don't see why you think their opinions matter.. They've all been nuetored." He ignored the glare the Gazimon were now giving him, having paused their worship. "Well there you go.. you STILL can't attract any of the cast that actualy has their testosterone."

Renamon growled and sweatdropped at Terriermon's words, While some of the Ghazimon arose and snarled at Terriermon, their eyes almost glowing with anger! "He dares mock the Resplendiscent Renamon, and call us neutored!? Slay him!!"

Terriermon yelped and turned to run as the Gazimon started to run out after him!

Agumon snickered softly "I knew there was a reason why Gatmon never tried to date them..."

Tentomon nods a bit, snickering as well. "Poor bastards.. Uh oh! incoming lizard!" The two rookies ducked again, only staying high enough to watch...

Guilmon yawned as he padded into the rec room, walking straight to the fridge to open it, He stuck his head inside to scrounges around, seemingly gnoring the slumping Renamon on the litter. She looks at him with a depressed look. "Hiya Guilmon... Hard day on the set?"

Guilmon pulled his head out and finished chewing a large bite full of various foods, swallowing it down and belching before answering with a much deeper voice then usual... "Yeah... Had to repeat the same fight scene again and again, and then D-Reaper did it's usual temper tantrum before storming off when the Director didn't let it improv it's lines... *pfft*, you know how that bastard gets..."
Renamon sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah... And they call ME a Diva..."

Guilmon looked around at the mess, smirking again at the wreckage. "Ouch.. Terriermon call you a guy again?" He went to sat down on the rec room couch, grabbing a nearby remote to turn on the TV, watching some music videos...

She growled clenching her fists as she stood up. "Damn pencildick asshole... Just because I brush him off when he hits on me, he goes off on this little "Renamon is unfeminine" campaign to ruin my reputation!" She walked up to Guilmon, stepping up to block his view of the TV set. She took a decidedly voloptuous pose and tilted her head towards him, smiling softly... "I'm not unfeminine..." She leaned forward, smiling directly in front of him as she asked... "Am I, Guilmon?"

Guilmon looked at her and smirked in a way that seemed suspiciously uncharacteristic for his character. "We've had this conversation 50 times.. And considering the director's too afraid to punish you himself.. they'll dock OUR pay to clean up your mess. You'll have to do better than that Foxy."

Renamon frowned at his response for a moment. She then broke into a smile again and sat down in his lap, rubbing his chest with her paws. She finally leaned in close enough to breath on his face, speaking huskily... "Oh, don't worry about the mess..."

She then turned back and put her thumb and forefinger in her mouth to whistle, summoning a gang of Gazimon. Seemingly popping out of nowhere, they knelt before her, not even blinking at Guilmon's presence. "You beckoned, Magnificent one?"

"Yes... Clean this up, and replace that computer... I want no evidence..."

The Gazimon nodded and rushed to clean up, while Renamon resumed snuggling with Guilmon. "Now... As I was saying.."

Guilmon smirked and shook his head, chuckling. "How Do you do that? Even the staff can't train them that well..."

Terriermon, having managed to lose the horde of Gazimon, turned up again like a bad pennty, hopping up onto the other end of the couch. "Bribery. Her parents are rich... And better looking at 70..."

Renamon sudenly interrupted the Digimon by turning to growl... "Don't even say it, Rabbit... "

Terriermon suddenly lept to his feet with a confrontational gaze. "That's Dog! Dammit, I'm a Dog Digimon! Terriers are Dogs, not rabbits!"

Renamon leaned up against Guilmon, enjoying Terriermon's resulting tantrum. "Maybe if you had you ears shortened, we'd stop calling you a rabbit..."

Guilmon snickered softly. "He did.. 5 times before auditioning. And if you're not a rabbit.. Explain your almost identical twin, Lopmon?"

Terriermon groaned and crossed his arms, glaring at the duo. "Did you have to bring up Renamon's late night sex toy again?"

Renamon shrugged at Terriermon's words and smirked at him. "Jealous of your sister, Terrier? At least she knows what she's doing in bed. And you're in a bad position to question my sleeping with her, considering what she tells me you two do late during the evening, when Henry and Suzie are asleep..."

Terriermon just went pale, his eye twitching as he stammered, finding himself too shocked to respond, before Guilmon and Renamon's laughing actually manage to embarass him away, running off while muttering some cursewords...

Guilmon smirked as the dog digimon quickly scampered off. "Thank God I didn't have to live with him.." He then stretched out a bit, hugging Renamon to snuggle closely.. "Hmmm.. Now what were we discussing?"

Renamon smiled and churred as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her chest against his own chest and beck, while putting her muzzle down to rest on his, leaning against him to rub her whole body against his. "I think I was asking if you thought I was feminine or not..." She began to grind her crotch against his, wagging her tail slowly. "...And I'm still waiting for an answer."

Guilmon smiled and growled in a playful, gentle manner, pulling her closer. "Oh I dunno... He began to rub up and down her back, slowly preening her the fur along her spine with his clawed fingers like a comb, pausing at the little tufts of fur on her shoulders.

Renamon churred and raised her tail at the way he rubbed up her back, then shivered as he fluffed her shoulder tufts, causing her to sigh softly. She softly scraped her claws down his hard, scaled chest, squeezing her legs around his waist, rubbing her fur against his scales. "Hmm... What am I going to have to do to get an answer out of you, then?" she whispered in one ear, then slowly, gently began to lick from one of his cheeks, sliding her tongue delicatly along his lips, all around his muzzle, before resting at his other cheek, to whisper in his other ear... "Hmm? Any ideas?"

Guilmon murred lightly, hmmming to himself as his hands wandered down her sides, clenching softly along her hips. "I suppose you're welcome to prove it.. Again." He winks before lightly gripping the back of her head, pulling her into a deep french kiss!

Renamon groaned happily as she locked her lips against hers, wrapping her tongue around his in a deep, hungry french kiss, wrapping one arm around his shoulders to grab the back of his head, her other hand stroking down his back to squeeze the base of his tail, rubbing it firmly...

Guilmon slowly drew the vixen's tongue into his mouth, one of his own arms slipping around her waist, the other slipping from the back of her head and down her shoulder. His claws slowly worked their way into the soft mane of fur over her chest, their tips lovingly teasing her barely hidden breasts.

The vixen moaned softly as she felt his claws stroking and teasing her breasts, arousing her enough so that her nipples began to grow erect, poking visibly out of her chest fur. She groaned and groped the reptile's rump with one paw, the other rubbing up and down his spine, hugging him tightly as she rubbed her body against his...

Tentomon couldn't help but gape, grasping his camera tighty.. "Holy Crap.. Paydirt!" He turned the camera's zoom up to maximum to get a perfect image of the coupling digimon...

Agumon, now openly staring, could do little but nod... "God I wish Gabumon was here.. Or even that crazy Biyomon.." He suddenly turned to Tentomon and smacked up upside the head again. "YOU on the other hand, keep your pants on."

Guilmon, far too engrossed in his current situation to notice the bickering outside, groaned just lightly at the grope and flashed Renamon a smile, moving his head down to lap slowly through her soft chest mane with his large tongue, slicking the silken fur down against her breasts.

Renamon groaned and churred as she grabbed his headfins with one hand, pulling him down to press his muzzle against her breasts, arching her back for better access. "Hmm... Yess... God I love it when you do that, Guilmon..." She moaned softly and hugged him closer, grinding her own increasingly wet crotch against his hardening sheath...

Guilmon smiled and took a breast into his rather large mouth for a moment, suckling it slowly as his tonguetip played across the nipple. He moved one clawed hand down to slowly cup and massage her other tit, as the other slipped down the vixen's back, squeezing her shapely ass to grope it softly.

Renamon moaned and churred as she pressed her breasts against his muzzle and hand, rubbing the back of his head with one hand, her other hand sliding down to squeeze his own ass, while he rubbed her lower hips firmly against his own... "Oooh... Gods... I want you so much..."

He gripped her waist lightly and picks her up before gently laying her down on the couch, resting on her back. "Lets see what I can do to help that." He winked at her and slowly ran both his hands up her legs, scritching at her inner thighs for a moment before sliding one hand up to rub her now wet crotch...

Renamon churred at the gripping, moaning softly as she stretched out on the couch, showing off her body to Guilmon (and, unwittingly, to Tentomon and Agumon's camera as well). She churred softly as she squirmed in an alluring manner, spreading her legs for Guilmon's caresses, showing off her sopping wet cunt... "Hmm... Yess... You can feel it, can't you? I'm soo wet for you, Guilmon..."

Guilmon murred softly at the display licking his lips, as his clawed fingers slowly caressed her dripping mound. "Oh yes.. But I don't just want to feel my sweet vixen.." He leaned forward slowly, inhaling deeply of her scent before nuzzling her pussylips, rubbing his nose in the warm, sticky juices...

Agumon simply stared at the sight, not believing his eyes... "Wow, look at him go... Looking at his on-screen character, you wouldn't think he's so smooth in reality..."

Renamon, in the meantime, was moaning and bucking her hips as she felt Guilmon's muzzle rubbing against her cunt, causing her to shiver as he breathed on her. She moaned and gripped her breasts, fondling them while arching her back, then wrapped a leg around his shoulder, licking her lips as she pushed up against his muzzle...

Guilmon groaned softly at the rich scent, hands slipping up to grip and support her rump as his tongue glided across her mound, the tip pausing for a moment at her clit "Mmmm.. . Better than peanut butter anyday."

Renamon giggled and moaned at the licking, curling her tail to tickle his chest. "Hmm... Yess... Remember the first time I had you lick peanut butter off of me?" She flexed her rump against his clawed fingers, and began to rub her own nipples...

He chuckled and groped her ass slowly, the tip of his tongue working between her outerlips. "Peanut butter and Renamon sandwhich.." He winked and suddenly pushed his tongue in deep before she could respond.

Renamon yelped and thrw her head back, moaning as she clenched her cuntlips around his thick tongue, wrapping her legs around his torso to hold him in place, bucking her hips against his mouth, twisting her nipples as the red reptile tongue-fucked her deeply...

Guilmon gave a gentle growl and sealed his lips around her cunt, pausing to suckle lightly on her pussylips before slowly working his tongue back in, the warm, slick invader gently exploring inside her...

She gasped and moaned, reaching down to hold her lover's head down against her crotch, bucking her hips against his face. She groaned and rode his muzzle, trying to get more of his tongue deep inside her while she grit her teeth, her free hand squeezing one of her breasts...

He suddely focused his attention on the vixen's senstive clit, his tongue firmly massaging the little nub before his lips seal around it to suckle on it firmly...

Renamon moaned and shuddered at the sudden suckling, arching her back even more... "Oh god... Oh god... Oh yess... Gonna..." Renamon threw her head, muffling her scream with her own clenched fist as her cunt quivered and squirted it's fluids all over his muzzle...

With a smile, Guilmon pulled out slowly, delicately licking the warm, rich juices off his muzzle as one hand continued to massage her mound. "Hmmmmm.. I think you're more than ready for me.." He took his hand away after a moment, leaning down over her body to slowly kiss her nipples as the tip of his cock begins to rub teasingly against her slit. "Don't you?"

Renamon sighed as Guilmon continued rubbing her still sensitive crotch, moaning and squirming gently in response, looking at him with a "cute, innocent little slut" look worthy of a high-priced porn star... "Hmm.. You bet I am, stud... But then with you, it's easy to get ready... You always make me so hot and wet..."

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her up against his chest as he trailed loving little kisses down her throat. "Yess... Pretty amazing for the guy labeled "a bread snarfing dufuss." With a wink, he kissed her lips as his hips suddenly thrust foreward hard, firmly impaling the vixen on his cock with one smooth stroke

She giggled at his words and nods, hugging and rubbing him to her body, moaning at his kisses and licks, then throws her head back to moan as he rams his thick shaft deep inside her cunt, filling her deeply, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist to keep him deep inside her...

He groaned gently, slowly rubbing his face in the soft fur of her mane and breasts, holding still at the moment and oblivious to the pair of dropped jaws just outside the window. After the moment's pause he pulled her even closer to his firm, scaled chest, hips slowly bucking back and forth to pump his shaft into the warm vixen beneath him.

Renamon moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding her muzzle against his breasts while she rubbed her furry belly against his firm, scaled chest. She raised her legs and gripped his upper body as she raised her rump off the couch, getting into an angle so that Guilmon's cock could ram deeper inside her, then moaned as she began to buck her hips at the same pace he did, clenching her cunt tightly around his thick, throbbing shaft...

Guilmon shivered at the tickling caresses of her fur as she changed positions, moaning at the warm tightness around his cock. He growled as he adjusted himself again, taking one of the vixen's firm nipples between his lips to nibble, nipping a bit more firmly each time he thrust into her tight pussy

Renamon moaned and grinned as she felt Guilmon nipping and licking her breasts, then groaned and held her hips in the same position, bucking them a little faster, her toes wriggling in excitement as her lover fucked her nice and hard. "Ooh.. yess... Ram it in, Stud.. Ram it in deep..."

He growled and grinned down at the vixen before closing his eyes with a deep, feral growl, gripping her waist to hold her still as he starts to ram in hard, shaking her body with each thrust. She threw her head back to moan, bucking her hips a little more before finally holding still, letting Guilmon ram his cock deep inside her uninterrupted, shivering and moaning in pleasure as each deep thrust sends a ripple of pleasure through her body...

He shivered and lightly clamped his jaws around her shoulder, his tongue playing across the tufts of fur there as his thrusting becomes irregular, clawtips digging lightly into her rump. Renamon's moans became squeels as she felt her lover's thrusts become irregular, and began squirming and bucking her hips again, trying to get more of him inside her. She licked her lips and hugged Guilmon closer, rubbing up and down her back as she felt her climax approaching... She finally arched her back and came, spraying her cuntjuices all over Guilmon's crotch, before she leaned back as Guilmon suddenly shuddered and thrust in deep, laying his head back in a deep reptilian roar as his cock quivered inside her warm pussy before begining to pump spurt after spurt of steaming hot cum into the squirming fox... "Oooh... Yess... God that feels soo good..." She hugged and nuzzled him lovingly, licking all over his muzzle...

The reptile groaned softly, melting almost all the way back into the typical "happy little puppy mode" of his character, and cuddled lovingly against her soft fur, gently kissing and licking under her chin. Renamon giggled at Guilmon's slightly more "cliched" behavior, licking his nose before scritching behind his headfins like ears, nuzzling his forehead. "Hmm... I'm so glad I met you, Guilmon... Lord knows none of the other males on this production are worth squat..."

Agumon and Tentomon just stare at the sight, gaping as they recover from the sight of the two Digimon now basking in the afterglow... When suddenly, Terriermon's voice rang out over the PA.
"Will The entire cast, especialy Guilmon and Renamon, please report to the video screening room."

Renamon blinked at Terriermon's words, sitting up with shock on her face. "Huh?" She then groaned in frustration... "Dammit, what does that little fucker want now?"

Guilmon sighed and pulled out slowly, getting up with a little stretch "Might as well find out." He quickly bent down to lick up the excess cum from between her legs before helping her back to her feet.

Renamon churred at the licking, then bowed down to lick his own crotch clean, letting his soft cock slide back into it's sheath before she brushed her crotch fur back to hide her cunt, kissing his cheek "Let's arrive seperatly, so they don't suspect anything..."

Guilmon nodded and walked out first, not noticing Agumon and Tentomon, who had hidden themselves a little better this time. As Renamon walked out a few seconds after Guilmon, Tentomon followed her with the camera... "So... Shall we follow?" Agumon asked his friend, who merely chuckled and nodded.
"Are you kidding? This sounds promising..."

When Renamon finaly arrived, she found him gaping at a home movie shown on the giant television screen... The title was simply "The Missing Weekend", begining with Renamon drinking a cup of spiked herbal tea on Friday afternoon...

Guilmon gaped in shock as he stared at the large screen, turning back to look at Renamon, a big sweatdrop showing on his forehead, matching the one now showing on Renamon's head... Terriermon, meanwhile, looked at them, chuckling evilly as he sat between Leomon and Impmon, enjoying the sight of the two other Digimon sweating...

The TV began to show Impmon, dragging a now uncoscious fox down into the basement, muttering his typical "angry newyorker" complaints as he continued, inciting some laughter from most in the audiance. The camera panned to show every male member of the cast, staff, and production crew (except for Guilmon for obvious reasons) eagerly waiting her arrival...

Renamon goes deathly pale as her jaw drops, staring at herself getting tied up, her body spread eagle, before Impmon squirts some water all over her to mat her fur, exposing her breasts and cunt...
Terriermon and all the other males begin to hoot and cheer at the sight...

Guilmon just stares as well, in shock, as Impmon, on screen, suddenly unsheathed his own cock and began to ram it into the bound, vixen, causing her to groan and squirm softly as he bucked his hips to fuck her in her sleep... After about ten minutes of this, he arched his back and groaned, apparantly orgasming, pulling out as Terriermon took his place...

Agumon, hidden in the shadows, just dropped his jaw as well, watching as male after male took turns using the still sleeping vixen, somehow managing to use all her holes... while Tentomon simply recored the event, smirking "Damn... and folks call me a pervert..."

This gangbang show continued for almost 6 hours before the grimey, matted, and completely cum soaked vixen is finaly washed off and dumped into her bed, as if nothing had happened... Renamon just stood there and twitched, apparantly in shock of realizing what really happened to her that day, and why she felt so sore afterwards...

The cast and crew cheered and whistled, with Terriermon turning to smile at the "star" of the video... "Wow... I gotta admit, I did have doubts on your femininity, but I guess that video proves you're one heck of a woman..."

Agumon leaned in to whisper, "Sweet mother of... We're set for life!"

"Hell.." Tentomon responded, " This film's worth its weight in gold 500 times over.."

Terriermon's chuckle was quickly interrupted as a low, gutteral growl emenated from Guilmon, who's gaze has gotten from normal to "Rage Mode", glaring at all the men present, perticularly Terriermon... The Dog-Rabbit gulps and looks at Renamon, who was doing the best "Raging Guilmon" impersonation ever seen... He gulped and began to swetdrop.. "Uhhhh.. Copies are on sale in the lobby!" He quickly dove into a trapdoor in the center of the stage, as everyone else tried to scatter, running away from the rampaging Digimon, who growled as they chased after Terriermon, shooting their attacks at him or any other "participant" coming within range...

Impmon, who ducked to hide under a seat when the rage started, comes back out after the raging couple have moved on, and sighs in relief. "Geez... I told Terriermon we should've kept it under wraps before the video sales were done... Him and his stupid grudge..."

Suddenly, an entire "tide" of armed Gazimon flood into the room, spotting impmon "There's one of the infidels! KILL!!"

Impmon queeked as he heard them. "Eep!" He quickly started to run, cursing... "Dammit, Forgot about her fuckin' Gazimon eunuchs!"

They all call out as one as they chased him: "We're NOT neutored Dammit!"

Agumon stared for a moment, then fell over laughing himself sick next to Tentomon who had collapsed long ago... The two rolled around on the floor, lauging madly until Agumon finally recovers enough to sit up and look at Tentomon, wiping a tear from his eye... "Oh Please, tell me we got that..."

Tentomon chuckled as he looked up, still crying and laughing. "Don't worry, I already hacked into the standard security system, so you know we got that..."

Agumon, watching the Gazimon army chasing down Kenta and Kahzu, chuckled and shook his head, turning to Tentomon. "Well, they're doomed.."

"$50 says they don't last 5 minuets."

"Come on! they couldn't survive a paper bag attack!"

Tentomon chuckled and nodded, then yelps as an explosion shook the room. "Yikes... I think the place is getting too hot to handle... Should we leave while the leaving's still good?"

Agumon shook his head. "Not just yet..."

Suddenly, the D-reaper voice rang out over the PA again: "WHERE THE FUCK'S MY DANISH?!"

Agumon gulped. "Ok.. NOW we leave! Run like you've never run before!"

Tentomon nodded and spread his wings. "Run!? I'm flying!!" He then took flight and rushed out of there, leaving Agumon to blink and run after the insectoid, cursing at getting left on the ground...

A heavily bandaged Davis walks on screen on crutches...
"Wow.. That was some fight. What'll happen to the tamers now? Will Renamon and Guilmon ever recover?"

Gabumon's voice suddenly called from off-screen, " There's one over here!!"

The Ghazimon herd suddenly shifts direction, coming back towards Davis.
"Lets neuter the bastard!"
"Didn't they already do that?"
"Shut up and kill him!"

Davis just squeeked and went wide eyed, running as fast as he can with a broken leg, with a horde of Gazimon in hot pursuit...