Digimon: The Afterhours Adventures

Oh Fortuna plays in the background as a shadowy figure walks up into center stage...

"Few have dared to tread where you are about to go... The unknown private lives the the original Digimon. Few people realise that these creatures have actual lives."

Patamon flutters on stage and looks at the announcer without being noticed...

"You will be given an incredible look into their private lives through the eyes of their own security cameras.. "

the pig bat begins to tug at a chord

"Prepare yourself for... Digimon! The AfterHours Adven... AHHHHH!"

The chord trips the figure, reavealing Tentomon standing on Agumon's shoulders! Tentomon groans and slaps his forehead...

"Damnit! Now we've lost the suspense.."

"Least we still have the video rights.."

"And a porkroast for dinner."

They both glare at Pata who quickly runs off stage, where they chase him off as the scene fades to black.

Episode One: Sex, Lies and Digimon Videos

We Fade in to see Agumon, Gabumon and Veemon lounging around on the couch at Davis' appartment, eating popcorn while the big screen TV shows an episode of Digimon Tamers.

-Here we see the usualy simple lives of the reptillian digimon. These slightly lethargic creatures are fond of watching their distant relative the humble Guilmon.-

Agumon popped a few popcorn kernels in his mouth... "Who else thinks he's sleeping with the fox?"

Gabumon smirked and sipped his drink. "Like she has a choice? The rest of the cast is either too small or too freaky.

Veemon stared happily at the screen, watching the last few minuets of the episode, oblivious to the conversation, when Davis' Voice Over called out: "Tune in Next time for.... Digimon! Digital Monsters"

Veemon added "And Why Doesh Davish's voice keep coming on during the new
Digimon Sheriesh?"

Agumon blinked at that comment, then looks pensive. "That explains his new car.. And the sudden increase in sluts.. Err.. I mean dates.."

Gabumon growled. "Son of a bitch cut us out of a contract deal again!"

Just then, Gomamon came in from the pool, with a towel around his neck, perking his ears. "Whatcha talking about? I got in on it.. They just shrank me and made me all cute..."

"Davish shays they neutored you too.."

Gomamon snapped at Veemon. "They did NOT!"

Agumon tilted his head. "Come to think of it... Doesn't the teacher on that show sound a lot like Kari?"

Gabumon nodded. "And what about all the merchandise that the PigBat gets.. You never see Gabumon dolls and pillows.."

Gomamon chuckled. "They're afraid of what you're hiding under your hair piece."

Gabumon glared at Gomamon. "Its NOT a hairpiece damnit!"

Agumon smirked and shrugged. "Besides... Nowadays those Tamers get all the merchandising deals now...

Veemon suddenly turned smug. "But we did get a movie... and the Tamers havn't."

Gabumon sighed. "Considering how they edited it, and basically shoved three movies into a single, badly edited one... Is that really something we want to be proud of?"

Veemon smirked. "Yer all jush jealoush because as Flamedramon, Renamon invites me into her trailer for private massagesh.."

Gomamon rolled his eyes and shook his head. "And you still haven't figured out why..."

Veemon blinked innocently, tilting his head.

Agumon and Gabumon snickered uncontrolably

Veemon frowned. "What'she the big joke?"

Gomamon shook his head, smirking. (Geez, just what was he expecting to do with Gatomon?)

Agumon smirked. "This is why they don't have any villages full of

Gabumon nodded. "Natural selection..."

Veemon frowned, then smirked as a clever response (to him) came to mind. "Oh yeah! Leasht I don't lock myshelf in closhets for hoursh like you two do..."

Agumon and Gabumon suddenly began to sweatdrop, as Goma squeeled with laughter.

Gomamon curled up and began laughing out loud! "Locked in closets! Oh man, that joke works on so many levels.."

Veemon, completly clueless to the embarassment he was putting the other two reptilians, added: "For that matter, why are you guysh alwaysh sho shweaty when you come out of the closet??

Gomamon paused as Veemon actually said that sentence, then actually fell down and rolled of the floor, laughing his tail off, much to Agumon and Gabumon's embarassment and annoyance, and Veemon's cluelessness.

Gatomon, streached out on the hand rail for the second floor stairs, unnoticed by the males, couldn't help but roll her eyes and sigh... (Geeze.... And they wonder why fanfic authors keep hooking me up with my own trainer..)

Gabumon, blushing a bit more, quickly decides to try and change the subject to distract Veemon. "Well, you still have a long way to go to beat Patamon's popularity..."

Veemon, at the mention of his eternal rival, suddenly growled and clenched his fists, growling through clenched teeth. "Oh, I'll show them... I'll be more popular then Patamon yet! After all, I'm cooler then he is! Why does everyone like Patamon sho much?"

Agumon and Gabumon shrugged. "We've been wondering that since Season One," Agumon stated. "What the hell IS the pigbat good for, anyway?"

Patamon suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere, landing amongst the other Digimon to pose cutely. "I'm here to out-cute Pokemon's Pikachu!"

The reaction to Patamon's entrance, as can be expected, is a lot of silence and glares aimed at an increasingly embarassed looking Patamon, who promptly gets kicked off-screen by Agumon

"Fine, fine... now, beat it, percolator breath..."

Gatomon gives a Deeeeeep shudder as she walks down the stairs with Palmon beside her, watching with relief as Patamon gets tossed out the window. "And they want me to DATE that winged freak?!"

Palmon crossed and leaned against the railing, a dreamy look in her eyes. "Well, he does have a cute Champion form..."

Gatomon shrugged with a disgusted look on her face. "Yeah, if you're into humans..."

At this point, the male Digimon had noticed the females, Gabumon and Agumon stiffening as they realize they heard the conversation. Veemon, distracted by Gatomon's simple presence, simple stayed quiet and stood to admire her...

Gomamon smirked at Palmon's statement and decided to tease her about it "You know Palmon.. she's into anything that even remotely looks like it MIGHT have a dick..."

Agumon and Gabumon turn from whispering something to Veemon, and just look at Palmon. Now its their turn to laugh madly, while the young dragon walks to the couch, licking his lips...

Palmon frowned, then looked down at the laughing duo. "You've got a lot of nerve, Ace and Gary..." That statement was enough to silence the two males, who frowned at her.

"Hey," Agumon growled. "I'll let you know I'm bisexual..."

Gomamon, wanting to tease Agumon some more, imitated Gabumon's voice. "That's not what you said last night, sexy tail."

Gatomon, noticing Agumon and Gabumon's annoyance, decided to press the matter... "I'd ask you to prove it.. But I'm terrified you'd actualy try to..."

Agumon frowned and crossed his arms. "Why don't you ask Biyomon for proof?"

It's at this confused point that Tentomon suddenly flew in from Mr Motomiya's office. "I don't know how you could brag... You were both drunk as Skunkmon, and you kept calling Gabumon's name."

Agumon's face went pale, and suddenly stared at Tentomon "How the hell do you know?!"

Tentomon suddenly froze up. "Uhhhhh..." He then started to whistle and try not to look at a hidden camera in the wall, so as to avoid getting them noticed.

Palmon smirked "And here I thought it was because Biyomon's desperate enough to leap at any chance to sleep with a male..."

As being catty came naturally to Gatomon, she added "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?"

All four males chuckled along with Palmon, who quickly took offense. "Hey! ...That's different. I maybe be slutty, but I'm not desperate."

Gomamon smirked and leaned in. "You slept with Izzy.. that's pretty damn desperate in my book."

She simply smiled. "Appearances can be decieving... He's much better then you'd expect."

Tentomon and Gomamon shuddered and shook their heads "I did NOT need to know that about my human partner..."

That statement caused Palmon to giggle and smirk right back at Tentomon. "Besides, you're in a bad position to talk, considering what you've beendoing with Mimi..."

Gabumon blinked at that revelation, ignoring Tentomon's blush. "But I though she hated bugs?"

Agumon smirked "Oh she just has him wear a bag over his head.."

That statement irked Tentomon, who aimed his own insult at the two reptilians. "At least I know what she looks like without her clothes!"

"Hey! No one looks under the fur!"

Gatomon rolled her eyes and smiled. "Thank the Digital Gods.."


Agumon hugged Gabumon to reassure him, glaring at Gatomon. "You have no right to say that..." He then added with a proud smile, "Besides, you've seen him as WereGarurumon..."

Palmon nodded at that. "Yeaah..." She then shook her head and sighed. "Shame he's gay like a fairy..." This caused everyone to suddenly look at Palmon, before snickering, much to Palmon's confusion. "What? A girl's not allowed to drool over beefcakes?

Tentmon smirked and pointed the joke out to her "Think back on what you said.." For a second, Palmon stood silently, then groaned and slapped her forehead!


Gabumon smirked. "Geeze.. Even Veemon's not that stupid..." He turned to look at the little blue reptile, who now had his head trapped in the couch cusions. This caused Gabumon to sweatdrop.. "On second thought.."

Veemon, ignorant of how ridiculous he looked, let out a muffled cry. "Help!! I'm shtuck!"

All the Digimon groaned and shook their heads as Veemon once more proved his stupidity. This perticular instance caused Gomamon to ask: "Why DO you keep putting those sugarcubes in the couch like that?"

Agumon smirked at Gomamon. "Because its fun to see him pick them up with his tongue... and he gets stuck all the time."

Gabu, considering that, wondered aloud: "Wouldn't that mean his
tongue's over 6 inches long and.."

Gabumon's musing was suddenly interrupted as Palmon and Gatomon also considered it. "OH MY GOD!", they said in unison, before looking Veemon, then at each other, grinning evilly...

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Gatomon?"

"Yes, I am... and I saw him first..."

Finally managing to pull his head out of the couch, Veemon rubbed his nose and looked up, meeting the gaze of four curious males and two lustful females. "What?" Veemon asked with his usual confusion. "Why'sh everybody looking at me?"

The only response Veemon got was from Palmon and Gatomon, who suddenly pounce on him, Palmon using her vinewhip to bind him, before dragging him off to June's bedroom, cackling in a way that caused the other
males to back off.

"I don't know whether to envy him or pity him," Gomamon commented.

Veemon was still surprised at getting tied up, when he suddenly found himself flopped onto June's bed, with Gatomon closing the door while Palmon seperated some of her vines to tie him back down in a spreadeagle position.

"Hey, what'sh the meaning of thish? What're ya girlsh gonna do to me?!"

Gatomon crawled slowly onto the bed, purring as she approached Veemon, rubbing a paw up and down his chest, smiling warmly. "Well, Veemon... I was thinking of finally rewarding your devoted pursuit of me by giving you what you've always wanted from me... And Palmon's here to help me with that reward..."

Veemon shivered at her touch, but blinked and looked at both girls, who were now kneeling on either side of him, smiling warmly. "Really?" The two girls nodded, which caused him to say, with all seriousness... "Uh... I don't know how to dance the Tango with two digigirls, let alone when I'm tied up like this..."

The moment was interrupted when both girls facefaulted, unwittingly showing off their wet crotches. Palmon was the first to get up again, groaning... "I can't believe he's actually THAT clueless..." Gatomon grunted as she got up, looking down at Veemon., who looked just as confused as ever...

"Well I'm not ready to give up..."

"What, you mean you don't want to tango?"

Gatomon decided to take the digi-bull by the horns, and grabbed Veemon's horms to make him look directly at her. "Oh, but I am," she purred... "A different -kind- of tango... " She punctuated her statement by locking lips with Veemon, sliding her tongue deep into his mouth while she pressed her chest against his. Veemon simply went wide-eyed at his first french kiss, stiffening as the kiss triggered a whole new sensation racing through his body... a growing warmth that filled his body, feeling good. He finally realized he should be returning the kiss, and instinctivly wrapped his long tongue around hers, causing her to purr in response...

Gatomon finally broke the kiss to catch her breath and sat up, leaving Veemon to wheeze. "Wow... That... that was..." Before Veemon could finish that sentance, Palmon grabbed his neck and shoulders and leaned forward to french kiss him as well, her tongue, he realized, feeling quite differently from Gatomon's in many ways, as she licked all over the inside of his mouth. He responded a little more quickly this time, licking in return as Palmon pressed and rubbed her chest against his. He was as yet unsure why, but that sensation was causing his warmth to grow and concentrate on his crotch, where he was starting to feel a little stiff...

"Hmm... About time we got a reaction... And a very good one too..."

Palmon broke the kiss to look at the focus of Gatomon's attention, prompting Veemon to tilt his head to look down as well. All three were now staring wide-eyed at Veemon's sheath, which had hardened to show the long, thick shape of a cock, the tip of which was now starting to poke out of his sheath. Veemon suddenly yipped in embarassement and confusion... "I... I dunno how... I'm... I don't need to go to the bathroom, I swear I don't..."

His stammerings were interrupted when Gatomon grabbed his muzzle to silence him, her other paw going down to rub his sheath. "Shut up, Veemon... This is a perfectly normal reaction..."

Palmon nodded and smiled as her own hand reached down to rub his sheath. For a reason Veemon couldn't understand, this caused him great pleasure, and he arched his back, groaning appreciativly... The green female smirked at her friend. "So... Want his muzzle or his shaft?"

"Hmm... You take his mouth, I wanna see how good he tastes..." Before a surprised Veemon could ask what Gatomon had meant, she released his muzzle to kneel between his legs, and found himself muzzled again as Palmon suddenly straddled his face, pressing her crotch against his mouth.! He was surprised to find that her crotch was warm and wet, moisture leaking from a slit that had opened between her legs, the inside of it a deeper shade of green then the rest. He tried to say something, but his mumblings and breathing only caused her to churr and rub her crotch against his mouth as he tried to talk, her liquids filling her mouth. Rather then the disgust he expected, however, her fluids tasted a little like sweet sap.

"Hmm... Use that tongue of yours, Veemon... lick me..." Gatomon looked at her friend and purred as she began to nuzzle and rub her cheeks up and down Veemon's crotch, causing the reptile to groan and buck his hips against her, his shaft sliding out, getting nice and hard. She grinned at his reaction and began to rub her rough tongue up and down the sheath, before sliding it over to the thick, pink rod that was now standing at full attention before her.

Veemon was feeling a great deal of confusion at the new, instinctive sensations growing within him. The rising heat in his crotch was causing him to buck his hips, almost trying to push against Gatomon's muzzle, who was somehow pleasuring him in this way. He opened his mouth to moan, but Palmon simply pressed her wet slit against his mouth and tongue. She moaned as her juices began dripping in his mouth, coating his tongue while her scent filled his nostrils.

"Hmm... Come on, now, Vee... don't be shy... you know you want some..." Palmon expected a little shyness and hesitation, and decided that if he didn't catch on, she could just grab his muzzle and fuck herself with it. Fortunetly, she wouldn't need to...

Veemon didn't know why, but her juices were the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted, and he began to slide his long tongue deep inside her, now slurping up her drippings. This seemed to be the right thing to do, as she moaned and squeezed the slit around his tongue and began to buck her hips against his muzzle, much in the same way he was doing. He paused for only a second as Gatomon wrapped her lips around the tip of his shaft and began to lick all over it, causing him even more pleasure.

"Yesss.... That's what I want... Oh Fuck yess... Gato, that tongue feels so good..." Palmon wasn't exagerating, either. She'd had males (and females) lick her, but she rarely had a chance to get a tongue as long and agile as Veemon's...

Gatomon smiled and gave Veemon's cockhead a good, long lick. Apparantly, the carrot approach had worked like a charm, and Veemon's instincts where catching up the slack for his brains, by pushing him to do the right thing. She decided to give Veemon a little more insentive and rubbed both sides of his cock with her paws, while she slid the shaft deeper into her mouth...

As slow as Veemon was, even he caught on by now that the more he licked Palmon's slit, the more Gatomon would do... whatever that good thing she was doing to him was called. And he wasn't about to stop a very good thing by hesitating now. He decided to feel around deep inside Palmon's slit, and found that whenever he touched certain spots, she moaned at a higher pitch, bucking her hips to grind against his muzzle.

"YES, YESS!!" Palmon was now riding his muzzle rapidly, feeling herself approaching her release. And from the intense build-up she was feeling, she knew it was going to be a juicy one... "OH GOD, YES, I'M CUMMING!!"

Gatomon grinned catishly as she heard Palmon's scream, and began feeling quite wet as she anticipated getting his tongue deep inside her as well. She decided to see how much of him she could take, and began to deep-throat his cock, licking and suckling it hungrily.

Veemon groaned in pleasure as Gatomon's warm, wet mouth wrapped around his shaft, her tongue curling around it. He didn't know what Palmon meant, however. She was already here, so why would she say she was coming? But as much as the question nagged him, he found himself focusing intensly on his licking all around inside Palmon's slit, grinding his own nose against the small bump that had grown at the top of it. ...When suddenly she arched her back and froze as she screamed, her slit now squirting more fluids then every before, flooding his mouth and coating his muzzle with it, bucking her hips before she stopped, panting and squirming as Veemon continued to lick her.

He was now happily lapping up her juices, when he stopped and gasped as Palmon stood up and Gatomon's suckling stopped as well. He looked at the females and blinked as they switched positions, this time with Gatomon facing Palmon as she crouched down to press her crotch and her pink slit against his muzzle, while the plantgirl leaned forward to kiss and caress his still hard shaft. He groaned in pleasure as the rubbing resumed, and decided to continue his own work, now nuzzling and licking Gatomon's slit.

He found she tasted differently, her juices smelling more pungent, her taste more salty, but still delicious. He wasn't surprised this time to feel Palmon's large, thick mouth wrap around his rod, licking and suckling all over it while she massaged his sheath. He was surprised, however, when Gatomon leaned forward and resumed licking his shaft as well, her tongue and lips joining Palmon's as both females began to kiss and lick all over it. This excited him more then ever, and he slid his tongue deep inside her hot, juicy slit, licking all around her inner walls while pumping his tongue nice and slow inside her.

Gatomon purred loudly as she felt Veemon's tongue fill her cunt, and bucked her crotch against his muzzle as she and Palmon passed his cock around like a bottle, both girls trying to lick and suckle him to a climax, occasionally kissing each other around it. Gatomon was no lez, but she had to admit, it was fun to kiss Palmon's sweet lips, just as much as it was to lick Veemon's fleshy cock...

Veemon groaned loudly as the two mouths around his shaft were making him feel better and better, causing him to lick deep inside Gatomon's slit, doing the same things he did to Palmon in an effort to make her "come" as well, and give her more of her delicious fluids. He understood that much, at least. But he didn't understand the build-up he was feeling inside his shaft... it felt a little like he needed to pee, but not quite... He tried to hold himself back, thinking Palmon and Gatomon wouldn't like getting sprayed with his urine, not making the connection with Palmon's own "cumming"...

Veemon didn't realize it at first, but that was exactly what Gatomon and Palmon wanted him to do... Well, Gatomon also wanted to cum as well, and wrapped her legs around Veemon's head to grind her crotch firmly against his mouth, rubbing her clit against his lower lip. By now, Palmon and her were taking turns deep-throating Veemon, suckling and licking all over his shaft, squeezing their palms around the base...

Veemon groaned as he felt the pressure building up beyond what he knew he could hold, and realized he had to make Gatomon "come" as fast as possible. Remembering how rubbing that nub of Palmon's had pleasured her greatly, he found her own nub and began to rub the base of his tongue against her, trying to hurry... Veemon failed in his contest of speed, however, as just when Gatomon mewled and sprayed her liquid all over his muzzle, he felt an incredible rush of pleasure flooding his body, while some gooey liquid sprayed from his shaft!

Palmon and Gatomon, to Veemon's surprised, churred and cooed in pleasure and excitment as they began to suckle on his cock and lap up the liquid he'd sprayed, licking it up as if it was sugar... And that's when it hit him... Maybe he'd "Come" as well... Come to think of it, it HAD felt good... Maybe if he asked nicely, they'd do it again? As the girls looked up from his crotch, they grinned down at him, licking their lips... and Veemon someohow new that maybe he didn't need to ask...

Meanwhile, back in the living room...

"Say," Agumon asked. "You think he'll be a little less of a twit
after he gets some action?

Hopping up onto the couch, Gomamon shook his head. "Nay. He'll be a
twit with an ego complex.. Like Davis."

All four males considered the idea, then shuddered almost as one.

"My goodness..." Gomamon sighed. "He'll be unsufferable..."

Agumon groaned and bopped Gabumon's head! "You and your dumb ideas to stare at Veemon's

Gabumon growled and bopped Agumon right back! "Well, if you hadn't mentionned his tongue..."

Gomamon sighed and smacked the both of them upside the back of the head, adding "If you
hadn't starting giving measurements.."

Tentomon chuckled at the "Three Stooges, then whistled innocently before quickly disappearing into the computer room to check the "security system" he'd tapped into earlier, to see if his recordings worked...

Gabumon rubbed his head, groaning, before turning to look at Agumon.. "Well, nothing we can do now but wait until they come back..."

Agumon's response was to smirk at him and lick his lips. " Well, I can think of something else..." Gabumon licked his lips right back and nodded, approaching him...

Gomamon groaned... "Please, don't do it in front of me..."

Agumon stopped to smirks at the seal. "Oh Please, yourself... We know all about your affair
with the pig bat.." Gabumon chuckled and put an arm around Agumon's shoulder, who shook his head and grinned. "I'd have thought you had better taste, though..."

Gomamon blinked at Agumon's statement, and curled up defensively, blushing a bright red... "It's not an affair," he tried to coverup. "It was a one-time deal... Like you and Biyomon... "

Gabumon grinned at Gomamon's denial, and suddenly revealed Gomamon's personal date book, which he stashed nearby: "Lets see.. You've got every night until next week booked up for Patty..."

Agumon chuckled at Gomamon's plaing face. "And its cute how you always call him by the pet name.". He then looked over Gabumon's shoulder and chuckled. "And the descriptive drawings... I didn't even
know you COULD do that..."

Gomamon merely stood there, stuttering in shock, before shaking his head to clear his thoughts. He then frowned and hurridlu snatched the book back from Gabumon's hands "Dammit," he yelled, "some of us are trying to keep it under wraps..".

Gabumon shrugged and smirked back at Agumon. "Hey, could be worse.. He could be dating the caterpillar." Agumon nodded with a smirk of his own.

"Good point."

Gomamon blinked at Gabumon's words, shuddering as he hid his address book again, before turning back to the other two males. "Please... He's so creepy... Always fawning over Ken like that..."

Agumon nodded at the seal digimon's point, but added "Well, you know him and Armadimon had a fling..."

Gabumon smirked. "I Figured shell boy would have better taste."

Gomamon suddenly blinked at a realization, and askedL "Geez... Are all of us male Digimon gay?"

Agumon and Gabumon looked at each other, then back and Gomamon, and shrugged in response.
"We think some of the seaon 3 guys aren't... But we're not sure."

"Yeah.. They're too good to hang out with us "Canceled Rejects"...

This only caused Gomamon to shake his fin dismissively, and added: "It just got me thinking... Who the hell does Palmon sleep with to get that "slut" reputation, then?"

Agumon suddenly raised an eyebrow at Gomamon's question, and scratched his chin. "I dunno.. I've never done it.. You've never done it.. Gabu's never.." He turned to notice the sweatdrop on Gabumon's forehead, and suddenly frowned in realisation... "Oh you bastard.."

Gabumon suddenly backed up a bit, raising his hands defensively. "What!?" He turn stood up to Agumon, pointing out... "...Hell, you've done it with Biyomon... And don't use that "I was just drunk" excuse, I know you didn't drink that much..." This time, it was Agumon's turn to sweatdrop in total embarassment at getting found out. Gomamon looked back and forth at the other two Digimon, grinning at the thought his two gay friends were actually Bis, and decided to ask them another question. "I just had a scarey thought.. Have any of you ever slept with the caterpillar?"

Gabumon and Agumon both stopped their facedown and turned to look at Gomamon, letting his question slowly sink in, before they both shuddered in unison. Agumon shook his head, a disgusted look on his face. "Gah... Hell no... I draw the line at grubs..."

Gomamon took in Agumon's answer, assuming that Gabumon felt the same way, and scratched his chin in thought... "But SOMEBODY's gotta be working the girls... None of us has ever slept with the worm and no one's actualy seen him with Ken..."

Gabumon suddenly went wide eyed as the thought hit him. "My god... You don't really think..!?"

Gomamon nodded, as he had the same thought a moment ago. "It makes sense... He's the only one who we haven't classified as gay.. Or a completely voyeur like the beetle.."

"Well, there's also Veemon," Agumon pointed out. "But he's just clueless... Or at least he's normally clueless..." He turned to look at Gabumon, who simply shook his head.

"No. Look how suprised the girls were when they found about his tongue..."

Gomamon pondered, muttering to himself... "So that explains the tiny pimp hat and
cane in Ken's closet.."

Before Gabumon an Agumon could turn to ask the seal about that, Veemon walked back in with a face covered in sticky stuff, and a goofy grin plastered on his face. He slowly walked past the other three males, saying nothing but an occasional "Wow..." Every few seconds...

Agumon and Gabumon both snickered, the orange reptile elbowing his comrad. "Hey, look who finally got some..."

Gomamon snickered. "At least his mouth did anyway..."

Veemon, ignoring their comments, flopped down on the couch to rest, almost in a trance. "...wow..."

Gabumon chuckled and shook his head "Well, looks like he's gonna be out of it..." Agumon smirked and nodded, and added in response...

"Gee, you'd think he'd be acting different then usual after his first time..."

Gomamon nodded, then realizing how "out of it" Veemon seemed, he quickly waddles off, coming back dragging a large carboard box, with a sticker stating "Mail to Aubudabi" placed right on the side of it.. "Quick! before he relizes what happened!"

Gabumon and Agumon blinked at Gomamon's words, and looked at each other, scratching the backs of their heads. "Uh..." Gabumon asked, "You sure we wanna risk getting the girls angry at us..?"

"Would you prefer a second Davis?"

Within a second of Gomamon's question, Gabumon and Agumon both grabbed Veemon and dumped him into the box, duct-taping it shut! Gomamon then shoved the box out the door as fast as he could!

"Quick! We gotta catch the mail man!"

And so they all ran out to catch the truck, the three males hoisting the box as they ran, blissfully unaware of Palmon, as she walked in from the backdoor, pulling on Biyomon's wing to lead her in.

"Trust me..." said Palmon with a sneaky grin. "...you've never had a licking like this..." She blinked and looked around, curious at not finding Veemon... or Agumon... or Gabumon, for that matter... Hell, she couldn't see any of the males... "Hey, where's everyone?"

Patamon fluttered in and perched himself on the back of the couch, seemingly unphased by what happened to him earlier... "They're chasing the mailman."

The two girls both looked at him, blinking a couple times, letting his words sink in. Palmon then leaned to the side and whispered to Biyomon... "I'd ask, but I'm not sure I wanna know..."

Biyomn simply slumped over and sighed with a broken spirit... "Aw geez... Everything I think I'm gonna get some, something like this happens... IT'S NOT FAIR, DAMMIT!!" She turned to grab Palmon by the shoulders, shaking her best friend as she ranted... "I'm cute, aren't I? And I'm a female too... So why can't I get laid when the male to female ratio of Digimon is about three to one!? Huh? I ask you, WHY!!??"

Patamon, seemingly unaware of the topic of Biyomon's rant. sighed softly as he stretched out on the couch's arm. "They never let me play with them.. Like the time they all wanted to watch Flamedramon in the shower.. Now I don't get to play Mail Veemon to Aubuda... Da.. Oh. Somewhere!"

Palmon suddenly pushed Biyomon back, freeing herself from her shaking as she turned around to look at Patamon... "They... did... WHAT!?" With one of her eyes twitching and a vein popping on her forehead, she then ran out the door, almost foaming at the mouth, screaming obsceneties aimed at the other three males, leaving Biyomon to sigh as she looked at her friend go...

"There's gotta be someway for me to get some action..." Biyomon sighed and looked at Patamon, then shook her head with a disgusted look on her face. " ...Nah, even I'm not that desperate. She began to take flight, heading to follow after Palmon "Hey, wait for me!!"

Patamon blinked at Biymon's departure... then moments later, fluttered to the window at the sound of the three Digi-guys screaming in pain and fear... What met his gaze then caused him to cringe and shudder, wincing in sympathy... "Ow... I don't think a body is supposed to bend that way..."

So engrossed Patamon was with the fiersome sight that he failed to notice Tentomon buzzing up behind him, looking over his shoulder. "Oh I dunno.. I've seen Gatomon bend that way once or twice.. But then she has an incredibly flexible spine..."

Patamon yelped in surprise by Tentomon's sudden appearance "Gah!!"

Tentomon ignored Patamon's reaction and continued to look out the window, suddenly shuddering at something, before wincing and crossing his legs... "Now THAT'S a pain only a man can feel... I didn't think you could bend it that way when its hard..." Patamon stopped clutching his chest and turned to look at what the insectoid was talking about, then goes blank and faints at the sight, dropping to the ground... Tentomon smirked and chuckled at the batpig's reaction, then looked back at the sight outside. "Well at least he used that last burst of energy to throw the box onto that speeding truck.."

It's at this comically convenient time that Gatomon came in, yawning and stretching as she walked, her crotch suspiciously well-groomed. She looked around, spotting a comatose Patamon, whom she promptly stepped on to walk up to Tentomon "Oh, Hi... Did I miss something? Where's everyone?"

Tentomon didn't take his eyes off the window, and just seemed to narrate as he looked... "Beating the crap out of Agumon, Gabumon, and Gomamon for mailing Veemon to a middle eastern country."

Gatomon blinked as the insect's words sunk in, before she exclaimed "THEY DID WHAT!?" With a loud hiss and a snarl, she drew her claws as she ran out to join Biyomon and Palmon in dealing with the males for their deed, leaving behind a chortling Tentomon...

"And heeere's round Two! Damn I love being a trouble-making bastard..."

After a minute or so of resumed ravaging, Agumon managed to claw his way back into the front door, his body scorched, whipped and slashed at.... "HELP ME!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!"

Tentomon looked at the wounded Agumon, his only response being taking flight, buzzing away... "Looks like my cue to run and hide!" he quickly left for his hiding spot, leaving behind the whimpering reptile just as suddenly, Biyomon's flying pink figure swoops down to pin Agumon on the floor, with an evil grin on her beak...

"You've been a bad boy, Agumon... I was looking forward to trying outwhat Palmon told me about... I was really looking forward..."

Agumon looked whimpered as he looked up into her lust and raged-filled eyes... " Oh shit.."

Biyomon simply smirked as she held up an extension cord she'd grabbed somewhere... "So guess what? She leaned forward and tied it around his neck like a leash... "...Since Veemon's not here, you're going to fill in for him... And I better get off..." she pushed her clawed foot against Agumon's crotch, clenching her toes around the sheath in a clear threat. "...or this will!"

The orange dinosaur gacked in fear at the clawed groping and thought fast, trying to find something to distract her... "Uhhh.. You know Ken still has an entire colony of desperate male Gazimon his his basement.." He grinned sheepishly, hoping she'd fall for that obvious lie...

Unfortunetly for him, Biyomon simply glared down at him, growling with an icy stare... "Oooh no... You're not distracting me this time... I've been wanting you, too for a long while, and I'm sick and tired of having to get you drunk or drugged! Now, come along, and take your medecine like a real male!" She then dragged off the reptile, kicking and screaming, towards Davis' bedroom...

"Oh, stop your bellyaching, you big baby..." Biyomon unceremoniously tossed Agumon onto the bed, squawking as she jumped up to pin him down on it, with a burning, lustful gaze in her eyes which caused him to cringe and shiver. "You're not getting out of here until I cum..." She softened her look and chirped as she leaned forward to nuzzle his neckline, her wingclaws softly stroking up and down his chest, feeling him over, cooing as she felt his rugged, male frame.

Agumon gulped and froze, sweating as he felt her caressing all over his chest, feeling around. He tried to hold still and stay silent as she found and rubbed all his most sensitive spots, arousing him in spite of himself. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine Gabumon, or Gomamon, or Hawkmon, but he couldn't escape the fact that Biyomon, a female... a female he normally tried to avoid like the plague, was actually arousing him...

Biyomon chirped and nuzzled her way down his chest, rubbing her beak and down along his scales, preening them gently, causing Agumon to shiver. She giggled and cooed. "Hmm... You're liking this, aren't you? Don't worry... I won't tell Gabumon..." She slid her wing down between his legs to rub and squeeze his hardening sheath, rubbing it up and down to coax out his erection.

Agumon groaned and whimpered as his body betrayed him, his cock poking out of his sheath, causing Biyomon to squawk in excitement as she grabbed the hardening cock and hugged it, rubbing her feathered cheek against it. "Oooh... You have such a nice cock, Agumon... It's a shame to keep it all for Gabumon... Maybe I can show you how much fun I can be.." She smirked up at him and suddenly opened her beak, sliding it down around his now hard cock, wrapping her long tongue around it as she closed her beak slowly around it, scraping softly along the flesh of his rod as she began an avian blow-job. She chirped and cooed as she licked all over the cock, sending shivers through his spine.

Agumon groaned as he finally mentally accepted the pleasure being given to him, and arched his back to push her cock into her beak, letting her lick and suckle on more of it. (Holy Digi-Crap... The way she's suckling... She could give Gabumon a run for his money...) Agumon gripped the bedsheets and grit his teeth as the birdgirl actually deep-throated him for a second, before lapping all over his shaft, her claed fingers gripping firmly along his rump. He moaned and began to buck his hips to fuck her mouth, finally deciding he'd make it up to Gabumon later...

Biyomon cooed in pleasure as she felt Agumon begin to buck his hips, and bobbed her head at the same pace he was thrusting, letting his thick cock slide down her throat... While she hadn't have much actual experience with cock, she -had- practiced with cucumbers and sausages, training herself to ignore her gag reflex to take more of him down her throat. ...And that practice was now paying off, as she could feel her filling his mouth, bucking his hips to fuck her beak. She began to suckle him dry, wanting all his love juices for herself...

Agumon was now well past the point of no return, and growled as he bucked his hips against Biyomon's mouth, fucking her mouth rapidly, begging for release. Fortunetly, the way she was suckling so hungrily, pumping and milking him... he knew he would soon find that release. So he continued to thrust into her open beak, rubbing against her tongue and inner walls, until he threw his head back to roar as he came, giving her a generous mouthful of warm agumon seed!

Biyomon moaned in glee as she felt his seed fill her mouth... so much seed, in fact, she had to swallow each beakfull quickly to keep up with his flow... She giggled internally at the thought of having a gusher, and continued to lick his cock clean, fondling and stroking his sides as she nursed his cock until the flow of cum tapered off, and she let go of it to sit up, rubbing her now wet slit against the semi-hard rod's underside causing him to look up and whimper helplessly at the birdgirl, who smiled down at him... "Don't you dare think it's over, Agumon... I told you I wouldn't be satisifed until I got off..."

Her cum-coated beak curled into an evil, lusftful grin as she began to rub her slit up and down his shaft. The poor reptile could only groan and squirm as he felt his arousal rising again. Just when he thought he could now bask in the afterglow, Biyomon continued to grind her crotch agaisnt him, causing his shaft to harden again. He felt his body's strength drain into his lower body as his hips started twitching in response.

Biymon smirked at his response... Agumon might be mentally convinced he's gay, but his body sure seemed to contradict his convictions. She groaned softly and began stroking herself all over, rubbing her crotch against his cock until he was rock hard. She then grabbed his shaft and impaled herself on it, squawking as she felt it stretch out her cunt as she sat down to push it all in...

Agumon groaned and arched his back, instinctivly thrusting his cock deep into Biyomon's pussy, where she clenched her lips tightly around it, before she began to bounce up and down on top of him, riding his shaft hard and fast. He couldn't deny how much he was enjoying this, and soon began to buck his hips to meet hers each time she came down, fucking her harder and faster, his shaft throbbing deep inside her.

Biyomon was in sheer heaven... She was riding that male's cock hard and fast, desperatly wanting to climax herself. She clenched her legs around his waist to hold on tight as she bounced up and down, speeding her thrusts while clenching her cunt tightly around his thick cock. She threw her head back to squawk loudly as she felt herself getting closer to the desire orgasm...

Agumon growled as he bucked his hips just as hard and fast, ramming his cock deep insider her inner folds, the hot, wet slit's tightning only driving him wild as he continued going harder and faster, all conscious thoughts lost in a haze of mating frenzy.

Suddenly, Biyomon threw her head back and screeched loudly as she came, showering Agumon's crotch with her sopping wet juices, squirming as she continued to ride him. This triggered the orange dino's own climax, and he roared while ramming his shaft deep inside her gushing pussy as he came, filling her with another generous load of cum... She finally collapsed on top of him, cuddling and snuggling as she basked in the afterglow against a now completly exhausted Agumon... "Hmm," she cooed, "That was great... for starters." Agumon's eyes went deathly wide as he realized he was either going to really hate or really like what was coming...

Tentomon snickered and came out his hiding spot, after making sure his camera set-up was going to record the rest of Agumon's "punishment"... "God its a good day to be a voyeur..." He went back to look out the window, yelping as Gabumon suddenly slapped against the window as if tossed, flattening against the glass before he slid down with a squeek, dropping to the ground below. Tentomon winced as he leaned forward to see Gabumon's landing spot... "Ooooh.. that's a pain..Right into the poison ivy bushes Mrs. Motomiya planted to keep out prowlers.."

Gomamon suddenly ran back in, slamming the door behind him before holding it with all the strength he can muster, wheezing and looking otherwise panicked. "They've gone nuts!! HIDE ME," he begged Tentomon!

That sight caused the insectoid to chuckle and cross his "arms" as he looked back out the window.... "Oh don't worry... Its almost over. The mail truck just burst into flames down the street. Can you guess what that means?"

Gomamon blinked, not really catching Tentomon's drift... "Uh... I'm off the hook?"

Tentomon smirked as everyone still on the street stopped to stare at the slim blue and red figure walking out of the flaming wreckage, it's eyes glowing brightly as it walked down the street. Tentomon chuckled and pointed it out to Gomamon, statitng "Game called on acount of Flamedramon."

Gomamon squeeked and went almost entirely white in terror... "Oh Shit... That's even worst!!" He ran out to hide in the swimming pool, hoping no-one would find him there...

Tentomon simply snickered at Gomamon's reaction, then looked back out and chuckled as the bolts of fire fly down the street, scattering the rookies. "God I love this job.. I really, really do.."

Palmon and Gatomon ran back in, their bodies slightly singed as they tried to hold back the door in much the same way Gomamon did earlier, panick showing on their faces as Gatomon, seemingly unaware of the fire that now tipped her long tail, simply stated the obvious about Flamedramon... "Digi-Christ, he's gone nuts!!"

Tentomon chuckled and turned to look at the girls, smirking. "What do you expect?! there weren't any airholes in that box! The oxygen deprivation must've negatively affected his already fragile mind..."

That explanation did nothing to calm down Palmon, who looked at Tentomon and asked "But why attack us!? We didn't do anything to him!"

Thentomon just shrugged and smirked back at the females... "Where you or where you not close enough to Gabu to force feed him his own wolfskin?" He looked out the window and added... "Which is now on fire.."

Gatomon shuddered at the mention of Gabumon's wolfskin... "Gods, now I know why he wore that... You'd think being a reptile would mean not getting acne..."

Tentomon took in her words and laughed out loud, collasping onto his back right next to Patamon, which was about at this time the batpig finally woke up... "Huh...? What's going on?"

Gatomon sighed and shook her paw to shoo away Patamon... "Nothing... Shut up, Pigboy..."

Patamon blinked as he looked at Gatomon, ignoring her dissmissive gesture to point out... "But Miss Gatomon.. you're tail's on fire.."

She then blinked and looked, just as Palmon turned to point out, "Hey, he's right..."

After a second of staring at her burning tail, Gatomon suddenly screeched and started to run around, screaming "AAAHHH!!! MY TAIL IS ON FIRE, MY TAIL IS ON FIRE!!!" again and again...

Tentomon paused to look at Gatomon, running around like a Cockatrimon with it's head cut off, and simply laughed even louder, rolling his shell on the ground, rocking back and forth as he laughed madly as Palmon ran after Gatomon, trying to use her leaf-arms to pat down the firey tail... Patamon blinked at the chaos, then rushed into the kitchen to fill up a bucket of water, then strained to fly it back into the living room, unceremoniously dumping it on top of Gatomon, hoping to put out the fire!

Gatomon stopped running instantly, sighing as she now found herself covered from head-to-toe in water, with only her still burning tail having been spared the wetness. "Thanks," she coldly stated, before grabbing her tail, wetting some of her clawtips to pinch the flame out.

Patamon, unaware of Gatomon's sarcasm, beamed proudly "You're welcome! And where's Agumon?"

Gatomon blinked as she took the bucket off her head, and tossed it at Tentomon to silence his laughter. "I dunno... I lost track of him after I started to stomp on Gomamon's head... She turned to look at her friend, who shrugged in ignorance.

"I last saw him running from Biyomon..."

Suddenly, a loud avian screech is heard, followed by a reptilian growl, both coming from the bedroom, causing the two females to sweatdrop and the two males to pale a bit...

"...Never mind," started Palmon.

Patamon, recovering from the embarassment of the situation, blinked before changing the subject. "Ok.. But what about Flamedramon? We have to do something before he kills Gabumon..."

Palmon looked at Gatomon, who shrugged. The plant girled sighed and nodded. "Well, I guess I should... She stepped back from the others, suddenly digivolving past Togemon form, going directly to her Lillymon form, then opened the door again to look out "Hey, Flamedramon! Check this out!" She suddenly ripped open her dress, exposing her bare body for all to see! Patamon squeeked and fainted again, but every other male stopped to stare, getting nosebleeds at the arousing sight...

Gatomon smirked and chuckled... "Crude, but effective, I must admit..." And it was true, as Flamedramon just stared and drooled as he approached her nude friend like a zombie...

Lillymon looked up and down Flamedramon's body and grinned as her gaze paused at his lower regions. "Ooh... Now that's more like it..." She tied her ripped dress up like a leash around Flamedramon's neck, and lead him inside like a puppy... "Come on, boy... Time to make you forget all about that nasty ol' box..." She smiled at Gatomon, who shook her head at Lillymon's obvious invitation, and sat on the couch to try and rest from the tension of having her tail on fire. Lillymon smirked and just lead the dragon back to Jun's bedroom....

"Yess... that's it... follow the breasts, Flamedramon..." Lillymon smirked as she walked back into Jun's bedroom, Flamedramon's gaze locked on her pert nipples. (Nobody can resist these babies,) she thought to herself, giggling inwardly, then sat down on the bed, reaching up to take Flamedramon's head in her hands, removing his helmet to look at his face. (My my... Cute face... Shame's he's an idiot. Oh well...) She suddenly lifted his head to french kiss him, causing him to squeek, followed by a slow groan as he began to return the kiss, his instincts taking over again.

Lillymon groaned into the kiss, her hands sliding down to unclasp Flamedramon's chest armor, letting it fall to the floor as her hands found his chest, stroking up and down the slim, yet muscled frame, stroking his scaled skin. She merred and licked his tongue some more, when the sensation of sharp blades against her back caused her to yelp and disentangle! "OW! Dammit, Flamedramon, you could've taken off those damn clawed gloves first!"

Flamedramon yelped as he leaned back, arms crossed before him as Lillymon pushed him back, just staring at her in painful embarassment. She groaned and felt behind her, and was thankful not to find any cuts there. She groaned at him and grabbed his gauntlets, taking them off in a hurry while Flamedramon just held his head low, obviously too embarassed for words.

Noticing his shame, Lillymon smiled. "Just remember to take them off next time..." She said with a reassuring kiss, before grabbing his head, pulling it down between her breasts! Flamedramon yelped again at the sudden move, falling against her chest as she layed down on the bed. He nuzzled and sniffed all over her breasts, causing her to sigh and moan softly, arching her back to push her chest against his face. Liking the way her breasts smelled, he began to lick them as well, which caused the flower fairy to moan and churr, her lithe hands sliding down his back and sides, before one of them slid along his belly to find his now hard sheath.

Lillymon groaned and smiled at the breast licking, and rubbed Flamedramon's sheath, squeezing softly on it to coax out his erection, causing him to start bucking his hips, humping her hand while he suckled hungrily on one of her breasts, his tail curling around one of her legs. "Hmm... yess... That's it, Flamey... You're doing good, Boy..." Flamedramon groaned and churred in response, grasping her sides to hug her in place as he licked all over her breasts. (Geez... He might not be the sharpest pencil in the box,) Lillymon thought to herself, (but he learns fast...)

Flamedramon churred as he felt his hard cock slide out from it's sheath, then groaned as Lillymon grasped the firm, fleshy rod and guided it to her sopping wet slit, letting it rub up and down her cuntlips. He heard her groan just like he did at the the rubbing, and began to grind his hips against hers, pressing the length of his cock against her slit, dry humping her...

Lillymon arched her back and groaned at the sensation, bucking her hips in response, until she shifted her hips to guide his cock deep inside her, moaning loudly as she felt herself get impaled on his long, narrow cock, which rammed deep inside her. Flamedramon threw his head back to growl loudly at the warm wetness surrounding his shaft, and began to buck his hips harder and faster, holding her tight as he began to mate with her...

Lillymon was now in sheer heaven, enjoying herself as Flamedramon fucked her hard and fast, clenching her cuntlips tightly around the shaft as it rammed deep inside her. He was narrower then she really liked, but she had no complaints about the length, as his cock actually rubbed her cervix everytime it went in deep. She moaned loudly as she bucked her hips to meet his, faster and harder.

Flamedramon growled at her response, gripping her ass firmly as he bucked his hips harder and faster, his thoughts lost in a pure mating frenzy as he bucked his hips again and again, ramming his now twitching shaft deep inside her increasingly tight slit...

The two Digimon continued to mate at that hurried, frenzied pace until they both arched their backs and moaned loudly as they reached their orgasm at the same time, their crotches exploding in a shower of mixed cum, even as they continued grinding their bodies together, getting their hips all gooey and wet, until Flamedramon collapsed on top of Lillymon, panting and groaning as the female hugged him, nuzzling and panting as well... "Wow," Flamedramon smiled... "I think I'm getting to like this sex thing a lot..." Lillymon smirked and pulled him into another french kiss...

Meanwhile, back in the living room, Gatomon was just about relaxed when Gabumon groaned and crawled in, barely managing to get up, sighing at the 3 inch square of wolfskin that survived on his back... Gatomon just looked at him shook her head, smirking a bit. "Looks like you just learned a valuable lesson, Gabu. And don't look so sullen, you own a dozen of those wolfskins..." Gabumon just grumbles and walks to the couch, reading underneath for a spare wolfskin, going behind it to change where Gatomon can't see him...

Gatomon smirks and yawns, stretching before the distinct "Thumping" sound of a bed in use sounds out from Jun's bedroom, causing her to groan and rub her forehead in frustration... "Dammit, I don't think I'm gonna get to rest now..." She leaned forward to scream something in the direction of that bedroom, when Gabumon, having changed his wolfskin, smirked as he peeked out from behind of the couch. and cought a loose thread on her clawgloves, giving a good yank to unravel them! The shocked feline mewled in shock and suddenly flopped back on the couch, trying to hide her now bare paws!

Gabumon snickered at Gatomon's reaction and climbed up onto the couch to try get a better look, while Gatomon turned her back away from him... "Aww... What's the Gatomon hiding?"

Gatomon simply hissed at him, keeping her back hidden, crawling back... "Nothing... Nothing at all... Now go away... "

"Oh, I don't think so..." Gabumon suddenly pounced on her, grinning as she mewled, and rolled her over onto her stomach to look at her bare paws, keeping her from hiding the x-shaped scars on her hands. She suddenly stopped moving and closed her eyes in shame... Gabumon blinked as he looked at them. "That's all? Its not so bad..."

Gatomon sweatdropped, then pushed him off and hid her hands again, wedging them between her thighs as she sat up... "I don't like to tak about it..."

Gabumon simply smirked in response: "What, and I do? You've seen my back..." He padded her back reassuringly.

She looked at him, lifting an eyebrow. "Ever thought of anti-acme cream?"

"Sure did. Why do you think it looks so much better now?" Gatomon stared at him, then blinked at the suggestion that his acne problem was once worst, shaking her head and shuddering as she tries not to consider the implications while he smirked and added "It'll probly be gone next week.."

At this point, Tentomon suddenly popped up from behind the couch, seemingly examining the remains of the scorched wolfskin, then looked down at Gabumon's back and plainly stated "I don't think so. That's an alergic reaction to fur..." Gabumon blinked at Tentomon's appearance, and leapt up to try and silence the bug, who simply pushed him back down. "HEY! Come on! what're you REALLY hiding back there?!" Gatomon, looking at the two, decided to answer Tentomon's question and get back at Gabumon, suddenly grabbding his new wolfskin to yank it off! Gabumon yelped and suddenly turned to push his back up against the couch to hide it, but not before letting them both of them catch a tatoo in the form of a nude Gatomon, which caused the real Gatomon to lean back and blush at the sight, while Tentomon chuckled. "Wow... Nice Tattoo..."

Gabumon simply groaned and leaned back against the couch cushions, trying to disappear within it, while the other two Digimon simply stared at him, silently asking for an explanation... He blushed even more and finally sighed as he began... "It was after we'd broken up during the two years between Season One and Season Two... I got drunk and got it done..."

Tentomon chuckled as he crawled along the side of the couch to sit on the other armrest, noticing a Gazimon girl tattoo next to the other one. "And with a major crush on cats, I see... Gee, makes me wonder how you and Agumon got started..."

Gabumon turned to answer Tentomon again, when Gatomon suddenly touched his back, smiling as she gently traced the tattoo in her image, purring softly... "Well now... I'm honestly flattered, I must say..."

Gabumon yelped and blushed, rubbing the back of his head as he looked back at Gatomon, smiling embarassingly... "Heh... Thanks.. I think.."

Tentomon chuckled at the horseplay between the two, and was about to leave the two furs alone (and watch from his camera set-up) when a question came to mind... "Wait.. Just one question.. Gatomon, is the Wormon rumor true?"

Gatomon stopped her purring and turned to look at Tentomon, tilting her head. "What Wormon rumor?"

"You know.." stated Gabumon, "the one that says Wormon's "making up" for the rest of us..."

Gatomon blinked and shook her head, shrugging at the males. "First I've heard of it... To be honest, I just thought he was as gay as you and Agumon..." She then smirked and rubbed Gabumon's muzzle. "But then, I guess neither you or Agumon are ~completly~ gay, are you... "

Tentomon smirked as he saw Gabumon churring at Gatomon's rubbing, and shook his head "Thought the seal was stoned again.."

Gatomon simply purred and traced her fingers down Gabumon's chest, turning to look at Tentomon, lifting an eyebrow. "Don't you have some porn to download off the Internet? I want to make up for that clawing I gave Gabumon..."

Tentomon chuckled and nodded, taking flight as he left, smirking to himself, "Looks like I'll be busy with my camera set-ups..."

Gatomon smiled as Tentomon left, then looked at the comatose Patamon and shrugged. (If he wakes up,) she thought, (he'll just feint again at the sight...) She turned to scoot up against Gabumon, rubbing her paws along his chest, causing the saurian to shiver as she touched him. He then surprised her by reached out to grasp her shoulders, pulling her into a deep french!

She mewled as he held her close, then purred in response to the kiss as he caressed up and down her back and sides, holding her close as he rubbed his chest against hers. Already her nipples had gotten erected, and where scraped by his chest's scales as he rubbed their chests together, causing waves of pleasure to ripple through her body. She suckled on his thick tongue while his hands slid down here back to squeeze her rump, causing her to grasp his own butt, grinding her hips against his, where she was pleased to find a thick, erect sheath to rub her wet cunt against...

Gabumon growled as he began to buck his hips, grinding his growing cock against her mound, breaking the kiss to lick his way down the cat digimon's neckline to her breasts, which were heaving as she gasped and mewled, squirming in his arms. He then grinned and suddenly pushed her down on the couch, grabbing her legs to lift them and set them on his shoulders, curling her up and lifting her rump.

The moment he had her hips lifted, he growled and rammed his malehood deep into her cunt, causing her to arch his back and moan loudly. She felt herself getting stretched out more then she'd ever felt, and began to buck her hips against his own, clutching the couch cushions as Gabumon grinned, meeting her own thrusts with hard thrusts of his own hips, ramming his cock deep inside her.

Gatomon mewled loudly as she felt herself getting fucked harder and faster, wrapping her arms around the reptilian male to hug him closer, rubbing her breasts to against his muzzle and tongue, clenching tightly around his shaft even as he rammed it in harder. She growled and sank her fangs into his shoulders as he bucked her hips harder and faster, her crotch dripping with fluids as she felt herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm...

...And finally reached it, mewling loudly as her pussy squirted it's juices all over Gabumon's crotch, while the reptile smiled down at her as he continued bucking his hips, fucking her wet, sore cunt harder and faster, until he, too, threw his head back to roar as he came, filling her wet cunt with his hot seed, before the two digimon collapsed back down on the couch.

Gatomon curled up against Gabumon and purred as he wrapped his arms around her, snuggling and basking in the afterglow just as she did... It was at this moment of intense calm and intimacy that Patamon finally awoke, groaning and blinking as he got up, looking up to stare at the first thing he saw... The thing which filled him with dread! "Uh oh.. SCHOOL'S OUT!!"

Patamon's scream caused everyone to call out "WHAT!?" before a general scramble happened, as everyone tried to clean up every evidence of rowdiness, gluttony and sex, in a hurry to cover up before the children arrived... When Agumon suddenly stopped and scratched his head, wondering...

"Hey! Since when can Patamon tell time?!"

This time, everyone stopped at his words and turned to looked at the same clock Patamon did, which read Noon... Lillymon, wrapped in nothing but a bedsheet, turned to glaring at Patamon "I stopped right before an orgasm... for a false alarm!?"

Apparantly, every other Digimon had a similar beef against Patamon, who gulped and stammered as they all surrounded him. Agumon simply suggested: "All in favor of turning Patamon inside out?", causing everyone (except Patamon) to call out


Patamon squeeled and jumped up to fly out the widow, dodging everyone's attack to fly away as fast as his little wings could take him Everyone started to chase him, launching their attacks, except for Tentomon, who sat back to watch, pulling out another box of popcorn. "Man... All I need now is the Benny Hill theme song..."

Patamon, meanwhile, was squeeling and trying to yell out over the over the loud sound of everyone's attacks... "But its a half day today! They'll be home any minute!!"

Patamon's words suddenly sunk in, and all the Digimon ground to a running halt, just in time to stop in front of their respective human partners, who all began to stare in shock at their half-naked, scarred and somewhat grimy looking Digimon, and the chaos and destruction they'd caused in their pursuit of Patamon (and the earlier "Mailtruck incident"...

Agumon leaned in slowly to whisper to Gabumon... "I don't suppose we could pass it off as getting hit with Black Gears?"

Gabumon whispered back: "Do you see the vein on Davis' forehead? I think they'd kill us anyway.."

After a decidedly uneasy pause, Biyomon suddenly spoke for all the Digimon when she yelled "RUN!!" Not arguing the point, all the Digimon turned to run off in the opposite direction, away from their human partners, screaming for an explanation!

Tentomon laughed out loud at the mayhem and grabbed a video camera. to record the chase. Later on, he thought, he'd have to add that Benny Hill music, just for the sake of it....

Davis VoiceOver: Wow.. How're the digimon going to get out of this one? What'll happen to Veemon now that the girls know about his talents? To find out come back next time for... Digimon! The after hours adven...
Agumon: There he is!
Gabumon: Come on! Lets lynch that contract stealing son of a bitch!
Davis: Oh shit...
Gatomon: I want his eyes!
Gomamon: Fuck his eyes! I want his wallet!

The voice over is interrupted by the sound of Digimon attacks and some screaming, as Davis runs away...

The End, for now.