Don't Mess With Tuxes

Jyou looked at Herr Mullen. "One door closes, Nine doors open. When nine doors close, one door opens. What is it?"
          Herr Mullen frowned, and put his hand on one of his numerous bulging chins, as he lent back in his over-stretched chair.
          "Cottleston, cottleston, cottleston pie,
          "A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly,
          "Ask me a riddle and I reply,
          "Cottleston, cottleston, cottleston pie."
          Jyou put down his book of riddles, and glared at Herr Mullen (as far as he dared). "You've answered every riddle I've asked like that."
          "Who can blame me?" asked Mullen, taking a swig of brandy, "Milne was a genius."
          ""A quotation is a handy thing to have; it saves one having to think for oneself"," said Jyou, "He was quite right, there, too."
          "Indeed, and as a man of very many brain, I need to rest my vast thoughts from time to time."
          "Sometimes, when you stop to think, you forget to start again."
          "Don't use that against me as well!" Herr Mullen chuckled. "Fine, I'll write another story involving the perversion of characters from a television programme for children."
          "That's more like it!" said Jyou, getting some paper out to feed the typewriter.
          "Thank you, Jyou," Herr Mullen said, threading it into the machine, "I'll get the disclaimer done, then!"
          "Yes, but no Milne! I think everyone's bored to death of parody. You're an author in your own right, Herr Mullen."
          "Oh... all right, then." Mullen coughed, and shuffled, getting comfortable. "Digimon is the property of Toei, and Fox Kids, apparently. This story contain scenes of a sexual nature, involving Digimon. That's right; I'm finally doing a Digimon couple."
          "Then, onto the story, Herr Mullen!"

Daisuke looked at Veemon; he was adorable. Little bow-tie, white waistcoat, and a proper little tuxedo jacket. Hikari was clearly a master of needlework. Veemon shifted nervously as Daisuke's grin widened.
          "What?" asked Veemon, "Something on my chin?"
          "No, nothing like that." Daisuke chuckled, "You just look... grown up."
          "Hey!" Veemon said, "I'll have you know I was under that egg for... uhh... I don't know how long, exactly!"
          "Right," said Daisuke. "But still; you look charming. I'll bet Wormon'll just faint when he sees you."
          "You don't look so bad yourself; when Ken sees you, he's going to feel under dressed for once."
          Daisuke looked at himself in the mirror. A red band bound his waist, a bow tie adorned his neck, a dickey covered his front, and a tailcoat formed the icing on the cake that was Daisuke.
          Well, Ken always did say he was sweet.
          "I guess he will; even his uniform won't outstrip this! Come on, it's almost ten; we don't want them to have gone to bed without us, eh?"
          "I see your innuendo!"

Ken curled up on the sofa, and watched with a passively bored expression on his face as a guy on telly was slapped around the head with a crosier after failing to check the gas canisters he'd used to fill the home-made zeppelin was helium and not nitrous oxide. He sighed, and shifted a little, cuddling Wormon tighter to him. Wormon gave a little mutter in his doze, but didn't wake.
          A short rendition of Greensleeves through a series of beeps announced the presence of someone at the door. Ken hugged Wormon tightly to his chest, and moved him to the armchair as he got up. He went to the door as Wormon started to arise from his slumber, and opened it.
          "Please don't use the doorbell-" He cut himself off putting a full stop at the end of a complete sentence (I'm sure we've all heard this phonetically happen) at the sight of Daisuke, in a tuxedo he didn't think he could afford.
          "Daisuke..! What..?"
           Daisuke stepped over the threshold.
           "Hush... there's no need-"
           "No, I'm not letting you use that one. Come up with something original for me. Step back!"
           Daisuke obeyed, and stepped back into the corridor.
           "Right. Daisuke..! What..?"
           Daisuke stepped over the threshold, and kissed Ken full on.
           Ken gasped when he was released from a tender, warm embrace. "...Alright, it's cheesy, but alright." He looked up at Daisuke, flung his arms 'round his and slipped his tongue past his lips the same way a rabbit darts down its hole when it hears something unfamiliar, or very much familiar but not exactly desirable.

Veemon slipped past Ken, who was standing stunned at the open door. He stepped into the living room, and Wormon looked up at him from the chair.
           He didn't say anything. He watched Wormon's eyes, bulbous and blue, as he stepped toward him. He planted a token on his odd little muzzle. Wormon regretted that he couldn't return it; no lips, and he couldn't do anything like that anyway, as he breathed through  spiracles. Veemon regretted that this also rendered blow jobs impossible. Wormon looked at Veemon over the arm of the chair, and eyes watered.
           "...You had Hikari labour over creating you a tuxedo for me? Oh, Veemon!"
           He leaped off the chair (as far as he could; no knees)and rushed over to Veemon, claming his highest pair of true legs
around Veemon, as Veemon held him in a real embrace. Veemon kissed Wormon on the cheek, and led him back up to the chair.
           "What were you watching?" asked Veemon.
           "I don't know; I was asleep for most the time." They watched the vicar hang upside down from a patchwork blimp by his trouser leg which was caught on a leek that was inexplicably nailed to the floor just within the cockpit threshold.
           "...Can I change the channel?" asked Veemon, as the door to Ken's bedroom closed.
           "Go ahead, maybe there's something on the other side."
           Veemon got a up and changed the channel manually, having found himself unsuccessful at remote hunting.
           "...Christmas is a time of giving, but for this unwary antelope, it is a time of danger..." said a hushed commentator as a deer was attacked by a parrot.
           " Yes, yes!"
           "Oh, Dai..!"
           " Ugh... ugh... yes, yes.. ah!"
           "Yes, yes..."
           Wormon blushed, and Veemon looked quizzical.
           "What are they doing in there?"
           "...I have no idea."
           "I just bit my tongue! Nothing to worry about! " called Daisuke.
           "...You know, Wormon..."
           "We could... you know..."
           "We could."
           They sat in silence.
           "Well then, shall we?"
           "Oh, yes!" said Veemon. "Uh... where?"
           "How about... the bathroom?"
           "Oh, okay."
           They went into the bathroom. It was a typical bathroom, with a bath, a toilet, and tiling of the bathroom kind. It felt cold on Veemon's feet, and he gave a little shudder.
           "Okay, let's do this." Said Wormon. He tried quite desperately to undo the buttons on Veemon's jacket, fiddling with them. He worked out he could push them up, and they'd undo. He felt quite happy about that. Veemon slid the jacket off, and Wormon made the assault on the waistcoat. He popped one of the buttons off where Hikari's stitching wasn't as good as it should've been. He apologised, and moved on, getting the last two buttons undone with only a little fumbling. Veemon reached up to undo the bow tie. "No, no; leave it on." Veemon raised an eyebrow.
           "A bow tie fetish?"
           "If you had the collar and cuffs, it would be great!" Wormon lent forward and his muzzle nipped Veemon's little nipples. He rubbed his tongue over them as he went, Veemon giving little gasps when his little erect buds pained him. Wormon looked up at Veemon, and gave him a lick on the lips. Veemon understood, and gave him a gentle peck. He was bowled over, as Wormon pushed him to the ground, stepped back and ran his antennae up and down Veemon's proportionate ten centimetre penis. Veemon moaned, and Wormon, unable to suck it, licked the mast of exploration up and down. Veemon's head turned this way and that on the uncomfortable floor, which chilled his back. Veemon grunted, hauled himself up, and rolled Wormon over with the arms that his partner lacked.
           "No fair, I can't get up easily!"
           Veemon grinned, and lent over Wormon, lowing his head, opening his mouth wide, and taking in all eight centimetres of Wormon's slightly under-proportioned penis into his mouth. Wormon gave a moan, as Veemon started to move up, focus the intensity of the pressure of vacuum onto the bulb, and then ease down again, maintaining the same pressure. He moved his tongue over the underbody, moving from side to side as it went. Wormon began to writhe, which he did very well, as his body was segmented and meant he could move like that quite easily. The segment on which his genitals were set thrust upward, and into Veemon's smooth and wet mouth.
            Wormon pulled out, and shifted his weight to roll him back over. He climbed onto his true legs first, using his prolegs for balance, and turned to Veemon. "Lie down for me." Veemon let himself relax on the floor, which chilled his already at attention nipples, and forced his penis bend under and behind him, pointing like a third leg. Wormon moved 'round, and gave it a long lick as he moved up Veemon's body, to taught and pronounced muscles, which he forced apart. Veemon gave a sudden gasp at the damp sensation, and moaned loudly.
            "Wormon..." he groaned. "Oh, Wormon..."
            Wormon pulled away, and put his formost legs on either side of Veemon's cheeks, and crawled up, forcing Veemon's tail to curve over, as Wormon mounted it. Veemon felt Wormon's warmth on the underside of his tail as he crawled up it. It was slightly painful to have all that weight on it, but Veemon endured it. He felt a pressing need against him. It was expected, but it still hurt when Wormon pushed right into him. Veemon gasped, and his eyes watered a little, but he said "Wormon... keep going." Wormon started to thrust his body up and down, his cock moving in and out inside Veemon. His spiracles began heaving for more air, and Veemon felt the ones on Wormon's underside suck against the body of his tail. Veemon began to pant, pushing himself up and down on the bathroom floor, pushing himself onto Wormon. He began to gasp, and moan, and his head and upper body strained themselves upwards under Wormon, lifting his hips slightly, unblocking the passages for his ejaculation all over the floor. He grunted a few syllables as the floor was decorated in warm and sticky slime. He collapsed in it, as Wormon continued to thrust into Veemon, forging him up and down in his own fluids.
            "Veemon..." he groaned, as he felt his cock twitch as it jet several jerks of movement worth of his own batter up Veemon's piping. He slumped on Veemons tail as Veemon panted, and Wormon tried desperately to remove all air around his body. He peeled himself away from the white scales of Veemon's tail's underside, wondered around him, and slumped next to him on the floor.
            "Veemon... I think we should go sleep on the sofa. You can't lie here, the floor's too cold and hard." Then he heard the regular breathing, and the lizard snores which indicated Veemon had fallen asleep. Wormon sighed, and wished he were Stingmon, so he could pick him up, and curl up with him in the armchair. Instead, he wrapped as many legs around him as he could, and curled up next to him, trying desperately to make himself comfortable on the hard, now sticky floor.

Author's Notes.

Well, that was basically me being nasty about the impracticalities of Wormon's body. Fantastic! Who enjoyed that? Raise your hands, now! I bet you loved it, Cercius, you alternative pairing fan, you. The television scenes were just me making up the most stupid things I could think of. I actually based Wormon's anatomy on caterpillars; he's more similar to them than to actual worms. It was also good seeing Wormon in a dominant position, for once. Usually, Veemon's in that position. It felt good to put him on his front. Ah, the powers I have as an author. I'm certain there are spelling mistakes and inaccuracies galore in this one, so I'm going to re-read it several times before releasing it to you, the consumer, who I care so much about. Leave some comments. Here are some pre-made ones; "I like your accent." "I find you arousing, but not amusing." "I find you amusing, but not arousing." "You should write more about hockey." See you next time.