Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. All Digimon characters and names are copyrights 



of TOEI.



I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is a lemon. Any one under 18 should stop



reading this and go away. Come on, shuu shuu.



Everybody else, sit down and enjoy if you're not offended or disgusted by the idea of



some Digimon  having sex.



Note: This is my second lemon. It's based on the Playstation game 'Digimon World 3',



where tamers in that game can have more than one Digimon, three at a time. I got the



idea after playing that game and gotten stuck, it was really frustrating. That game



sucked big time.



Note 2: ################ is a scene change.





A 'Chilling' Experience


By: Hazan_Z



It was a never ending desert. Nothing but sand, sand and more sand. No sign of life



anywhere. And our hero tamer (who's name is Junior) was wandering aimlessly in this



massive waste land, with his three partners Digimon, WarGreymon, XV-mon and






"I'm getting tired." Whined XV-mon. "we've been walking for hours in this hot desert



of death."



"Ahh, hang on a little longer, XV-mon. we're almost there. Byakko city is around here



somewhere, and so is its badge." Junior encouraged him, looking straight at the



frontier, "I bet it's beyond that's dune!" he pointed at a high dune in the distance.



"You've said that for about 16 times, and we always find nothing but an empty



horizon." Said WarGreymon, shaking his head.



"No! I'm sure of it! I can sense there some life beyond that hill. I just know it!" Junior



said in confident. "Don’t you think so, Kyubimon?" he asked her.



Kyubimon kept silent for a few seconds and then said, "All I know is that I have to



follow my tamer wherever he goes and protect him." She said in obedience, keeping



her cool.                      



"That's the spirit! Come on everybody, let's go! The Byakko badge is right around the



corner. 'I hope…' "Junior said in enthusiasm, leading the way. Kyubimon walked



right behind him, while WarGreymon and XV-mon sighed in distress and followed.






When they finally reached the high hill, they began climbing it. Junior's Digimon



were panting from tiredness as they climbed and Junior knew that.



"I must find the city fast or we'll all die here. Who the fucking hell designed this damn



place anyway? This is just a game, shit!" Junior thought, trying to reach the top






He finally reached the top of the dune, and saw what's behind it.



"Wow!" he exclaimed. It was a beautiful oasis.



"Hurry everyone! It's an oasis! And there's some Digimon living there!" he yelled at



his partners.



"Really?" WarGreymon stunned, "Hurray! We're saved." XV-mon danced in joy and



Kyubimon let out a relieved sigh of comfort.



Junior was a bit disappointed that he didn't find Byakko city, but he was pleased to



see his Digimon were happy. 






At the oasis, our friends stopped to take a much needed rest. There was an inn and a



big fresh lake. Junior's Digimon rushed to the lake to quench their thirst, especially



XV-mon. He nearly drowned himself from drinking. Junior took a glance around the


inn and saw a Guardmon.



"Great! A Guardmon! I haven't saved my game for hours." He said, snapping his






When his Digimon finished drinking, they all went to the inn. "Ok. Kyubimon and I 



we'll go and get a room. You two go and save the game at that Guardmon. You do



know how to save, right?" Junior asked.



"Of course we do." WarGreymon said in confident.



"Do you think we're stupid? Anyone knows how to save." XV-mon sneered, rising his



nose horn up.



"Good. We'll be going now. Oh, and if you see anyone, ask them about the



whereabouts of Byakko city. Come on, Kyubimon." Junior said as he and Kyubimon



went to the inn counter.



" 'you do know how to save, right?' Hah! Who does he think we are?" XV-mon






"Calm down, XV-mon. He didn't mean any harm." WarGreymon said.



"And that damn Kyubimon! Always sucking up on him. That's why he likes her the



best. That bitch!" XV-mon angered again.



"Oh, come on. Let it go. Let's just go and save the game before they think we really



do don't know how?" WarGreymon suggested and dragged XV-mon along.



They went to the Guardmon and started the saving process.



"WElcoMe. dO YoU wANt To SaVE?" Guardmon greeted them.



"Yes please." WarGreymon replied.




MaTrIx DRivE
." He clapped his hands together and an immense light



shined from it.



"CheCKIng MemoRy CaRDs ..., SloT 1 oR 2?" the Guardmon asked.



"Hmmmm… which one XV-mon?" WarGreymon wondered.



"Beats me. This is my first time I save the game." He responded shaking his shoulder.



"What? I thought you said you knew how to save?" WarGreymon yelled at him.



"You're the first one who said that you do. I was counting on that." He yelled back.



"SloT 1 oR 2?" Guardmon repeated.



"Aww, what the heck! Just pick either of them. 1 please!" XV-mon ordered.



"Nooo! Not this way!" WarGreymon gasped.



"CheCKIng SloT 1 fOR DAta, …, …, …" Guardmon then paused for seconds.



"What's wrong? What's taking so long?" XV-mon wondered.



"I have a bad feeling about this." WarGreymon was worried.






rEqesTed LocATioN." Guardmon suddenly said, as WarGreymon and XV-mon






"What's going? XV-mon, this all your fault!" WarGreymon shouted.



"Me? You’re the one who said you knew how to work that damn thing." XV-mon






Then, as the two of them were arguing, a portal began to open in the shining light. It



gotten bigger and bigger, and by the time they noticed it, it started to pull them in.



"AAAHH! What is this?" XV-mon panicked, struggling to not being pulled in.



"JUUUNIOR!" WarGreymon called out before both of them have been sucked in the






"WarGreymon? XV-mon? Have you finished?" Junior arrived right after and noticed



that they have vanished. "WarGreymon? XV-mon? Where did those two go?" he









WarGreymon and XV-mon were falling down an endless vortex. What has happened



and where are they going? Those questions were the only thing that was in their






Suddenly, a quick burst of light flashed on them and they disappeared again.






 "Mmmhhmm…" WarGreymon opened his, "I … am… still alive?" he said surprised.



"Where am I?" he sat up and moaned in pain. His whole body feels sour. He took a



look around and realized that he is inside a tent. He also saw XV-mon lying next to



him, knocked out, and was relieved to see that he was safe. He notices that it's pretty



cold outside, it's like they were in a snowy mountain. He felt very cold and warmed



himself by the camp fire behind him.



"What are we doing here? Who brought us here?" he questioned himself, lifting his



hands above the flame to warm himself.



"You awake." WarGreymon heard a gruff voice behind his back. He turned around



quickly to face the stranger and prepared for battle.



"Who are you? Why did you brought us here?" shouted WarGreymon at the large



figure in front of him.



"No need to fight. Me want no harm." the intruder said. WarGreymon took a good



look at him. He was beast-man like creature, somewhat like a lion. He was blue



skinned with a few white fur on his body. He was as tall as WarGreymon's, well-built



as him too. Maybe better even. He had a great wide muscular chest and strong arms.



His long hair was silver colored, putting it in a ponytail. He wasn't wearing any



armor or thick clothes, just some hunters accessories and a long loincloth to cover



his crotch. He was somewhat pretty much naked, except for that loincloth.



WarGreymon also noticed the broken horn on his forehead and his long blue tale.



WarGreymon was stunned by his charm; he really looked sexy to him. He lowered his



claws and calmed down, "Sorry about that. Are you the one who helped us?" he



apologized and asked.



"Yes. Kimahri helped you from freeze outside." The savoir answered.



"Kimahri? Is that your name?" WarGreymon asked, and Kimahri nodded.



"My name is WarGreymon. This fellow sleeping there is XV-mon." He introduced






"WarGreymon? XV-mon? Strange name." Kimahri  said, scratching his head.



"Anyway, thanks for your help. We should be going now. I'll wake him up."



WarGreymon thanked him and kneel down to wake up XV-mon.



"Don't go yet. You need rest." Kimahri talked before WarGreymon touched XV-mon.



"You near die by cold snow on mountain. Stay here at Kimahri home until you get



better." Kimahri kindly offered.



"Ok. If you insist. I do feel a bit tired and sour." WarGreymon couldn't refuse. Despite



his beastly look, he felt a sense of tenderness and kindness coming from Kimahri. He



felt he can trust him and went back to sleep, as he was really tired and it was really



late in the night. Kimahri took a glance at both of them and then left the tent to sleep









"Ohhhhh, WarGreymon! You make Kimahri feel goooood!" moaned Kimahri. He



was sitting on top of WarGreymon member and moved his hips up and down



WarGreymon's full erected member, in rhythm with his humping.



"Ouuuh, Kimahri! Your ass feels so tight and good." WarGreymon hissed pleasantly.



They kept doing this for a few minutes, WarGreymon going deeper into Kimahri's






"Aaaahhhh! Kimahri! I'm going to come!" WarGreymon groaned madly as Kimahri



kept moving his hips into WarGreymon's shaft.



"WarGreymon! WarGreymon! WarGreymon!" Kimahri called out his name






"WarGreymon! WarGreymon, wake up. Come on. We have to go. Wake up






WarGreymon opened his eyes and saw XV-mon on top of him instead of Kimahri, his



face right up close to WarGreymon's.



"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" WarGreymon screamed, knocking XV-mon away of him.



"Ouch! What gives?" XV-mon whimpered, rubbing his souring head.



"XV-mon! You startled me! Don't ever do that again!" WarGreymon panted.



"What's wrong with you? You were moaning in your sleep." XV-mon said staring at



WarGreymon strangely.



WarGreymon blushed, he didn't know what to say. "I…aah… it was just… a dream.



Yes! A nice dream." He answered nervously.



"Ooh! A nice dream, huh?" XV-mon smirked, "you were having sex, right?"



"How… how did you know?" WarGreymon asked surprisingly.



XV-mon then pointed at his crotch. WarGreymon looked down at it and gasped.



It was soaking wet with cum, and his member was rock hard, bulging at his armored



loincloth. "I...I… you see…" he stuttered.



XV-mon chuckled, "It's ok, you don't have to explain. I find him attractive and sexy



too." he said.



"What do you mean?" WarGreymon wondered.



"You dreamed about him, that Kimahri, right?" XV-mon replied.



WarGreymon was shocked. When did XV-mon became this smart and sharp?



"Forget about him now, we have to get back to junior." XV-mon  then said.



"You right! I almost forgot! He must be worried sick about us." WarGreymon  






"Hah! Yeah right. Like he really is." XV-mon sneered.



"Don't be like that. Junior really does care about every one of us. Why do you always



ungrateful to him? Do you hate him?" WarGreymon  said to XV-mon.



"I'm not ungrateful to him or hate him, I like our tamer, it's just that darn Kyubimon .



She always tries to keep him to herself. She's the one I hate." Said XV-mon rolling his



hand into a fist.



"Awww, you and your jealousy. Where the hells are we anyway? The real world? The



digi-world?" WarGreymon wondered scratching his chin with his claw.



"Beats me. How about we go outside and take a look around? Maybe we'll find some



clues." XV-mon suggested.



"That's a good idea. And we have to find Kimahri to thank him and ask him about this



place." WarGreymon retorted.



"Last time I saw him, he said he'll go to the river near this tent and fish us some food."



said XV-mon.



"Oh, he sure is kindhearted." WarGreymon chuckled.



"Ah, your blushing again, WarGreymon. You're really falling for him." XV-mon



teased him.



"Tha... Thats not true! I'm just... grateful to him, that's all." WarGreymon blushed






"Yeah sure, let's just get out of here. This cold weather is going to freeze me to



death." XV-mon shivered rubbing his muscular upper body with his arms.






"BRRRRRR! It's FREEZING out here!" complained XV-mon, as he and


WarGreymon went to the snowy forest in search for Kimahri.



"There's the river!" WarGreymon pointed behind some rows of trees.



They took a peek and saw Kimahri standing on top of the icy cold river, the water



surface reaching to his knees.



He was standing still, holding a spear in his right hand and closing his eyes. He seems



to be waiting for something.



"I can't believe how he can withstand this cold climate nearlly naked, without wearing



almost anything. Isn't he freezing out there?" XV-mon  exclaimed surprisingly.



"Shhhh! He'll hear you. Shut up and lets just watch." WarGreymon hushed him.    



 They watched Kimahri as he was standing still as a log. He then opened his eyes, and



in a flash, swung his spear through the river, catching six fishes at once.



"Whoa, impressive!" XV-mon shouted.



"SHHHH!" war hushed, putting his claw on XV-mon muzzle.



"Who there?" Kimahri roared. "Come out."



"It's just us, Kimahri." WarGreymon said as he and xv revealed themselves.



"What WarGreymon and XV-mon doing here? It's very cold, stay at warm tent.



Kimahri was bringing food." Kimahri said.

"We just wanted to thank you and leave. We have to find our friends. Hey, Kimahri .



Is this the digital world?" WarGreymon asked.



"Digital world? Kimahri not know digital? This world is Spira. But wait, lets eat first



then talk." Kimahri said, as he picked up the fish-packed bucket and invited them



back to his tent.






At Kimahri tent, they prepared a camp fire and began to roast the fishes on sticks.



"Come, eat." Kimahri said to them.



"Thanks, I'm starving." XV-mon said happily as he picked the fish sticks by his two



hands and began to munch them.



WarGreymon opened the hatch on his nick and took off his helmet so he can eat,



revealing his strikingly handsome face.



"Thank, Kimahri." He thanked him. Kimahri smiled back and nodded before he



joined them.



After they finished eating, they gathered around the camp fire and started to talk.



"So, Kimahri? Is this the real world?" WarGreymon began the conversation.



"this place is maontain gaggazat, ki homeland. it's one of many places of spira. and



you from, what? digi...?" Kimahri stuttered. 



"Digital, yes. digitall world. A world created by data. And we are Digimon, creatures



also crated by data." XV-mon said.



Kimahri looked puzzled, he couldn't understand any thing from what XV-mon was



saying, "Kimahri don't understand? Who is data? Your god?" he asked in confusion.



"No, no. Data is, uummm, how do say it?" xv wondered.



"Ah, shut up XV-mon, you're confusing him. It seems we're just from another world,



Kimahri ." WarGreymon said in frustration.



"Another world? Just like Tidus?" Kimahri said.



"Tidus? Who's Tidus?" asked WarGreymon.



"Tidus is Kimahri friend. He is a human, came from another world." Kimahri replied.



"Human? Are there humans here? So this is the real world!" XV-mon exclaimed.



"Kimahri , that Tidus, where is he now? Do you know where can we find him? He



might be able to help us." WarGreymon asked Kimahri in eagerlly.



"He disappeared a long time ago. Nobody see Tidus for a long time." Kimahri said.



WarGreymon and XV-mon were sorely disappointed. All hope of returning back to


their world soon evaporated into thin air.



"Now we'll never know how to get back." XV-mon sobbed.



Both of them were feeling very gloomy, and Kimahri felt sorry for them. He wanted



to help them somehow. "WarGreymon and XV-mon can stay here until they find their



way home. Stay long as you want." He tried to cheer them up.



They both lifted their head up and stared at Kimahri, who suddenly blushed.



They all then smiled at each other and had a good laugh.



"Thanks, Kimahri. We needed that." WarGreymon chuckled.



He nodded gladly. "By the way, Kimahri. Where are your family?" XV-mon then






Kimahri's face then turned from joy to sadness, and turned his head around to his side.



XV-mon gulped, feeling that he reopened an unhealed wound.



"All of Ronso, Kimahri tribe, perished. All gone to farplane. Kimahri is only one



left." Kimahri then said.



They kept silent for a few seconds. "I'm sorry Kimahri, I shouldn't have brought that



up." XV-mon apologized. "Yeah, we didn't know." WarGreymon continued.



"Don't feel bad. It's alright, Kimahri not lonely. Me have lots of humans friends. See,



Kimahri not alone. Ummm, at least not all the time." Kimahri said.



"So, you didn't have sex yet?" XV-mon asked in a surprise.               



"XV-mon! You can't ask that right out of the blue!" WarGreymon scolded him.



"What's the harm? I'm just curious." He said coldly.



"Sex? You mean mating? No, no. Kimahri didn't ever." Kimahri shook his head,



blushed red.



"Ever? Didn't you have a girlfriend or something?" XV-mon asked again.



"Back then, Kimahri was to young to mate." Kimahri  replied.



"Then you don't know how it feels to have sex? That's good, because the first time is



always the best." XV-mon said, grinning devilishly.



WarGreymon couldn't believe what he's hearing. "What are you saying, XV-mon?



Are you out of your mind?" he whispered to XV-mon.



"You said yourself that you're grateful to him, so what better way to return our dept to



him than to give him a pleasure he didn't experience before?" XV-mon whispered





"You mean… make love to him?" WarGreymon speculated.



"Of course! What else. I know that you're eager to." XV-mon teased him.



"ahh, well…" WarGreymon blushed uncontrollably.

Kimahri was staring in a puzzled look, not knowing what they're scheming.



"What are WarGreymon and XV-mon talking about?" he asked innocently.



"We were just deciding on a way to repay you for you generosity and kindness. Right



WarGreymon?" XV-mon winked to WarGreymon.



Uhmm, yeah... maybe." WarGreymon said.



"You don't need to pay Kimahri back. Kimahri did what is right." Kimahri humbled.



"No, we have to. And besides, there might not be another chance for you to do this."



XV-mon replied with a smirk on his face.



Kimahri looked at them strangle, "What do XV-mon mean? Do what?" Kimahri





XV-mon then grabbed WarGreymon by his back and pushed him toward Kimahri,"go



get him, digi-tiger!"



"Hheey!" WarGreymon stumbled and fell on top of Kimahri, "What are you doing?"



Kimahri said nervously.



WarGreymon blushed, he was laying on top Kimahri and their bodies were pressing



on each other. He then gathered his courage and leaned to Kimahri face.



"Kimahri, just relax. I'm going to grant you a sweet pleasure you never had before.



That the least we could do for you." WarGreymon whispered on his ears.



WarGreymon then kissed Kimahri in the muzzle. Kimahri gasped in disbelief, but it



was muffled by the kiss.



WarGreymon then started to massage Kimahri muscular body gently. He began by



rubbing his wide chest, stopping at his nipples and pinching them. Then he moved



down to Kimahri muscular belly, caressing gently. Kimahri were moaning softly by



this new treatment, he was feeling very aroused. His member started to get out of its



sheath, and became fully erected in seconds. WarGreymon felt Kimahri member



throbing in his loincloth between WarGreymon thighs. He smiled as he succeeded in



making Kimahri very horny. WarGreymon then moved his right hand down to



Kimahri crotch and began squeezing it. Kimahri broke the deep kiss and groaned,



"Aaahh! What is...ouuuhhh, Kimahri feeling!" this was entirely new for poor the






"Good, huh? but that's just the start." WarGreymon said as he clipped the end of



Kimahri loincloth with his left hand and used his right one to hastily remove chest



plate, dropping it to the floor and revealing his stunningly sexy hunky muscular upper



body. Kimahri opened his eyes and looked at WarGreymon handsome face and great



chest, "WarGreymon look very good!" he was very astonished by WarGreymon






"Thanks. Now let's continue." WarGreymon removed Kimahri loincloth and saw his



fully erected dick, standing proudly at 14 inch. WarGreymon was surprised by it size,



"Wow, it sure is big!" He exclaimed. Kimahri blushed.



WarGreymon then put his right hand around Kimahri shaft and began to slowly stroke



it. Kimahri moaned loudly, this really felt extremely good. WarGreymon remembered



that this was Kimahri first time his member being used this way, and he'll surely cum



real soon, so he quickly started to lick and then suck on Kimahri shaft to please him



more before he orgasm.



"Oohh, Aaahhh, this feel good, Kimahri feel real good!" He moaned and moaned,



nearing his climax. "OOOOUUUUHHHHHH!" Kimahri roared as he shot his first



seeds ever into WarGreymon mouth. It was a large load, as he kept shooting into



WarGreymon throat almost endlessly. WarGreymon had some difficulty to swallow it



all with, but he managed in the end.




Kimahri were panting heavily, this was very tiring for him.



"So, how was it?" WarGreymon said, licking his lips to wipe Kimahri cum.



"Good! (huff) really good!" he panted.



"Now comes the main event." WarGreymon removed his armored loincloth, standing



totally naked. He strokes his own dick as it became hard as a rock. He then kneeled



down to Kimahri, who was laying on his back, and spread his legs, revealing his



tailhole. "What now?" Kimahri asked nervously.



"Don't worry. It's going to hurt a bit at first, but it will get better." he comforted him.



WarGreymon pointed his digi-hood to Kimahri anus ring and prepared to enter him.



"Ready? I'm coming."



He entered him slowly, getting the whole head of his dick inside Kimahri's ass.



"Uuunngghhh!" Kimahri growled in pain. He felt like he's being ripped apart.



 "Please, no more!" he cried as WarGreymon entered half of his shaft.



"Be patient, Uonnggh... the pain will go away and it's going to feel good instead.



Uunggg!" WarGreymon said moaning softly, Kimahri ass was so tight and it felt



really good to WarGreymon. He continued shoving his member inside Kimahri until



he managed to getting it all in. "Ooohhhh!" Kimahri moaned deeply, as the pain of his



ass being fucked up for first time began to fade and replaced by pleasure.



WarGreymon the pulled out his digi-hood from Kimahri tailhole and thrust it in again,



with more force. He kept doing this till he reached to a steady and pleasant rhythm.



"Ouuuhh, Kimahri! You feel so good inside." WarGreymon hissed pleasantly, as he



sped up his humping.



"Ouh, Ouh, Ouh, now Kimahri, ouh, feel good. Don't, ouh, stop." Kimahri moaned in



pleasure, starting to finally enjoy this hard fucking.



XV-mon was watching this passionate love making all the time, not getting any fun in



this. His own digi-hood is out of it sheath, fully erected and in need of attention. He



started to stoke it wildly and hissing pleasantly. "Ouuh, WarGreymon , why are



having all the fun to yourself? That's not fair." He whined and moaned.




"No one is stopping you from joining in. Ouuuh! hop in if you want! uunngghh!"



WarGreymon said as he looked back at XV-mon while he continued his thrusts.



XV-mon walked to them and kneeled down behind WarGreymon. He pressed his



chest to WarGreymon's well-built back and massaged WarGreymon's great chest with



his hands. "Oh, WarGreymon , why are you so perfectly well-figured? You body is



just so fantastic!" XV-mon said exploring every muscle of WarGreymon's upper






WarGreymon hissed softly. XV-mon was doing an impressive job. XV-mon was then



brushing his dick between WarGreymon butt cheeks, teasing him greatly.



"ouuh, cut that out XV-mon! Please, just enter me!" WarGreymon moaned madly.



"Are you sure? It's going to hurt." XV-mon said, teasing him again by rubbing the



head of his dick on WarGreymon anus.



"Just Do It!" he loudly groaned, still humping Kimahri fiercely.



"Ok, but don't say I didn'y earn you?" XV-mon said before he shoved his hid entire



shaft right into WarGreymon's ass.



"AAAAAGGGHHH!" WarGreymon screamed in pain. He stopped his humping on



Kimahri briefly to absorb the shock. "Uuunng! Told ya." XV-mon smirked.



"Why stop? Don't stop. Kimahri want more." Kimahri urgent him eagerly.



XV-mon the began to slowly hump WarGreymon, then sped up his pace when he felt



that WarGreymon has finally got used to size of his member.



WarGreymon then carried on his thrusts into Kimahri ass.



"Aaahhhohhh! This incredible!" WarGreymon moaned in pleasure, as he reached out



his right hand and began to stroke Kimahri's still erected member along the way. This



was driving WarGreymon insane. The feeling of XV-mon's huge member going in



and out of his ass and the tightness of Kimahri's tailhole around his shaft, along with



Kimahri shaft around his hand, was too much for him to bear. When he draws out of



Kimahri, XV-mon enters him. And when XV-mon pulls out of him, he enters



Kimahri. They kept this perfectly rhythmic pleasure for a few minutes until their



expected massive climax aproched.



WarGreymon thrusted madly at Kimahri's ass before he arched his back, "AHHHH!



I'M CUUUMMIING!" and cried loudly, shooting his big load of cum inside of



Kimahri's ass. The feeling of his ass being filled urged him to orgasm again, as



Kimahri rored and came on WarGreymon's hand and chest. XV-mon was the to



orgasm, giving WarGreymon a few last humps before he came inside WarGreymon's



anus walls, drops of it leaked from his ass.



they all then collapsed on top of each other from exhaustion, panting heavily and their



shafts still inside.



"Thank you, WarGreymon and XV-mon , (huff, huff) Kimahri liked that a lot. Mating



you was incredible." Kimahri panted.



"No, thank you Kimahri. You were great, for a beginner." WarGreymon smiled at





"You can say again!" XV-mon laughed, lying on top of WarGreymon, who was still


on top of Kimahri.



Just then, a portal suddenly opens above the three lovers. It looked like the same



vortex that sucked WarGreymon and XV-mon and brought them here.



"What the hell is happening?" XV-mon yelled clutching on the ground as he was



being pulled in the vortex.



"Kimahri!" WarGreymon called out, as he was also being sucked into it.



"WarGreymon, XV-mon, don't be scared. You going back home. Kimahri Thank you



for you love and Kimahri will miss you. Goodbye." Kimahri bids them farewell as the



both of them disappeared in into the vortex.






"Where in the fucking hell did those two disappeared to?" Junior angered, asking 



Kyubimon who shook her head in ignorance.



Suddenly, a flash of light shined in front of them, and WarGreymon and XV-mon



appeared, falling on each other. "Ouch!" the both excailmed.



When they opened their eyes, they realized that they're back at that inn.



"We're back! We're back!" XV-mon said with glee.



WarGreymon let out a relieved sigh, but that changed into a gulp as Junior stood in



front them both.



"Where the heck have you two stupid imbeciles been? You disappeared for a few



seconds and popped out of nowhere." He yelled at them.



"Aa, ummm… well…" "weummm…" they both began to stutter.



"What? That Guardmon kept saying Error and Error when I arrived and didn't find



you, then I cancelled the save and you soon came back in a flash. Huh, what memory



card did you choose?" Junior quickly asked.



"Ummm… one?" XV-mon answered timidly.



"WHAAT? ONE? You supposed to chose TWO! Slot one is a Playstation 2 Card, this



a Playstation One game. Slot two is the PS One memory card. You supposed to know



all that? Damn, you almost ruined my entire game!" Junior scolded them harshly.



Both of them were staring at Junior puzzled, looking extremely stupid.



"And WarGreymon! Man, why are dead NAKED? What all this sticky stuff on you?"



Junior furiously asked.



They kept silent the whole time, blushing and sweating a lot from fear, not knowing


what to say.



"It looks like wherever they where, they sure ere busy. It seems they made pure love



to each other." Kyubimon then smirked.



"WHHAAAAT? SEX? Blluugh, gross! Are you two out of you mind? You Digimon



Fighters! Are Homos or something? Disgusting! That's it! For punishment, I'm gonna



switch you two with Growlmon and Stingmon and leave in server for a whole month."



Junior said to them madly, "why can't you be more like Kyubimon here, she's a



perfect partner!" he then continued pointing at Kyubimon, who raise her snot in pride.



"told ya he liked her the best." XV-mon whisperd to WarGreymon.



"Shut up!" he yelled back at him.



"now both of you, get up and get washed and prepare to be swatched. And heaven



sake, put on some armor WarGreymon! You are embarrassing me!" Junior ordered



before he went to inn counter with Kyubimon.



WarGreymon and XV-mon just kept staring at each other, smiling.



They cared about being grounded. Because that was one hell of an experience.



One hot 'Chilling Experience'.



The End.



Author note: for those who didn't that poor game, you save the game at Guardmons stationed in key points.

That was my second lemon, hope you liked it. I also like toy say something : I don't like Yaoi. No offence to Homos, but that the way I feel. This maybe the only one I'll ever write (I just wrote it for the sake of it and because I liked the idea.) , so you only see straight lemons from me. (well, except maybe if some requested something from me)

Ok, see you later in my next lemon, the second part of A Bit Too Furry. Stay tuned.

Any comments? Send it to hazan_z@hotmail.com.


Hazan_Z (Reanmon Lover)