Kouji and Junpei walked deeper into the woods following the trail to the Forest Terminal. Junpei looked over to Kouji questionably but Kouji only looked forward deep in thought. Junpei often masked his true feelings, but seeing someone refusing to display any emotion was disturbing to him.

Kouji suddenly looked up in shock. A humanoid bird wielding two swords met his gaze. Junpei looked up as well just as the Digimon leaped off of the branch and took flight.

"Who was that?" Junpei asked.

"Stay here, this is my fight." Kouji instructed as he gathered the Digicode around his hand/

"Spirit Evolution!" He declared as he called on the Human Spirit of Light.

"Wolfmon!" The hybrid Digimon leaped into the branches as he chased after the bird man.

"But why?" Junpei wondered. He sat on a tree stump while watching the direction Kouji ran to. Just then, a nearby rock exploded as a stream of lava shot out of it.

Wolfmon chased the Digimon through the tree tops until he came to a familiar statues with a red ruby in the center of them. It was where he had obtained his beast spirit! Standing on top of them the Digimon waited.

"Karatenmon! What is the meaning of this?"

"To prove that you are unworthy. Last time, the Beast Spirit of Light defeated me. But it is doghtful that it will answer you again." Karatenmon stated.

Wolfmon only continued to stare waiting for Karatenmon to continue.

"Tell me, when you learned of your families deceit, did it bother you?" Karatenmon continued.

"I already know about that!" Wolfmon insisted clutching his light sabers.

"Then you know your father betrayed your real mother, and your brother almost killed you because of it." Karatenmon stated. Wolfmon charged forward at Karatenmon.

"Enlightenment!" Karatenmon declared. The two clashed swords, but Enlightenment was able to predict Wolfmon's attacks and effortlessly blocked every strike. Wolfmon jumped back and aimed the gun on his arm.

"Licht Kugel!" Wolfmon fired a blast of light but Karatenmon steped gently to the side not even flinching when it only missed him by millimeters. Karatenmon flew forward and struck Wolfmon accross the chest with his blades causing the warrior of light to fall to his knees.

"Kouji Minamoto, you are no stronger then when we first met. A pitiful creature betrayed by those he clames to care for."

Back on the road, Junpei jumped up at hearing the rock explode. He saw a muscular Digimon clad in armor with a volcano coming out of his back. The Digimon held a microphone in his hand.

"Volcamon!" Junpei shouted shocked.

"Junpei Shibayama. Alone as always." The volcano Digimon pointed out.

"You. Spirit Evolution!" Junpei wasted no time evolving to face the Digimon.


"Thor Hammer!" Blitzmon fathered eletricity on his first and throw it at the Volcamon. Volcamon only grunted as the attacked left a burn mark on his shoulder.

"Big Bang Tackle!" Volcamon charged forward and hit Blitzmon full force knocking him to the ground. Volcamon raised his foot and proceeded to stomp his stomach.

"Lightning Blitz!" Blitzmon barly managed to gather another blast and threw at at Volcamon hitting him in the face. Volcamon recoiled allowing Blitzmon to get back to his feet.

Volcamon brought his microphone to his mouth.

"Big Bang Voice!" Volcamon declared with the volcano on his back erupted. Blitzmon clutched his head as the other Digimon's voice seemed to penetrate into his mind.

"Junpei Shibayama. You have been abandoned by everyone. Your supposed friend left because he didn't believe in you. Know the torment of your life." Volcamon insisted loudly.

"No." Blitzmon said weakly falling to his knees.

Back at the statues Karatenmon raised his sword preparing for the final blow. He swiftly brought his blade down but was surprised as Wolfmon leaped away leaving the blade to dig into the ground.

"Do you still deny the betrayal your family brought onto you?" Karatenmon asked.

"Anyone can be strong. Continuing to dwell on the hardships of my past would never bring comfort." Wolfmon stated. He turned and began to make a dash for the beast spirit within the statues.

"Like I'd allow that." Karatenmon said to himself as he took flight. Wolfmon turned his head to see Karatenmon in the air.

"Strahl!" Wolfmon fired is eye beams at the bird Digimon but Karatenmon locked it with his blade then threw the blade down at Wolfmon. Wolfmon slowed his pace allowing the sword to land in front of him the leaped towards the statue.

"Sprit!" He called. The Beast Spirit of Light erupted from the eye of the statue.

"Wolfmon! Slide Evolution! Garmmon!" Having taken on his beast form he turned to face Karatenmon.

"Speed Star!" Garmmon deployed his wheels and shoulder blades and charged forwards. Karatenmon flew into the air to avoid it and took aim with his wings.

"Ballistic Feathers!" Karatenmon fired several explosive feathers at down. One hit Garmmon on the shoulder nearly throwing him off balance. Determined Garmmon retracted his wheels and leaped into the air in a blur. Karatenmon went wide-eyed seeing the beast seemingly appear before him.

"Solar Laser!" Garmmon fired on Karatenmon nearly point blank. Karatenmon shouted as the wave washed over him leaving his Digicode exposed.

Back by the road Blitzmon got back to his feet.

"No. I won't believe that again." Blitzmon insisted.

"What!? Can you not hear my words!?" Volcamon asked taking a step back.

"Last time you confronted me at my weakest. But I've learned how to trust since then." Blitzmon stated. His Digivice reacted and the ground between them cracked open as the Beast Spirit of Thunder rose up.

"A spirit!? No!" Volcamon charged forward to claim the spirit.

"Thunder Toppler!" Blitzmon opened his wings and flew forward as he gathered lightning on his horn. He struck Volcamon on the chest knocking him onto his back.

"Spirit!" Blitzmon called on it holding out his Digivice. The spirit flew to him.

"Blitzmon! Slide Evolution! Bolgmon!"

"Ultimate Thunder!" Bolgmon gathered a huge blast of lightning on his arms and launched them towards Volcamon. Volcamon grabbed a bolder and held it as a shield. The blast shattered it sending pebbles flying in every direction and spreading a cloud of dust.

Volcamon smirked thinking he had out smarted Bolgmon but a gust of wing blew clearing the smoke screen revealing that Bolgmon had deployed into the artillery mode.

"No!" Volcamon shouted taking a step back in fear.

"Field Destroyer!" Bolgmon fired a massive blast from the torrent on his that engulfed Volcamon and shook the ground beneath them. Bolgmon slide evolved back to Blitzmon to scan the Digicode before devolving back to Junpei who let out a sigh of relief.

Wolfmon arrived just in time to see the newly made crater where Volcamon had stood.

"Are you alright?" Wolfmon asked concerned seeing the crater left from the attack.

"I'm alright. Let's get to Seraphimon." Junpei stated smiling to cover up his own worry. The two looked to the path ahead. The large tree holding Seraphimon's Palace was already in site.