As the dust settled Kouji and Junpei sat up finding themselves in a dark tunnel.

"Are you alright?" Junpei asked standing up and dusting himself off.

"Yeah." Kouji replied getting to his feet as well. A small Digimon made of rock approached.

"Gotsumon!" Kouji said cheerfully surprised.

"You brought us here?" Junpei speculated.

Gotsumon nodded.
"It would have been hopeless to approach the fortress from the surface," the mineral Digimon explained.

"Then you know another way?" Kouji asked.

"Yes. You can reach the outer wall of the fortress if you follow this path. I'll help you!" Gotsumon explained.

"No. You stay here. It could be dangerous." Kouji insisted.

"But I'm ready for this!" The Gotsumon stated.

"Maybe we should let him come. He is passionate about this." Junpei suggested.

"He can't evolve into Insekimon anymore! He could get in trouble. Now come on" Kouji explained before continuing down the hallway. Gotsumon slumped his shoulders in defeat. Junpei glanced back and forth between the Gotsumon and Kouji until deciding to follow Kouji before he got to far ahead. Kouji doesn't want Gotsumon to come with us because he can't evolve. But Kouji is comeing even though he can't evolve now either. Junpei thought to himself puzzled.

They followed the pathway until they came to an iron wall.

"I'll take care of this. Spirit Evolution! Blitzmon!" Blitzmon raised his arms as he gathered a lightning blast on his fists.
"Thor Hammer!" He smashed down the wall allowing the group to pass. They broke into a control room with three Golemon in it operating computer terminals. The controls were large to suit the Golemon's hands. Above a light shown brightly. Kouji squinted his eyes to look at it.
"It's, my spirit!" Kouji exclaimed. The three Golemon left their terminals to face the intruders.

"Hold them off, I'll get my spirit!" Kouji said before making a dash to the ladder at the center of the room. One of the Golemon turned towards him opening it's mouth.
"Mjolnir Thunder!" Blitzmon sent a shock wave through the ground to strike the Golemon cauing it's attack to miss by a mile. Kouji hastily climbed the ladder. Blitzmon took a fighting stance as all three Golemon had their attention set on him.

"Curse Crimson!" The of the Golemon fired their breath-weapon. Blitzmon leaped into the air to avoid the. The third Golemon then fired off his attack nailing Blitzmon throwing him into the steel wall with enough force to crack it.
"Golem Punch!" One of the Golemon jumped forward and threw his first into Blitzmon's torso throwing him through the wall into the next room. Kouji reached the top of the ladder to see the Human Spirit of Light attached to a machine with a magnifying glass. This is how they created the laser beams. He held out his D-Scan and called to his spirit. It pulled away from the machine breaking a few wires in the pressed and flew to Kouji.
"Spirit Evolution! Wolfmon!" The warrior of light leaped down.

"Licht Kugel!" Wolfmon shot one of the Golemon in the back leaving a crack in the back of the golem. It turned around to face the warrior of light.
"Curse Crimson!" It spewed out another attack but Wolfmon was ready and leaped over it while drawing his light saber.
"Licht Sieger!"
"Golem Punch!" Wolfmon brought his saber against the golem but its arms were longer allowing it to hit first sending Wolfmon skidding across the floor on his side. Blitzmon got back to his feet to take advantage of the distracting Wolfmon had caused. He spread his wings and flew towards the Golemon that Wolfmon had injured.
"Thor Hammer!" His fists collided with the Golemon's already cracked back shattering it into pieces. One of the two remaining Golemons charged Blitzmon.
"Golemon Punch!" It thew its bulky fist at Blitzmon but he flew into the air leaving its fist to dent the floor.
"Lightning Blitz!" Blitzmon fired another blast of lightning striking the Golemon on it shoulder.

As Wolfmon got to his feet the other Golemon charged him.
"Golem Punch!" The stone Digimon hurled a punch forward but Wolfmon did a back flip to aviod it.
"Intensiv Licht Kugel!" Wolfmon fired a large blast of energy at the Golemon striking it in its' metal faceplate causing it to melt half way off.
"Curse Crimson!" In spite of it's damage the Golemon continued its mindless attack knocking Wolfmon into the wall.

"Curse Crimson!" The Golemon against Blitzmon fired another blast. Blitzmon flew to the side but part of the attack hit his wing causing him to fall back to the floor. He heard the scraps of the Golemon's feet against the metal foor as it charged.
"Mjolnir Thunder!" He struck the ground with his fist sending an electric wave through the floor which hit the Golemon's foot causing it to tumble forward. Blitzmon leaped forward towards the falling golem.
"Thunder Toppler!" The warrior of thunder gathered another electric blast on his foreheads' horn which collided with the Golemon's metal face plate. The electrify fired the Golemon causing it to fall limp on the ground before dissolving away into data,

Wolfmon pulled himself from the wall and jumped to the side just before another Curse Crimson attack impacted imprint on the wall. He knew he had depleted most of his energy on his last attack and would need to end this soon. He ran forward with his light saber extended.
"Golem Punch!" The Golemon tried the same maneuver as last time but Wolfmon had been expecting this. He aborted the attack leaping back as leaving the Golemon shadow boxing. As the Golemon retracted its arm he jumped forward.
"Licht Sieger!" The buried his light saber into the Golemon's already melted face plate sending it deep into the creature. Wolfmon jumped off as the Golemon fell over backwards and dissolved away into data.

The two hybrid Digimon devolved back into their human forms.
"We did it! The Golemon are gone!" Junpei declared cheerfully. But Kouji wasn't so optimistic.

"No. Somethings wrong. These Digimon were just mindless puppets. They couldn't have organized those attacks. The Digimon we won't arn't here." Kouji stated.

Junpei glanced around and saw that the supposed fortress was really only two room. He sighed seeing that the fight was far from over.
"We should go back to that village. It's the only lead we have."

The two returned to the village to find that the village was busy repairing the damage the first Golemon had caused. Kouji glanced around around noticing that the landscape around the village was flat enough that aside from the forest that Seraphimon's palace was in all they could see was the horizon.
"They won't survive another battle like that last one. Everyone!" Kouji called out to get the Digimon's attention.

"We found the fortress you said they came from, but they warn't there. You need to take refuge in Seraphimon's place until we find out who is doing this." Kouji called out to them.

"We have already been over this. We can't afford to pay the price that Seraphimon asked for refuge." One of the Kokuwamon explained.

"Price?" Junpei said shocked.

"We could barely afford to pay him to send you." The metal insect answered.

"That doesn't make any sense. Seraphimon didn't even know we were coming to his palace until we arrived." Junpei argued but the Kokuwamon was just as perplexed about the situation.

"It's obvious what we need to do. Go to Seraphimon," Kouji said firmly.