The Demon Within


Part 2 of ‘The Circinate Of Shadows’


NOTE: Digimon is owned by a group of pompous corporate ass-wipes who are worried about losing money. This is a lemon. Not a citrus fruit that you can make various beverages out of. A Lemon is a fan-fic involving sexual material. You probably know the drill, if you is younger than 17, git lost! All others are welcome to read at their leisure. Enough legal shit. On with the fun.


TIMELINE: Alendramon has gone searching for Renamon, the others are lost, and Rika and Alex have holed up in a cave.


                Alendramon was running trough a desert littered with mesas. He stopped, sniffed the air, and then kept going.


 Renamon was just waking up, but what to she wasn’t going to like. Renamon is a 6-foot tall bright yellow fox, with occasional purple patterns adorning her knees and just below her acid-green eyes.

                “What do you want to do with her?” One of the Gazimon asked. Gazimon, if you’ve never seen them, are little grey upright rabbits with vicious claws and ears that defy gravity.

                “Let’s throw it in a lake” The second said.

                “I’ve got a better idea,” the third said. He whispered something to the other two. They grinned evilly.

                “What do you want?”  Renamon said, half awake. The Gazimon simply grinned.

                “Oh, nothing” The Gazimon said, walking up to Renamon. Renamon tried to escape, not realising she was belted to the wall. The Gazimon laughed. “We think your going enjoy this as much as we are.” The lead Gazimon licked Renamon’s pronounced clit. Renamon growled.

                “You’re going to pay for that,” Renamon said. A second Gazimon licked the nipple of one of Renamon’s breasts, drawing a satisfactory growl. The first pushed his prick into her asshole. Renamon groaned. It felt only slightly painful, but it was incredibly humiliating. The third pressed his member into her cunt roughly. Tears of pain welled up in Renamon’s eyes.

“Are you having fun?” One of the Gazimon asked. “I sure am.”

“You pathetic coward. If I could break free, I’d slaughter you all!” Renamon snarled. The lead Gazimon perched up Renamon’s shoulders, his 3½-inch cock hovering just in front of her nose.

“Suck it. And don’t get any funny ideas either.” He said, raising one claw over her head. “ Or you just might be in for a ‘shocking’ revelation.” Renamon reluctantly took the rod in her mouth. “Oh yeaaah. Like that.” Renamon sucked the member viciously, longing to part him with an inch or two. The Gazimon groaned simultaneously, climaxing at once. Renamon gagged on the salty fluid and spat it out. I’m never going to get this taste out of my mouth. “Wrong, bitch!” The Gazimon hit over the head, sending a moderate shock through her body. “You swallow next time, got it? Anyways, did you like that? Well, I’ve got more friends who want to meet you” He smiled evilly at Renamon’s tear-stained face. About fifteen more (give or take) Gazimon stepped out of the shadows. Renamon sighed hopelessly. Rika, if I could’ve only seen you one last time. Damn it, I failed you. Damn you all! Why couldn’t you just let me die honourably? Renamon closed her eyes, not wanting to see the imminent invaders. Alendramon stopped and probed the surrounding area for any form of thought pattern. He caught a distressed pattern and decided to investigate. Renamon would have to wait, whoever this was, was in trouble NOW!

Renamon was weak and tired, but refused to give these Gazimon the satisfaction of hearing her cry for mercy. She hung her head, trying to focus on something beyond the here-and-now. She had something. What?  She had caught something nearby and very powerful. I sense someone. Something’s coming, but what? She heard a low humming then a clang, like crystal hitting rock. Renamon opened her eyes with a start and looked around. The Gazimon were staring out of the cave. The shard of obsidian, which was what had hit the wall, started to spin and disintegrate. Oh, that. Renamon, realising that whoever this was, was an ally. The crystal had cut her bonds and released her from her tormentors. The figure in the doorway stepped out of the glare of the light.

                “If you sick bastards know what’s good for you, you WILL back the fuck away from her” It said, in a harsh growl that meant only one thing, and it was not good! “I said, you little wing–headed weasels, get the fuck out of her way!” Alendramon snarled. The Gazimon, not wanting to make the creature five times taller and stronger than him mad, which was too late anyway, back away instantly. Renamon stumbled out, turned around, and snarled to herself. “And now, you die!” Alendramon said. Renamon began to tear through the Gazimon like they were made of paper. Alendramon, being a gentleman, even in the worst of times, decided to help. “Obsidian Blitz!” he roared, flinging the oddly shaped black crystals and plowing through five Gazimon, which were deleted instantly. Renamon, after finishing the Gazimon, walked off.  She had quite enough sexual experience for today. Her fur, on the other hand, had been plastered down with sweat, giving anyone who bothered to look a good view of her voluptuous breasts and tight pussy, which was trickling blood down her left leg. Alendramon, being a gentleman, wasn’t prone to staring at exposed female genitalia, even if they were only a foot away. (Self-control dudes, self-control) She thrust out a bloodstained paw.

                “Thank you” Renamon said. Alendramon, turning rather pink nodded.

                “Uh, yeah, No problem. We should probably get going.” Alendramon said. Renamon gave him a blank look (Her favourite).

                “We?” Renamon asked. Alendramon nodded.

                “There may be more Gazimon, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the energy to face them. Besides, Rika might start to…” Alendramon immediately found himself hanging by his neck against a pillar.

                “Rika? Where is she? Tell me, you blue-furred rat!” Renamon growled. Alendramon smiled slightly.

                “It wouldn’t <GASP> kill you to <PANT> say please” Alendramon panted.  “Put me down please” Renamon scowled.

                “Tell me where Rika is!” She persisted. “I’m not kidding! Where is she?” Alendramon pointed out to the west. Renamon dropped him on the ground in a heap. Renamon stumbled away, then collapsed a few feet away. Alendramon sighed and stood up. She had passed out from sheer exhaustion. Alendramon heaved her onto his back and started walking. At nightfall, he set her down and went to sleep. That is, until Renamon decided to come to. “Ungh, where am I?” Renamon moaned, sitting up.

                “Ah, so you’re awake. Good, ‘cause I want to talk” Alendramon said, sitting up. Renamon was confused, which is not easy to do.

                “Why are you helping me?” Renamon asked. “What do want of me?” Alendramon smirked. He could think of several things, all of them dirty. But he shook his head.

                “I’m doing a favour for friend of a friend. That’s all. No more, no less” Alendramon said. Renamon nodded.

                “A Mon of your word, then. I respect that much of you.” Renamon said. “Well, it’s been fun, but I’m leaving now”

                “No, you’re not. You’re in absolutely no fit condition to go anywhere. Besides, I have promise to uphold.” Alendramon said. “Now, can we talk about something else, other than blood and war? It makes me rather uncomfortable.” Alendramon sighed, looking at the grafted metal that was his left hand. Renamon stared at it, like a homeless person with a welfare check.

                “Have you always…?” Renamon asked.

                “Has this?” He responded, displaying his left arm. “Yeah. When I entered the Real World, my code was fragmented. So a patch was applied. To prevent more damage to my code.”

                “I…see.” Renamon said, somewhat confused. “I don’t really understand, but I will take your word for it”

                “Yeah, that’s what most people say.” Alendramon. “Hmm. You should rest. You need the sleep.”

Renamon raised a paw to her face, tracing a faint scar running down her face toward her nose.

                I wonder…



 The wind began to pick up, .  Sand started to kick up, blinding Renamon temporarily. She prodded Alendramon.

                “Mmm…yeah, what?” Alendramon asked. “Blast it. Sandstorm.” Alendramon wasn’t much of a quick thinker. A scaly head popped out of the sand.

                “Who are you?” It asked. Alendramon shrugged.

                “I could ask you the same thing!” He snapped.

                “Well, I’m Draconamon. And if you stay out here, you’re going to get sandblasted. Follow me. Oh, and don’t be sleeping on my front door anymore.” Draconamon dove back into the sand, which actually was a metal silo. Alendramon shrugged and crawled in after him. Renamon followed suit. The inside of the bunker was full of mismatched and broken furniture, computer parts and boxes full of junk. “You like it?” Dracomon said. Alendramon shrugged.

                “I’ve seen better. Where’d you get it anyway?” Alendramon said, stretching out over a sofa.

                “Stolen from Earth.” Draconomon said “Now, I’m going out to study wind currents and erosion” He slithered up the ladder, as was natural for a sand dragon.

                “Odd little fellow, isn’t he?” Renamon said, watching the lizard slither away.

                “Yes but generous.” Alendramon replied




“Sir, we’ve gained complete control of the Juggernaught. Shall I engage the program?” The flunky asked. “Malcolm sir?” The gaunt man peered at the screen.

                “Of course. This is the end of the digital menace for good. Then, after all of them are abolished, we’ll seize control of the digital world and overthrow the earth.” The thin executive laughed dryly.

                “Program engaged. Power at thirty percent and rising”




                “Uh Yamaki, you’re reeeally not gonna like this” stated a bald black man. The blond executive looked up. Yamaki, having worked non-stop for three days, looked like he was a foot in the grave.

                “What now?”

                “The Juggernaught had been remotely engaged. Thirty seconds until discharge.”

                “WHAT? WHERE’S IT GOING TO HIT?” Yamaki leapt out of his chair, as if a pin jabbed his ass.

                “Launched IN the digital world itself.” Babel said apologetically.

                “The fool! It’ll wipe out the world’s digital systems! Sent back to the Stone Age! Can’t we do anything?”

                “We restricted power flow. Only one third of the damage that could’ve been caused” Babel responded, brightening.


                “Now what?” Alendramon said as the room began to vibrate. Renamon was sound asleep. Alendramon kicked her.

                “What?” Renamon snapped. “What in the hell is that?”

                “Do you think I’d wake you up if I knew?” Alendramon asked. Just then, a sonic boom blasted throughout the entire digital realm. “I’m going to go see what just happened.” He crawled out of the bunker and stared. “Renamon! You’re not going to believe this!” Renamon crawled out and stared.

                “I…I thought we were in a desert” Renamon said, looking at the miles and miles of trees. A group of people and Digimon walked out of the trees.

                “What in the hell was that all about?” Matt asked. Four other kids were dropped out of a data stream not too far away. They ran up to the congregation and stared. “Hey, I know I’m good looking, but don’t gawk like that!”

                “It’s just, you can’t be real!” A boy in goggles said (Takato)

                “Oh, we’re real alright. By the way, nice goggles” Tai said.  Last, and certainly not least, Rika and Alex walked up to the group.

                “What the hell? The digital world’s all fucked up! Who are you guys? Did you cause the system-wide rewrite?” Alex asked. A boy with brown hair stepped forward.

                “I’m Davis and they are Tai, Matt, Sora, Mimi, Izzi, Joe, T.K. Yolei, Cody, and, my favourite, Kari.” Davis said, pointing each of them out. “I don’t know what a system-wide rewrite is, so I can’t have caused it!”




“Sir, the program backfired.” the flunky said, peering a script of computer code.

“WHAT?” Malcolm screamed. “You imbecile! You only got a third of Juggernaught’s power?” He paused, panting with rage All you’ve done is cause a complete rewrite of the digital code! No-matter, it doesn’t seem to have effected the digimon. Let’s try a more direct approach. Send in one of our brainwashed servants.” The man left, as he paced down the hall he thought to himself. I’ll show the old fool! No one outdoes this maverick!


Back in the bunker, the group discussed their present predicament.

                “So, let me get this straight. 25 years in our time, T.K. will write a book about our travels, sell it, and make it into a popular television program?” Sora said, dumbfounded. Alex nodded.

                “Next question, how did we just happen to end up in the same place?” Matt asked.

                “My theory is that digital code is attracted to itself, like those data packets that float around here. When whatever caused the system-wide rewrite, it deleted some stuff, so the two existences fused to make up for it.” This seemed to make sense to everyone, when a voice called through the tunnel.

                “Hello? There’s a red lizard…Mmm? Oh, a Guilmon, is it? Yeah, says he’s looking for a Takatomon?” Dracomon called. Takato scrambled out of a weather-beaten armchair, knocking over Davis and Yolei. After a brief moment, Guilmon and Takato came back inside, sat down and rejoined the discussion. Guilmon was sniffing Yolei’s foot, as every one had removed their footwear. Yolei giggled slightly.

                “Right, it’s decided.  Jeri, Tai, Takato, Sora and Izzy will go north. Rika, Davis, Kari, and me will be central here.  Matt, Mimi, Yolei, T.K. and Ken go east by southeast. And the rest of you will go west by south west, okay?” Alex said, smiling slightly.

                “Can we trade places?” Kari asked, unsure about being paired with Davis. Alex shook his head. They all went back outside and started to head in a compass direction.

                “Renamon? Alex and me will be back in half an hour. You’ll be okay here, won’t you?” Rika asked.

                “As you wish” was Renamon’s typical response. The two tamers left, leaving the fox digimon alone with Davis, Kari and their digimon. Alendramon crouched down and looked at Gatomon.

                “Well, aren’t you cute” Alendramon cooed.

                “And aren’t you a smart-ass” Gatomon replied flatly. “I’m not an airhead, you know” Alendramon, being rather put out, sat down and grumbled. Veemon, ever the pacifist, tried to settle the two.

                “Gatomon, that was awfully rude. And you, what you said wasn’t the least bit funny” Veemon said.

                “Shut up” They responded in unison.

“I’m going outside. I need some air” Kari said, which was a cover-up for getting away from Davis. Davis, completely clueless, followed her. The digimon did so too, of course. Renamon sat down next to Alendramon after everyone left. Alendramon was staring into space, as was normal when he was deep in thought. Renamon ran her fingers through the fur on his chest. Alendramon snapped back to earth, and wrapped an arm around Renamon.

                “What’s it like?” Renamon asked. “Sex for pleasure I mean?” Alendramon stared at her.

                “Why do you ask?” Alendramon asked. “If you recall, you were raped today” Renamon looked at him. That look, it burrowed in his soul, eating away at his will.

                “Please?” Renamon said sarcastically.  Alendramon smiled.

                “See? That’s much better at getting what you want” Alendramon said, running his hand along her body. Renamon shivered slightly. Renamon reached out and kissed Alendramon gently, working her rough tongue into his mouth. Alendramon put his other arm around her, fondling her ass gently. Alendramon broke out of the kiss. Alendramon started to suckle Renamon’s breast and kneading the other. Renamon moaned slowly, running her fingers through his fur.



Kari and Davis had met up with Alex and Rika, and holed up in a cave to wait out a rainstorm.

                “Ugh, I hate the rain, it’s so depressing” Kari said, sighing.

                “I think it’s very relaxing. The constant pattering helps me to focus or relax.” Alex said, lost in thought. “I still have a hard time dealing with the suddenness of the digital world, though”

                “It’s as if it just decided to rain” Davis agreed.

                “Yes, well, philosophy class is over today, Confucius. What if Renamon and Alendramon worry?” Rika said, pacing the floor.

                “Relax. If we were in any kind of danger, they would know. Now sit down and relax, you’re giving me a headache.” Just then, a flash of green energy hit Rika in the small of her back, flinging her into the opposite wall, where she hit and fell into a heap.

                “RIKA!” Alex screamed, running over to her. Rika had a long slash along her back, which was burnt from the energy and bleeding profusely.

                “Infidels! Leave my sanctum at once. I am the strength of the past, courage of the present, and wisdom of the future. I am Death to all who oppose me!” A hollow voice called. It sounded like anengine block hit with a lead pipe.

                “If you‘re so courageous, why’d you attack someone with such cowardice?” Alex screamed. He propped Rika against a wall. “Rika, please don’t die, please…” His eyes brimming with tears. Rika was barely conscious, listening. What is he talking about? Why is he crying and why do I care? I wish he’d stop. I… Rika blacked out completely.

                “Intruders! Leave now! Or else I will feed upon your smouldering flesh!”


Back at the bunker.

Alendramon was still kissing and caressing Renamon, when his ears lifted sharply. Something was wrong, he could feel it.

                “What’s the matter?” Renamon said, confused. She felt it then. “Oh no! What…what’s happening to them?”

                “We have to go, NOW!” Alendramon said, running to the exit. “Or we may not have anyone left to save!”

                “We’re going to finish this later, got it?” Renamon said, smirking


What has happened to our intrepid heroes? What will happen to the others? All these questions answered and more in the next instalment of Frostbyte’s “Circinate of Shadows”


 Anyhoo, if there’s any couples you’d like to see, drop me a line at

I will read kudos, constructive criticism, but not flames. (Forwarded to my brother’s e-mail account   -^_^-) Until then, I’m…

Ice personified
