This is my fourth story that I have been working on, so please, feel free to give some constricted criticism.  Now with the boring news that must be given: if you are under the age of 18, or if you live in a community that doesn’t allow sexual content such as sexual stories involving teenagers or any minors do not read any further, so turn back now…yes you that is younger than 18...turn back now or be called a sick perverted little boy/girl that is reading. (But sorry to disappoint you guys there is no sex in this story)


Disclaimer: I don’t own digimon; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective companies, I am just borrowing them for the moment. I do not get any money or rewards from writing lemons, so please don’t try to sue me.


            When we left the Tamers, they were going to Shinjuku Park. Before though Rika was explaining her problems to Jeri, and Henry’s to Takato. While Mako was having a bad day, and his friend , Suzy, didn’t help matters by starting a relationship with him. Leomon E-mailed Jeri warning her about the D-reaper, but enough of details, if I had known better, no one is probably reading this, for those that are I thank you for reading this hard work.

******************************************************************To the Digital World (Part one)


            When every got one  to the park they weren’t surprised to see that they had closed it to the public, not just for their benefit but because a digimon had just merged into the real world. In order to get to the portal they have to destroy the digimon, which in its own way, it won’t be easy. “Now remember, when you guys get to the digital world, find out if this threat to our world is real or just a bunch of bullshit to get us to waste our time for a real threat such as terrorists.” Yamaki said as he took off with Jeri and the doctor to a safe, secure location in the park, where they have their own digimon to help fight in the up coming battles, mainly for protecting them from any wild digimon that might run away from battle and look for hostages.


            “Where is this human by the name of ‘Jeri’?” a wicked voice called out from a digital fog that was just meters away from them, “answer now, or I’ll blow you off this world!”


            “All right, Gigadramon, what do you want her for?” Takato retorted with a voice of acid.


            “That isn’t up to me but to the Chaos.” the digimon by the name of Gigadramon replied with a voice of fear, that suddenly vanished when he spoke again, “And there’s nothing you can do to stop it, the Chaos will, has, and always will be there no matter how many times you defeat it!” then he screamed “Ultimate Slicer!” then the tamers went into action almost immediately.


            “Guilmon!” “Renamon!” “Terriermon!” the Tamers called as they Biomerged with their digimon partners:

“Guilmon Biomerge to!” “Renamon Biomerge to!” Terriermon Biomerge to!” then the tamers merged with their partners and then a blinding light covered them briefly, which was replaced with them standing with no digimon or tamers, but with three Mega level digimon. “Gallantmon!” “Sakuyamon!” “Megagargomon!”


            *Man, I’m screwed* Gigadramon thought to himself before attacking again. But before he could even utter another attack, Gallantmon hit him with the shield. Then he was hit with Megagargomon’s mighty arms, stunning him. When he came out of it, he was inside a protective bubble that was acting as a prison to him, which was drawn by Sakuyamon.


            “Now that we have you, why does the D-Reaper want Jeri?” Takato said inside of Gallantmon. Gigadramon didn’t say a thing, so he motioned for the scientists in protective suits come up with a strange machine. “You know what this is?” Gallantmon asked a confused Gigadramon. He just shook his head, “Well, this machine is called the Lie detector, oh and it doesn’t work the same as the ones on T.V. no it works like this,” Gallantmon said as they finally got it hooked onto the protective bubble, then they fired an electrical current, too strong for any human to take, but enough make a digimon wish for it to end, but not delete. Then after about 5 seconds of a shocking experience, they stopped it and he said, “Now I’m pretty sure you can do better than that, with the intensity being at only 15 out of 50.”


            “Now, tell me, what does the D-Reaper want with Jeri?” Henry said inside of Megagargomon. He wouldn’t tell so Henry nodded at the Scientist, which put it up to 20/50 and pushed the button, sending more power inside the bubble. Now in agony he started to scream once again. After about 10 seconds, they turned it off, “Now, I bet that felt refreshing…”


            Before he could continue, Gigadramon said “GO TO HELL!!!” then he tried an attempt to get out by hitting the bubble a bit. By this Takato or Henry didn’t have to nod, the scientists just turned it up to 25/50 and left it on for about 15 seconds, and interrogated him for about an hour, at 45/50 and thirty seconds, he finally begged to be released, and he would tell, so they let him out but under a secured digital cage, “ the D-reaper wants Jeri because of all the emotions that she had, and that it would help it out, and other crap like that.”


            “Ok, fine you can go.” Takato said as he devolved from Gallantmon, same as Henry and Rika. “You mean I can go back to the digital world?” Gigadramon said hopefully. “Heh, you actually think you can go back? No what I mean is you can go back to the Lab with these guys, trust me, best to be one of us than be an expandable fodder to the D-Reaper.” Takato said as a Helicopter landed dropping of Jeri and the doctor, along with some equipment. It seemed somewhat funny though that they wouldn’t need most of this stuff, when half of it seemed to be optional or not even useful. The only thing that seemed to be useful was the arsenal was the first aid kits and the hiking supplies.

***************************************************************************************************about an hour later of explaining their objectives


            “Ok the portal is open, we need to go before it closes again.” One of the Scientists said as he took out a laptop computer and inputting coordinates to a safe location to the digital world. Then without warning a flash of light blinded them momentarily, then subsiding revealing what resembled a car, but with a few different features. After about five minutes of explaining about it, they hopped in and without warning, they were gone in another flash of light.

******************************************************************At the same time at a daycare facility not far from the park


            “Hey, Lee? Chan? Time to come back inside.” a young woman that seemed to be watching the children looked around the little park, now concerned she checked by the pond, which was at the side of the daycare. Just as she turned the corner, she seen a bright light and the twins were gone. “SHOOT!!! MY BOSS IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!” then she also thought about the parents, she knew that they worked for the government, so they could have her put in prison for loosing them. Not even two minutes later as  she was thinking about it a black van pulled up at top speed and screeched to a complete halt and her boss came out looking around for something.


            “What just happened here?” a man with blonde hair asked, looking at the young woman. After about five minutes of explanation, she asked “why’s it important anyway?”


            “That is of no concern of yours.” Yamaki said as he pulled out a handheld computer and typed a message to the Tamers in the digital world.

******************************************************************Someplace above the Digital world


            “Now every one you know the rules, no one says ‘which way is down’ otherwise…” Takato said then paused suddenly thinking about what he just said, then “OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”


            The ship that they were in started to descend at rapid rate. Then they impacted into a desert plain, making a medium sized crater. “Of all the things you had to say Takato,” Jeri said trying to get up “is ‘which way is down’!” Takato just blushed at the thought “Well it could be worse, we could have landed in a mountain.” was all he could say.


            Just then the communicator started beeping, “Hmm, this is strange this never works unless there’s a storm or something.” then he checked in on what Yamaki had to say. “Oh no…this can’t be right.” so he checked again to reveal the location, then he dropped the communicator looking at Jeri with outright horror etched on his face. Seeing this Rika picked it up, then read the message aloud, it read:


RE: Tamers



            Whoever gets this message give it to Takato and/or Jeri.


            Their kids were taken to the digital world, by no means such as kidnapping, but by a portal. We’re still trying to find out if it was just coincidence or if someone opened it up for them.


            I hope you get this message before something serious happens to any one of them, we will give you coordinates when we get them just keep an eye out for them.





            “Oh…my…god!” was all Jeri could say upon hearing this news. Then she fainted, “What do we do now?” was all Henry could say after he caught her.

******************************************************************Somewhere in the Digital world


            “Chan, where are we?” Lee asked his twin as he looked at the strange place around them. The area looked like some kind of forest. “I don’t know, I think we are at the park.” Chan responded looking around for other people.


            Then it hit him, that they weren’t at the park but somewhere else. He then started to cry, Lee just looked at him, then just like his twin he started to cry too. Just then a rumbling sound was heard and the ground that them two were standing on started to shake, making them both cry more wishing that their parents were there with them to hold them.


            Then a monster took them and five minutes later it put them in some kind of bubble. Along with a few other kids, that were at least a few months older to a year older. Some just quite and others crying, while there was one who was talking about escaping.


Back to the Tamers


            “Ok, just how long have we been walking?” Kazu asked as he looked around for some kind of shade. They were still walking in the deserted wasteland of the Digital World. “Not that I’m complaining but it feels as if we’ve been walking for hours…”


            He was cut off, not by Rika or anyone, but surprisingly Jeri with the words of “Kazu, SHUT UP, if we take a break now then we won’t find my kids!” then she turned around and started walking in the direction were the locator was pointing to. Then she looked agitated and cursed, looking towards the right and started walking that way.


            “Umm, Jeri, I thought the Locator said we walk north?” Takato said as Jeri stopped and gave him a look of death, “Uhh…well we could just go that way incase they have been picked up by a data…” he was cut short as a data stream came their direction. “SCATTER”  then without hesitation every one ran a random direction. Lucky no one got sucked up by it, they regrouped after it passed.


            “Well at least we didn’t lose anyone” Takato said as he looked and noticed that another member has joined the group. “Uh, who are you?” he asked the young boy, which had messy brown hair and goggles on just like him, only he was at least seven years younger than him.


            “My name is Fred, I don’t exactly know how I got here, but I think it had something to do with this.” this kid known as Fred pulled out a black D-Ark and showed it to them. “I’ve been looking for something, but I don’t know what. I was hoping you would know.”


            “Well, to put it bluntly, you’re a Tamer.” Henry said looking at the device. “Then again, I hope you don’t get any digimon like Terriermon here.”


            After he had said that Terriermon then shouted “Hey, just because you can’t handle me, doesn’t mean that you have to put up with me all of the time!” with this everyone started laughing but Fred and Terriermon.


            “I don’t get it, what’s wrong with this Terriermon?” Fred asked confused, looking at Terriermon seeing nothing but a digimon that looked ok, but he didn’t know any better.


            After he said this everyone just exchanged looks, then they all just gave up and let him find out for himself, as they continued on their way to find the Matsuda twins before anything else can.


After About Two Hours of walking in the Digital waste land


            “I think we should camp here, then get going in the morning” Takato said regretfully as they stopped to take a rest, “it looks like we might have to take a data stream to a new level…”


            Before he could finish however everyone started to vote against that rule besides the doctor and Fred. Out of nowhere a data stream landed on them sending all of them to a new location, and oddly enough the location was half-a-mile from where the kids where being held. And the locator started beeping, signaling that both Lee and Chan were in the same location, also a message:


RE: found them


Dear Takato/Jeri,


     We have pinpointed on their locations and have sent you guys there by a data stream we set up. Also we have picked up a new signal from within your group, send us info on this new member ASAP.


          Hope this helped you out,



P.S. look around for the hologram of Shibumi, he will give you something useful.



            Takato then typed a message back to Yamaki. Only for him to say that it would help, the place they were at was an unknown location to the digital world. Also that it had the components of the D-reaper. This was a small shock of course, but he then knew that the supplies that Shibumi would be more than useful.


            But before he could continue there was a brilliant flash of light and there stood a man holding what seemed to be a briefcase but looked more like it was used to transport some very secret documents or something of the sort, because the case looked sealed air tight. Also there was something behind him in the shadows, lurking, it seemed to be another person but the problem was that the person was about two feet taller than Shibumi.


            “Hey long time no see! How’s it going?” He asked looking at them, then his eyes locked on to the little kid that was standing with the group, “Well who’s this?”


            “Hi my name is Fred.” Fred replied as he shook hands with the hologram of Shibumi only to have his hand shaken by the real person, *What the Hell?!* he thought as he pulled his hand away. Shibumi just laughed and started to explain, after a few minutes of an interesting discussion an explosion ripped them back to reality.


            “Damn going to have to cut this short,” he said to himself as he looked at the would be form of the D-Reaper, “Ok, here is a card that would allow you to enter the D-Reaper unharmed. This will also help you keep your mega forms when you get out.” he said as he handed them their crimson cards, and turned to leave. Then he stopped and turned around and said “Oh, and Jeri, mind pulling out your Digivice?” Jeri did so and gave it to him.


            He then pulled out a yellow card and slashed it the way she does and a bright light shone behind him and her Digivice had changed shape and was now active. He gave it back to her and told her, “A gift for your late anniversary, from me.” then he turned and left. Everyone was confused until that figure came out of the hologram, it was at least two feet taller than Takato and had lion like features. Then her Digivice started to beep and a small screen showed and it gave the digimon’s name and information. Then she fainted once again, this time it was the doctor that caught her, for everyone (save for Fred) was stunned to see Leomon return from the dead.


Hey people sorry but this ends here.


            Now we get down to business on this story, however, I have read over the other series I have been working on and found an error that will ruin this and leave it to a different series, so now this will be disconnected to the other series. Reason? Well I forgot to include a few crucial details so now I have to start from scratch to continue this. If you think I should or shouldn’t send in your thoughts to But hey, I know what your thinking, stop rambling and get to the ending already. I will keep you updated on the situation, who knows, I might put this as a crossover series.


            Well sorry to leave you hanging, it turns out the D-Reaper has some other plans with these kids. Who knows what will happen, for all we know is this: Leomon…is…back. So now the tamers have an edge over this new war, but who is this new tamer? And the question is, will more receive digimon too? Find out next time in ‘After the D-Reaper’.