Rustle in the Bushes

by Fran0000


WARNING!  You are about to read a Lemon featuring MALE x MALE sexual depiction and acts. 

If you are under 18 please return to the page you came from.  If you are over 18 and are consenting and this material is not against the standards set by your community, please PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Digimon is copyright Toei animation or something or other and FoxKids . . . I think.  Any other companies you too.


And, without further ado, onto the fic!



Veemon craned his neck outwards and managed a small scream as Wargreymon clamped down on his sides, sliding him closer and closer inwards.  A pair of encompassing hands quickly muffled his protests. 

Closer and closer they came.

Their bodies touched and Veemon could feel a large warmth beginning to grow in the bulge pressed against his back.  Instinctively he opened his mouth and let his tongue hang out, panting and drooling onto the ground below. 

He could hear Wargreymon moaning from above, increasing in volume as he rubbed his cock around the small of Veemon’s back.  A warm, thick wetness spread outwards as Wargreymon began to press harder inwards, yet unable to penetrate the skin.

His viselike grip tightened, digging his claws into the soft blue flesh as he reared himself backwards.  Veemon’s eyes opened wide in horror and he struggled in vain to break his bindings.

Forward Wargreymon pushed.

Forward and then inward, penetrating Veemon’s anus.

Veemon clenched his teeth and groaned, holding back against the warm pain that formed in his passage.


Veemon’s mouth opened, emitting a small and choked back cry.

Sliding inward.




Veemon couldn’t hold back.  Tears ran from his eyes as he screamed in protest of the violation.  But Wargreymon refused to stop.  Refused to let go of his prey.  Onward he slid.



It trickled outwards in a small stream, running down Veemon’s leg on its journey to the ground below. 

And then Wargreymon began to pump.  Slowly at first, rocking his hips in and out in a rhythmic pattern that made Veemon moan in pleasure.  He could feel Wargreymon cumming within him, could feel it ooze about in his passages.  The heat warmed his stomach as it crept steadily upwards.

Despite both of their moans and groans of pleasure, something caused Wargreymon to change.  A fierce roar leapt out from his mouth and caused Veemon to shiver with fear.  Wargreymon drew himself out more than halfway and then slide straight back outwards.

All Veemon could do was scream.

He pumped.

And pumped.












He could feel his stomach being filled completely, Wargreymon’s thick seed now burning his throat as it rose to meet his mouth.  It slowly filled his mouth, caressing his tongue with its sweet taste.  Veemon began to retch uncontrollably, letting the seed spill out onto the ground, soaking his body, heating it to an unbelievable degree.

Yet Wargreymon continued to pump.  The blood was flowing more steadily now as he pushed deeper in, reforming the inner passages to meet his massive size.


Terrible screaming.



Veemon was forced to give in to his own bodily functions – he too began to cum at the attention his body was receiving.


But that was all he could take.




As Wargreymon slid out, he transformed back into Agumon and began to back off from Veemon who lay covered in a thick covering of semen.  Veemon began to spasm and jerk about wildly, a glow surrounding his body.


And then he was Flamedramon.


A gasp left Agumon’s lips and he turned to run away as fast as possible.  He knew what would happen if he didn’t escape quickly enough.  But even then it was too late.  Flamedramon’s tail caught him and wrapped around his body tightly, squeezing the breath out of him.

Gasping for air, Agumon opened his mouth wide – and Flamedramon took advantage of it.  Inward he pushed, forcing his stone-hard erection into the mouth of his prey.  The length choked Agumon as it pressed against the back of his throat.

With his tail, Flamedramon opened up Agumon’s anus and slowly slid it in, snaking its way around his innards.  Agumon broke into a coughing fit – a combination of choking and an exclamation of pain.  Tears rolled out from his eyes as if he was sorry for what he had done to Veemon not long ago. 

But nothing would stop Flamedramon now.  He curled his hands around Agumon’s head and began to buck into his mouth, sliding inwards and pushing Agumon’s head down towards him.  Still crying, Agumon began to suck on the hardened member, in hopes that obedience may bring some mercy. 


There was none.


A bulge moved around Agumon’s stomach, and it rose to meet his throat.  Flamedramon began to climax as he was being sucked on.

He slid himself in.

And out.


And out.







His whole body shivered in a spasm.  All of it flowed outward, filling Agumon’s mouth and pouring down his throat, burning his stomach.  As he was cumming, Flamedramon slowly worked his tail out in corkscrew motions, bringing small squirts of cum from Agumon.

There was definitely pleasure being shared between the two.


Flamedramon lay panting, his still-hardened member being licked and sucked on a now-submissive Agumon.  With each lick he shivered and came, drenching the serving-tongue.


And then there was a rustle.


A rustle in a nearby bush.


Flamedramon’s tail was around his prey in no time.  It was Digmon.  Cum on his sheath told the two Digimon that he had been watching them.  But what to do?

Despite screaming protest from Digmon, they decided to give him a little taste of what he had witnessed earlier.  Flamedramon’s tail slid around Digmon’s member and began to stroke it up and down, very steadily and very gently.  Digmon had no choice but to moan. 

But that all changed when Agumon became Wargreymon once more.  He revealed his missive cock to Digmon and slid apart his anal passage with two pointy claws.  Digmon was screaming hysterically, struggle in vain to get away.


And in Wargreymon slid.  Flamedramon cringed with he heard Digmon’s skin tear and his intestines conform to the massive bulk being shoved into them.  But the sound of tearing flesh was immediately replaced by Digmon’s screaming. 

Even that didn’t last too long.  In slid Flamedramon’s member, choking Digmon.  The seedy smell alone made him nauseous.  But there was no time to think about that.  His body was being racked by sexual violations. 

Wargreymon was moaning loudly now, increasing his pumping action.  He forced his way in farther and harder, increasing his pace to a near unbearable level for Digmon.  His cock erupted, filling the entirety of Digmon’s innards in its heat.

Digmon struggled even more to free himself, but the twisting and turning motions only made Wargreymon cum more and more.  Even Flamedramon couldn’t take the sensations any longer.  He could feel it build.





It all flooded inward – straight down Digmon’s throat. 





All he could do was roll around on the ground, attempting to relieve the pain caused by Wargreymon’s penetration, remove the taste of Flamedramon’s hot seed, and to remove any pleasurable feeling he may have gotten out of his rape.

But everything had been just too much for the little Digimon to bear.  And so he quietly passed out into darkness.


When he came to, neither of the other two Digimon was around. 


But off to his right, he heard a rustle in the bushes.