Ahh, sometimes fantasies and love can get the best of us. This series will be dedicated to

a club member that has the thoughts about Flamey as I do. Most of it will be Yaoi, just to

warn you guys. But, it is sweet and sentimental, and I hope everyone likes it. As always,

little kids should avoid these fics and Digimon belongs to Fox and all those other

companies. So, with no further ado, lets get to the story.



False Hope (What rating could I put on this one? Hmm... G)

By Flamedramon_Lover


Last time on True Love: Flamedramon apparently is sick and Steve is in a race against time and the

elements to save his partner, his love, and his best friend.


Scene opens with Steve dashing through the forest, the sun to the west setting slowly, like a ticking

clock, Steve knew he didn't have much time, he had to get help for Flamedramon fast. Gasping for

breath, his lungs felt like they were going to burst, but he couldn't if he stopped, and rested, he

would never forgive himself if something happened to his Flamey...


Leaping over tree roots, and ducking under tree branches he ran as fast as he could, everything was

not a matter now, even himself, he put himself behind Flamey, Flamey was more important to him, because

he knew Flamedramon would do it for him too, no matter what, they would always be partners, and they

would always be able to help each other in anyway possible. The sky continued getting darker and darker

the bright colors of red, yellow, and orange from the sun fading away as it sunk lower and lower under

the horizon.


Breaking through the trees and forests and gazes upon a large lake, he had taken the wrong direction

.... he knew it, he had gone towards the wrong way. "Why did I do that? I should have stopped and

checked my direction!" He yelled at himself angry at himself, falling to his knees, "No... now

Flamedramon doesn't... have a chance now, I wasted all the time he had, it's all my fault..." Blinking

back tears as he brings his wrist up to his eyes to wipe the tears, he feels something warm growing in

his heart, almost as if hearing Flamedramon's voice. "Steve... I'm not finished yet, you can still save



Steve blinks and stands up wiping away the last of his tears, "That's right, together till the end,

I'm not going to let this stop me." He kicks his heels against the dirt and takes of again, watching

the direction as he can see the small lights of some homes coming up, the sky was almost completely

dark, the red, yellow, and orange almost completely gone, replaced by dark blackness. It was all so

saddening, but Steve kept his hopes up as he ran towards the lights as fast as he could breaking

through the trees he gazes upon the house. Running up to it he bangs on the door. "HELP! HELP! I NEED

TO USE TO PHONE TO DIAL 911!!" (A/N: For the benifit of our out of US readers, 911 is an emergency

number you dial in the US to get help.)


Steve waits impaitently as the locks unclick and the door opens. He blinks and looks at the elderly

granny, "The phone is inside to your right son, I think you have someone you care about a lot in

danger." Steve blinks in suprise not sure what to say, "Thanks." Running inside he dials 911 on the

phone waiting as it is picked up. "Hello, 911 emergency please state your emergency and location"

"My Digimon he is sick and needs medical attention right now! He is in a cave in the forest." "That's

fine we can get the medical attention to him but which cave?" Steve stops and holds his breath, "I..

I... I don't know!!" "Noooo... I don't know where Flamedramon is, I'm going to lose him, because I

don't know where I put him, he is going to.. " "Calm down, don't worry we'll find him." "Well send a

squad car down to your current location to pick you up." "Thank... you.." "Now don't worry, your

Flamedramon will be just fine, you have to stay calm to help lead us."


In a few minuets, he could hear the sound of squad cars, and ambulances coming down the road.

"Thanks" He says quickly and hangs up the phone and runs outside. A squad car stops and opens the

door, "Common kid let's go save your digimon." He said with a smile and drove down to the forest and

stops, "I have a digimon, a really nice Betamon, he is my best pal... I know how you feel." He says

confortingly and gets out. Steve gets out too and looks around at the paramedics that rush around him,

"So kid, where is your digimon?" "Follow me!" Steve takes off running into the forest, "Flamedramon,

I'm coming..."


With Steve at the leading, Steve takes the rescue workers through the forest, making sure to not get

lost this time, as he breaks through a small tree cover he can see the faint form of Flamedramons

still lying there. "Right there!" Steve yells, "Get out of our way, we have to save him." A paramedic

yells as he runs ahead to Flamedramon taking his pulse and feeling his ears. "Damn, he doesn't have

much hope, quick get me 40 mililiters of new stuff, Alten Tetro HydroCloride." "But, that stuff..."

"Look do you want this Digimon to die?" "No.." "Good then give it to me." Sighing the other paramedic

pulls a small bottle out of his pack and sticks a needle through the top drawing in 45 militers and

pulls the needle out. pressing the plunger he watches a little splurt out, leveling it to 40 militers.

Handing it to the other paramedic.


The other paramedic takes the needle and grips a section of Flamedramon's fur and skin and pinches it,

pushing the needle into it he presses the plunger, as the other paramedic hooks up instruments to

Flamedramon. Each small beat represented Flamedramon's heart, after the injection it sped up just a

bit but still 1/3 of the normal rate. The paramedic flips open a phone and dials a number, quickly,

"I need life flight now! To the nearest Digimon Emergency Room, our coordinates are... Yes, the

location of his phone, Thank you."


Steve watches from a distance at the Paramedics working on his digimon, injecting differnt fluids

into him. After a few minuets he could hear the dull roar of something, looking up a large helicopter

was circling the area trying to find a empty place to land, finding one finnaly about 200 yards away,

it lands as Flamedramon is scooted onto a stretcher and picked up and put into the helicopter. Steve

runs after the paramedics and hops into the helicopter as the paramedics hook the IC up to Flamedramon,

the helicopter takes off flying quickly towards the east, the sky was black now, all the colors of the

sun was gone.


Taking Flamedramon's hand which was now also attached to a small plastic pipe, he holds it tightly

alarmed at feeling it was so cold. "My Flamedramon is getting cold!" "We are doing the best we can."

A paramedic tells him as they try to keep Flamedramon's heart rate up, it was still falling though,

almost 1/5 of the normal rate. Steve slowly brings Flamedramon's hand up to his cheek and rubs it

gently slowly over his cheek feeling the soft fur, but without the warmth it wasn't the same,

"Flamedramon, you'll be alright.."


As the helicopter lands the doctors and nurses run out and take Flamedramon off the helicopter running

setting him on a bed they roll him in through the double doors of the hospital as Steve runs in after

them running alongside Flamedramon. The Doctors run into the ER room as Steve stops, he couldn't go in

with his Digimon. Sighing he sits down on the bench and waits. "Flamedramon will be ok, I know he



Hours past as the door slowly opens and a doctor wearily looks at Steve as he walks over to him

sitting next to him on the bench. "Steve... your name is Steve right?" "Yes..." "Steve, are you

really close to your digimon?" "Of course I am." "Well, you see, we are working as hard as we can,

but we got him too late, it's time to say goodbye..." Steve turns and looks at the doctor his eyes

glimmering with tears, "NO... It's not true! Flamedramon can't die! We were going to be together for

ever!" "I'm sorry, its time to say goodbye."


The double doors of the ER open as a Nurse rolls Flamedramon out covered in blankets to keep him

warm as Steve gets up and rushes to Flamedramon taking his hand. "Flamedramon, please... you can't.."

The Nurse leads them to a room and closes the door. "Flamedramon, you and I are partners, we were

supposed to be together forever, but why did this happen? We were so wonderful together..." Steve

says slowly bringing Flamedramon's hand to his cheek rubbing it slowly over his cheek gently his

eyes filling with tears. "Flamedramon, you can't leave me, please dont' leave me." Tears fall

from his eyes and hits Flamedramon gently on the face, Flamedramon sqeezes down on Steve's hand

opening his eyes slowly, "Steve, I won't ever leave you, I will forever be in your heart, and your

memory.. I will always be watching over you... we won't ever be without each other..." Flamedramon

losens his grip as his eyes close. "FLAMEDRAMON!!! NO!!!!!!!!!"



Hmmm, I'll release chapter 7 when I get back from vacation. What do you think will happen? Will

disease seperate Flamedramon and Steve forever? Questions, comments, and any suggestions should be

directed to flamedramon_lover@yahoo.com