Part two of 'Between Worlds'

Welcome to part two of this thrilling series. It does contain adult material, so please do not
read it if you are under age or cannot handle it.


Flamedramon and Weregarurumon arrived at the lake to find that the others had already started
without them. Inferno was in a nearby tree asleep, Flower was practising making water lilies
grow, Mystic was on the bank watching and the Magician was practicing his freestyle.

"Want to hop in?" asked Weregarurumon. "No thanks. I think I'll
just lie in the sun for a while
." said Flamedramon. "Suit yourself" said Weregarurumon, as he picked up a pair of swimming
trunks from the pile that the Magician had made earlier, and headed off behind the tress to

When he came back, Flamedramon was on the bank nearby, with all of his armour off except his
helmet, and lying on his stomach, with his head resting on his arms. Weregarurumon looked at
him for a moment, then slippedinto the water and joined the others. The magician saw him and
waded over. "You were lying before." "Huh?" "I said that you were lying. Flamedramon did not
want to be on his own, did he?" Weregarurumon hesitated for a few moments, then looked over at
Flamedramon, who was clearly within hearing distance. "I'll tell you later. Lets just have some
fun first." The two of them started splashing each other with fierce waves, and then Flower and
Mystic came over and began to splash too.

Fleamdramon HAD heard. "Why do they like talking about me behind
my back?'' he wondered. He felt
a little sad as he thought of a time that he had overheard his old friends.

(Ok, it's time for a flashback)

One time, he and all of the others had helped to refix Primary Village (the village in wich each
and every baby digimon had started out from). It was late at night
and Veemon (Flamedramons rookie
form) had laid down to get some sleep. He had been working the hardest that day, and wanted
some rest badly. But he had been woken up by hearing Hawkmon and Armadillomon (two of the other
digidestined digimon in the group) talking. Veemon had listenedin
on them, and then regretted it.

"I don't get why Flamedramon is such a dickhead" Armadillomon had
said. 'He never works properly,
he gets captured too much, and he isn't even that strong." Hawkmon had agreed."Yes,I quite agree.
He is a dissapointment. And like you said, he is a bad worker. Remember this morning you and
Cody were working with Davis and Flamedramon trying to fix one of the nearby bridges and
Flamedramon caused that avalanche?""He claims it was a mistake, but would you honestly believe
him?" "Never. Perhaps it would save us all a lot of time if Flamedramon was captured and never

Veemon had shed only two tears that night, as he blocked the
other two 'friends' out of his hearing.

(End of the flashback)

Flamedramon suddenly lost his thoughts as a shower of water hit him square on his hot back.
He shrieked as the water made contact with him and looked around to see the others in the
lake laughing at him. "What was that for?" he yelled at them. "We thought you looked like you
needed to cool off" said Flower, as she laughed herself silly."They're only playing" he realised.
Flamedramon smiled evilly for asecond, got to his feet then ran to the lake and cannonballed
himself in, splashing everyone in one splash.


It was later in the afternoon. Every one had finished trying to drown each other, so they
decided to head up a nearby mountain in a search for anyone else, and someplace to
sleep. After they changed, they had a quick meal of stew (the magician was quite good at
summoning food,) and they left. As they travelled, Weregarurumon noticed that Flamedramon was
behind everyone, and he looked .... sort of sad. The magician noticed too, and said to him "Do
you want to talk to him, or do you want me to?" "I'll do it" Weregarurumon said, and began to
slow his pace. The others walked on ahead and Flamedramon soon caught up. "Tired?" asked
Weregarurumon. "Huh.... ah..... no. I'm fine" Flamedramon said, but his voice sounded kind of
sad. "Are you sure? You look like like somethings troubling you." "I ...... said I was fine"
Flamedramon murmured. Weregarurumon wasn't happy with the way this was going. "You know, maybe
you should talk about it" he said.

"Well maybe you should mind your own business. It's about time you did." Flamedramon snapped,
but he regretted doing it. He was about to say sorry, when Weregarurumon said angrily "Maybe
it's about time for you to grow up". Flmaedramon just stared at him, and then walked off, but
weregarurumon noticed that Flamedramon was walking a lot slower now.

As the afternoon wore on, Weregarurumon realised that he was probably too hard on the young
dragon. He always did have a quick temper. The group had ended up on a cliff edge, with
a wal of solid rock behind them. They had travelled about halfway up the mountain. The view was
absolutely brilliant. Mountains were everywhere, with lakes lying spotted over the horizon, and
forests covering each and every square mile. The setting sun was adding a hell of a lot to the
already fantastic view.

Inferno was getting a fire started. The others were around it, feeling the warmth. Mystic then
spoke up "So where shall we sleep tonight?" The magician then took up hiss taff, twirled it and
aimed it at the wall behind them. It glowed as though it were a negative photo, then a long
tunnel appeared."We'll sleep there" He said. "Myself and Mystic will go look for something to
eat. Weregarurumon and Flower will search for firewood. Flamedramon, you and Inferno will stay

The group then headed off. Flamedramon sat a bit away from the fire. He still couldn't believe
that Weregarurumon had been that nasty to him. Flamedramon then
looked over at Inferno, who was
staring into the flames. But it wasn't Infernom that Flamedramon was staring at, it was......
"Flamdramon" Flamedramon nearly jumped 6 feet into the air, he was that surprised.

"Wh...what?" Inferno was staring straight at him. It was kinda creepy."What were you staring
at?" Inferno asked. "Um..I was.....ah..just...umm" Flamedramon did not know how to say it. "Were
you looking at my jewellry?" "Ummm.....yes." Flamedramon said as a crimson streak then ran
right up his face.
"I...uh....." "It's o.k. Alot of people do stare."

Flamedramon then asked Inferno "How did you get your rings?" Inferno smiled, and said "My
trainer Hiro is a good guy. He likes to let us have our own style. He took me to a friends place,
and he getting his ear pierced. So I wanted one, and he let me have one. I got the other two
later on, and he even got me my nipple ring when I asked for it." "Did it hurt?"

"Inferno looked at him with a bit of a smirk on his face and said ]"Why? Do you want one?"
Flamdramon blushed deeply, and murmered "I didn't say that". "No, it didn't hurt. It was just a
slight prick, and then it was all over." Flmadramon said nothing. Inferno felt that Flamedramon
wasn't being completely honest. "You know, I think I like you."
said Inferno. "I think you'd make
a good friend" "You do?" Flamedramon was very surprised. Hardly
any one, except for Davis (his
partner) and Weregarurumon ever said that he was a good friend.
"Yeah. And I think that if we do
go back to our own worlds, I'd like to give you something so that we don't forget each other."

Inferno then reached into his pouch at his belt and took something out. It was a needle, a candle
and a gold ring. "I'm always losing my rings, and when I get new
ones, the holes have reclosed.
So I always carry my spares and my equipement. Flamedramon said nothing for a moment, then
said "You've had to repierce yourself?" "Yes. And you get used to doing it often. Take off your
plate" said Inferno.

"You sure that this doesn't hurt?" Flamdramon said, as his chest
plate was removed.He could feel
butterflies in his stomach. Inferno then breathed a little flame on the candle and lit it. He
then got up and sat next to Flamedramon. "Lie down" he said. Flamedramon slowly lay down, his
heart going at least 300 miles per hour. "Now, there will be a slight prick, but thats all"
Flamedramon gasped as he felt the needle plough through him. But after a moment, he realised
that it hadn't hurt very badly. Inferno then removed the needle
and quickly inserted the ring.
He then took the candle and poured a little wax onto the ring. Flamedramon gasped loudly as the
hot wax came into contact with him. "You o.k.?" aked Inferno. "What was that for?"Flamedramon
demanded with a bite of anger. "It can help stop infection." Inferno said, taken aback. "Sorry"
Flamedramon said "But I can't stand it when hot liquids fall on me.It hurts a lot."

Just then, the others arrived back. They sat around the campfire
roasting mushrooms, marshmallows
and hotdogs. Flamedramon had put his chest guard back on, and he could still feel the ring
pushing against his skin. It was a strange feeling, so he thought that he'd get used to it in
time. He knew that he had considered having one when he saw Inferno's, but he was glad Inferno
had given it to him without having Flamedramon ask. He couldn't have asked anyway.

The magician then spoke up." Whos going to go on watch tonight?" "I'll go first" volunteered
Inferno. "I'll go second." piped up Mystic. "I'll go last" Flamedramon offered. "Alright. But
make sure you're easier to wake up this time." Everyone laughed, even Flamdramon. He was kinda
surpirsed as well. Everyone then got up and headed into the cave for some rest.

Flamdramon went up to the back of the cave and sat down. He removed his gauntlets and placed his
arms against a large rock, then rested his head on his arms. He was glad that the others had
found it funny that Flamedramon had missed his watch. The other digidestined had never left
Flamedramon on watch after his first, which he had fallen asleep for the last five minutes of.
The others had yelled, ranted and raved at him, and never left him on duty again.

Flamedramon shook his head and tried to go to sleep.

"Is he asleep?" Flamedramon kept his eyes closed and didn't say
anything. "He must be, he's been
quiet for at least 20 minutes." He recognised the Magician and Weregarurumon. "So what did you
want to talk about?" asked Weregarurumon. The Magician then spoke up. "You said today that when
Flamedramon goes off on his own, it means that he wants to be by himself. You were lying."
Weregarurumon asked him "How'd you guess?" "Well, your voice was one giveaway, but no-one who
wants to be by themselves do not go running away as pale as a ghost." "O.k. I'll tell you, but
you can't go telling anyone about it. Promise?"

Flamedramon heard the Magician, Mystic, Inferno and Flower all agree. "O.k. I should start at
the beginning. Tell me something. How old do you think Flamedramon is?" The others were silent.
"He has two ages. His real age, and his form age." "I don't understand." said Flower. "A digimons
age is determined from the time he is born to the present. Flamedramon is 8 months old. I'm 5
years. A digimons form age is the age of whatever digivolved form he or she takes. My form as
Weregarurumon is 28. Flamedramons form is 15." There was a moments silence before Inferno spoke
up."So basically he's the youngest here?" Weregarurumon nodded.
"Here, and back in the digital
world. It's partly because of his age that he hasn't had much of a good life. When Flamedramon
first appeared, he managed to defeat a Monochromon without anyones' help. But the second time
he went to fight, he was caught and almost enslaved by the enemy. After that, for some reason,
the others thought he was too young to do things right, so they
thought little of him." "Thats
really bad" said Mystic.

"The leader of our group is Flamedramons Partner Davis. But for some reason, my partner Matts
brother, T.K. seems to always be in control. T.K. has never liked the dark Digimon and believes
it's his duty to defeat them all. T.K. never took Flamdramon seriously and always treated him
as a low piece of dirt." Inferno then spoke up "Sounds like me and my trainer sometimes." "It's
different. Flamdramon tried hard to win the respect of everyone else. But one event
prevented that, and it was not Flamedramons fault." "I guess the others thought so" said the
Magician. "They did. The group had been attacked by a giant spider digimon named
Dokugomon. I don't know exactly what happened, because I wasn't there. But what I do know is
Flamedramon had been punished severely for a mistake he made." "What mistake?" asked Flower. "If
I knew, I could tell you. After then, Flamedramon stopped being
himself. He seemed to always be
... low. He hardly ever smiled after that, and no matter what the others asked him to do, he
did it. It was like he was without hope. And if he ever wanted anything, he never asked for it,
in case the others made fun of him. And they usually did too." " That is bad, but it doesn't
really answer my question from before. " Weregarurumon then said
" Whenever Flamedramon knew that
he was in serious trouble, he would leave. He wouldn't come back unless he felt everything
was fine or he was invited back. He was lucky at times if he wasn't punished."

There were a few moments of silence, beofre Mystic spoke up. "So sad." "It is" said
Weregarurumon. "Just don't let him know that I've told you." "If thats the way things are now,
I don't think that I'd want to stay friends with him anymore." Inferno said.

Just then, the others heard Flamedramon cough violently. After a minute or so, they heard
nothing . "We'd better go to bed" said the Magician. Inferno then said
something to Weregarurumon, but Flamedramon had tuned them out.

The reason that he had coughed was because he hadn't realised that he had been holding his
breath. He could feel himself start to cry, so he blinked the tears away and forced himself to
sleep. One thing that Flamdramon was glad he could do was to send himself to sleep. He could do
it anytime that he wanted. It was sort of his escape from reality. But he couldn't sleep,
because the memory of that day came back.

****************************Flash back time***********************************************

T.k. stared at Flamedramon, who was lying on the ground, holding his leg, since he had
injured it while fighting Dokugomon. Flamedramon had fallen before taking an attack, so
Gatomon had been injured instead. Shurimon had intervened and destroyed Dokugomon after that,
and no the group was standing around Flamedramon.
Flamedramons eyes darted from Shurimon, to Digmon, to Angemon,to T.k. and to Davis, who was
being held back by Cody and Yolei. Kari was holding Gatomon like a baby, cuddling her for what
she had endured.

"You let someone get hurt" T.k. said softly. It was his tone of
voice that scared Flamedramon, as
he started to get really scared. "I'm sorry" Flaemdramon said. "Sorry is not good enough. You
have to be punished." "No. Leave him alone" Davis yelled, but he couldn't do anything while
Cody and Yolei had a hold of him. "Punish him " T.k. said to Shurimon and Digmon, who moved
toward Flamedramon.

Flamedramon tried to crawl away, but Digmon leapt on him and twisted his arms behind his back,
causing Flamedramon to cry out. Shurimon then undid his trousers
and let his dick out. He began
to stroke it to hardness. Flamedramon felt something begin to rub
against his back, and realised
that it was Digmons member. Flaemdramon suddenly realised what was
going to happen. "Stop ..." he
started to say, but Shurimon shoved his dick into Flamedramons mouth, and began to buck slightly,
in and out. Digmon then moved back and began to shove his prick
into Flamedramons rear. Flamedramon
let out a muffled cry of pain as he felt Digmon enter him. This
was not for pleasure. This was
pure rape. Flaemdramon started to gag as Shurimon made him go deep throat. Digmon began to pick
up the pace as he felt his climax coming. Shurimon's eyes were crossed under his mask as he too
felt his climax coming. Flamedramon then realised that soemone was underneath him as well. He
looked down as best he could to see Angemon lying on his back, with his own boner, and he
was madly rubbing Flamedramons sheath like made. Flamedramon could not tell
where the pleasure ended and the pain began.

Shurimon then exploded insid Flamedramons mouth, as he leaked down Flamedramons cheeks with his
cum. Digmon the burst in Flamedramons ass and Flamedramon realised with horror that it wasn't
just cum that was dripping down his legs, it was blood as well.

"Leave him alone. Fuckin' hell, stop this" Davis yelled as he tried to get loose, but he might
as well have shouted at a brick wall. When Shurimon left Flamedramons mouth, he grabbed his head
and shoved it onto Angemons cock, and pushed and pulled Flamedramons head up and down.

Flamedramon felt his own cock finally leave his sheath, and Angemon began to roughly suck hard
on it, while digmon then shoved his drill like nose into Flaemdramons bleeding hole. Flamedrmon
let out a muffled scream as he felt a huge burst of pain enter him. He thought to himself as he
fought for breath "Just come and it'll all be over" He stopped trying to hold it in and Angemon
sucked for all he was worth as Flamedramon emptied his balls into Angemons mouth. Angemon then
realised his own seed into Flamedramons mouth and he had no choice
but to drink all of it, thanks
to Shurimon. When Amngemon let go of Flamedramon, Digmon pulled his blood covered nose from
Flaemdramon and Shurimon let him go. Flamedramon collapsed onto all fours and began to retch,
while still crying from pain. "Hope you enjoyed your punishment" T.k. said coldly. "You
fucking bastard" Flamedramon said to him. "Hand of Fate" Angemon called out and Flamedramon
felt the attack hit him square in the stomach. He let out a scream as he was blasted backwards,
then his scream was cut off as he de-digivolved, all the way to his baby stage, Chibimon.
Davis was finally released and he ran to Chibimon and picked up the crying digimon. He began
to hug and rock the baby, while telling him to sleep. Chibimon did, whilst still crying.
Davis turned to T.k., but before he could say a thing, T.k. said "That will happen again if
he stuffs up. And if you are thinking of quitting, then we'll kill him." Davis swore under his
breath, and reluctantly followed the group as they headed out.

****************************End of Flashback**********************************

Flamedramon wiped the tears from his eyes. Davis had spent the follwing week looking after Chibimon
and never leaving his side unless he had too. But when they had
to join the group again, it was
like, to the others, it had never happened, but htey would do it
again, Flamedrmaon was sure of

Flamedramon then sensed someone behind him. "Are you alright" Were
garurumon said softly. Flamedramon
didn't turn around. "Just go away." he said. Weregarurumn left him and Flamedramon finally
fell asleep, with the momory still fresh in his mind.


wELL, on to the next part. Hoep you liked this. Any reviews, compliants and stuff like that,
then email me at fieldy642000@yahoo.com