Mandatory Disclaimer: Look I don't own digimon and I probably never will (unless I become rich enough to buy them that is) I just like to write about them so please don't sue me on another note I would like to thank Sanguinemon whose lemon love and lose inspired this piece. Also if your not 18 human years of age (sorry but no other years count) or you have problems with voyeuris/spying on people having sex, gay sex of sex between members of two separate species then you probably shouldn't read this. And yes this means you.

I felt the tug and was off traveling the voyager web way. What is the web way? There really is no reason to tell you but, since you probably never see it let alone reach it, I will anyway. The web way connects words the way roads connect cities or towns just with less traffic. What is it made of I can’t really say. As far as I’m concerned it’s just there. The reason that you probably never reach it is because it requires a certain kind of special of power.

You can be was strong as the earth’s special forces fighters on my friens Goku’s earth and never see it. You can have the ability to walk on walls, talk to the dead or even become a Norse thunder god and still not see more then a 1/91E of it (a very small fraction believe you me). If you do however find your way to what I call there voyager or traveler web way then I hope to see you there. It has been five years since I discovered my own power. Four years since I learned how to use them for neat things like travel to other worlds. Three years since I discovered the others. Two years since I started to meddle in the lives of others. And one year since I discovered her. It is to her that I go now.

“I love you too.” the yellow fox digimon cried as the young human went limp and apparently lifeless in her arms. “This is not right” I heard a voice say and though I did not realize at the time that it was my own. “This is true. And just what will you do about it?” that voice. It could only be him. I spun around feeling my anger resonate from his shadowed corner “And just what do you want?” I said trying to control myself. “you tell me…” He said with a dark smile “after all you’re the one who called me here.” I stared at him angry and ashamed of the anger.

He wasn’t lying. He could not lie to me like he could to others. “now you know I don’t lie” he sounded a little miffed. “Don’t you though?” I asked. “I’m deceitful as hell but I’ve never lied to you straight out.” “you’re stalling” I said it simply and surprising without rancor. He neither agreed nor disagreed with me. “is the some thing we can do to help them?” again he gave a neutral response. Suddenly with out prompting he pointed behind me and I saw The clock. this was no ordinary clock the was the clock that counted down the seconds left for a critical choice. “yes” I said and I watched as the clock reset itself and the Renamon suddenly came to life and looked at me and her out surroundings blacked. “who are you” “that doesn’t matter right now…” I said looking at the clock. “… what matters is that you want to save that young man” “Takato? But isn’t he…” she couldn’t finish the sentence but I smiled and said “No. not yet at least.”

In a flash I was suspended by my collar while eyes filled with pain and anger stared into mine, “What do I have to do to save him?” The emotion in her plea was truly heart wrenching and made me wish I could give her a straight answer. Sadly however that is not how things are done. “I don’t know.“ This was true enough due to the fact that I did not know this situation not yet though I did know one thing. “…But I do know that there is a price to be paid even if we succeed.” “I don’t care so long as we can be together again.” she was passionate but she still did not understand. “But to do that you’ll be risking your very soul. Are you sure that this is what you wish?” she didn’t hesitate with her answer. “Yes” such a remarkable woman. no wonder I fell in love with her. “Then get ready to go.” I looked at her willing to risk it all for this human. To risk it all for the sake of love. “one more thing.” I said. I looked at her. It’s true I loved her but she loved him. It was my duty to warn her at least one more time. “if we fail not only will you have to live out you life remembering that you failed to save your loved one, but when it’s time for you to die you will not be reborn.” she blinked shocked but understanding “I can accept that.” She said bravely.

she though she was ready but there was more to tell her. “You will also not have the peace of the grave when you die” I had confused her not and what was worse was that I was about to get myself in trouble. “What do you mean?” To answer her no would cause problems for me but she deserved to know. And as the person that took it upon myself to look out for her it I was the only one who would tell her. “well when you die in the last instant of your life all that is you will be pulled from your dieing body and taken to serve who ever wins your soul.” it was a simplification but it would do. “You mean like going to hell?” Hell? How did she know about western religion how ever incorrect or correct it my be? “maybe but I doubt if it will be that ni ce.” Renamon shuddered. She was starting to understand that this would be even harder then she thought. I looked at the clock as it ticked away second by second “what do you mean?” she was both fearful and determined. I felt like I was looking at my little girl asking me one of life’s tough questions. “Well for one thing at least in hell you know why your suffering, if you lose you soul then you may suffer for now reason other then that you boss wants you to” I winced as I said that. I was giving away too much again “My boss?” she asked confused “Yes When you risk your soul someone here takes possession of it and you are not allowed to die.” “but how can that be?” It was time to lie but like the best lies it would be built around the truth. “We are a very old and powerful race.” this would be the founding base for the lie. ” It is a simple manner to grab a person or digimon the instant before death sets in and leave an empty shell in their place.” “what!” she screamed in outrage. “ we’ve done it before.” this was technically true. “I’ve done it myself.” this also was true though I had help while doing so. “how can you play with peoples lives like that?” she was mortafien and form the look in her eyes I had graduated from stranger to monster in her mind. “It’s not easy. Believe you me.” This also was true. The rules and regulations were everywhere and on the of that the timmies (or time travelers) were always on the verge of causing a paradox. “why should I?” she asked not willing to trust me. “because it’s true.” I had brought us a great deal of the way toward our destination and now I found out that this was going to be ever harder then I had believed. This was no simple appeal for a miracle or as others call the Dues Ex Mancha.

She just looked at me with a hard piercing stare. I knew what she wanted and I weighed my options until I came to a conclusion. It was time for another confession. I sighed “The only reason I can even talk to you right now is because I marked you as special interest.” her look changed but was no less piercing “Have you been spying on me?” there was an angry edge in her voice when she asked. “There is no need for that. By marking you I created a link that calls me when you are about to need help I can provide.” “what do you mean?” “It’s like a panic button. If you push it then I am alerted to you need for help and I will come.” her anger retuned to heart break as she though about it so loud that I picked them up. ‘Could she have saved Takato if she had acted earlier?’ “Then why didn’t you get here sooner? Why didn’t you save Takato ?” she ask tring to sound anger then she was. Her pain was a plain in her boice as the tear that were falling down her muzzle. “Because I couldn’t okay! I just couldn’t” To say that I felt bad would be an understatement. As powerful as I am there are still a great many things I can’t do. I can’t travel through time with out help but for closer to normal example I can’t knit or snowboard. I can’t even read Latin though I speak it fairly well. “why” she asked me. Her voice was angry but her heat was crying. “if you’re so powerful why couldn’t you save the one I love?” she was worried and at the point of blaming herself. ’if I called you earlier could you have saved him? Was this all my fault’ I felt tears coming to my eyes but I blinked them back. She was blocking. She always tried to be angry rather then hurt or sad. It was true that had I been called earlier I may have blund the blow and saved Takato but I wasn’t. it was time to tell her some of what I learned. To let her know why I could not just ask for a redo in order to give him a fighting chance to survive. “Takato’s soul has some sort of hold on it. A lieu if you will.” “What?” “Takato put his soul at risk. I don’t know how or for what reason but it was his own doing” While this was true I had a sneaking suspicion as to why he would do such a thing. “Takato wouldn’t do that.” she protested sure of her mate but I was not so sure. “Are you sure?” I asked and as I did Takato’s reasons became more and more clear to me. “of course I am” but I detected a trace of doubt. It had no thoughts attached to it but I was there no the less. “but you’re putting your soul at risk why wouldn’t Takato?” Renamon snarled at me and I acquiesced “In that case he may have been tricked. Which is good for us” Though I was not sure. Knowing Takato which I didn’t well not really it seemed that if he loved Renamon as much as she loves him he’s risk his soul for her life in a heart beat. “What do you mean?” she asked calling me back form my train of thought. “well what I mean is that if he was tricked the we have a better chance to get him back..” Renamon’s fur stood on end and for the first time since she grabbed me she looked around. She had finally become aware of her surroundings and she did not seem to like them on bit not that I blamed her.

“Where are we?” I smile a bit. It was too much to resist epically considering my love for being corny and my taste for the dramatic. “Renamon” I said making a sweeping motion with my left had “welcome to the underworld.”