Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. This story contains adult situations so if you're underage or feel offended by this in any way, please don't read. Otherwise, read and enjoy.


Note 1: This lemon takes place after Season 2.


Note 2: This is actually my very first lemon, written in during the month of June in the year 2001. I found it in an old notebook I thought was lost, so I wrote it down without changing anything in it, hoping people will enjoy what I consider to be my best lemon, mainly because it features my favorite threesome (and mainly, because I have this very bad case of writer's block that hasn't allowed me to write anything else). ^_^



The Very Odd Threesome

by El Intruder


"This is starting to get very irritating." Grumbled a bored BlackWarGreymon. "Why the hell would somebody send me a note asking me to come here and then not show up at all? I should just leave."


BlackWarGreymon looked at the forest around him, trying to see if the beautiful scenery calmed him down. No, it didn't work, he was still angry. People would think that being revived 30 years after sacrificing his life would give BlackWarGreymon a better attitude, but they were mistaken. Despite the fact that he was now officially a good guy and he didn't fight all the time, BlackWarGreymon was still a lonely, grumpy, no-nonsense Digimon. Many people always tried to make him have a better attitude but he was also very stubborn. He thought that somebody asked him to go to that forest to help him change his bad attitude as they usually did but after waiting for half an hour he thought it was all some stupid prank. Tired and cranky, he decided to wait no longer.


"Alright, the hell with it. Screw all this, I'm out of here." BlackWarGreymon said as he turned to leave. He took only two steps when he bumped into somebody and fell flat on his butt. He looked up to see a lion-man Digimon in the same position. These two have met before and they certainly weren't the best of friends.


"Watch where you're going." Leomon said as they both stood up.


"Look who's talking. What were you doing sneaking up on me?"


"I wasn't sneaking up on you." Leomon answered. "I recieved a note that told me to come here alone and meet somebody. So, is it you?"


"No, but I also recieved a note asking me to come here. And I've been waiting for a while now, I'm tired, so I'm leaving."


"Aren't you curious about who could have sent these notes? Now that we're both here we might find out soon enough."


"You have a point." BlackWarGreymon admitted. "Alright, I'll wait for ten more minutes, then I'm leaving."


"Has anybody ever told you that you're way too impatient?"


"Has anybody ever told you that you talk too much?"


"Only when I have to." Leomon replied. "You have to learn to be more patient."


"Excuse me, but when you wait 30 years to be brought back from the dead, patient is a word you just don't want to hear anymore. Do you know what's it like to be dead?"


"Yes, it's boring. In fact, it really sucks. I was dead too and what a coincidence, I also had to wait 30 years to be revived. And you don't see me complaining."


"Oh, shut up. You died years before me and thus were revived sooner. You had it good, seeing as how everybody liked you before and after you died, unlike me."


"You know, I'm tired of all this ranting. Why don't we just calm down and wait?"


"Fine by me." BlackWarGreymon said, leaning on a tree. "All the better for you because if I got mad I'd beat the stuffing out of you in less than a minute."


"Don't get cocky. You know, you have some nerve. No wonder nobody likes you with that attitude."


"Watch your mouth, Whiskers."


"What did you just call me?"


"Whiskers. What, you don't like it? I think it suits you."


"Ah, why do I even bother?" Leomon asked, mainly to himself. "It's not like you're one to reason with, you big lummox."


"Big what?"


"Big lummox."


"What the hell is a lummox?"


"What, do I look like a dictionary to you? Figure it out yourself."


"You better watch it. Don't let your mouth get your ass kicked."


"What, you think you can intimidate me just because you're a Mega?" Leomon asked. "You don't scare me one bit. So if you don't back off, I'm going to beat the black off you and you're going to look lighter than Michael Jackson."


"You're a real riot, you know that? Alright, you want to fight?" BlackWarGreymon asked as he assumed a fighting stance. "Come on. Bring it, you furry freak."


"My, my, such language. You are such a foul-mouthed Digimon." Leomon said as he unsheated his sword.


"Foul-mouthed? Fuck you!"


"Are you going to fight or talk? If you want to fight I'll gladly beat the living daylights out of you and if you want to talk, I'll gladly let you know what's on my mind."


"Oh, please. If I want to know what's on your mind, I'll splatter it all over the floor and see for myself."


"Was that supposed to scare me? Well, it didn't work. What are you going to do about it?"


"I'll slice you into kitty litter, that's what I'm gonna do."


"Give it your best shot, Tin Can."


"Would the two of you just knock it off?"Yelled a female voice near them. They both turned to see a female angel-like Digimon standing nearby, helmet in hand and an annoyed look on her beautiful face.


 "Oh, Angewomon, hi." Leomon greeted her, not in the friendliest way.


"Yeah, same here. You still want to fight?" BlackWarGreymon directed his attention back to Leomon, wanting to resolve the bout. He didn't have a chance as Angewomon walked in between them to stop them.


"Would the two of you just stop this? It's so annoying, you're acting like little kids."


"Aw. You ruined my fun." BlackWarGreymon said in a sarcastic tone. "You're safe for the moment, kitty kat."


"As if I needed safety against you." Leomon replied. "So, Angewomon, you were the one who asked us to come here. What's up?"


"Yeah, I'm tired of waiting so much, so this better be important."


"It is, come with me." Angewomon said as she walked away, both guys following her. They walked for several minutes until they arrived at some kind of small fortress. It was a small building made completely of metal, it also had a few windows and just one door which Angewomon opened.


"Okay, before you come in, I have to know. Does anybody know you two are here, did anybody follow you?" She asked to which both Digimon answered her with a no. "Good, how about your partners?"


"My partner is on vacation with his family and I'm on vacation here in the Digital World." Leomon answered her.


"And since I'm not your average Digimon, I don't have a partner." BlackWarGremon also answered. "So, what's this all about?"


"I'll let you know once we go in." She said as she walked in the house.


Leomon and BlackWarGreymon followed and when they were inside, they both heard close the door and lock it. They noticed it but they were both busier noticing the inside of the small building. It only contained a big central room and a door at the side led to a bathroom. The central room contained a big closet with supplies, a stove, a refrigerator and a huge mattress on the floor which was big enough to hold both Leomon and BlackWarGreymon and God knows who else. There was also a large box near the stove. Upon noticing all this they both turned to Angewomon who had moved over to the box and was rummaging through whatever was inside it.


"Angewomon, why exactly are we here?" Leomon asked her.


"Well..." She began as she got a casserole out of the box and put it on the stove. "I wanted to speak very seriously with the two of you." She said as she walked over to the fridge and opened it, taking a box out.


"Talk? Sorry, I'm more action than talk. Tough luck for you, but I'm going." BlackWarGreymon said as he walked over to the door. Angewomon quickly poured the contents of the box in the casserole, tossed the box to a nearby wastebasket and quickly ran in front of BlackWarGreymon just as he almost reached the door. She looked at him with pleading eyes.


"Please, don't go. This is really, really important. I promise you won't regret it later."


BlackWarGreymon stared at her pleading eyes for a moment. "God, I'm pathetic." He said as he walked over to the mattress and sat down. He took off his clawed metallic gloves and his helmet and put them on the floor. He then looked at Angewomon. "Alright, you got me. Let's just get this over with, whatever it is."


"Sure. Leomon, why don't you sit there with BlackWarGreymon?" Angewomon asked the lion-man. Leomon cursed under his breath but he sat down beside BlackWarGreymon. Both Digimon shot warning glances at each other before turning to face Angewomon.


"You two look somewhat alike, not by species, but by body built." Angewomon pointed out as she studied the two Digimon sitting side by side. It was noticeable that they were both just as tall and just as muscular. The two of them figured it out but they still frowned at the comment. They both stared as Angewomon concentrated and all of a sudden, her wings disappeared, leaving her looking exactly like a human female. With this out of the way, she directed her attention back to them.


"Now, as I said, this is something quite important and I want you both to know what I feel for you." She told them.


The very impatient BlackWarGreymon was about to ask her what she meant but before he got a chance to ask, Angewomon grabbed his face and pressed her lips on his muzzle. BlackWarGreymon was surprised by this, but feeling Angewomon's soft lips on his own was enough to calm him down. He put his arms around her and softly kissed back. The kiss lasted for a full minute until finally Angewomon pulled away to face an equally surprised Leomon. Angewomon neared him, grabbed his beard and gently pulled him into a kiss. Leomon put his arms around Angewomon and dipped her a bit as he kissed her back. This kiss also lasted a minute as she pulled away from Leomon and backed up a bit from the two male Digimon.


"Wow." The both of them said at the same time.


"So, that's what I wanted to talk about." Angewomon said. "You see, I've always had this big crush on the both of you. I just never knew who I should choose since I like you both. For example, I like Leomon because he's big, strong, caring, nice, brave, and because he's one big lion and I love cats, I used to be one myself. BlackWarGreymon is also big, strong and brave, and hard as you might try to hide it, you still have a very kind heart. Plus, the two of you are always the rebellious loners, and that's attractive, to me at least."


"So, basically, you brought us here so you could decide which one of us you'd like as a boyfriend?" BlackWarGreymon asked.


"Actually, I brought you here to tell you that I choose the both of you." She answered.


"Both of us?" They asked at the same time.


"Yes, both of you. I told you, I can't decide between the two of you. I thought that a relationship with both of you could work out, don't you think?"


"Well, I don't know. I mean, you're really pretty and all but it's not like we know each other that well." Leomon said.


"We have more than enough time to get to know each other. We can stay here for a while, there's enough supplies for the three of us to last a full month." She said.


"Well, I think it sounds good. I think having a girlfriend would be great. All right by me." BlackWarGreymon said.


"I agree, I think it's time I settle down a bit and stop being so lonely all the time. So, I guess we could give it a try." Leomon added.


"Look, Angewomon, we both like you, that's a fact, and it's obvious we'd both like you as a, well, mate. But do you think you can actually share your love with the two of us?" BlackWarGreymon asked.


"I think this relationship can work out if we give it a chance." Angewomon said. "I don't know if you have noticed but you two haven't discussed or tried to attack each other since we came here."


"Hey, she's right." Leomon said as he extended his right hand toward the Mega Digimon. "What do you say? Friends?"


"Sure, why not? Friends." BlackWarGreymon said as he shook hands with Leomon.


"See? That's better. Now we all get along well." Angewomon said as she neared them. To their surprise, she began to undo their clothes, but not completely. She first got close to Leomon and removed his red necklace, the leather straps on his left hand, his sword on it's sheath, his belt and then she bent down and loosened the ones at the bottom of his pants, then she put his things on the floor. Then she went over to BlackWarGreymon and unstrapped the rest of his armor off and put the heavy objects aside, leaving him only with a silky black loincloth covering his private parts. The two of them looked oddly at her but didn't ask any questions. Angewomon stood up and walked over to the stove to check on whatever she was cooking.


"No, still needs a bit more time. Now, I'll ask you something else. How did the both of you lose your virginity?" She asked as she turned back to them. The two males exchanged confused glances before answering.


"I'll make this as short as possible." Leomon said. "I remember, a little before I met the Digidestined, one day I saved a female Digimon from an angry swarm of Flymon. She was very grateful about me saving her and she said she wanted to repay me the best way she could, and I guess you can figure the rest out. I never knew her name, I never even saw her again, I only remember she was a Beast Type Digimon, just like me, a tiger-like female. Damn, did I get worn out that day, that girl didn't seem to get tired at all."


"My story's a simple one, too." BlackWarGreymon said. "I remember that about a month after I was revived, I attended one huge party. A bunch of females invited me over to hang out with them and, having nothing better to do, I spent my time with them. Eventually, the drinks made me a bit horny, so I grabbed the first female I came across, a Lillymon look-alike, and banged the living daylights outta her."


"Nice. I should let you know, too. I lost my virginity with Angemon." Angewomon told them.


"Obvious." The two of them said simultaneously.


"Don't worry, that relationship never worked out. I asked you guys this because I wanted to do something to make this relationship official."


"You want to have sex? With the both of us?" BlackWarGreymon asked right off the bat.


"Isn't that going a bit too fast?" Leomon added.


"I know, but it's probably the only thing I can think of right now to keep all three of us together for the moment. I really want to do this and I'm willing to do this because I love the both of you. Besides, I trust you two." She said as she put one of her hands on Leomon's mane and the other on BlackWarGreymon's blond hair and ran her fingers all across their hair. The two males smiled at this.


"So, after seeing that discussion you two had earlier, I remembered something I always wanted to try out. And I think this is the best chance to do so." Angewomon said as she removed her hands from their hair. She reached down and grabbed their limp members through their respective clothing, causing the both of them to groan lightly.


"I still think this is going way too fast." Leomon said.


"Me too." BlackWarGreymon added. "Works for me though. Better now than later. Let's give it a try."


The two of them stood up and took off their clothes. They set it aside and stood fully naked in front of Angewomon. She started studying their private parts and noticed that BlackWarGreymon's member was completely black as was his ballsack. Despite being limp at the moment, she noticed that his member was quite long and thick. She then looked at Leomon and noticed that his ballsack was completely covered in short fur, the same color as his mane. He, like most male Digimon, had a pouch to hide his penis, although right now and maybe from arousal, his member had quickly made it's way out of the pouch even before he took his pants off. It was a deep shade of red and exactly as long and thick as BlackWarGreymon's.


"Are the two of you really long lost brothers? Some things about you are too much alike, it's almost disturbing." She said as she got closer to them. "Now, as I said, I want to try out something. Could the both of you get on the bed on all fours?"


The two male Digimon grew curious and excited at what she wanted to try out. They both turned and climbed on the bed and got on all fours, giving Angewomon a nice view of their butts. She then made her way to the box near the stove, grabbed a few things, walked over to the waiting males and put the things on the floor.


"What's that?" Leomon asked as he heard the sound of the things she had carried hit the floor.


"Just a few things I'll try out on the two of you."


"Hey!" BlackWarGreymon said, feeling a little tense. "You better not try to stick anything up my ass or I'm outta here!"


"Don't worry, I'm not going to do any of that. I'll just try something else." She said as she placed each of her hands on their firm butts and rubbed all over, feeling the tight muscles. The two Digimon smirked at this, especially Leomon since Angewomon had also started playing with his tail. They kept this up for about a minute until a loud slap was heard.


"Ow!" Yelled a surprised Leomon. "What was that for?"


"Excuse me?" BlackWarGreymon asked just before another slap was heard. "Ow!"


The two of them looked back to see Angewomon raise both of her hands and then bring them down on their butts, rather hard.


"Ow!" The both of them yelled.


"Oh, come on. The two of you get into fights and get the crap beat out of you and you don't even wince. And you cry out for a simple slap in the butt? I thought the two of you had more endurance than that." She said as she spanked them again. This time, they didn't cry out.


Angewomon stood behind BlackWarGreymon and concentrated on him for a few moments, spanking each of his butt-cheeks individually and rubbing them a bit to get him to calm down a bit. Then she moved over to Leomon and pulled his tail out of the way. She then spanked him for the same amount of time she spanked BlackWarGreymon. However, since Leomon's skin was of a much brighter color, a light shade of red was noticeable when she was finished.


"Okay, and what was all that spanking about?" BlackWarGreymon asked her without looking back.


"I remember the two of you almost got in a fight earlier and I felt that I had to teach you both a lesson." She answered. "But don't worry, I have something here to help you out."


They both heard her rummaging through whatever was on the floor. A moment later Leomon felt some sort of powder on his butt, then he felt Angewomon's hand as she throughly rubbed the powder all over. The cool air inside the small house sent a cool, soothing breeze over Leomon's rear. She moved over to BlackWarGreymon and gave him the same treatment. BlackWarGreymon smiled as he felt the soothing powder on his butt.


"Hey, that feels refreshing." He said as he sniffed the air. "And it smells good too, but I can't recognize it. Leomon, you have any idea what it is?"


"Let's see." Leomon said as he sniffed the air. "Ah, I recognize it alright. It's baby powder."


"Baby powder?"


"Yeah, it's this refreshing, sweet-smelling powder which helps against irritation. It's mostly used by humans, they put it on a baby's private parts so they don't get irritated just before...Oh, no."


"Oh, no? What do you mean by that? Just before what?"


"Just before they put on a diaper."


"Say what?" BlackWarGreymon yelled. Both Digimon looked back and sure thing, Angewomon was holding a diaper, a big one, big enough to fit either one of them.


"Angewomon, please tell me that you won't put that on us." Leomon told her.


"What's wrong with putting this on you?" She asked.


"Well, mainly, we're not babies." BlackWarGreymon stated.


"You sure were acting like babies earlier, discussing over pointless stuff, so why not treat you like babies for once? Come on, let me do this, just this once." She pleaded.


"In your drea..." BlackWarGreymon was cut short by Leomon's hand clamping over his mouth. Leomon then whispered something to BlackWarGreymon. A moment later they both looked back at her.


"I'm probably going to kick myself for this, but alright. Do whatever you want." BlackWarGreymon said.


"Leomon, what did you just say to BlackWarGreymon?" Angewomon asked suspiciously.


"That's our little secret." He answered. "So, do what you must."


Angewomon smiled and neared BlackWarGreymon. She put the diaper between his legs and asked him to sit. He did so and she was able to put the diaper on him properly. When she was done, she picked up another diaper which had a small hole on the back, then she neared Leomon. After passing his tail through the hole, she put on the diaper. Now that she was done, she stepped back to take a good look at them and saw that the diapers fit perfectly.


"There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" She asked.


"You know..." BlackWarGreymon said. "The worst thing about this isn't the fact that I'm wearing a diaper. The worst thing is that this thing actually feels very comfortable."


"Aw, my little boy's feeling sad? I'll help you feel better." Angewomon said with a smile on her face.


Angewomon walked over to BlackWarGreymon and sat on his lap. She then ran her hands through his blond hair before pulling him into a kiss. Forgetting about the diaper, BlackWarGreymon held her tight and, taking advantage of her opening her mouth, he introduced his tounge in her mouth. They tounge-kissed for about a minute when they broke up the kiss to breath. Angewomon stood up and also sat on Leomon's lap and after running her hands through his mane and stroking his beard, she also pulled him into a kiss. Leomon also tounge-kissed her and Angewomon noticed the difference in their tounges. While BlackWarGreymon's tounge was soft, smooth and a bit slippery, Leomon's was rough and scratchy, a bit like sandpaper. Angewomon enjoyed Leomon's rough tounge in her mouth for a minute before she broke up the kiss and stood up. She then walked over to the stove and checked on the casserole.


"Great, it's ready." She exclaimed as she turned off the stove and walked over to the supplies box, rummaging through it.


"Hey, Leomon." BlackWarGreymon said. "You're the one with the sensitive nose. What's she cooking?"


Leomon took a few sniffs before answering. "Why, it smells like warm milk. That's great, I love milk."


"Um, Leomon, if you haven't noticed, she's treating us like babies, doesn't that tell you something?" BlackWarGreymon asked, sweatdropping.


They both looked over to the stove to see Angewomon pick up the casserole. In front of her there were two bottles, which the two males recognize as bottle for feeding babies. Angewomon poured the warm milk in the two bottles, picked them up and walked over to the two guys.


"Alright, how about a nice bottle of milk?" She asked.


"How about a nice bottle of you 'gotta be shitting me'?" BlackWarGreymon responded.


"Well, I'm up for it." Leomon said which got a surprised look from BlackWarGreymon.


"Now that's a good boy." Angewomon said as she climbed on the bed and sat down. Leomon lied down on his back and rested his head on her lap as she neared the bottle to his mouth. He took the sucking thingy in his mouth and began to drink the warm milk. Angewomon stroked his mane as he drank down the milk with his eyes closed. Anybody that would have looked at such a scene would have thought of it as ridiculous at first, then funny, then utterly cute, seeing the big lion-man Digimon in a diaper calmly drinking milk from a bottle was truly a sight.


A few moments later, Leomon finished the bottle of milk and sat up. Angewomon reached over his back and patted it for a few moments until Leomon let out a loud burp. Angewomon then got off the bed and carried the empty bottle to the sink, walked back to the bed and picked the other bottle.


"Leomon, you are pathetic." BlackWarGreymon told him.


"Can I help it if I like milk? Besides, you shouldn't be talking, it's your turn." Leomon said as Angewomon got on the bed and sat down.


"There is no way I'm going to do this." BlackWarGreymon said.


"BlackWarGreymon, remember what I told you?" Leomon asked. "About later? We'll show her what we were whispering about when she's done feeding you, okay?"


The two of them stared at each other for a moment. Then BlackWarGreymon frowned and lied down on his back, his head resting on Angewomon's lap. She then moved the bottle close to his mouth and he reluctantly took it in. He closed his eyes and slowly started drinking the milk. BlackWarGreymon took his time to really taste the warm milk and he decided that he liked it's flavor. He got over the situation a bit and grew more confident. He drank all the milk and sat up, allowing Angewomon to pat his back until he burped. Then she got up and walked over to the sink to put the second bottle there. She didn't notice Leomon whispering something to BlackWarGreymon. BlackWarGreymon nodded and they both stood up.


Angewomon started to turn around when she felt two strong arms wrap around her. From the black skin she knew that BlackWarGreymon had grabbed her and was now carrying her to the bed. He lied her down on her back and held her by her arms. She wondered what he was up to when she noticed Leomon rummaging through the box full of things. He took out some things and brought them over to the bed as he climbed on.


"Time for the roles to change." BlackWarGreymon said.


"This time, you will be the little girl and we'll be the babysitters." Leomon told Angewomon as he reached behind her back, managed to unclasp her clothing and pulled it all off while BlackWarGreymon removed her boots and gloves. They stared at her naked body and loomed over her.


Each one of them grabbed one of Angewomon's breasts in one hand and began fondling them. Angewomon grabbed their free hands and squeezed them as if to show the sudden rush of pleasure she felt at their touch. The two Digimon lowered their heads and began licking their respective breast and suckling on the hardening nipples. Angewomon moaned and ran her hands through each guy's hair as they both pleasured her. She loved the difference on their tounges as she tried concentrating on both the soft and smooth one on her right nipple and the scratchy, rough one on her left nipple. After a few minutes of licking they both stopped at the same time and rose to their knees.


Angewomon watched the both of them reach over the side of the bed and grab some things from the floor. Leomon reached over and softly tied a white-colored bib on Angewomon's neck while BlackWarGreymon opened a jar which contained a red pulp.


"Time to feed our little girl." BlackWarGreymon said as he neared Angewomon. He reached into the jar and scooped out a bit of the red pulp. Angewomon willingly opened her mouth and let BlackWarGreymon feed her the stuff. She tasted it before swallowing and recognized it as strawberries. More specifically, mashed strawberries, which would be perfect for feeding a baby. BlackWarGreymon scooped out more of the sweet stuff and gave it to Angewomon.


Angewomon ate a little more of the mashed fruit until she saw BlackWarGreymon tilt the jar to his mouth and take a mouthful of it's contents. He handed the half full jar to Leomon and bent over Angewomon. She noticed that BlackWarGreymon still hadn't swallowed the mouthful of fruit. BlackWarGreymon then kissed her softly and she kissed back. Her eyes grew wide as BlackWarGreymon opened his mouth and tounge-kissed her, the mashed fruit spilling into her mouth. BlackWarGreymon kept some of it in his mouth as he explored Angewomon's mouth with his tounge, the both of them enjoying the sweet taste and feel of the mashed strawberries inside their mouths. They kept this on for a while until all the fruit was swallowed by the both of them.


"Wow. That was great." Angewomon said as BlackWarGreymon pulled away.


"Then get ready, because you're getting a second dose of it. It's my turn now." Leomon said, then he tilted the jar to his mouth and took in all the mashed fruit that was left. He didn't waste time as he pressed his muzzle on Angewomon's mouth and then opened his mouth, letting the sweet pulp spill in Angewomon's mouth. He tounge-kissed her deeply, his scratchy tounge ran all over her mouth as they shared the taste of the pulp in both their mouths until a few moments later it was all gone. Leomon then pulled away and licked Angewomon's mouth clean.


Angewomon smiled and sat up, using the bib tied around her neck to clean up the fruit that had spilled from her mouth to her cheeks and then took the bib off. She then looked over at Leomon and BlackWarGreymon and noticed that they had taken off their diapers. Her eyes grew wide as she saw their already fully erect dicks. The only Digimon she was ever sexually involved with was Angemon and he paled in comparison to what these two were packing. The two of them got off the bed and stood in front of Angewomon. She was still sitting on the bed and now had the two erect members in front of her face.


"We thank you for giving us some milk, or at least I do." Leomon said. "Now, how about we give you some of our own special 'milk'?"


"And it's right out of it's natural container." BlackWarGreymon told her.


Angewomon smiled at the comments and got the idea of what they wanted. She grabbed the erect members on each hand and began to slowly masturbate the two of them. The two males groaned as Angewomon sped up the pace a bit. She got a bit closer to BlackWarGreymon and started licking his member, causing him to flinch a bit. She then opened her mouth and took in as much of his member as she could. While still masturbating Leomon, she sucked on BlackWarGreymon's dick slowly and throughly. She put a little speed into it and sucked harder, making BlackWarGreymon moan loudly. He almost yelled in frustration when she took his dick out of her mouth and began masturbating him again. Angewomon then turned to Leomon and just like with BlackWarGreymon, she took as much of his dick in her mouth as she could. Leomon growled softly as Angewomon sucked on his member at an even pace. She sucked on it for about a minute and then pulled away. Without wasting any time, she once again took BlackWarGreymon's member in her mouth. For a while they kept this pace, Angewomon took turns sucking on each of them, giving them some great oral sex for about a minute each and taking turns. This kept up until a moment in which she was sucking on BlackWarGreymon. BlackWarGreymon suddenly yelled and orgasmed hard in her mouth, taking her by surprise. She swallowed as much as she could of the huge load of cum he was shooting in her mouth, but it was too much for her to take and she took his dick out of her mouth and masturbated him until he was done, the rest of his cum shooting all over her chest and breasts. BlackWarGreymon panted and lied down on the bed as Angewomon took Leomon's dick in her mouth. She sucked him for about two minutes, then he unexpectedly roared loudly as he orgasmed, shooting his own huge load of cum in Angewomon's mouth. Just like BlackWarGreymon, she couldn't possibly swallow it all and took his dick out of her mouth before she choked, she grabbed it with both hands and masturbated him until he was spent, the rest of his cum shot over her chest and mixed with BlackWarGreymon's. The spent Leomon then lied down next to BlackWarGreymon as Angewomon stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash off all the sperm in her chest.


"Did you really have to roar like that?" BlackWarGreymon asked Leomon. "You scared the crap out of me."


"Sorry, it's a habit. Roar when I orgasm, that's what lions do." Leomon said.


The two Digimon sat up and stared at Angewomon, who was in the bathroom, carefully washing her chest in the sink.


"She's one special girl, isn't she?" BlackWarGreymon asked.


"Indeed, she is. Going through all this, sexually pleasuring the both of us at the same time, just because she likes us both and doesn't want to lose us. There were other ways, she didn't have to do all this."


"But she did."


"I can't help but feel guilty." Leomon said. "I mean, it's almost like taking advantage of her, we could've just told her she didn't have to do this, that we could've waited until we had a more serious relationship."


"Yeah, but she willingly wanted to do this. Know what I feel guilty about?" BlackWarGreymon asked.


"What is it?"


"The fact that she pleasured the both of us and we barely pleasured her. Notice she didn't orgasm even once?"


"Yes, I did. Makes me feel bad." Leomon said as he glanced mischievously at his new friend. "How about we repay the favor?"


"You mean make her feel as good as she made us feel?"


"That's right. Think you can go at it again? Because I sure can."


"Oh, you bet I can!"


The two males stopped talking as they heard Angewomon turn off the water at the sink. She came out of the bathroom drying her now clean face and chest with a towel. She walked over to the bed and climbed on, positioning herself and lieing down between the two males. She was actually wanting to talk about this new experience with both of them. She didn't have a chance for that as she suddenly felt something between her legs. She saw that it was BlackWarGreymon, touching her pussy and rubbing it throughly. She moaned softly and attempted to sit up but Leomon prevented her from doing so as he grabbed her shoulders and gently pinned her down.


"There, there, just lie down and don't worry. Just relax. It's our turn to make you feel good now."  Leomon whispered in her ear. Angewomon moaned as Leomon passionately kissed her neck while BlackWarGreymon kept rubbing his fingers over her now moist pussy. She quickly grew very aroused as BlackWarGreymon found his fingers drenched in her sweet juices. He noticed this and quickly changed positions, his head now in between her legs. He seductively ran his tounge all over her pussy, making her groan loudly. Then, unexpectedily, BlackWarGreymon thrust his tounge inside her, which made her cry out. BlackWarGreymon ran his slippery tounge all over Angewomon's inner walls and throughly massaged her clit with his finger while Leomon kissed her neck, gently licking and biting it. It was all too much for Angewomon to resist and in only a couple of minutes, she orgasmed, her sweet juices flooding BlackWarGreymon's mouth. BlackWarGreymon greedily licked it all, savoring it's taste.


BlackWarGreymon stood up and sat down near her. Leomon saw this was his turn and got down from the bed, positioning his head in between Angewomon's legs and staring at her now very wet pussy. He gave Angewomon a few minutes to recover from her last orgasm, then he began licking her pussy. Angewomon held on to BlackWarGreymon's arm while the black humaniod dragon kissed her neck as Leomon did minutes before. Leomon started to increase the pace and licked harder and faster, then he pressed his muzzle on her wet pussy and darted his tounge inside, expertly licking her inner walls and her clit. Angewomon groaned and panted loudly, her arms around BlackWarGreymon's neck as the Mega kissed her neck while the Champion licked and sucked her pussy. Angewomon didn't last long and she orgasmed once more, Leomon eagerly drank down her sweet juices and licked her clean before pulling away. BlackWarGreymon sat up as Leomon got up and onto the bed. The two of them sat on either side of Angewomon as they gave her time to recover. When Angewomon stopped panting, she opened her eyes and saw the two Digimon sitting beside her. She immediately noticed BlackWarGreymon rubbing and stroking his once again erect dick. She looked to her other side and saw Leomon doing exactly the same thing.


"Oh, dear." Angewomon muttered. "You guys still have energy left for more?"


"Hey, it was you who started this, we might as well finish it." BlackWarGreymon told her while smiling at her. "That is, if you want to. We don't wanna force you to do this if you don't want to."


"Of course I want to. Go ahead." She told them with a smile.


"Don't worry. We'll be gentle." Leomon told her as he positioned himself in-between her legs. Angewomon groaned as Leomon slowly penetrated her, he was quite big but fortunately, he was lubricated with his semen and Angewomon's saliva from the earlier blowjob, so it didn't hurt at all. Angewomon took a hold of BlackWarGreymon's hands as Leomon's thick dick stretched her pussy walls. When Leomon was buried to the hilt, he stopped for a few moments, then he put his hands on Angewomon's hips and started to slowly pump in and out of her. Angewomon moaned softly as Leomon gently pumped into her, taking his time and fully enjoying himself. BlackWarGreymon still had a hold of one of Angewomon's hands while he stroked his rock-hard cock with the other, eagerly waiting for his turn. Leomon then leaned over Angewomon, took her head in his big hands and kissed her passionately, his pumping now going a little faster. Minutes later, Leomon stopped kissing Angewomon and put his arms around her, humping and pumping much harder now. Angewomon loudly moaned in pleasure as Leomon contiunously pushed in and pulled out of her.


BlackWarGreymon backed off a bit as he stared at the two of them. He stroked his dick a little more and then he got up with a frustrated sigh. He was aroused beyond his limit and needed to do something, anything to get in the action. He once again stared at his two companions,watching them enjoying themselves. He then stepped up behind them and watched as Leomon's dick going in and out of Angewomon's pussy. His arousal grew more and more and an idea found it's way into his head. Normally, this would go against his personal ethics, but his arousal was too much and he didn't care anymore. He neared his head and started to lick throughly, both at a part of Angewomon's pussy and at Leomon's dick as he kept pumping. Leomon noticed and though he would normally object, he enjoyed it a lot and let the Mega Digimon lick as much as he wanted. BlackWarGreymon licked furiously as he tasted Angewomon's pussy juices all over Leomon's dick. He then stared at Leomon's fur-covered balls and without even stopping to realize what he was doing, he took them into his mouth, running his tounge all over them. Leomon yelled as he pumped even harder and faster into the moaning Angewomon and felt BlackWarGreymon licking and sucking his furry ballsack. It was then when Angewomon moaned much louder and she tightly hugged Leomon, as she orgasmed once again, her pussy walls clenching hard around Leomon's dick and her pussy juices lubricating him even more, making him growl with pleasure. The whole thing was a little too intense for Leomon and he pulled out of Angewomon, not wanting to orgasm yet.


BlackWarGreymon's lust was still sky-high and without realizing it, he neared Leomon and took the big cat's dick in his mouth, sucking it and savoring Angewomon's sweet juices on it. Leomon was about to protest but instead he groaned in pleasure and allowed BlackWarGreymon to continue. Leomon let BlackWarGreymon pleasure him for a few more moments until he felt that he was close to orgasming, then he grabbed BlackWargreymon's head and pulled him away. BlackWarGreymon blinked a few times, a clueless look on his face as he realized what he was just doing. He stood up and looked into Leomon's eyes.


"Um, please tell me I didn't just suck on you." BlackWarGreymon said.


Leomon chuckled at this. "Well, you seemed to be a bit desperate, am I right?"


"Aw, man, I can't believe I just did that."


"Neither can I." Said a smiling Angewomon, who had recovered from her recent orgasm. "That was truly something I wasn't expecting to see."


BlackWarGreymon smiled and neared Angewomon. "Don't worry, darling. That was just a temporary fluke. I haven't forgotten about you." He said as he gave her a kiss. Then he backed up and once again neared Leomon.


"Hey, how about you return the favor?" BlackWarGreymon asked.


"Uh, you mean..."


"Come on, you owe me. Besides, I need some lubrication."


"Lubrication? We're the same size and I didn't have any problems. Why would you need...oh, I see." Leomon said as he figured what BlackWargreymon meant. "Well, you're right, I do owe you. Guess I don't have much of a choice then."


"This will only take a moment." Leomon told Angewomon, who at this moment was a tad confused with these two, wondering if they were actually going to have fun with each other and leave her out of it.


Leomon knelt down and grabbed BlackWarGreymon's hard dick. He stared at it for a few moments and stroked it a bit. Then he closed his eyes and took BlackWarGreymon's dick in his mouth, being careful with his sharp teeth. BlackWarGreymon groaned loudly as Leomon sucked on his dick, running his scratchy tounge all over the Mega Digimon's cockhead and underside of his dick. BlackWarGreymon moaned and instinctively humped his hips as Leomon sucked on his dick for a few more moments before he pulled away. Leomon stood up and sat down on the bed while BlackWarGreymon neared Angewomon and made her lie down. He lifted her legs, allowing an easier access to her pussy. BlackWarGreymon inserted one of his fingers in Angewomon's moist pussy and moved it around a bit, causing her to moan lightly. He then took his finger out and to her surprise, he put it on her ass and slowly pushed his finger in. It didn't hurt at all, considering she had had anal sex with Angemon before. However, BlackWarGreymon's member was larger than Angemon's and she began to have second thoughts about it. She didn't have time to consider it as BlackWargreymon removed his finger and then put his saliva-covered cock on Angewomon's ass, which was now lubridated with her own pussy juices.


"Now, this'll hurt, but only for a while. So, I want to tell you right now that I'm really sorry for hurting you." BlackWargreymon said as he slowly pushed his dick in Angewomon's tight ass. Angewomon yelled a bit as BlackWarGreymon's thick dick entered her. Leomon was immediately at her side and let her grab his hands, squeezing them tightly. BlackWarGreymon pushed his dick inside Angewomon as slowly as he could, letting her get used to his size. Angewomon groaned, more in pain than in pleasure as BlackwarGreymon was already halfway inside her. As tears began to run down Angewomon's cheeks, Leomon reached over to her pussy and began to rub her clit with his fingers, in an attempt to distract her from the pain. It seemed to work as Angewomon squeezed Leomon's hand a bit tighter and moaned a bit. Leomon rubbed a bit harder and faster as BlackWarGreymon pushed in further. After a little while, BlackWarGreymon was almost completely inside her, but he didn't push in completely in fear of hurting her more. He stood still for a few minutes, letting her get used to having him inside her. It was when Angewomon had calmed down when BlackWarGreymon slowly pulled out of her until only the head of his cock was inside her, then he pushed back in. He repeated the process for about a minute, until Angewomon's pleasureful moans told him that he wasn't hurting her anymore.


With the pain out of the way, BlackWarGreymon established a slow and steady rythm. He bucked his hips at a medium pace, while Leomon introduced one of his fingers in Angewomon's pussy. Angewomon moaned loudly as she felt BlackWarGreymon's large dick going in and out of her ass, while Leomon's thick finger caressed her pussy walls. Leomon leaned over while still fingering her, and kissed her lips, introducing his tounge into her mouth deeply, licking the inside of her mouth throughly and sensually. BlackWarGreymon panted a bit as he watched the two of them kissing, increasing his humping a bit, feeling Angewomon's tight ass clenching down on his dick. Angewomon moaned into Leomon's kiss as she felt BlackWarGreymon finally push his dick completely inside her, the small amount of pain she felt was overwhelmed with pure passion and lust. Leomon broke the kiss, got on his knees and positioned his erect dick over Angewomon's mouth. She immediately got the message and took a hold of Leomon's dick, opened her mouth and took it in. Leomon growled softly as Angewomon sucked his dick as best as she could, which wasn't so easy, having BlackWarGreymon humping her ass at a pace a bit quicker now, her ass had finally grown completely used to having such a big dick inside. This lasted for a few minutes, until BlackWarGreymon stopped humping and pulled out of Angewomon slowly, leaving her feeling very empty all of sudden. Leomon let Angewomon lick and suck his dick for a few more moments before he also pulled away. Upon this, Leomon positioned himself and pushed his dick in Angewomon's pussy. He pumped a few times and then pulled out again, his dick now lubricated with Angewomon's saliva and pussy juices.


Leomon then got to his feet and pulled Angewomon up with him, helping to hold her steady as her legs trembled a bit from all she was recieving from the two males. BlackWarGreymon got into the bed and lied down on his back, his erect cock standing straight up to attention. Angewomon knew what he wanted and climbed back to the bed. She positioned herself over BlackWarGreymon's dick and lowered herself on it, feeling the erect penis fill her pussy once again. She moaned softly and leaned forward a bit, putting her hands on BlackWarGreymon's shoulders to support herself better as the Mega Digimon grabbed her hips and started to pump his hips at a rather slow pace, going in and out of her continously. This lasted for about two minutes, and that was when Angewomon felt Leomon kissing her neck and biting it gently, being careful not to bite down and puncture or cut her delicate skin. It was then when Leomon gently pushed Angewomon forward, making her lie down on BlackWarGreymon's chest as the black humanoid dragon stopped his humping for a moment. Angewomon then realized what were their intentions as she felt Leomon's thick, lubricated dick at her rear entrance. She moaned as Leomon entered her slowly, pushing his dick further and further into her. Fortunately, she had already gotten used to having such a big dick up her ass, and also, Leomon was lubricated enough for it not to hurt anymore, because she was still very tight. This brought even more pleasure to Leomon as he finally entered her ass completely, leaning over and started pumping slowly. BlackWargreymon noticed this and resumed his pumping as well.


Angewomon had never felt something like this before. She did have in mind that by having two lovers, double penetration would have to be tested sometime. However, she never expected it to feel like what she was feeling now. She moaned, much louder this time, as both Digimon gently humped into her. She was lying on BlackWarGreymon's chest, with Leomon leaned over her, pressing over her. She was literally sandwished between the two muscular males, both her holes completely full with their hard members. It gave her the most intense pleasure she had ever felt in her life, and a certain feeling she could not fully describe. A feeling of being dominated by these two fierce-looking powerful males, despite knowing their gentle demeanors. For some reason, the feeling of being literally dominated by her two lovers turned her on more than anything. She loved letting them do what they wanted with her, letting them pleasure her as they pleased and how they pleased, yet knowing they'd never hurt her.


Leomon leaned over and pushed Angewomon's hair to one side of her head. This gave him a better access to her neck, and he intended to use it as best as he could. Without interrupting his humping into her, Leomon started kissing and licking her neck in a most sensual way, growling and purring softly. This gave Angewomon more pleasure than the one she was already feeling, which was almost too much. Leomon let his animal instincts take over him a little as he humped harder into Angewomon's ass, filling her completely with his member, his balls slapping against her buttocks as he kept on kissing and licking Angewomon's neck, making her moan loudly.


All the rocking that the two were making almost made it needless for BlackWarGreymon to move at all. For a little while, he just laid there, his hands on Angewomon's arms as he held her there, and Leomon's humping getting stronger by the moment made Angewomon move a bit, making BlackWarGreymon's dick go in and out of her pussy. BlackWarGreymon enjoyed just laying there while he was pleasured by the others' actions. However, minutes later, he couldn't stand his immense arousal. He moved his hands to Angewomon's hips, grabbed her hips to not allow her to move too much, and started humping his hips up and down, burying his black member completely inside her before he pulled out and pushed back in.


Angewomon could only lie down on BlackWarGreymon's chest as both her mates humped into her. She moaned and panted as the two males didn't stop their assault. BlackWarGreymon gripped her hips tightly as he buried his dick in her pussy, her inner juices dripping out of it and down Blackwargreymon's member, giving it a bit more lubrication and quickening his humping. At the same time, Leomon was pressing down on her back, his hands around her body, holding her there as he humped into her ass, his rough tounge running all over her neck.


Both Digimon held her still and were now humping into her harder than ever, both moaning and growling, their arousal was now more like a wild instinct they had to satisfy. It was then when BlackWarGreymon moved his head a bit, raised Angewomon a bit higher and was now in a perfect angle to her neck. While Leomon was busy with the back of her neck, BlackWarGreymon started giving her the same treatment of licking and kissing her neck, never interrupting his humping. Angewomon almost screamed in pleasure when that happened. The feelings feeling both muscular bodies pressing on her from both sides, of having both her holes filled completely, of having her neck being licked and kissed on both sides, it was almost too much to bear.


This instense treatment for all lasted several minutes full of pleasure. It was a little later when Angewomon's pleasure reached it's peak. Both Digimon humping into her hard and licking her neck was enough to send her over the edge. She yelled out loud as the most intense and pleasuring orgasm she ever had hit her, making her lie back down in BlackWarGreymon's chest as it lasted longer than any orgasm she ever had. Both males noticed this. BlackWarGreymon kept grinding his hips, burying his dick into her, when he felt her pussy walls clench around his dick very tightly, her pussy juices drenching BlackWarGreymon's dick, the lubrication made his humping even faster. The fast pace, mized with the feeling of her pussy walls clenching his dick tightly, was enough to send BlackWarGreymon over the edge as well. He roared as he cummed hard. He kept humping into her, resting his hips against hers for a few seconds everytime he pushed into her, as with every hump, he shot a big load of cum into her. He did this a few more times, his cum now dripping out of her pussy and down his dick. He was then spent and layed back down, panting and sweaty. Angewomon's orgasm also made her ass clench tightly around Leomon's dick, bringing him great pleasure that told him he just couldn't hold it in anymore. Just a few seconds after BlackWarGreymon orgasmed, Leomon roared, humping into Angewomon hard as he shot load after load of cum into her, filling her ass with the sticky semen, some of it dripping out as Leomon humped into her a bit more, before finally stopping.


They just layed there for a few minutes, panting, sweaty and tired, but very happy and satisfied. Leomon then straightened up and slowly pulled his now limp cum-drenched member from her ass. BlackWarGreymon did the same as he raised angewomon slowly, his also now limp member making it's way out of her pussy. Both finished pulling out of her, which made some cum drip out both her holes and onto their bodies. They didn't mind as they all layed down in bed, the two males in each side and Angewomon in the center. After a few more minutes of resting and recovering, she looked at both of them and smiled.


"Thanks, guys. I never felt something like that in my whole life. I can't even begin to describe how good it all was." She told them.


"All for you, darling." BlackWarGreymon told her with a smile as he reached over and moved away some strands of her blond hair stuck to her face with sweat.


"I think that's enough reason for us to stay with you, right?" Leomon asked her. "Imagine having nights like this n a usual basis."


"Can't wait." BlackWarGreymon added.


"Hope you won't think of this as a let's-just-fuck relationship." She scolded them.


"Trust us, I know we're gonna end up in love with you so much, we'll forget about the whole world just to make you happy." BlackWarGreymon told her.


"Indeed. If we didn't love you, we would have picked up our things, thanked you for a great sex encounter and left. But we haven't. We're still here, and we won't be leaving you." Leomon said, stroking her hair.


"Thanks. This really means a lot to me. I love you two." She told them.


"We love you, too." Leomon told her.


"More than anybody else ever." BlackWarGreymon added. "You make us go crazy for you. I mean, when I go sucking some guy's dick for our pleasure, that's a lot of love for you."


Leomon agreed and they all shared a laugh. They rested for a good ten minutes before they all got up and headed for the bathroom. The two males were surprised when they saw that the bathtub was huge, big enough for all three of them to fit in it comfortably. After the bathtub was full of warm water, they all got in and washed themselves clean, each helping the others to wash their backs. When they were all clean, they just sat in the warm water and relaxed.


"So, what do you guys plan on doing tomorrow?" Angewomon asked. "If we're going to be an item, we should go out and have fun together."


"I completely agree with you." Leomon said. "How about we go eat to a restaurant?"


"And maybe we can go to the movies, I'm dying to see Friday The 13th Part19." BlackWarGreymon added.


"Hell yeah, Jason Voorhees rules all." Leomon said as he and BlackWarGreymon high-fived.


"There go my chances for a romantic movie." Angewomon said, though she couldn't help smiling at them.


"Hey, it's okay. We can watch both." Leomon told her.


"Then it's all settled." Angewomon said.


"Yeah. Hey, since we're gonna be having fun outside tomorrow, how about we plan what we'll do the next time we go at it?" BlackWarGreymon asked, a mischievous smile in his face.


"You just can't help it, can't you?" Angewomon asked him, giggling. "Well, I already tried what I wanted, so I'm out of ideas right now."


"Oh, I don't know, I always wanted to try out a few fantasies. I've always had this fantasy of me being a wild animal hunting down a beautiful girl in the woods, then capturing her and seducing her and making sweet love to her." Leomon said.


"And I've always wanted to try out some stuff I've seen others do. Maybe have either one of us tied to the bed. Or maybe having sex underwater, using mouth-to-mouth breathing to be able to stay down the water while we just fuck around." BlackWarGreymon added.


"Oh my." Angewomon said with a smile. "Well, one thing's for sure, being with the twop of you will be everything except boring."


After a few minutes, they stepped out of the bathtub and dried themselves. Then they went the bed, changed the sweaty sheets for clean ones and lied down to sleep, since it was already late. Angewomon lied down between the two of them, and she gave a long and passionate kiss to each of them. They all fell asleep, thinking about how this relationship was the best thing that could have ever happened to them and waiting to see what the next day would bring them.






Author's notes: Well, that does it for my first lemon, and I must admit I think I did much better than I actually expected, but then again, it took about two weeks to write this. Hope you enjoyed this lemon, because I sure did enjoy writing it. If you want to send any reviews, comments and suggestions, you can e-mail me anytime at slashingfang@hotmail.com