Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, I'll never own Digimon, yadda yadda yadda. This gets tiresome everytime I see it. This fic is very mushy and romantic so if you're looking for some hot sexual action, you can check here, I added some. If you're under 18 and don't know squat about sex, get the hell out of here. If you do know about sex, then go right ahead. By the way, any similarities this fic has with Disney's Beauty And The Beast are pure coincidence, I've never seen that movie so I didn't know.


Note 1: **************   means a scene change.


Note 2: This story takes place after the last episode of Season 2.



Surrender To True Love, Part 2

"Confessions and Confusions"

by El Intruder


"Leomon, come down here, dinner's ready."


The call to dinner brought the lion-man Digimon back to reality and away from a book he was about to read.


"I'll be right down." Leomon answered back as he stood up, put the book away in a shelf and made his way out of the library. He resolved to come back later and read what he somewhat desperately needed to read. When he reached the kitchen, Angewomon was waiting for him with two platters of roasted beef, mashed potatoes and other assorted goodies.


"Well, here you go. I hope you like it, it's the first time I cook those kinds of things. The only things I could cook without a problem back in the human world were microwave T.V dinners." She said as she grabbed her knife and fork and began to cut into the roasted beef. Leomon was already eating and had to swallow a big chunk of meat before answering her.


"Then I should congratulate you because this tastes great. Or maybe it's because roasted beef is my personal favorite. Anyway, thank you, you're really too kind." Leomon said.


"Look who's talking, if someone's kind around here, it's got to be you. You saved my life and accepted me into your home. It's you I should be thanking."


"You've already done that, and there is no need to thank me, I only did what was right." The conversation ended a little after that as they were both too hungry to keep on talking. After finishing dinner and putting the dishes away in the dishwasher, Angewomon decided to take a shower and Leomon went back to the house's rather small library wanting to read the book he had found.


It had already been three and a half months since Leomon rescued Angewomon from freezing in a snow storm near his secluded house in the mountains. He almost ended up hurting her, but they managed to work it out and now they were very close friends and really enjoyed each other's company. Angewomon had already told Leomon what was wrong in her life. She told Leomon how much she was in love with Angemon, how he didn't love her back and how much that hurt her, that was the reason she had ended way up in that mountain. Not long after that, Leomon felt something he had never felt before, a need to comfort Angewomon and make her feel better, to hold her, hug her close to him, kiss her, tell her how much he liked her. Leomon realized that, for the first time in his life, he had fallen in love.


Leomon was rather confused by this, he had never fallen in love before. Sure, he liked Mimi a lot, but that had only been a temporary crush, this was much different. He wanted to tell Angewomon what he felt for her but he didn't know how. Casually, when he was skulking through the library, he had found a small book titled "How To Behave Properly With A Lady". He first thought of it as corny and dumb, but eventually curiosity and temptation got the best of him and he picked it up.


Leomon took the book from it's shelf and sat down to read. After a little searching he found the part he wanted and needed to read the most, "How To Declare Your Love To Her, Step By Step".


"A romantic dinner is always one of the best ways to declare your love." He read out loud. "This tips may help you. Step 1: 'Give her a day off so she can enjoy herself before dinner'. At least that first one is easy." He told himself. "Alright, Step 2: 'Leave a trail of rose petals all the way from her room to the dining room, this is something that seldom fails'."


Leomon's expression changed to a one of both confusion and frustration. "Roses? Where the hell am I going to find roses in a mountain full of snow?" He yelled, losing his cool quite quickly, something usual about him these days. "Okay, calm down Leomon. I can simply contact Frigimon and tell him to bring me roses from the human world." He said as he regained his composture.


"Now, Step 3: 'Wear something elegant for dinner and, if possible, give her something elegant to wear herself, she will really like that'." Leomon looked down at himself and shook his head. "Guess that wearing just pants isn't exactly elegant. That's another thing I gotta ask Frigimon for. I remember he told me that people in the real world are now making clothing for Digimon. Wonder if there's anything Angewomon-sized." Leomon directed his attention back to the book and noticed he was almost finished.


"Step 4: 'Although some ladies like a most fancy dinner, it seems most of them prefer a simple, more humble meal'. That's good, back to the easy stuff. Step 5: 'After dinner, invite her to dance. Soft romantic music is a must'. That's much better. If there's something Angewomon likes, that's dancing. I know I have a radio and some tapes around here somewhere, now if only I knew how to dance. But that's something I 'll have to deal with later. Now the sixth and final step: 'After dinner and dancing are over, escort her to her room and tell her you would like to keep her company for a little longer, this is the exact moment where you must tell her that you love her'. Finally, that's all I need to know. I have to get started with the preparations right away." Leomon hid the book and left the room as quick as lightning. He needed a lot of things and he needed them for the next evening.






Angewomon looked out the window of the room Leomon had given her so she could be comfortable and have some privacy. As she watched the falling snow, she found herself thinking about Angemon again. She just couldn't bare to accept that he didn't love her and this depressed her often. Her grumbling stomach brought her thoughts back to the present.


'It's late and I'm hungry.' She thought. 'Leomon told me this morning that I should have the day off to rest and that he would prepare dinner himself, so what could be taking so long? I bet he must be up to something.'


Angewomon decided to go find out. She opened the door but before she stepped out she noticed something on the floor. She bent down and discovered that it was a long trails of red and white rose petals. A little surprised, she followed it down the hall to a closed door. She opened it and her eyes grew wide at what she saw.


"It's so pretty." She said to herself as she admired a beautiful white evening dress. She quickly discarded her clothes and put on the dress, considering she still hadn't allowed her wings to grow back, she put on the dress without any difficulty. It came down to her ankles and fit her perfectly. She then noticed two small boxes on top of a desk, picked them up and opened them. The first one contained a pair of very pretty white high-heels and the second contained a pair of elegant white gloves, made of pure silk. After putting everything on, she admired herself at a mirror and smiled at how pretty she looked, she secretly vowed never to hide her pretty face under that awful helmet ever again. Angewomon noticed that the trail of rose petals continued and led to a side door, so she went in. The room was only illuminated by candlelight, there was a table already set for dinner and beside it stood Leomon.


"Good evening, Angewomon. I guess that I was very lucky to find something that could fit you, because you look very elegant and very pretty." He told her.


"Leomon. You look so...different." She said as she saw how he had dressed for the occasion, he wasn't wearing any of the usual stuff he wore. His pants, sword, necklace and leather straps on his left hand had been replaced by a tuxedo. His mane had been combed back and pulled into a ponytail. If he had found any shoes his size he would have tried them on, but since he didn't find any he was barefoot as usual. Leomon walked over to Angewomon, took her hand and guided her to the table.


"Leomon, this is great. So fancy." Angewomon said.


"I know." He replied casually.


"But why? What can be so special that there's need for you to do all this?" She asked him.


He looked directly at her blue eyes. "You are." He simply stated.


Angewomon felt her face grow hot and she realized she was blushing. Leomon offered her a seat and then sat down himself as they began eating.






Leomon stood outside Angewomon's bedroom. The door was closed and he hesitated to knock. Dinner had gone perfectly, not exactly a gourmet meal but she enjoyed it. After dinner, Leomon put on some soft romantic music on a radio and asked Angewomon to dance. He clearly remembered the happy look on her face as she accepted, how he held her close to him, slowly swaying at the beat of the soft music. Leomon was very nervous at first since he had never danced before and was amazed that he did so well. After dancing was over, he offered to escort Angewomon to her room and when they got there she hugged him, thanking him for a most wonderful evening. However, he noticed the look on her face as she pulled away and entered her room, it was a troubled look, almost sad. Leomon immediately went to his room and took off the uncomfortable tuxedo and undid the ponytail on his hair. After putting his pants back on and ruffling his mane back to the way it always looked, he quickly went to Angewomon's room, finding the door closed. He hesitated for a few more moments before he gathered enough courage and knocked.


"Angewomon." He called, but he recieved no answer.


"Angewomon, may I come in?" He called out again and once again no one answered back. Leomon knew at once that something was wrong and entered the room. Angewomon was sitting on the edge of her bed, she had taken off her evening dress and put her normal clothing back on. Leomon walked over and sat down beside her.


"Angewomon, what's wrong?" Leomon asked, with much concern.


"Nothing. There's nothing wrong." She answered. Though she tried to hide it, Leomon noticed the sadness in her voice.


"Angewomon, please don't try to hide it, it's not working. You're sad and I want to know why. Tell me, was there something wrong at dinner?"


"No, dinner was great. It's the first time I've had dinner like that. A trail of roses, elegant clothing, a nice meal, romantic music, dancing. I've always wanted to have a night like that, but..." She trailed off as tears escaped her eyes and ran down her cheeks.


"But what? What is it?" Leomon asked as he gently wiped away Angewomon's tears with his fingers.


"It's just that, even since before I changed, when I was still Gatomon in Myotismon's army, I always longed for somebody who could love me. I was sure I had found my big chance when I became one of the Destined Digimon. I wanted to have a night like this with someone who loved me and who I loved back."


"You're talking about Angemon, right?"


"Why doesn't he love me? I love him so much, why can't he feel the same way about me?" She asked, mostly to herself.


"Angewomon, just forget about him. I truly can't understand why that sissy boy doesn't love you, but that's his loss. You deserve much better, don't stay attached to an impossible love."


"But how can I forget him? If I forget him then I'll be all alone, no one will be there for me."


"Don't say that. I'm here for you, I'll always be."


"But you're different. You've been a very close friend to me the whole time I've been here, but you don't love me. Angemon was the closest Digimon to me and I lost him, he doesn't love me. No one will ever love me." She said as she shed more tears.


"Listen, don't traumatize yourself because of this. Don't you say that nobody will ever love you. I'm sure that there are a lot of Digimon out there who would kill to be your boyfriend, because you are very special. You have a lot of love to give, you just need someone who can share that love with you. And I would be very honored if you would choose me."


"What do you mean?" She asked, a confused look on her tearful eyes.


"Angewomon, don't you get it? I'm in love with you. In all my life I've never felt this way about anybody until you came here, until you came into my life and made it better. I just said it and I'll never get tired of saying it, I love you Angewomon, I'm hopelessly in love with you."


Angewomon was too surprised. "You...you really love me?" She asked in a low and shocked voice.


"I love you with all my heart."


"B...but I...I..." Angewomon stuttered, but Leomon could tell what she was trying to say as he put his fingers on her chin and lifted her head, staring into her eyes.


"Don't worry, I know what you're trying to say. You're mourning over someone you've been very close to for most of your life and doesn't love you, and all of a sudden someone you've only been hanging out with for less than four months suddenly confesses his love for you. I know it's a shock." He said as he gave her a light hug.


"You're not sure if you love me back, am I right?" He asked her. Angewomon slowly nodded.


"May I be allowed to help you find out, to show you how much I love you?" He asked her, and once again she just nodded.


Leomon thanked her for giving him an opportunity and stood up. He walked to the door, closed and locked it, then he turned off the lights. However, bright moonlight entered through the window, enough for them to see each other quite clearly. Leomon walked over to Angewomon and sat down beside her again. She just sat there as she thought of what he wanted to do. She remembered her first night there, Leomon had almost hurt her but he apologized and kept her company that night, he slept with her but had the best intentions and respect as he just hugged her while they slept, after that night they had become friends. Her thoughts drifted back to the present as she felt him sit down beside her.


Angewomon was expecting Leomon to simply hug her, talk to her and accompany her to sleep. Instead she felt him get closer to her and she felt his hot breath on her cheek. She thought he was going to whisper something in her ear but what she felt was his tounge as he licked her cheek. She got nervous and tried to back away but he put his arms around her, hugging her close and preventing her from backing off as he kept on licking her cheeks with his rough and scratchy cat tounge. After a few more licks, Leomon stared into Angewomon's eyes. There was no doubt about it, she was scared. Leomon reminded himself that at this moment he should be more gentle with her and he apologized. He ran his fingers through her long hair a few times and then pulled her into a kiss. It was a little awkward at first considering the differences of their mouths, but they quickly got used to each other. Leomon took it further as he introduced his tounge into her mouth. Angewomon tensed a little as Leomon tounge-kissed her but she quickly relaxed, realizing that she liked the way it felt. Not long after that, Leomon broke the kiss and noticed that Angewomon was more relaxed now.


"So, did you like that?" He asked.


"Yes." She admitted in a low, shy voice. "Actually, I feel a little better now."


"That's good to know. Listen Angewomon, I would like to take this further, but I will only do so if you let me. Will you let me?" He asked as he gave her another hug.


Angewomon thought about it for a while. She realized that Leomon cared for her very much, he loved her and wanted to help her forget Angemon and so far he had been very gentle, he even asked her permission to go ahead. Although a bit reluctant, she accepted.


"Thank you. I promise I'll be as gentle as possible. Just relax and don't worry about anything." He told her as he began removing her clothes.


It wasn't difficult for Leomon to pull off Angewomon's clothes as he discovered that the whole thing unclasped at the back and come off downwards. After removing her clothing, he folded it and put it on the ground, he then stared back at her. She was now fully naked, feeling embarrased and looking down at the floor. Though it was a little dark, his cat eyes allowed him to see her very well, he was very amazed at the sight of such beauty. He studied her body, her curves would have been desired by any female Digimon, her breasts were neither too big nor too small, she didn't have any single mark or scar on her body. Leomon could only think of three words to describe her. Perfect, flawless, beautiful.


Leomon took off his belt and bent down to loosen the ones at the bottom of his pants so his big feet could get through. A few seconds later, he stood completely naked in front of her. She stared at him, though she didn't dare to look from his waist down. Leomon made Angewomon lie down in bed, then he lied down on top of her, pressing their bodies together and being careful not to squash her under his weight. Angewomon felt a little nervous once again as she felt herself being literally covered by Leomon, but that was until he began to kiss her again. She relaxed, enjoying the feeling of Leomon's big and warm body on top of her and the rough tounge exploring her mouth. Leomon broke the kiss and moved his hands to her breasts, gently squeezing and rubbing them. Angewomon couldn't help but moan in pleasure as Leomon began to lick her nipples while still massaging her breasts. A few minutes later Leomon stopped his treatment and gently separated her legs, staring at her pussy. Leomon noticed that there wasn't any hair down there.


"Um, pardon my imprudence but, did you shave recently?" He asked out of curiosity.


"Not really." She answered. "I don't know exactly why, but I never grow hair down there."


"Never? Well, that's certainly a bit strange. Although I'll admit it's much better like this. So soft and smooth." He told her as he put one of his hands between her legs, sending a shiver down Angewomon's back. Leomon then noticed something.


"You're a virgin." He said. Angewomon just nodded.


"Don't worry about it, I promise I'll be extra gentle."


Leomon then rubbed between her legs. Angewomon hugged herself as she felt his hand pleasuring her just by rubbing, her pussy was now wet with her juices, as were Leomon's fingers. Leomon pulled away and licked his fingers clean, enjoying the sweet flavor. He gave Angewomon a soft kiss on her forehead and got off the bed, getting a bit more comfortable as he positioned his head in between her legs. Leomon then began to lick her pussy, slowly at first and going a little faster every few moments, her juices were now spilling into his tounge. Angewomon was now moaning and panting in pleasure, she knew she wouldn't be able to last very long. Sure, she had masturbated before but this was much more different, more intense. Leomon then pressed his muzzle on her pussy and introduced his tounge, now licking and sucking at the same time and Angewomon couldn't help but scream in pleasure. She managed to last a full minute of the intense treatment before she orgasmed, filling Leomon's mouth with her sweet juices. Leomon swallowed it all and licked her clean before pulling away to let her rest and recover.


"Well, it certainly seems that you enjoyed it." He told her a few minutes later when she was fully recovered.


"I did, it felt really good." She said. Leomon stood up and took her hands.


"Now, I would like you to touch me."


Angewomon still didn't dare to look below Leomon's waist and instead she looked at his face as Leomon guided one of her hands to his groin. When Angewomon felt something fuzzy in her hand, she finally decided to take a look. She saw that she was holding his ballsack. It was rather big and completely covered in short fur. She also noticed that, like most male Digimon, he had a sheath, his member still hidden and only the head was poking out.


'So that's why he never had much of a bulk in his pants. Well, it sure fooled me..' She thought.


Leomon took her other hand and guided it to his sheath, the look in his eyes telling all to her as she started to rub. Leomon closed his eyes as a shiver ran down his back, his dick making his way out of it's sheath and growing hard as it made it's way out. A minute later, Leomon's member was finally at full length and hard as a rock. Angewomon stared at it with eyes wide open in amazement, Leomon's dick was quite long and thick, Angewomon slowly grasped it and noticed that she couldn't completely wrap her hand around it. Feeling that she should give Leomon something in return for pleasuring her, Angewomon started to rub and stroke Leomon's length while fondling his balls. Leomon leaned back a bit as some precum started to ooze out of his dick. She noticed just how much precum was coming out and wondered if it was one of his sexual attributes. She knew that all Digimon had different reactions when it came to sex, on her case, being a human-like Digimon, she could have sex and react to it the way a normal human woman would, though she had more endurance, but she really didn't know much about Leomon's sexual reactions, only what she had seen so far. In Leomon's case, when he was very aroused, his member would let out a considerable amount of precum, enough to lubricate all his member. That's just what was happening as Angewomon's strokes became faster due to the lubrication.


Angewomon was doing her best to please Leomon, but she stopped stroking and rubbing when she heard a low growl. She looked up at Leomon's face and what she saw scared the living daylights out of her. Leomon's lips were bared back, his sharp teeth glistened in the moonlight as he growled again. His eyes seemed to sharpen as he stared at her with one of those looks that could kill. Leomon now looked exactly like a lion about to capture his prey, he looked fearsome, savage and most of all, he looked hungry. Leomon reached  for Angewomon but she evaded him. Now, Angewomon knew when to run away from a dangerous situation and this seemed like one, Leomon didn't seem to be himself, he had frightened her and she just wanted to get away from him. However, she only got to the door when a deafening roar echoed through the room, a clear indication that Leomon was not about to let her get away so easily. He didn't give her any chance as in just a second he caught up to her just as she was about to unlock the door. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he effortlessly dragged her back to the bed. He put her in bed, pinned her arms down and once again lied down on top of her, pinning her whole body down and preventing her from getting away. Angewomon was now very, very afraid as she looked at Leomon, he was staring at her as if she was dinner, his tounge was now hanging from his mouth, dripping warm saliva over her chest and breasts. Leomon growled at her again and lowered his head to her neck, opening his mouth as wide as he could as he took her neck into his mouth. Angewomon closed her eyes as she felt Leomon's jaws around her neck, fearfully awaiting the for the moment he would clamp his mouth shut.


Angewomon waited, and waited and waited, but she felt no pain at all. She opened her eyes as she felt something different from what she was expecting. She couldn't look down but she felt Leomon's mouth around her delicate neck, his fangs were touching her skin but didn't puncture it. Leomon's growls turned into a deep purr as he dragged his tounge all over Angewomon's neck as best as he could and Angewomon couldn't help but moan. Leomon let go of Angewomon's arms knowing that there was no way she could get away from him at the moment. While still licking her neck, Leomon put his arms under and around her and gently rubbed and massaged her back. Angewomon calmed down, she now realized that despite Leomon's wild behavior, he didn't really want to hurt her, though she still didn't know why he was acting like that.


After a few minutes of licking her neck, Leomon removed his mouth and arms from where they were and used the bed's covers to wipe away all the saliva from her neck, then he put his hands on either side of Angewomon's head and stared into her eyes. Angewomon looked back at him and noticed that he was still in "wild mode", he was still purring and the hungry look in his eyes hadn't changed. Leomon removed his hands from her head and then separated her legs and positioned himself, it was then when Angewomon realized why Leomon was behaving like that. She realized that his wild animal instincts had taken over, the look in his eyes wasn't one of hunger, it was a desire to mate and being the only female there, he had chosen her to mate with.


Leomon put an arm around her and used his free hand to guide his member to her pussy until the head of it touched her entrance. Angewomon got scared as she saw that Leomon's big member was about to enter her, however she didn't make any attempt to stop him. Angewomon gasped as Leomon began to penetrate her and although his dick was quite thick she didn't feel much pain since his dick was already lubricated with his precum, and thanks to the fact that he was pushing in very slowly. Leomon felt a barrier as he pushed in further, he tried pushing gently a few times but her hymen did not break. Leomon's instincts told him to push harder and he did so, breaking her hymen instantly which gave Angewomon a great deal of pain. She screamed in pain, grabbed Leomon's arm and squeezed it tightly. As tears escaped Angewomon's eyes, Leomon stopped pushing in and licked Angewomon's face as if wanting to apologize for hurting her. Leomon gave Angewomon some time to recover and when she calmed down and stopped crying, Leomon resumed what he was doing as he pushed in further. However, this time he did so much slower and everytime Angewomon cringed in pain, Leomon stopped and did his best to comfort her. It took Leomon about ten minutes to enter her completely.


When he was inside her all the way, Leomon lied back down on top of her and took her face in his hands. As Leomon waited for Angewomon to get used to having his big member inside her, he buried his face on her long hair and breathed deeply, purring every now and then. After a few minutes, Leomon began to slowly pull out and when he was about halfway out he pushed back in even slower. Angewomon put her arms around Leomon's neck and hugged him close to her as he gently continued to pump in and out. All traces of pain had faded and Angewomon was now feeling a pleasure unlike any other she ever felt before as Leomon established a slow and steady rhythm as he continued to push in and pull out. Angewomon moaned and Leomon growled and purred as they continued making love for what seemed like an eternity. It was about twenty minutes later when Leomon began to pick up speed and pumped harder into her. This caused Angewomon to scream, this time in pure pleasure as she had the most pleasant and most intense orgasm in her life, her pussy walls clenched down and squeezed Leomon's member tightly and her juices lubricated it even more. Leomon pumped harder and roared as his own orgasm hit him. He pumped back in harder a few more times as he shot load after load of cum into her.


After a few minutes Angewomon looked at up at Leomon and he looked back down at her, still inside of her. He was about as exhausted and sweaty as she was, but she noticed that the look in his eyes had changed. Leomon looked at the little table beside the bed and saw a folded-up towel on it. He picked it up, unfolded it and put it underneath them, then he slowly pulled out of her, causing Angewomon to moan slightly. When he finally pulled his now limp dick from her he saw a mix of cum and blood spill out of her and onto the towel. He waited for his dick to shrink back into it's pouch, then he took the towel and wiped Angewomon clean, then threw the towel across the room. She smiled at him but his only response was to sit with his back turned to her. She got worried and sat up beside him despite feeling so tired.


"Leomon, what's wrong?" She asked him. She then noticed a few tears running down his face, glistening in the moonlight.


"Leomon, why are you crying?"


"I hurt you." He said as he closed his eyes.


"Why do you say that?"


"I lost all control over myself. It's been so long since I had sex with someone that my deepest, most savage instincts took control over me. I knew what I was doing yet I wasn't able to stop myself. I knew that you were scared, I grabbed you, I took away your virginity, I hurt you and I even felt the pleasure as we were having sex. I was meaning to show you my love and only end up hurting you, I promised you I would never hurt you and I just did. I'm so sorry." He said as more tears escaped his eyes.


"Leomon, you did hurt me but it was my first time and you're, well, big. It was only natural for me to bleed, it always hurts the first time. As for you losing control, I really don't mind. Even though you let your instincts take over, you were still so gentle with me. Aside from breaking my hymen, you didnt hurt me at all. On the contrary, I never felt something so good in all my life."


She took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. "You wanted to help me forget an impossible love. You wanted to show me how much you loved me and you did. Now I really think that we should take our relationship a step further. Leomon, now I realize what true love is, and I love you too."


Angewomon gave Leomon a soft kiss. When she pulled away she smiled at him and he smiled back, wiping away his tears. They both lied back down in bed and pulled the covers over themselves. Leomon hugged her close to him as they slowly drifted into a deep sleep. Before falling asleep, Leomon began to wonder what would become of him and Angewomon in the future now that they had found love in each other. He knew things were about to change in a big way. But that was something he could think about much clearly in the morning, when he was well rested. For now he would just lay down next to the one he loved so much and enjoy a good sleep.


To be concluded...



Author's notes: Well, that's it for the second part of my story, and of my first true lemon as well. I hope you liked it, next part will be just as mushy. If you have any comments, suggestions and ideas feel free to e-mail them to me anytime at freakout41@hotmail.com