Disclaimer: You know the drill already, I don't own Digimon although I wish I did. I'm relatively new to lemon-writing so please don't kill me if you don't like it. Oh yeah, can't forget about this, if you're under 18 but you're mature enough and understand all about sex then read on, if you don't know squat about sex then get the hell outta here. Although that rule doesn't really apply here, considering that this is a non-lemon first chapter, that will come on the next one. Anyway, on to the story.


Note 1: **************  means a scene change.


Note 2: This story takes place after the last episode of Season 2.



Surrender To True Love, Part 1

"Cold Hearts"
by El Intruder

Cold. That was about the only thing anyone would feel up in that mountain. Horrible, unending, freezing cold. But that wasn't what was completely bothering her. As Angewomon tried her best to walk against the falling snow and strong winds, she kept thinking about him. About what he told her. Her mind wandered back to that moment. There she was, standing in the middle of an enormous field, beautiful flowers surrounding her as she waited for him. She felt a rustling wind behind her and she knew he had arrived. She turned around and there was Angemon, standing in front of her, so bold and handsome. She hugged him, full of happiness, she would finally tell him what she felt for him. She took off her helmet and a few moments later so did he. For a few moments they remained silent until he finally decided to talk.

"So, Angewomon, why did you summon me here? You said it was very important." He curiously asked.

"Well, you know, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now. Ever since you were Patamon and I was Gatomon. You know, it's been about a year since both of us permanently digivolved to Angemon and Angewomon." She said.

"Yes, I'll never forget that day. That's when we decided to leave T.K and Kari and we came to live here in the Digital World. We just took too much space and attention, they have to take care of their children and we're old enough and mature enough to take care of ourselves. I miss them very much." He said with a little bit of sorrow in his voice.

"Yes, I miss them too. And that brings me to my point. You know, without Kari and T.K. we sometimes feel so lonesome. You see, it's been so many years and I've developed feelings for you and I just have to tell you something." Angewomon said.

"And that is?" He curiously asked.

"I... I love you. I'm in love with you Angemon." She said, her cheeks turning a bright pink color.

He looked at her with a surprised look on his face. She blushed and looked down, eagerly expecting for him to say something.

"Um, Angewomon?"

"Yes?" She asked in an almost childlike anxiety.

"I don't feel the same way about you." He said.

She felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach. Her heart was loudly thumping, and she felt her chest tighten.

"W... w... what?" It was all she could utter.

"I don't love you like that. I mean, we have spent most of our lives together, always the best of friends. You've always been like a sister to me, always so mature, so caring. Just like Tai was with Kari. Or Matt with T.K. I only see you as a very good friend, as a sister, but nothing else. I don't love you that way." He stated.

She just couldn't believe it. After all this time she was so sure he would feel just the same way she felt towards him. And in just a minute all her dreams and illusions had shattered.

"But Angemon, I love you. I love you with all my heart." She desperately said.

"I'm sorry Angewomon, I just don't feel the same way. I think I better go. Good-bye." He turned around and walked away not wanting to hurt her feelings anymore.

She just stood there for a long time staring blankly at Angemon until he disappeared in the distance. Then she slumped on her knees and started crying. She cried until the sun set and night surrounded her. She slowly got up and started flying blindly, not caring where she was going. She flew for about an hour when a strong wind blew her out of the sky. She fell on a pile of snow and discovered she had flown all the way up a high mountain just in the middle of a blizzard. She found out that she could no longer use her wings as they were the most sensible part of her body, the bitter cold had rendered her wings useless. With no other choice, she got up and started walking.

And so Angewomon had ended up there. Her heart broken and her body slowly freezing. She had been walking for about half an hour and despite being an Ultimate level Digimon she just couldn't take the temperature, much less with so little clothing which could not protect her from the cold. Despite that, she kept walking but the temperature had taken it's toll, she was now too weak. However, in the middle of the snow storm, she saw lights. Seeing this as a chance of survival, she used the last of her strength to get to the lights. As she got closer she saw it was an enormous house, three stories tall, right in the middle of the mountain. Noticing that most lights were on, she forced herself to walk and try to reach the house. She didn't even got close as she suddenly crashed into something hard. She fell to the ground, this time not able to get up. She looked up and saw someone standing there. It was too dark to recognize who it could be, but she could make out it's body. Whoever it was, it was big, scary and intimidating, and it reached for her. She could do no more than tremble in fear and cold.

"Please... don't... hurt..." It was all she could say as she felt two big and strong hands grab her. She then lost conciousness.



Angewomon slowly woke up. She couldn't explain why, but she felt warm. She finally opened her eyes completely and realized she was in a bed, covered in blankets. Angewomon realized she was inside the house she saw earlier. She slowly got up and realized her wings weren't there anymore, however, she wasn't surprised by this. Some time before, she discovered that when her wings were extremely hurt they completely disappeared until she was healthy enough to make them appear again. She decided not to do that for now and then took a look at the room she was in. Beside the bed there was a small table with a tray of food including a bowl of hot soup, a sandwich and a tall glass of orange juice. Still feeling cold she decided to take the soup and not long after that she ate the whole meal. Feeling better she decided to get up and explore the house but before she could even move away from the bed, the door opened. The Digimon she saw was no stranger as the big humanoid lion walked over to her.

"Leomon." She murmured.

"I see you're standing. Are you feeling better now?" He asked.

"You were the one who saved me."

"Yes, it was me."

"What are you doing all the way up here?"

"I just like being alone. I'm used to it by now."

Angewomon remembered when she first saw him a few years back. During a visit to Primary Village, the original Digidestined and their Digimon were all surprised to see him walking out. After introducing him to Kari and Gatomon, whom he had never met before, they talked all day and discovered he had just gotten back to normal that same day. However, his personality seemed to have changed, he seemed more distant and kranky. After that day he was rarely seen around the Digital World.

"Have you been living here for that long?" She asked.

"Yes. Now you tell me, what are you doing here all by yourself, especially on this weather? Don't you know you could have died?"

The question immediately made her feel miserable again, remembering why she had gotten there in the first place. However, she didn't want anybody to know.

"I prefer not to talk about it." She said. He immediately noticed the tone in her voice, he knew she was going through some rough times.

"Alright then, I won't pry." He looked at her for a while, admiring her without helmet and wings for the first time. "You know, without your helmet and your wings you don't look like a Digimon at all. You look exactly like a human."

"I know. I admit it is a little weird. It makes me feel so different."

Leomon really didn't know what to say at that moment. In fact, he didn't even know why he told her that in the first place. It was a sudden urge he couldn't explain, but for a moment he felt he wanted to tell her something nice, which obviously hadn't worked.

"Leomon, was that meant to be a complement?" She asked.

"No. Now come with me" He said as he walked out of the room. She simply followed him feeling a little confused by his attitude.

Leomon showed Angewomon around the whole house which was surprisingly like a normal house. There were a lot of empty bedrooms, a few contained only beds. The only normal bedroom with all sorts of furniture was the one he took her to rest, which was his own. There were also many bathrooms and storage rooms, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. They stopped in the kitchen where there was a rather big amount of food and all sorts of beverages.

"Where do you get all this from?" She asked.

"A Frigimon lives not that far from here, he travels between worlds and brings me all sorts of foods and beverages from all over, among other things. I always have enough." He said as they both walked to the living room. He offered her a seat and they sat down in a sofa which was big enough to hold the two of them. She was still feeling terrible and actually wanted to be alone. She decided that she should go.

"Leomon, I'm very grateful that you saved me, but I have to go. Maybe I can come and visit you, but now I just want to be alone. Good-bye." Angewomon stood up to go but he grabbed her arm, gently but firmly.

"You're not going anywhere." He told her in a stern voice. She was taken by surprise and tried to get loose but Leomon's grip on her arm was very strong.

"Let me go." She demanded, not in the mood to discuss with anybody.

"I said you are not going anywhere, you are too weak to go out. Ten minutes out there and you'll freeze to death."

"I don't care, I want to go!" She then saw his eyes, which seemed full of anger.

"Listen to me Angewomon, being killed by an annoying metallic monkey and being revived more than twenty years later is already bad enough, I don't need any annoying whining. Now you're going to stay here for your own good." He said, his voice rising.

"You can't keep me here against my will!" She yelled, trying harder to shake loose.

"We'll just see about that." Leomon stood up, grabbed Angewomon and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her away. She punched and kicked at Leomon but in her weakened state she barely bothered him. He took her to his bedroom where he locked the door. He then lowered her on the bed. She tried to get up but he grabbed her again, this time much rougher than the last time. He was hurting her but for the moment he didn't care. He bought his face very close to hers.

"Now listen here missy, let's get one thing straight." He was loudly yelling. "I don't care how you're feeling, I don't care what you think, I'm not about to let you go out there to die. Now you are going to stay here whether you like it or not. You are in my house and therefore you are my responsibility and you'll do whatever I say and I suggest you do just that because I'm not known for being patient. Now just lie there, stay calm and shut the hell up, before I have to make you shut up!" He growled as he let go of her.

As soon as he let go of her, Angewomon cuddled up in the bed. She was angry at him and at herself. And even though she didn't want to admit it, she was now terrified of him. Never had a Digimon of a lower level handled her so easily. First she had discovered that the love of her life didn't love her back, then she almost froze to death and now she was being kept in a house in the middle of nowhere, against her own will by someone she didn't think capable of treating someone else so violently, not after all the good things she heard about him. And for the second time that day, Angewomon cried. Leomon stood facing the door, realizing what he just did and letting go of all the anger that had suddenly overwhelmed him.

'Dear God, what did I just do? I know that I've changed over the years, but I've never acted like that before. What would everybody think of me right now? I'm such an idiot, I try to protect her and end up attacking her, now she's terrified of me.' He turned around and saw her cuddled up, crying. 'Just look at her. Such a nice, pretty and strong Digimon and she's crying because of me, she looks so defenseless and innocent right now. And I call myself a protector, I'm simply pathetic. I have to make things right somehow.'

Leomon walked over to the light switch. He turned off the lights but bright moonlight entered through the window despite the snow storm, allowing him to see. He made his way to the bed and took off his sword on it's sheath. He then took off the belt of his pants to be more comfortable in bed and very slowly he lied down next to Angewomon. She still kept on crying.

"Angewomon." He tried to get her attention, speaking in a soft voice. Seeing that this wasn't working he slowly and gently put his arm around her. She gasped in surprise and fear but since he didn't make any sudden or violent moves, she calmed down a little. "There, there now, I won't hurt you, never again, I promise. I just want to help you feel better now." He said as he gently pulled her close to him, her head resting on his muscular chest. However, she didn't stop crying, she had gone through too much in just one day. He then started to stroke her long blond hair and spoke to her in a low voice.

"Angewomon, I'm very sorry for treating you like that, I acted like a monster and I'm ashamed of myself. You obviously have been through a lot lately. I've always been a protector to everybody and, well, I'm just looking out for you and I'm sorry that I took it too far to the point that I could have hurt you. Listen, just stay here for some time until you feel better, both physically and emotionally, then you can leave when you please. Until then, I'll be here with you and I'll help you in any way I can." Angewomon looked up to him and dried the tears in her eyes with the bed's covers.

"Do you forgive me? Will you trust me and give me a second chance?" He asked.

She thought about it for a little while. "Yes, I will. I'll stay for some time. Thank you so much for worrying about me." He looked at her and hugged her closer, now with both arms.

"Anytime Angie, anytime." She looked at him in surprise, nobody ever called her like that before. She saw that he had closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. Feeling his strong arms around her she cuddled closer to him, feeling his body heat warm her up. Slowly they both drifted into a deep sleep, feeling better with each other and a little better with themselves. Little did they know that in a short time the relationship between them would get much, much better.

To be continued...

Author's Note: And that wraps up the first part of my Surrender To True Love series. I know it's a non-lemon beginning but I like mushy stuff first and hot sexual action later, expect to see more romance and lemon scenes on the next chapters and don't expect me to write much without my fave characters as I like focusing on them. Also, don't expect me to accept any sort of request anytime soon, I'm much to busy, but I may take some later on. If you want to send me your personal opinion on my fics or if you have any questions and/or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail them to me at freakout41@hotmail.com and thanks for taking the time to read this.