If you are under the age of 18 don’t read this story the government may not like that idea (but if you think your old enough read it we don’t care.)


S: Why in the hell did you name the story Enchilada?

E: Well there is a vary good reason for it.

S: And what would that be.

E: Well it is kind of complex but…I was hungry.

S: Oh…I see. At least you weren’t thinking with your ass again.

E: Right…that was just dume dude.

S: Well, I’m not the who spelled dumb wrong, dumbass.

E: I did not misspell dume.

S: Oh yeah, just like you didn’t misspell it, again.

E: Whatever.

S: Shall we get on with the lemon?

E: Ass hole!




By E-mon & Scott Oz


            "Wake up, future Kari's gone!" yelled future Tai. "We've got go look for her!"

            "Tai, " past Kari said

            "No time now we have to go look for her!" future Tai yelled. "Izzy you and Davis..."

            "Tai!" yelled past Kari.


            "Kari's right there."

            "Oh, okay well, good work!" Tai said a bit embarrassed.  "Kari, where were you?" Future Tai asked angrily.

            "If you must know, I was going to take a bath," Kari answered.  I just came to tell you and I found you yelling that I was gone!"

            "Well sorry for being worried about you!" future Tai retorted.

            "Okay, now you know where I am, so you can calm down," future Kari said a bit sarcastically.

            Kari going to take a bath.” Davis thought with a smile. As Kari was walking towards a pond that she found, she heard a Russell, like someone was following her, but just ignored it.

After five minutes of walking she finally got to the pond, she looked around to make sure no one was around, not seeing a small figure hiding in the bushes.

            "Okay, I guess no one is here," said Kari as she started to unbutton her shorts, she slips them off along with her shoes and socks, she then pulled off her shirt exposing her budding breasts. She folded up her shirt and put it with her shorts, she then slipped off her panties and laid them next to her other clothes and dives into the water. After swimming around for a while she went to the bank. As she stood up you could see little water droplets cascading off her body and her hair glistening in the sun. She began to rub her self down, she heard something coming at her, but before she could scream, she was wrapped up. All she could see was a shape; before her eyes were covered she was dragged off and thrown into a cell still naked.

            "What is taking Kari so long?" future Gatomon asked, worried. "Maybe I should go look for her."

            "Yeah you should, she has been gone for a long time," future Tai said.

            After five minutes, Gatomon got to the pond and found that Kari was gone.

            "Kari, where are you?" yelled Gatomon, but didn't get a response.  Gatomon started to look around and seen that Kari's clothes were next to the pond. (Why would Kari leave without her clothes?) Gatomon thought to herself.

            "Kari!" Gatomon yelled again.

            "Help me, Gatomon!" she heard in the distance. Gatomon began to run toward Kari's voice. When she finally got to her, she was tied up in a Floramon's vines.

            "Let her go!" Gatomon yelled, as she jumped up in the air and brought her paw crashing down on the Floramon's head.  The Floramon let go of Kari and ran off into the woods.

            "Kari are you okay?" Gatomon asked.

            "Yeah thank you," Kari said hugging Gatomon.

            "Okay, lets go and get your clothes," Gatomon said, blushing.

            In another part of the Digital World stood an austentaciou castle that eclipsed the sun the Floramon was speaking with a shadowed figure in one of the castle rooms.

            "The plan worked my mistress," the Floramon said.

            "Good," the shadowed figure said. As Kari and Gatomon walked back to the pond, they saw Davis.

            "What are you doing?" Kari said forgetting she was naked.

            "Well I was uhhh..." was all Davis could say. Kari looked down and saw that she was naked, and ducked behind a bush.

            "Gatomon, go get my clothes!"  Gatomon grabbed Kari's shorts and gathered up the rest of her clothes and brought them to Kari. Kari quickly got dressed.  She then walked over to Davis and slapped him upside the head.

            "Ow! What was that for?"  Davis asked holding his head.

            "Duh, you were going through my clothes!" Kari shouted, "I'm going to tell Tai!"

            "Please don't he'll, kill me."

            "That's the point."

            "I could beat him up for you," Gatomon said eagerly.

            "I'm really sorry," Davis pleaded. "It'll never happen again, I promise."

            "If you stop hitting on me for awhile I may forgive you," Kari said, "Deal."

            "Yeah okay, deal."

            "Alright, I think we'd better get back to the others," Gatomon said. And with that they headed back.

            Back at the castle a bulking figure and a smaller slender figure discuss.

            "I still can't believe he made this castle so fast," the slender one said.

            "That's why I'm the boss," said a voice out of nowhere. The being the voice belonged to soon materialized in a grand throne that resided in the darkest part of this room. "So I assume the emissary is in place?" the boss said to the slender figure.

            "Yes my lord," the slender one answered, one of the digimon I recruited has successfully replaced our captive with the copy."

            "Win will I get to fight?" the bulking figure asked.

            "In good time," the boss said, "I just need more information on the Digidestined and Digimon I haven't had the pleasure of meeting, yet." "I am also in the mood for some theatrics." As he said black hooded robes formed around the three figures. "After all we need our identifies secret

for the rest of my plans to work which is why we have the robes and we should have code names also.

            "You can call me, the Thorn," the slender one said.

            "Call me Grendel," the bulking figure said.

            "What should we call you?" Thorn asked, "Let me guess umm… Boss, Master, Overlord.

            "I thought what be obvious," the boss said. "Oblivion, of coarse."


To be continued....


OK this is the second lemon if you have any comments for E-mon or Scott oz you can send them to theimpmon11@yahoo.com. Or At scottoz@email.com.