(c) by Dragoon

Warning! This is a lemon, for those who dont know what that means, it's a fanfiction with adult concepts of the TV-Show Digimon. In most countries rated NC-17, so if it's illegal to read this sort of fanfictions at YOUR age in YOUR country stop here (Frankly its OK for me if you are under aged, but please don't let your parents catch you at reading this).




DIGIMON: Saga Of The One




Chapter 3



Surprising Arrival (Gabumon/Gatomon)



"Who are you?" Davis asked giving Jason a suspicious look. "As I said my name is Jason." he answered. "No, I mean <who> are you? What are you doing here in the Digiworld, are you a Digidestined?" Davis asked again. "I don't know what a Digidestined is so I'm definetly no one. I'm a Mage as we call us in this world, on Earth I'm a computer-scientist." Jason responded smiling at them. "Wait a second! I thought the Digiworld is closed for grown-ups." Kari claimed. "The Digiworld was never closed to adults, only to the evil ones and those with an impure heart." Jason explained. "I see. Sorry, this could be a stupid question but what year do we have?" Kari asked. "No this is no stupid question 'cause we know about your little time-travel thing. Actually we have the year..." Jason quoted a year that was in the past looking Kari directly into her eyes. Davis eyes grew wider and his jaw dropped to the ground. "THATS IMPOSSIBLE, thats completely CRAZY!!" he yelled with a insane laugh. "And where do you know us from?" Kari asked again. "It isn't that crazy, I mean we are in the Digital World everything is possible. We found your friends and they explained everything to us. By the way that boy Izzy is a real smart one even for me he is a genious." Jason clarified. "Now that would explain a lot. Only one more question: Why do you call yourself a Mage?" Davis asked still not having a good feeling about this. The Digidestined sat down and listened as Jason started to tell his story.

"Now let me explain a little: I don't know how it is in your times, but here we have three types of people: - The Mages

         - The Knights

         - and the Guardians

also the Digiworld is split into three kingdoms each controled by one of the types." Jason explained. "And what about the Digimon?" Biomon asked interested.

"The Digimon are also split into three groups. These who are in the kingdoms of the Mages and the Knights are free to do what they want, but those who are in the kingdom of the Guardians are controled by black spires and spirals that turn them evil. So you see there are conflicts between the humans, and the Digimon." Jason continued. He waved his Hand and turned the palm towards the sky. A light appeared and started to turn into a map of the Digiworld. Davis and Kari took a step back expecting an atack. "Don't be scared it's only a map. As you can see here the kingdoms of the Mages and the Knights are the smalest even together we are still smaler as the Kingdom of the Guardians, so we can't free the Digimon living there." Jason said as three parts started to turn coloured on the map. "How did you do this?" Davis asked as the map started to collapse back to his palm. "Well, the Mages, all five, are computer programmers. We were pulled here by accident. We were a team that tried to create an artifficial intelligence. We lived here for 4 Digiyears what in realtime is only a very short period. We met Digimon and become friends, also we learned how to manipulate data with our minds, it was easier for us 'cause we were all programmers. We thought it would be a good idea to call us Mages." Jason continued his strange story. "The Knights are people who could see the Digimon in a computer or a TV and were pulled here by only the wish to be with their Digimon. They are the only that can travel freely through the portals and back to earth. Their are all very young like you and all of them have their own Digimon that sweared them loyality. They also have some sort of devices, with the help of these their Digimon can digivolve into higher levels. Usually they have dragon-digimon and by traveling through the portals their clothes change into an armour and they have always a sword, so we thought it would be right if we call them Knights." Jason said. "Devices like these?" Kari asked pulling out their D3 digivice. "You are Knights?" Jason asked with a confused look. "No, in our times we call us the Digidestined." Davis answered "But we don't have an armour or sword anymore, only our Digimon." showing his D3 digivice. "No matter how we call you, you're definetly the good guys. Only one more thing: The Guardians were programmers too, but the thought that they could possibly never return to earth drove them agressive and evil. They have the same abilities like we have but they own the biggest part of the Digiworld and with this the bigger number of Digimon, and... they expand!" Jason said worried. "But now enough. We have to get to the castle before it gets dark." Jason said getting up. "And how we are supposed to do this? I mean, we can't fly and I don't think that you can fly with all of us at one time." Davis claimed. "Who said something about flying?" Jason asked. "So how we get there? Have we to walk or what?!" Davis asked sarcastically. "Yes something like this." Jason said with a smirk. He did two steps backwards and waved his hands in a circle starting to concentrate. A golden aura of pure energy wrapened around him and streams of light floated from his hands. A portal formed in front of them and started to get transparent till it showed a big white hall with persons on the other side. "Look it's Sora and the others!" Biomon yelled. "It isn't a long walk to the castle." Jason said with a sly smirk on his face. "I retreat everything I said." Davis said and nodded to Jason.






(As an information this scene tooks place during "New World".)


Far away from Kari's and Davis's landing another portal opened and some forms fell out of it. "Waaaahhh!" Izzy cried out as he felt out of the portal right into Sora's arms. "Eugh! Thanks for catching me." Izzy said as he rolled down from Sora. "No problem..." Sora responded totaly woozy. "Where are we?" Yolei asked. "I think this was some sort of interdimensional time displace we went through." Izzy said looking around. "What?" Yolei asked again with a could-you-repeat-this look. "TIME-TRAVEL" Izzy said. "Oh! So why didn't you say so?" Yolei said thinking about buying herself a pocket-dictionary. "Is everybody allright?" Izzy asked and got weak answers from the others. "Has anybody seen Kari or Davis? They're not here." TK said with an anxious voice. "Right, Biomon is missing to." Sora said a little worried. "Maybe they landed somewhere nearby." Izzy responded "I think we should split up and search for them. Everybody chooses a partner, we shouldn't walk alone around here, still this is a new world for us." "Ok! I choose Ken!" Yolei cheered and threw herself at Ken. Ken took a step back but before he could react he was tightly hugged by Yolei. "O...Kay.." he said a bit confused by Yolei's outbreak of emotions. "Well I'll go with Cody." Armadillomon said. "So I'll go with Veemon." said Hawkmon. "But I wanted...." started Veemon looking at Gatomon the only mon that drove him crazy but fell silent. "And I'll go with Gabumon." said Gatomon. "Look's like we were partners." said Izzy and looked towards Sora. "All right." was the only thing she could respond not hearing the innuendo in the sentence. "We will meet here in two hours. Oh and one more thing: please be on time, we don't want to get split up again." Izzy said turning away and walking in the opposite direction of the others. Now everyone had a partner they too turned and walked away.


"Oh it's all my fault!" Gabumon whimpered as they walked about a with Gatomon. "If I didn't touch this spire we wouldn't be transported here and everything would be all right." "It's not your fault Gabumon, it was written in the prophecy." Gatomon said comforting Gabumon. "Perhaps the people and the mon here need our help, and than you are a hero." "Do you really think so? Still I and my unhealthy curiosity are responsible for the fact that you and Kari got seperated." Gabumon said still depressed. "I like curious mon." Gatomon said with a shy smile. Gabumon was the only mon she thought about going steatdy with. She though about all the mon of the group and Gabumon seemed to be the only mon sesitive and smart enough to be her boyfriend. "Oh, really?" he said not getting the clue. He turned to Gatomon and hugged her tightly. "Now I feel better already." he said loosing his depression. Gatomon couldn't resist anymore and hugged back at the same time giving him a lick across the lips. "What was that for?" Gabumon said totaly confused by this turn of events. "You know what." Gatomon whispered into his ear giving him a seductive smile. "I was always crazy about you." she said pinning him to the ground. "So what I always wanted to ask you: Would you go steady with me?" she asked making her eyes as wide and cute as she could. "You are attractive and smart so why I should say no?" Gabumon responded. He thought that it couldn't get any better now as he found his soul-mate. "Lets seal it with a kiss." she suggested and took Gabumon into a deep kiss. Gabumon shivered as Gatomons rough sand-paper textured tongue explored the inside of his mouth. She rubbed her tiny breasts against his chest and moaned a little. This brought Gabumon's member to expansion. Gabumon's dick began to emerge and rubbed against the leg of Gatomon. Gatomon didn't need to guess what it was that was pressing against her leg, so she reached down and took Gabumon's throbbing member into her paw and started jerking it up and down. Gabumon moaned slightly as his dick was fondled by a soft furry paw. Suddenly she stopped and rolled down from him. "Hey..." he whimpered with disappointment. But then he saw that Gatomon was down on her four legs and pointing her ass up in the air. He stood up and positioned his dick at the entrance of her cunt and without wasting time pushed it up to the hilt. Gatomon moaned in delight as she felt his dick going all the way in. Throught Gatomon was all wet, there was only little resistance. He wasn't surprised that Gatomon wasn't a virgin only a little disappointed that he wasn't the first one. She was a very attractive womon so she had definetly a lover before. Gabumon humped her with full force as he felt his orgasm nearing but than slowed down in order to make it last. Gatomon was still moaning and panting hard as she was humped by Gabumon.  He leaned forward and started to fondle her tiny little breasts under her fur. As Gatomon felt the touch of Gabumon she couldn't hold it anymore and came all over Gabumon. After a few more pumps Gabumon was ready to blow and with one final thrust he buried his dick as deep as he could, his balls tightened and he blew his load deep into her. Gatomon was sweating hard as the feeling being filled up hit her sending her into another orgasm. Gabumon pulled out and they rolled next to each other. "Meeeooow...! That was goooood." Gatomon said panting. Gabumon sat up and hugged Gatomon. "It can't get any better." he said. "Thanks!" Gatomon replied blushing. Finaly they cleaned themselves up and started to walk back to the meeting point. It was getting dark so they hurried up a little.


After arriving at the meeting point the others were already there sitting around a campfire. "Where have you two been. You are late about half an hour!" Izzy demanded to know. "Well...we some sort of lost feeling for time." Gatomon said giving Gabumon a sly smile. "Allright, now that we are all here we can continue. No one found Davis, Kari or Biomon so I believe that they either landed further away, or... they didn't make the jump." Izzy said with a worried voice. "Oh no, that would be terrible news." Veemon said, feered that he could never see Davis again. "Well lets hope the best." Sora said in order to liven their spirits. Suddenly something rustled in the grass nearby. "Did you hear that?" Cody asked having the best senses of them all. "Hear what?" Yolei asked suspicious. "I heared something over there." Cody said pointing into the direction the sound was comming from. All of a sudden a person jumped out of the grass. It pulled a sword out and rushed forward. Cody relying on his Kendo techniques grabbed a rod laying nearby and blocked the atack just in time to see the peak of the sword stopping a few milimeters above his head. The person took a step back and wanted to start another atack. "Armadillomon digivolve to...Ankylomon!" Armadillomon shouted glowing brightly an jumping at the sword-maniac. "No!" the person cried as it saw a giant dinosaur appearing "I didn't know! Please stop!" it yelled as Ankylomon took a step forward. "Ankylomon stop!" Cody said knowing that if the person wanted to kill him he would already be dead. "But Cody he attacked you!" Ankylomon said. "Let him explain, I could see it at his technique, if he wanted me dead I would be dead already." Cody explained looking at the person that still held the sword ready for an atack. "Thanks." a high pitched voice said taking a step forward. I didn't know you were Knights." "We were what?" Izzy asked raising himself. "So you aren't Knights? But how your digimon can digivolve than?" "Wait a second! This is really getting weird but before we totally lose the thread let me explain some details to you." Izzy said sitting down and telling the whole story about the prophecy and the time-travel. "I see, that clears things up." the person said. "My name is Nadia, I'm a Knight, I was sent here cause we discovered a portal that had no origin." the person said taking another step forwards revealing a well shaped female body with a nice face and long red hair. She wore a shiny brass armour and a huge two sided sword that was now pulled back into it's sheath on her back. She was barely older as Cody so she fit into the digidestined standard. For a few seconds Cody couldn't take the eyes of her till she walked in front of him and streched her arm in order to help him stand up. "You have well reflexes." she said pulling him of the ground. "Thanks..." was the only word he could say. "Well, if you don't mind you could explain some things to us." Izzy said shaking her hand. They all sat down and listened to the story about the Knights, the Mages and the Guardians.

"So we the Digidestined are similar to the ones you call Knights, but we don't have any armour nor we have swords only the Digimon remained." Izzy said thinking loud. "Yes and I think the prophecy says that you can help us." Nadia claimed. "Now the first thing we should do is to meet up with the others." TK said worried about Kari. "What others?" Nadia asked. "Oh, we got seperated in the time jump three of ours landed somewhere else." Izzy explained. "I suggest we find them first." Nadia said raising. "Say, can you track down the portals by yourself?" Izzy wanted to know. "No I don't have the ability but the Mages could help us." Nadia explained looking around. "So how we get to the Mages?" TK asked. "Well the castle is about an hour way of here so we have to fly there." Nadia said. Everybody looked confused as Nadia rose her hand with the digivice. "What did she mean by that?" Izzy whispered looking suspicious. "Adamon, where are you, come out, everything is alright." Nadia yelled. Suddenly a small figure appeared out of the grass and hovered in front of her. It looked like a small grey lizard with wings on his back. "I'm here right at your services mylady" he said in a deeper voice as they expected. Izzy pulled his notebook out and started to analyze the flying lizard. They all assembled around his notebook as the information appeared on the screen:


Name: Adamon


Type: Data

Level: Rookie


Attack: Sonic Scream


"I'll have to take these persons to the castle. Do you think that you can carry them at once?" Nadia asked Dramon. "I think I can handle that." he responded moving a few meters back. "Adamon digivolve to...Dracomon!" Adamon shouted and started to glow brightly. As the glowing stopped a huge grey muscular dragon, holding a staff with a cross on the top, appeared in front of them. The information on Izzy's notebook changed:


Name: Dracomon


Type: Data

Level: Champion


Atack 1: Fury Lightning

Atack 2: Eternal Flame


"OK, now there is space enough so don't push." she said with a smile seeing the surprised look on their faces. "We don't have to fly on one digimon." said Izzy looking towards Yolei, Ken and TK. They nodded and pulled out the digivices. "Hawkmon ready for a digitation?" Yolei asked. "Sure thing. Hawkmon digivolve to...Aquillamon!" Hawkmon shouted as he began to glow, turning into a big red bird. "Wormon, ready?" Ken asked. "Everytime you want, Ken. Wormon digivolve to...Stingmon!" Wormon yelled turning into a big humanoid insect. "Now it's our turn Patamon. Digi-armor energize!" TK cried holding his D3. "Patamon armor-digivolve to...Pegasusmon, flying hope!" Patamon shouted. "Impressive! What about the others?" Nadia asked. "Their partners aren't present." Izzy explained. "They'll have to fly with you." Gatomon, Gabumon, Veemon, Izzy and Sora climbed up onto Dracomon. Nadia jumped up shouting "To the castle!" pointing into the direction. With a powerfull blow of his wings Dracomon took of in direction of the castle followed by Aquillamon, Pegasusmon, Stingmon and Ankylomon on the ground. "You don't think Izzy is acting a little bossy?" Pegasusmon asked TK as they flew above the trees. "No, I think he is right. Someone must have the charge and he is the oldest of us all." TK answered. "If you say so." Pegasusmon said sceptically.

After flying a few minutes a white castle came into sight. Even in this darkness the castle seemed to glow brightly. Dracomon flew a wide bow around the impressive building and landed in the yard and so did the others. Ankylomon rushed in through the main gate and stoped at the group. The digimon devolved back to their rookie forms and ran up to their respective partners. "Please follow me." Nadia said walking into a big tower. Cody sped up a little and walked beside her. "So this is were the Mages live?" he asked. "Not only the Mages but also the Knights, together we form "The Council". There are five Mages and five Knights and all decisions are made democratically." Nadia explained. They walked into a big elevator and Nadia typed some codes on the panel. The elevator started moving rapidly and a few seconds later they all were on the top of the tower. They entered a big white room filled with computer-screens. "Ah, Nadia!" a person said walking towards them. "Who did you brought here?" the person asked. "These are friends, I'll explain to you later." she said. "Hi! I'm called Jason." the person introduced itself. "And I'm named Izzy." Izzy said walking up shaking Jason's hand. "And these are Yolei, Cody, Ken, Sora, TK, Gabumon, Gatomon, Wormon, Patamon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon and Veemon." Izzy said pointing to each one. "Jason could you please search for another portal that opened?" Nadia asked. "Sure! This should be no problem." he said walking up to a computerscreen typing some code. Izzy followed him and watched as he typed. "It would be faster if you use a logarithmical routine." he said still studying the code. "What?" Jason asked totaly upset. "How do you know that only looking at the code once?" Jason wanted to know. "I was always a computer maniac." he answered with a sly smirk. "OK now lets try your solution." Jason said typing in some commands. A map appeared and one district glowed in red colour. "There! Another gate!" Izzy said cheerfull. "Allright then lets go search for them!" Yolei said ready to digivolve Hawkmon. "You should rest a little. Your digimon went all the way to the castle and to this district it's about 7 hours flying." Jason said calming down Yolei. "Ok who goes then?" Izzy asked. "I do!" Jason offered himself. "Wait Jason..." Nadia said running up to him explainig about the prophecy and the time-travel. Finaly he took one step back and started to glow brightly till he disappeared. "How did he do that?" Izzy asked in surprise. "Well we are all in a digital world so you can manipulate data. This was only a cut and paste command he formed with his mind, quite simple, rigth?" another person said approaching the group. "I'm Merlin. I'm his "master" as he calls me." the person said. It was a tall man about 40 years old, dressed in a blue robe with a spiky hat in the same colour. "MERLIN!?" everyone shouted in surprise. "Oh kids this is just a nickname, I use it only in the Digiworld." he explained to the confused digidestined. "It was my idea to set this base up in a medieval style, and call us Mages and Knights." he said laughing loud. "Oh this explains a lot." Izzy said still feeling out of place. "Say, could you teach me some tricks?" Izzy asked looking up to Merlin. "Shure why not but it took me several years to learn them." Merlin responded. "Please follow me into the training room." Izzy left the room with Merlin leaving the others allone. "So how you got here?" Cody asked Nadia. "Well this was about a year ago as I saw a digimon through a TV and than it happened, I was pulled into the Digiworld." she answered looking at Cody. "Later I met Adamon and got my digivice." Nadia explained turning around to Adamon. "He's a very polite digimon." The others were just sitting around and resting Gatomon was laying cuddled up tightly with Gabumon, Veemon stared at them in disbelief. "You knew about it?! Is that the reason why you dragged me away from her?!" Veemon finaly spoke mad at Hawkmon. "Yes I knew it. Gatomon asked me before we got here that I should look for an opportunity to leave them allone." Hawkmon answered looking up to Veemon that started to turn depressed. "I'm sorry Veemon but I didn't knew about your feelings." he said. "It's not your fault. You didn't knew." Veemon said still depressed. "Don't worry you will find the one." Hawkmon answered now feeling guilty about his depression. Outside the sun slowly rose and gave the inside of the tower a bright golden shine. After a few minutes the sun had rose up high in the sky and the beauty of the landscape outside could be admired. Like a liquid the sunnlight worked its way into every dark place that could be seen. Everybody assembled at the big glass windows in the tower in order to watch the spectacle. "It is beautifull..." Sora spoke out what everybody thought. "It took us very long to create that landscape, but together with our digimon we made it." said Merlin approaching the group with Izzy. Suddenly a glowing orb appeared in the middle of the hall and started to turn into a portal. Slowly the portal got transparent and they could see Jason at the other side. "Look it's Davis and Kari..." yelled Veemon "...and Biomon" Sora added cheerfully.





Next Chapter: Unison!



So this is my third lemon, I hope you liked it. Please send any comments and/or criticism sjgoku@freenet.de. Please be kind! Requests go to the same adress with the subject "request". Thanks for reading!


For similar content I recomend Redrover and SonimodB, through I don't write half as good as them they're REALY worth a look.


I also recomend http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/digilemons at Yahoo Clubs since it is SonimodB's club its worth a look.


Check out http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/justdigimonsex for great Hentai pixx.


In case that this lemon would be published outside the Digiartistsdomain:

--> www.digiartistsdomain.com is the source for Digimon Hentai and Digilemons in the whole WWW.


Oh, by the way: THIS LEMON IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED by law, any publishing without my permission is a criminal act.