Silent Memory

By DigistarDBZ

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(A/N: Hoo boy. If you thought "Ofuro Ni Hairu" was intense in the

masturbation department, you ain't seen NOTHING yet.  Since

Melanie's stories inspired this hot little number, I dedicate this

short fic to her.  May all your stories be so hot, it burns,

Melanie-sama! )

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"M...ahhn...." He struggled to say the name of his lover, but that

same heat that caught his breath caught whatever words

he wanted to say.



His velvet white gloves ran their course up and down the equally

pale shaft, almost like the colors were melted together by the

intense heat that he felt.  Arching his back from the soft covers

of his bed, his legs spread wider, not even caring about the lime

green trousers that were being stretched to their limits.


'I wish I didn't have to care about the world differences we are in

now...' he thought, sweat streaking from under his mask and

down his face.  'If only... If only....' 


He gasped as another surge of pleasure shot through him like a

bullet.  Everything that transpired the night before he left stuck

with him like a sick memory, yet one that was so intimate, so

passionate... just thinking about it would make him so hard, he

couldn't stand it.


That was where he was now.


Lamenting in the absence of his lover in the only way he could.


"Aa.... Aiya.... M...myahh....."


It felt like the surge had downgraded when he took one of his

hands away from his aching organ, but he had to feel other

places to get the full drive of his emotion back. 


He remembered all the places he touched....


All the places he kissed...


Just the gentle velvet caress of his glove over his stomach was

like a lighting strike.   He put his hand over his heart, feeling it

thump over and over again, each thump faster than the last. He

could feel his lungs push air frantically in and out with each stroke

that his other hand did to his lower reigons.


'So good... why can't _he_ be here, touching me like this?' his

subconscious lamented, drawing intense emotion in before

blowing it out into what felt like a balloon- if it got too large, it

would pop with a rather loud noise.


That's exactly what he wanted.




To expell all of this emotion and be done with it, but still have the

silent memories that remained.




He slipped his shoulder out of his opened shirt and jacket,

turning his head and breathing heavily onto it.  He didn't care if it

made him sweat harder.  It just made _other_ places harder....




'Give me release...'


Nothing ever made him feel this good...


Except for the moments with his lover.  Nothing could topple

those moments... not even just falling headfirst into his own

sexual fantasies.




He arched back before spilling his lust into his hands, drenching

the perfect white gloves in an faint pastel yellow.  In between his

frantic breaths, he chuckled as he watched the goo drip down his

fingers, some of it splattering onto his pants while most of it

covered his stomach.


"Ah, Myotismon...." Piedmon sighed as he slipped his sticky

gloves off of his hands.  "Again, you amaze me with your


