Warning this contains adult acts between humans and digimon. Do not read 
if you find this against your likings and/or are less than 18 years of age or the 
required age of viewing adult materials in your location. By continuing you wave 
all responsibility by the writer or holder of this story and will have to deal 
with all broken laws etc by yourself.


	"Stupid boys! Can't they see there's more important things then "playing!"
Grumbled Rika, scowling as she leaned against a tree a few yards deep in the 
forest surrounding the park she was in. Takato, Lee, Calumon, Terreirmon and 
Guilmon all laughed making her scowl deeper as she watched Guilmon catch a 
football and get tackled by the rest of the boys. The red lizard type digimon 
still managed to move though, grunting in its whiny sounding voice as it crawled 
for the goal post of the game they were playing which was a swing set a dozen or 
so feet away. Rika winced as she heard the digimon's voice, as usual, grating 
against her already high-strung nerves.
	"It seems good enough strength training to me." Said Renamon sitting on a 
tree branch above the other girl. "All though quite childish and if there was 
actually any adults in this place they'd have a hard time explaining themselves."
	"Hmmph, childish. Lets go train ourselves, Renamon. Unlike some people we 
shall be prepared for the next battle." Rika pushed herself away from the tree 
they were both sharing and without looking up at her digimon partner, started 
walking back deeper into the trees.
	"Yes, Rika." Said Renamon, her body growing indistinct and disappearing as
she followed the girl.
	"Hahahah you got me!!!" yelled Takato, laughing as Guilmon tackled him, a 
few seconds later Calumon jumping onto his head also. Laughing they all turned to 
Lee and blinked as they saw him looking out into the forest next to them with out 
even seeming to notice them.
	"Hmmm I think that was Rika..." said Lee turning back to them.
	"Brr that girl gives me the cold shoulder!" Terreirmon shivered and wrapped 
his ears around his body.
	Lee smiled and looked down at the small digimon, "Cold shoulder means she 
doesn't talk to you Terreirmon, not a literal cold shoulder."
	"Oh, well she gives me both then!" said Terreirmon grinning before joining
Takato and the others in the group tackle.
	"You can say that again..." Lee squinted trying to see the outline of the 
girl in between the trees but couldn't catch any sign of her. He relaxed, "Oh 
well... If she ever did want to join us she'd probably make us play king of the 
hill or something and cheat just to stay on top."
	Calumon giggled and hopped up onto Guilmon's head, doing his best to look 
mean, "I'm king of the hill and anyone who says otherwise has to deal with her!" 
he pointed back at Terreirmon who made his face look almost emotionless as he 
crossed his small arms over his chest and let out a small "Humph!"
	"Hehe, not bad guys! I think you need to get Rika's facial tick down 
though!" said Takato.
	Calumon blinked, "Facial tick?"
	Takato laughed, "Yeah the one she's going to get someday if she keep 
squinting her face like that!" he wrinkled up his own face and gave himself a mock
sneer. Calumon fell off Guilmon's head backwards as the group all started laughing
	"Let see how high you can jump Renamon." Said Rika as the two of them 
stood in a small clearing that they had found earlier during the week. Renamon was
in the exact center of it with Rika, her arms crossed against her chest as usual, 
standing on the outskirts to give the digimon room to maneuver.
	"Yes, Rika." Renamon's blue eyes flashed as she crouched slightly and shot
up in just one leap above the trees tops. Her body flashed and seemed to disappear
only to reappear a moment later on one of the tree branches five feet or so lower 
then she was where she once again leaped up into the air, reaching nearly 50 feet 
above the clearing before landing on another tree branch. There was a cracking 
noise as the branch, to small to support the digimon's weight, broke and fell to 
the forest floor. Already acting in the first split second of the noise, Renamon 
jumped off, landing in a crouch on the forest floor, standing up in almost the 
exact same area in the clearing she had started from.
	"Not bad..." Rika's mouth turned up in a little half smirk, half grin, 
"Points for the last second dismount, but you shouldn't have picked such an 
unsteady place to land in the first place. If this had been a digimon battle you 
would have given yourself open to an attack if the place you had decided to land on 
gave way. We'll have to work on that." She almost glared as the digimon made a
dissatisfied "humph," but restrained herself.
	"All right." Rika nodded and stepped sideways. She pointed at the tree 
that had been behind her. "Lets see if your attacks are getting any better."
	Renamon's nodded again, her eyes closing for a moment as her muscles 
tensed up, then, going into a crouch, she leapt ten feet into the air before 
yelling "DIAMOND SHOWER!!!" The area around her body glowed as diamond like shards 
suddenly appeared and flew from in front of her, the first dozen snipping all the 
branches off the tree and the second dozen neatly slicing the tree's trunk in half 
cuasing it to fall forward. Landing gracefully she looked over at Rika as the 
sound of the branches falling to the ground was followed by the large branchless 
trunk of the tree falling between them with a loud crash.
	"Well at least your aim is defiantly improv....." she looked at her belt 
pouch on the side of her hip as a beeping was heard. ".ing.. Looks like we'll have
a chance to train in real combat conditions, Renamon." Said Rika as she pulled out
her D-arc. The screen flashed to life and the green dot of their position was 
displayed in the center along with a large red dot to the east showing a digimon's
presence other then her own or the other boy's digimon out at the park.
	She smirked and looked up at her partner, "Lets go Renamon. Play times 
over and there's work to be done here." She turned and dashed in the direction of 
where her D-arc was telling her the digimon was as Renamon disappeared as usual 
behind her.
	"I got the ball!!!!!!!" yelled Guilmon as he pulled himself up. 
	Takato sweatdropped, "Uh Guilmon? That's not the ball that's my head...."
	"Oops sorry Takato!" the digimon released his grip on the boy's head and 
started looking around, "So where's the....."
	"....ball." Guilmon cocked his head as he looked over at the swing set 
where Calumon was doing a victory dance with a football, which was nearly as big 
as he was. "How the heck did he run with that?"
	"WHA?!?!?" Calumon looked up and had just enough time to see Terreirmon, 
ears outstretched, fly at him and to try to back away before the diminutive 
digimon crashed into him. They rolled a few feet from the impact, Terreirmon's 
ears wrapped around both of them, as they both gripped the football between them 
in a struggle for who would keep it.
	Lee chuckled and shook his head before walking over to try and break them 
up, "Terreirmon! Your supposed to tackle him before he gets to the goal! Not 
	"Oops." Terreirmon sweatdropped and pulled himself off Calumon. "I thought
 we were just supposed to tackle whoever has the... Uh oh..."
	"Huh?" Lee and Calumon both half turned as a "DOG PILE!!!" yelling Guilmon
tackled all three of them.
	Lee winced, "Ouch my spleen!"
	"Ouch my ears!!" said Terreirmon in reply, pulling himself up from where 
he had been pushed a few feet away as Lee had landed..
	"Owwww everything.." said Calumon, his voice muffled by the fact he was 
under both Lee and Guilmon.
	"Haha, I think your taking this football thing just a little too seriously
Guilmon!" Takato walked up to the group and started trying to pull Lee out from 
under the red digimon by tugging on his arm.
	"I'll say!" Calumon rolled out onto his back, his big ears popping out as 
far as they could go, "I couldn't breath in there, that and I don't think 
Guilmon's heard of deodorant yet....."
	Guilmon cocked his head again and looked at him as he pushed himself up to
his feet, "What's deodorant?"
	Takato, Lee, Calumon and Terreirmon all stared at him for a moment in 
disbelief and then burst into laughter, Calumon falling over backwards as he tried
to get up he was laughing so hard. All of this just added to Guilmon's confusion 
as he cocked his head even farther, nearly tipping over, but catching himself 
until the sound of Lee and Takato's D-arcs beeping startled him. Calumon made a 
startled noise and almost managed to scurry away before the much bigger digimon 
fell over on top of him.
	"Digimon?" asked Lee looking up from his D-arc.
	Takato nodded, "Digimon. And it looks like a large one." He reached into 
his pocket and made sure he had his digimon cards before turning to Guilmon. 
"Ready for a sprint?"
	"Long distance? Or the dime a minute kind?" asked Guilmon. Calumon rolled 
around and started laughing from his new place on the digimon's head as Guilmon 
stood up.
	Lee gave the digimon another disbelieving look, "The dime a minute kind 
wise guy...." he turned and gestured with his hand for the digimon to follow as he 
pointed up into the air with his other hand, "Now come on we got a digimon to 
	Guilmon turned and looked at Takato, "Has he been taking lessons from Rika?"
	Takato blinked, "Huh, no why?"
	Guilmon sweatdropped, "Cause he's starting to get really intimidating...."
	"Are you two coming or not!" asked Lee peaking his head around a tree and 
grinning with Terreirmon hanging off his head.
	Guilmon chuckled, "Okay maybe not so intimidating.
Takato laughed and slapped the digimon playfully on the back, "Come on lets go 
before he actually does!"
Guilmon nodded, "Right!"
"What type of digimon is that??" asked Rika as she ran over a bridge not far from 
the park. Below her the road was filled with a traffic jam of cars as a large 
white digimon with a low jaw full of rotted teeth, a bone club and horns all over 
its body was trying to apparently eat the first car in the line. The owners had 
apparently already abandoned the car a while ago and now stood several feet away 
trying to figure out what to do as steam came from the hood.
	Renamon flashed into view from behind her, "Check the D-arc."
	"Right why didn't I think of that.." Rika scowled as she pulled her D-arc
in front of her and hit a few buttons. Immediately a 2d holographic image of a 
rotating disc with symbols around it appeared over the top of it and in the middle
a picture of the digimon with the words "IceOgremon" under it apeared. "IceOgremon
huh....? What is it with these ice digimon rip-offs? As if Ice Devimon wasn't 
	"Whoa!!! Who's that!?!" asked a voice suddenly from the right side of the 
bridge. Rika turned and scowled deeper as Takato, Lee, and their digimon ran up 
next to her and looked off the side of the bridge.
	Rika turned back to the scene below, "None of your business. Renamon was 
just about to take care of him, weren't you Renamon?"
Behind her the digimon nodded. "I'll show you how a real digimon fights." Renamon 
crouched for a second and disappeared only to reappear down below them.
	"Oh sure! That's what you always say!!" yelled Lee cupping his hands in 
front of his mouth.
	"Hrrm?" IceOrgemon looked up from his attempts at chewing on the cars 
hood, frost dotting the metal where his teeth and breath had hit it. He 
immediately spotted Renamon less then five feet away and raised his bone club 
menacingly. "So trying to steal my food are you??"
	Renamon made a little dissatisfactory grunt as she crossed her arms in 
front of her and leaned to her side, "Why would I want to eat that metallic 
	"So a liar as well as a thief then!?!" yelled IceOgremon pointing his bone 
club at her. "ICE STREAM!!!"
	Rika and the rest of the digimon and their tamers all gasped as a blast of 
ice shot out of his club, hitting Renamon in her chest before she even had a 
chance to move. A dense ice flashed over her, freezing all but her head in an ice
crystal and causing her to fall over with a dull crack as it hit the asphalt.
	"RENAMON!!!!" yelled Rika angrily. She reached for her pouch holding her 
deck of cards and pulling out the one she wanted slashed it across the opening of
	"RAGRRRH!!!" IceOrgemon turned and threw another Ice Stream her way, 
hitting the D-arc and card freezing them both. Rika barely had time to drop it 
before the ice had a chance to work its way to her hand.
	"We'll handle it!!!" yelled Takato. Both Lee and himself turned to their 
digimon and nodded as they pulled cards out of their pockets or pouches and began
to slash them.
	"No you won't!!!!!!"  yelled IceOrgemon spraying another stream at the two
boys now, hitting their D-arcs and cards. The tamers dropped them to the ground as
the ice almost crystallized over the machines.
	"We don't need cards to beat the likes of you!!" yelled Terreirmon spinning 
himself in to a tornado as Guilmon leaped over the edge of the bridge at 
the same time with his mouth full of flame. A split second later they both 
clattered to the ground encased in ice, Guilmon's fire dying before it was 
launched and Terreirmon spinning against the asphalt for a few seconds before 
coming to a stop.
	"Guilmon!!!" yelled Takato, nearly jumping off the bridge in his want to 
reach his partner, beside him he heard Lee call out his own digimon's name.
	"There's no way we can do anything without our D-arcs! We need to get our 
digimon out of there and hope that they thaw!" yelled Lee grabbing Takato's and 
Rika's arms and trying to drag them over to one of the sides of the bridge.
	"No." said Rika bluntly and shrugging her arm out of Lee's hand. Lee 
stopped and stared at her.
	"Don't you care about your digimon!?!"
	"Don't, go there." Said Rika scowling at him. Now go save your pitiful 
digimon. I have work to do and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't look."
	"Huh?" Lee blinked and suddenly blushed and turned around as Rika started 
unbuckling her jeans and belt.
	She glared again their way as Takato's mouth dropped open as she pulled her 
pants down to reveal the light blue panties she always wore, "Well are you 
going to go to your digimon or are you just going to stare all day?" she bent over
and riffled through her card bag as she started slipping her underwear off 
revealing her cunt and butt. She finally grunted in approval of her search and 
pulled out a card that Takato could clearly see as a digivolution card.
	"B-b-b-ut..." Takato's mouth worked as he saw Rika pull her legs out from 
her pants and panties and kick the clothes onto the ground at the edge of the 
	"I told you not to look. Its your own fault now, let me do my work 
alright? D-arc's aren't the only way to slash cards. As I've found out. Of course 
though you need to be the superior breed of a girl which you quite frankly are 
not. " She looked over the edge of the bridge at Renamon and spread her pussy's 
lips with her left hand as she readied the digivolution card with the other. By 
this time Lee had turned around wondering why no one was coming with him. He 
immediately had to clamp his hands over his nose as he got a nosebleed.
	She sighed but didn't look their way as she brought the card down between 
her legs, "Can't you boys ever listen?" She suddenly took a deep breath and pushed
the tip of the card between her lips and slid it along between her pussy's 
entrance as she would the slot of her D-arc. She immediately yelled out and fell 
to her knees clutching the card as what seemed to be electricity sparked around it
and pulled it out in front of her the mini lightning bolts following the card from
her pussy's entrance.
	She gasped out for air as she yelled, "DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!!!" the card
separating and releasing its energy. A split second later there was a sound of 
shattering glass that drew the two boys attention away from her as Kyubimon broke 
free of her prison and leaped at IceOgremon slashing and biting the digimon with 
her teeth. Letting out a final yell, the digimon disintegrated into random data, 
the battle already over.
Rika's moans though brought Takato's and Lee's attention back to the girl, the two
boys running up to her and dropping to their knees as they thought she was in 
	"Are you okay??" asked Takato still running on instinct as he pulled her 
legs apart to see if she had hurt herself. He suddenly blushed as he realized he 
was looking at the girls wide open cunt.
	"You pervert!!!" yelled Rika from in between moans as she whacked Takato 
on the head with her clenched fist. She let out another moan as the static 
electricity from slashing the card in her cunt caused her millions of little 
pinpoints of pleasure along her cunt's walls. The invisible force that usually 
followed the card pushed into her spreading her to her limits and allowing the 
boys to see all the way to the back of her cunt and pushing her open enough even 
to have to slip a silver dollar into her all the way to her cervix without 
scraping her sides, little lightning flashes dotting along inside her. Drops of 
her cum leaked between her fingers to splash on the pavement as, even with her 
anger at the two boys looking at her secret spot, she couldn't help herself from 
grinning and moaning in pleasure. She had first learned about the ability to use 
her cunt to slash the cards when she had been playing with a basic speed card, the
resulting electricity had made her cum all of her bed and she had been doing it 
every night since, but the digivolution card was giving her nearly ten times the 
feeling she was used to.
	She suddenly cried out as her pussy twinged, her cunt's muscles rippling 
and grasping at the invisible rod stuck in her, holding her open even more for 
everyone to see and a split second later she came, feeling her cum trickle out of 
her easily on to the asphalt of the bridge flowing unimpeded by the forces pushing
into, her body shuddering with each pleasurable lance of the cards electricity 
playing across her moist walls.
	"Rika..." said Kyubimon lightly. Takato and Lee both froze as they heard 
the digimon's voice behind them and their compromising position. Takato was the 
first to turn slowly, "Uh we didn't do anything... it was her..." he pointed 
gingerly at the orgasming Rika who had pushed two of her fingers into herself and 
was now rubbing them in and out of herself against her walls, oblivious to the 
people around her.
	"I believe you...." Said Kyubimon as she jumped off the guardrail of the 
bridge. Her tails spit out three flames at the frozen D-arcs on the ground and 
melted the ice around them before she dedigivolved back to Renamon to the boy's 
	"Honestly she had the card and the....oh....Y-y-you believe us?" Takato 
let out a heavy sigh of relief.
Renamon just walked by the two tamers and bent down in front of Rika who was just
finishing her orgasm. She still moaned out as the force inside her continued to 
push in and out of her and dot her walls with flashes of static, 
	"Yes, Rika." Said Renamon. She turned a little as she heard Guilmon and 
Terreirmon, newly freed from their ice crystals, arrive on the bridge. Both of the
digimon's mouths dropped as they saw the half naked Rika. Even from twenty feet 
away the two of them could see her wide open cunt and the flashes of blue static 
inside it cuasing both of their cocks suddenly to spring to life, the red lengths 
popping out of their sheaths. Renamon almost grinned and turned to the two boy 
tamers, "Leave now. Your digimon can stay." She gave them a menacing look just to
get them moving.
	"Uh.....right....." Takato grinned sheepishly and backed up on his hands 
and knees before getting up and running. As he passed by Guilmon he yelled out a,
"We'll ah... wait for you over at the park....!" and ran off the bridge followed
by worried looking Lee.

	"Well that's encouraging...." said Guilmon sweatdropping.
	"You can say that again..." Terreirmon blinked as Renamon walked up to 
the two of them.
	"Your going to help me." Said Renamon looking at both of them seriously.
	Guilmon cocked his head, "Huh?"
	"When Rika used the digivolution card she thought it was like a normal 
card," the fox like digimon turned back to look at Rika who was moaning heavily 
but getting to her feet anyway, despite the fact she was still full of whatever 
is normally in the digimon's card's energy. "In other words she thought that the 
card's power would fade in minutes. The digivolution card is significantly more 
powerful so may last hours. You two are going to help by drawing out that power. 
Rika will be significantly annoyed if she finds out how long this is going to 
	"But." Guilmon looked at Renamon confused, "We don't know how."
	"Rika." Renamon started walking over to her, ignoring Guilmon and 
beckoning the two digimon to follow. She stopped in front of the girl, who 
didn't seem slightly embarrassed at all with the digimon being around her when 
she was half naked, and bent over to whisper in the girls ear. Rika's eyes 
widened and suddenly she smirked.
	"Hmm well we'll have to see if male digimon are that useful for that..." 
she turned to the two confused digimon. "Well I'm already half way there so I 
guess I'm willing to "help" since it'll further my own gains....." her smirk got 
wider as she suddenly reached down to grab the two long red cocks that both of 
the digimon were displaying, having to bend down to reach Terreirmon's and 
started stroking them. She grinned now as she saw that Guilmon's was nearly a 
foot long and 5 inches wide, but almost frowned when she saw Terreirmon's was 
only a fraction of the size.
	"Ohh that's nice...." Said Guilmon his head tilting as the girl's hand 
worked its way up and down the hard shaft. He heard the girl stifle a giggle as 
his leg started going, thumping against the ground, but didn't care as his hips 
started working also, pushing forward into the girls hand. Beside him Terreirmon 
was doing similar, his animal like instincts causing him to push into her hand, 
neither one of them shy about being handled by the girl.
	After a minute Rika felt her pussy start to twitch again as the cards 
energy in her cunt set her closer to her next orgasm and decided to go on to the 
next best thing she knew. Bending down even further so she was kneeling, she 
took the long tip of Guilmon's cock into her mouth and started bobbing her head 
up and down on it, working her tongue around it and surprisingly, liking the 
taste of it. The entire length of the red member was naturally slippery feeling 
because of a thin fluid that seeped out of pores along it's length, and to 
Rika's surprise she found that it gave digimon's long penis an odd flavor she 
couldn't have described, but not one that wasn't highly enjoyable.
	She was just getting into it when she heard Guilmon moan along with 
Terreirmon beside him, who was still getting attention from Rika's hand. Looking 
up she wondered what was going on, since she had only seen a small amount of any 
adult material in her life and only knew basic things like what she was doing 
now, but not what really happened during them and almost pulled back as she felt 
a stream of salty fluid shoot out of the head of Guilmon's cock. After a moment 
of surprise she started swallowing it as more and more of it poured into her 
mouth as Terreirmon also started doing the same thing as Guilmon, the white 
fluid of his cum shooting across the top of her hand. Pulling back her head as 
she felt Guilmon's orgasm starting to trickle out in her mouth, she lifted her 
hand up and licked Terreirmon's cum off her hand to see if it tasted the same. 
Acting as the last straw, she felt her inner muscles of her pussy clench up 
again as she orgasmed, cuasing her to drop to her hands and knees as she cried 
	"Are you alright?" asked Guilmon his head turning to the side. 
Terreirmon looked at her worriedly also, not sure if girls should be screaming 
out like that when they were doing stuff like this.
	"She's having an orgasm. She'll be all right, Actually she'll find it 
preferable the more of them you can give her." said Renamon who had moved over 
and sat on the guardrail of the bridge while they had been going at it.
	"Oh!" said Guilmon grinning. He had been with a few digimon before, but 
none had cried out really, but he was pretty sure how to give Rika more orgasms 
from his experience.
	"I knew that!" said Terreirmon. Renamon looked at him knowing and 
discouraging look and he lowered his head, "Okay I didn't know it."
	"Will you two be quiet and stop proving that male digimon seem to have 
no intelligence?" asked Rika gasping as she finally stopped cumming. She 
breathed in heavily and pulled herself up to her feet and walked over to the 
guardrail of the bridge. "Lets do the next thing, I'm sure you'll know what to 
do..." she put her hands against the barrier, bent over and spread her legs.
	"I know what to do!" said Guilmon nodding. He started walking over to 
Rika but stopped as he realized Terreirmon seemed to have no idea. "Don't worry 
I'll help you figure it out Terreirmon!" said Guilmon reassuringly, walking back
and picking up the digimon with his paws before walking over to Rika. He set the
small digimon on her butt and looked at Rika's exposed open crotch. "On second 
thought, I'm clueless as how both of us are going to do this...." he cocked his 
head as he saw one of the static flashes spread through the girl's wide open 
	Renamon sighed and walked over to them. Without making a word she picked 
up Terreirmon with one hand and grabbed his still hard, but small cock and 
pushed it into Rika's ass, making the girl gasp out before walking back to her 
seat. Terreirmon experimentally pulled backwards, using his ears to grip Rika's 
waist and started pumping happily in and out as he realized what was going on.
	"Oh so that's how you do it!" said Guilmon watching the small digimon 
pumping into the girl, the red cock disappearing in and out.
	"Just GET on with it." Said Rika annoyed in between her moans of 
	"Oh! Oh, yeah right." Guilmon sweatdropped and grabbed the girl's waist 
with his paws just above Terreirmon ears and pushed his cock forward, burying it
into the girls cunt in one push not realizing that human females required him to 
go slowly. Rika immediately moaned out, the entrance being only slightly rough 
for her since her cunt was already stretched open as if it was filled completely 
by an abnormally large cock, but Guilmon's member was still rather large for 
her, stretching her even farther. She started moan and crying out as she pushed 
back against the surprised digimon who was blinking from the noise Rika was 
making, and finally started meeting her thrusts onto his cock as he caught on.
	"Mmmmmm, I'll give digimon this, they're definitely good at this even if 
a base animal could do it." Said Rika moaning out each word as she felt the two 
cocks rub against each other through the thin area between her cunt and ass. The 
static electricity of the cards power continued through her cunt, lancing around 
Guilmon's cock and tickling both sensitive fleshes to the nth degree, making 
them work even harder to keep up with each others thrusts. After a minute 
Terreirmon came in her, filling her with small gushes of cum as he cried out, 
but to the tamers surprise he kept going, never losing any of his rigidness even 
after he finished cumming.
	"Ah man I missed the fun! This is what I get for not wearing a seatbelt 
when riding Guilmon's head." said Calumon catching Renamon actually by surprise 
as he appeared next to her on the bridge. His red member was half the size of 
Guilmon in length and three inches in width as it stuck out from his crotch from 
seeing Rika. His ears were retracted into his head and he was almost pouting.
	"I'm available for some "fun." Said Renamon bluntly in her usual 
superior sounding tone and looking down at the small digimon like he was an 
appetizer. She was feeling extremely turned on from watching the two male 
digimon taking on Rika and the look she was giving made even Calumon gulp a 
little bit. Not waiting for the digimon to say anything she bent down and pushed 
the male digimon's cock into her mouth, the width of it barely fitting as she 
took it all the way down to its base, her long head keeping it a good distance 
away from the back of her throat. She sucked down deep on it to Calumon's 
surprise and delight as his ears popped out to their full length, swirling her 
rough cat like tongue around it as she listened to the digimon's squeals. Within 
seconds the inexperienced digimon felt his cock begin to swell to nearly twice 
its original width, Renamon's eyes widening in surprise and then closing as she 
started grinning happily around the cock that was now almost to thick for her to 
push into her mouth anymore, or out for that matter, as she tasted the first 
drops of the Calumon's cum hit her tongue. Leaking out slowly at first, the 
digimon's cum picked up until Renamon wasn't quite sure if she had the digimon's 
cock or a fire hose in her mouth, making her have to take quick and deep gulps 
of the salty fluid as more and more of it filled her long mouth. It finally 
trickled to a small leak after a minute as the digimon's cock deflated to a 
manageable size and Renamon pulled it out, a small amount of the Calumon's cum 
trickling from her lips.
	"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Renamon's head jerked as she heard her tamer 
cry out.
	"I'm, I'm....I don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing something!!!!!" 
yelled Rika not knowing any words like orgasming or cumming to describe what she 
was feeling as Guilmon and Terreirmon's hectic pace continued, their cocks 
pumping in and out of her at different rates. The red head cried out as she sent 
back a wave of cum against Guilmon's cock, gripping him tighter with her muscles 
and the static energy increasing around the red length. Feeling energized by the 
static energy Guilmon nearly tripled his pace, Rika moaning out as her feelings 
of being done by the digimon made her unable to even think enough to be able to 
keep her tongue in her mouth as she came.
	Rika cried out again a second later as she felt Terreirmon suddenly cum 
in her for the fifth time, the feeling of the digimon's warm sperm filling her 
even more as it joined the pint already in her causing her to peak in her 
	"Humph." Said Renamon smiling almost unnoticeably. Her hand found its 
way to Calumon's cock and was stroking it up and down making him giggle happily. 
Getting up she saw Calumon look at her disappointed as he thought she was 
leaving, but moaned happily as Renamon sat down suddenly, impaling herself on 
his cock. She almost gasped as the digimon fell just short of filling her 
completely like her mouth with its width, but thru her normal reticence in being 
quiet she kept herself from making much of any noise as she began pulling her 
self up the red cock. Pulling it almost completely out of her, she pushed 
herself down again feeling her muscles slowly begin to grip it a little less 
with the motion and slowly allowing her to start pumping faster and faster on 
its length. 
	Calumon giggled underneath her as he felt himself slide in and out of 
her moist folds, his cock close enough to his head because of his small size to 
see the pink lips of the girl grip him and slide down his length with each 
thrust. Looking up a short distance to his left he grinned as he could even see 
Renamon's furred breasts bounce with each of her movements.
	"FASTER!!!" yelled Rika as next to them as she felt Guilmon, energized 
by the cards power and the static bolts dieing down inside her, speed up AGAIN, 
the pleasure that she had received from the cards power quickly being replaced 
by Guilmon's speedy pumps into her.
	Taking the girl quite literally Guilmon sped up his pace, going even 
faster, rivaling a speed humans couldn't on even their best day and still not 
tiring as Rika gripped the guardrail with her hands as he thrusted into her. 
Crying out one last time Terreirmon came for the eight time from the top of 
Rika's ass and slipped off of her, his finally limp cock sliding out of her. He 
fell to the asphalt of the road they were on and breathed heavily, trying to get 
the energy just to stand up as his legs felt like rubber.
	"I'm going to....!!!!!!" Yelled Guilmon in his high voice as he slammed 
into Rika one last time, shoving his red cock up to the base into her warm 
folds, the top pressing  heavily against her cervix. They both yelled out in 
mutual orgasm as Guilmon shot a huge blast of cum into her, nearly half the 
amount he had stored up in his body nearing nearly half a gallon pouring into 
her in one burst. As Rika's pussy muscles continued to milk him he continued 
cumming, shooting another shot after another of his cum into her, each smaller 
then the last, but slowly building up inside her till it leaked out of her from 
around the member buried deep in her, the digimon's warm semen flowing into her 
womb just as it also flowed in a near water fall down her legs. Finally gasping 
for air they both pulled away from each other, Guilmon's limp, but still large 
cock retracting into its sheath as he pulled out of her with a small flood of 
his cum exiting from her cunt. Rika immediately fell to her hands and knees as 
she panted, feeling the digimon's warm fluids trickling out of her onto the road
 as Guilmon, also panting, slumped down next to Terreirmon.
	"Mmmm." Mumbled Renamon as she felt her own orgasm come over her. Her 
cunts walls gripping Calumon's already re-enlarged rod as she felt the fire hose 
of his cum shoot into her, filling her pussy and womb with the salty fluid. She 
pulled herself up and down slowly, allowing just enough room for his fluids to 
fill her, hitting the back of her womb with each pulse, until she finally had to 
pull his cock out of her to keep him from over filling her. Her insides nearly 
over saturated by his nearly two gallons of cum he had already shot, she pulled 
back as he continued shooting, letting his cum catch on her body's fur until it 
finally trickled out.
	She reached out and grabbed the small digimon as he almost fell off the 
bridge as he giggled and rolled happily as he finished.
"Well that was all well and good..." said Rika finished wih wanting to stick 
around with the boys digimon and pulling herself up to her feet as she grabbing 
her clothes. She was still leaking Guilmon's cum heavily onto the street from 
between her legs as she walked up to her digimon and decided not to put her 
clothes back on till she finished. "..but we still have more training to do 
Renamon. Are you ready?"
Renamon nodded standing up, feeling as well as hearing Calumon's cum slosh 
inside her from the sheer volume, the only thing keeping it from leaking out 
being her own control over her clenched cunt muscles "I'll catch up though."
	Rika nodded giving her digimon a strange look since she usually followed 
without questions, but started walking towards their clearing anyway.
	Moving over to the other digimon as her tamer left, Renamon bent down 
and picked up the lone digivolution card that had started it all, almost 
carelessly left behind by Rika and turned to the male digimon who were now 
getting back up themselves. 
	She was just about to walk away when Guilmon asked, "Can I ask you something?"
	"You already have," said Renamon not turning around but stopping to hear 
the digimon out, "You have two seconds."
	Guilmon sweatdropped, "What did you whisper to Rika?"
	Renamon chuckled and started walking, "I just told her that you two 
wanted to fuck her." she faded and disappeared.
	"Oh okay." Said Guilmon as he turned back to Terreirmon and Calumon, 
happy with his answer, "Lets go find Takato and Lee!"
	Calumon suddenly sat up his ears spreading out, "I WANT TO PLAY SOME 
	"I want to eat.." said Guilmon. His stomach rumbled.
	Calumon looked thoughtful for a moment, "On second thought.... I want to 
eat too and then we can play football!!"
	On a nearby branch of a tree Renamon chuckled lightly saying, 
"Childish...." before disappeared to go finds Rika.