Love Within Different Eyes
By: Chronos, a keeper of time

*WARNING* In case you haven't already guessed that is a lemon (not the fruit) then let me explain to all those who aren't familiar with the term.  I'll put it in movie terms: the following contains graphic content that maybe inappropriate to people under 17. So if your underage and read this don't sue me cause your scared for life cause I warned you.  But why am I bothering you with this, your probably not even reading this.  For all those who are old enough this is my thirty-eighth lemon. Ok, so lets get this started
Disclaimer: Ok people, I just have to say I don't own digimon or it's characters, yeah I know your shocked from this news, but it's true.  I just want to write about them...
Night had fallen upon the digital world, however this night was slightly different from any other.  The connection between digimon and humans had changed for four beings and a great evil still lurked around the peaceful digital world.  The evil that is plaguing this world was far from finishing its work.  What it's true intentions are, are still yet to be uncovered and brought to the light.  Among the four beings, two had managed to find some relaxation.  However, two others have yet to know what is in store for them.  Their story will slowly unravel and it begins as Kari slowly opens her eyes.
"...Ugh..." Kari muttered as she began to regain consciousness.  "What happened?"
She felt like something had just ran over her.  She tired to move her arms, but for an odd reason she could not.  It was very dark within the forest as there was little to reveal.  After her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, she had found out that her arms were tied behind an enormous tree.  She tried to struggle as she pulled back and forth at the roping that had entangled her.  What had surprised her was that the moment she did try to struggle some unknown voice had called out.
"What?  Who's there?" Kari had replied
" that you?" a voice had said back to her.
Kari recognized the voice, "Gatomon?  Gatomon where are you?  I can't see you."
Gatomon said back, "Kari!  My arms are tied behind some tree.  I can't get out."  Gatomon then began to struggle, but when she did Kari had felt a tug at either ends of her arms.  "Gatomon!"
"What is it Kari?" Gatomon had asked
She understood and began to explain, "I'm on the other side of this tree.  Our ropes must be tied together with each of our hands."
"So much for breaking this.
 I can't pull any harder or I'd hurt you Kari." Gatomon replied
"Do you have any ideas how we can get out of this?" Kari asked
"Let me think..." Gatomon said as she stopped trying to move around.  While Gatomon had thought about possible ways of escaping their current predicament, a small detail had suddenly occurred to her.  Her perspective had greatly elevated and the rope was in a downward direction as it made its way towards Kari.  I just hadn't made any sense to her, Kari was definitely taller then her.  In this case however, she had appeared to be taller then Kari.
Unable to understand what was truly going on she had finally had the sense to look down.  When she had done so, it had reveal great surprise that Gatomon had not been prepared for.  Her white coat that she had expected to see was no longer there.  In its place was a body that did not belong to her.  She saw a small device around her neck as she was also wearing clothing.  She adjusted her feet to see she was actually wearing sneakers.  She looked to the left and to the right to see human hands wearing pink coverings instead of her cat paws.  "What's going on?" She said aloud
"What?  What's wrong Gatomon?" Kari asked confused to why she had said that.
She answered, "Kari, I know this must sound weird, but I don't think I'm myself right now."
"What do you mean Gatomon?" Kari asked her
"I mean...I'm you Kari." Gatomon replied as she looked over the details
Kari was most confused.  "Gatomon, what are you talking about?  How can you be me?"
"I don't know Kari, but I know I'm not imagining this.  I'm wearing exactly what you were and I don't exactly have my feline figure anymore." Gatomon had said back
Kari answered back, "Are you sure you're ok Gatomon?  Maybe if I could just get my hand out of this.  Hey that's funny, I didn't remember wearing gloves.  Cat gloves as matter of fact, just like the ones you wear Gatomon..."
Noticing that she too had a different perspective on things and that she was wearing accessories that had not belonged to her.
 She looked down, just as Gatomon had done earlier.  She was quite shocked when she noticed that she was covered in a white smooth fur.  She looked directly at her nose to see whiskers protruding outward on either side of her face.  "Gatomon...I think I'm you..."
"What?  But how can this be happening?" Gatomon said as she heard Kari's comment.
Kari replied, "Let's worry about that later, let's first try and get out of this." She looked around, trying to see anything that could help her.  Unfortunately for her, she could find nothing.  That is until she had shifted her eyes back at the roping that was tied poorly around her wrist.  "I think I could undo that tying if I had my other hand to loosen it." She said aloud
Suddenly Gatomon had an idea, "Kari, you're in me.  So why don't you use my tail to loosen the rope."
"That might work!" Kari answered.  She needed a little time to adjust to her new appendage, but after she seemed to have gotten use to it, she slowly started to wiggle the rope.  While her paw was also moving about to get the roping loose.  Sure enough the rope binding had come off Kari's paw.  She used her freed paw now to cut off the other rope.  Kari and Gatomon were now free from the trap that had held them.  
As they took off the rope from their hands they circled around the tree to face one another.  It was still dark, but they still had the ability to see themselves in new perspective view.  It was like looking into a mirror, as they saw their own details on another.  "So then it's true" Kari said.
"Kari..." Gatomon couldn't find any words to say.  She managed to muster, "Can this be real?"
Gatomon knelt down to Kari's level.  They both stared at each other, mesmerized by another's appearance.  Kari extended her new paw forward; Gatomon also extended her new hand forward as they reached for another.  Their hands touched, the feeling was intense.  It was like feeling something that was so familiar, but seemed so lost and far away from them now.  Their palms touched as Gatomon spread her new fingers and felt her once cat gloves.  Their fingers laced and they held together still in awe of what had happened to them.
Their peace and wonder would soon be broken as four eyes stared at them within the darkness.  Suddenly a shriek called out from the shadows of the forest.  Kari and Gatomon looked around to see where it was coming from, but with darkness all around them, it seemed impossible.  Finally they saw them, the two Vilemon jumped out from their hiding place and lunged at Kari and Gatomon.  Each grabbed one and took flight.  They tried to hold together, but the pull that the Vilemon used was too great and they let go.  They flew in different directions as Kari called out, "Gatomon!!!"
"Kari! No!!!" Gatomon shouted as she got farther and farther away from her.  They began to struggle, but it was no use.  The Vilemon now had them within their grasp and they were not about to let go.  However, they did not give up.  They continued to fight and struggle to regain control back on the ground.  But they would find out that this event was but a mere splash that would start a larger ripple in what is to come.

Elsewhere in the real world

Veemon who had just come from the school computer room was now on his way back to the Motomiya apartment.  Still slightly injured from the fall he had taken back at the digital world he tried to ignore it and continued to walk.  It was well past sunset and moon and stars were in full view in the night sky.  Luckily for him, Veemon knew his way around as he had seen the way when Davis had held him.  Along the way, Veemon had a great deal of thoughts within his mind.  "Well...this is sort of weird.  I'm in a new perspective; at least I don't have to pretend I'm a stuff animal anymore.  No more in training form when I'm in the real world.  I'm just...human,"
He noticed as he passed by the street lights were now beginning to turn on.  He also noticed that he was growing closer to the apartment.  He wasn't too sure how to act, but he's been with Davis this long, so it shouldn't be too hard.  He'd have to refrain from talking too much around the house, he still had his own voice; one of the few things that still belonged to him.  He knew for sure he'd have to stop holding his arm or Davis's mother would worry about his health.  He just had to act normal and smooth and no one would give him a second look.
He strolled on by as he started to climb the staircase.  When he had reached the door he paused for a moment.  He dusted himself off, adjusted his goggles and was about to knock on the door.  As soon as he was about make a sound the door swung wide open.  There standing in the doorway was Davis's mother with a not too happy expression on her face.  She began to shout,
"Davis Motomiya!!!  Where have you been!?!  Do you know what time it is?"
"Uh…?" Veemon replied trying to play it off.
Davis's mom shouted it back, "It's mister!!!  Just where have you been all this time?"
" school?"
Veemon said as he smiled directly at Davis's mother.
She was not a bit of a mood for laughing as she came back with, "I don't want to hear it mister!  You go and march directly to your room!"
"Yes ma'am" Veemon replied as he quickly obeyed and rushed towards Davis's room.  As he approached the door, he went in and quickly shut the door behind him locking it firmly.  "Whew!  Well I think that went well?  At least she didn't seem to notice that I wasn't Davis.  Or maybe she was just too mad to notice my voice change.  Whatever the reason, I'm at least safe for now."
Suddenly a knock came at the door of Davis's room.  It was annoying voice that could only belong to one.  "Davis!  You're finally home, huh?"
It was June, Davis's sister.  As usual she was being annoying to Davis, but the only difference this time is that it was him who she was annoying.  Veemon replied as he sunk to the floor, "Can you just leave me alone right now, June?  Is that so much to ask?"
Of coarse June did not leave him alone as she stood by the door and continued to talk.  "Oh Davis, mom is so mad at you right now.  I mean staying till ?  Yeah, mom came down on you hard.  I can't wait to find out what punishment she has in stored for you.  Seriously, what were you doing all this time, Davis?"
Veemon now was getting annoyed.  It was bad enough he was in a different body, now he has to put up with all these people.  He replied, "None of you're business June, just go back to you're room."
June obviously did not leave him alone, but rather then continuing to pester him about what he had done.  She had noticed that his voice was very peculiar.  It didn't sound like Davis at all.  It was sort of scruffy, sort of like a slur to it.  She asked, "Hey Davis, what's up with you're voice?"
Veemon lifted his head back up as he froze.  How could she have caught on to him?  He was in enough trouble as it is; he didn't need anymore from June.  So better then just saying beat it, he tried his best to mimic how Davis sounded like.  He cleared his throat and began to talk, "Uh...dude, get off my case already.  Uh...just wanna...uh...hit the hay?"
"Hit the hay?" June asked.  Veemon knew Davis would never say something like that, but he just couldn't think of anything else to say.  June asked, "What's gotten into you Davis?"  Instead of answering back and embarrassing himself even more, he shut his mouth.  June of coarse waited for an answer that would never come.  "Well..." June replied
Veemon had to so do something so that June would just leave him alone.  So he said the only thing that came into mind.  "Beat it already!?!" he shouted as he covered back his mouth.  He didn't mean to say that as he was about to apologize when June replied.
"All right, fine.  I can see you're in a bad mood.  I'm tired anyway." As she stormed off into her room
Veemon wiped the sweat from his forehead.  "Whew!  That was close one."  He stood back up as he observed the room in his new point of view.  He went over to mirror and saw his reflection.  It had still troubled him that this was really happening.  "How are we going to fix this?"  He started to think and remember what had happened earlier today.  He remembered the Vilemon defeating him and he was knocked unconscious.  Everything seemed like a blur and probably the only one who could better explained what had happened would be Davis.  He walked over to the window and looked out into the night sky.  "I hope you're all right Davis," he whispered into the wind.


Elsewhere in the digital world

Kari was still up in the sky as the Vilemon would not let go of her.  She was far from giving up so easily as she kicked and moved her arms, as it was a great annoyance to the Vilemon.  "Let go of me you jerk!" Kari replied.  Normally she was never this violent, but in this case she made an exception.  If she was still in her human form she would call out to Gatomon to rescue her, but everything had changed.  She was now Gatomon, at least in her body.  She was the one with the power to protect her, so she had to be the one who would break free first.
"Now think, Kari.  If I was Gatomon, which I sort of am what would she do?  Ok, Gatomon is a champion, but what's this thing?  Could I over power it, do I have Gatomon strength and attacks now?  Well there's one way to find that out, now how did that attack go again."  She thought about it until it had come to her.  She closed her eyes and shouted, "LIGHTING PAW!" she took a swing above her and surprisingly it made contact.  She opened her eyes to see what damage she had done when she saw an unpleasant site.  It had seemed that the Vilemon had managed to grab a hold with his hand.  
Gulp she sounded as she showed a big smile.  "That whole attack, I was just kidding..."
The Vilemon was not impressed, but just like the case with Veemon, they did nothing back.  They just continued to fly through the night sky.  Nothing seemed to be bothering it, but it still continued to hold onto Kari's closed fist.  
"Well so much for fighting to get out." Kari thought as she switched back to struggling out of its grip.  She was really in a tight spot now.  It seemed impossible to be freed unless the Vilemon suddenly just decides to let her go.  That option of coarse wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.  Kari just waited it out, trying to think of another way to get out of this and save Gatomon.  Unfortunately for her, she was unable to think of any alternative choices.

What seemed like a hopeless cause, a voice shouted off in the distance.  Kari squinted her eyes, as the image seemed to become larger.  Even though it was the middle of the night, and there wasn’t much light to reveal, the voice was certainly clear enough to know who is there.  Kari knew who it is, as TK and Pegasusmon flew towards them.  Kari tried to get their attention as she waved her free paw out.  She shouted, “TK!!! I’m over here!!!”

“Hold on Kari!!!” the voice shouted back.  TK and Pegasusmon flew in and saw the evil digimon in their range.  The Vilemon turned to see the approaching party coming towards him.  He let go of Kari’s paw and prepared for the battle to come.  It seemed like a repeat of Kari’s previous battle, but the only difference this time, is that it was a one on one.  They had no special advantages, the Vilemon had no element of surprise to help him this time.  It was fair fight, as far as hostage situations go.  TK and Pegasusmon flew closer, almost ready to engage the enemy. 

As they were in full range the Vilemon made the first move.  His mouth was wide open as it attacked, “NIGHTMARE SHOCKER!” a pulsating blast echoed through its wide mouth and head straight for TK and Pegasusmon.  Easily Pegasusmon dodged the attacked and continued to fly towards it.  It attacked again, “NIGHTMARE SHOCKER!” blasting its ultrasound rings at Pegasusmon.  It was near contact when they swiftly descended and avoided the attack.  “STAR SHOWER” a reign of falling stars blasted from Pegasusmon’s wings.  Vilemon tried to dodge his attack, but he was not as swift as him and it made contact as the attack grazed his left wing.  TK replied, “Watch your aiming Pegasusmon, you almost hit her.”

Injured Vilemon quickly regain control again.  He knew that it would be too late for him to counter attack again and even if he could it would have probably missed.  He thought of only one other option.  It looked down to see helpless Kari still in his clutches.  Seeing no other option he let go and Kari started to fall from the sky and towards the ground.

She screamed as Vilemon started to take off.  TK ordered, “Hurry Pegasusmon!”  He swooped in and caught her as she was now safe in TK’s arms.  Luckily for her, they were a lot closer to her and she had started to fall only a few split seconds ago.  Kari looked up only to see TK’s calm smile across his face.  TK replied, “Gatomon, are you all right?”

Gatomon?” she thought as she remained in his arms.  “Why’d you say Gatomon?” she asked him.  TK was a little confused, “Um…because that’s your name.  Are you feeling all right Gatomon?”

She looked at her hands, she was suddenly reminded as she gazed at her cat paws.  She was just speechless, she couldn’t think of anything to say.  TK, the boy she had known since the first time they went to the digital world.  The boy who said he’d protect her when they were little, and also said he cared for her when he had rescued her from the dark ocean.  All she was to him now was a mere digimon.  She couldn’t think of a way to start her explanation.

She rested there, mouth open, but no words coming out.  Pegasusmon replied, “TK, I think she might be too tired or hurt.  Maybe we should land and continued this on the ground?”

“That’s a good idea Pegasusmon, let’s do that.” TK agreed as they descended towards the ground.  Finding a clearing TK got off with Kari still in his arms.  As soon as he did so Pegasusmon dedigivolved back into Patamon as the digi-egg of hope returned to TK.  He laid down Kari on the ground as he knelt down to Kari’s level.  Gatomon, can you talk now?”

Kari knew if she was going to get anywhere she would have to speak up.  “TK…” it was a start, but she would have to get in a little bit more just saying his name.  TK answered back, “Oh good you’re talking again.  Listen do you know where Kari is?”

She wanted to scream out, “TK it’s me, KARI!!!” but was that a wise choice.  If she revealed to him the unspeakable and unreal act to him what would happen?  Could he handle this?  It was hard for her to understand it, how can he possibly accept this.  Perhaps it would be better if she would keep this a secret for now. Was it really necessary for her to involve him?  If she could take care of this on her own, she wouldn’t have to worry TK about this.  She answered, “Uh TK, Kari is out there still.  She and I were captured by a group of Vilemon and were separated.  All I know is that that one went the opposite direction.”

TK looked at her strangely, “Gatomon?”

“Yes TK?” Kari replied

“You sound pretty funny.  You sound a lot like Kari.  I mean when I first heard you say I’m over here, back when you were being held captive by that Vilemon, I thought you were Kari.” TK commented.

“Um…I guess it’s just because…um…well,” Kari couldn’t think of a good answer for TK’s observation.  “Uh…TK, why are you here?” Kari suddenly said.

“Huh?” TK said, surprised to hear her say that.

Kari continued on her distraction, “Yeah, why are you still in the digital world?  You’re mom must be very worried if you’re still here.”

TK answered, “Oh, well when I received Kari’s e-mail a little while ago it read…


Dear TK and Davis,


It’s getting pretty late now, I’m heading back to where we decided to meet up.  Hope to see you there soon!  Hope I didn’t spell anything wrong.


P.S. Hope you destroyed most of the control spires

-Kari J


TK continued, “So when I receive that message I returned back to our meeting point.  I waited there for a couple minutes.  Then a couple of hours went by and neither Kari nor Davis came back.  That’s when I started to get worried and I mounted Pegasusmon to start and search for you guys.  I e-mailed Cody to tell him to call my house and said I was sleeping over his house because it was so late out.    Throughout this whole search I only managed to pick you up and started to head towards you.  I haven’t found any trace of Kari, Davis, or Veemon.”

“I haven’t seen them either.” Kari replied as she was successful of making him forget all about her little voice change.  TK started to look around the place and found nothing except the darken woods.  Patamon asked, “TK?  What are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for a gate.  If you said that Kari was going in the opposite direction, she must be pretty far away from here.  With all this darkness around here, I can’t see very well.  Plus Patamon, you must be pretty tired.  We’ll have to continue to look for Kari in the morning.  And since I can’t find a gate, we’re going to have to spend the night here.  Luckily for us it’s Friday.”

“Well TK, I’m sort of tired, but I guess I’ll need my rest for tomorrow.” Patamon replied

“Why not I get a couple of logs and we’ll start a fire.  Good thing, Matt gave me this lighter.  Who would have thought I would need it in a time like this.” TK said as he started to head into the woods.  Kari sat down on the ground and closed her eyes.  She took a deep breath and exhaled.  So much has happened to her and they were far from over.  Patamon surprisingly walked behind her and placed his paws at her shoulders.  “Have you had a hard day Gatomon?”

“Yeah, a lot of things have happened since this morning.  I don’t even know how to sort them all out.”

Patamon started to rub her shoulders as it seemed to calm her down.  “You know what?  TK is right you sound a lot like Kari.”

Kari just seemed to ignore his little side comment as she was relaxing as Patamon continued to rub her shoulders.  “Yeah, this always seems to calm you down.  But hey, what’s a boyfriend good for, if he can’t ease his girlfriend once in a while, right?” Patamon announced.

This time, Patamon’s comment got to Kari as she quickly opened her eyes and spun around.  Patamon was confused from her sudden change of movement, “What’s wrong?” he asked

“Hold on, we’ve been dating?” Kari asked him.

“Uh…yes.  Gatomon, we’ve been dating ever since we defeated Apocalymon.  Are you sure you’re ok?” Patamon asked her.

Kari had a new point of view to ponder as she thought, “So, Gatomon and Patamon have been dating this whole time.  I would have never guess, I mean Patamon doesn’t really seem to be her type.  I guess I could see them together.  Hehe, wow Gatomon’s got a boyfriend.  I wonder when she was going to tell me about this?

“Is everything fine Gatomon?” Patamon asked

Kari replied, “Oh, yes.  I was just tired that’s all.” she sat back down.

“Alright,” Patamon replaced back his paws and massaged Kari’s shoulders.  She just continued to relax as Patamon continued.  Finally after a few minutes had passed TK arrived with a handful of firewood.  As he had arrived Patamon quickly stopped and headed for TK.  He asked, “Do you need any help TK?

Kari could tell, they wanted to keep this a secret.  They didn’t even reveal any sign of attraction between one another.  “I don’t get why they want this a secret?” Kari replied as he saw Patamon help TK with the firewood.  He settled it down upon the ground and stacked it up.  Using a few dead leaves, he lighted them on fire and soon enough had a roaring fire going.  It was certainly was a change from the cold and chilling winds that had continuously blown upon the three.  TK started to change the settings on his D-3 as he sat down by the fire.

“Whoa, it’s already.  I guess I haven’t been keeping up with time lately.  I don’t think I can sleep right now.  I want to know if Kari is all right or not.  Maybe I should go and look for right now.” He got up and was about to head into the forest.

Kari got up herself and quickly stopped TK, “Listen, you need you’re rest.  I know Kari wouldn’t want you to overwork yourself that hard.  I can tell that the best thing you can do right now, is to rest and continue tomorrow fully rested.”

Kari didn’t back down as TK realized what she had said was true.  He sat back down near the fire, “ (Sigh) I think you’re right Gatomon.  I just can’t help, but worry about Kari.  I can’t really help it, I remembered I told her that I would protect her during the battle with Piedmon.  I still mean that too.  I just wish I could know that she was ok, so I wouldn’t have to worry like this.”

He sat there as he put his hand at his chin and elbow at his knee.  Kari just wanted to walk over to him right there and tell him that she was fine and safe.  She wanted to tell him, that it was him who rescued her and thanks to him she was now safe.  She knew however, she wanted to keep this a secret.  If he had told him about the incident then, he’d worry him even more.  The question came down to, which would better.  Don’t tell him and let him worry about her safety, or tell him and let him worry about this situation, but still letting him know she was fine.  She decided and it was to tell him.

She approached him and was about to open her mouth when TK lifted his head.  She replied, “TK?”

“I just thought about something.  Tai…” TK said

“Tai?  What about Tai, TK?” Patamon asked

TK got up, “Tai, must be worried about Kari.  I better e-mail him quickly so I can tell him what’s going on.  I hope that he had covered for her.” TK pulled out his D-terminal and began to type in a message.  Kari had decided after he had seen TK type in the message that it was better not to tell him.  And so they sat there, until hours passed by.  TK, who had said he couldn’t sleep had finally dosed off in the middle of the night.  The fire still illuminated the group and provided heat towards them.  Kari and Patamon had already fallen asleep off to the side as they snoozed quietly.


It was well passed when a figure emerged and placed its paw on Kari’s shoulder.  Calmly shaking her, she ignored it at first, but as it became more alarming Kari’s eyelids slowly lifted.  She rubbed her eyes for she was still pretty drowsy.  When she had removed her paws she saw that it was actually Patamon who had woken her.

She asked, “Patamon?  What’s wrong?”

Patamon replied back, “Shhh…follow me.” Patamon suddenly started to move towards the forest.  She decided to follow him on two accounts.  One was slightly curious to what Patamon wanted with her and two because she was too tired to argue.  She followed him into the darkness of the forest, but the light from the small fire could still be seen.  Finally Patamon had stop and turned to face her.

“Ok so what do you want Patamon?” Kari asked him.

Patamon reached for her paw, “Gatomon, we’ve been dating for three years now.  I feel that we need to take this relationship a little step further.”

“What do you mean by that?” Kari asked

Patamon blushed a bit when he replied, “Well Gatomon, I was thinking more of a physical relationship.  I feel that we’re ready for this.”

Kari knew what he was talking about now.  “Um…Patamon, you’re sweet and all.  But now would be a very bad time to express your self.  Um…this isn’t the right time to be thinking about these things.”  Kari was slightly nervous.  She’s seen her older brother Tai kiss a couple of girls before, but either then that she hasn’t done anything.

Patamon however had other intentions in mind.  Gatomon, but ever since we’ve been staying with our human friends we haven’t been able to see each other at night anymore.  Don’t take this wrong, I like spending time with TK, especially if it’s been three years.  But, it seems we only see each other when there’s a crisis in the digital world.  Now that we’re finally here, I’m sort of anxious and I figured you might be too.”

Kari replied, “Uh…well…I’m sure I would be.” She started to back slightly away.  She was very cautious not to let Patamon know what she was trying to do.  She was actually trying to get out of this situation by actually getting out of there.  Although, each time she would back up, Patamon would just take a step forward.  Finally Kari had back herself up right up against a tree.  She couldn’t take a step back anymore as she smiled nervously at Patamon who was approaching her.

“Listen Patamon…” Kari started to talk again, “You’re a nice guy, but I don’t think this would be the best time to…” Kari was in the middle talking when suddenly Patamon stepped in and kissed her right at her lips.  The kiss seem to last quite a while as he finally pulled away.

“Well Patamon, that was great.  That’s enough for tonight, let’s get back to the campfire.” Kari replied.  She had secretly liked the kiss and enjoyed it, but she knew that within this body she was restricted on what she should do.  Come to think about it, that was Kari’s first true kiss.  I mean her mom and dad have kissed her, even her brother has.  From another guy, or rather in this case another digimon was something new to her.  She slowly moved to the side, but Patamon held her paw.

“But Gatomon, we’ve barely started.” Patamon replied.

Kari was actually quite surprised to find out that he wanted more.  Patamon leaned in and kissed her again on her wet lips.  However this time, Kari was well aware of it.  Instead of pushing him off, she leaned in and allowed herself to be kissed.  Patamon then placed his paws at her shoulders.  Slowly and gently, he made his way down as his paws drag along her body.  It was a little uncomfortable at first, but when Patamon started to feel upon her butt she soon relaxed.  Patamon now was kneeling before her as he made face contact at the midpoint of her body.  He extended his moisten tongue out and began to lick at her white fur.  He had also adjusted his paws and felt at her chest.

If Patamon had licked anywhere else, or if he had rubbed somewhere else it most likely would have felt very strange for Kari.  But for some strange reason, where his paws and tongue had positioned she felt a new sensation run throughout her body.  It was a feeling that was completely new to her and she didn’t want it to stop so suddenly.  She actually had encouraged it as his rough and slipper tongue made it’s way through and licked at her exposed cunt.  The touch was amazing as each time his tongue dug deeper into her.  The rubbing she was receiving from Patamon’s hands also had an effect upon her.  Her breathing had increased dramatically as the small Patamon continued his work.  It was just such an experience for her to undertake as she began to slide down towards the ground as he back scraped against the tree she was leaning on. 

Patamon lifted to see that Kari was in a moment of pure bliss.  Becoming more daring now he shifted his hands and replace them at a new point.  With her clit now exposed Patamon had extended his finger and inserted it slowly within her.  She was actually pretty wet from the licking from before, so the new finger movement she now was receiving was not so forceful.  Kari felt the switch, but now she was accepting it with ease.  While she was preoccupied with the finger treatment, Patamon lowered his head back down and extended his tongue once again.  He licked at a continuous as he aimed up and down her labia as he licked up her juices. 

Kari began to now moan and placed her paw at Patamon’s head.  She wanted more, but didn’t really quite know how to ask for it.  On instinct alone, she began to run her paws down Patamon’s body.  The small and slight scratch he was receiving from her cat gloves was something that intrigued his mind.  She lifted her head and opened her eyes to notice that her gloves were still on and that her claws must be hurting him.  She bit slightly down at her lip to ease the small pains she was receiving as Patamon was now going faster.  She moaned slightly louder as she turned and closed her eyes.  While she was doing so, she threw aside her gloves.

After Patamon had his fills upon her he lifted his head away.  Kari felt his sudden stop and opened her eyes.  He saw that Patamon was slightly sweating and as for herself, she was unable to sweat.  Instead she was more then wet between her legs. 

Patamon began to speak, “Are you ready?”

Kari nodded, she wasn’t actually too sure what was to come.  Patamon began to rub at the skin between his legs.  Something already was already beginning to have shown.  Slowly however as he rubbed more his digihood emerged from his hidden pouch.  He began to stroke upright now as it began to swell and grow, until it was firm and straight up.  Kari didn’t seem to surprise, she knew the difference between boys and girls.  What did surprise her was that digimon had them and the fact she was never this close to another boy to expose him self upon her.

Patamon reached for her paw and laid him self directly above her.  He replied, “Tell me when it starts to hurt alright?”

Kari again nodded, not really knowing what was going to happen.  Finally Patamon made his move as he inserted his digi-member into her awaiting slot.  Kari gritted down on her teeth as the entry from Patamon was sort of rough.  She squeezed a hold of Patamon’s hand.  She breathed hard as Patamon felt slightly worried.  Gatomon are you ok?”

Kari nodded, the pain had subdued and the pleasure began to emerge.  She urged him to continue and so he did.  It was actually a mixed feeling as well as mixed emotions.  The urge to say stop and the request to continue had collided within her mind.  Within that moment everything seemed to pause and stop.  For that moment, she could think of nothing except the pleasure that had taken her. 

The feeling for Patamon was mutual.  Gatomon was so very tight and willing to accept him.  He wanted to go faster, much faster.  However, the though of injuring her was out of the question.  His instincts called to him, he couldn’t resist and dug deeper into her.  Faster and deeper was something that continued to repeat into Patamon’s mind.  Kari tried her best not to scream, but rather enjoy it.  The speed he was going was much faster.  She squeezed hard on his hand and let out a scream.  The push into her was well enough for her to feel the exotic sensation run a coarse throughout her entire body.  Patamon was sweating like crazy as the pressure within him build. 

He didn’t care, his digi-prick thirsted for release and that was something he wanted right now.  He did not slow down, he squeezed back at Kari’s paw and cried out her name, “GATOMON!” and a final push deep within her.  She had fully taken him in as he stop and shot his cum within her.  The creamy white fluid exited his digi-dick as the cum entered her.  Patamon worked the strength to pull out as he was still ejaculating.  Some of it fell upon her smooth and white fur.  Barely making a mark he emptied the last of his load. 

They both breathed deeply, taking as much air as possible.  Patamon leaned next to her and whispered in her ear, “I love you…”

Regretfully Kari could not answer back.  She was pretty tired as she stared deep into Patamon’s eyes.  She raised her paw up to his face.  Feeling the sweat upon his cheek, she moved her hand down to his chin.  Patamon buried his head at her chest as they slept together.  Patamon had wrapped his arm around her, but Kari just let them fall to the side.  Kari’s eyes had set them above at the night sky.  Slowly and calmly her eyes grew heavy and shut down ending the unforgettable night.

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