Caged, But Not Punished

By: Chronos, a keeper of time


*WARNING* In case you haven’t already guessed that is a lemon (not the fruit) then let me explain to all those who aren’t familiar with the term.  I’ll put it in movie terms: the following contains graphic content that maybe inappropriate to people under 17. So if your underage and read this don’t sue me cause your scared for life cause I warned you.  But why am I bothering you with this, your probably not even reading this.  For all those who are old enough this is my thirty-third lemon.  To avoid confusion this takes place during “One Final Kiss” Ok, so lets get this started

Disclaimer: Ok people, I just have to say I don’t own digimon or it’s characters, yeah I know your shocked from this news, but it’s true.  I just want to write about them…

Izzy and Agumon were out on their raft on the open sea paddling their oars across the dark ocean.  Neither of them was up for small talk, one being the reason of the little episode they experience back on the island.  Even though Izzy knew for a fact that Agumon was not held responsible for his actions, the image stuck to his mind.  The picture of Agumon, raping him, destroying his laptop, it was just too horrible to just forget about it.  Agumon looked besides him, getting a good look at Izzy.  He looked uneasy and his paddling seemed a little slow.  Agumon turned another way letting out a small whimper of guilt.  He stared down onto the raft, thinking, “Izzy must still be pretty uneasy on what happened back on the island.  I mean who could blame him, how I violated him and destroyed his laptop.  I wish though I could remember what had happened so I could at least apologize for everything I did to him.  It must have been a horrible experience for him, but maybe I shouldn’t remember.  Who would want a memory of that anyway?  I gotta make it up to him, but what could I do that would make up for something like that.”

Finally Agumon opened his mouth, “Izzy…”

Izzy stopped his paddling, paused a bit until he answered back, “Yeah, Agumon…”

 “Izzy, I know you still feel pretty afraid of me from that event that happened.  But I just want you to know that I couldn’t do anything about that and I’m sorry for everything I did to you.”  Agumon sank his head down and then picked up his paddling.

Izzy looked away still thinking about what he said.  He stood there with a paddle in hand until he turned around to face Agumon.  He opened his mouth, “Listen Agumon, I know it wasn’t your fault, like I said before when we were back on the island.  It’s just that that episode that happened can’t easily go away.  It’ll take some time before all this passes and I’ve forgotten everything about it.”

Izzy began to paddle again right after he said this.  Agumon had lifted his head up to look at Izzy.  He made a slight grin, he was pretty happy that Izzy knew how he was feeling towards this.” and Agumon continued his paddling as if a burden had been lifted.

Then Izzy announced, “Let’s go Agumon, we’ve delayed enough time as it is with all our moping.”

“Yeah, we gotta reach another island so we can meet up with everyone.” Agumon said

Meanwhile on another island…

Tentomon, Palmon, Joe and Mimi resided on the island.  After their little distraction they felt very drowsy and fell victim to sleep.  While they really hadn’t concentrated where they were sleeping, they just had fallen asleep the last place they lay after their little playtime.  They didn’t even bother putting back their cloths on, they were just too lazy to do so.  As time went on the group started to reawaken from their sleep.  Palmon and Mimi were sleeping soundly in each other’s arms, as they arose to see their other companions.  They caught a glance at them only to giggle a bit.

With all that noise going on Joe and Tentomon started to wake up as well.  As both of them slowly opened their eyes they felt their hands touch upon something.  The catch was what they were feeling was one another as they fully opened their eyes.  They found themselves in each other’s arms while Joe was still butt naked.  They quickly let go of each other and arose to their feet turning their backs to one another.  Mimi and Palmon stood there watching and giggling at them while they turn red and their backs face each other.

Joe then, having his back still to Tentomon, started to look around for his clothing.  Mimi saw him as she too started to look around for her dress.  Unlike Joe and Tentomon Palmon and Mimi didn’t seem to mind one’s presence.  Seeing Mimi’s dress, Palmon extended her vines and reached out for them.  She then grabbed it and retracted her vines.  She then handed Mimi’s pink dress to her in which she gladly took back.

On the other hand, Joe was looking for his pants and underwear, which he was having a little hard, time trying to locate them.  It turns out it was slightly a few inches away from where Tentomon had been facing.  Joe continued to look around keeping his back to Tentomon, not knowing that his cloths were right behind him.  Tentomon had opened his eyes and look down to see Joe’s belongs right in front of him, so not to actually turn around and hand give them to him, he placed them under his foot and slid them back behind him.  They got a little dusty, but at the time Joe didn’t really care if they were dirty or not, he just wanted to cover himself up. 

After the redressing past everyone sat down in a circle.  They had to regroup and rethink of everything that they were going to do.  Tentomon began, “Ok, lets just back up here, first of all how did you get here in the first place Joe?  Palmon?  You did say before you didn’t have a good enough answer to tell us so just tell us what happened.”

Joe answered, “Well, basically we found a hole in the firewall barriers and also we found a raft right besides it.  Something or someone left it for us, I guess.”

“Hold on…” Mimi said, “You said something, that means some one other than us, Myotismon, and Demidevimon is here in our dreams?”

Palmon answered, “Well, I think, we really didn’t get a good look at whatever it was, it was pretty dark y’know when we saw it.  Then again it’s always dark around here.”

“So let me guess, there’s a hole and a raft here on THIS Island as well and that’s how you got here?” Tentomon asked them.

“Well, yeah…whatever helped us, helped you as well and most likely it help everyone else.” Joe said

They paused in silence, not really knowing how to make of this.  They were all sitting there in their little circle when all of a sudden they heard a soft cry from the distance.  They got up and looked around trying to find out where the sound was coming from.

The sound got louder and louder until Tentomon spotted something, he said, “Look!  Over there!” he pointed with his claw, “ITS IZZY!!!”

Tentomon started to fly over to where he saw Izzy rushing over to him.  Everyone turned his/her direction over to where Tentomon was flying.  They saw for themselves it truly was Izzy and it seems that he had a friend.  It appeared to be a yellow object trailing besides him.  They ran after Tentomon as he approached his lost companion.  As they got closer they saw that the image that was with Izzy was actually Agumon.  They called out to him, “HEY AGUMON!!!”

Happily Agumon called back to them until they reach one another.  They stood before them happy to see one another, but especially Izzy and Tentomon.  They greeted each other with much emotion, but not to actually say they hugged or cried or anything like that.  Izzy was the first one to speak, “Hey guys, so is everyone here?”

Tentomon answered his question, “Well, only us four the rest of them are probably still out in their separate islands.  So how did come to this island Izzy?”

Agumon said back, “Well we found a hole in the firewall and…”

“Let me guess…” Joe began, “You found a hole in the firewall and found a raft right next to it?”

Agumon looked at him, “Yeah, how did you know?”

“Me and Joe had the same experience when we left our island and came here.  By any chance did you see a shadowy figure move around your place, around the hole perhaps?” Palmon said

Agumon answered, “Uhhhh…no we didn’t, why did you see something?”

“Well, yeah…some sort of dark shadow that moved around.” Palmon said back to him

“Guess they didn’t see anything, anyways I think we should get cast off from this island on our rafts and search for everyone else.” Joe requested

As they talked it over Izzy had been contemplating what they should be doing.  He opened his mouth ready to give his own opinion to the predicament.  “I don’t think that will be necessary, Joe.”

Everyone turned to face Izzy with a confused look on his/her face.

“Well why not?  I mean we should look for everyone so we can stop Myotismon, right?” Mimi asked

“We shouldn’t waste time, see look at it at this point of view.  If me and Agumon, and Joe and Palmon managed to find firewall holes, then it would make sense that there are holes in each firewall.  So if there is, I’m pretty sure someone else had found them by now and had already ventured to look for some of our lost friends.  And if that’s the case, there could be a chance that if we do go to another island and find no one it would be just a waste of time.  Myotismon is probably near competition; I think we should head for the center island.  Hopefully they are already there, and if they are not we have to slow him down until they do get there.”

They knew he was right; it was unanimous on what they should do next.  They started to head back to where they left their rafts.  On the way Tentomon and Izzy conversed with one another, “Izzy that was a good analysis of the problem.”

“Thanks Tentomon, not bad for a person without a laptop.” Izzy replied

“That’s right, I was going to ask you what happened to your computer.  I’m mean; you did say one time, that you like computers better than people.  It’s not like you to lose something like that so easily,” Tentomon said

“Well that’s got a rather unpleasant story behind that, but I don’t want to into it right now.” Izzy said still having the memory stuck in his head.

Tentomon decided not to go into it any farther; he saw that Izzy was very uncomfortable with that topic so he changed it.  “So Izzy, do you really believe that everyone is at the center island?”

Izzy nodded his head, “Precisely, but I still have failed to make out a logical answer on to what Palmon spoke about, the shadowy figure she claims to have seen.”

“Yes, that is a problem…but whatever it really is, most likely it’s not our enemy.” Tentomon said

“I suppose your right, since it seems to be the best answer on the holes in firewalls.” Izzy added

Then Tentomon had finally noticed something a bit weird for Izzy.  He had glanced over at his pants, which was ripped and torn, and it seemed to be held onto with a vine of some sort.  Tentomon asked him, “Izzy?  What happened to your pants?”

“Well, uh…I kinda…uh torn them along the way…” Izzy said trying to sound convincing.

But Tentomon wasn’t about to into that topic either as he saw it made him uncomfortable just like when he brought up his missing laptop.

They continued on to talk about different topics throughout their walk until they had reached their destination.  They climb out of the firewall hole and onto the shore.  There, as they suspected were their three rafts on the beach.  Of coarse they rearranged the traveling companionship, Izzy was with Tentomon, Mimi with Palmon, and Joe got stuck with Agumon.  They set off making a new coarse for the center island.  The waves were calm at first, but they began to build up as they approached the center island.  The crashes against their rafts became violent and louder the closer they got.  On the way Mimi and Palmon had an interesting conversation

Palmon started, “So Mimi, I never got to ask you about something.”

Mimi turned to face her partner, “Yes, what did you want ask me about?”

“Well what I have to ask isn’t really something to talk about when everyone is around,” Palmon blushed a bit, “But I wanna know, did anything happen between you and Tentomon when you were on the island by yourselves?”

Mimi smiled at the corner of her mouth and had a twinkle in her eye, “Well, nothing happened THEN, but…I think I can let you guess what I’m about to say next.”

“Really, you didn’t…did you?” Palmon said with interest

Mimi nodded, “So why do you want to know, anyways.  You have a crush on bug boy over there?”

“Tentomon?  Well not really, Gabumon maybe…but I just wanted to know if you have been with Tentomon, I was wondering if you’ve been with Izzy?” Palmon asked

“Oh!!!  So it’s Izzy your interested with huh Palmon?” Mimi asked her

Palmon had an unsure look on her face as she said, “Well, I was pretty impressed on how he came up with what we were gonna do next.  Plus he looks kinda cute for a human, and he seems so innocent to get caught up in all of this.”

“Well, don’t think he’s as innocent as he claims to be.  Who do you think got him?  Also he had a lot more then just information and boring school junk in that laptop of his.”  Mimi explained

Palmon got a twinkle in her eyes as she pictured a few images in her head.  Then she realized where they were right now; they were on a raft paddling out to the center island.  She noticed that they’ve been daydreaming and talking so much that they had fallen behind. 

After they reached the center island they departed their rafts and began to set foot where the there final battle in this chaotic illusion would take place.  They started to walk into the darkness of the island trying to be physically and mentally prepared for anything that Myotismon’s sick twisted mind could throw at them.  They treaded slightly quicken pace, but still trying to remain inconspicuous.  It was actually pretty easy, either if Myotismon had a pair of night vision goggles they blended pretty nicely within the darkness neglecting the fact they were wearing an assortment of colors.

Mimi nudged at Palmon with her hand, she whispered to her, “So Palmon, you should go talk with him, knowing him he hasn’t gotten anything since I last saw him.”

“I don’t know Mimi, we’re in a real bad situation right now, I think I should tell him later.”

“What if there isn’t a later, you should just go and confess to him your undying love to him now before we leave and go and fight Myotismon.” Mimi said

Palmon looked up to her, “Mimi, I never said I LOVE him, I only said he looks kinda cute.”

“Well, close enough, just go right up to him and talk with him before it’s too late.” and with that said Mimi pushed her friend forward as she accidentally bumped into Izzy from behind.

“Huh!?!  Oh it’s you Palmon, do you want something?” Izzy asked

Palmon looked back to see Mimi just looking out into space as if nothing had happened.  She then turned back and said, “Oh sorry Izzy, uh yeah I have to tell you something.”

“Oh, it’s it important cause we have to hurry over to where Myotismon is.” Izzy added

“Well, y’see I’ve been meaning to tell you that you…” Palmon started

Then all of a sudden two half spheres appeared on either side of Izzy and Palmon.  They were coming right at them as Tentomon yelled, “Izzy! Watch out!!!” and tried to quickly get to him.  Izzy saw them coming and pulled Palmon close to him, holding her in his arms as if he was giving her a deep hug.  And then the two half spheres met and collided with one another entrapping Izzy and Palmon within it.  As the dust cleared the image before the rest of the group was a dark sphere, with holes all around it.  They peered through the holes to see Izzy and Palmon in a tight embrace, their eyes closed.  Joe called out to them, “Hey! Are you guys alright!?!”

Izzy and Palmon slowly opened their eyes to gaze in the position they were in.  Izzy let go of Palmon blushing a bit as he set her down onto the ground of the sphere.  Joe asked them again, “Guy!?! You alright?”  As they both looked over to Joe.

“Oh, yeah we’re ok Joe, it seems that this thing was only to capture not to hurt anyone.” Izzy said

Tentomon called out to them, “Don’t worry Izzy!  I’ll get you out of there!”  Tentomon started to charge up his super shocker when Izzy observed the cage and called out to Tentomon, “Hold on STOP Tentomon!!!” He stopped his attack and looked at Izzy in a strange way, “What’s wrong?”

Izzy pointed to the cage, “It appears that this cage is entirely comprised of metal.  If you used your super shocker on this, you’d fry us for sure.”

“Then we’ll just melt it away...”Agumon called out to them.  He gathered up his energy and then launched his attack, “PEPPER BREATH!!!” a fireball headed straight for the cage.  Then, as it made impact the caged emerged unharmed and it appeared to be untouched as well.  “Ok, so that didn’t do as well as I hoped for.” Agumon said back to them.

Izzy looked over the cage again and replied, “It appears that Myotismon put this here for good measures.  I think you should go and confront Myotismon right now.”

Mimi answered, “We can’t leave you here!”

“Remember there is always some chance that others has already arrived.  It would be better if you joined them, after all that virus has been uploading for a long time now.”  Izzy commented

“Izzy’s right!” Agumon announced, “We have to take out Myotismon and the others may need our help if they are already there.”

Palmon included, “Go Mimi, our lives depend on this battle.”

Mimi understood and she hailed for Joe and Tentomon to come along as well.  Before they left Palmon called out to Mimi, “Be careful Mimi!”

“You too, Tentomon.  Do as much as you can to help the others, just don’t get yourself killed.” Izzy called out to him.  Both Mimi and Tentomon looked back, heeding their partner’s advice before departing and leaving to fight the battle yet to come.  Taking one last glance at their friends before they turned back and disappeared into the darkness.  And with that, Palmon and Izzy sat there in their little jail cell completely alone.  Izzy looked around trying to find a way out of it, but to his disappointment there was nothing he could use or do to solve their problem.

He sat back down, just leaning back on the sides of the wall.  And as he sat there clueless Palmon had been thinking about other things.  “Ok, here I am with Izzy, alone.  I think this has to be a sign or something, or maybe I’m just lucky.  Mimi did say I should confess to him, there’s really nothing else to do here, but wait.”  Palmon was about to open her mouth when she started to have second thoughts, “Hold on, how will he react to this.  Mimi did say that Izzy probably hasn’t done anything like this since she was with him.  Then again she also said that he’s not as innocent as he claims to be, I wonder what she meant by that?  Ok I’m definitely have to tell him this…I mean it’s not that serious, is it?”

Now as Palmon began to open her mouth once again to say Izzy spoke out, “Palmon…I have to tell you something…

Whatever Izzy was suppose to say, Palmon knew it had to important by the way he spoke out so abruptly and so as before she closed her mouth and let him talk.  He began, “What I have to tell you Palmon is something I just have to tell you this now or it will be too late.”

He held it in as Palmon wanted to know what he was trying to say and finally he spoke, “I love you Palmon.” She was in shock to what he had said, “Was I hearing things, or did he just say he loves me.”

“It’s true!  I know it sounds crazy you being a digimon and me a human, but I can’t help it.  I love you Palmon for the digimon you are.” He paused to gaze upon her reaction, “Are you mad at me?”

Palmon answered his question as she extended her vines wrapping them around him, binding his arms.  She crept up to him and placed a kiss on his lips and pulled away.  She said, “Does that answer you question Izzy?” He nodded as Palmon thought in her head, “Woah, Izzy has a crush on me!?!  Well that worked out better than I hoped for, who would of thought that it would all just work out?”

She drew closer again to his face and kissed him again; still keeping his arms bind to his body.  This time however they slipped in their tongues in each other’s mouths as they kissed.  Izzy got a good feeling as he felt her tongue covered in her thick saliva, moving their tongues all around feeling one another through their mouths.  Kissing constantly now while in between breaks they pressed their faces together, cheek-to-cheek nuzzling each other’s soft touch.

Palmon continued to have her vines wrapped around his body, constricting him to do any fast work with his hands.  She wanted to help him first and then get on to better pleasantries.  So as she held him at bay she let go with one of her hands pulling away three vines.  Izzy didn’t seem to mind as much as she still had her other three vines around him.  Now with her now spare hand she reached for his pants.  Izzy loved her, but she was moving awfully fast for the first time he had confessed his love to her.  But in his current position he wasn’t about to say stop or anything like that and enjoyed the experience yet to come.  Palmon used her hand and felt that his pants were torn and wrapped around with a vine.  Izzy caught a look on Palmon’s face as she saw his ripped shorts.  He said out, “Uh…had a little accident along the way here Palmon…”

She shrugged her shoulders as she reached in under his shorts to feel his slightly harden cock.  He wasn’t wearing any underwear so she pulled it out holding it in her green palm.  She began at the root of his prick licking at his balls and then moving her tongue up his shaft.  She left a thick slippery trail of her saliva on where she had licked.  She licked up and down continuously and then dangling the tip her tongue with the tip of his dick licking at the head.  This of coarse stimulated him and easily had a hard on.  Now that he was good and hard for her she took it in her mouth.  He cool mouth was a new feeling for Izzy to have and he loved every moment of it.  It had been a while since he got a treatment like that and now it was even better.  She bobbed her head up and down sucking slight, covering his rod with her cool saliva.  She had used her hand to place it on his balls and rubbed them in a circular motion.  Izzy closed his eyes, gaining a better sensation as it ran through his body.  Then Palmon finally retreated her other hand contracting back her vines.  She then reached under herself and began to finger herself.  Izzy reopened his eyes seeing that he was now fully capable of moving his arms.  He gazed down at Palmon’s actions and used one of his hands and placed it on her head.  He touched upon her flower pushing back her petals and then ran his hand down the back of her body.  He touched her ass rubbing it as he went back and forth; his warm smooth touch was also a good sensation for Palmon.  Then Izzy bent over grabbing her ass on either sides, he then made a signaling move that told her to adjust her position.  She complied with his movement as he held on to her thighs.  He turned her in a direction so that her slightly wet cunt was in his face.  He didn’t need an invitation on what to do next as he stuck out his tongue. 

They were now in a 69 position, Izzy slightly bent over as licked at her outer labia.  Moving his tongue up and down tasting her.  Palmon enjoyed the feeling letting out moans of pleasure while still having Izzy’s boyhood in her mouth.  To show her appreciation she sucked harder and also much faster.  Now Izzy was onto other things as he licked at her inner labia crossing along her clitoris occasionally.  Each lick was of pure pleasure as she came right in his face.  Of coarse Izzy was ready for that and licked up her bittersweet cum not letting any of it escape him.  Finally as Izzy lapped up the last of her cum, he flipped her in another position.  She had abandoned her treatment on him as he had moved her into something else.  Izzy had placed his hands under her arms, and with her back to his chest; he had lifted her up and lowered her onto his wet cock.  The feeling was harsh for Palmon at first, even with all the slippery substances they were using the first entrée was painful.  She let out a moan of pain and also of pleasure.  Izzy was sweating crazy, trying to focus on Palmon and also not to blow his load.  The fact was her blow job that she had given him was one of the best he as ever gotten.  Of coarse he as only has done something like this twice, three times if he counted the time with Agumon. 

Her cool was something like nothing he has experience.  He tried to adjust, but every hump made him takes a big step each time, so he tried to go slower.  Her inner walls seemed to hug at his prick with their cool feelings.

Then as if he couldn’t muster the strength the lift her up anymore, Palmon choose to take matters in her hands and gained control.  Her cum had wetted his dick a couple of times as she came a few times as he pumped into her.  She placed her palms on either side of the ground and began to move face.  Izzy couldn’t hold it back any longer; he screamed out her name and shot his load right into her.  Palmon felt it; it wasn’t to hard as she felt a warm substance spurted into her.  She got off him as she watched him catch his breath.  She too was out of breath, but didn’t breathe as much as he was.  Instead she sat back and gazed over at Izzy.  He took in a gulp and looked over to Palmon, she was smiling at him and he just smiled back while still breathing it in.  Then the image of Palmon was fading away for some strange reason.  In Palmon’s point of view Izzy’s image was fading.  “HEY WHATS GOING ON!?!” they both shouted aloud as the sphere cage was also disappearing with them in it.

(Yeah, good question, what is going on?  If you didn’t remember that’s exactly how the last one ended as well…pretty sure that it will make sense in the end…I hope…)

Well, that’s it.  Well I’m just gonna go back into my room until I get another idea, peace till then.