Disclaimer: All TOEI Digimon and such belong to them. Any other characters, well, they belong to me, Chaos Knight Matthew. I did used a few ideas that were used from Trillermon's Infection Story, which motivated me to try this one out... I hope he doesn't mind... I'm not really too keen on the geography of the Digimon world or where the Digidestined live so if there is something that doesn't seem right with placement, let me know at chaosknightmatthew@hotmail.com. Thanks.

Anyhow... Enjoy the story.

Chapter 3: Prophacy Foretold

Forty-Five minuets after DemiRenamon went to the Digital World...

Lei arrived at the Drug Store after a while. Finding a specific door outside the building, he waits for his partner. A flash of light appeared nearby and a tall blue digimon with a short red plant digimon appeared. DemiRenamon and FlamePalmon walked up to Lei, who was outside the door to the apartment section. DemiRenamon gives the Gate Card back to Lei.

"DemiRenamon, why is she here?" Lei whispered to him.

"She thinks it's a sleepover." DemiRenamon said the last part through clenched teeth. "May be best to leave it at that." Luckily for him, FlamePalmon wasn't really paying attention because she was looking around. Lei got the hint and hummed a 'Mmm-hm', gave a look to his fox partner as he and his friends went up the stairs to Yolei's apartment door. He knocked on it three times. Waiting, DemiRenamon heard something inside, a T.V.

"Sounds like that... 'Crocodile Hunter' you used to watch." DemiRenamon said.

Lei didn't respond at first. After knocking again, he said. "Hope he still has his arm."

They both laughed to themselves at their joke, FlamePalmon still looking around, her first time being anywhere than her home in the Digital World. DemiRenamon stood straight.

"Someone's coming." FlamePalmon moved to DemiRenamon's side, looking at the door. A second later, a male voice silently called from the door.

"Who's there?"

"A friend." Lei responded. After a little talking inside, the door was unlatched and opened. Davis, with his girlfriend, Yolei, were at the door. They were in their sleeping clothes when they greeted the three. Davis had on a white shirt with blue pants and his trademark signature goggles on his head. Yolei had on a light puple robe on.

"Hi Davis. Hi Yolei. Long time no see?" Lei said to them with a smile.

"You're Lei... right?" A sleepy Yolei asks.

"Yeah. Can we come in?"

"Uh... sure." Davis motions them to come in and closes the door behind them, recognizing DemiRenamon, but not FlamePalmon. He puts a finger over his mouth and pointing to a brown bird asleep on the couch, his feather headband's feather drooping over his face. Lei understood, although it wasn't needed. He already knew Hawkmon was a hard sleeper. The red digimon approached them.

"Who's this?" Davis asks Lei.

"My name's FlamePalmon." She said lowly, not to wake Hawkmon. Davis and Yolei said their hellos.

"DemiRenamon's new mate." Lei said. "So, how have you been?" They were a little surprised to see this kid, who they haven't seen in a few months, after an incident in the Digital World. They remembered DemiRenamon, who had been hanging out with Gatomon a few months ago. They heard also from Kari about the situation between the cat and fox digimon.

"... Fine." Davis replied. "Where have you been? We haven't seen you since that Floramon went crazy." FlamePalmon was looking around.

"I've been working a training program with DemiRenamon. He was telling me that he was wanting to get stronger, even stronger than Gatomon." DemiRenamon pushed Lei for that, a grin on Lei's face. Yolei and Davis chuckled with Lei. "Yolei?" Lei asks.


"You wouldn't mind us staying here for tonight would you?"

"No I don't mind..." Yolei said, giving a curious glance to Lei. "Head up go to the second room on the right upstairs and you can sleep there." DemiRenamon headed upstairs. Lei followed, but turned around and said, "Thanks." FlamePalmon followed after him. They quickly found the room. FlamePalmon looked around the room as well, fascinated by everything inside. Lei glanced around, but went to the single bed.

"So, who gets what?" Lei asks, seeing that there is only one bed in the room.

"I'll take the floor." DemiRenamon said. Lei tossed him one of the two pillows on the bed. Taking off his orange gloves, goes to the window, he lies down on his side putting the pillow over his head as he got comfortable.

FlamePalmon, seeing where DemiRenamon was, went over to him and lays against him, nuzzling against his black-furred chest.

"I love you, my Protector." She whispered. DemiRenamon smiled as he puts a blue arm around her as she goes to sleep. "Same for you, my Princess." Hearing a slight creak, DemiRenamon looks up to see Lei, looking down and grinning at the cute couple, his arms underneath him to hold him up.

"'Protector' huh?" DemiRenamon didn't say anything back, just smiled, rested back onto the pillow and lied there until sleep claimed him. Lei turned around to the pillow, rested his head on it. ~Maybe nothing will happen after all... ~


Izzy was up late as usual, doing his computer searches for some useful information when his e-mail sound chimed in.

"Must be one of those things again." He moved the mouse cursor over to a little overflowing mailbox and clicked on it, bringing up his e-mail window. His computer screen went blank.

"What the... " He tried to type something, but nothing came up. "Great, my whole system's crashed." A blinking dash appeared on the upper left of the screen. "What's this?" Before he touched the keyboard, words began to appear on the screen....


Friend's glow,
Taken by the serpent,
Friend's love,Scorned by it's venom,
Spiral spikes,
Following it's course,
Time is it's strength,
For it will soon come.

Songs of the innocent,
Filled with Pain and Despair,
Calling forth the true ruler,
From the Ashes of Time,
And bring forth Armageddon.

Heroes once lost,
Having long since slept,
Come forth one more,
To bring the Final Judgment,
And seal the darkness from within.

Izzy quickly wrote it down and strangely it disappeared after he wrote it. "Most intriguing..." He said to himself as his computer began to load back up. "I best look more into this."


Lei was still awake, holding his Star Digivice. Pushing the buttons on it, he made the little character move. He couldn’t get to sleep, so he decided to bring up his mini-game that he had on his Digivice, a sprite where he had to jump over various obstacles.

-Why had Veemon not responded to you?- A question popped up, it's voice sounded feminine. He paused his game and thought for a moment.

-I don't know, maybe he had a lot on his mind, I mean, he did like Gatomon more than DemiRenamon did.-

The voice chuckled. -Yeah, enough to change her.-

Lei looked surprised . -How...-

-I heard DemiRenamon's story.-


-You need to get to the bottom of this, Torcher's Seal is almost broken and...-

Lei gave a small sigh. -I know, I know.-

There was silence for a while as the char on Lei's game kept on dying. -:Sigh: I best better get some sleep.- Closing out the game, he brought up the clock on his Digivice, it was 1:04. -It's getting late.- Rolling over onto his side, he closes his eyes.


A few hours later, DemiRenamon woke with a start. He heard the sound of a cat's meow, which for some reason sounded more like a moan with his heightened hearing. -Gatomon's here?!- He got up off the floor and shook Lei. FlamePalmon was lying next to DemiRenamon and when he got up he had awaken her. She stood up and yawned.

"... no, it's not 9:00 yet. The birds are ok..."

"Lei!" DemiRenamon whispered to him.

"...DemiRenamon? W...What's going on?"

"We have a problem." DemiRenamon turned away to get his orange gloves and puts them on. Lei understood, quickly got awake, puts on his boots and slings his backpack across his back. He decided to sleep in his clothes that he had on already. They got to the door and slowly opened it. Lei looked out in the hallway, seeing nothing, he went back into the room.

"You sure? I didn't see anything." Lei said to his partner.

"I'm sure I heard something..." The blue fox replies. FlamePalmon stretched as she got more awake, not exactly sure what's going on. DemiRenamon looked out and saw Yolei going down the stairs. He went back in the room.

"Yolei's heading downstairs." Lei was thinking about any possible danger.

"Hmmm. Gatomon's voice, Hawkmon in the living room." FlamePalmon looked up to the two. "Yolei's in danger if Gatomon was down there and changed Hawkmon into one of those... things... like what you saw earlier. We should go and see..." There was a crash from the living room. They left quickly to the source. "...Answered my question, didn't it?"

Lei glanced at the blue fox who nodded, FlamePalmon looked down where they went.

"Where did they go..." She asked herself, rubbing her eyes as she follows. When the two got down there, they saw Hawkmon lying in where the coffee table in front of the couch used to be, now in peices. The bird Digimon shook his head. FlamePalmon bumped into DemiRenamon.

"What... FlamePalmon? Stay over here." DemiRenamon said to her, a trace of worry in his voice. -This is all I need...- DemiRenamon thought.

Lei went to Yolei. "What happened?" Yolei jumped in surprise and saw it was Lei, DemiRenamon and FlamePalmon behind him.

"I..I don't know... I was getting myself a glass of water when--" She gasped as she saw his multiple cuts from the wood bleed light green. It absorbs back into him and the wounds healed quickly. Lei noticed something when Hawkmon did this, like something else was covering his feathered body in the process for half a second.

"Yolei, get Davis and get out of here." Lei told her.


"NOW!" Hawkmon saw the three and growled. Holding his Star Digivice, Lei activates the code for Digivolution.

"Here we go..." Lei murmurs to himself as energy ribbons envelops DemiRenamon.

"DemiRenamon digivolve to..." DemiRenamon grew to six feet tall, an Armored vest with a crystal on the chest appeared on his torso and a golden star appeared on his forehead. His orange gloves also grew with him, a pattern of a gold star inside a black circle appeared on the back of his gloves, as his transformation finished. "StarRenamon!"

Hawkmon noticed Yolei trying to escape up the stairs and lunged at her again, but Lei jumped in the way, pinning him down.

"Don't think so birdie." Lei said. Yolei was running upstairs to her room, passing StarRenamon and FlamePalmon. Meanwhile, Hawkmon managed to get one of his wings loose and smacked Lei on the head hard, knocking him out, making him roll into the table remains.

"Hawkmon! Cease this at once!" The armored fox called to his friend, his voice sounding older. StarRenamon had always respected Hawkmon and didn't want to hurt him. He was at the entrance to the hallway, buying Yolei some time when he was pushed forcefully away and toppled over the couch.

"StarRenamon!" FlamePalmon shouted and ran over to him. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm alright, I'm alright. Just a little dizzy. " StarRenamon told his frantic friend as he arose. Hawkmon looked at the fallen two, and the female plant, his eyes flashed white for just a second.

"I'll deal with you later pretty..." He grinned evilly and headed upstairs.


Yolei hastily shook awake Davis and sat him up.

"Hrrrm... Yolei? Someone else here?"

"No time to explain! We need to get out of here!!!!" She tugged him up as he put on his goggles.

"Wait, can I at least-"

"There‘s no time!!" She pulled out of the room and towards the hallway. Hawkmon met them half way, standing at the bedroom door.

"You're not going anywhere, Leraru!" He hissed in a raspy voice. Yolei was a bit confused for a moment on what he just said, but she knew she still had to escape. She swift-kicked him aside into another table, the vase on it smashed onto Hawkmon's head, a yellow flower sitting where his Headband Feather is, and bolted for the bedroom door. As she and Davis ran out the door and downstairs, she called back a hasty, "Sorry." They bolted out the front door, StarRenamon carrying Lei over his shoulder, FlamePalmon following after.


Meanwhile, back at Kari's Apartment...

"Gatomon!!! Where are you!" Kari shouts out to her partner. When Kari and Tai got back from their errand, Gatomon was nowhere to be found. The only real changes here was there was a milk carton laying on the floor, milk pooled around it.

"She was here when we left." Tai said to his sister as he picked up the carton. ''...Mabey she had to take care of something important." Tai begn cleaning up the messy milk so he didn't heard the faint sound of feathers rustling.

"I'm really worried about her Tai." Kari says to her brother as she takes her new camera film to her room. Kari wanted to get ot of the house, so she and Tai went to the mall to look around. Gatomon was still a bit steamed about DemiRenamon so she stayed behind to have some time for herself. Mrs. Kamiya was out of town at this time, so they had the place pretty much to themselves.

"You think she will be alright?" Kari calls out from her room. No responce. "Tai!" She calls out and still no responce. Kari turned to head back to the main room. "Tai, this isn't funn... Gatomon?" Her partner digimon stood in front of the door leading out, a sly grin on her feline face, like when a cat has caught her mouse.


Davis and Yolei were panting heavily as they hid behind a dumpster in an alley. They had gotten as far away from Yolei's parent's store as their legs would permit. StarRenamon sat Lei down against the brick wall and rested for a moment to catch his breath. He looked down at Lei. No one else noticed a small purple light coming from his chest. Davis was sitting on the ground as Yolei constantly looked around the corner. After convincing herself that Hawkmon really wasn't following them, she sighed and leaned against the alley wall.

"I don't know what's gotten into Hawkmon. He just attacked me for no reason. What do you think is wrong with him? We need to find out-"

"Y-Y-Yolei?" Davis shivered.

"What?" She looked at him.

"C-c-c-can we at l-least get me some p-p-pants?" He asked, "I I'm f-f-freezing my a-ass off...."

Yolei looked down and saw that she had rushed him out of the room before he had a chance to put on anything but his underwear and goggles. She felt the chill night air too and wrapped her arms around herself. The blue fox hardly felt it, but Lei shivered slightly, his jacket not offering much protection.

"I need to get him to a warm area to recover." StarRenamon said. "I could help with that." Generating a little heat from her body, FlamePalmon creates a fireball and holds it up, the heat spreading. Davis sighed at the relief that it was warm.

"Flames, that's not a good idea. The light of it will attract others." StarRenamon said. FlamePalmon sighed and puts out her fireball, the coldness returning.

"D-d-damn..." Davis muttered.

"We're pretty close to Izzy's apartment." She said, "Maybe he can help us figure out what's wrong with Hawkmon."

"Whatev-v-ver!" Davis shuddered, rubbing his arms. They quickly made their way to Izzy's apartment and knocked frantically on the door. They were fortunate that he had been up at the time. Izzy opened the door and looked at Yolei and Davis, then to StarRenamon and Lei, then to FlamePalmon. He looked again at the first two's lack of clothes and then behind them, an unconscious silver haired kid with a jean jacket and jeans atop a blue fox's shoulder.

"Um... what can I do for you?" He said. They rushed inside and he shut the door.

"P-p-p-PANTS!" Davis nearly screamed.

"Sure... middle drawer." He pointed to his room. Davis immediately ran inside.

"Uhh... would you mind telling me what you and Davis were doing outside in your unmentionables, and what happened to Lei?"

Yolei blushed slightly. "Hawkmon's gone berserk!" She said, "When I was getting a drink of water from the kitchen, he attacked me and... tried to... kiss me...." She shifted her eyes, not wanting to show the fear she was feeling.

"What?!" Izzy said, surprised.

"There was something wrong with him... I don't know what but... he was... different. If Lei didn't hold him back... " Grabbing a pillow from the couch, StarRenamon set the unconscious boy down onto the floor.

"Can I have a blanket?" StarRenamon asks Izzy.

"Sure. I'll be back in a moment." Izzy said, deep in thought. "This is very strange." Izzy said as he came back with a red blanket and gave it to StarRenamon to put over Lei. He looks to Yolei. "Where is Hawkmon now?"

"Back at my apartment for all I know." Just then, Davis emerged from Izzy's room, sliding on a relatively small shirt.

"Do you have any bigger shirts? This one kind of doesn't fit." He said, pulling down on the one he had on.


As Izzy listened again to Yolei's explanation of what happened, he bit his lip in thought. StarRenamon sat Lei on the sofa, thinking that may be better. He sat next to him with FlamePalmon on his lap, her vine-hand tracing the lines on his armor.

-It doesn't make sense.- Izzy thought to himself. -Hawkmon was acting normal this afternoon. What would make him so bent on hurting his Digidestined partner? Does this have anything to do with what happened earlier?- "I can't make any conclusions from you're giving me, I'm sorry..." He said, "There's too little information. I mean, there are thousands of theories that could be based on what you're giving me. Maybe Hawkmon's been taking something different in his diet. Maybe something's wrong with him and his mind is confused. He may even be jealous of you and Davis for all I know."

"Or maybe someone's gotten to him." StarRenamon spoke up and opened his eyes. He runs his paw over FlamePalmon's arm. She shivered slightly, a small smile on her red face.

"What do you mean?" Izzy asked.

"Earlier tonight, as DemiRenamon, I followed Veemon, and he did something to Gatomon and changed her somehow. I learned this by Gatomon assaulting me, and was trying to kiss me, but I got away before she could do it. I don't know how yet, but if Veemon could change Gatomon, then she could now probably do the same to Hawkmon, or any other Digimon for that matter." StarRenamon finished.

Yolei looked at the ground, still thinking of Hawkmon. "It was almost like... something was controlling him..."

"Lei was following Jun for the same reason I was, but according to him he didn't see much because she went to Matt's house." StarRenamon added.

"Wait... You're telling me that Jun is under the same thing as Veemon?!" Davis asks, a little worried.

"I believe so, since it happened to Gatomon." StarRenamon said.

"Well, until I can get more data on what we're dealing with, we're still left in the dark." Izzy sighed. A bright purple glow from Lei distracted Izzy for a moment.

"What's going on with him?" Izzy asks StarRenamon. The blue and black fox looked down at him, seeing his chest glowing slightly.


"His what?" A confused Yolei asked, trying to focus on another subject at the moment.

"Lei can explain it better than I could, but his Digivice along with his crest can help him recover faster."

"Wait a minuet... Crest?" Izzy asked, as confused as the others. "I thought there were only eight crests?"

StarRenamon looked to Izzy. "No. There were more than the eight that you know. Time, Illusion, Destruction, Anger, I think... and Metal are the only ones that I know of. Lei's the one that has the Time Crest. The others I have no idea what happened to them."

Davis and Yolei looked to Izzy questionly. Izzy shrugged. "I never heard of this before..." Before Izzy could finish his statement, there was sudden and frantic knocking at the door. Izzy got up and answered it, only to have the door smack him in the face. Palmon rushed in, panting and covered in cuts.

"Palmon! What's going on, are you all right?" Yolei said as she and Davis stood up.

StarRenamon went to the window near the door, FlamePalmon moving aside, sitting on the sofa. She saw the green plant Digimon rush in. -She looks like me...-

"Damn, he followed her..." StarRenamon muttered. "Now he knows where we're at."

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Palmon shouts. Izzy looked at her, confused then out the door.

"Izzy close it!" StarRenamon yelled out. "Hawkmon's flying fast!"

Hawkmon was flying towards them with great speed. Izzy eeped, slammed the door and locked it right before Hawkmon could enter through. There was a loud thud as the bird Digimon hit the wooden door. Izzy, Davis and Yolei got in front of the door, pushing against it with all their combined strength to keep the mad hawk out.

"Damn bird never knows when to quit." The blue fox muttered. Davis fell to the floor for a second from the current barrage on the creaking door.

"Davis!" Izzy and Yolei shouts to him as he quickly got back into place.

"Wasn't my fault! OUCH!" Davis said, the force of Hawkmon's blows reaching through the wood, pushing the door open ajar and the others back.

"Heave!" Davis calls out.

"HO!" The three push together, using the door to knock back Hawkmon. It worked for moment before the assault began again. FlamePalmon got up and went to the same window as her blue knight.

"StarRenamon, hold me up." The window wasn't low enough for her to see. He lifted her up onto his shoulder, looked outside and saw the brown bird hammering on the door. Afterwards, a short moment of silence as Hawkmon was catching his breath before more door pounding.

"DON'T LET HIM IN!!!!!" Palmon cried, backing away quickly into the hall closet, slamming the door behind her.

"That's Hawkmon?" FlamePalmon asks StarRenamon. "He's acting strange to be who you talked about..."

"That's for sure." StarRenamon replies.

Hawkmon was using all his strength to pound against the door. Right before he struck it again, Hawkmon suddenly stopped. He looked to the side as if hearing something, then quickly flew off. Izzy sighed in relief and sat on the ground, looking at the damage done to his front door.

"He's gone?" Yolei said.

"Yeah, he left." Davis said, as he and StarRenamon looked outside for any other 'friends'. Izzy slowly stood up, dusted himself off and went over to the closet, opening it. Palmon was huddled inside, shaking uncontrolably. FlamePalmon left StarRenamon for a moment to see if she could help Palmon.

"Palmon, he's gone it's all right now." Izzy said as he beckoned her to come out, "What happened?"

"Attacked... Mimi... I... barely escaped..." She whimpered, "... has her..."

"Who? Who has Mimi? Hawkmon?" Yolei asks the terrified plant-girl.

"Veemon has her?" Davis also asks, prepared for the worst.

"No.... her claws...white...pur...ple..." Palmon shivered in fear as she tried to remember a name, a name that she wishes she could forever forget. "...G...Gatomon, she... has her...."

End of Chapter 3...