Disclaimer: All TOEI Digimon and such belong to them. Any other characters, well, they belong to me, Chaos Knight Matthew. I did used a few ideas that were used from Trillermon's Infection Story, which motivated me to try this one out... I hope he doesn't mind... I'm not really too keen on the geography of the Digimon world or where the Digidestined live so if there is something that doesn't seem right with placement, let me know at chaosknightmatthew@hotmail.com. Thanks.

Anyhow... Enjoy the story.

Chapter 2: Trouble with Friends...

Back at the Yagami household, Gatomon left Kari's room and went into the kitchen for something to calm herself down.

-How does he have the nerve to show himself after rejecting me like he did!?! He's dead meat the next time I see him.- As Gatomon got herself a tall, cool, glass of milk, her thoughts was interrupted by noticing the door was unlocked. This was unusual because Mrs. Yagami, Kari's Mom, was a security freak ever since their house was broken into and their TV stolen. She insisted that the house be completely locked when less than three people were home.

-That's strange...- Suddenly, her ears twitched. She turned around and nearly jumped out of her fur to see Veemon.

"::Meow!:: Don't scare me like that Veemon!" She gasped for breath, "How did you get in? I thought the Sealing Queen made entrance impossible."

"I guess she... forgot to lock up tonight." Veemon smiled. Gatomon looked at the smile. It didn't seem right. She immediately began to sense something wrong.

"Hey, Veemon... are you okay? You look... different somehow." She asked.

"I'm the same Veemon." He smiled, shrugging.

"Yeah... I guess I'm just a little over-observant..." She returned to her milk and sipped the glass slowly. Veemon slowly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, breathing on her neck. She laughed slightly and pulled away.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing." She chuckled. She had an idea though, of what he had in mind. It would be perfect for getting back at DemiRenamon.

"I think you know..." Veemon grinned. Gatomon looked him over then smiled. She dropped the carton to the ground as Veemon pulled her to him embracing in a tight kiss. Gatomon's eyes opened as she felt Veemon's tongue lick hers. Something felt horribly wrong. She pushed away and looked at him.

"Uh... you know... I'm not sure if I do want to do this... maybe we should wait." She shrugged, pushing him away and stepping back. Veemon frowned at this.

"Stop stalling." He growled, stepping forward.

"Veemon, I mean it, I don't want to do anything to upset DemiRenamon." Gatomon insisted, trying to get away from him.

"Well that's too bad because I don't really care. We're going to do this whether you like it..." He grabbed her arms tightly, "... or not."

"Let me go!" Gatomon struggled, "Veemon, what's wrong with you?!" He pulled her to him but she broke free one of her paws. Swiping her sharp claws, she scratched him across the face. He stumbled back, holding his cheek and wincing slightly. He looked up at the panicking Gatomon and grinned. He moved his hand and she gasped. Instead of blood dripping from the scars on his face, a strange-looking white-green goo was oozing from it. The substance sucked back into his cheek and the wound healed immediately.

"De... DemiRenamon was right... something is wrong with you." Veemon cocked his head. "What are you?!" She said, a little more intimidated now, thoughts of revenge gone from her mind.

"Why, Gatomon, it's me. Don't you recognize your old friend, Veemon?" He gave that disturbing grin again and started walking towards Gatomon, who started walking backwards. Looking at Veemon's face, Gatomon saw that his eyes had a faint light to them.

"Y-- You're not Veemon. Stay away from me! What ever you are!!" She dashed past him and towards the door. Veemon turned and threw out his hand. As Gatomon got to the door, the locks on the door snapped and latched, a pale light outlining it. Gatomon stopped and turned slowly to Veemon. He had disappeared from view. She quickly looked from side to side extremely nervous, her white ears up, trying to listen for him. Suddenly, Gatomon was tackled from behind. She hit the carpet hard and looked back, Veemon was easily restraining her.

"Veemon! Stop this!" Try as she could, she couldn't break free.

"Demirenam-mmmhp!!!" Before she could finish her call, Veemon cupped his hand across her mouth silencing her.

"Don't even bother calling him." Veemon chuckled and removed his hand, switching it with his left hand that was holding her arms together above her. Veemon flipped Gatomon quickly to her back and slowly leaned forward. Gatomon tried to turn away, but Veemon grabbed her chin and turned her back to face him.

"It's futile to resist." Veemon forced a deep kiss on her as Gatomon continued to try and scream out.


Outside the Yagami Household.

-I wish she wasn't so mad at me. Then maybe she wouldi've heard me out. I've got to get in there before...- DemiRenamon's thoughts were interrupted from screaming at the door, then was silenced.

"What the... Gatomon!" He ran to the door, to find it locked. -Perhaps I'm too late.- Placing his head next to the door, he can hear her muffled screaming, which was shortly silenced.

-Oh no...- DemiRenamon pointed a finger at the doorknob and said, "Unlock..." He felt Lei's magic power flow through him as the spell worked it's way through.

-Lei is not going to like that...- There was a cry from the other side. -Come on!! Hurry!!- In a minuet, the magic worked and the door opened ajar. There were no sounds now. He slid his head through to find Gatomon standing next to Veemon, staring at him.

"Well, well, well, Looks like I have another visitor tonight." Gatomon's voice took on monotone level. She narrowed her eyes at him, a small light flashing from them. DemiRenamon quickly closed the door and began to run away.

"Something's not right...!" The panicked fox said to himself as he started in a run back to the waiting area. The door flew open, Veemon's hand outstretched, and Gatomon launched from the door and landed on DemiRenamon, twisting him around so that he landed on his back, crashing him on to the ground, pinning his chest with one hand.

"I thought you would be happy to see me?" The white cat digimon purred The blue fox turned his head.

"Well, I'd be more happy if you got off me!" He stated as he tried to get free, using both hands to try and push her off, but it like trying to move a statue. -I'm glad Lei isn't around...- Gatomon's strength was surprisingly keeping him down. He tried to push her off, but she wouldn’t budge. -...Gatomon's stronger?-

"Not just yet... I've got a present that I know you like, just for you." Gatomon said as she chuckled at DemiRenamon's attempts to move her. She lowered her head toward the fox's face. DemiRenamon saw something in Gatomon's usually blue eyes. They had a slight white tinge to them for some reason.

"Gatomon..." She stopped and met eye level with the blue fox. "I have something to tell you." A pleased but impatient look came over the cat's face.

"Awww.. can't it wait?" She said looking at him like a little kid, touching his chest slightly, tickling him.

"No... It can't.." He shivered for a second from her touch. Gatomon tilted her head, wondering what he had to say while her hand was feeling through the thick fur of his chest. Outstretching his arms he hastily shouts,

"RENAPPERE!!!" DemiRenamon's form glowed and he vanished from under Gatomon. She landed on the ground, now nothing to hold her up.

"Grrr!" She hit the ground with her hand. "How did he do that!?" Gatomon growled. Veemon walked up to her.

"Do not worry, Number Three. His time will come."


Lei ran as fast as he could to try and get back. For some reason, on his way back, his power drained slightly and lowered his speed spell by a third. Turning the next corner, he saw DemiRenamon was already at Davis's house before Lei returned, arms crossed and head down. Lei stopped before he tripped over the blue fox's tail.

"Anything fun happened at your end?" DemiRenamon asks his friend, panting slightly.

"Nothing, but overshot... my stop.. I could tell that... you needed you use... a magic spell." DemiRenamon looked up at Lei and nods his head.

"I did." DemiRenamon told his friend all that had happened with him, leaving out that part about Gatomon. Lei did the same, after taking a moment of rest. After they were done, DemiRenamon spoke up.

"Let's visit Davis tomorrow, to see about Veemon." Lei looked at the dark windows.

"Doesn't look like he's home now."

"Could he be at Yolei's?" DemiRenamon asks. Lei thought for a moment.


"We could spend the night there, seeing if these... incidents... are also appearing elsewhere. Then see if they know anything."

"Now there's an idea. Let's try it." Lei started walking, but DemiRenamon didn't follow.

"I need to check on FlamePalmon first." Lei turned around. "I am a little late for our meeting..."

"Hmm. So I guess I'll meet you at Yolei's in an hour and a half then?" DemiRenamon nodded. Lei brought his backpack forward and took out a sparkling card and his Digivice. He handed the card to his partner.

"Say 'Portal Lei' to return. I only have one of these so don't lose it. Time Gate Respond!!" Lei said, his Star Digivice and card glowed. Purple rings appeared in front of DemiRenamon. He touched the circles and vanished. Lei set off alone to Yolei's apartment store.



An hour as passed...

Veemon looked out across the bright lights from the Tokyo skyscrapers. He traced his claws across the parapet and grinned slightly.

"A world full of fresh hosts, ready for the taking." He said to himself. "That fox fool, thinking he could try to stop me." He chuckled, "Still, these... Digidestined seem to be a good source of power... more so with the Digimon." Veemon said, looking at his talented hands. "After I acquire a nice amount of this energy, it shall be enough to revive my master." He clasped his hand into a fist, "Then the true ruler shall awaken. No one alive will be left without a distinct connection to us. " He snickered evilly. "That fox will have to be taken care of somehow, one way ..." Veemon's narrowed his eyes. "...or another."

"Number One?" A voice came from behind him and Veemon closed his eyes, "Number Two has acquired Number Four. A report from Number Twenty-Two said that Seventeen and Eightteen are also acquired "

"Excellent, Number Three, it seems everything is going as planned." He nodded, turning towards Gatomon, "Tell Number Four to acquire Eight with you. Once Number Eight is with us, join up with Eightteen to acquire Nine and Ten. I'm also putting Number Seven in charge with you." He pulled her close to him, kissing her deeply. Gatomon's eyes closed as she kissed back. "I'm looking forward to your success." Veemon said as he turned back to his work.

End of Chapter 2