Disclaimer: I dont own digimon or any of its related products or copywrites. I am not making any sort of profit off of these works of fanfiction and am doing this out of pure enjoyment.

Author note: this takes place 4 years after the defeat of the D-Reaper. So all the characters are older and more mature, including Guilmon. The Tamers also hold their memories from my past story at the tournament.

The plot thickens

The day had quickly turned to a cloudy and stormy afternoon and the Tamers had decided not venture into the digital world today because of the conditions outside. Rika, Takato, Juri, Shadow, Renemon and Guilmon had decided to spend the night at Rikas house since it was the largest place close enough to the portal to leave from in the mourning. Henry having made previos plans to spend some time with his family instead. "So Shadow do you really think that this whole mess is because of another worlds creation?" Asked Rika rubbing her wet hair with a towel. "Well I think he is the main cause of the problems but something about the whole thing just doesn't seem to add up." He said lost deep in thought, not noticing juri using some of his hair/fur as a towel/pillow. "Well I think we are stronger than any digimon, especially with the power of these cards." Said Guilmon finnaly waking up out of his half sleep. "Yes we are defionatly powerful but the problem is you have no natural megas and as it was created only megas and higher are protected from the abilities of creation. He will be able to create great hatred and pain within your hearts rather easily. I am able to protect thwe humans but digimon are even beyond my power." Replied Shadow grimly. "Well, I have a natural mega form. Though I am unable to crontol it much and it is kinda evil." Half-Laughed Guilmon as he lay on the floor beside where Renemon was siting. "Thats not an option Guilmon, I dont want to lose you or anymore friends on this trip." Said Juri sternly. "Hold on, how could you possibly have an natural mega. From what I have seen your code is missing some very important bits of data. If you ever did digivolve to a mega stage you would be immensly powerful but you would have no way to really control or harnes it." Replied Shadow sounding rather surprised. "Well he can and its not something I would think could be usefull to us. I pushed him too far once and he morphed into a demon. I wish never to see it again. It wasn't my friend Guilmon, he should never have to go through such a thing again." Said Takato a small tear forming in his eye. "Heh there is the result of missing code. If he could ever digivolve to that state again and he had his full proper code he would still be the same Guilmon and would be a good hundred times more powerful. How did you create him anyway?." Asked Shadow curious as to what could possibly create such an odd digimon as Guilmon. "Well do you remeber the blue cards Henry gave us earlier today before he went home?. I used one of them with one of my drawings to create Guilmon." Replied Takato handing Shadow the picture of Guilmon and one of the Blue Cards Henry gave them. "Ha no wondr he is incomplete. This card is a part of Creations original code, but it is missing some major parts for creating a new digimon. and this drawing does little for actual abilities." Laughed Shadow as he went over the Card in his minds eye. "What do you mean, incomplete fior creating a digimon?." Asked Takato looking at his best friend and taking some offense. He thought Guilmon turned out perfect for him. A small flash drew his attention back to the card as it turned from blue to gold. "Here swipe this and you'll see exactly what I mean." He replied tossing Takato the gold card. He swiped the card and it dispersed into bits of data that fused with Guilmon.

His digimon glowed a golden color then looked just as he normally did. "Okay now what just happened?." Asked Takato very confused. "Heh lets head outside and see some of his changes in full glory. Here Takato use this, I have slightly modified this blue card for Guilmon." Replied Shadow, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Well okay I guess, c'mon Guilmon" Said Takato as Guilmon just grunted and followed him outside. Juri and Shadow were stanting out in the middle of Rikas house. The large garden area was wet from the falling rain. Juri using Shadows Fur as an umbrela of sorts. "Here goes nothing." Laughed Takato as he slashed the Blue Card. Guilmon Glowed for a few seconds before his body started to grow and morph. WARP DIGIVOLUTION. Juri ducked behind Shadow letting out an earpiercing scream as Megidramon stood where Guilmon was. "Woah now this is new." Came Megidramons first real words. He didn't feel hatred for everything else in the world. he felt calm and at peace just as normal. "What, he isn't angry ot trying to kill things?. Does that mean that Guilmon is in control?." Asked Takato surprised. "Yeah it seems I am in control now, cool." Exlaimed Megidramon as he looked at his new form for the first real time. Juri was still a bit aprehensive about going near the large demon-dragon digimon. "Well wanna test out your new strength a little Megidramon?." Asked Shadow measuring up the new digimon. "Heh gladly, I wanted a rematch anyway." Chuckled Megidramon as his eyes started to glow with energy. "Well I don't think we'll be able to have a proper battle here, it seems a little small. Lets take to the skies." Laughed Shadow as he shoot strait into the air, followed closly by Megidramon. Stopping about fifty feet off the ground, Shadow summoning his spear. Megidramon was the first one to make a move. He rushed straight at Shaodw, who jumped out of the way, and spinning around to him in the back with his tail. Reacting upon instinct alone Shadow quickly spun as he was knocked down by Megidramons tail. Grabbing his opponents tail he threw Megidramon, rather forcefully, towards the ground. Recovering shortly before he would have hit the ground Megidramon stopped in mid air and launched his attack at Shadow. "HAVOC CANNON" yelled the deep and gravely voice of Megidramon. A large energy flame exiting his mouth and streamiong strait towards Shadow. It was as if time stood still as a small cluster of portals opened in Rika's garden. Megidramons attack was diflected as a cloaked digimon exited a portal between the two combatants. Shadow was grabbed by the cloaked digimon and sent flying into Megidramons chest. Send the two of them careening into the ground. Megidramon almost instantly de-digivolved into Guilmon. Both he and the almost unconcious Shadow laying in the large crater.

Shadow awoke quickly with a start as he heard Juri scream his name. Leaping out of the crater he saw that a number of Daiboromon were trying to kidnap or otherwise harm her. Rage overtook his body as his eyes changed from red to pitch black and his aura flared. He could see a portal open near the edge of the crater and more Daiboromon were pouring through. He could see that Rika and Taomon were holding their own just outside the house against even more Daiboromon. His mind raced as he flew directly at the cluster of Daiboromon trying to harm his partner. Landing in the midst of a group of a couple dozen of them. He started to send one after another flying in all different directions. The demonic digimon flying left and right, but were being replaced quicker than he could destroy them. He was snapped out of his trance as Juri let out another ear piercing scream. He looked to see one of the Daiboromon about to bring his clawed hand down on her. A mega of that power hitting her would most definatly be fatal. Rushing to her aid he took the blow, one of the claws slicing deep into his shoulder. Letting out a yell of rage he grabbed the arm of the Daiboromon responsible for his injury.Ripping it clear off the digimon. His data being scatered to the wind. Juri was covering herself in fear, looking strait at the ground. A blue glint of a card catching her eye. It was a blue card. "It might be worht a try" she thought out loud. She pickerd up the card and quickly swiped it through her D-Power. A blue flash and Shadow was transformed. His hair had grown longer and more spiky(think Goku SSJ4). His eyes still filled with rage were still pitch black, his armor and physical structure changing a little but not by much. His armor becomming more dense and his arms gaining blade-knuckled gauntlets. He hadn't even noticed much until he layed a punch into a groupd of Daiboromon and his arms were glowing red. The Daiboromon were destroyed in a blast of energy released from his hands. Placing his hands togeather and facing a cluster of Daiboromon. He let his instincts take over and the energy come. "GIGA FLARE" boomed his voice as large purple energy bolts streamed from his hands anihilating everything in its path. Seeing the portals close and the last of the Daiboromon being destroyed by Taomon and Rika. The last of them destroyed Shadow looked around. "Is everyone alright" he yelled. "Yeah we are fine but Takato is gone, same with Guilmon." Came Rikas reply. "Are you alright Juri?" he asked concerned for his partner. "Yeah I think so, who was that and what did he want with Takato and Guilmon?" She asked as she threw her arms around Shadows waist and started to cry. All of her friends were going away. First Leomon now Takato and Guilmon. "Nothing, he doesn't want Takato and Guilmon per say. He just wants us to get angry and attack them without preperation. Oh boy that was a hard figh..........." Replied Shadow as he fainted and De-Digivolved. Juri could see he had many deep wounds on his back from protecting her.

In the Dark Citadel.

"What the hell do you want from us." Yelled Takato towards the security camera in his cell. A dark gravely voice was his answer "No boy its not what i want from you its what you can get for me. I just hope it doesn't take too long for Kaishadamon to return with our other guests." Laughed the voice rather cruely. "Who are you and what is it I can do for you?."Takato yelled venomously. "All in due time my boy all in due time" Replied another voice, this one garbled but definatly female. "I hope the Master is pleased with our work." Said a third voice. Yet another female thought Takato. Looking around for a way out he found Guilmon, chained to the wall with some sort of power limiter around his neck. He wasn't going to get out of here that way.

Back in the real world(02)

Things had setled down considerably. Izzy was working on the crest he found on the beach. It was a rather complex program system devised into it. Tai, Matt, Izzy, Mimi(02 not future) and Sora had started their second year of collage togeather. Mimi's parents allowing her to stay in japan to finish her last year of high school and collage. She, Izzy and young Anna were living under the same roof. Izzy having recently moved out of his own home and bought himself an apartment. He felt obliged to take care of the child that the Mimi from the future had left behind. She had given birth to Anna a few years earlier. Shortly afterwards she had died in a car accident. Young Anna and her digimon partner, Floramon, had a perfect relationship with each other from day one. They were born on almost the same day. Floramon being the daughter of the "evil" Palmon from the other timeline. From what he could tell both were part human, part digimon. He didn't want to tell Anna anything about her father or mother for fear that she might feel hatred towards him or her. Izzy turned to Mimi, snapping out of his thoguhts for a moment as she looked at him with that "Done yet" look she always has. "Sorry I have just been wondering, How did Kaiayomon travel through time. He shouldn't have had control over such things. I dont think he acted alone and I am worried about what might happen if he or one of his partners ever came back. would we or Anna be safe. Even with my powers returning when I found the true power of that crest. I doubt I could stop anyone even half as powerful as Kaiayomon was." Thought Izzy outloud. "Why are you always thinking about such things Izzy, you know as well as me that there is nothing to worry about. I've seen what you can do with that crest, as well as what Anna can do. Even if she is only 5 she is very powerful for her age." She replied wrapping her arms around his neck, having to lean upwards to do so. He had grown a good foot and a half since they were in high school. "I guss so, but it still bothers me. What if there are others like Kaiayomon." He replied giving her a hug back. Leaning into eachother for a kiss, they were rather rudly interupted by a loud crash and a scream. "That came from Anna's room" Yelled Izzy as he gently moved Mimi out of the way and ran to his Daughters room. Entering the room he saw Anna and Floramon in the arms of a cloaked Figure with a glowing crystal on a chain around its neck. "Daddy help me" Yelled Anna as she was sucked into a digital port by the cloaked figure. Just as the portal closed half the wall behind where the portal was was destroyed by a powerful energy blast fired by Izzy. "DAMMIT" screamed the enraged Izzy. Mimi rushing into the room and trying to calm him down. "Izzy please calm down you don't want to do anything drastic." She said grabbing his arm. "We have to find out where they went" He said calming down.

A few hours later

"So Izzy where did they take Anna?" Asked Kari concerned for her little friends where abouts. "I don't know, I can't seem to find any traces of them in this world or the digital world." Said Izzy holding back tears. "Hey guys you'll want to see this." Came TK's voice from Anna's half destroyed room. Izzy, Mimi, Kari, Yolei and their respective digimon came into Anna's room. All were shocked to see TK's D-3 spining in mid air. Before anyone could say anything their D-3s flew up to join TK's. All of the D-3s started to spin around in an orbit around a small ball of energy. "What on earth" said Yolei as the D-3s stopped returned to their owners and the energy ball expanded into a portal that sucked them into it.

Real World (03)

"How are you Shadow? feeling better today." Asked Renemon sitting beside the bed he was on. Most of his upper body and his left leg covered in bandages. "Better then last night at least. Where is Juri?" He asked sitting up looking for his missing jacket. Looking at it and seeing the leather had several deep tears in it from the battle last night. "Heh well this is a loss, oh well guess I'll have to go without for a while." He half laughed as he threw the jacket into the corner of the small room. "Guess so, and Juri is outside eating some breakfast. Would you like anything" Said Rika from the doorway. "Yeah I guess so, how about some fruit. preferably citrus." He said trying to spot his pants from the bed. Renemon guessing what he was looking for tossed him his torn jeans. "I'll just be going outside now." She replied to his unasked question. Phasing out she couldn't help but stay and watch. Juri had been the one to dress his wounds and she didn't allow her to help so she wished to see what he looked like and how bad his injuries were. She had a clue as to why Juri came out of the room that night blushing red'er than Guilmon. In under 5 seconds she knew for sure. She could see he was completely naked when he got out of the bed, and he had a furry penis. Renemon got instantly wet at some of the thoughts that shot trough her head at the sight of the rather large fuzzy meat hanging from him. She didn't get a great look as it was covered up by his pants. She could quite easily see his bandages through the large gash in the left leg of his pants. Snapping out of her trance as Rika knocked on the door. "I found some fruit for you. Are you almost done in there?" She asked through the door. "Yeah, one thing, got any big shirts? I don't feel like going outside without some sort of covering for these bandages." He replied opening the door and closing it behind him. Renemon jumped out of the shadows of the small room. Heading outside she saw that Rika had given him a very large shirt that someone had given Takato once upon a time that he couldn't fit into properly. Rika and Juri were sitting on either side of him as they ate breakfast out in the semi-destroyed courtyard. "So what are we going to do? about Takato I mean." Asked Juri checking Shadows bandages. "I dont really know what we are dealing with and what they hope to achive by taking Takato. Who are they planning on trapping?" He said scratching his head and eating part of a grapefruit. "I think they are trying to draw you." Said Renemon bluntly grabbing a glass of juice and sitting down on the ground next to the rest of them. Renemon, Rika and Shadow pirked up at the ring of the door bell. "I thought you called Henry and said we weren't going to the digital world for now." Said Rika to Juri as she went to answer the door. "She did, thats not Henry" Said Renemon sniffing the air and not picking up Henry or Terriermon. "Renemon Disappear now." Commanded Shadow hushed. Both of them fading out into the shadows of the hall way behind Rika. What Rika saw when she opened the door nearly made her faint. Standing there was an older looking TK and Kari. "Hello, miss I have a question for you. Would you happen to know Rika Nonaka? and where we might be able to find her?" Said TK, Kari looking at her D-3 and the signal it was giving off. Whispering something to TK, and then poiting to the markers on the D-3. "Yes I am Rika Nonaka, how may I help you." She asked kindly. "Guys we found one of em, find our signal" said TK into his D-3. "Yes miss Nonaka we are looking for others like us in this place. Are you a digidestained? or is this contraption mistaken." Said TK as Rika invited them in. "Hey Rika who is it?" Yelled Juri from the other room.

As TK and Kari entered the house, Patamon and Gatomon following shortly behind them. They had felt sort of out of place in this place. Until they entered the house and felt the presence of another digimon. "Renemon you can come out now." Said Rika, making the guests to the house jump out of their skins as she appeared behind them out of thin air. "What is going on here. Who are you really?" asked Rika as she looked over the two guests and their digimon. Before they could answer a black shadow fell over the room and three people and three digimon seemed to melt out of it. Shadow perked up at this, a deep unknown rage stirring in him. Izzy, Mim and Yolei stood there as the shadow was sucked back into Izzy's body. Shadow lost it at that, phasing into the room and sending Izzy flying into the courtyard with a surprise punch to the side. Letting out a roar he chased after the injured Izzy. leaping into the air he came down upon where izzy lay. His claws striking bare concrete as Izzy rolled out of the way. "Death to the kais" Snarled Shadow as he formed his lance. Izzy gathering this would require his full power quickly transformed into his Kaibetamon form. His hair flying wildly with energy and his eyes glowing black. His armor and sword appearing out of nowhere. Izzy's eyes opened wide in shock as the creature infront of him seemed to transform himself. Giving off an all to familiar Aura to Izzy. Not waiting for it to stop he dashed at Shadow with his sword poised to strike. "EVIL BLAZE" Yelled Izzy as his sword was covered in black fire. bringing it up through where Shadow had been. Screaming in pain as he felt shadow double fist him, with his clawed gaunlets, in the back. Spinning on his heel he brought a spin kick to the side of Shadow head. The impact sending the two of them sprawling. Izzy being the first up put his sword away and brought out his arms infront of him. Making a number of energy symbols in the air. "KAI........GIGO..............HA." He yelled as the symbols formed into one large ball of energy. Energy being gathered from all around him. Shadow just spread his arms out and yelled "INFINITY VOID" a large black void forming infront of him (a stronger version of his ultimate stage Chaos Void.) The energy Izzy was gathering into his Kaigigoha attack came streaming towards the Void. The entire attack was quickly absorbed. Shadow Quickly clasp his hands togeather as he reliezed Kaibetamon would be tired. "THIS IS THE END FOR YOU KAIBETAMON" screamed Shadow as the area went dark. "INFINITY CANNON" he yelled as a small void appeared behind the small gap in his hands. All of the energy from Izzy's Kaigigoha attack and Gallantmons Lightning Joust poured out into one concentrated beam of energy. Izzy could only concentrate enough to power up his defenses with the crest of Power and extend his aura infront of him. Taking most of the attack the aura held but not long enough as the added boost of Gallantmons attack broke trough and smashed him into the wall behind him. He tried to get to his feet as Shadow approched him. Only to be stopped by Juri running infront of Izzy to protect him. "Shadow stop this now, he is not our enemy." She said in a harsh tone. Snapping out of somewhat of a trance. "OH but it was getting sooooo interesting" Laughed a Cloaked figure from above. "YOU" Yelled Izzy and Shadow at the same time. Both lept into the air aiming towards the Cloaked figure. "Ah ah ah" Said the Cloaked one with a wave of its finger. Izzy and Shadow pausing in time. The glow from the cloaked figures red crystal necklace. "Now I can't have you two around to wreck all of my plans now can I? Oh well I think I have a way of solving the problem." With a snap of his fingers the two disappeared. "Now as for you, I think I could have some fun with you." Laughed the cloaked figure as He started freezing the tamers and digidestained.


Izzy and Shadow fell a good 50 feet to the ground, but this wasn't the ground they were used to. it was a hard metalic substance. "Where are we?" Asked the now very sore Izzy. Looking around and seeing massive buildings streching beyond the clouds. Looking over at his companion, seeing a very strange site. Shadow was changing. He looked less and less like a werewolf and more like a human. but he didn't change totally. He still had the red and black dreadlocks but his face had lost its snout and had gained some sort of a face shield. He shrunk a bit in height now only an inch or two taller then Izzy (6'2"). His clawed gauntlets had changed into Full arm armor that ended with half gloves with blade knuckles. His fur almost melting into a black trench coat. Then all of a suden his Armor and weapons seemed to melt into his own body. He looked somewhat human now. Except for the blood red eyes he was perfect. "What on earth happened to you?' Asked Izzy curious about the changes. Shadow shruged as he looked at his changed body. He was now wearing a black leather trench coat, a pair of black jeans and a black sweat shirt. He took a look at his now claw-less hands. A small white and black device falling out of his shirt sleeve. Picking it up he looked at it. "Hmmmmmm I wonder what this is?" He thought outloud. "I dunno but we should probably see if we can get back to the others." Said Izzy picking Shadow up. "Yeah I guess, The names Shadow, and you are? or should I just refer to you as Kaibetamon?" grabbing Izzy's hand and standing up. "My names Izzy, call me what you please. I don't intend to help you long. I will find a way back to my friends and then you will pay for stealing my daughter." He replied as he quickly spun around and started to look at their surrondings and cursing himself for not bringing his laptop. It looked as though they were in some sort of mechanical portion of the Digital World. But he had studied every part of his worlds digital world and this certainly wasn't part of it. "I have no clue where we are. This isn't my demensions digital world." Replied Shadow to Izzy's unasked question. "Great so that cloaked Kai wasn't the one who stole Anna." Said Izzy putting two and two togeather. "How do you know?" Asked Shadow as they walked towards some of the closer buildings. "Simple, The Kai that stole my daughter was Creation. Creation doesn't have the power to send anyone other then themself to an other dimension. It must have been either Time or Space." Said Izzy looking at some of the strange symbols on the buildings and the now hiding digimon in the area. A large explosion nearby shock Izzy out of his trance. An Andromon leaping out of the hole. "It is time, Bring Chaos to this world." Came a dark evil voice from Shadows Device. "Huh what in the name of darkness was that." Said Shadow looking at his device. Red, Blue, White and Yellow flashes followed the Andromon. Izzy and Shadow taking cover as three more flashes flew by them and slamming into the first few flashes. They were moving too fast for either to get a good look. But they didn't match any digimon either knew. The Andromon, two more small digimon and a human girl carrying a small egg ran into the building they were hiding in. The Andromon jumping infront of the girl as he spotted the two already hiding there. "Who are you? Are you Cherubimons followers?" Asked Andromon with a harsh tone. "Hold on Amdromon, I don't know about that one but, that one IS not our enemy." Said one of the small digimon with a book in its hand. He was pointing at Izzy. Almost out of no where a green and silver flash then a very odd looking digimon with two shields for arms was standing there. "Now what is this, all my work set out so nicely for me." IT laughed. Andromon took the defensive infront of the girl holding the Egg. Laughing, the metal digimon charged, at Andromon one of its shields raised. Izzy on pure instinct alone lept off and smashed into the shield digimons side. The Digimon was barely phased by the blow but was sent crashing into the wall.

In the Tamers Dimension

Rika woke up in Takatos arms. She looked around to see that she was in some sort of holding cell. "Where are we?" She asked sitting up on the makeshift bed that was in their cell. "I don't know but it has a strong presence of Kai." Said Renemon from her position next to the still unconcious Guilmon. "Our captors are probably going to use us for their amusement." Said Takato, nearly making Rika jump out of her skin. She hadn't yet reliezed he was holding her. "Takato" almost yelled Rika as she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him for a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss Takato replied "Its nice to see you too." He laughed as she hugged him close. They sat there just holding eachother for a few minutes. Something was bugging Rika's nose. It was the least of her thoughts though. She had really missed Takato and being this close to him was doing something strong to her. She could feel that Takato was feeling about the same. Turning around she stradled his legs and began to kiss him deeper then before. She felt his hands gently gliding up her sides, slowly removing her shirt. She broke off the kiss for only a second as she lifted her arms and Takato removed her shirt and bra in one quick movement. As soon as it was off Takato's lips flew to her nipple, gently sucking and nibbling on them. Rika had almost forgotten how good he was at this as she let out a low moan of pleasure. Taking some control of her own she quickly unbuttoned his shirt and moved his arms off of their hold on her hips. She quickly took his shirt and threw it over her shoulder. Renemon becoming very turned on by the site of her tamer and her mates tamer going at it and being very jealous since her mate was unconcious. She started to rub her own chest and inserted a clawed hand carefully into her treasure. Rika let out a loud moan as Takato began to eat her out. He really enjoyed this and Rika loved that about him. Her thoughts left her as his tongue went very deep into her cunt. She let out a loud scream as he quickly pulled hius tongue out and squeezed her clit between it and his upper lip. Renemon was now thrusting two of her clawed fingers into her pussy and trying to get herself off. She was so close a number of times but it just wouldn't happen and she was starting to get very frustrated. Rika let out a high pitched moan as Takato's member sunk its head into her. She was always surprised by its size. Takato had grown up alot in the last few years and while Rika had changed she was still about the same size she was 4 years ago. Takato knowing that he was getting close tried his hardest to bring Rika along with him. She wrapped her legs around him tightly as she approached her peak. His cock was thrusting in and out at a very fast pace. Renemon was getting even hornier watching her tamer having the time of her life right infront of her. She was surprised when she felt a clawed hand grab her arm that was pleasuring herself. She turned to see Guilmon with a raging herd-on standing behind her. He pulled her arm away and thrusted his pole into her. She let out a very loud moan as he brought himself in to the hilt. Placing her hands on the ground to steady herself. He reached around her and grabbed her breasts and started to thrust in full strength. She screamed as she hit her orgasm. Her pussy clenching around Guilmons sizeable meat. Rika was getting closer and closer with each thrust, her pussy starting to get sore from the size of Takato. They had rolled over so she was on top and she was riding him for all she could. After only a few more thrusts she let out a very high pitched moan as she hit her orgasm. Her juices flowing out onto his cock. Speeding up his upward thrusts Takato blew his load after feeling her pussy clamp around his dick. Both he and Rika were spent and fell back onto the bed. Falling a sleep almost as they hit. Renemon was still moaning as Guilmon relentlessly thrust himself into her. He had spun her around so they were facing each other as his cock thrust into her over and over again. She could do little but moan as his stamina held for what seemed like for ever. But just as she hit her third orgasm he came with her. She had a second smaller orgasm from the feeling of his warm fluid filling her core. She nearly blacked out from lack of energy when he pulled out of her. A few more splurts of cum flying from his dick and landing on her chest. He set her down gently on her side and curled up protectivly around her.

In the main control room

"well you were right Kaikunimon" Laughed one of the three cloaked female Kais. "Yep both of them were as big as you thought, damn you I really wanted to give that Guilmon a try" Said the second with a look of defeat. "Oh don't be so sad Kaijenomon, and don't you rub it in Kaitamemon. I won fair and square but that doesn't mean we all can't have fun" Laughed the third as they looked at the two sleeping couples in the cell on the monitor.

End, for now

Well thats the second chapter. tell me what you think, email me at bigman_140@hotmail.com with the title "Shadows". As for what Happens to Shadow and Izzy. I will be leaving that for a while but just remeber it doesn't follow the show since this is an AU fic.