disclaimer: I DO NOT own digimon or the end game saga also if you are under age do not read this although i have no conflict with you reading this so enjoy this is all i shall bother you with this story takes place after mrredrovers end game child of shadows series now enjoy the show

Author note: in my stories izzy's aura is red and his eyes and blasts are black and*=thought(=authors note and $=telepathy

this takes place the morning after "the wish"


                                              THE RESISTANCE


        "Good morning veemon, gatomon, did you sleep well?" asked Kaiayomon with a slight smirk as veemon and gatomon entered the main lab of the resistance base. "Heh, heh well yes, why do you ask?" replied veemon with a large blush. " 'Cause the walls here aren't that sound proof" said Kaiayomon with a little chuckle and a rub of his ears.


       "Ok i think we need to get to work here 'cause we have to brief the other factions on the new members" said Mimi comming into the room with a towel on her wet hair and Palmon at her side. "Yes well I belive you might be right Mimi, but shouldn't they at least have time to get ready 'cause it seems that these three don't get up as early as the rest of us in the rebelion" said Kaiayomon in an amused tone. "Yeah your probably right" groand Davis in a sleepy tone. "I could use a shower" said veemon "how about you Gatomon?" Veemon asked in a sly tone "oh you have got to be kidding you know that i hate.... oh i get it, yes i would gladly have a showr as well " she stated finnaly getting the point


up in veemon's personal bathroom


      load moans could be heard comming from the shower stall. The moans were followed by a very load purr and moan followed by more moans and a yelp then a thud. "hey Veemon i think it might be better if we did this sitting down" said Gatomon "yeah you are deffinatly right, man did that ever hurt" said Veemon rubbing his head "hey what are you guys doing in there?" came Davis's voice from Veemon's bedroom "eep, um nothing Davis, what do you want?" said a nervous Veemon "I came to tell you two to hurry up" said Davis "Kaiayomon and the others are waiting for us" "well hold your pegasusmon's we're comming" said an annoyed Gatomon angry at the fact that they couldn't finish what they started until later but all good things will come to those who wait


about ten minutes later in the control room of the base


      "Welcome to the comunication and weapons center of the base" said Kaiayomon to the three new commers as they entered four seperate sets of security doors "hey why do you have so much security?" asked Davis " 'cause this is the heart of the Pacific Area resistance" said Kaiayomon as the passed through the last door and into a large command centre with many monitors and key boards all had personal working at them. Some were digimon mostly human-like ultimates and champions. Some were humans all had digivices and were working in conjunction witha digimon. The three new commers figured that they were the humans partners. "Follow me miss, your partner is waiting for you" said a scared up Magnangemon to Gatomon "My partner?" said gatomon with a glint of hope in her eye "yes miss, your partner, Commander Takashi is waiting for you" said Magnangemon to the overjoyed Gatomon "Commander Takashi?, Tekaru Takashi?" asked Davis. "No Hikari Takashi and yes Kari is here Davis" said Kaiayomon to Davis "if you would all follow me the meeting is about to start" continued Kaiayomon as he lead the group down a hall towards a mysterious room "So why is Kari in charge and not you Kaiayomon?" asked Veemon " 'cause i cant command troops when I'm fighting, so Kari is tied third in command, next to me and Mimi

with Field Commander Takashi." answered Kaiayomon


in the communications centre


     "Welcome General McCormick, General McCormick and I'm not sure of your names" said a blond wild haired teenage boy wearing a suit of body armor and had a large weapon that looked like a small buster rifle straped to his back and a sword handle in a holster on his belt. Standing next to him a brown short haired teenage girl in a simillar suit with two somewhat smaller weapons that looked like laser pistols, both stood and saluted as Kaiayomon, Mimi and the others entered. "At ease, Field Commander Takashi, Commander Takashi are we late for the meeting?" asked Kaiayomon "sir no sir your a little early sir" said T.K. "I said at ease solider drop the sir, i would like to introduce you to another digidestaind his digimon and another digimon" said Kaiayomon "this is Davis another one of the second generation digidestaind, this is Veemon the dragon of courage, freindship, miracles and as well as the king of all dragons and this is Gatomon the angle of light" said Kaiayomon as he introduced the new commers. "Angel of light? but thats my crest so is she my partner?" asked Kari. "Yes Kari she is your digimon" said Kaiayomon as Gatomon jumped into Kari's arms "oh kari i thought that I'd never see you again" said Gatomon giving Kari a large hug and bursting into tears "Kari don't get freaked out by this she's from another timeline where you two were together from when you were eight" said Kaiayomon "oh wow you've found Kari's partner finnaly" said T.K. "well thats a bit of good news" said a familliar voice from a speaker followed by another voice "so is the meeting going to start soon?" the second voice "ah glad you decided to join us Central World, Davis let me introduce you to General Ijijoji (could someone please tell me the correct spelling of that name, most appreciated ;) ) and Field Commander Ijijoji, hey Central World is your holograph genarator still down?" asked Kaiayomon "you said Ijijoji, as in Ken Ijijoji?" asked Davis "yes Ken and Yolei ijijoji, the leaders of the Central World resistance, why?" said Kaiayomon "no, our holograph projector is fixed" said the first voice as two holographic people foarmed in the communication room. "Because in my time line ken and i were good freinds and ExVeemon and Stingmon DNA-digivolved in to Paildramon and then to impearialdramon's two forms" said Davis to Kaiayomon. The two holographic forms took a seat at the table in the centre and waited for the meeting to start "hey is this meeting going to start" said Ken who was dressed in simmilar apparel as T.K. and had simmilar weapons "yeah get Atlantic Area on the horn" said Yolei who was sitting beside Ken. "Yes i think that this meeting should get under way" said Kaiayomon tapping a few buttons on a previously hidden fore-arm band and calling up Atlantic Area "ummmm......ahhh oh yes yes YESSS" came the reply over the comm  "damn those horny bastards" said Mimi under her breath "hey General Izumi get off Field Commander techanochi (need correct spelling for that one too ;) ) you are late for the weekly meeting, again" yelled Kaiayomon into the comm system on his armband "ahh...crap ...what the hell, its that time already" came the same female voice over the comm. "Yes it is now get dressed and get your butts in here now" said Mimi to her childhood freind "hold on Kaiayomon you said izumi and techanochi as in Izzy and Sora? didn't you?" asked Davis. "Yes, why?" replied Kaiayomon "man this reality is weird" said Davis


the end for now


whew that was a long one well this is my next series called dark forces: the wish and yes i will reveal what the darkness isand what will happen at the meeting in my next story wich will be up in the next day or so. Strangly enough this was a request i liked so much that i doing a whole series out of it


comments, suggestions hell even flames i dont care send'em to bigman_140@hotmail.com