"Eel" lectrified




As the portal to the digiworld opened up, the bodies of Mimi and Yolie could be seen stepping through. Taking a look around, Yolie looked over at Mimi and said, "welcome back to the digiworld, Mimi. How do you feel now that your back?" "Pretty good" Mimi replied. "I just can't wait to see Palmon again."


"Oh don't worry, I'm sure you will find here." "Are you sure?" "Positive" Yolie said, pulling out her D-3, and looking at it. "I think if we just head a little northeast we should be able to find the sector that she is guarding." With a casual nod, Mimi smiled as Yolie replaced her D-3, and the pair of women left off, trying to see if they could locate Mimi's digimon.




After a half hours of marching, the two girls were somewhere in the forest, wondering how long it would be until they found Palmon. "How far do we have to go until we get to the area she is protecting?" Mimi asked Yolie. Pulling out her D-3, Yolie glanced at it, and said, "according to this, it says that we should be right in the middle of the place she is protecting."


"Well if we're so near where she must be, then why can't we find her?" "Who knows?" Yolie sighed. "She might be to busy, or she just might be relaxing at the moment. Either way I doubt she knows we're here yet." "Well whatever it might be, I'm getting tired,” Mimi complained. "I want to rest for a moment."

Giving a sigh, Yolie simply complied with Mimi's request. "All right then, lets just sit on the ground and rest for a moment." "What?" Mimi asked indignantly "and ruin my perfectly clean cloths? I think not!" "Then in that case it looks like we will have to keep walking then, or else stand still. One of the two, Mimi, what’s it going to be?"


Mimi thought for a moment. "I think we should just keep on walking until we find a tree stump or something else to sit on. It shouldn't really take that long to find one should it?" "Not really" Yolie replied. "Well then" Mimi said, "it’s settled then. Lets wait until we find tree stump before resting."


As it turned out, they didn't have to wait to long before they found what they were looking for. Up ahead, about five or so minutes latter, sat an out of the way stump just waiting to be sat on. Walking up to it, Mimi sat comfortably down on top of it.


As soon as she sat down, there was a brief mumbling from beneath her. What happened next was even stranger. The stump she sat on started to uproot itself and began to turn around! With a scream, Yolie shouted "its a woodmon!" "Yeah lady, tell me about it?" the woodmon said as it finally finished its rotation and was now looking at Yolie.


"Now tell me why do I have someone sitting on top of my head like this?" it said, pointing a stem up at Mimi. Mimi, who had somehow stopped herself from getting knocked off, jumped onto the ground. "We're sorry about that" Mimi apologized. "We though that all you were was a tree stump."


With a grunt, the woodmon grumbled a little and shrugged its shoulders. "Oh well, these things happen. What can I do for you?" "Can you tell us where we can find Palmon?" Mimi asked. "Palmon" the woodmon said, with sadness in his voice "has been taken captive." Hearing this, Mimi's face went pale. "What happened to her?” she asked quickly.


"The Digimon Emperor has taken her captive. So far a rescue attempt has failed. Maybe you can help us?" "Of course we can" Yolie said bravely. "Just tell us what we need to do." "Well first off, she isn't to far away. She is in a prison that is heavily guarded. I will take you to its location soon enough."


"Sounds easy enough" Mimi said. "Its harder than you think" the woodmon said. "The hard part won't be breaking in and getting to her, but instead the hard part will be in escaping with her. Do you think you are up to it?"


"Well it shouldn't be all that hard" Mimi said. "I mean, if it’s a prison, then there should be a lot of digimon that will be wanting to escape." "Provided that they don't have dark rings on them" Yolie reminded her. "Oh yeah, I forgot about those" she said, blushing.


"In any case" Yolie said, "if we are to help Palmon, we must first get the others. We will probably need everyone's help if we are going to pull this off." "No need to worry about that,” the woodmon said. "I will form a rescue team before leaving. Some of my friends and I can provide a distraction so you can slip in unnoticed. Since you didn't bring your digimon with you, I suggest you be careful in what your doing."


"Don't worry" Mimi said, "we've done this kind of stuff hundreds of times. I'm sure what we're doing this time shouldn't be any different." "Well since you’re so confident" the woodmon said "I will go and get help, and then lead you to where it is we need to go."




An hour latter, both Mimi and Yolie found themselves and close to a hundred other plant type digimon advancing toward the prison Palmon was trapped in. As they neared the crest of a hill, they saw directly below them rows of iron bars, and behind them, caged digimon.


"Alright then" the woodmon said in a whisper "Palmon should be somewhere in that nest of prisoners. We will give you time to sneak over onto the opposite side of the hill, and me and the rest of my crew will provide a distraction that should last long enough to get the both of you in and out."


"Alright" Yolie whispered back. "I just hope your plan works, if not, then we're all in trouble." Walking stealthfully, Mimi and Yolie snuck down the side of the hill, climbed the side of the one opposite of them, and positioned themselves behind a group of trees to remain out of site.


Glancing through the foliage, Mimi held her breath as she waited for the band of digimon to charge. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, all of the digimon began to race down the hill, and into the prison. The digimon that were being controlled by dark spirals, started to attack the rescue team, completely abandoning any thoughts of guarding the prisoners.


Quickly, Mimi and Yolie climbed down the side of the hill, and began the search for Palmon. In a few minutes, Mimi screamed out in triumph as she found Palmon in one of the cages. Running up to the front of it, Mimi grabbed the bars and screamed out her name.


"Palmon, quick, tell me how to get you out!" Mimi said quickly. "You can't!" Palmon hollered at her. "This door is locked by remote control!" "Well that’s just great" Yolie said, annoyed at the delay, " so what are we suppose to do now?" "Break it down!" a voice behind them shouted.


Turning their head around, Mimi and Yolie had just enough time to see the woodmon they had met earlier on launch an attack at Palmon's cell. In mere moments, where there had once been a row of bars, there now stood an array of broken pieces of metal.


Running out of her cell, Palmon made a brief gesture to the forest, and shouted "this way Mimi! Lets get out of here while we still can!" More than eager to leave this place, Mimi broke out into a quick run, with Palmon close behind her.


The rescue team, seeing that Palmon was free, renewed their attacks on the controlled digimon. As they fought, the three girls made it into the woods, and stopped just long enough to look back. It appeared that the rescue team was winning, and they felt sure that the battle was almost over. However, they couldn't have been more wrong on the matter.


Just when it appeared that things couldn't get any better, dark rings began to appear from somewhere far off in the sky. Everybody watched in horror as their friends were soon turned into slaves. As one, they all slowly turned to the small group and began to quickly advance on them. Yolie, feeling a knot grow in her stomach, gave a brief scream to run before taking off into the forest.


Not wanting to be left behind, Mimi and Palmon tried to catch up with Yolie before she went out of sight. Mimi, after gaining up a little on the distressed female, quickly shouted, "do you know of any digiports nearby?"


"Casting Mimi a glace, Yolie shouted back "not besides the one we came through. I doubt we can make it in time though." "Maybe we should split up?" Mimi said." "That way one of us can try to delay them, so the other one can get help." "Sounds like a plan to me. The only question is, who will it be?"


"I'll go Mimi" said. "Since you have a D-3, your the only person there is that can open the digiport, and since I'm the only that has a digimon, I'm the only one that can fight. I'll see if I can buy you some time, just hurry though, I don't think I can hold them off for long."


"All right then" Yolie said "but I have just one question? How are you going to avoid being captured?" "I haven't figured that part out yet" Mimi said "but I sure hope I can work something out, for both our sakes." Yolie was about to open her mouth to say something to her, but all ready both Mimi and Palmon were turning around and facing the digimon horde.


Knowing that if she stopped to help her friend she would be captured Yolie, gave one last glance back, and ran to the closest digiport she could find. Reaching it, she held out her digivise, and was transported back to the real world.




The computer screen glowed as Yolie came through it. Landing on the floor, she quickly grabbed the phone, and called everyone to warn them what had happened in the digiworld. As she finished all of her calls, she laid the receiver down, and waited anxiously for everyone to appear so that she could rescue her friend.




Back in the Digiworld, both Mimi and Palmon were standing in an empty cell. Hardly any of them talked of what was in store for them. Whatever it was, they both knew it would be bad. All that they could really do was wait, and see what would happen. After what felt like hours of waiting, three Gazimon walked up to their cell and unlocked it.


Stepping out, one of them, probably the leader, made a motion to follow him. Doing as he bided, they followed him through several hallways until they came to a wide opening that led out into a large room. Stepping through the archway they saw that the room was bare except for a throne at the end, and in it, sat none other than the Digimon Emperior himself.


"Well if it isn't a pleasure to meet you the pair of you" he said. "What brings you to my world?" "Nothing except to top you" Mimi said boldly. "And apparently you've failed in your attempt. Now what do you think is waiting for you after this?"


"I prefer not to know" Mimi said. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but your going to find out soon enough." Pointing to one of the Gazimon, he said "you there. Take her back to her cell, and await further orders. The rest of you, get the strongest digimon you can find, and bring them to the water chamber.




As the cell door clanged shut, Mimi gave a desperate look at Palmon. "Quick, Palmon, we've got to do something! I have no idea what the Digimon Emperor is up to, but whatever it is, lets get out of here while he is still busy."


"I would love to do that, Mimi" Palmon said "but how are we going to do it? I can't digivolve because of the control spirals. We're helpless!" "Not yet" Mimi said. "If we make our break when they least except it, we may be able to get free. I think we should go along with everything until we start to get to the water chamber. After we get to that part, we act like we're going inside, and then at the last moment we make our escape."


"That doesn't sound like much of a plan to me" Palmon gripped. "He said he was going to get the strongest digimon he could find, and then have them brought there with us. Chances of us pulling off a successful escape are ten to one."


"Well if you got a better plan, I'd love to here it then" Mimi said. Palmon thought for a moment, but remained silent. At last she said "I guess your right Mimi. That is about the choice we've got. I guess its's all or nothing. "Lets just hope it won't be the only thing that works" Mimi said.


Suddenly they heard a voice behind them say "Making plans to escape?" Turning around, they saw that the Gazimon that was ordered to take them to their cell was  looking in on them. "Don't waste your time. There is no escape from here."


"Well we'll see about that!" Mimi declared. The Gazimon just laughed, and turned his attention down the hall as he heard the sound of foot steps approach him. In a moment, the Digimon Emperor came into view. Arriving outside of the girls prison cell, he took out a set of keys and unlocked the door.


Giving them an evil smile, he said "come with me. The fun is just about to begin." Not liking his idea of 'fun,' the two reluctantly moved forward. Closing the door behind him, the Digimon Emperor lead them through at least a dozen passage ways until they arrived at a solid oak door.


As the Digimon Emperor opened the door, he revealed a small room with several sets of manacles against the wall, and also three-controlled digimon standing by as guards. To the left was a Dokumon , to the right a Snimon, and between them sat a Flymon.


All of them looked at Mimi and Palmon with hunger in their eyes. 'I wonder why this is called the 'water chamber' Mimi thought to herself. 'The chamber of garden pests' would be a more accurate name for it!'


Stepping inside, she tried to keep her eyes focused on the three sets of digimon and also on the Digimon Emperor. Whatever was about to happen, she would at least be ready. It wouldn't do her much good, but at least she would be ready.


"Move into the center of the room" the Digimon Emperor commanded Palmon. Palmon, giving him an evil glare, shook her head and backed up against Mimi's leg. Giving a humorless smile, he said "either you walk into the center of the room, or that Snimon will hack you to pieces, and if your partner somehow gets in the way...well that's just to bad then.


Still refusing to move, the Digimon Emperor gave a snap of his fingers, and with a roar, the incetoid digimon prepared themselves to attack the two girls. Jumping back, Mimi tumbled over Palmon. Glancing up at the ferocious digimon, Mimi screamed in fright. "AHHHHH! Get away from me!"


Sensing her partner's pearl, Palmon stepped in front of the girl so she could protect her, already knowing that this battle was already lost. As the group of digimon gathered closer to her, something both amazing and spectacular happened.


Mimi's digivise suddenly glowed, and the next thing anyone knew, Palmon had digivolved into her ultimate stage. Not knowing how this happened, or for that matter why, Lillymon nevertheless was glad it did. Flying up into the air, she brought her arms together as the petals that surrounded them folded back, revealing the cannon that was hidden underneath them.


Aiming at the Flymon, she shouted "Flower Cannon!" A blast of energy shot out of the barrel of her cannon, and struck the Flymon right in the head. Her attack, however, had little if any effect on it. Spreading its wings, it made a beeline and hit Lillymon full in the chest.


With a grunt, she could do little as the Flymon kept flying forward until she felt her back slam against the wall with a dull thud. Dropping to the ground, she tried to stand back up on her feet. This turned out to be a bad decision.


As soon as she was up, the Dokumon caste out a silk netting that covered her from head to toe. Lillymon tried desperately to escape, but the more she struggled, the more tangled up she became. Finally, after she could barely move, the Snimon leaped forward and lifted netting and all off the ground and placed it against the wall.


"What are you going to do?" Mimi asked breathlessly. "We're not going to do anything just yet" the Digimon Emperor said. "We just needed her to digivole into Ultimate. If she remained in her rookie form, I doubt she would have survived long enough with what we have in mind for her."


"What would that be?" "You'll find out soon enough" he said. Raising his hands, he clapped them a couple of times, and the Flymon and the Dokumon left the room. As for the Snimon, he lingered only long enough to make a slight insertion in the silk webbing before leaving.


Turning around to leave, the Digimon Emperor said "I hope you both enjoy yourselves, especially since you both will be in here for a while. But first, one last order of business." Reaching forward, he grabbed Mimi's wrist and led here to where Lillymon laid wrapped up.


Forcing her down to the ground, he reached up and grabbed at a set of manacles, and after placing her wrists securely in them, he closed it. After getting her locked up, he bent over the silk cocoon Lillymon was in and did his best to hall it upright.


After he raised it a little, he brought his hands through the slit the Snimon made, and grabbed both of her arms and placed them in a set of manacles opposite of Mimi's. After her arms were securely bound, he widened the hole the Snimon made until it was big enough for Lillymon's head to slip out of.


Forcing her head out a little, he grabbed the sides of the netting and slid them off of her. Reaching forward, he took the time to cup one of her breasts in his hand. Lillymon automatically brought her right fist forward to strike him down but was halted by the manacles.


Laughing at Lillymon's failed attempt to hit him, he grabbed the neck of her shirt and, forced it over the top of her head, knocking her helmet off in the process. For a moment, Mimi stared at Lillymon's bare front. She was just a shapely and as luscious as the contours of her cloths suggested.


Lowering his hands to her midriff, he removed the lower set of her clothing, as well as her boots to. Blushing fiercely, Lillymon tried her best to cover herself up with her legs. The only problem was that as soon as she covered up one part of her body, another one would try to display itself.


After several moments of frantic struggling at what was obviously a bad job, she finally settled with bringing her legs up to her chest, and left what parts of her body that wanted to show through to show through.


Seeing that his job of disrobing Lillymon was over with, the Digimon Emperor tossed her cloths into the middle of the floor, and removed a small jar from his vest. In it, was some kind of strange, gooey like material. Whatever it was Lillymon had no idea..


Unscrewing the lid, he laid it on the ground, and scooped out a large dollop onto his fingers. Kneeling beside the captive digimon, he inserted his fingers into her pussy. Lillymon automatically jumped when she felt this. Whatever was being rubbed into her she had no idea, and was actually afraid to find out.


The Digimon Emperor chose to ignore her distressed. Moving his fingers in a circular motion, he tried to smear as much of the substance into Lillymon's womb as he could. After several minutes of this, he removed his hand, now covered over in the strange ooze, and reached his fingers back into the jar.


Getting another dollop onto his fingers, he reinserted them back into Lillymon crotch, but this time instead of rubbing it into her insides, he started to pump his fingers in a rhythmic motion, actually trying to get as much of the goo inside of her as he could.


His efforts at this were not without having unintended side effects. As he was busy coating Lillymon's insides, she began to arch her spine and a light sweat slowly began to cover her body. Slowly, without noticing it, she started to buck against his hand. As if that wasn't bad enough, she started moaning out in pleasure.


Mimi stared at her partner with her eyes wide opened. She felt partly betrayed at how much pleasure Lillymon was getting from all of this, and also she felt slightly aroused seeing her being finger fucked by the Digimon Emperor. A light blush soon covered her face as she noticed that her panties were starting to get wet.


Moving her legs in a scissor like pattern, she tried to relieve some of the tension from down below. Achieving very little relief from her actions, Mimi resolved herself to simply watch as Lillymon was constantly pleasured.


Inserting the rest of his fingers inside of Lillymon, the Digimon Emperor began to turn them slowly around inside of her, and Lillymon's began to moan even louder. After several minutes of almost nonstop coaxing of her insides, Lillymon was soon brought to an Earth shattering orgasm. With a sigh of relief, Lillymon rested her back against the wall, exhausted for the moment.


Removing his hand from her, some of the stuff that was smeared inside of Lillymon began to ooze out. The Digimon Emperor smirked as he reached into his vest and pulled out a silk rag, and wiped his hands clean on them. As soon as the last of the ooze was off, he began to advance towards Mimi.


Already knowing what was coming, she prepared herself to fight back the best she could. As he got close to her, she was able to get in a few clumsily aimed kicks, but in the end, she was soon both nude and exhausted just like her partner was. 'Oh well' Mimi thought to herself. 'At least my problem was taken care of.'


Letting her eyes wonder around for a moment, she noticed that the Digimon Emperor was standing over their piled up clothing. Bending over, he gathered their cloths up in his arms, and left. As soon as he was gone, Mimi turned her head to Lillymon and asked "what’s going to happen next?"


"Beats me. What gets me is why did he remove or cloths, and why did he smear this stuff inside of us?" Mimi shrugged, equally clueless. "I've got no idea either. The only problem is, I don't know weather that’s a good thing, or a bad thing."


After a moment of silence, they both said in union "probably a good thing." They both laughed. They're laughter however was only short lived as water started to flood into their chamber. Looking around frantically, Mimi shouted "he’s trying to drown us!"


"I don't think it would be that simple" Lillymon said. "If he had intentions of drowning us, he wouldn't have removed our cloths, or smeared that slime inside of us." "Then what could he be doing!" Mimi asked in panic.


"I don't know" she responded. "Whatever it is though, there isn't much we can do about it being chained up like this. Also, the water is at least warm, so try to enjoy it while you can." "I don't want to enjoy it!" Mimi shouted. "I want to get out of here!"


"Good luck then" Lillymon replied airily as the water rose up to the girl's waist. "But here’s one thing you might want to consider first...even if we weren't chained up like this, the door is probably locked, and seeing as how no water is leaking out into the hall, there’s a good chance that its sealed airtight. So good luck in trying to get out."


"How can you be so calm!" Mimi screamed at her. "Well its not like we're going to die. If it was that, I'm sure that he wouldn't have gone through this much trouble. I'm pretty sure that there’s a good chance we're going to live."


"Then what could he be doing then?" she asked as the water finally rose up just below chest area and then stopped. "Well since he’s not planning to drown us, seeing as how the water stopped, I guess then that whatever he plans somehow involves water" Lillymon said. "So let’s see...what could he use water for?"


Mimi thought for a moment. "He could use some kind of water type digimon" she suggested. "I don't think so" Lillymon said. "This water only comes up to chest high when sitting down. Its probably something else." "Well what do you think it is then?" Mimi demanded.


"Well let’s see..." Lillymon began. "There could be a possibility that he could send a shock of electricity though the water that would not kill, but would harm us. He could also be using the water so that when we answer a call of nature, we would eventually have to drink the water our waste are floating in." Mimi shuddered in repulsing at this.


Seeing that her partner was feeling uncomfortable, she tried to think of something else that wouldn't be such a colorful setting. "Or maybe he could also be using this water to..." "Let eels in" Mimi finished. "Let eels in?" Lillymon asked puzzled. "Where did you get that idea from?"


"From there" she said, pointing a wall that was off to her right. Lillymon's eyes widened at what she saw. In the wall there was a hole that was about a foot high, and half that wide. It was completely submerged underneath the water. So that’s were the water was coming in from" Lillymon mused.


From the hole in the wall, a couple of gray, leather skinned eels slithered into the room. They were all at least six feet long and about five inches thick. "There is no way this can be a good thing" Mimi said, obviously afraid. "As long as their not electric eels, then there’s nothing to worry about" Lillymon said, trying to put on a positive fixture.


Mimi didn't say anything. She just kept staring at the water. She counted four eels all together. Casting a frightened glance at the hole in the wall, she watched it to see if any more would come. After several moments, she was relieved to say that all the eels that were in the room presently with her and Lillymon, were probably all that there was going to be.


This took at least one worry off her mind. However, as soon as that one worry was took care of, a new one began to take its place. One of the eels that were in the room began to nudge against her pussy. Mimi tried to use her feet to fend it off, but she had very little success in doing so.


Soon, it began to slowly worm its way inside of her. Mimi's back arched immediately as she screamed out in a mix of pleasure and revolutions. Looking down at the eel, she noticed that at least a foot of it was inside of her body.


Starting to sweat proferisly, she couldn't help but, wonder how Lillymon was holding out. Glancing at her, Mimi's jaw almost dropped to the ground. Three eels were buried halfway inside of her, all of them twisting and turning about.


To make matters somewhat worse, Lillymon was looking like she was having the time of her life! She was practically drooling as each eel tried to worm its way inside of her. She looked like she couldn't have been happier! 'I don't believe this' Mimi thought to herself. 'Here she is being raped by a bunch of eels, and she’s actually enjoying it. Then again...she is a digimon. Maybe its natural for them to like this sort of thing.'


As she thought this, the eel that was inside of her slowly began to work its way deeper into her. Mimi gritted her teeth in pain as she felt it slowly edge itself forwards. Looking down at her stomach, she could see a rough outline of its body wiggling back in forth beneath her belly.


Squinting a little, she began to notice something odd about the eel. From what she could see from the outline of her stomach, the mouth of the eel seemed to be repeatedly opening and closing. Resting her head against the wall, Mimi groaned out in frustration.


Turning her head, Lilliymon looked at Mimi and asked "what’s wrong?" "Its the eels" she said. "I've just found out why they're inside us." "Whys that?" Lillymon asked. "Its that...stuff the Digimon Emperor put inside of us. It must be some kind of food that these eels like, so needless to say they're trying to get to it the best way they can."


"And apparently doing a good job at it" Lillymon said, jumping as one of the eels in her suddenly rubbed against the inside of her walls just a little bit harder than it had been doing previously. Looking at her for a moment, Mimi said "how can you derive pleasure from this?"


Jumping again, Lillymon said "well since female digimon can usually withstand larger objects inside of them, and also seeing as how I've never had sex with anyone before, that means with three eels inside of me at once I'm having a blast!"


Mimi just rolled her eyes. Here they were being rapped by a bunch of eels, and her partner just so happened to develop a fetish for it. Talk about the story of her life! Sighing, Mimi rested her back against the wall, wondering what she should do next. Lillymon was obviously no help in resolving their current situation, especially since she was enjoying what was happening to her. .


As for herself, all she had on was her skin, and chances of her actually finding a way to free themselves ranged somewhere between slim to none. So no matter how she looked at it, they were doomed to their plight. 'Oh well...' she thought 'I can still at least make the best of this.'


Bending her body a little, she managed to get the lower part of her back up against the floor. Then, with her pelvis, she moved it up into the air just slightly. Closing her eyes, she felt the eel sink a little farther into her as it ate its way further into her.


Looking down at her stomached, she saw that the head of the eel had jumped three inches from where she had last seen it. Moving her glance on down to its tail, she saw that there was still three feet left before the eel was completely submerged inside of her.


While it would be impossible to pull this trick off without killing her, Mimi was starting to feel adventures and decided to take a chance at seeing how much could go inside of her while leaving her intact. So after raising her hips a few more inches into the air (a task that putted her almost to her limit of how far her chains would allow to go), Mimi slammed her legs tightly together, scaring the eel half to death.


The eel, not knowing what was going on, began to thrash about inside of her in fear. At first it tried to escape, but after Mimi clamped her pussy muscles on it, it soon learnt how impossible this feat was. This little discovery, of course, didn't come without a price.


Before the eel made its discovery, the thrashing it had made while it was inside of her had reduced Mimi to mere shudders. After it had stopped, Mimi waited to see what it would do next. After several moments of remaining still, the eel began to slowly nudge its way back into her.


Slowly rising up so she wouldn't startle the eel, and then have to wait for it to start going again, she rested her back against the wall and felt the eel move beneath her stomach. Lowering her hand, she began to slowly caress her right breast, as she moaned in ecstasy.


Lillymon, hearing Mimi groan, turned and looked at her for a moment. Seeing Mimi in the fashion that she was in, Lillymon gave a wide smile and said "way to go Mimi! Its nice to see that you’re finally getting into the spirit of things!"


Mimi blushed slightly, but decided to ignore her friend’s complement on what she was doing. All she could think of now was to derive as much pleasure as she could from the still squirming eel. Looking down at it, a thought came to her mind.


Maybe there was a way to make it go farther yet into her. However, the only problem would be her hands, since they couldn't go past her stomach. Maybe her feet? Yes, it would be tricky, but she might be able to do it.


After bending her right foot at an angle, she managed to get it pointing directly at the eel. Taking a deep breath, she forced her foot into her pussy that caused the eel to be shoved several inches inside of her.


Mimi nearly lost it after not only feeling an eel moving inside of her, but also the weight and pressure of her own foot! Taking a deep breath, Mimi slowly removed her foot, not trying to shake so much as she did so.


As she removed it, she began to repeat the process of inserting and removing again and again, until there was hardly less than a foot of the eel left on the outside of her body. Rolling her head back against the stone wall, Mimi felt for a moment as if she was about to die from all the pleasure that she was taking in.


At last, after what seemed like forever, Mimi felt it. The inside of her pussy started to constrict tightly around the eel. The eel, almost being smothered to death, began to writhe about spasmicaly as it felt the sudden pressure. Mimi moaned loudly as she felt this, which added even more to her orgasm.


After she came down a little, she began to notice that the eel was moving its head back and forth. Looking down at her stomach, she saw that it was nothing more than a giant bulge with an imprint of the eel that was inside of her.


Midway up her stomach, she noticed that the eel was feeding on something. Mimi thought for a moment and smiled. As she smiled, it turned into a loud laugh, which caused Lillymon to look over at her. "What’s so funny Mimi?" Lillymon asked.


"Its the eel" Mimi said. "There’s so much of it in my pussy, that it’s already starting to bulge up at my stomach." Lowering a hand, she indicated the obvious bulge of her stomach. "Wow Mimi!" Lillymon said. "You look like you’re about to give birth to a baby Greymon!"


"Yeah, I know" she said laughing. "Not only that, take a look at the head. Its eating my cum!" Lillymon just blushed and remained silent. After a moment, Mimi looked back at her and said "you know Mimi, it’s surprising at the change I've seen in you today. I mean, I didn't really expect you to actually enjoy something like this."


Mimi just shrugged. "Well what can I say? Its not like I had anything else to do, and the eel was probably going to do it anyhow, so why not take advantage of it?" Lillymon was quiet for a moment. "That makes sense" she said. "I guess you have a better excuse than I do. After I realized what was going to happen, I just jumped at the chance."


Mimi's gaze briefly traveled down to Lillymon's cunt where the batch of eels were still busy feeding from her insides. "How much can you take?" Mimi asked. "One was to much for me, but somehow you can stand three being inside of you. How's this?"


"I guess its because digimons are just configured that way." "Oh..." after this, there was a moment of silence, with nothing to break the stillness of it except for an occasional moan from Lillymon as the eels twisted about inside of her.


Mimi just sat there thinking. Where were her friends at? When would they be rescued? And also, why was the Digimon Emperor doing this to them, and for what purpose? Mimi just sighed in helplessness, having nothing to break the monotone except the eel inside of her.


Finally, after a few hours, Mimi began to notice something. It was coming from her insides. She felt something extremely long and slender trying to leave her cunt. Lowering her eyes, she saw that her suspicions were confirmed.


The eel that was inside of her was leaving. Taking a look at Lillymon, she noticed that the eels inside of her were also making their way out, although with less efficiency because there was less room inside of her. Moaning slightly as about half the eel made its way out, Mimi asked Lillymon "what’s happening?"


"The eels are leaving" Lillymon said, almost having trouble to speak from all the motion that was inside of her." "Yes, but why? Why would they all of a sudden just leave like that? It can’t be because of the food. If it was that, I'm sure they would have left you first."


Lillymon was quiet for a moment, trying to judge what her partner had just said was either misfrazed or was in fact an insult. After deciding that the matter wasn't all that important, Lillymon said "well whatever it is, you can be sure something is bound to happen."


Lillymon had no idea how right she was. As the eels left them, they began to make their way back though the holes in the wall. As the last one left, the water began to slowly drain by a hidden septic somewhere in the room.


As the last of the water was drained, the chamber door opened and the Digimon Emperor steeped through. "Had "fun?"" he asked synically. Mimi didn't say anything. She just blushed because it was a fun experience she went through.


Lillymon on the other hand, simply looked at him and said "you bet we did! It was the best thing that ever happened to me in years. How about we do it again." The Digimon Emperor stared at her with a surprised look on his face. "You actually enjoyed it?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Why wouldn't I?" she asked. "I can't think of anything better to do than that." The Digimon Emperor was silent. After a moment, a lustful smile crossed his face. "If you enjoyed that" he said "perhaps you will enjoy this even more."


Walking over to her, he kneeled down beside her and grabbed one of her breasts. Massaging it lightly in his fingers, he lowered his head to it and kissed Lillymon's erect nipple. Seizing the opportunity, Lillymon quickly raised both of her legs and wrapped them around the Digimon Emperor's head in a vise grip!


Gasping for air, he fell to he floor. "Alright now you little pervert" she said through gritted teeth "if you don't want me to choke you to death, you will free us." "I will, but before I do that, you'll have to let me go first." "I don't think so" she said. "I think you can just as easily toss me the keys that goes to these manacles from where your at."


The Digimon Emperor was quiet for a moment. Noticing his hesitation, Lillymon tightened  her legs about him as tight as she could before releasing him. After choking spasmodically, he quickly reached into his vest and pulled out a set of keys. After taking only long enough to judge the distance, he threw them up into her waiting hands where she caught them.


After finding the right key, she managed to unlock her manacles, and then tossed them over to Mimi who did likewise. Standing up, Mimi asked "what should we do with him?" Lillymon thought for a moment. "Well I think the first thing we should do is get out cloths back."


Looking at the Digimon Emperor, she asked him "where are our cloths?" "Outside by the door" he said, clearly not liking his current position "now can you let go of me?" "Not yet. We still need you until we can get back outside."


Grumbling slightly, he was forced to watch as Mimi made her way outside. In a moment, she was returning with both her, and Lillymon's clothing bundled up in her arms. Diving into the pile of cloths, Mimi quickly redressed herself.


After the last article of clothing was in place, she suddenly realized that they had a problem on their hands. "Um...Lillymon?" she said. "Now that your cloths are brought back, how can you change, but still hold him?" she said, pointing a thumb at the Digimon Emperor.


Lillymon was silent. At last she said "I guess the best way is for you to hold him down" she said, shrugging. "Now then, get ready because I'm about to let him lose." Doing as she said, Mimi got up beside her. "Now then, on the count of three, I want you to grab his arms. Are you ready?"


With a nod, Mimi began to prepare herself. "Alright then, here we go. 1...2...3!!!!!" As she said this, she quickly let go of the Digimon Emperor, and Mimi made sure to grab his arms and have them pinned tightly behind his back.


The Digimon Emperor struggled slightly, but not enough to worry about. Seeing that the Digimon Emperor was secured, Lillymon began to throw her cloths back onto herself. After setting her helmet back onto her head, she moved a few stray hairs/vines back into place.


Walking over to Mimi, she retook guard over the Digimon Emperor. "Show us how to get out of here" she told him. Reluctantly, he began to lead them through the doors and the way outside. When they came close to a pare of digimon, they just simply changed course.


Finally, after going through a few routs and sub-routs, they made their way to an opening that led them outside. As they walked out, the Digimon Emperor suddenly reared his right elbow clear into the gut of Lillymon! Grasping her stomach, she groaned in pain as the Digimon Emperor quickly fled back through the door they had just left barely moments ago.


"Lets get out of here before he comes back with reinforcements!" Mimi shouted before running as far as she could into the forest. Lillymon, not having to be told twice, did likewise. After running about a mile, they began to notice a sound somewhere not far behind them.


"Looks like the Digimon Emperor brought those reinforcements out" Lillymon said, barely looking back. "Well look at it like this" Mimi said. "As long as we keep running, we can't get caught." "Maybe so" Lillymon huffed "but we can't keep running forever." After a moment of silence, they both said "but there’s nothing wrong with getting a good head start!" However, unlike in the water chamber, there was no laughter at the end, but a grim determination to escape what was pursuing them..


Finally, after running only so far, they began to tire. Looking back, they managed to see the Digimon Emperor was less than a fourth of a mile behind them. Not wanting to get caught, they began to push themselves on even further, but it was becoming evident that it was no use.


Mimi, just about ready to give in, happened to catch something not to far away in the distance. Squinting a little, she could just barely make it out. Her heart gave a sudden leap when she realized what it was. "Hey Lillymon!" she shouted over at her partner. "Our friends are close by, maybe if we keep running, we can make it."


Lillymon didn't reply. The only thing that came out of her mouth was a dry huffing sound, but she was able to give a lopsided nod with her head. Keeping her gaze steadied at what was in front of her, she continued to run as hard as she could, determined that no matter what she would not get caught.


At last they drew close enough so that they could make out their friends faces. From what they could see, most of their friends were there. As they pulled up to them, both of the girls hit the ground, each gasping for air.


"Are you alright?" Mimi heard Yolie ask. "Yeah" Mimi panted. "Its just that the Digimon Emperor is close behind us. "Don't worry" Yolie said bravely "we'll protect you." As she said this, everyone went into action.


As one they charged at their opponent. The Digimon Emperor, thinking that he had only one human and a weak digimon to deal with, was needless to say caught off guard by the onslaught. In just mere moments, he was already retreating.


Returning back to the two women, Yolie reached out a hand and helped her up to her feet. "Thanks for the help" Mimi said. "I just wish we didn't have to do all that running before hand." Yolie gave a slight smile. "Sure. Anyway, how did you escape?"


"It wasn't really me that did it" Mimi said. "Its all because of Lillymon that we were able to escape." "Well how did she manage to escape then" Yolie asked. "Lets just say that by knowing how to put on a good act, it was all that she needed to know in order to do it" Mimi said. Yolie glanced over at Lillymon and raised an eyebrow at her. Lillymon didn't say anything. All she did was just blush, and looked away.


*stretches* Well that’s the end for you. Wish that I could have made the ending a little better, but I didn't know how else to end it. ^^ Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed it, and I also hope that you will reply to it sometime. Your replies are what keeps me writing, plus it helps me know what others think. If you wish to contact me, my e-mail is Angeteen@yahoo.com My website can be found at http://www.geocities.com/angeteenagermon Thank you, and try nor to get to messy when you read my next lemon. ~_^