Chronos, a keeper of time here! Well this is it people, my part within the Amalgamation series. Well it’s been a while since this series received any notice, but it’s back again! Then again, when my part has been just a part of the rest, you probably won’t even know what the heck I’m talking about. Ok…after a reviewing each of the five authors above me, I hope to unite their storylines into one. YUP! After taking notes on each story, I found out there are actually a couple of DIFFERENT plots going on. Hopefully this attempt wasn’t in vain. Oh and keep in mind, I refer to the past author’s works sometimes, so if your thinking of when did that so-called scene happen? Trust me, it happened whether it was in the story written by Renamonbubu, Gabumonbubu, Dan, Red Rover, or Jodan. SO hope no bodies disappointed but here we go! Chronos’s COUTDOWN, enjoy


The Countdown

By: Chronos, a keeper of time


Leaning against a stone slab, arms crossed and one leg bent as his foot was against the slab, a person patiently waited. He had been waiting for some time now, as he drew his white hood farther down. He reached into his pocket of white robe taking out a small little pocket watch. Opening the cover and glaring down on the time he replied, “Those kids had better hurry…or else things might get ugly around here.”

He closed the pocket watch and placed it back in his pocket as the chain that was connected to it, dangled. An unexpected and unnatural chilling wind blew right pass him, as he stood there unaffected. “Hmmm…that can’t be a good sign.” He took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry for lying to you Xenamon…I just hope your ready for the challenge. Cause whether you like it or not…this has more to do with you then you think. (Sigh) Just wish you could see what I see.”

He pushed away from the slab as he continued to walk away from his previous resting place. As he walked however, he murmured to him self again, “Perhaps, I shouldn’t have given away too much information. The less they know what’s really going to happen, the better. Plus I think further worrying them wasn’t the greatest call in my life. But hey, can’t change the past without breaking I few rules I guess. Just gotta hope for the best.”

And with that said, another chilling wind blew right passed him while he walked along the dirt path in the digital world. Dust picked up around him as he slowly vanished, almost as if he had never even been there in the first place.



“All right! Who’s going?” Davis ordered, “Who’s going to Chicago with Xenamon?”

Everyone looked to each other, as they weren’t quite sure. Xenamon herself wasn’t much in the mood for picking out who was going to back her up. Let’s just say she wasn’t the most popular amongst the group after she had blatantly forgotten to mention key information back when everyone was wondering about the temple of Odinmon.

However as everyone remained quiet one hand rose amongst the rest, “Uh…I’ll go with her.” Miron had said. He had been quiet this whole time that it felt a bit awkward to say something.

“Heh, why not, I’m game!” Gazimon volunteered right after.

“Well if Gazimon is going, I’m not about to leave my little padawan all alone, I’ll go.” Joey replied.

“Heh, thanks master Jedi.” Gazimon added.

Out of the blue Izzy replied, “Could you please stop with the Star Wars titles?”

They both shrugged their shoulders, as all they could do was smile right back at them. Kari giggled a bit as she said, “Who else is going?”

“I’ll offer my services, Kari.” Andromon insisted, “My scanners had detected Joey before, I’m sure they can indicate who the young digidestined is in Chicago.”

“Thank you Andromon.” Kari replied back with great gratitude and kindness.

“All right is that everyone?” Davis asked, “So we have, Xenamon, Miron, Joey, Gazimon, and Andromon.”

They all nodded, but someone else seemed to say something, “Davis, I think you should go.” Tai had said out.

“What? Me?” Davis pointed to himself.

”Yeah, I think you should go with them.” Tai said, “After all you should be the one who should lead them for now, until Xenamon takes charge, am I right?”

“But…but…shouldn’t YOU be the one to lead them?” Davis insisted.

“Heh looks like I’m not entirely qualified for that job.” He rested his hands on his shoulder, “You remembered what Gennai had said right?”

Davis nodded as Tai continued, “Well, you know after finding out I was only just some minor part of courage, got me a little mad. But y’know, I guess every leader must step down and let others seize the day. And I think Gennai made it clear that you are that guy for the job right now. You’ve got courage AND friendship to your crests, and I know you won’t let the digital world down.”

Davis was a little surprised at first. He couldn’t believe that Tai had placed so much trust and not to mention the role of the temporarily leader of everyone in him. “Ok Tai, I won’t let you down.”

“Heh, I know you won’t.” Tai said,

Davis turned to Veemon who seemed to be somewhat preoccupied with Gatomon. They seemed to be holding each other warmly in their arms as they cuddled together. Davis smiled, “So what do you think buddy?” he motioned to Veemon, as he opened his eyes. “Are you up to this?”

“Are you kidding? Of coarse I am Davis!” Veemon shouted. “Wherever you go, I’ll be sure to follow!”

“Thanks bud!”

“Ok, so we’ve decided.” Tai replied, “It’s going to be Davis, Veemon, Miron, Xenamon, Joey, Gazimon and Andromon.” They all nodded their heads as Tai continued, “And while you guys are out searching for Xenamon’s partner, the bearer of power, the rest of us are searching for the ruins over there.” he pointed to the once great temple of Odinmon.

“What for Tai?” Kari asked.

Izzy interrupted, “Tai’s right, we have to go and search the ruins for the 13 runes of Odinmon. We also must find the marker that would indicate where to find the temple of Digitama. When we get there, we can obtain the four Calamity Tablets, and make sure that evil won’t be released again in the digital world.”

“Oh yeah, almost forgot about those Calamity Tablets.” Davis replied.

Mostly everyone stared right back at him with a shocked look on his or her faces. Izzy had started to lecture him, “The Calamity Tablets are the main reason on why we had met in the first place. As the prophecy had foretold Davis, only the four digimon who had inherited the powers of the old four mega-level digimon who had defended the digital world so long ago, may unlock the power of the Calamity Tablets. And, to finally rid the digital world of the evil power known as Calamity, it’s going to take the power of the four descendents of the gods, AND the power of the successors of the original digi-destined. We’ll also take out the thirteen runes of Odinmon, god of the west, so that they will never be used ever again”

Everyone was quite surprised with Izzy as Palmon replied, “Wow Izzy, I’m impressed you remembered all of that.”

He blushed a bit as he rubbed the back of his forehead, “Heh…well…I try…”

“OK! OK! That’s enough of a history lesson for today!” Xenamon shouted.

“Try and calm down Xenamon, I’m sure we’re going soon, we have to get everything organized first.” Miron said as he tried to calm down his friend. Xenamon however, looked to the side and crossed her arms. Violent and somewhat cold as ever, she seemed to at least do what Miron had instructed her to do. “Heh, uh…sorry about that.” Miron tried to apologize for Xenamon’s rude behavior.

Everyone seemed quick to accept the apology, but it felt as if Miron was actually Xenamon’s good side. It may not look it, but Miron definitely was one of the selected few that Xenamon actually trusted. She however is still prefers to be the strong, deadly, and slightly rude digimon she had come to be.

They all recuperated and split into the groups they had assigned. They each said their good byes for now…

Miron looked to Xenamon, “Ready to go?” He said enthusiastically as she continued to ignore him and keep quiet. “All right then let’s get going,” he said with smile on his face while they turned around and began walking.

Andromon nodded his head towards Kari and Tai, “We shall return as soon as possible.”

Joey turned to Gazimon, “Let’s roll Gazimon,”

“Right!” Gazimon answered back.

While everyone chatted with another, it seemed that there was another conversation going on. Veemon and Gatomon had found a little private time to talk. Veemon held Gatomon’s paw as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes. “Listen Gatomon…I know we got out of that temple in one piece, but I have to go with Davis this time to find Xenamon’s partner.”

“Veemon…I want you to stay here…with me…”

“I wish I could Gatomon, but you know as well as I do that I can’t. Davis needs me, the digital world needs me.”

“Oh Veemon…I…I…” She was a lost of words. She felt the lump in her throat form and tears began to form in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Veemon as she slightly sobbed in his arms. “Veemon! You nearly died back there in those ruins! I don’t want you to leave me again!”

He was a little shocked at Gatomon’s response to him. The fact of that matter was, that he wanted to stay behind with Gatomon. After confessing his love for her and also finding out she accepted that and returned, he just wanted to be around her. But he knew he just couldn’t, he placed his paw on her back and slowly stroked her, ruffling through her short white cat fur. “There, there, Gatomon. I know that this must be really hard on you.”

“Veemon…I won’t let ANYTHING happen to you…NEVER…” She continued to cry within his arms. “You’ll never risk your life like that again and leave me all alone!” She pressed her fist upon his chest, slightly beating on him, not too hard though. “You are my everything Veemon…”

“Gatomon…don’t worry, I won’t let anything tear us apart. But I have to go now, Gatomon. I have to save the digital world. I have to aide Davis and help him find the digi-destined of power. Now c’mon…” He lifted her off of him as he placed his finger at the bottom of her eyes, wiping the tear away. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

She sniffled a bit, “Just be careful Veemon…”

“When have I never been?” he spun around as he made his way towards the others. But it seemed as he walked, he tripped over his feet as he fell towards the ground. Gatomon giggled a bit as Veemon desperately tried to get back up. He spun around, having a bit smile spread across his face. “All right then! I’m off!”

“Hurry back ok?” Gatomon shouted as Veemon nodded.

Veemon had joined up with Davis as they continued to walk off. And after they had gotten a good amount of distance, Davis turned and shouted, “And don’t worry! We’ll teach that Digimon Emperor who he can and can’t release!” with that said he turned back around and joined up with the others.

What Davis had said, reminded Izzy of one minor detail he had forgotten to mention? It had just donned on him of what it was as he turned around to face everyone, “What ever happened to Ken? Does anyone know?” Everyone seemed clueless of what had happened with the so-called digimon emperor Ken Ichijoui.




Bakamon, the digimon that Ken had sent to disrupt the original digidestined had returned back to the digital world, ready to serve his master, Ken once again. The problem was that he wasn’t exactly too sure where to find him. It had been wandering aimlessly throughout the digital world, trying to pin point Ken’s exact position.

However, because of the dark ring on him, he had been able to sense the power of his master’s dark digivice and headed there. It had leaded him to the ruins of Odinmon, as Bakamon persisted to find his master. While all the others were at the entrance of the ruins, Bakamon had slipped in from behind and had phased into the ruins.

“Master…” his ghostly voice echoed through the collapse structure. Not everything had been destroyed, as there seemed to be a few cramped spaces here and there, but nothing seemed to indicate where exactly his master resided. It phased through the fallen pillars and once magnificent walls, until suddenly it felt the power of his master grow stronger. It stopped to look around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

It suddenly came to him, that his master was actually quite closer then he believed. He was actually one floor down, as it phased through the floor finding him self in a completely different room. He was in a small cement room, dimly lit with what appears to be an 8 by 8 inch square on the ceiling; the image of a night sky on it while it projected a majestic silver beam upon the cement floor. The roomed appeared to be warped somehow as it project the oddest of colors. It glimmered with shades and tints of silver and purple, as if it was not its original settings to begin with.

“Master…” Bakamon said once again, seeing nothing. However, as it floated there, he heard a painful cry echoing through the room. It swerved to see that there was a large hole within the cement room, as if something had blasted its way in. It levitated out of the room, as it felt the presence of his master growing near.

A cry called out once again, and this time for sure it was Ken him self, screaming in agony and pain. He wandered down the corrupted hallway as he saw a dim light at the end. “Master?” he said once again as he went in headlong into the mystery. But when he had entered, it seemed that he had gotten much more then what he had bargained for.

Pinned against the wall, was Ken however there was something definitely wrong. He was held in place by a dark lighting bolt, while he continued to cry and scream. Wormon too had been pinned, as well as a Tyranomon and what appeared to be a BlackAgumon. And within the center of the room that held all of them, was a dark monster, with large wings coming from it’s back. It had a massive spiked tail and curved horns jutting out from its head and fiery demonic eyes shining a hellish glow. It however was covered in shadows, as Bakamon quaked in fear of the diabolic creature.

BlackAgumon, Tyranomon, and Wormon seemed to all passed out, looking almost drained of their energy. But Ken…he was still quite conscious as he screamed again. The beast jerked its head seeing its newest guest entered. It shifted its body, thrusting its massive arm towards Bakamon as a dark bolt of lighting struck him right at his chest, pinning him to the wall.

Bakamon tried to struggle, but it was no use, he was trapped just like all the others. The creature spoke, “Your energy will do nicely with all the others I had gathered…”

The beast jerked its head once again to look upon Ken, “And you! I believe I have you to thank for all of this. After all you were the one who first opened the temple. And because of the presence of your dark spores, I had awakened after all this time! And awaken to a bountiful feast of energy and power! Your power, your very essence are MINE! SOON CALAMITY WILL ARISE ONCE AGAIN AND HE WILL DESTROY THE DIGITAL WORLD!”

Wormon’s eyes slowly opened, as he was far too weak to do anything. He muttered, “No…Ken…”

However Ken could not hear him, he was in too much pain to say anything. From the depths of his soul, he cried out a most agonizing and painful scream, “AGHHHH!!!” as thirteen crystals on the creature sparkled within the dark room.




“Did you just hear something?” TK asked,

“No? Why?” Cody replied back.

“I could have sworn…aw never mind. I’m sure it was nothing. Let’s just get back to work.”

The team had been digging through the gravel and debris of the temple of Odinmon for some time now. So far, they’ve only begun to scratch the surface of the ruins, and they knew it’s going to take a lot of time to get through it all. Even with their digimon’s help, the work wasn’t easy.

Izzy and Tai took a small break from all the moving of the rocks as they walked away and sat down. “Whew, this is going to take longer then I thought.” Izzy had stated.

“Tell me about it, how are we ever going to find the marker and the thirteen runes in THAT?” Tai asked as he pointed to the ruins. Izzy just shrugged his shoulders, as he personally had no idea how to answer his question. They just sat back for a bit, gathering back their strength and a breath. While they sat, Izzy managed to pull his laptop out and started it up.

“Tired boys?” a voice said behind them. They both turned their heads to see Leomon standing there.

“Oh hey Leomon, we’re sort of taking a small break.” Tai replied

Leomon smiled, “Yes, I suppose this isn’t exactly your specialty as digidestined, huh?”

Izzy chuckled a bit, “Heh, I guess so. But can you answer a few questions for me Leomon, on account that you are one of the descendents of the four god digimon?”

“All right Izzy, what would you like to know?”

“Well I guess I should start with, why exactly did Odinmon have these thirteen runes?”

Leomon sat down ready to explain things, “Well Izzy, amongst the four gods, Odinmon was the wisest. He had created those thirteen runes and drew power from them in order to counter the evil Calamity. After he had found out that they themselves were not powerful enough to over power Calamity, he had asked upon the three other gods, Ramon god of the east, Gilgamon god of the south, and Zuesmon god of the north.”

“So he was sorta like the Izzy of the mega digimon huh?” Tai said.

“I guess you could put it that way. But as you know that battle took a lot out of them, and as you already know, they first gave the power of digievolution to the digital world, and also had picked out four digimon to be their descendents.”

“Ok, I get that much…so then what’s with the five original digidestined?”

“Well, Odinmon was the first to propose the idea of a digidestined. He had felt, that even with the digievolutions and the descendents, they could still use some help. So as one of the final acts of him, he had used his powers to create some timer, that at a certain time, would scatter and select five beings from another plain, giving them digimon of their own and bear certain crests.”

Sora had turned to see that Izzy, Tai and Leomon were talking and decided to join them. She walked over, “Hey you guys.”

“Hi Sora, we’re listening to what Leomon had to say about everything.” Tai replied.

“Oh ok…” Sora replied as she too sat back and listened.

“So this was all Odinmon’s idea right? To have a digidestined that is?” Izzy asked.

“Yes, indeed. It was just coincidence that the descendent of Ramon is also the digimon who bears the crest of power, and that the descendent of Zuesmon is also the digimon who bears the crest of hope.”

Tai spoke out, “So then why did they create Odinmon’s temple in the first place?”

“Well young Tai, the temple of DigiTama itself is hidden, impossible to find without the marker. So for extra security, they created the temple of Odinmon, which held both Odinmon’s runes AND the marker. Odinmon made it possible, that whoever seeks out the temple of DigiTama, would have to go through all his tests in HIS temple first. Also there was a hidden power in his temple. He had created it so that whoever would enter, would target their heart.”

“Come again?” Izzy asked.

“You see Izzy, the moment you enter the temple, no matter who you are, the temple will target the good side of them. They would expose it all, and hopefully they would understand what they were trying to do was wrong and turn back. It was rather an ingenious way of protecting the temple artifacts.”

“So the temple is virtually impenetrable?” Sora added

“I wish I could say yes Sora, but I believe it isn’t completely. In order to get by that defense the being would have to be pure evil, not a spec of good in them.” Leomon stated.

“I see, I guess that makes a little more sense.” Izzy stated. (And for all those who don’t understand that, just email me; I’ll be glad to explain it to you. Email address is at the bottom!)

“What I don’t understand is how the temple collapsed in the first place?” Tai asked, “I mean did it collapse because Veemon had entered and he wasn’t suppose to? Or was it just another test by Odinmon?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that Tai. It is neither a defense created by Odinmon or was it because Veemon’s intrusion into the temple? It was thought that the temple would stand forever, nothing seemed capable even destroying the temple without immense power.”

Izzy began to consider the theories as he discussed with Leomon. But while Izzy and Leomon discussed things, Tai and Sora seemed to have their own separate conversation. Tai looked towards her, “So this has been some day huh?”

She nodded, “Yes, it has Tai…” She seemed a bit distant and somewhat dazed.

Tai was a little confused with Sora’s new attitude and asked her, “What’s wrong Sora? Is there something wrong?”

“Huh? Oh no…it’s nothing Tai…” Sora quickly replied back, “It’s just…”


“Well, remember well…that day with me and Mimi?”

“What day?” Tai asked as Sora quickly turned her head and stared directly. With a stare like that, Tai suddenly knew which day she was referring to, “oh…OH! You mean that day…when you me and Mimi had…”

“SHHH!! Tai!” Sora said as she placed her hand on his mouth, “Keep it down Tai.”

“Sorry…but what about it?”

She seemed to quiet down a bit and withdraw back into her quiet self, “Well, I still haven’t told Matt about all of this.”

“You haven’t?” Tai asked, “Why not?”

“I just…well…I just can’t seem to find the right time to tell him this.”

“I know this is going to be a big let down on him, but I think you should tell him and as soon as possible. The more you keep this from him, the more you’re hurting him.”

“I know Tai…I know this is wrong for me to try and hide our love…but…”

Suddenly Matt shows up, “Hey Tai, hey Sora,”

“Oh Matt…” Sora replied a little surprised, “What are you doing here?”

“Well…I decided to take a little break of my own…mind if I join you two?”

Sora looked to Tai, as he seemed to nod his head towards her. He got back up, “Sure take a load off Matt, I’ll go back to work. No pain no gain y’know?” He nodded his head once again at Sora as he left back to the ruins. Matt sat back besides Sora as he exhaled a breath of air; “Whew, this is tougher then I looks huh?” he wiped his forehead with his arm.

“Yeah…it’s a lot of work…” Sora said sounding a little glum.

“What’s wrong Sora?” Matt had questioned as he had picked up on her depressed state. She turned to face him as she rested her hand on his, “Listen Matt, we have to talk…”

“About what?” Matt asked dumbfounded, unaware of what’s to happen.


While that was happening, Tai walked over to the ruins and started to push away rocks and fallen debris. To his side however, he saw Mimi and Yolei, lifting away rocks, trying there best to clear the ruins. Over the all the work and commotion going on, Tai had managed to over hear a few things. While he lifted away another rock, he heard Yolei mention, “Oh Davis…come back safe to me…”

Tai smiled as he murmured, “Heh, looks like Yolei’s got a small crush on Davis…who would have thought…”

“C’mon Tai, it’s as plain as day.” Mimi said. “I see you were talking with Sora over there huh?”

“Yeah…why?” Tai said

“Oh nothing, I mean after that little meeting that day…well…things seemed a bit confusing lately.”

“Oh yeah, no kidding. But I gotta admit that day was certainly something I’m not going to forget.”

“Hehe, I guess it would be very hard to neglect that day. I mean after finding out Sora is dumping Matt and that she and I are bi, well…hehe, yes that day was something.” She advanced a bit towards Tai, “Y’know Tai, whenever Sora isn’t available, I hope you know who to turn to when…hehe…when you want a little relief.”

“You know I couldn’t do that Mimi. I can’t cheat on Sora, after all what she’s doing for me.”

“Heh…well can’t blame a girl for trying? (Sigh) I’ve always liked you Tai, but I know now I can’t have you. Looks like Sora has beaten me there, but you’re not the only one I’ve had a crush on. Ever since we first traveled to the digital world way back when, it was always a choice between you and Matt. Up until now I could not decide, but…” she smiled as he knew what she was going to say.

Things seemed peaceful enough; everyone was working hard to complete their part of the mission. Unknowing to them however, things were far from being tranquil. Their halcyon would soon be interrupted, as a low rumble could be felt right under them. Sora, who was about to say something important to Matt stood up and shouted, “What’s going on!?!”

“An earthquake?” TK questioned. Suddenly however his D-3 started to go crazy as it rumble and emanated a dark light. “What’s this?” he grasped it looking what could be wrong.

Suddenly the rumbling grew stronger as they all turned their heads towards the ruins. TK shouted, “Something’s coming!”

Leomon growled a bit as he leaped towards the ruins. Also Patamon suddenly digivolved on his own to his champion form Angemon as he too made his way towards the ruins. As soon as TK’s D-3 had reacted so violently, Kari’s D-3 too took on the same characteristics of the berserk digivice.

“What’s going on?” Kari shouted as she held her D-3, examining it just as TK had done before. She saw that everyone was rushing towards the front of the ruins. She called to Gatomon, “GATOMON! HURRY! SOMETHING’S HAPPENING!” hearing her cry, Gatomon and Kari rushed towards the commotion.

As everyone gathered, they took a few steps back as the ground beneath them, literally felt like it was going to tare apart. Something was coming…that was for sure. They all clenched their fists/paws and waited for whatever this was to appear before them. Izzy looked to Leomon who seemed poised to strike at a moments glance, “What’s going on Leomon?”

“It’s coming…”

“What’s coming?”

He growled a bit, “The evil…it’s coming…I don’t know how…but I know for sure it’s the same…Calamity…”

“WHAT!?! CALAMITY!?! But I thought he was locked within the four tablets?”

“I had thought so too. But this seems…identical…”

He looked back towards the ruins as small boulders began to fall down. Izzy gritted his teeth as a sweat drop fell down the side of his face. His palms sweating with perspiration, trembling as he tried his best to hold on to his laptop. He was trying to get a little data on the object, but so far it only gave him the readings. It was going off the charts, as he tried desperately to analyze the creature. “What…WHAT IS THIS?” he shouted as the numbers grew.

The sky grew dark, as if the digital world itself felt the awesome power being emanated. Then from the ruins, it finally showed itself. Out from the depths of the ruins of the temple of Odinmon, arose what appeared to be a demon spawn creature. It levitated there for a few moments as it stretched out it’s massive wings; flipping back it’s tail back, while letting out a demonic roar. The creature had shown itself as the group took another step back.

Who was this creature that had come before them? None could provide the proper answers as they just stared there in fear and awe of the beast. It was covered in shadows, but it seemed that thirteen bright stones embedded into it, shimmered through the last bit of light shown in the sky. Leomon’s eyes widen in shock, as he pointed to the being, “NO HE’S GOT ALL OF ODINMON’S RUNES!”

The creature jerked its head, looking down upon Leomon as it muttered, “Gilgamon…” it landed upon the floor with a furious stomp as it turned to glance at Angemon, “Grrr…Zuesmon…”

Tai pointed to the beast, “CHARGE!” he shouted as he and Agumon, Matt and Gabumon ran headlong into battle.

“GUYS NO!” Angemon shouted, trying to get him to stop. However it was too late as the beast shifted his body swinging his tail right at them, sending them flying. TK and Kari shouted, as their big brothers flew backwards, “NO TAI! MATT!” Leomon rushed to aid the two boys and make sure they were all right, “Are you four ok?”

“Ugh…it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck.” Tai said as he rubbed his head.

“Not your most brightest ideas Tai…” Matt replied

“Leomon…who is that guy?” Agumon asked.

“I’m not sure Agumon…I wouldn’t try charging him again, it’s gain possession of Odinmon’s runes. Whoever this creature may be…I get the feeling I know it from somewhere, but I just can’t place it.”

The creature grinned as small red flames burned from its eyes, “I’ll tell you who I am…” it said in a dark bestial voice.

“It can talk?” Tai asked, as everyone was quite surprised with all of this. “All right then shoot, who are you and what do you want!?!”

“I have no true name…I am not of this world…all you really need to know about me is…that I AM CALAMITY, THE TRUE DESTROYER OF THE DIGITAL WORLD!”

Everyone turned pale and was in complete shock. However, Angemon regained his position as he shouted, “That’s impossible! Calamity was sealed in four tablets millions of years ago. AND only the four descendents of the four digi-gods may have the necessary power to overcome the seal. There is no way you can be the one you say you are!”

“That is where you are wrong, Angemon, descendent of Zuesmon, digi-god of the north. When that great battle had taken place millions of years ago, as a precaution, should Calamity fall in battle, he formulated a backup plan. So before the gods confronted him, he had severed a piece of himself and concealed it away from the gods. In other words…ME!”

“GRRR…So, then why have you returned back now? Why have you come back to plague the digital world once again?” Leomon asked.

“Ah Leomon, descendent of Gilgamon, digi-god of the south. The answer to your question is quite obvious. In order to try and defeat the four digi-gods, I had to gain extreme power. So after seeing the digi-gods completely exhausted from the battle, I decided to take there’s. I decided to take on the power of Odinmon by stealing his runes. However, before I got the chance he had sealed them away in his temple, along with the marker to Digitama. BUT, as fate would have it, I was sealed away with it. And with the over powering forces that existed in Odinmon’s temple I was trapped. That is…until one of your kind” He pointed to Yolei, “Reopened the doors to the temple.”

TK clenched his fists and grinded his teeth, “Ken…”

“Yes Ken…the so-called digimon emperor. With his appearance in the temple, I soon reawaken from my slumber. Sensing his dark spores buried deep within him, I slowly began to feed upon the power he emanated, and I soon gained strength. Enough strength to over power the defenses that Odinmon had placed. And when that had happened, I quickly obtained Odinmon’s thirteen runes.”

“Err…darn you Ken…” TK murmured.

He let out a menacing laughter, “MWHAHAHA!!! After I had feasted upon Ken’s, Wormon’s and all the other’s energy, I had gained, I quickly located the marker of Digitama and broke free from that accursed temple that had kept me imprisoned for so long. AND now I’m free, once AGAIN! MWHAHAHAH!!! And with the power I obtained from Odinmon’s runes, as well as the dark energy from Ken’s spores, I have more then enough power to destroy the seal placed on the Calamity tablets and let loose my original form!”

Angemon clenched upon his staff, “Yet you forgot one thing demon. You forgot about us! You’re far outnumbered and we won’t let you pass!”

It looked around seeing what exactly was against him, “Heh, you call this being outnumbered? You forget about all the power I have! It doesn’t matter how many you send against me! I will crush you in a single blow! Plus it seems you’re a few missing. How can you possibly defeat me when you lack your full team?”

“Oh they’ll return! And when they do, we’ll have enough power to shut your trap!” Tai shouted.

“Brave words, from one so weak. But if it’s a fight you want…far be it from me to stand in your own death wish.” Tai took the offensive, as he was anxious as ever to begin. Leomon reached behind him, drawing his sword, “Ok…everyone get ready for anything…”

The creature let out a small laughter, “Not so fast…the playing field is not yet leveled just yet.” Everyone wasn’t too sure what he had meant by that, but then he took flight. Beating his wings as he gained altitude he clenched his paws, inhaled a deep breath and let loose a loud and thunderous roar. Instantaneously, everyone dropped to the floor, covering his or her ears. They couldn’t stand the sound as they lied there in agony from the sounds.

Suddenly however, Tai and Matt began to vanish right in front of Leomon’s eyes. One by one, human and digimon began to vanish until finally, the beast shut its mouth. It levitated back to the ground, it’s arms cross as an evil grin was spread across its face.

Slowly, the ones who were left opened their eyes and took their hands/paws from their ears. They were in surprise as all that was left was Leomon, Angemon, Kari, TK, and Gatomon. They all looked around, trying to find their family and friends, but they saw no one else, but themselves. They all jerked their heads to the beast as he continued to have a grin on his face, “As I said before…the playing field is not leveled. Only the chosen may fight…and it seems your little friends just weren’t good enough to do so. And little do you know, that countdown has long since begun.”

They prepared for battle, as they had to keep focus. “Everyone! On your guard!” Leomon shouted as he drew his blade.

They had to stand their ground, they could not let this beast get through them and enter the temple of Digitama. TK murmured as he held on tight to his D-3, “You guys better hurry…”




“C’mon people, let’s pick up the pace!” Davis shouted with authority. It seemed ever since he had that small talk with Tai, he’s been acting just like a leader, only a bit more annoying.

Xenamon muttered as she followed behind, “If he wasn’t some weak human…I’d rip his throat out…”

Miron sighed as he replied, “C’mon Xenamon…I’m sure you don’t really mean that. By the way…” He turned to Andromon, “Are we close to Xenamon’s partner Andromon?”

“In case you have forgotten Miron, my partner Adam is already dead.” Xenamon added, “Gennai had told me that himself…”

Miron scratched the back of his head, “Oh yeah…kinda forgot that…but it’s just that you use to live here in Chicago, and so did…Adam…I guess it just slipped my mind.”

However, although she did not express it outwardly, deep within Xenamon’s mind lied a most unquiet mind. The feelings…the torture she went through when she was still with Adam. It was just something she tried her hardest to contain within and let no one else know about it. In fact, she was suffering within, slowly withering away until she finally can’t hold it in anymore. She shut her eyes as they walked, as she slowly began to recall a past memory.

“Adam…no more…please…” Ruhemon replied,

She was bound to his bed, her arms and legs strapped down tightly as Adam had continued to molest her. “Ugh….mMMMMmmm….” she moaned like a whore as, she blink while tears fell down the side of her cheeks. “ADAM!” She cried as she continued to let the tears flow.

“That’s a good little bitch! Scream, scream out my name!” Adam said ruthlessly while he continued to jam his finger way up in her cunt and retracting it back quickly.

Ruhemon did just that, moaning again in pain while she continued to beg Adam to lay off her. She did was he ordered her to do, and screamed out his name in agony. She was breathing rapidly, but Adam didn’t care. He persisted, becoming more aroused with each passing moment. It seemed like an eternal torture through Ruhemon’s eyes, as Adam seemed to get faster and faster, pumping his fingers deeper and deeper into her.

Nothing seemed to let up, until finally after a few harsher pushing, Adam finally withdrew his hand. He grinned as he looked down upon his digimon. “You little whore…I didn’t say you could cum anytime soon.” he rubbed his fingers together as he felt a sticky substance in between his fingers.

Ruhemon was panting like crazy as she barely managed to lift her head to gaze upon Adam. She murmured in a tiny voice, “I’m…I’m sorry…Adam…I didn’t mean to-“

“SHUT UP! BITCH!” Adam demanded. “YOU made a mistake! Now your gonna have to pay for it!”

“No…Adam…please…” Ruhemon whispered.

He turned around, still having that grin on his face as he reached for a bottle of liquor and his digivice. Taking the bottle in one hand he chugged it down and put it back on the table. He wiped his lips as he held on tight to his digivice. “Now…to pay for your mistake…you’re going to have keep quiet.”

An uneasy expression was spread across Ruhemon’s face as she stared right at Adam. “Now…I order you to digivolve now!” He shouted as he took another chug of his bottle. Slowly his digivice glowed and echoed a high-pitched sound. Ruhemon started to glow and slowly began to feel a little bit of her strength return to her as she dramatically began to change. She was digivolving as ordered by her partner, however she was still tightly strapped down as she finished her evolution from Ruhemon to Xenamon.

Adam wiped his mouth again with his sleeve as he looked upon his newly digivolved partner. “Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” he shouted as he walked over to her. “Your little rookie form was pathetic compared to this.” with that said he reached for her chest and felt under her yellow mane. He squeezed on her chest and frantically began to tease and tug on her newly developed breasts.

She shut her eyes and turned away as she tried to persevere. “Oh…you don’t like that huh Xenamon?” Adam asked her as he turned to look at him. “Well…let’s just see if you like this little treat?”

She lay there, helpless on the bed while Adam made his way around. Actually, now that she had digivolved into Xenamon, she had the strength to break the bindings, and escape. However she did no such thing. She seemed to have given up this time around and lay there, not fighting back. Even if she knew that there was freedom outside this room, this apartment, she still did nothing. For now, she’s learned to be helpless, even when there is hope.

He threw aside his bottle and licked his lips. “Time to make up for that little stunt Xenamon…” he shouted as he reached below. His fingers on his zipper and slowly pulled them down, sagging his jeans down. He had that stupid grin on his face as slipped his hand in his boxers. He grasped his member, slightly hard from all the things he had been doing. Actually his boxers were slightly dampened already from all the pre-cum he had excreted already.

His body shivered a bit as he slowly began to stroke his meat, his hand a little sticky. He then extended his other hand, inserting his two fingers into her pussy. Ramming them right in, and thrust deeply into her, feeling her juices once again. She shut her mouth, not letting a single sound out and tried to look away. He only enjoyed it even more as he sped up a bit, while still stroking himself.

He then took out his two fingers and finally pulled down his boxers, exposing himself to her. “Good…your nice and wet for me…” he replied as he rubbed his two fingers again. Grabbing his prick by the root he trust his hips inward, shoving his rod into her. She gritted her teeth, as it was extremely uncomfortable for her.

He looked over head, seeing her expression, “You like that bitch? You like that don’t you?”

He mocked her as he immediately from the start, made rash and rough pumps into her. He disregarded any of her feelings, as he seemed to only please himself. She breathed in and out deeply through her nostrils, holding down her mouth, not to make the slightest noise.

So far, Xenamon had managed to do exactly what Adam had told her to do. However, as she bore through the pain and torture, Adam had other ideas in mind. He paused a bit and leaned further down to her. Then, while their bellies touched, Adam reached out and grabbed her breast with his hands. His touch was ice cold as he squeezed and grasped them roughly. The feeling was horrible as it seem to add in her own torture, as she was already sweating due to all the heat in the room, and with her skin being so sensitive right now, Adams actions weren’t the least be pleasing.

He backed his hips away and then continued to ravish her again and again. She couldn’t stand it anymore; she had to let out something. Her eyes poised with fear and pain, she parted her lips and unleashed a devastating cry. She screamed, she couldn’t help it; she felt she was being torn apart from all the abuse. All the built up pain and sadness she had been building finally broke loose.

“AGHHHH!!!” She let it all out, tears dripping from her face. “STOP IT! PLEASE! JUST STOP IT!!!”

Then, something she didn’t expect happen. Adam looked to her as got off of her and grabbed the hilt of his cock. He slowly backed out, removing his dick from her pussy. Xenamon lifted her head to see what exactly Adam was up to. Her eyes landed upon his expression, as he seemed quite angry. His eyebrows crossed, he looked positively pissed off. “I thought I told you…TO KEEP QUIET YOU LITTLE SLUT!”

“I’m…I’m sorry Adam…I-I didn’t mean to…”

“SHUT UP BITCH!” Adam shouted, “You’re gonna learn that when I say something…you better damn straight listen!”

He walked over and removed the bindings on her arms and legs. She could move once again, but then Adam forcefully grabbed her waist and flipped her over. Her belly was now on his bed as she turned her head to look behind her. However, the moment she did, a hand came right at her, smacking her right back. “Don’t you dare look at me you filthy slut!”

He grabbed hold of her ass with his ice-cold hands and lifted it up. “Adam…” she murmured, however she knew she couldn’t convince him to stop. Her ass pointed up as he grabbed his throbbing member. Stroking it a bit, as his hand was already covered with sweat and his dick already coated. He spit to the side as all the alcohol he was consuming got to him a little. “When we’re though…you’re gonna be begging for me to let you loose.”

“…No…” Xenamon uttered as Adam rammed his prick deep into her asshole.

She shut her eyes, grabbed hold onto the bed sheets, squeezing them tight. She lowered her head, burying her face into the pillows. Every sheet was already dampened with her sweat and wreaked of alcohol. His hips thrust right into her, as he felt his length rip right into her, while her walls enclosed him. In and out, in repeating process, bearing through it all as it felt so painful. She screamed deeply, but it never seemed to help.

It echoed through her mind as it only just one memory with Adam. It was a very unpleasant flashback for her, as she shivered a bit. “Xenamon? Are you all right?” Miron asked her.

She reopened her eyes and turned them to Miron, “What? Uh…yes, I’m fine.”

“Ok…” he said with a little concern, “it’s just that you look a little…um afraid…”

“I’m fine Miron…” she said with a little offense, “I was just remembering a couple memories…old memories.”

Miron sighed a bit; it wasn’t the brightest move to bring back Adam again. “Listen Xenamon, I know you haven’t known me for that long, but if you need to talk about anything…you know you can always talk to me.”

She kept quiet, as she wasn’t about to get all friendly. There were too many scars left behind in her past for her to start acting nice now. She just turned away and continued to walk, trying her best to ignore Miron as usual.

So far they had already cross into the real world and walked down the sidewalk as little kids ran passed them, dressed up in their usual Halloween get up. Sometimes however, a group of kids would crowd around Gazimon, tugging at his ears and poking him. Coarse Joey would scare them off one way or another; then again, most of the time it was Gazimon who scared his little fan club away.


Suddenly Andromon said, “We’re close, I can detect the holder of power near.”

Miron turned to Xenamon, “Well I guess you finally get to meet your partner Xenamon.” He looked a little down, as he tried to be a little supportive on things. Like he had expressed earlier he did care for her. And even he knew he couldn’t be her partner, he really wish he could have been. He enjoyed her company, thinking her to be a good friend. He wasn’t completely sure if she thought of him exactly like that, but he always hope the feeling was mutual.

Xenamon looked around, “This place…this place seems so familiar. Like I’ve been here, or something like it.” She got the shivers as she crossed her arms. “It reminds me of something…”

Suddenly Andromon paused in his tracks, “There!” he pointed, “Just around that corner, the digidestined of power resides there!”

Xenamon and Miron rushed to turn the corner as Gazimon spun his head. He had just finished scaring a couple of kids that were staring at him, as he too rushed to meet Xenamon’s partner. Everyone else walked while Davis talked with Joey, “Wondering who this guy is?”

“You got me…I mean I just found out I’m some sort of descendent of wisdom. With our luck it’ll probably be some two year old or better yet, some senior citizen.”

Little did they know, as they turned the corner, they saw Xenamon standing there, dead in her tracks. She had a blank expression on her face, her arms just dangling at her sides. Her eyes shot with fear and her jaw dropped. Gazimon looked to see the both Xenamon and her so-called partner.

“Uh…Xenamon? You all right there?” He waved his paw in front of her. However, he got no response. Miron too was a little shocked as he stared right at the person standing there. Gazimon sighed as he walked over and did the same thing to Miron, in hopes that he’d get a better response on to what exactly was going on.

“It’s…it’s…it can’t be.” Miron uttered.

“What? What can’t be?” Gazimon asked curiously as he turned to look who exactly they were looking at. There standing in the parking lot right next to a car was a slightly tall man, roughly around 19 or 20. He had short brown hair, slightly built and wore a ripped white shirt. He slipped in a pair of keys into his dark blue jeans as he turned around, shifting his gaze.

“Well, well…if this ain’t a surprise. So it’s you Xenamon…finally came back to me huh?” the young adult replied.

“Adam…” Xenamon whispered.

Miron added, “But that can’t be! Adam died, Gennai told us himself!”

“My scanners do indicate that that person there, is the true bearer of power and Xenamon’s rightful partner.”

She couldn’t believe it, she placed her paws on her either side of her head. She fell the ground on her knees, as she shook her head back and forth, “No…no….NO!!! THIS ISN’T HAPPENING!” She just lost all her cool, as she didn’t know what to do now. Miron saw his friend in this condition as he tried to comfort her.

However, Adam soon walked over to her. Davis thought it was only proper to introduce himself and what was going on, he stood in front of him and Xenamon as he replied, “Uh, hi, my name is Davis Motomiya. And I gotta ask you…”

“One side pipsqueak,” he pushed him aside while Veemon rushed over to see if he was ok. He looked down upon Xenamon. “Heh, heh, well you finally came back to me huh? I see you’ve learned your lesson, and found out how exactly the world works huh? Tough ain’t it? But that’s ok; your old partner here is willing to forgive you. Cause you finally found out the only person who wants you…is me…” he continued to lecture her, putting her down.

“That’s not true, I care about her!” Miron shouted.

It wasn’t until Miron had actually said something, had Adam finally realized him. “Oh? Miron, so you’re the one who took her away from me huh?” He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt; “I hope you didn’t go rough on her, if you know what I mean? She’s mine! And I’m the only one who can have her.”

“I didn’t touch her! I would never do what YOU did to her!” Miron replied back.

He shook his head and threw him down. Joey shouted, “Hey! Ease off the kid, buddy!”

“And who are you tough guy?” He now approached Joey, “You their bodyguard or something?”

“Hey! You mess with Joey, you mess with me!” Gazimon shouted as he was prepared to attack.

“So the little stuffed animal can talk huh?” Adam mocked them,

“Hey I wouldn’t mess with him if I were you,” Joey said as a precaution. “Last guy who messed with him…well let’s just say, he got a little shock from the experience.”

Gazimon grinned as he rubbed his paws together. Andromon finally decided to get his attention, “Bearer of power, you must come to the digital world immediately!” he grabbed him by the shoulders.

“Hey, HEY! Ease off the material scrap heap! I ain’t going with nobody!” he pushed him aside.

Davis shouted, “Listen, we don’t have time for this! We need your help to save the digital world!”

He shrugged his shoulders, as he seemed to ignore Davis. “Tck, what do I care? What’s in it for me?”

“What!?!” Davis shouted, “What’s in it for you!?!”

“Yeah, pipsqueak, what’s in it for me? I mean if you need my help so badly, your gonna have to offer me something? I just don’t go anywhere y’see? For the right price…heh…I’d do anything.”

“No way am I paying that scumbag anything!” Joey whispered to Davis.

“You shouldn’t have to ask for anything!?!” Davis shouted back,

“Tck, suit yourself…I got other things to do…” Adam responded. Andromon suddenly spoke out, “You must remember young Davis, Joey, that the descendent of power is essential. We cannot destroy and seal Calamity without his help.”

“But c’mon Andromon!” Joey shouted, “This guy is a total loser, he’s worthless!”

“I gotta agree with Joey on that one, Andromon.” Veemon replied.

Meanwhile, as they contemplated on what they were going to do next. Adam finally approached Xenamon and looked upon the sad excuse for a digimon before him. “Get up Xenamon…” he uttered. However Xenamon didn’t get up, as she was still in her uneasy state of mind. A little aggravated he shouted, “I said GET UP! What are you deaf!?!” However, she still was in her own little world of denial.

“You worthless little…” He raised his said ready to strike her until Miron intervened.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Miron shouted, “You’re not going to hurt her ever again!”

“Brave words Miron…but just like before.” He picked him up again, “Remember…you…can’t…stop ME!” He slugged him in the stomach as he fell to the ground on his knees. He wrapped his arms around his belly as he looked to the ground.

“Miron!” Davis shouted as he noticed what had happened and rushed over. They all turned to see what was happening as they rushed to his side. Joey finally had enough, and being one of the oldest human around, he had to stand up to him. “Back off!” He shouted right at him.

“One side loser!” he confronted him. However as things were heating up, Xenamon finally couldn’t take it anymore. She had been continuously chatting the world ‘no’ over and over again…that it finally got to her. She shouted with all her might, “NO!!!” as she stood back up on her two feet again. She made a tremendous leap onto the roof of a building and dash away from all of them.


Miron, still on the floor tried his best to get back up, “Xenamon…” he tired to shout, but was unsuccessful.

Davis realizing that Xenamon had flown the coup turned to Veemon, “Veemon! Go find Xenamon before she gets too far away!”

“You too Gazimon!” Joey shouted as both digimon shook their heads and started to tail Xenamon.

Xenamon however was on the move. She was on an emotional rampage as she leaped from rooftop to rooftop. Veemon and Gazimon were having a tough time trying to keep track of her because of he speed and agility. However as she was quickly moving through, she wasn’t in full concentration as tears were pouring from her eyes. As she kicked off from a roof, she slipped on a loose shingle.

She fell towards the ground in an empty alley as she lied there on the cement floor. She was slightly injured from the fall, but she seemed to curl up in a small ball in the corner. Thoughts were racing through her mind, none of them really helpful right now as she just wanted to get away from all of it. The reappearance of Adam was a devastating blow upon her. She continued to sob in her little ball that she sat in. Until that is…a voice called out of nowhere.

“So…is this how you end up?”

“What?” She lifted her head back up.

“Funny, I picture you a lot stronger than this…”

“Who are you? What do you want!?!”

Suddenly from the end of the alley, a figure seemed to be standing there. Slightly covered in darkness, as a freak mist seemed to appear, making it hard to see. However, her eyes were keen enough to make the figure a bit. “Gennai? Is that you Gennai?”

Dressed in the usual white robe and hood on, the figure said, “Well…who else could it be?”

“Gennai, why are you here?”

“Listen Xenamon…I’m sorry for lying to you like that…about Adam and all.”

“WHY!?! Why would you do something like that!?! Just make him go away…just make him go away and leave me alone…” She shouted.

Gennai remained quiet a bit as she fell to her knees again placing either paw on her head, shaking it back and forth while still slightly sobbing, “Please Xenamon, you shouldn’t…” he spoke.

She lifted her head, “Shouldn’t…shouldn’t what?” She said with tears still coming down her face.

Gennai sighed, “You shouldn’t be on the ground on your knees, begging to take the pain away like a dog.”

It seemed to catch her attention as she looked up. “You heard me Xenamon…a dog.” She sniffled a bit slightly confused, as this normally wasn’t Gennai’s tone of voice. “You’re so much stronger then this Xenamon…don’t tell me the so-called, digimon of power has finally given up?”

She remained silent as Gennai continued to talk, “Xenamon, you have so much strength, so much determination, I just can’t believe that you are taken down so easily by just one stare by Adam.”

“But…” Xenamon stuttered a bit.

“No Xenamon, no buts, you have to know that even though Adam has hurt you very much in the past. What you may not know is that you have much more now then what you did when you were with Adam. Your not alone anymore, you’ve got all these people and digimon who look out for you. Yet you just seem to push them away.”

She got back up as she looked to the side and crossed her arms. She knew it was true, she hadn’t always been so accepting to Miron and to anyone else who seem to wanna talk with her. Gennai spoke again, “I know that Adam has mistreated you and that it’s very hard for you to confront him. However, you must do this, for things have a unique way of following through. You just have to get the ball rolling and let prophesy AND destiny take place.”

She was a little confused on what Gennai was talking about. And the fact that his tone of voice seemed to also change as well, like it wasn’t even him to begin with. She looked up trying to see through the sudden mist. However it seems that Gennai was even harder to see now.

“Gennai?” Xenamon whispered.

His voice seemed to trail off in the darkness, “Remember Xenamon…things are not always what they appear to be. Especially in this case…just trust in your instincts and please, learn to let people in sometimes. Confront your problem first, then face the evil, and show them all that you’re strong enough to stand up to them. You have all the power you’ll need…so use it. Good luck…”

Xenamon raised her paw reaching out for the person who seemed to be slowly disappearing now, “Wait! Hold on! Who are you really?”

However, the Gennai look-a-like did not wait, but he did mutter something, “A friend Xenamon…a friend…”

There she stood again, alone the alley. And just as the mist finally cleared the voice spoke again one last time, “Remember Xenamon…all our hopes are with you…”

“I understand…” She whispered as she lowered her head looking towards the ground while clenching her paws. She’s had enough, of Adam and this evil. She was going to take action now as she raised her head looking up in the night sky. “No more…” She shook her head as she began to walk.


However, out of nowhere a voice called out, “XENAMON!!! Are you here!?!”

She was a bit curious as to who exactly was calling out for her. It took a little time, but Xenamon finally recognized the voice as she called out, “Gazimon! I’m over here!”

And sure enough, Gazimon heard her call back and turned the corner into the alley. He was slightly out of breath as he saw Xenamon standing they’re waiting for him. “(Pant) so there (pant) you are,” he said tiredly. He took in one last deep breath and started to talk once more, “Veemon and I split up to try and find you after you sorta disappeared on us.”

“Sorry,” She muttered as she stared away.

“Huh?” Gazimon asked, as he was a bit confused.

“I said I’m sorry…” Xenamon replied. “Something wrong?”

“Oh!? No, it’s just that I’ve never heard you be so…uh…nice?”

“Well…I’ve have changed a bit, surprisingly.” She swerved her fox-like tail, “I guess you could say Gennai helped me…”

“Gennai? He was here?” Gazimon asked.

“Sort of…I’m not exactly sure what happened.” She started to approach the small hare-like digimon. “But I do know something for sure…” She placed her paw on his shoulder.

“And that’s?” Gazimon asked curiously.

She smiled at the corner of her mouth, something she hasn’t done in a long time. “It’s that I shouldn’t push people or digimon away before I really get to know them.” She bent down placed her paw on his cheek, ruffling through his gray fur. She leaned in and tilted her head a bit and kissed him.

Gazimon was a little uneasy with Xenamon’s sudden approach to him, as he was a bit tense. Xenamon backed away slightly. “What’s wrong Gazimon?”

“Uh…” he was a bit speechless. One moment he was trying to find Xenamon, the next he was just standing there while Xenamon kissed him. And the fact of the matter was he wasn’t too fluent when speaking with other digimon. Who could blame him anyways; he really just hung out with Joey all the time, doing guy stuff, like watching TV, drinking and stuff. “Well…it’s just that you’re kinda different now.”

“Well…Gazimon, I kinda liked you when we first met. Then we had that little talk after you got out of that temple. And even though I was still trying to avoid you at the time, truth is I kinda like it when I was around you.” She started to ease on over to him again, “I know we kinda just met and all, but now that I know that you care for me, like Miron does, I feel strongly attracted to you.” She parted her lips again and kissed Gazimon as he took a step back, still a bit uneasy.

“Uh…Xenamon…I’m not well…” He scratched the back of his head, “Well you must know that in order for me to enter Odinmon’s temple, I had to be a virgin. So that means well…”

Xenamon parted, “Don’t be embarrassed Gazimon, just ease up a bit. You’re so tense right now.” She placed her paw on his shoulder, and eased him to sit down. “Just relax a bit, and let me start things off.”

She placed either paw on each thigh as she lowered her head. She stuck out he tongue and began to lick Gazimon’s slightly bulging crotch. He stared down, slightly excited however still a little nervous with the whole ordeal. He took a big gulp as he continued to look at what was happening.

Xenamon continued to lick as he began to become a little bit more exposed. He was certainly getting turned on, no doubt about that. Slowly and gradually his member began to show up, as it popped out of it’s hidden pouch. Gazimon closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he began to relax a little. He’s masturbated before, but with this came a whole new feeling. The feeling of her warm, slippery tongue all over his nice sensitive length was incredible.

“Ugh…” Gazimon muttered as he began to pant again. He placed his paw on the top of her head and patted her slightly. Xenamon persisted as she now placed her paw on the underside of his digi-rod. She held on to his white furred ball sack and began to pull and stretch it, seemly adding to his own excitement.

Gazimon’s ears eased back as he slowly lowered his paw down her back of her neck. He went further still and came across her blue furred back and began to rub her gently. Xenamon then lowered her head starting at the root of his digi-tool and came all the way up, licking his entire length up to the head. She tickled his digi-cock as she used the tip of her tongue and circles it around the opening of his penis.

Gazimon let out a breath of ecstasy as the feelings increased. He was so aroused by her actions that he began to ooze out his clear pre-cum down his digi-rod. Xenamon then took her other paw and wrapped it around his digi-tool and made quickly jerks, up and down as his pre-cum mixed with her hand gestures. And with all the fluids he was excreting; acting as his own natural lubricant, Xenamon’s paw was quick and slippery while Gazimon panted deeper.

While his length still in her paw she lowered her head again, sticking out her tongue. She licked his head continuously as he swooned and gasped for air. Now as Xenamon continued to pleasure him, she had grown extremely horny while she did this and let go of his ball sack. She reached down in between her legs and began to rub her pussy. She certainly was excited as her juices were damping her paw.

She let go of his digi-rod and began to bob her head up and down, engulfing his length. She twisted her tongue around it as took in his meat. With her whole mouth all over it now, she used her now free hand and began to fondle and rub his balls again. As Xenamon continued her treatment slowly, Gazimon became a bit more anxious. He was much more relaxed as he made small jerks with his hips. Gradually, he became so bold as to deep pelvic thrusts into her open mouth.

Xenamon noticed who was in control now as she found it a bit humorous. She let him do this own thing for a bit as she tasted upon the pre-juices he had to offer. After a few moments, she lifted her head back up as she took a look on the pooped out Gazimon. It looks like he just ran a marathon as Xenamon continued to smile.

“Well, well…it seems that someone wants to be the aggressor.”

Gazimon took a gulp as he panted, “Well I…”

She chuckled a bit as she placed her paw back on his length. “It’s ok Gazimon, you don’t have to worry.” She began to give him small jerks as he continued to talk, “Well it seems that I want a little action of my own.”

With that said, Xenamon got up and took a step back. She sat down on her butt, and spread her legs, exposing her wet cunt to him. She placed one paw on her pussy and one on her mouth. “Well, big boy…are you up for it?”

Gazimon’s eyes widen a bit at the full view of her. She then placed her paw that was on her mouth under her yellow mane. She reached under grabbing one of her breast and squeezed it a bit. Gazimon was extremely turned on as he grabbed his tool and made small jerks, just as Xenamon had done earlier. He was well excited, but then regained his head, “But uh…you’re sure right, about this right? I mean I wouldn’t well…”

“Gazimon…I don’t think I’ve been more sure about anything in my life.” She began to rub her clit, “Please Gazimon…this will probably be the first time I did this for real.”

Gazimon took a deep breath as he inched his way towards her. Xenamon spread her legs even more, accepting him, as he got closer. He knelt down before her on his knees as Xenamon let her paws fall on either side of him. He approached her anxiously as he closed his eyes and leaned his head forward. He pressed his lips on hers as the feeling was of pure love this time. His knees crept closer, as he held on to his digi-rod. He positioned it right at her entrance, teasing her a bit as he moved it up and down the front of her pussy.

They parted lips as Xenamon stared deeply into Gazimon’s eyes. She smiled a bit, “Just go gentle Gazimon…”

He nodded as he pushed forward inserting his length into her awaiting cunt. She gasped for a bit as a few old feelings came back, but she realized again it wasn’t Adam this time. Just as she had said, Gazimon was extremely gentle with her, as he started in a slow pace. He began to make easy pelvic thrusts as he placed either paw on each side of her, getting a better position.

Xenamon had felt some pain when Gazimon had entered her, but it wasn’t something she hadn’t experienced before. She endured it as it she knew she’s gotten through tougher situations before. Soon the feelings faded away, replacing them with pure bliss and pleasure. She let out low moans, as Gazimon entered her again and again. She placed one of her paws around him on his back. She caressed his scruffy gray fur up and down, as she pulled him closer to him.

Gazimon feeling much more in control of things began to speed up a bit. However, he always kept the small reminder that Xenamon had told him before they started. And he was true to his word, as he still remained gentle with her somewhat fragile body. He didn’t want to hurt her; she’s gone through too much of that in her life. Slowly, Xenamon pulled him closer to her as she moved her paw further up. It was on the back of his head and she pulled his head down.

She guided him to her breast under her yellow mane. With one paw already massaging and squeezing one of her breasts, she snuggled his soft furry face on the other. Gazimon stuck out his tongue and began to lick her chest. Her nipples had already gone hard from the cold as well as another factor and he danced around her tit, getting his tongue all over it. He then opened his mouth, gently sucking on it while still maintaining his pace.

“Oh Gazimon…” She moaned aloud.

She seemed to be lost in her own zone that she had created for herself. However, as she felt through his furry head, she felt him suddenly began to grow a bit more tense. She didn’t understand it for a second, until she knew what was coming.

“Don’t stop Gazimon…don’t hold back…” She whispered to him.

Gazimon, like always listened to what she said and obeyed it. He squeezed his paws that were on her hips and sped up, gaining full access to her. His tool slid in and out of her, now in a much faster beat and rhythm. He had felt what was building and coming so to speak. He had built it up so suddenly that he wanted to hold it out. But what Xenamon had said had forced him to do otherwise. He didn’t keep it in as his scrotum contracted and he issued one last good pump into her and spewed forth his essence.

It erupted as one of his largest ejaculation he had ever blown. He shot in a repeated stream deep in her as it leaked slowly out of her. She let out a loud moan as well as he did the same. He collapsed in small exhaustion in her arms as Xenamon leaned back, holding her lover in her paws. He was a bit sleepy, but that was understandable. They laid there in they’re small spot in the alley. It was definitely an awkward place to make love and show their feelings to one another, but the settings didn’t really matter to them.

Gazimon slowly opened his eyes, gazing up on Xenamon. She had a pleasing look as well as a peaceful one. She smiled as she said, “Thank you Gazimon…thank you…”


Gazimon nodded, as he was a little lost for words as to what exactly to say back to that. All he could do was just nod as he tried to recover a little bit of his strength again. They stared at one another, as they were quite happy to be with one another. And it seemed like an eternal moment, until it seemed to be interrupted with a voice calling out.

“GAZIMON!!! XENAMON!!!” the voice called. They both looked up as it drew closer. They automatically interpreted who exactly the voice was. And sure enough, Veemon showed up as he turned the corner.

“I thought I heard you guys...whoa…” he spun around as he caught glance of the two. “Uh…sorry for uh…interrupting…”

Gazimon smiled a bit as he got back up off the alley. “It’s all right Veemon.”

He kept his back turned to them as Xenamon slowly got back up as well. He began to talk, “It’s just that…well…we do have to try and bring you back Xenamon…and well…”

“I’m sorry Veemon, c’mon let’s go. I’ve avoided this problem for far too long now.” She said as Veemon spun around, as her tone of voice was very different.

“Xenamon?” He asked.

“No time to waste!” she leaped onto the rooftop and began to dash towards were the others where. Gazimon quickly rushed out of the alley as he tagged on Veemon, “C’mon! Like she said, we gotta get a move on!” and he quickly ran; following Xenamon. Poor Veemon was a bit confused at first, until he decided not to question things and followed Gazimon.

Meanwhile, back with everyone else, Joey had been fist fighting with Adam. Andromon had held back Davis as Miron called out in the city for Xenamon to return back. Both the two fighters had gotten a few good punches, however Adam was a bit more built then him as he just landed a right jab. He took a step back a bit as he held his right eye, as he seemed to be a bit black.

“Give it up loser, you’re wasting your time.” Adam said insulting Joey. However, Joey was pissed as he grinded his teeth and rushed in again. However, before he threw another punch, a voice shouted, “STOP NOW!!!”

They both looked up seeing Xenamon standing there in the moonlight. She leaped down towards them as she slowly walked over to the group. Miron shouted, “Xenamon! You came back!”

She looked to him, “Thanks…Miron…”

He was a bit confused, however she continued to walk towards Joey and Adam. Adam pushed Joey away as he faced up to Xenamon, “So baby, you ready to come back with me?”

“Don’t waste a breath Adam, it’s over!” She said with anger.

“What?” He said completely vexed out.

“You heard me Adam. No more! Like Miron said, you’re not going to hurt me again! Cause I won’t let you!”

“You little bitch! You’re coming back with me whether you like it or not!” He shouted as he grabbed hold of her arm. Miron saw this as he rushed over to Xenamon, grabbing hold of her other paw, pulling her to him. “You’re not taking her anywhere! You don’t deserve a digimon Adam! Especially not Xenamon, you’re going to leave her alone from now on.”

“Trying to be brave again Miron? It ain’t going to work…” Adam shouted. “So come on Xenamon, you already know that I’m the only one who can take care of you…”

“YOU’RE WRONG! Anyone can treat her better then you can.” He paused a bit before he spoke again, “I care for her. I would protect her just as if I was her partner!” Suddenly, throughout all the conflict, both Adam and Miron glowed a bright white light.

“What the hell!?!” Adam shouted, as he didn’t understand what was happening. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his stomach as he fell to the floor in agony. Miron too felt a bit strange like something possessed him as he slowly began to levitate off the ground. “What’s going on?”

Suddenly the crest of power formed around Adam as he continued to lie there in pain. However it shattered into millions of little pieces and began to form around Miron. They encircled him as the crest of power reanimated back again and slowly faded away. They both returned back to normal as their light began to dull. Adam slowly got up, as he didn’t know what was going on, “What the hell just happened?”

Andromon suddenly shifted his gaze as he just gained some information, “My scanners indicate that Adam is no longer in possession of the crest of power.” He turned his head as his eyes landed upon Miron, “It appears that Miron now shows readings that he now bares the crest of power, making him the rightful partner to Xenamon.”

Adam turned and gazed upon Miron, “What the? What are you talking about scrap heap!?!”

Miron looked at his hands in a new perspective as he reached into his pocket. He withdrew his digivice and looked at it seeing that it was true, that his partner was indeed Xenamon, “It’s…it’s true. I am your partner Xenamon.” He stared at her with a new feeling as he saw the crest of power flashing in his digivice.

Adam reached into his jeans pulling out his digivice, which now seem to be inactive. “This stupid piece of junk…why won’t this thing work.”

Davis and Joey rushed over to Miron, “Hey congratulations dude, looks like we finally found Xenamon’s true partner.”

“Wait one SECOND! How can some loser like Miron be Xenamon’s partner!?! I was given Xenamon! Who gives you the right take her away from me!?!” He shouted as he made a fist. He reached out for Miron as Xenamon quickly intervene and made a quick jab in his stomach.

He flew backwards as he wrapped his arms around his belly as Xenamon stood before him, “No one touches my partner…” and she spun around placing her paw on her Miron’s shoulder. “Are you all right?”

“Fine, just fine Xenamon. Come on, we’ve got to get back to the others, so that we can destroy Calamity.”

“All right.” Xenamon agreed as they began to walk off, leaving Adam still on the sidewalk holding on to his stomach.

He shouted in fury, “Don’t you dare walk away from me Xenamon! I’m your partner! You belong to ME!” he continued to rave as both Miron and Xenamon paid him no attention. “GRRRR…you’re nothing Xenamon! YOU’RE NOTHING!!!!” as he fell back to the floor hurt. However, Xenamon just continued to ignore him as her paw was still on Miron’s shoulder.




However when the group had arrived back to where the ruins of Odinmon resided, they came across a most disturbing finding. They looked to see only, Kari, TK, Angemon, Leomon and Gatomon where there. They seemed pretty beaten up as they rushed over to aide them. Veemon virtually sprinted over to Gatomon who seemed completely exhausted, and held her in his arms.

“Gatomon! Are you all right!?!”

Andromon asked everyone, “What happened here? Where is everyone”

Leomon and Angemon began to explain things, on how this evil banished everyone accept those who were strong enough to stand up to Calamity. They explained that they tried their best to hold him off, but it was ultimately futile without everyone’s help. After the battle though, they began to try to find out what their next move was. Since the monster took possession of the marker in Odinmon’s temple, they had no clue to where Digitama resided.

In the mean time, Miron explained his situation with Xenamon as well as the crest of power. Everyone had sat down, resting as each of them exchanged their information. However Xenamon had been off to side, staring in the distance. Hearing and also seeing the pain that Calamity had caused angered Xenamon. She remembered what that mysterious being in the alley had said to her, “you have the power…so use it. Face your problem, then confront the evil.”

She clenched her paws, making fists as she grinded her teeth. While everyone continued to try and figure things out, she had had enough of this. She had already faced Adam, and now it was time for her to take on Calamity. She suddenly turned around and dash away for everyone.

Miron shouted calling to her, “Xenamon! Where are you going!?!”

“To fulfill my destiny!” She shouted back as she continued to run. Miron stood there a bit confused until he finally realized what exactly she meant by that comment. He turned around to face everyone, “Guys! I think Xenamon knows where the temple of DigiTama is!”

Leomon asked, “What? How? Oh it doesn’t matter, so long as she knows. We’ve got to follow her.”

As soon Gazimon had heard this, he quickly started to chase after Xenamon. And with Gazimon going, Joey soon followed him as they tried their best to keep up with her. Leomon replied, “Davis, stay here with TK, Kari, and Gatomon, they’re still pretty worn out from the battle. Angemon, Andromon, Miron! Let’s get going! We’ve got to stop Calamity from resurrecting.”

Davis nodded as the three digimon and Miron started to follow Joey and Gazimon. Meanwhile, Xenamon herself ran as fast as she could towards the ancient and secret temple of Digitama, where the pure entity of Calamity existed. She had discovered the location long ago, when she had ran away from Adam. It was actually an accident, almost pure luck that her travels led her there. However, now that she had known where the temple resided, she had to make haste if she was going to catch up with Calamity.



For some time now, the small part of Calamity resided in front of the temple of Digitama. He had been patiently waiting for the seals to be broken on the four Calamity Tablets. He had easily gotten through the temples defenses, and slowly he began to concentrate his energy waiting for the seals to become overwhelmed and break down. So he slowly sat there, focusing solely on the glowing tablets.

“Soon…” it muttered as it continued to stare.

He had been undisturbed all this time that is until he suddenly had an unexpected guest arrive. He grinned a devious smile as he turned his head. And sure enough, there stood Xenamon, prepared to fight.

“Ah…so the so-called descendent of Ramon, god power and of the east finally shows herself to me. So where is everyone else?” he questioned her while still keeping an eye on the tablets. However she remained quiet as she clenched her paws and took up a fighting stance.

“Oh? In a hurry are we?” the beast mocked her. “Well if it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get.”

Xenamon prepared herself as the beast flap its wings, beating them hard as the thirteen runes of Odinmon shimmered an eerie glow. A dark mist began to encircle around him as he continued to grow in power, flaunting how strong he was compared to her. He lifted himself off the ground, taking to skies as it raised his fists. He looked to her on the ground and a fiery blaze came from his eyes. Suddenly it made a dive right at her at full speed. She leaped out of the way, leaping into the air. She raised her paws in the air as a ring of blue flames circled her.

She closed her eyes, concentrating on her attack. The beast looked up, gazing upon her figure. Suddenly her eyes, shot wide open and she looked down. She yelled, “NIGHT FIRE!!!” and the blue flames that circled her, shot down in a deadly barrage. The creature, quickly shielded himself up with his massive wings.

He pulled them away and shouted, “Pathetic!” as Xenamon swiftly landed back on the ground on her two feet. The beast began to speak again, “If that’s the best you can do, don’t expect to leave here alive.”

While he mocked her again, something he didn’t expect happen. Right behind him, a voice shouted, “FIST OF THE BEASTKING!” and pounded the beast right in the face. He shook his head to see Leomon standing a few feet away behind him. He growled a bit, “So you’ve come too Leomon?”

“And that’s not all beast…” Leomon muttered.

“LIGHTING BLADE!” Andromon shouted as he threw his attack from his mechanical hand.

“HAND OF FATE!” Angemon shouted as well, shooting the godly beam from his hand. Both their attacks hit him dead on, as he fell towards the ground. He was a bit overwhelmed with their surprise attacks as he wasn’t so cocky anymore. Eventually Joey, Miron and Gazimon too showed up, circling the beast. They were a bit shocked from the site of the monster, but they soon got it back together and were prepared to fight.

“So…the four descendents finally show up to try and stop me huh?” He slowly managed to get back up, “You have no idea on who exactly are you messing with.” His runes began to shine. The four descendents took up their fighting stances once again ready to charge him. He opened his mouth, letting out a loud war cry as they all covered their ears from the echoing sound. It seemed unbearable as he slowly closed him mouth, the group still hearing a small ringing in their ears.

The beast took his chance of opportunity, as he charged for Leomon. He tackled him sending him flying up against a stone wall. Angemon and Andromon began to prepare their attacks once again, however the beast rushed towards them. He spun around, swinging his massive tail right at them. They were hit hard towards the ground, colliding with one another.

“Heh, you call this a fight?” the beast shouted.

Leomon suddenly came rushing forward from behind again. However, the beast had sensed it coming as he swerved grabbing hold of Leomon. “Still trying to be strong Leomon?” He spun him around, throwing him harsh and fast towards Joey, Gazimon and Miron. They managed to get out of the way, but Leomon was badly hurt. Xenamon rushed over to see if everyone was all right and also to confront the approaching monstrosity.

As the beast drew near, Angemon made a charge him with his staff in hand. He shouted as he spun his weapon in the air, “ANGEL ROD!” However the beast anticipated his attack as he extended his open paw right at him. A dark lighting emerged, entangling Angemon. He leaped in the air and slammed him down on the ground.

Andromon showed up again right behind him, making another attempt to attack him. He shouted, “GATLING ATTACK!” his metal chest plate opened, firing double missiles, launching them right at him. He shielded with his massive wings, as the explosion barely fazed him. He stared down at Andromon as he opened his mouth, “CHAOS BREATH!” a dark beam emanated from, firing straight Andromon. He collapsed to the floor as he was overtaken by his power.

He grinned a bit as he had already taken out three of the four descendents. Suddenly however a bolt of lighting scored his back. “ELECTRIC STUN BLAST!” Gazimon shouted, shocking him.

He turned around, facing Gazimon, “You little runt! You dare strike me!” he opened his paw right at him, seizing him with his dark lighting. He lifted him up off the ground, “You’re energy…IS MINE! That’ll teach you!”

Xenamon, seeing her lover in trouble finally sprang into action. She left Miron and Joey and charged right at him. She did a somersault and landed a kick right at his stomach. He lost concentration, dropping Gazimon back towards the ground. “Leave…him…alone…” Xenamon muttered.

“You’ve got to be kidding me…you think you can stop me, all by yourself?”

He swung his paw right at her, but she managed to avoid it as she leaped into the air. She levitated a bit, raising her paws up, as a circle of blue flames appeared around her. She shouted, “NIGHT FIRE!” and made a reign of fire right at him. However, just as before, he shielded himself with his wings and leaped into the air. It caught Xenamon off guard as he swung his fist right at her.

She took a dive towards the ground, taking a major beating. She lay on the ground as the beast landed. “Face it Xenamon, your all alone now…you have failed to beat me…” She slowly pushed away from the ground, trying to get back up. However she fell back again as the beast just laughed at her, “That’s right! Stay down!”

Suddenly however as he was about to deliver the final blow, Miron shouted, “NO!” and suddenly the crest of power appeared before him. He held his digivice in the air as it glowed a white light and echoed a strange pitch. “She’s not alone as long as we’re here to support her!” he shouted as a beam of light shot from his digivice and aimed straight for Xenamon. Suddenly Joey’s digivice did the same thing as the crest of wisdom appeared before him. It too shot a beam of light right at her. And way back at the ruins of Odinmon, Davis, Kari, and TK’s D-3s began to act up too. The crests of courage light and hope appeared before each digidestined. They weren’t quite sure what was going on, but they raised their D-3s, firing a beam of light northward.

All these lights encircled Xenamon as she slowly began to levitate back to her feet. She was in a trance as she gained back her strength. She clenched her paws and reopened her eyes as she was now glowing. She landed back on the ground and stared directly at the beast.

“What’s this? Back for more are we?”

She raised her arms up once again, and a circle of blue flames came forth around her. “What? This same old trick again?” he soon shielded himself with his wings. She then shouted, “NIGHT FIRE!” and just as before, a barrage of blue flames reigned forward to him. However this time around, when they made contact, they seem to burn right through them. He took direct damage as he collapsed to the floor.

“What the…” he said as he was kneeling. Xenamon saw the chance as she dashed for him as blinding speed. He looked up, “Oh no you don’t!” he shouted as he opened his mouth, “CHAOS BREATH!” and shot a dark pulsating blast right at her. However, Xenamon seemed to counter that as she used her other ability, “DARK MIRAGE!” and right before him, Xenamon split into two, one to the right and one to the left.

The beast didn’t know what to do as his attack had completely missed her and what appeared to be two Xenamon charged right at him. They soon approached him and raised their paws. They both leaped and made a cross slash and reappeared behind him, kneeling slightly. The two Xenamon slowly came together forming one again. However she turned around seeing that the monster was on the ground, badly hurt. She slowly walked over to him.

“But…but how…” he muttered. “I had the power of Odinmon’s runes and the dark spores…how…”


“With the power of the chosen digi-destined as well as the power of my true partner, I…am…unbeatable. Time to say your last words, monster.” She raised her paw ready to issue the final blow when he began to laugh. She was a bit confused as she paused and asked, “What’s so funny.”

It was a cold and low laughter as he began to speak, “You are Xenamon,”

“What do you mean?”


“You may have stopped me Xenamon, yet you forgot one thing…”

Suddenly she remembered as she jerked her head to the tablets. “No…I forgot the countdown…”


She turned and started to rush towards the tablets. She had to destroy them before the seal would break. But it seemed as fast as she could, she didn’t quite make it as the tablets began to rumble. The beast continued to laugh as the countdown…had ended.


“The digital world will be no more, it shall not exist in ANY epoch, ANY dimension. Reality as you know it will be warped and slowly deteriorate! As Calamity will destroy all!” A blinding light emanated from the four tablets, going off in all directions. Everyone covered their eyes, as they felt like they were passing through a warp.

Xenamon slowly opened her eyes looking around, however her vision was a bit blurry. She rubbed her eyes, in hopes to get them in focus and took a good look to where she was. That however was quite a surprise, as she seemed to be in an open field with a slightly gray sky. She suddenly heard a branch snap and jerked her head to see what was there.

When she did though, she saw a little boy, perhaps around 11 or 12. His back to her as he was swatting on the ground, seemingly trying to hide. He wore a blue shirt and brown shorts and had messy overgrown brown hair. There seemed to be a black band around his head, like he was wearing a pair of goggles or something. Actually his figure was very familiar and quickly identified it as Tai.

She walked over to him as she calmly said, “Tai?”

She placed her paw on his shoulder as the boy quickly got up and turned around. Her guess was right, but she got some surprise as the boy faced her. “What!?! Who are you? How do you know my name?” in his arms was a koromon, and Tai himself looked very young.

“What the!?!” Xenamon said as suddenly a voice from behind her called.

“Xenamon! There you are!” she spun around to see another Tai. However this one was wearing a green jacket and a pair of gray pants. An Agumon was besides him as this Tai was the same Tai she had already met.

Older Tai looked to see his younger self standing behind Xenamon. “What the!?!”

Xenamon was even more confused as she looked back and forth seeing both Tai’s standing before her. And to add to the confusion, another voice spoke at her side.

“Hey? Where am I?” they all turned around to see yet another boy standing before them. However this one was very different as he was about 13 years old and wore a blue shirt with a hood at back. He wore a pair of gray semi-shorts and a pair of goggles on his forehead. Suddenly from behind him a digimon emerged from hiding behind the boy. He was a red lizard, markings on his white belly, his forehead and paws. It crept like a raptor as he sniffed the strange beings and turned to the boy, “Takatomon, who are these people?”

YAY! I’m actually done with this thing! So guys…that was my “countdown”, hope you liked it. Give me some feed back PLEASE!!! This wasn’t easy y’know!?! But just as I promised, all storylines combined, sticking with the original storyline set by Renamonbubu. I’m not exactly sure who’s next after me, but I hope you can follow this and that you’re not completely lost. Hehe, later you guys!
