Jodan: Continuing the now-famous Amalgamation series would be MY lovely contribution!

Gazimon: So elegantly named too… *Tilts head*

Jodan: Yes, well, I thought it only appropriate… I guess the more intelligent people will see why once they read through…

Gazimon: Anyway, onto the usual, DIGIMON BELONGS TO US! WE OWN IT! OURS!

Jodan:Yes, yes, it’s getting old…

Gazimon: Mememe! Mineminemine!!!

Jodan: Enjoy, Crackheads.





Amalgamation Chapter 5: The Womb And Beyond

By Jodan




“Oh my god…” Agumon gasped as he peered around the corner of the musky stone pillar the digidestined group was standing behind, before he received a sharp slap to the back of his head by Hawkmon.

“Give him his privacy!” quietly demanded to the orange dino who grumbled something and rubbed his head, walking back to Gabumon. The group stood in relative silence, Yolei fidgeted with her blouse and Kari cried quietly in Tai’s arms. Davis simply stared at the ground, frowning. The entire group looked up as they heard a rather loud grunt of pain, with the familiar voice of Veemon connected. Davis clenched his teeth.

“I don’t believe it…” He murmured quietly to himself, TK overhearing.

“Don’t believe what?” the blonde boy of hope asked, stepping up to the bearer of the goggles. Davis averted his eyes.

“I can’t believe Veemon is a virgin…” TK nearly stumbled over his own two feet.

“That’s it?!?” He snapped, making sure to keep his voice just above a whisper. “Out of all the-“

“Look T-gay, I don’t know what you and Patamon consider important, but me and Veemon have always placed sexuality pretty high on the list. All this time, and he never told me… I mean, I can understand it must be embarressing but I wouldn’t have told anybody!”
TK frowned. “Aren’t you worried about him??”

“Of course I am!” Davis finally turned to TK, anger in his eyes. “Don’t even say stuff like that! I’m just thinking aloud, Ok??” He turned his eyes back to the sandy ground where he let his thoughts swim once more. TK’s frown softened.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t respectful of your… well, I’m sorry.”

Davis nodded. “It’s alright…”


The crowd stayed silent further as a slight shreik of pain could be heard.

“No way…” Gomamon muttered, his eyes wide as he stood beside Gabumon, Patamon, Tentomon and armidillomon.

“Yeah…” Agumon responded, standing in front of the 4, who were crowded in a semi-circle around him as he described what he saw.

“Man, I could never go through that, even for a pretty girl…” Armidillomon lowered his head in pity for his friend Veemon. Murmers and nods of agreement went around the small group of Digimon.

“Would anyone here go through that so they could get into the temple?” Gabumon asked.

“Not me…”


“Heck no…”
“I’d rather face the dark masters again…”

“He’s not doing it to get into the temple.” Hawkmon interupted, sighing as he entered the group, all eyes focusing on him. “He’s doing it for Gatomon.” He finished, crossing his wings. A small silence befell the group. A loud grunt could be heard, followed by a cry of pain, making Davis clench his eyes shut, covering his ears. “No more…” He murmered quietly, holding back tears, Yolei holding him, whispering soothing coos and murmers to him. Kari continued to sob.

“Well I’m the original Digimon of freindship, but to go through that for a friend, even a good friend…” Hawkmon frowned.

“He loves her, dummy!” a gasp went around the small crowd of digital monsters, followed by some whispers and mumbles to eachother of shock.

“Hey, wait a second, he can’t!” Patamon snapped, holding his silence.

“Why on earth not?” Hawkmon simply replied.

“Because I love her!” Patamon snapped once more, the Digimon not so surprised this time, he’s been talking about this for over a year.

“Well I didn’t see you volunteering to rescue her!”

“I couldn’t! I’m not… y’know…Jeez… thanks a lot, LILLYMON…” he scowled, turning his head to Palmon who frowned back, crossing her arms.

“I didn’t hear you complaining at the time, ANGEMON…”  This made Gomamon snicker.

“I still can’t believe it… Veemon…” He giggled, shaking his head, the others snickered slightly. Hawkmon fumed.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of!! He’s saving himself for the right girl!!” He let his frown melt into a worried look. “And hopefully, the right girl will still be alive when he gets down there…” A shiver went around the group as they remembered what Gatomon went through.

“Of all days for this to happen…” Davis put a hand through his hair. “His favorite day of the year…”

“Halloween? Halloween is his favorite day of the year?” Izzy asked.

“Sure, it’s my favorite too!” Agumon agreed, licking his chops. “I can’t believe we’re stuck here when we could be trick or treating…”

“Yeah, I’d kill for some Sugar Daddies right about now…” Armidillomon agreed as Cody put one hand on his shell. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you some when we get home…” He assured the desert mammal, making him smile.

Gomamon chuckled. “Veemon’s going after something he wants more than candy…”

“I think it’s sweet.” Palmon interupted the thought as she stepped up, huffing. “If a guy ever did that for me…” She sighs. “Taking insufferable torture just for his love of me…” She rubbed her cheek which slowly grew a greenish shade of red, and sighed dreamily. “Say what you will, I bet none of you would have the guts to do that.” She crossed her arms, huffing.

Agumon sighed. “She’s right, this isn’t the time to put down Vee, especially for what he’s doing for us all right now.”

“That’s right…” Gomamon agreed, nodding his head and frowning slightly. “For Veemon…” He bowed his head in silent prayer as the others soon followed. Yolei wrapped her hand around Davis, who was now shaking slightly, clenching his teeth and doing everything he could to keep the tears from rolling down his soft cheeks, but his efforts were futile.

“NO MORE!!! NO MORE-hore-hore….horrrrrrrrrr…..” all of them could hear Veemon cry, making Davis choke on the lump in his throat. Yolei let her fingers entwine with his, giving him a quick squeeze for support.




The familiar voice whispers all around them, making the digidestined and Digimon snap to attention.




Andromon shifted slightly. “The final evaluation is the most important…”  Xenamon remained silent… the touch of Exveemon seemed to have imprinted itself upon her skin, she could not let it leave her mind… so much like the human’s….

            The digidestined and Digimon practically held their breath, A tear finally rolling down Davis’ cheek for his beloved companion.



The entire group let out a sigh of releif as Davis wiped his eyes with his sleeve.


Enter the Ordin Temple… leave as you have come…


The tentacle seeped back into the soft earth, Leaving Veemon lying on his belly, a few tears leaking from his eyes as he pushed on the ground, attempting to get himself up. A few drops of blood leaked from his stretched and wounded anus, making him cringe as he moved his leg. His long reptillian tail was limp and he had 2 red marks on his chest from a painful suction, punnishing him for struggling against them. His throat was sore, these tentacles were much more ruthless to him than they were to Gatomon… To keep him from screaming, a tentacle was lodged into his mouth, and inadvertainly, down his throat, causing him to vomit violently while it was still in. His muscles were sore from struggling, although he couldn’t help it, and his crotch was burning with pain. Their squeeze was like a vice grip on his sensitive member. Worst of all, to test his purity, or so he believed, it began to jack him off, although much faster and harder than was meant to be, and definatly for a longer amount of time; Semen stained the soil, with a little bit of blood mixed into it. All and all, he was alive, and that was all he needed to rescue his beloved.

 He forced himself to stand… he didn’t bother to look behind him, he trusted his friends didn’t break their promise to his privacy. He stumbled over his own feet as he first tried to walk, his strength only slowly returning. He once again lifted himself up, shaking as he took his steps, limping significantly because of the pain under his tail. As he came closer to the temple, though, he found his courage and willpower, walking faster until he was at his normal pace, the limp forced into submission. 

The temple, despite all, was beautiful. It appeared of celtic architecture, but it wasn’t coated in dust, or delapedated, it still stood as it had for all these years, perfect. The brass ingravings coating the entrance, a pair of large stone doors with various precious metals laced in for ornamental effects, shone as brightly as they must have when this temple was built. Veemon couldn’t help but stop a second, observing the strange markings. On the left side of the huge door, he noticed some kind of long snake-like creature, except with arms. It reminded him of azulongmon. On the top, above the door, A strange pointy face with long ears on one side… a wolf? Some kind of dog he was sure. Opposite the snake creature and adjacent to the canine, he saw what could only be described as the same thing, except with black lines around the eyes and longer ears, like a hare… without the lines, of course. He also took note that each animal face was surrounded by a symbol. Each of which looked foreign to him.

 He shook his head clear of thought undevout to rescuing his…friend… as he stepped up to the stone gates, putting one hand on them. This place has been around for god knows how long, but despite all the dust and grime, not a spec of rust could be found. The door was cold, despite the warm weather.

Veemon sighed, figuring he would have to pry the doors as he cracked his blue knuckles, rubbed his palms together and positioned himself. A low rumble caught him off guard, making him gasp and back away. The doors slowly seperated, light almost seemed to escape into the temple, instead of the other way around. Veemon coughed at the dust that flew up as the rumbling ended, the doors swung to either side. The air from the temple smelled of old sandlewood and roses that had been overwatered. Veemon took a look behind him to where his friends once stood as he shrugged to himself.

“Here goes nuthin’…” He muttered, determained, as he marched into the marvel of Digimon and godly ability. The area around him was simply astounding, the bricks that built the temple were seemingly made of gold and silver covering the walls in a checkered pattern. The floor was cold and a pearly white color. Lined along the walls were six tall golem statues, all about 8 feet tall, and rather large, not to mention hideous. Each was identical to the next, all bronze, and each of them baring feirce claws, fangs, and a malicious-looking warhammer. Veemon felt an odd twinge go down his spine as he passed them, they appeared to be guarding the exit. As the doors closed, Veemon shuddered and shivered, clutching himself. The temperature dropped from 70 to 25 degrees in seconds. He continued walking. Nothing would… nothing  could stop him. 


A silence passed through the digidestined. The sound of doors slamming made them all jump slightly, as it broke the blood-freezing silence.

“He did it…” Gomamon murmered finally, minutes after the slam.

“He did it…” Davis echoed to himself quietly, staring at the ground with an emotionless face plastered on like a mask. It slowly cracked into a smile as he looked up, the Digimon and digidestined letting out a cheer.

“Go Veemon!” Biyomon hollared.

“Yeahhh Veemon, it’s y’birthday! It’s y’birthday!” Gabumon chanted as he swung his fists around as if to mime a horizontal and flat circle before him, Armidillomon standing on his hind legs to join him. Kari wiped her tears away with her wrist as she, for the first time in more than an hour, let a smile come out.

“Thank you…” She whispered a quiet message to the blue dragon of courage as Cody and TK danced around in a small circle of victory with Patamon flying above them. Xenamon snarled, frowning at the display before Andromon frowned as well, slamming his foot into the ground, stopping all the celebration in it’s place as they turned their heads to him with confusion painted upon their faces.

“He simply entered the temple… do any of you honestly believe it will be so simple to rescue Gatomon??” He said coldly, making Patamon’s ears droop sadly as he landed, all the metaphorical bubbles of the digidestined popped like a virgin’s cherry. “He must first prove he is worthy to stand within the temple. He will be asked a riddle to test his intelligence, and 3 questions to test his valor and integrity.” Hawkmon shook his head sadly.

“He’s done for…”

Davis frowned at the bird’s underestimation of his Digimon partner.

“Hawkmon, Veemon may not be the brightest Digimon in the group, but you have to have confidence in him… all of you do.” He swept his arm across the group. “Without confidence in his abilities, We can’t expect him to succeed.” Kari nodded, to Davis’ surprise.

“Davis is right, I know I wouldn’t rather leave Gatomon in any other Digimon’s hands…”

“Yeah, he’s the Digimon of luck, he’ll make it through.” Agumon assured the group smiling. “I’ve seen him get out of tougher situations than this!” Murmers and nods of agreement traveled around them as Xenamon scoffed, muttering grimly under her breath.

“He doesn’t have a chance in-“


“Hello, what do we have here?” Veemon asked himself, frowning slightly with concentration on his goal as he ran one hand over the strange writing on the wall to remove the dust.


Forces tuned at the helm

Portal to a second relm


Purity of soul and powers that be

Hold whats needed for the key


Veemon starred at the message painted upon the wall, scratching his head and shrugging as he turned his head back and forth. No apparent exit presented itself. The hall twisted and turned behind him, and the walls continued their checkered pattern, but no where along the way was their any kind of entrance or exit. Veemon took a second look at the riddle.

“A portal to a second relm… like the real world…?” He cocked his head at the riddle. He hated riddles. He wasn’t a thinker, he was a fighter!  “Don’t tell me I need to answer this thing…” his frown deepened as he looked up and down the wall. “I’m not here to play a game, I’m here to rescue Gatomon!!!” He shouted at the wall angrily, before swinging one fist forward. His eyes dialated. “YAA! OWOWOWOWOWWWW!” He hopped up and down holding his injured hand which throbbed with pain. The wall was tougher than diamond. He cursed as he shook his hand as if to dissipate the agony. “I guess I don’t have a choice…” The blue dragon sighed as he turned back to the wall, contemplating the message. “Second relm… I guess that’s the real world… a portal to it… like a digiport?” He asked himself, rubbing his grey chin. “Is that the answer? A digiport?” He asked aloud. Nothing happened. “Ok, purity of soul and powers that be…. What the hell does that mean?? Man, why did they have to do this to me?? Every second I waste here, Gatomon is suffering!!” He cursed his ignorance, trying to figure out the riddle. “Ok, ok, powers that be… like crests?? Is that it??” Nothing. “Come on!! I don’t have time for this!! Jeez, ok, the helm, the helm…. What the hell is the helm??” He lifted both hands to his head, squeezing, kneding with his fingers. “Think, think, think!!” He commanded his subconcious before remembering something. “Hey! Izzy always says he’s at the helm when he’s on his computer!! Is that that answer, the computer? Izzy’s computer??” silence mocked him. “What forces are tuned at a computer…?? And what do they have to do with a key??” He growled loudly, clutching his head. “A digivice!!” He finally concluded, his eyes widening as he looked up. “The digivice concentrates your powers at a computer, and it works as a key to the real or Digital World!!” Veemon gasped, backing up as the wall litterily turned to sand and dust, collapsing under it’s own weight. He didn’t have time to gawk; Gatomon was waiting.


“You’re my Digimon… you don’t have a choice….”

“PLEASE… Adam, don’t…. please….” Tears flowed down her cheeks as his hand snapped out, taking her firmly by the wrist, the other delivering a harsh slap to the face.

“DON’T DISOBEY ME!!” He screamed, making her shiver as she felt the sting of pain run through her cheek. She let out a shreik of surprise and pain as he jammed nearly his entire hand into her unwilling vagina, stretching it brutally.

“IT HURTS!!!” She cried, sobbing, before another slap was delivered to her.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP, BITCH!! YOU’RE MY DIGIMON AND YOU’LL DO AS I WANT, SO ENJOY IT!” He twisted his hand, making her cry louder, squirming. He pulled out swiftly, his hand dashing her lubrication and blood across the floor. She squeaked as he grabbed her by the ears with both hands, pushing her to the ground as she landed hard on her elbows, bruising both painfully.

“Adam…” She sobbed quietly before she let out a small scream, being very harshly pulled by the ears to his fleshy member which stood out of his unzipped fly like a flagpole out of a trench. “NOW SUCK!!!”

“XENAMON!” The vulpine Digimon jumped in surprise out of her daymare as Andromon called her name.

“What is it…?” She asked rather coldly, subconciously running her paws up either arm, squeezing gently. 

  “I asked you a question.” The robot monster stated bluntly at he crossed his arms with impatience, the Digidestined speaking among themselves.

“Repeat it then.” She replied rather bluntly, not even taking the time or energy to turn her head to him.

“I said that you’re the only one among us who has been within the temple walls. What are the trials like?”

“The questions you mean… I was never requested to answer them…”

“What are they?” Xenamon remained silent for a moment.

“I don’t remember.” She said quietly, but bluntly. Andromon frowned.

“I don’t care what kind of contempt you have for Veemon, this isn’t about him, or you, so stop being greedy and just tell us!” He snapped angrily. Another moment of silence.

“It was something about a digivice.” She frowned further. “Don’t bother me.”

Hawkmon scowled.

“If Veemon gets hurt because that fox is holding a grudge…” He crossed his wings angrily. The other Digimon made quiet threats and mumbles of agreement. Even Davis eyed her suspiciously.

“Is that all you know?” Andromon asked calmly as her arms crossed themselves tighter.

“That is the riddle.” She answered breifly after a few heartbeats. “After that he will be asked three questions, to test his character and integrety.” She mumbled the answer, looking towards the sky and fining disinterest.

“Well, what are they?” Agumon asked, scratching his jaw. Xenamon waited a few heartbeats, thinking as she closed her eyes, letting the wind rustle through her chest fur before finally answering.

“First he will be asked his title…”

            “My title?” Veemon asked, frowning and tilting his head slightly as the voice whispered around him.


What is your title?

It repeated. Veemon felt the urge to run, but held his ground. It was as if everytime the voice spoke it was at a different angle, distance and direction. He thought about it for a second before answering.

“Veemon.” He finally said.


Is that all?


The voice whispered, sending a chill down his spine.

“Yes, I’m no different than any other Digimon…” He replied, clenching his teeth. “I don’t need a special identity.” The silence that followed was eerie, the poor blue dragon could barely see. He stood atop a staircase, although his descent seemed never ending… until he answered the question. He continued down the stairs in silence, finding the bottom quickly as he moved on.


“After that, he will be asked his deepest desire.”


Veemon stood still, contemplating the question. The room was large and walls shimmered with fresh copper. Beautifully designed banners hung from the ceiling, looking not a day old, as if weaven this very morning. The floor was unusually warm, as if alive. He put one hand on the wall before him, the cold hard metal blocking his apparent path. He frowned, sick of these little games, but if this was what it took… what was his deepest desire? He thought to himself. Peace? Love? Eternal happiness? Perhaps it was a possession… His own rollercoaster, he dreamed happily, the worlds biggest comic book collection, or what he’s often fantasized about, a block of chocolate big enough to engulf a car, covered with frosting and spinkles and with a delicious cream filling… but no, Veemon knew the only thing he truly desired…

“I want my friends to be happy and safe… and I want Gatomon to be safe…” He whispered the second part, obviously somewhat embarressed as his cheeks glowed magenta. Nothing happened. He did, however, notice the shimmer in the copper wasn’t quite so bright… now that he looked closer, the banners didn’t look all that new or pretty… rather…ragged, wrinkled… torn… why, one was barely hanging off a hinge! He put his hand back on the wall before him. It was clay. He backed up slightly, bowing his head as he took the three-point stance, taking aim, as he prepared his special attack on the soft surface.


“Finally, he will be asked the most important question of all.” Xenamon finished, leaving the Digidestined and their Digimon with open ears. She mocked them with her silence.

“Well, what is it??” Davis snapped, tired up her uppidiness.

“I don’t know.” She hissed, her eyes thinning, as well as her patience. “And I recommend you don’t speak to me in such a tone…”

Davis’ face clenched in anger, he could feel his face get hot. “I asked, what it was.” He spoke, his tone slightly lower as he could feel his hands close into fists. Xenamon frowned, her patience growing thin as she bared her fangs over her lower lips like an angry cat.

“Xenamon, answer the boy.” Andromon commanded frowning as she growled under her breath.

“He will be asked if he is a leader.” She finally answered.

“Is he a leader…?” Davis asks, scratching his head. “Veemon…?”

“Well just because Davis is our leader, does that mean the Digimon follow Veemon?” Yolei asked, scratching her head.

“Hold on now, I don’t know about the younger generation, but I’ve always and always will look to Tai as MY leader…” Izzy spoke with confidence as one or two of the older digidestined nodded with agreement.

“I’d follow him.” Hawkmon finally spoke after a short silence. “I’d follow him to the edge of the Digiworld for a just cause.”

“Me too…” Armidillomon agreed, smiling. “He’s kinda stupid sometimes, but he has what it takes, and then some!”

Agumon scratches his head. “I never thought of the diigmon having rank or anything… we just sorta always followed our partners…”

“Well what if our parters weren’t here?” Hawkmon asked in reply. “Would you follow him?” A silence passed through the group.


The question echoed through Veemon’s mind as he stood inside  the spherecal room, half filled with sand. He was close, he could feel it, but he was getting sick of these little trials. “What on earth does that have to do with anything?!?” He demanded to the room as the whispers from all around him simply repeated the question. He clasped his hands over his earflaps in frustration, thinking. The whispers stopped as he finally replied with no more than a single syllable. “No…” The voices quieted themselves. “All digidestined are equal, Davis told me that once. We don’t have rank, because it would separate us as friends…” Nothing. Veemon frowned. “What?!? Wasn’t that answer good enough for you??” He demanded, clenching his fists. A series of heartbeats passed before he heard a low rumbling sound. “What the….GAH!!” He yelped in surprise as his foot sank into the sand, valves on either side of the room draining it of it’s tiny grains. As the sand cleared, the room itself seemed to expand, although the sand decrease was simply Lowering the curious blue dragon, as out of the sand appeared a staircase leading down into an opening at the bottom of the sphere. Without second though, he quickly decended into the darkness. He was blind, his feet following the rhythm of the staircase , one hand against the wall to anticipate any openings. He prayed their were no nasty surprises in this pitch black darkness as his hearing began to expand in order to compensate for the loss of vision. He gasped at the distant screams her heard… they were Gatomon’s.


Veemon’s heart raced as he threw matters of his own safety aside and dashed down the staircase, hopping every few steps. Light slowly began to illuminate the area from an unseeable point somewhere in the distance, as he approached the bottom of the seemingly never-ending staircase, leaping the last 7 steps and landing hard on his feet. He didn’t have time to rub the pain away as he began to run, but fast down the narrow passage. Slowly doorways began to appear on either side of him as he ran, but he paid them no mind, Gatomon’s voice was coming from directly before him. “Gatomon!!!” He screamed, skidding to a halt as the hallway opened up into a tremendous room, the floor a dry, smooth dirt surface. Gatomon’s exausted body lay at the center of the room in a small puddle of blood, stains of sweat covered the floors around her and White fluids were sprayed left and right. The tentacles were retracting into the ceiling at the presense of the allowed one.


“What will happen if he doesn’t answer one of the questions correctly…?” Yolei asked, breaking 20 minutes of deafening silence, save the rustling of the wind.

“He’ll be delt with.” Xenamon answered defiently, hiding her trembling.





Andromon stared at her, only he seemed to realise something was wrong. He spared her humiliation and didn’t ask as the fox quietly clutched herself tighter.


Veemon held Gatomon’s unconcious head in his hands, sitting her up slightly. “Please Gatomon…” He begged her quietly. “Please wake up…” His voice shook, He couldn’t even feel the tears rolling down his cheek. His legs burnt with pain, he’d been walking and running for so long without break, but he didn’t care. Gatomon looked terrible. She was coated in sweat and her vagina was still spread, dyed red from constant abuse, as was her anus. Her fur was worse than he’d ever seen, as if she had just gone through a broken carwash. Her legs were coated with a sticky fluid, making the dirt hold to her fur. She was obviously exausted beyond  belief, her breathing was below normal and she had several choke marks on her arms and throat, obviously for struggling to escape. Veemon tried to stop his weeping as he leaned his face closer to hers, his tears dripping on her chest. “Please… I beg of you…” He sobbed. “Gatomon, don’t leave me… I wouldn’t have gone through this for any other mon in the world…I love you…” He choked on his own words, trying not to clutch her too tightly, not wanted to hurt her. His heart skipped a beat as he heard her cough and sputter. He backed up a bit, giving her room as she weakly turned her head to him and smiled.

“You… came for me…Veemon…” She whispered to him, tears in her eyes as well. “I thought… I thought it would never end….” She continued, the clear salty fluids flowing down her cheeks as she lay on her back, too tired to sit up.

“Of course I did…” Veemon replied shakily, his tears now of joy. “I’d do anything for you…”

“Veemon…?” She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes…?” He asked in reply, rubbing the wetness from his eyes.

“Hold me….” She responded, as Veemon’s smile broadened still, lifting her gently and wrapping his strong arms around her delicate feminine feline body, shuddering with joy, waiting for her strength to return. A final tear of joy dribbled down his cheek and onto hers as he felt her purr.


“It’s been 5 hours…” Yolei sighed impatiently.

“This temple was built for the gods…” Andromon reminded her. “It wouldn’t have taken any shack in the woods.”

“Hey guys, look at this!!” Tentomon buzzed happily at his discovery, pulling the attention of all twenty three individuals towards the beetle Digimon. Izzy gasped.

“TENTOMON!! You’re too close to the temple!!” He warned as the others gasped in fear.

“It’s ok Izzy, see?? I’m fine! With someone in there, those big mean tentacles won’t show their slimy faces!” Tentomon hovered back towards his observation. The crowd watched him nurvously, images of Gatomon’s unearthly torture floating through their heads, marking the zone before them forbidden. Even Xenamon and Andromon didn’t dare enter the area. With a frown, Davis took a step forward finally, to the surprise of the watching digidestined. The burgendy haired boy took a deep breath before continuing into the forbidden zone near the temple, joining Tentomon at his side and giving him a reasuring smile. The group turned their heads to Yolei, who was second to follow, not wanted to let Davis out of her sight for a second. Soon Kari followed her digivolving partner, and TK and Tai followed Kari, while all the first generation digidestined following him, Cody and Ken along with Xenamon and Andromon soon following not far behind along with the curious Digimon, the entire group gathered outside the large, thick doors of the temple.

 “What was it you found, Tentomon…?” Izzy asked, unsure.

“Lookit’ this!” Tentomon directed his claw towards his discovery, as all destined heads turned to face it. Xenamon and Andromon didn’t bother, they’ve seen it a million times.

“What is it…?” Tai scanned the ancient markings with his eyes.

“Well…” Izzy pondered. “It looks like a fox… at least I see a fox.”


“On the top there… that’s a fox…”

“Looks kind of like a coyote…” Ken pointed out.

“It’s a fox…” Andromon confirmed, making all digidestined turn towards him. “It’s a fox, and that…” He pointed to the left side, to a long snake-like creature with arms. “Is a dragon.” Murmuring of the group quickened at this discovery.

“What about that one?” A curious Cody pointed towards the side opposite of the dragon, which looked like a jackrabbit, with the unussual exception of darkened eyes. “And what do those shapes around the animals mean?”

Andromon remained silent. Ken squinted his eyes towards the remaining animal in concentration before gasping.

“It’s a Gazimon!” He finally declared, looking closer.

“A Gazimon…?” Yolei asked with suspicion. “Why would a Gazimon be up there??”

“Well, why would a dragon and a fox be up there?” Mimi asked in return as more murmers circled around the group.

“Look!” Tai pointed out, quite litterily as he traced his finger around the dragon symbol. “It’s the crest of courage!”

“That’s not the crest of courage…” TK looked closer at the symbol surrounding the dragon. “But I have seen it before… I just…”

“Omegamon!” Matt finally cried with surprise, making the entire group turn to him. “That’s the crest Omegamon had on his back! See, it’s the crest of courage and freindship! Mixed together!” Matt too traced his fingers around it.

“So that’s… Veemon…?” Davis scritched the side of his head. “It doesn’t look like Veemon…”

“Well Veemon IS a dragon, I guess it could be symbolic…” Ken told him.

“Well why is Veemon on the door?”

“Why are any of them on the door?”

“Veemon was the one who went in…”

“And you think it was a coincedince?” Once again, all eyes turned towards Andromon. “Do you think it was a coincedince he was the only virgin Digimon in this group…? It was fate my friends…”


“Fate…” Veemon whispered to the resting form of an injured Gatomon who he held in his arms. “Fate brought us together… but I’m not going to let anything separate us.” He’s been whispering reassurences to her for the past 30 minutes, despite her sleeping, not to mention his sore throat. He gasped softly as she sleepily opened one eye.

“I heard that…” She whispered back, making him blush. She smiled.

“I’m sorry Gatomon…” He murmered, embarressed. “I didn’t mean-“ he stopped as he felt her warm lips press against his, to his utter surprise. She pulled back, the same smile on her face, now accompanied by a small pink blush above her whiskers. “I…I…” Veemon stuttered, his face growing a brighter shade of purple.

“Shh…” she shifted her weight to sit up in his lap as she pulled him gently into another kiss, His arms holding her tighter. Both of them were filthy, but neither seemed to mind as this kiss lasted much longer, possibly an entire minute she stopped, pulling back, leaving a broad smile on the blue dragon’s face.

“Gatomon…?” He asked, sounding more relaxed but confident now.

“Yes, Veemon…?” She asked, running her paw over his head, her gloves were removed earlier to dry out.

“I love you…” He whispered as she smiled, still quite shakey.

“I know…” She sighed happily, playing with one of his ears. “And I think I love you too…”

Veemon’s heart skipped a beat. For years he’s been waiting to hear such words… He didn’t bother to respond verbally as he kissed her again, surprised as her tongue snaked it’s way into his mouth.


“Ok, so the two sides are who’re let in, what’s the top…?” Tai asked curiously.

“The guardian.” Izzy turned to Xenamon.

“It took you humans long enough to figure it out….”  She growled slightly in annoyance as Andromon sighed.

“Well what about the shapes then?” Matt asked, looking them over again. “What’s that shape surrounding you?”

“Did you used to have a crest?” Davis asked. She turned her head away, hissing a quick and dark no. “You did, didn’t you…?” Davis approached her a few steps confidently. “You were a digidestined…”

Xenamon blushed slightly, her frown worsening. “I WAS NOT!” She snapped without turning her head around. Andromon stepped up from behind her, saying something to her quietly as several minutes passed in silence of the outburst. Xenamon let out a long sigh, her arms uncrossing themselves and falling to her sides in defeat by the words of the robot Digimon monster as she turned around, keeping a steady expression. “It’s the crest of power…” She whispered. “I held it once…”

Another silence flowed through the group. No one dared to ask what happened if she was this sensitive about it.

“Well then what’s the third crest…?” Tai asked.

“Well obviously, it’s a digidestined who has a Gazimon…” Izzy replied shrugging.

“It’s not that easy…” Kari reminded the two of them. “I don’t know if you remember, but when we met all the digidestined at the battle of Malomyotismon, I saw at least half a dozen chosen Gazimon, anyone of them could’ve been it…”

“So what do we do?” Davis asked.

“Well, we need to find out what crest this is…” Izzy closely at the design surrounding the crude Gazimon image; it was ensnared in the most peculiar symbol, what appeared to be an incredibly complex knot.



“The crest of confusion?” Mimi looked at it, tilting her head, trying to make heads or tails of the strange shape.

“Maybe the crest of Infinity?” TK asked. “I guess that’s not really a crest though…” he scritched his head.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you…” Andromon informed them reluctantly. “It’s against my code…”

Izzy tapped his chin. “Well there must be at least a hundred crests in the world… how could we figure out this one…?”

“Wisdom?” Davis asked. Andromon gasped.

“That’s incredible…” he spoke rather softly, looking to the boy.

“What?” Tai asked.

“That’s it! The crest of wisdom… Holder of courage and friendship, how did you know that?”

Davis chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “I got it from Zelda…”

“WHAT?!?” The group of digidestined demanded at his logic.

“Zelda… y’know, for the Famicom…” He spoke with a nervous smile but no confidence at his indeed stupid logic as he pushed two forefingers together with embarrassment. “You need to collect the Triforce of Courage, the Triforce of Power, and the Triforce of Wisdom…”

“Zelda? Who is Zelda?” Andromon asked curiously.

“Davis….” Yolei rubbed her head. “Of all the lame-brained things you’ve ever said, I swear, sometimes you can be a complete-“

“GENIUS!” Izzy interrupted, hugging the surprised youth.

“Genius? Davis??” TK asked with surprise.

“It is!! It’s genius!” Izzy confirmed to the child of hope. “Why didn’t I think of it before?? Video Games have a direct connection to the Digital World now thanks to online multiplayer games!”

“So? I don’t recall Zelda having any Internet capability…”

“Maybe not, but it was the first game where you could load save and load digital data, and hence, the first one exposed to children!”

“Like us…?”

“Yes! It was the first real digital transaction between Children and the Digital World!”

“So what you’re saying is, Zelda’s the reason these three crests are so important…?” Davis asked scratching his head as Izzy nodded. “Wow, I loved that game…” Immediately conversation buzzed about the group. “But why is the Gazimon there? Veemon already got in, what’s the point of another.”

“There’s only one logical answer for that…” Xenamon responded, silencing the group. “Your blue friend isn’t coming out.”


“Vee…please….” Gatomon begged, sitting upon the blue blushing dragon’s lap as she pawed at his chest.

“Gatomon… I… I….” He glowed purple. “Th-this r-really isn’t the time o-or place….” He stuttered.

“Veemon… It’s not like… that… I Just… I feel so…” Tears began to form in her eyes. “I know how this must look Veemon… I just… I feel so violated, Vee…. I feel so unclean….” She rested her face on his chest, which was now heaving quite heavily.

“B-but… we need to get out of here… the others…”

“Veemon, I’ll feel those things in my sleep…those horrible horrible…things… the others can wait a while… Please Veemon? For me…?”

“G-gato…I…” She silence him with another kiss as she pressed her body against his, before pulling back and leaving him speechless.

“I love you Veemon… I want you… please…” Veemon lowered his head slightly in thought before nodding softly, Gatomon kissing down his face before reaching his lips once more, pressing her mouth against his, licking his lips gently and warmly. He held her tighter as she pushed her body against his. “Veemon…” She whispered his name softly as she pressed her hips against him, begging for his attention as he followed his instincts, moving his large hands up her body and pressing them against her chest, causing her to groand lean her head back. Veemon’s entire face was purple now, but it was the greatest thing he’d ever felt. Her breasts were small but extreamly soft, the nipples now errect at his attention as he squeezed gently, massaging them in tight circles. She reached her arms behind her head to give him better access and Raising them slightly. He had only really seen them once before, or at least noticed the, the first time he became flamedramon. She must have been arroused slightly. Of course, it was nothing compared to the real thing as he let his instincts take over, pushing his face into her chest and lapping at her left nipple. She began to groan slightly in pleasure, holding his head as he licked the pain and the violation away. She gasped as she felt a poke at her crotch, looking down as his deep gray member began to emerge from his pouch of skin, which covered the sensitive male genetalia from harm. She blushed even more at the sight of it, her pink cheeks darkening to a light raspberry red. Gatomon gasped with pleasure as he wrapped his lips sensually around one breast, sucking hard. She could feel her lower regions moisten by the second. “V-Veemon!! MMm….!!” She groaned as he poked her again by accident. She didn’t resist when he took her gently by the waist, lowering her to the soft ground as he began to rain kisses down her body, making her chirp with happiness. “Vee…” She sighed happily, the slimy thick cold feeling on the tentacles vanishing with every pleasureful moment he carressed her. She blushed deeper as she lowered her paws, pulling her thighs apart and revealing her moist intimacy. Veemon backed up a bit as he reached it, blushing harder. It stuck out now quite clearly, a loose pink stretch of skin which hung in a stretched ring shape, a small covered lump protruding from a hood near the top. Up and down the sides were thicker patches of a darker shade of grey fur, and the pugnent odor was intoxicating to the young untouched dragon, who was quickly losing his control.

“I-I-I’ve n-never done this before…” He whispered, ashamed as he stared at it.

“You.. haven’t?” Gatomon panted quietly. “But you’re so… so…”

Veemon giggles and blushed.

“Don’t worry Vee… I won’t make you do any- UGN!!” She through her head back and cried out in pleasure as he he tasted the delicious oriface for himself.  “OH Veemon!!” She gasped happily as he lifted his hand, slipping a finger in, making her groan.

“Does that feel good…?” He asked quietly. Her chest heaved with exasperation as she direly attempted to hump his hand.

“MM….mm…Y-yes….” Quickly noticing her efforts, he started to thrust the finger in and out, making her groan gently, mentioning his name occasionally. Enjoying the results, he added another finger, now effectively stretching her walls and making her moan loudly, moreso as he pumped faster. “YES…Like that… Just…keep that up….” She bit her lower lip as she did so, Veemon inadvertainly reaching his hand towards his own crotch as he held his full grown member in one hand, pumping it gently, moaning himself.

“Gato…mon…” He sighed as he did so. He watched her every movement, her twists and rythmic thrusts towards his fingers as her groaning grew louder, He noticed the strange lump by the top bulging as he moved his now somewhat stick hand up from his member, rubbing it softly between two fingers, his own essense making an effective lube. He was astonished at her reaction as she cried out in emmense pleasure.

 “AHHH!!! MMMM…OOHHH…FASTER VEE….” Sensing she was almost done, he started pumping his fingers at a faster tempo, one again following his instincts as he leaned down, suckling on the bulge. “VEE………Veemon!!!” She cried out as she arched her back as far as she could, flooding his hand with her gooey white fluids, panting as he pulled out, moving the hand back to his own bulging member, gasping with pleasure as her juices made the perfect lube for Masturbation.

“Oh Gatomon…” He whispered as she pulled him into a kiss, wrestling her tongue with his, slobbering over his face as a gesture of her love for him, they finally pulled out, Veemon grunting quietly as he jacked at his thick member, Gatomon pulled his arm away to get a look at it as he stood up above her to retain balance, one foot on each side of her body. She was more than ready for another round, her vagina instantly wettening upon it’s bounce as he stood, it stood at attention, at least a good 3 inches in length (C’mon, he’s like 2 and a half feet tall, he’s not gonna have a human size dick, her cunt wasn’t MADE for something that big) and very thick, at least 4 inches around, surrounded by a thick dark grey fur of his own. She beckoned to him to lower himself, both of them breathing heavily as he did so, a drop of clear fluid falling from the tip to her cheek as she lifted her paws, wrapping them around it, making him grunt and blush simultaniously. No one’s ever touched it beside from him, the feeling was new and extrodinary. “Gato…” He mumbled as she began to move her hands up and down it curiously, carressing it, cupping his ballsack. 

“Veemon…” She whimpered, reaching down between her legs as she breathed heavily, spreading her legs once again, now along with her vaginal lips. Veemon nodded, moving down and positioning himself as he blushed tremendously, realising what he was about to do.

“Gatomon… are you-“

“Yes, Veemon… please… make the bad feeling go away… for me…” She begged as she put her paws along his fine male build. He nodded, gulping a bit, not wanting to admit to Gatomon he was a little nurvous. She seemed to read his mind. “I promise it won’t hurt… it’ll feel wonderful…” She leaned her head back as he smiled slightly, still blushing terribly, pushing himself into her, grunting loudly at her tightness.  “OH Veemon!!” She cried out, jutting her hips into his and gasping, he was bigger than she thought…. Veemon could feel his teeth clench as his hips began to move themselves, pumping in and out of her incredibly tight, incredibly warm and dripping wet womonhood.  “OH!! OHHH!!! MMM…AHH!!!” the moans and grunts of pleasure seemed to flow from her without her concent as she hung onto him for dear life, Trying to pull him closer to her, touching every inch of their bodies together. Veemon was in heaven. He’d never even thought it could be like this in his wildest fantasies… although in his wildest fantasies Gatomon was wearing a string bikini…He didn’t even notice as he sputtered her name over and over with each wave of pleasure, grunting loudly.

“UHHH! UGH!! UHH!! MMM!! Gatomon…!!” He drawled out.

“HARDER….PLEASE….UMMM!!!! AHHH!!!” Gatomon screamed along with him as she clutched him now around his back. “Veemon!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOUUUU!!!!” These words gave Veemon a second wind as he pushed his legs against the ground, standing up to get more traction as he lifted her under the thighs with him, slamming his grey rod into the cat. Losing her grip on him, she clutched the ground tightly with both paws, letting out a tremendous yowl as she finally came over his thick member, causing him to in turn moan louder as he fired a good four shots of steaming hot dragon seed into her vagina, as it dribbled out the sides, mixed with her own lubricants.

Veemon wanted to collapse, panting and sweating as if he had just run a marathon, but instead fell to his knees, carfully dropping Gatomon’s thighs, almost expecting her to simply fall asleep, much less wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. “Thank you Veemon…” She whispered. “You took away the pain…”

“It’ll never hurt again…” He whispered in return, holding her close, repeating the slightly cheesy words he’s heard so many times. “I promise….”



“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE ISN’T COMING OUT?!?” Davis demanded as Tai and TK held him back from attacking Xenamon, as if it wouldn’t get him killed.

“That’s a terrible thing to say!!” Kari argued, tears welling up in her eyes as Matt held her back. “How dare you!! Veemon will bring Gatomon out, and they’ll be fine, you’ll see!!” Xenamon chuckled and shook her head.

“What’s so funny?!?” Tai demanded as Davis fumed, ready to go medeival.

“If your partner was destined to go in and complete his mission, there would be no point to the Gazimon.”

“What are you saying…?” Davis asked, trying to calm himself.

“I’m saying Veemon broke the rules… Didn’t you hear what the voice of Odin said when he entered?” She scoffed at them.

“The voice of Odin…? That weird whisper…?” Izzy wondered aloud.

“I don’t recall is saying anything about rules…” Davis hissed through clenched teeth.

“It told him to leave as he came…” Andromon reminded them. “He must have changed one of the entry requirements while he was inside…”

The entire group gasped with realisation. “I don’t think Veemon had a gender change, either.” Andromon spoke softly. The group of digidestined, young and old burst into buzzing conversation.

“No…” Patamon’s blood began to boil. “That… that….” One of his eyes twitched as his teeth clenched.

“That dog!” Gabumon chuckled. “I knew it was only a matter of time!”

“I guess he wasn’t saving it as much as I thought…” Hawkmon chuckled as well, smiling broadly for his friend.

“Veemon…” Davis whispered with surprise as Kari did the same with Gatomon.

“So much for joking on him, now, eh??” Gomamon laughed.

“Yeah, Veemon’s finally done what we’ve only dreampt about!!” Armidillomon agreed as Patamon’s eyes grew thinner with impatience, making Agumon laugh.

“WHAT ARE YOU SO HAPPY ABOUT?!?” Davis demanded, screaming at the Digimon. “HAVE YOU GONE DEAF?!? HE’S TRAPPED IN THERE!! HE’S TRAPPED IN THAT ACCURSED TEMPLE!!!!” Davis snapped, slamming his fist on the stone door in anger. The Digimon stood shocked, staring at him, as did the rest of the digidestined, Agumon trembling slightly with surprise.

“Davis, it’ll be alright…” TK put one hand on his shoulder, making him pull away.

“Until we get them out of there, nothing is alright… we have to find this Gazimon, and we have to find him now…”


Veemon’s legs felt like they were on fire, although at the moment he could care less. He was carrying in his arms, all that mattered to him right now: The sweet, currently fragile and limp Gatomon, who remained slightly awake, her head against his warm chest and a deep purr moaning through her body. It was like a soft massage to Veemon as he felt his heart beat against hers, he had been carrying her for hours. She was near the point of total exaustion from the tentacles, the guardians of this temple, and the Dragon of miracles refused to let her walk. She wasn’t complaining. Her tail hung lifelessly over his arm, the very end waving softly to and fro. Occasionally, when he had enough breath, he would whisper something endearing to her… just to feel her purr more for him.

“We’re almost there…” Veemon spoke softly to her resting form. “I recognize this…” He walked up the spiraling hall, huffing with tire as his eyes traced the familiar checkered walls. He had to stop and lean against the wall, choking up and Gatomon as he reached the top, the horrid bronze warriors resting on either side of the exit. “There… there it is…” He panted as he approached it. Gatomon smiled from his arms, eager to see daylight… her friends… Kari… “Hmmm….”

“What’s wrong…?” She asked, sitting up slightly.

“Before the doors opened by themselves…”

“By themselves?”

“Yeah… I don’t know what I’m supposed to-“ CLANK!!!!!!

Veemon jumped back, his eyes bulged with surprse and fear as a huge razor-sharp butterfly-shaped blade slammed into the cold ground where he just stood, Gatomon clutching to him with fear as her ears folded back defensively. Veemon’s eyes darted up the statue which held the axe, it’s long arm extended to guard the door, as it’s head slowly turned to him. Veemon could do nothing but stutter with surprise and fear as a loud crumbling sound and the second warrior, bearing a broad sword, began to stir from his resting place. Veemon shakily backed up, Gatomon whimpering with fear as she watched the scene.

“V-v-v-Veemon… wh-wh-wh-“

“I…I.. don’t know….”

He could hear his heart pound in his chest, his legs shake beneath him, and sweat pour down his face as the legs of the first armored statue lifted and fell, taking a step towards them, lifting his axe again, the statue with the sword joining him, raising his blade for a swift swipe at the young lovers.

“Veemon RUN!!!!!!!!” Gatomon cried, finally bringing the dragon to his senses as he turned tail and dashed back into the hall, the warrior statues, being almost a story tall, not being able to fit. Veemon’s adreniline was far from out though, as he ran down the halls, holding his precious Gatomon tightly. He didn’t remember when he stopped, but he was on his knees and breathing hard, sitting Gatomon down as he almost collapsed on his side, panting with tire and thirst.

“I…don’t…under…stand….” Veemon gasped between pants as he shivered and sweat. Gatomon looked positively pale as she hugged her knees. “How….What….?” Veemon seemed to be questioning the ceiling, laying on his back as Gatomon turned her head over to him, a sympathetic look in her eyes, seeing how exausted he was as he gently motioned his head into the lap she formed, crossing her legs. “Gatomon, I-“

“Shhh…” Gatomon quieted him as she began to stroke his face and ears, making him giggle as his he felt his eyes grow heavier, she leaned down to give him a soft kiss, but he was already asleep by the time their lips met.


            “New York  City?!?” Davis asked, dumbfounded.

“We’re going to New York City?!?” Yolei gasped, stars in her eyes as she clutched Davis’ arm in joy. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there!” She hugged it tighter as she sighed dreamily. “Walk though central park, go to the top of the empire state building with a lover…” She leaned her head on Davis’ shoulder, whome was still trying to make heads or tails of the situation at hand. Gawking at Izzy. The redheaded genius nodded.

“It fits the bill exactly! A digidestined of Wisdom lives there, and lo and behold, he has a Gazimon! Prodigeous!” The boy grinned, closing his pineapple computer.

“Well how on earth are we going to get to New York City??” Palmon wondered aloud.

“Silly, same way we got here.” Mimi grinned to her plant partner. “There are digiports leading all around the world!”

“Well then, where’s the nearest one to New York?” Joe asked, speaking up for the first time in a while, Gomamon looking up to him.

“There’s one a few miles past this temple….” Andromon informed them. “Davis, you Xenamon and I will go.”

“Wha??” Yolei facefaulted. “Why does Davis get to go??”

“I’m going too!!” Kari demanded, joining Davis’ other side as he smirked, one hottie at either arm.

“Ladies, please….” He chuckled, before Kari gave him a death glare, shutting him up but good.

“We can’t all go, we don’t want to intimidate Gazimon, he’s our only hope to-“

“Wait, Gazimon?? New York’s Gazimon??” Gabumon asked, raising one eyebrow.

“Yeah, haven’t you been listening?” Agumon asked him.

“You’ve met him?”  Tentomon buzzed as he flew overhead the canine who looked up at him.

“Met ‘im?” The dog grinned. “He’s a party animal! At the celebration of the defeat of Malomyotismon, he must’ve chugged 4 beers!” He laughed.

“Oh? And where did you get beer…?” Matt frowned, crossing his arms and tapping one foot.

“Oh we just grabbed a few 6 packs when you…. I mean…” Gabumon blushed as Hawkmon slapped his forehead.

“Way to go, dogbreath….” He hissed to the dog of freindship as Gabumon giggled guiltily, rubbing the back of his head.

“C’mon…” Xenamon growled as she began to walk south. “I don’t feel like waiting for you stooges…” Davis frowned as he followed, soon by Kari and Andromon, as Hawkmon patted a dissapointed Yolei’s back.


            Veemon’s eyes fluttered open to a sleeping Gatomon, her form slumped over him, her legs still folded, nesting his head. He must have been asleep for hours… he quickly sat up, catching Gatomon as she fell to the side from leaning on his body, He scooted up to leaning against the wall, holding her around the belly in his arms, adjusting her neck so it wouldn’t cramp in her sleep as he rested against his shoulder. He moved one arm, holding her tightly, trying to prevent tears from falling from his eyes, although to no avail. He missed Davis, and his friends. He missed daylight, he missed warmth… the temperature must have dropped to 40 degrees Farenheit since he’s fallen asleep, and even his warm touch couldn’t keep her from shivering. Despite all, she still purred lightly in her sleep, her mouth ever-so-slightly ajar. He moved one meaty hand over her belly, trying to warm her, as she mumbled something in her sleep. It astonished the dragon how positively calm she’s stayed through all this, he could tell she was frightened… hiding it for him, trying to relax him… He grinned as he held her, resting his head against the freezing cold wall as he once again fell into a light sleep.


            Davis stared up at the tall towers surrounding him, along with Kari, nostalgia bombarding them. It had been a few years since the world tour, Davis didn’t quite remember the city being so… tall… They had come through the digiport over an hour ago, and had been walking for what felt like forever. His feet burned with pain, but he kept on, he knew they couldn’t be far from the target. Kari seemed to care less, she stared straight forward with a determained face. His throat ached with thirst for precious water… or possibly a sugary sports drink… Although Xenamon and Andromon marched on, as if it were the easiest thing in the world. Being halloween, he was glad Andromon and Xenamon were little more than lauded for their appearance, save on man who commented that he didn’t think Kitsunes had such fine breasts and now had a possibly permenant slash-like scar across his face. Andromon commented on the strange attire of non-digidestined humans, noting the children running around dressed as various pokemon, clowns, celebrities and ghouls. 15th…16th…17th… it had been 20 minutes since they had even reached numbered streets as Davis now counted them off one by one as he passed. He wiped several drops of sweat from his brow before speeding up his pace to catch up and talk to Andromon.

“How do you know where he lives…?” He asked the android who didn’t bother averting his eyes from the path before him.

“I can sense his crest… we’re not far…” He replied, sounding slightly weary himself. Night fell quickly on the city that never slept, as it glowed with lights like a bush filled with lightning bugs. A cool wind refreshed the burgendy-haired boy, making him sigh with releif. As they approached the final street, Andromon moved his eyes from the sidewalk and the people passing by to the buildings at his side, looking them up and down. “I’m scanning the area… his home is one of these…” Kari turned her head as she noticed Xenamon had stopped in her tracks, standing several feet behind them as she stared at the rooftops, sliding one paw up her arm, Davis could swear he saw fear in her eyes…


“No more…. No more, Adam…” The fox whispered as she lept from rooftop to rooftop, further and further away from her home on the outskirts of Chicago. She’s been hopping across the city for hours, moving across the slums, the industrial and business areas as she finally reached her destination. The sky was black with night, illuminated only by flickering street lights and a full, bright silver moon crawling across the sky. Tears ran down her face and chest, she never stopped even to wipe them away.

She couldn’t take it anymore, she simply couldn’t… it had been 6, long, grueling months, being fed, being trained, being… She shivered as more tears fell from her eyes. As she danced across the rooftops, she kept repeating a goodbye speech to the partner she loved unconditionally, over and over again. “I won’t apologize…” That seemed to be the line she repeated most. “Because I have no reason to… and I know you won’t… and I know if I stayed, it would never stop… and I can’t live like this anymore.” She knew he was an alchoholic, she knew he occasionally took a shot of heroin, she knew most the time he didn’t want to hurt her… but she also knew he couldn’t stop… and she couldn’t take it anymore.

A terrible stink filled her nostrils, but she didn’t hold her nose. She used to live here. A junkyard, absolutely huge. Acres long and wide, hills upon hills of garbage, trash, spare parts, old parts, broken parts… her only companions here were the rats… but this time she didn’t plan to stay, to wait for her equivilent of this world to find herand fulfill her crest of power… This time she was going home… this time she would found where she came in. She walked through the dirt inbetween piles, finally arriving at the pile that was never thrown out, a mountain of old cables and wires, at it’s base a cracked, slightly bent open labtop, very old. As Xenamon pressed part of the side in that connected snapped circuts in order to enable it, ignoring the broken switch on the old computer. The screen dimly lit under the crack, illuminating the area around her as she pressed her paw against the screen, the glow growing unusually bright, as she had expected. She wanted to go home… She closed her eyes, a tear dropping onto the keyboard as she finally whispered: “I’m sorry Adam…”


“Xenamon?” Kari brought her back to attention as she turned back towards them beginning to walk.

“This is it…” Andromon confirmed, facing one of the many stoops. “I’m sure of it…” He walked up the stoop, quickly followed by the others, leaving them inside a long multicolored hall which smelled of Mr. Clean. A long, high-pitched moan could be heard in the distance, perhaps upstairs.

“What is that…?” Davis wondered aloud, a chill running down his spine as the group climbed the stairs, Davis now panting from tire.

“We’re almost there, Davis, don’t worry….” Kari reassured him, making the boy smile, it was the first time she had talked to him since they had departed from the digidestined. Xenamon didn’t bother with the stairs, leaping up floors through the center of the stair case, showing off her impressive gymnastic skills. The four finally paused at the base of the stairway leading to the 5th floor as Andromon halted, turning to a neaby door and approaching it. “Is this it…?” Kari asked, obviously exasperated. A loud hiss made the two digidestined jump back, startled, a fat black cat with rather large fangs spit at them. “What’s this…? A cat…?” Andromon asked, looking down at the feline, about the size of a couch cushion, and dark as the night, save a slightly grey belly. His fur was mussy and stuck out in all directions as he arched his back before the door, seemlingly defending the apartment ‘4A’. Andromon bent down, taking him by the scruff and picking him up. “Intreaging….” He murmered, before dropping him in shock. The cat had slashed him across the face. “Not as powerful as Gatomon…” He noted, wiping a drop of black oily blood protruding from the cut. “But the sting is incredible…”

“Of cource it’s not as powerful as Gatomon, it’s just a cat…” Davis scratched his head.

“I’ll take care of him…” Xenamon leaned down, looking the spitting feline in the eyes before she let out an absolutly blood-curdling hiss, making the cat murrel with surrender as he retreated to the corner, in a defensive ball of fangs and claws. Xenamon stood up ‘dusting’ her paws as Kari shook her head, pressing the doorbell.

 It’s ring was long and peircing. An eerie silence followed. At least 2 dozen seconds passed before weak footsteps were heard from behind the door, growing stronger as they approached. Kari couldn’t help but feel the akwardness of this entire situation, they were about to explain to this poor parent, whome they came to visit at 10:00 pm on a major holiday to tell them that their son’s monster had to be taken away for a few days because he was chosen by a god to enter a forbidden temple and rescue the savior of the world and his girlfreind…


The door clanked as it unlocked… in several places… before being pulled open. A tall young adult, about 17 to 19 in age, swung the heavy metalic door open, looking Andromon up and down. He had incredibly scruffy hair, about shoulder length, and was wearing, of all things indoors, a long grey trenchcoat, although Davis and Kari simply guessed it was part of his halloween costume, he also bore a light goatee, and his skin was a pinkish white. He sighed with annoyance.

“What? More of you? For crying out fuck, you guys just don’t stop coming…” The lad had a light brooklyn accent, which seemed to deepen upon certain words. He rubbed the side of his head as if it hurt, before retreating in the door for a second.

“More of ‘em?” The 4 could hear from withen, a slightly raspy, thinner voice.

“Git’ back t’the TV Gaz, you scared th’shit outta the last bunch…”

“Can I do it again? I’ll growl this time!”

“Let me just get it over with…”

“Um… actually… we need to speak with you about-“ Kari was cut off by surprise as the door reopened, the same young man, now wearing a pathetic-looking pumpkin mask, and holding a large plastic bag bearing a happy face, with the message “The Angel Dones Children’s Community Center” beneath it, he started to recite what sounded like some kind of strange poem, although it was at an unussually fast tempo, and with an incredibly monotone tone of voice, as if he was bored to death and wanted to get it over with.

“Happy halloween, trick or treat for all,

We hope you enjoy these treats, but please don’t eat them all.” He stopped momentarily to stuff hand-fulls of candy into the arms of a confused Davis and Kari.

          “At the ADCCC, we love to sing this song,

We love all little children, we love them all day long… God I can’t say that and feel right… So if you love us too, make donations please,

We accept from noon to five on workdays during weeks.

Remember not to accept candy from strange people in the shops… Damn, how does the last verse go…? Ah, screw it.

Now get the hell out of here before I call the cops!

He finally stopped, mumbling something about ‘god damned community service’, before turning his head to Xenamon. “By the way, I don’t think Kitsunes have such fine breasts.” He informed her, before shutting the door.

“Well that’s over with…” He sighed from inside, pulling off his mask and tossing it to the side, as a loud CLANK was heard, and a metal lump in the door, pointing towards him appeared, in the shape of Xenamon’s head, a virtual silhouette. He barely noticed. “I don’t even think those kids HAD costumes, but their parents really gotta tone down, it’s just a little kid’s holiday…” He sighed.

“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you earned yourself 100 hours of community service…” His small gray lagamorphic companion quipped, making him stick out his tongue. They turned their heads as the bell rang again. As his friend hid, the young man reopened the door to an annoyed looking pair of kids, the same expressionless android, and an angry looking kitsune fox rubbing her head with pain.

“Kids, I can only give out so much candy, go learn to masturbate or something.” A foot in the door prevented him from closing the door.

“Shut up for a second… we need to speak with your son.” Davis requested, rather sternly.


“Younger brother.”

“Don’t have one.”

“Younger sister?” Davis asked hopefully.

“’Fraid not, stud.”


“What the hell do you want?” He looked up to Andromon and Xenamon. “C’mon, I’m in the middle of a movie marathon here.”

Davis and Kari looked to each other blinking. “Andro?” Kari asked, looking up to him, not wanting to reveal to the lad there was a Digimon in the area to the possibly knowledgeable human.

“This is he.” The bot informed the surprised girl.

 “What?? Him?? Wisdom?!?” she asked, dumbfounded.

“See, this Is why I told you not to take candy from strange people in shops.” The supposed bearer of wisdom reminded them. Kari messaged her temples in aggravation, she didn’t feel, for some reason, she was getting much closer to saving her beloved Gatomon…

“Look, we need to see your Gazimon. Now.” She sternly demanded, giving him a death glare, making him blink with surprise.

“G-g-g…” The boy looked like he was about to trip over his own feet with surprise, before regaining his posture. “I… don’t know… what you’re… talking about…” he looked back and forth, as if searching for some kind of excuse. “What’s a Digimon??” he suddenly snapped, feigning confusion, albeit not well.

“What??” Davis himself snapped. “But we didn’t even sa-“

“Look, we can see him behind the door….” Xenamon, tired of this tomfoolery informed the flushed digidestined, who turned his head, to, indeed, behold a long gray tail projecting from the bathroom doorway, 3 attached leather belt-straps at the end, right before his large black tuft of fur which completed it.

“Oh…” He blinked a few times, blushing, adjusting his coat, before turning to them. “That’s just my cat… he has a leather fetish, and he’s quite sensitive about it, so if you just be so kind as to-“

“Oh knock it off, Joey, they know I’m here….” Gazimon finally stepped out, walking towards them. He was slightly taller and darker than a normal Gazimon, also incredibly scruffy, as if he’d just been tossed about by a bunch of crazed horny super-strong Floramon... not that he’d mind. “We can watch Resivior Dogs later… What do yous’ guys want?” The digidestined noticed, that like his tamer, he seems to have adopted a slight Brooklyn accent. The 3 foot Digimon turned his attention towards the group.

“Um… can we come in to explain…?” Kari asked, with hope, making Joey look around him.

“You might not want to…”

“Yes we do…” Davis stepped in past him, before sniffing. “It smells like… pizza and alchohol…”

“Hey, I don’t come into YOUR house and tell YOU it stinks!”

“We don’t have time for this.” Xenamon herself stepped in. “This is an emergency. We need your Gazimon.”

“Need me??” Gazimon demanded. “What for??”

“Gazimon of wisdom…” Andromon himself stepped in, kneeling down to look him in the eye. “Are you prepared to fulfill your destiny…?” He asked, catching the Digimon completely off guard.

“My WHAT??”

“Maybe it would be better, if we explained first, hmm?” Xenamon sighed to the droid, making him stand.

“Very well…”

“Hey, yer that chick of light, aren’t ya??” Joey gasped, finally noticing.

“Chick?” Davis raised one eyebrow with disapproval. Kari’s eyes widened with surprise at the name, before he grasped her hand, shaking it.

“Congratulations on the whole world saving thing! I really owe y’one for that!” He chuckled. Xenamon growled with impatience.

“You remind me a lot of my Exgirlfreind…” Gazimon noted to the kitsune, making her look down at him with a snarl.

“If I didn’t need you, I’d kill you…” The guardian of the temple hissed, her eyes narrowing.

“Oh yeah, just like my Ex…” He rubbed the back of his head bashfully in response.


the room went silent at his cry.

“…I’m gonna do who with the whatnow…?” Gazimon raised one eyebrow as a vein on Davis’ head began to throb.


130 excruciating minutes passed, painful for both parties, before Gazimon and his tamer seemed to understand. They were astounded to say the least. “I don’t understand… what does Wisdom have to do with it…?” Joey questioned as he sat upon a bakwards turned chair, leaning his elbows and chin on the edge of the back.

“We must leave soon… Veemon and Gatomon will not last long…” Andromon informed them. “As the doors of the temple remain closed, the temperature drops further and further until near freezing point…” Andromon spoke with a hint of dread in his cybertronic voice.

“Gazimon, please…” Kari begged, taking one of his paws.

A sympathetic look crossed his face, although riddled with a sense of confusion.

“I don’t know if you have the right mon for the job…” Davis sighed, standing and joining Kari at his side.

“I wouldn’t think so either…” He admitted, nodding. “But I trust Andromon’s judgement…”

“So do i…” Kari agreed, holding his paw tighter. Gazimon’s fave scrunched with thought and emotional conflict as he turned his head towards his partner, who stood in the corner, eyes on him, contemplating the facts. He gave the Digimon a quick nod, attempting a smile, making Gazimon return the smile as he turned his head back towards the digidestined.

“When do we leave?”


Gatomon coughed, forming small clouds of heat before her mouth, both their breaths were clearly visible now. Small vents of smokey carbon dioxide rolled from Veemon’s nostrils with every exhale as he held her tightly, trying to keep from from shaking. Light was growing dimmer, and the temperature was now dropping slowly. Gatomon was looking pale, and she fought to keep the lump in her throat down. “Veemon…” She whispered, curling up against him as she felt a tear path down her cheek. “I… I’ve never told anyone this before…” He listened with all attention, his ears twitching. “I’m afraid, Vee….” She choked on her words. “I’m afraid I’ll never see Kari again… I’m afraid I’ll… die…” Veemon shushed her as he brushed his cold, shivering lips against her warm cheek. Over her shaking, she shuddered clearly with a breif moment of devine, blissful warmth.

“Don’t be afraid…” He whispered soothingly, fighting his own tears. The truth was, he was afraid too. He loved his friends, he loved Davis… he didn’t want to die here… not like this. Not cold and scared in the depths of an ancient temple, even with Gatomon. Her touch soothed him… as he was sure his did the same for hers. Neither of them could sleep anymore… Gatomon told him that one only freezes to death when they fall asleep. Veemon wouldn’t let that happen. Never. Not ever. He knew he couldn’t try and escape… he could still hear the soldiers clomp around restlessly. They were waiting for him to give up hope… he refused to. Never. Not ever.


“How long have we been here?” Hawkmon asked his partner, leaning against a sleeping Armidillomon’s shell. She checked her watch.

“11 hours…” she replied, yawning. Cody himself slept, Armidillomon in his arms… or at least as much as he could fit. The original digidestined had agreed to get some rest and return at dawn, Ken, TK, Yolei and Izzy, who was eager to see results of this crusade, alongside their Digimon stayed upon the hill beside the temple, shaded of moonlight by a tall, thick pillar, almost half the size of a full city block, and stories tall, which they used with origin so as to give Veemon his privacy, but since grown accustomed to the area… and being too close to the temple gave them a strange tingle as they tried to sleep.

“Yolei…” Hawkmon looked up to his fucia-haired companion of love and sincerety.

“I’m worried too, Hawkmon…” She whispered , kneeling beside the bird, the starlight barely illuminating the two. Hawkmon nodded with awe as she seemed to read his mind… or possibly simply his expression. The brown hawk was engulfed with sorrow for his digivolving partner and his best friend.

“Will they-“

“Everything will be alright…” She whispered, a hint of insecurity in her voice, but still with confidence. She smiled to her fowl companion, encouraging him to return the grin as he leaned against her, the two of them enjoying eachother warmth.


Joey walked through the rain, water dripping off the edges of his fadora and to his worn old shoes. Gazimon walked by his side, enjoying the cold rain on his face as the two tromped through the Digital World, following the small gang whome were sent to retreive them. The young man had forgotten about how much he hated this place. It was cold, it was wet, it smelled funny and was filled with mysterious creatures. Sort of like Gazimon after a bag of garbage broke over his head last month. Every time Joey blinked, a memory flashed through his head… most recent ones.


“Aren’t you coming, Joey?” Gazimon asked as he started out the door with the android and his female vulpine companion. The teenage boy wouldn’t stop spinning a quarter upon the table… and slamming his hand down on it to halt it… only to stand it up and spin it again.

“What good would I be?” He asked, not pulling his eyes from the spinning circle of silver plated lead. He didn’t like to admit when he felt unneccisary. A tag along, a fifth wheel. He couldn’t seem to help himself…

“I want you to come…” Gazimon replied, honesty in his voice, making the boy raise face to his companions. “…It would make me feel better.” Joey smiled at these words, standing and joining his grinning companion.

“Alright… I guess you’ll need someone to cheer you on…” He put one encouraging hand on his Digimon’s shoulder as he opened the door, barely noticing the frightened cat making his way back into his home, past their legs.


He took a deep breath, stuffing both hands in his pockets as he turned his head up in the moonlit rainy night to a very distinct voice, it was Andromon’s. He was telling them they had arrived. A 4 hour march ended atop a steel hill overlooking what appeared to be the face of a mountain, at least 300 feet up, led up by a long, wide dirt path. All around the mountain were odd, but extordinary pillars, each the size of a small tower, even dwarfing parts of the mountain itself. One of the pillars at the base of the path appeared to once be part of two pillars, connected by an ornamental bridge which stood across the tops of the two, one base of the bridge on either side… the bridge was now broken in half, collapsed long ago, only enough of it left to shelter a group of children and their Digimon from the drizzle.  


As Kari started towards the group, happy to see her friends, a friendly hand, belonging to Davis, was placed upon her shoulder, stopping her.

“Let them sleep, Kari…” He whispered to her. “If we woke them, The worrying would only be another burden. Let ‘em dream…” Kari turned her face, dripping from the rain, to his, before looking back at the group and took a step back. She pondered the words of wisdom from her friend, before nodding, starring at the ground, as if still in thought.

“Is this it…?” Gazimon awed at the extrodinary structure, his deep wine eyes wondering it up and down. Andromon nodded in reply as he started up the path, Xenamon following, neither showing any signs of tire. Davis was all but exausted, as was Kari, from their long and painful journey, Joey leaned against the wet, cold bark of a digital tree, wiping his face dry of rain and sweat with one sleeve. He looked up, blinking in the light, almost misty rain, before continuing the march, the two young digidestined following soon after. Gazimon scampered eagerly after Andromon, he’d never admit it, but this was actually quite exciting for the Digimon. Always he had stayed at home with his partner, watching TV and going on walks or occasionally playing some music, but besides that, his life was void of all adventure and action… at least since the action around their part of the Digiworld came to a screeching halt, following the timely defeat of Malomyotismon. Gazimon skittered ahead of the group towards the door, as andromon raised one arm silently, halting the rest of the group, Save Xenamon, who did so on her own. A small, supressed smirk creeped across her face.

“What’s going on…?” Joey frowned as Davis and Kari looked away. They new what was coming next…. They’ve had to see it twice before.

“We must not intervene.” Andromon informed him. “This must be done…”

“What?? What must be done??” Gazimon’s partner didn’t like the sound of this in the least.

Gazimon reached the top of the hill, sighing as he stood before the door, wiping rain and sweat from his forehead.

“Wow, what a place…” He whispered to himself, looking over the extrodinary entrance structure. “So how do we get this open?” He asked aloud, turning head to realise his friends were still at the end of the path, starring at him, a look of anger and confusion over his partner’s face. “Guys…?” He frowned slightly in confusion, lifting his leg to walk back, but it stuck… he tugged harder, before looking down and letting out a shreik of fear. A thick green tentacle was slowly wrapping itself around his right leg. “WHAT THE FUCK!!” He cried out, falling on his tail, clawing at the ground, oblivious of the second tentacle, making it’s way around his wrist.

“Wh-…WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?” Joey demanded furiously to the android.

“I’m sorry, bearer of Wisdom… it must be done.” He spoke softly, with a hint of compassion in his near-lifeless robotic voice.


“Too late now…” Xenamon whispered, the slightest pinch of amusement in her voice.

“GET THE FUCK OFFA’ ME!!” Gazimon cried, sparkling with electricity. “ELECTRIC STUN BLAST!!!!!!” He just barely could raise his claws to his face, concentrating the energy before him, only moments before a powerful blast of painful static lightning into the tentacles, making them vibrate furiously, painfully tightening their grasp of Gazi, causing him to grunt in pain as a third tentacle wraped itself around his waist, simultaniously with a fifth around the shoulder of his other arm, twisting so he couldn’t move it.

“I’m sorry Joeseph, this must be done…” The android repeated as a sixth tentacle squirmed it’s way out of the ground, creeping towards his legs, which were being spread very much against his will.

“NO!! HELP HIM!!!” Joey cried with greif, as Davis lept forward, grabbing both his arms to hold him back.

“I know what you’re going through, but you have to let it happen, Joey!! This is the only way he can get into the temple!!!” the boy warned. Joey halted as he was held, looking back up to Gazimon, who was now shreiking more with fear than with pain as the tentacles tightened. He gasped as the sixth crept into his pubic pouch, pulling out his member, making his blush a deep shade of off-red.

“GOD, GET THEM OFF OF M-“ He was silenced as the tentacle around his left arm expanded, wrapping itself around his head, holding his muzzel open like a gag, as the poor Digimon thrashed and squirmed in pain, fear and embarressment.

“GOD DAMNIT, LEGGO’ A ME!!!” Joey cried, pulling one arm away from Davis, the confusion in his eyes turning to anger as he clenched his fist, pulling it back, and sending it forward again, hooking Davis hard in the jaw, making a loud thump upon contact, The boy spun once, landing on his stomache in the dirt, unconcious. Kari gasped in surprise at his sudden violence as he trashed out at the others, keeping them away from him. “I GOTTA SAVE HIM!!! I GOTTA SAVE MY GAZIMON!!!” He cried out, acting as if he had gone completely mad, backing towards the path to the temple, preparing to dash for his partner, halting as Xenamon, in the blink of an eye, had her paw tightly and painfully wrapped around his wrist. “I SAID LET ME GO!!!” He screamed at her, swinging his fist at her face, as she just barely dodged it, leaning under it, now snarling.

“That does it, Bed time for Bonzo…” She growled under her breath, before, while still holding his forearm, raised her right leg, striking him in the side of the head, 3 consecutive times, all in less than two seconds, as, without moving from his original position, Joey collapsed to the ground in a lifeless heap, blood trickling from his lips. Kari looked up from trying to sit her downed friend up, looking fearfully to the fox, a scream of shock caught in her throat.

“Don’t worry… He’ll be fine.” Xenamon spoke to them, Andromon watching with his usual emotionless expression. “Unfortunatly…” She mumbled under her breath, effortlessly dragging the teenage boy by the leg back to their point of origin at the base of the path.

A silence was soon broken by the muffled scream of a familiar Gazimon, Xenamon’s eyes widened slightly as her eyes turned on the lagamorphic Digimon, in his own, personal hell.

“I thought the tentacles wouldn’t come while Veemon was in there…” Kari whispered to Andromon from Davis’ side, stroking his bruised face.

“They need to test Gazimon… it’s different…” Andromon replied softly.


Xenamon’s throat hurt from screaming through the painfully tight ballgag which held her maw open. Her paws and legs were tied down, back to the matress,


Gazimon struggled helplessly against the painful hold of the tentacles. His head was pulled back the tentacles, he screamed again as one of them, with a tight, constricting grip on his sensitive reddish-grey penis, which it began to uncomfortably pull and tug on it, slowly growing his sexual organ,


“MMMMPPPH!!!” Xenamon cried out in pain as Adam pressed three fingers up her incredible tightness, her legs quivering behind the stressful pressure,Adam panting with exertion, as


Gazimon’s head whipped back as the merciless tentacle began to pump harder, the sticky surface of the tentacle clutching itself to the poor Gazimon’s small, thick patch of black crotch hair, tugging out hair by small clumps, as blood began to trickle down his inner thigh, tears


Crawling down Xenamon’s face. The pain finally ended as Adam pulled out, moving his throbbing member towards her, positioning it at her aching red cunt, as she shook her head no, clenching her eyes shut, whimpering.


Gazimon bit down as hard as he could on the tentacle, sinking his small fangs into it’s green, flesh, making it shiver and vibrate in apparent reaction, before squeezing his cock painfully, applying pressure like a vice, another tentacle simultaniously pulling and twisting his tail hard in a punnishing manner,  he gasped with surprise and discomfort as long, cold tentacle slipped under his tail…



The ball gag was squeezed hard by Xenamon’s jaw as she made out a muffled shreik, Adam pressing his shaven manhood into her small, furry vagina, not designed for anything as big as a human, made for a rookie with 2 or 3 inches, 4 at most, much less 6 and a half. She felt like she was being split in two as Adam mericilessly pulled back, thumping himself back into her, grunting with pleasure as several drops of blood rolled down the underside of his penis, crawling down his scrotum and dripping off, landing on the matress below him, soon followed by another… and another… and another…


Blood dripped of Gazimon’s tail, soaking the tuft of black fur, running down the tentacle from his anus onto the dusty ground. Xenamon couldn’t feel the tears running down her cheeks as she watched him, nor did he notice Kari and Andromon starring in disbeleif, She could barely see Gazimon up there… within him, she saw herself.


Adam grunted and groaned louder, pumping with anticipation of his oncoming orgasm, his


Balls clenched up, against Gazimon’s will as his member began to twitch,


Adam squeezing her breasts tightly and crying out in utter


Pain, as Gazimon fired a strong shot of hot semen into the air at the akward angle forced upon him by the tentacles, as it landed over his chest and face, soon followed by several more shots, the semen was tainted red with his blood.




A now familiar chorus of light, raspy voices whispered from all around the digidestined.




The tentacles finally pulled out of the poor Digimon’s anus, the wrap around his exausted penis unwrapping, the painful hold on his limbs retracting, sinking into the ground , the last one leaving his jaw as it slipped into the sand, Gazimon’s chest heaved, as despite himself, blushing insane amounts, he began to weep softly with embarressment, pain and confusion. He felt violated, he felt tricked. More than anything, he felt embarressed, not as much for the tentacles as because he’s never cried in front of anyone aside from Joey, and the feeling only made him want to cry more.


            Xenamon reached her paw up to her face, gasping as she realised she had been crying, her chest tuft soaked with tears, she darted her head around, Kari, Andromon and a now-concious Davis , leaning on up his elbows, spitting out a tooth, starred at her as if it were the most astonishing thing they’d ever seen.

“WHAT ARE YOU STARRING AT?!?” She demanded to them. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO STARE AT?!?” She cried, taking a few steps back, more tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked up to the alternate crying Digimon, curled up in a ball, hugging himself, wishing he could simply die and end his exhibition of weakness, or what he considered weakness, Xenamon’s eyes grew redder, as she choked on a lump in her throat, Seeing herself in him once more. “No….” She whispered before running into the forest… running from herself.


            “Gazimon!!” Andromon called, cupping his metallic hands before his mouth. “The temple doors are open!! Go in, escort Veemon and Gatomon out!! You’re the only one who can!”

Gazimon listened to his words, not wanting to move. He ached all over, he was still bleeding slightly. He wanted to just blow away in the wind, slip through a crack in the ground, just… vanish. He knew it wouldn’t happen… what he really wanted was Joey. He wanted Joey to run up the path, hold him, tell him that it was alright, and it was all over now, and they could go home. He wanted Joey to bring him home, and they would watch a movie, and eat popcorn, and play music, and just… forget this ever happened. He knew it wouldn’t happen either. He saw Xenamon hit him, he was actually releived… Joey was trying to come to him… only god knows what would have happened. At least he was safe…

“GAZIMON!!!” Andromon called louder, as if the Jack rabbit/wolverine hybrid Digimon hadn’t heard him. He knew what he had to do. He pushed up shakily from the ground with one arm, wiping his eyes with the alternate one. His legs trembled beneath him as he stood, his long tail falling limply. He didn’t dare look back at the audience of 3 as he limped into the temple.


            “Veemon!” Gatomon gasped as his fingers pushed in and out of her, sweat dripping off her whiskers. Veemon knew it was inapropriate… but he had to keep her warm somehow. She panted and groaned as he pumped them faster, using her lubricant to speed the process, pressing his thumb against her clitoris. “Vee…Veemon…AANGG…UHH….” She grunted as she grasped him, holding him tightly in place, her naked paws on his shoulders. “O-Ok V-vee… that’s enough f-for now…” she said softly, lifting herself off his wet fingers, as he lifted them to his mouth, smiling for the first time in near 10 hours, suckling his fingers, making Gatomon giggle. “How do I taste?”

“Better than chocolate…” He replied, snickering. Gatomon eyed his light greyish tan penis hungrily, lowering herself, making him sigh happily, knowing what was coming. He spread his legs as she layed down on her belly, playing with the grey hairesque fur bush around his erect member, making him squirm, being tickled by her soft paws. His chest began to heave with heavier breathing as she wrapped her curious fingers around his cock, almost seeming to study it as she began to jerk gently up and down, as if testing the waters. He groaned, her fingers delicatly messaging his sensitive male organ, sweat forming around his forehead and chest as his body temperature raised at the sexual stimulation. Her furry paws explored the underside of his penis and his scrotum, playing with it, making the dragon grunt and sigh with pleasure. She licked her lips as drops of clear, sticky fluid dribbled down the sides and dripped off the head. “Mmm…Nnng…Gatomon….” He whispered passionatly, clenching his teeth as she licked at it gently, feeling herself dripping, his moans of appreciation lighting her fire. He almost felt like crying when she backed off, licking her paws clean of a drop here and there of pre-semenal fluid.

“Veemon…” She whispered, opening her mouth and protruding her tongue as an invitation, Veemon happily taking it as he wrapped his slender dragon’s tongue around hers, soon following with his lips, pressing his strong hands against her back to pull her close to his masculine body. She gasped through the kiss as she felt the greatest feeling in the world, his thick grey monhool sliding into her body, stretching her pink lips and brushing her clitoris. She leaned her head  back and moaned loudly as she pressed her paws against his sweaty chest, raising and lowering herself on and off his grey rod. “NGGG…MMMMM….AHH…OHHH…VEEEE…” She moaned, thumping her hips up and down on his, squeezing her thighs together as he slid in and out.

“Gatomon!! MM!!! YESS!!!” Veemon panted simultaniously, enjoying his lack of power over her speed and preassure as she controlled their love-making.

“Oh god, Veemon I LOVE YOU….” She shreiked, raising her paws to his head and once again pulling him into a deep kiss. He groaned through the kiss as he felt the moment of release.

            It hurt so much… just like it used to. She couldn’t stop crying, even after she stopped running, ending up in a small clearing , sheltered from the rain by an old abondoned gazebo.

            She couldn’t stop seeing him… Gazimon… crying out, being violated, being hurt, then finally, in the end, curled up into a small shivering ball, wanting to die. So like her…So like Xenamon. She regreted her harsh words towards the Digimon… after all, he had done nothing to her, he was simply associated with a human boy who irritated her… albeit to great lengths. He was rather… in fact…


Xenamon hissed in pain as her foot caught on the step of the last street before the digiport back to the Digiworld to get Gazimon to the temple, tripping onto the rough cement, the skin on her knee tearing upon impact, skinning her leg. The digidestined and Andromon turned face to her with a glance, before continuing to walk silently,only Gazimon held still a moment looking back and forth between Xenamon and the traveling digidestined including his own partner, before jogging back to Xenamon, extending a paw, a small smile on his face in offer of assistance… to her it was only charity. She growled, batting his paw away and standing, dusting herself off, shooting him a glare before continuing to walk, leaving him ears slightly drooped before catching up to Joey.


            She rejected his freindship… just as she had so many others… she sighed, shuddering in an attempt to choke her tears back. She rubbed her throat softly, trying to quell the lump, the uptillionth tear rolling down her cheek. Maybe it wasn’t too late… He would come out, and she would, for the first time in a long time, apologize… turn over a new leaf… she didn’t care how the others would react. She didn’t want to be a chrone her entire life…


            It was over. Veemon’s arms were numb, although he still shook Gatomon gently to keep her awake. Sleep meant undoubted demise for either of them, by freezing. Peaceful, yes, possibly the most peaceful deeath of all, but death none the less. He wouldn’t let it happen. They’ve already made love twice to keep warm, it was now at most ten degrees fahrenheit, 22 degrees below freezing. Besides being physically and mentally exausted, as embarressing as it was, he couldn’t errect himself in this kind of temperature, even if he wasn’t worn out. He couldn’t feel his tail or his arms, and he was a paler shade of blue than usual, the only warmth on his body against his chest, from Gatomon’s warm bousom. He tried to keep himself from shivering, as did Gatomon, neither were quite successful. He didn’t want it to end like this… not in the blistering cold, not without Davis… he was happy to be with Gatomon, she was happy to be with him… but not like this… he didn’t want to die. He didn’t want Gatomon to die. He couldn’t feel his face, even the inside of his mouth was cool. He had never been this cold in his life. Gatomon shuttered in his warm grip, even with lower blood flow he was warm to her. She was at least thankful not to be alone… Veemon’s vision become blurry and his eyelids heavy. He needed to stay awake, for Gatomon, for Davis, for the digidestined… A smile spread across his lips. He began to feel warmer… a magnificent sensation, as the world around him dimmed, and he could even hear music… a faint tune, resembling an old Beatles song…

            Trumpets blasted and a drumroll played for Veemon, hand in hand with his beloved as beautiful colors swirled through the skies, they seemed to float, their skipping through the warm, dry field of grass, surrounded by tangerine trees and marmalade skies.

“Lovvve, Lovvve, Lovvve…” A trio of beautiful voices sang from around them as they danced through the warm wind currents. He could hear a harpischord play to the melody, with cellos performing the harmony, as a deeper voice spoke above the continuing chorus. “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done… Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung… No where you can be where you aren’t meant to be… it’s easy…” They stopped, holding eachothers paws/hands, starring into one another eyes and smiling broadly, both of them.

“Nothing you can make that can’t be made…” The voice was now backed up by a trio of violins. “Nothing you can say that can’t be said… Nothing you can do that wasn’t made to do inside… it’s easy…” Trombones and tubas built up in the backround along with the chorus and various instruments as Veemon and Gatomon’s faces grew close. “All you need is love… All you need is love… all you need is love, love…. Love is all you need…” Their lips pressed together, the warmth was brilliant to Veemon as they held eachother closely, Davis approaching with a smile on his face, all their friends around them, wooting and cheering them on, only Davis kneeled beside Veemon as the song drew to a close. “Love is all you need (Love is all you need) Love is all you need (Love is all you need)” The voices repeated softer and softer, each of the various intruments adlibbing into their own solos as Davis grabbed Veemon by the shoulders, shaking him violently to his surprise.

            The warmth slowly left Veemon’s body, the cold returning.

“C’mon, wake up…” He could hear an unfamiliar voice plead. It was warmer now than before, he noticed, as feeling began to come back to his limbs. “Let’s go, big guy, everyone’s waitin’ for ya…” The same, soothingly soft, albeit raspy male voice spoke, he could feel a furry paw against his face. Veemon’s eyes slowly opened to half their full height, his pupils dialating. He lifted his head to Davis, smiling, the sun shining behind his head, making him look like a saint from Di Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’. “Veemon…” Davis’ voice sounded much different he noticed… Vee’s pupils shrunk slowly, Davis’ face melting into an unfamiliar grey Rabbit looking face with odd sinister-looking black around his eyes. The light diminished, leaving shade behind the Digimon’s face, which he almost immediately recognized as a Gazimon. Veemon could only let out a whine of confusion, Gatomon was gone.

“Gah….toe….?” Veemon murmered, feeling strength returning to him.

“She’s outside… c’mon buddy, let’s get out of here…” The blue dragon could feel Gazimon’s paw grasp his own as he pulled him to his feet, helping him stand. “Are you alright…?”  Veemon’s eyes slowly opened to full size as he tilted his head to face that of his saviors, warmth overcoming his body, he never answered the question.

“Who…are you?” He made out, rather astonished. The lagamorph smiled.

“Gazimon of Wisdom, at your service.” He smiled broadly, taking his free hand and shaking it. “Call me Gaz.”

“Gaz…?” Veemon whispered with curiosity. “Wisdom…?” He had a million questions, and Gazimon knew it… but he didn’t prefer to answer them. At least not in here.

“We can talk once we’re out of this hellhole…” Gazimon started to walk, helping Veemon, who pulled his arm back.

“It’s alright, I can walk…” Veemon muttered, too confused by the situation to say much more as Gazimon shrugged noncohearently, leading him up the path, questions could only fly through Veemon’s head. They walked the path in silence, Veemon starring at Gazimon in wonder. There they were, on the brink of death, holding eachother and waiting for demise, when out of the shadows just comes this Gazimon, with no explanation of who he was or how he got there, he just offered warmth and an exit to this nightmare of a temple… it was near unbeleivable.


Gazimon chuckled as he heard a loud growling rumble from Veemon’s unfed belly.

“Hungry?” Gazimon’s grin widened, it was kind of hard for him to believe he was speaking with the savior of the digital and real world… although he didn’t feel as bashful as he thought he would. Beside the fact he just rescued the poor guy and his girlfreind’s life, Veemon had this odd aura about him… a very soothing and protective one, as if you were purely his equal, and no one could be called greater or lesser by accomplishments.

“That wasn’t me…” Veemon stopped, a shiver in his voice. Seconds felt like hours as the two stood in complete stillness, fearing whatever this ungodly temple had to offer. Gazimon slowly turned his face towards the ceiling at the unsettling sensation of sand slowly dripping onto his head, his eyes filled with fear.

“Veemon…” He whispered, trying to convince his legs that moving would be well worth the effort. Veemon’s ears perked at the sound of his name, slowly nodding, seemingly reading his savior’s mind. They didn’t wait for the second rumble, which followed moments afterwards before breaking into a sprint, a third, much louder rumble vibrating the ground errupting as they did.

“What’s…going…on…???” Gazimon cried out through his panting as he ran to Veemon as they quickly climbed the upwards spiraling path to the entrance room, at least another fourth mile in distance.

“I don’t…know…” Veemon panted in reply. “But unless you…want to find out…” His sentence was discontinued as the inactivity for the past day in his legs took consequence, his thigh cramped, making him yelp out in pain, tumbling to the ground and skimming along it in an decceleration from his running. Gazimon skidded to a halt, about facing and scampering back towards Veemon, kneeling down by him as the blue dragon clutching his upper left leg. They gasped in unison, their heads snapping to attention behind them. The walls were imploding with preasure towards them, and coming at an alarming rate.


            “Holy…” Gazimon’s eye twitched, he could feel the fur on his back stiffen in fear as addreniline filled his small grey body, instinct helped a handicaped dragon onto his good leg, the two of them running/stumbling towards the entrance. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!!!!!!” Was all Gazimon could seem to repeat as if it were a metronome to his fast paced footsteps, slowed by an injured Veemon, who simply panted, his eyes wide with fear. The blue dragon thanked a higher force as he felt his thigh numb to the pain through a pure sense of survival. His head swiveled to the right checking Gazimon’s progress, just in time to witness him ducking under a metal brick which used to be part of the ceiling, He turned in farther to try and catch a glimpse of his rear veiw, although he wished he hadn’t. The path of destruction grew closer, as now even the floor rose to meet the invisible center where the sand and dirt and bricks of gold, silver, clay and stone was sucked into the nothingness of the earth where the path once lay. “JUMP!!!” Brought Veemon back to attention as he turned face forward, spotting the oncoming heap of debree crossing their path, at least a 2 feet high, as Veemon leaped a leap that would make an olympic sprinter jealous, Gazimon, in a sychronized fashion, not having as strong legs dived over the debree belly-down, tucking his head and summersault, losing little speed as he continued his escape.

   The timer in Gazimon’s mind counted downas he approached the exit to the tunnel, timing his dive. He saw out of the corner of the eye Veemon as he made the roll, finally leaning his weight forward to fall on his belly and ‘sledding’ under the doomed frame, pushing against the ground with the palms of his hands and raising himself to one knee, before kicking off the ground and continuing his sprint… at least that’s the way it should hae happened… Gazimon yelped in pain as the path more than litterily cracked, crossing the path, Perpedicular to the two Digimon, the half on the side of the entrance rising a full 2 inches, not enough to interupt the already air-born Veemon, but Gazimon yelped in pain as his foot painfully hit the solid stone and cold metal, tripping him onto his belly prematurely. He slid aimlessly through the collapsing structure, crying out in pain as he felt his right foot all but crushed by the doorway, near a fourth of a ton holding his furry foot to the cold stone ground. His eyes were wide with fear as the entrance room began to collapse, stones and large chunks of ceiling dropping to the ground, creating more obsticals for the two chosen Digimon. Veemon turned his head at the sound to his companions cry, dashing back to him, grabbing him under either arm and tugging, making Gazimon shreik in pain as his damaged appendage was yanked at. He clenched his teeth tight, tears budding at the corners of his eyes as he tried to ignore the pain, finding the concentration to press his good foot against the ground, pushing off, increasing the stinging pain in his undoubtably broken foot. A grunt of pain pushed it’s way from him as he made one last tug, his foot slipping from the rubble, Veemon stumbling backwards but holding his ground, supporting Gazimon from losing his balance as he wiped the tearlets from his eyes, turning his eyes down to his foot and gasping. The cat-like appendage was slightly twisted, blood dripping from various areas, and a nasty purple bruise covering two of the three toes. Veemon frowned at it, the rumbling growing louder. They still had to navigate the natural maze built by the fallen heaps of the once beautifully designed ceiling,  Veemon took the arm adjacent to his bad foot around his shoulder, assisting him as they went as fast as they could, Veemon supporting most of his weight.

They made their way into the maze as bricks fell around them from almost 3 stories up, each one certain death if they were to hit dead on. Both of them shivered with tire and addreniline, dripping with sweat, even in the cold, which seemed to get warmer as they approached the door. Gazimon stopped in his tracks, pulling back a gasping Veemon as the floor collapsed into a pit of darkness before them, creating a 4 foot long pit, the width stretching to either side of the path walled by story high ceiling chunks, the bottom of the pit couldn’t be seen. The ground began to vibrate harder as another chunk, near twice as big as those which walled them falled from the ceiling, making both Veemon and Gazimon scream out in fear, ducking and covering. A deafening thump on either side and the bottom of the huge new piece of ceiling had created a makeshift roof for the two makeshift walls which made their path, a crumbling sound was heard, as it was obvious the walls couldn’t support this top for long.

“We gotta make that jump!” Veemon walked to the edge, peering down, jogging back to Gazimon.

“I can’t jump that far with my foot like this!” Gazimon alerted the dragon. “Go on witho- GAH!” Gazimon couldn’t even finish his cliché’ sentence as Veemon hauled him over his shoulder, taking the same 3-point stance he would for his signature move, the Vee headbutt. Gazimon grunted in surprise as Vee kicked off the ground, dashing toward the edge, Long cracks in the walls forming, seemingly chasing the two as they sped for the pit. The back of the walls, next to where they stood only moments ago, finally gave way, collapsing inward, letting gravity take upon itself the burden of the roof chunk, letting it fall to the ground, emitting a loud thud, the forced-out air pushing a hurricane of sand against Veemon’s back and Gazimon’s face, making him clench his eyes shut in protection. Veemon held his breath as he bent his powerful legs, kicking off the edge of the ledge, shifting his weight forward, so for a split second, he was leaning over the edge. He clutched Gazimon tight, not so much for his safety, but because he himself was scared as crap. Airtime was approximately 4 seconds, Vee and Gaz could both swear it was at least 5 minutes. Veemom’s breath escaped him as he felt the balls of his feet hit the dusty ground, his heels hanging off the edge, as gravity and his sense of balance had a life or death duel. Gazimon bit his tongue as sand and pebbles fell from his heel upon the steep of the ledge into the pit. Veemon reached forward, just barely keeping his feet on the ground, regaining his sense of dexterity, stepping forward away from the cliff and gasping for breath, putting Gazimon down.

Without a chance even to thank the dragon for his heroic and daring deed of cunning, The rumbling increased in volume, near deafening to the sensitive ears of Lagamorphic Gazimon who covered them in pain, Signalling Veemon to keep going, as Gazimon made his way towards the next turn, hoping it lead to the exit of this nightmare. Sand and dust near coated his bad foot, the drying blood acting as an adhesive. Gazimon, fortunatly, like his tamer, was not quite suseptive to pain, he was actually rather tolerable of the uncomfortable sensation.

“C’mon Veemon, we’re almost out…” He rooted to the dragon, motioning for him to follow as Veemon nodded tiredly, slowly pushing back into a paced sprint as the rounded the corner, avoiding the bricks implanting themselves in the ground from a fall from the ceiling. Both pairs of eyes flashed with excitement as they rounded the corner, a beam of sunlight shown upon both of them from the sunrise outside the exit, a mere 40 yards or so away.

            Veemon and Gazimon litterily scrambling, Gazimon tripping slightly, falling to all fours for a few seconds before regaining his bipedalness.

“Look out!!” He stumbled to a stop as a shadow draped over over the two of them, before Gaz yelped with surprise, taking flight in the opposite direction, a deafening explosionesque sound from behind him making him jump in fright, finally stopping, Veemon ahead of him a few feet panting, as Gazimon shakily turned around, face to face with an almost upside-down tear-shaped hunk of ceiling pressed into the shattered stone and metal path, the slam echoing above the rumbling of the collapsing temple, small beams of sunlight peaking through the edges. Gazimon could feel panic over come his as his eyes frantically darted to and fro, for some, any kind of escape.

            Veemon frowned, clenching his fists. He wasn’t going to die, not now. Not when Gatomon lovedd him, not when he had been cold, exausted, parched and starving for near 25 hours, he wasn’t going to let this stupid temple beat him, not for anything. “C’mon!” He cried to the panicky Gazimon over the rumbling. “It’s not that tall, we can make it!!” Veemon intertwined his fingers, creating a makeshift lift for the young lagamorph who graciously excepted, dodging a falling cluster of bricks as he jogged as well as he could with his broken foot, hopping from his good foot to Veemon’s hands as the dragon took the weight, pulling upward, Gazimon going 5 feet into the air, his arms stretched up, a strange, tiny sense of releif coming to him as his hands grasped a good hold on the top of the rock, beginning to pull himself up, before he gasped, his eyes widening as he heard a louder rumble and Veemon scream, before his eyes near bulged, feeling all of Veemon’s weight shift directly to his delicate tail, making him yelp out in pain, looking down. The entire path behind them had landslided into the pit, making Veemon leap and reach for the nearest graspable object: Gazimon. “Gazimon, pull us up!!” He cried up to the direly in-pain lagamorph who’s jaw was clenched, one eye twitching, his grip tightening on the rock as he pulled at the rock, trying, after all they’ve been through, after this neo-obstical course that wasn’t fit for an olympian much less two rookie Digimon, to find the power, the energy within him to pull the two to safety.

            Gazimon felt like he was suffocating, he hadn’t done so much as sit down for the past 5 minutes of constant excersize. “ROWL!!” He snarled out in pain as a falling brick richocheted off the higher part of the chunk, crushing itself against the fingers of Gazimon’s left hand, making them curl up and retrude into his palm as he pulled his entire hand back incidently, leaving the lives of the two Digimon in 4 fingers.

“GAZIMON!! PULL US UP!!!” Panic was apparent in Veemon’s voice as Gazimon’s eyes slowly closed. He hummed quietly to himself as the music began to play. Guitars, an electric base, drums, all began to beat out a slow, steady melody, soon followed by vocals.

“I’m lookin’ at my watch… and all the time that’s been stolen… as I was carrying you… it seems I’ve tripped and I’ve fallen…” Gazimon’s eyes flashed with energy as they opened, He swung his unused arm up, grasping the rock once more, ignoring the pain in his tail as he clenched his teeth, somehow finding the strength to lift himself and Veemon, flexing his biceps as he darted his elbow up, supporting more of his weight, before his other elbow, then his knee, his entire leg, reaching his exausted left arm down the ledge of the cliff in an extended paw of offer, Veemon gratefully letting go of his tail with one hand, grasping his paw, Gazimon used himself as an anchor as Veemon climbed to safety via the new support, Gazimon falling to his back panting, his tail throbbing.

            “We can’t stop now, Gaz!!” Both their eyes bulged as they noticed a series of large web-like cracks spreading around them. Veemon’s face turned up to the exit, a mere 30 yards away, the stretch of ground before it now a series of pits , more of it collapsing by the moment, even part of the doorway itelf dropping into the dark unknown, going 30 seconds before a crack of contact is heard. “We’ll never make it…” Veemon hissed, terror running goosebumps over him as Gazimon stood up.

“WHAT’REWEGONNADO?!?” Gaz cried out to Veemon. “IDUNWANNADIE!!” he clutched his eyes, panic once again overcoming him.

“There’s nothing we can do…” Veemon’s soft voice could bearly be heard over the rumbing as he felt tears run down his face. “We were so close… I was so close…” he hunched himself, hugging his knees as Gazimon franticly searched for some form of

“ESCAPE!! WE GOTTA ESCAPE!!” His foot had gone numb, although he was now covered with bruises, and he was overcome with his last bits of adreniline. He gasped as he noted one of the banners, now coated in dust and mostly torn hung from one of the last bits of existing ceiling, the stone behind him and Veemon began to join the landslide in crumbling, Gazimon turned around, to his horror, the pressure was too great for the room, as, like the hall, sand and stone blasted inward from the walls, the huge room imploding towards them, a virtual déjà vu.

            Veemon stood up, his teeth clenched, his fists balled, his eyes glossy wet as he watched the inetible approach.

“Nothin’ t’lose…” He heard Gazimon say from behind him, feeling the lagamorphs furry arm wrap around his midsection, Veemon turning his head in confusion.

“Hey, what’re you- GAHHH!!!” He cried out in surprise as he was suddenly airborne, throwing one of his muscular blue arms around Gaz’ neck, turning himself to face forward as the two fell towards their untimely demise. Veemon’s blood curdling shreik of fear as they approached the pit didn’t deter Gazimon from his goal, as, nearing the entrance of cold darkness, Veemon could feel his stomache drop from the fall, praying for a quick death, gasping as the dropping sensation cut short, slowing itself into a flying sensation as their decent moved forward, Gazimon tugged on the banner to increase the speed of the swing, a charismatic smirk of victory coming over his dirtied face.

Behind the two, the rock crumbled, crushed at either side by the walls, the ceiling raining down in a storm of steel bricks, stones, tiles and sand with over 5 tons of temple.

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gazimon howled into the air as Veemon clutched onto him for dear life, his teeth clenched as he begged the digital gods to let them live through this. They had passed the vertex of the swing.

“WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT!!” Veemon cried with excitement as they approached the exit. “WE’RE GONN- OH )&@$!!” Their faces turned from joy to fear in less than a second as the left bronze statue, ever vigilant in it’s antigonism, tilted right from the pressure of the walls, slowly falling towards the door… Gazimon gasped as he felt the banner tear.


“VEEMON!!!!” Davis cried at the top of his lungs, his voice wavering from volume and strain, tears streaming down his cheeks. The walls were all but bursting out the mountain side, parts of the mountain litterily collapsing in on itself, crumbling and avalanching. “VEEMON NO!!!!!!!” he choked on the lump in his throat, Matt and Tai holding him as he desperatly tried to get to the temple.

“GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!” Joey cried, overprotective as always of his companion, as he more than litterily kicked violently at the head of the andoid who held him by either arm in mid air as Joey desperatly attempted to put 3 years of Karate training to good use, his feet bouncing off the ultimate digital andoid monster with barely a scratch.

Gatomon wailed with agony, holding Kari tightly, who was crying herself. 

Hawkmon clutched Yolei tightly, refusing to watch the horrible scene as the digidestined looked on in horror. The entire mountain seemed to rumble as pillars slowly collapsed upon themselves, some leaning over and shattering upon the ground like a cut birchwood tree. A massive cloud of dust rose over the temple like a field of grey-yellow shadow over the Temple of Odin. 

            The rumbling softened to a silence over a period of five minutes, finally closing to a silence, nothing but the sound of a few stones and some rubble clacking together, the dust swirling in the howling wind.

            Andromon stiffened slightly, cringing at the sight as he let the young man go, Joey’s hat falling off as he ran for the temple, side by side with Davis, the two slowing to a stop at what was once the entrance, coughing through the dust, more tears from fear than from irritation of the eyes. Davis fell to his knees at the edge of the rubble, gasping slightly with every breath, hyperventalating, while Joey clutched either side of his head with both hands.

            “This isn’t happening…” He whispered to himself, shaking. The lump in his throat growing like a tumor surrounded by plutonium. His sadness slowly turned to fury and rage as his soul was overcome with the darkness of blame. “YOU…” The boy snarled like a beast, fire in his eyes as he turned to Davis, who looked up at him, his own eyes filled with fear and pain. “IT WAS YOUR DIGIMON THAT WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO GET TRAPPED IN THERE!! GAZIMON WENT IN THERE FOR HIM AND NOW THEY’RE BOTH GONE!!!” He stuttered, his fists balling, his adreniline rising. “THEY’RE GONE, YOU HEAR ME?!? DEAD!!!” He cried out, choking on his words as Davis shook his head slowly, his face twisted with agony, crying. Joey seemed to calm a bit. “Do you have any idea what I’m going to do to you…” he took a step forward, about to take his best friend’s death out on the young digidestined leader, who tried to stand with shaky legs, falling to his back, face forward with the infuriated digidestined of Wisdom, desperate for an answer to the unanswerable question of why he or his Digimon deserved what they got.

            Pumped with adreniline, Joey pulled his fist back, his other hand taking Davis by the collar as the digidestined gasped, Tai, Matt and Joe running up the hill to hopefully stop the violence as Gatomon wailed louder, clutching Kari tighter.

            Joey stoped, gasping with surprise as he felt his fist held in place.

“Sith Lord, the boy does not deserve death…” A familiar raspy voice coughed out, Joey’s head immediately turning to the badly injured lagamorph which was his own best friend, crawling from the rubble.

“My padawan!!” The young man about faced, more tears roaming down his cheeks as he spread his arms to Gazimon, dropping Davis on his tuckus.

“Mi Amigo!”

“Mi Hermano!!!”

The two embraced in a tight hug, both falling onto the grass and laughing, Joey rubbing the little rapscallion’s fuzzy head.

“My dark lil’ familiar!”

“My narccistic advocate!”

“My poor head…” Veemon whined as he clutched the throbbing lump on his hard noggin, standing shakily as Davis gasped with happiness, all but tackling the little Digimon to the floor. “Not so rough, buddy!” Veemon chuckled as Davis hugged him tightly.

“I was so scared…” the boy whispered, pressing his cheek against Veemon’s, who couldn’t help but tear up a bit at the moment, hugging him back.

“Relax Davis, I wouldn’t leave you alone for a second…” He grinned broadly. As the rest of the digidestined reached the top of the hill.

“They’re alive…. It’s a miracle!!” Hawkmon cried, running to Veemon and hugging him as well, wiping his eyes with one wing.

“Well I’ll be damned…” Agumon and Gabumon both smiled, the entire group beginning to laugh and most of them drying their moist eyes.

“GET OUTTA MY WAY!!!” Gatomon cried happily, pouncing Veemon and sending them both sliding about 4 feet away as she started planting kisses over his face like machine gun fire, making his giggle and wrap his arms around the thankful kitty. “Don’t you ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER scare me like that again, Veemon!!” She hissed sternly, taking only a moment to stop kissing him so she could begin grooming the injured dragon. Despite it all, Patamon couldn’t help but giggle and smile. Everyone was safe and happy, and that was what really mattered…

“JoeyJoeyJoey!! Guess what!! I did it!!”

“What? What did you do?” The coated lad sat down, still holding Gaz in his lap.

“I reached my musical center like you said!! I just relaxed, and suddenly this music started playing and it was like I was completely rejuvinated!! It was awesome!!”

“Gazimon, relax! You really got banged up… HOLY…” He stopped himself as he spotted Gazimon’s foot, caked with dry blood and sand and dust clinging to it. It was only an accessory along with wound on his chest and the various scratches, thin and thick coverering his body.

“Here…” the Kido boy and local nurse knelt down beside him, pulling out several medical supplies.

Gazimon smiled, lifting his hand to touch the bandages on Joey’s head. “Are you-“

“I’ll be fine… I’m a tough guy, remember?” Gazimon nodded happily as Joey gratefully took his fadora from a releived Kari, pulling it onto his scalp.


            Xenamon clutched her legs close to her body. She had been gone for hours, she couldn’t help but wonder at the back of her mind how it all turned out… but her concious was more focused. Her new partner was nothing but a dummy, purely to fool herself into beleiving everything was alright, she admitted this now. She knew she had to face Adam, she couldn’t take it anymore. It was torment, pure and simple. She was seperated from the man she was afraid of… the man she needed more than any other man on earth. It was a vicious cycle… but damned if she’d let it continue.

“Hey there…”
Xenamon squeaked in surprise, her powerful sense of hearing obviously quelled by her current state of mind.

“Gazimon!” She wiped her eyes, not wanting to be seen like this. “I… I just… had something in my eyes…”

The lagamorph of wisdom stepped from the bushes, a few bandages around his arms and torso, along with one around one ear and his forehead, He had a light cast on his foot he seemed to be fine walking on as long as he didn’t go too fast.

“You don’t seem much too surprised to see me…” he observed, giving his charismatic Gazimon smile.

“Well I… knew you’d come out alright… Prophecy…”

He was actually quite shocked at how broken her sentences were, in comparason to her usual cold, solid and straightforward tone. He sat down across from her as she pretended to occupy herself studying her tail fur, picking out twigs and splinters from the fine saphire surface.

“I’m sorry you went through that…” Gazimon said softly, shifting a bit so he wouldn’t lean on his cast.

“What?” She asked, making eye contact with him, quickly realising her mistake; her eyes were still red, she quickly turned them away, blushing slightly, trying to act as if nothing happened.

“Whatever happened to you… it must have been terrible.”

Xenamon gasped softly at his words, feeling a small lump in her throat.

“What… makes you think something terrible happened…?” She asked, her voice a lighter, more unfocused tone than her usual furry terminator bit.

“The way you saw me when… those things… well… the way you looked at me… you were crying…”

“Was I?” She replied rather quickly as if she didn’t know what he was talking about, the lump growing a little stronger. “Perhaps some wind got into my eyes… Or perhaps your vision was foggy from crying yourself…” She obviously tried to put him off a bit to questioning her, referencing to him. He didn’t let it deter him.

“I’m sure of it. You saw something in me, other than myself… you saw you, didn’t you? You’ve been violated… horribly.” Gazimon diagnosed, looking her in the eyes, she tried to fight the tears that coated her pupils in an almost invisible layer of protection. She dared not to speak, for her willpower might shatter, she might break down… she wouldn’t, she couldn’t… not in front of anybody. Not in front of him. “I’m sorry you’ve been through that…” Gazimon whispered. “But it’s not going to leave you alone, no matter what you do… not if it still hurts this much. You have to confront it, you know that, you’ve known it for a long while.”

Xenamon didn’t reply, simply lowered her eyes from his soulful gaze, warm tears rolling down her furry cheeks. She didn’t stop them this time, she wanted to hear what he had to say. “You also know what you have to do… I don’t, and nobody else does, but you sure as hell do.”

She finally let out a choke, her lump releasing as she let out a soft whining cry, leaning forward against Gazimon as her stroked her head soothingly. He leaned against the tree behind him, stroking her head, gently running his fingers up her snout. “I’m sorry…” He cooed, attempting to comfort her, she rested her face against his chest.

“No… you’re right…” She sniffed, sitting up. “Thank you Gazimon… you really are wise…”

Despite all, he couldn’t help but smile to this comment, blushing slightly and rubbing the back of his head, mumbling something unintelligable in thanks. He gasped as she gave him a small peck on the cheek, standing and wiping her tears as he blushed something terrible. “Are you coming?”


            “I see you are unsuccessful in your quest…” A calm voice spoke from behind the gathered digidestined as all heads turned towards the familiar young face of Gennai. Small gasps of surprise and shock went around the group as he slowly walked between them, any digidestined instantly moving out of the way for the omnicious caretaker of the realm, letting him reach the center of the group.

“Unsuccessful?” Tai asked, raising one eyebrow. Andromon nodded.

“Veemon’s purpose was unfulfilled… he did not obtain the runes…”

“Runes? What runes? What are you talking about?” Davis frowned, holding protectively to his bandaged Digimon, Gatomon and Hawkmon by his side.

“You’ve been through the womb and beyond, and still you know not of why you journeyed…? The Digimon emperor is on a mission to obtain the 13 runes, which would give him infinite amounts of power for not only his base, but to power the shadow gears… have you not heard this?”

“I have…” Izzy nodded. “I thought it would be best to wait…”

“There shall be no more waiting.” Gennai actually sounded somewhat irritated at the situation at hand. “The digidestined must protect the Digiworld at all costs.”

Izzy nodded respectfully, turning head to the crew of young and old chosen children and digital monsters.

“I’m sorry I hadn’t told you sooner why we needed to get into this temple… Listen carfully, this is the most important assignment we’ve ever faced. Over two million years ago, the powerful king of the digital gods, Odin, feared his own downfall, he was very paranoid that way… He embezzled the energies of the Digital World for more than fifteen millenia, collecting them into thirteen runes known as the Runes of Odin, which, if for any reason he should fall, he could take the power of the runes and be more powerful than ever before…”

“Woah, just a second…” Davis interupted. “2 million years? 15 milleniums?” He mispronounced, interupting. “I thought the Digital World was made of electronic data and stuff! I mean, that kind of stuff didn’t even come around until like, the 50s, right?”

“80s, but you bring up a good point Davis… even with the incredible time difference between the digital and the real world until recently, The Digiworld wouldn’t have been around that long…  I have a theory… the Digital World hasn’t always been digital.” The crowd errupted into conversation, shushed by a curious Gennai.

“Let him finish…”

“I believe the Digital World was not in fact based on digital information, but the electronic brain pulses dished out at extrodinary amounts daily from the entire planet. Now one or two people couldn’t create physical being in another world, it would in fact take millions, even billions of people before something could be created out of pure belief.”

“In english Izzy?” Matt crossed his arms impatiently. The redheaded genius sighed.

“The first Digimon were the collected beleifs of mythical creatures and gods, which is why many powerful and ancient Digimon mirror religeous or mythical figures!” More conversation buzzed before another shush from Gennai silenced them.

“But what about all the computer based Digimon? And the ones based on normal animals? And the ones who don’t seem to be based on anything at all?” Tai asked, scritching his temple.

“I’m getting to that, if you don’t mind…” Izzy rolled his eyes. “This world was created based on popular belief of fact, and that included things that they knew as fact, as they knew the gods were fact. They knew cats existed,” He motioned to Gatomon. “They knew wolves existed,” He motioned to Gabumon. “But for hundreds of years, they also ‘knew’ Dragons existed,” He motioned to Veemon. “And Angels.” He finally laid hand at Patamon before lowering it.

“And the random ones?” Cody asked.

“Pure imagination. Take the creative monsters drawn and imagined around the world by millions of children and storytellers and artists, combine them all, find an average, there’s your Wargreymon, there’s your Birdramon, there’s your metaletamon.”

“I see… All Digimon were created out of popular belief?” TK tilted his head as Izzy shook his finger.

“Not all Digimon.” He patted Andromon’s shoulder. “The history of the Digital World can be divided into before and after the digital revolution, the diversity of Digimon must have increased by hundreds… suddenly, modern ideas, robots, computers, vehicles, guns, it no longer needed mass belief, it could be input into pure data which would directly be inserted into the Digital World.

“Wait, I don’t understand, what does-“

“Digital information is nothing but a few numbers that represent ideas, but myths and beleifs are nothing but words that represent ideas; they exist on the same plane of reality.”

“Well then why did it take millions to make one type of Digimon exist with myths but not half as much with digital information?” Yolei asked.

“Digital information is pure, it’s concentrated, it’s unrelenting. The human mind, for everything we think, part of ourselves deny it. No matter how religeous any man or woman is, at some point in their life, subconciously or not, they will question their belief in god or the gods, or wonder if other religeons are correct… Digital information is thoughts that think what they’re told to think. They can’t question themselves.”

“That’s… genius….” Yolei muttered to herself in surprise of the theory (Which is actually mine, thank you very much -Jodan), as she realised the simplicity of it. “But… why couldn’t children reach the Digital World before?” TK asked, rubbing his chin in thought.

“Well, Like I said, the Digital World couldn’t be easily accessed until the success of digital code… with enough information on one database, say that of a university or even a government, a new Digimon or digital entity could be established, simply because all of the hard drive worked itself in perfect unison, like any computer, except at an incredible rate. Now with the revolution of the internet, thousands, millions of computers would run the exact same programs and codes in unison, imagine how much code would be used at once!”

“Enough to-“

“Support physical matter transfer.” Izzy nodded, smiling.

“So children could never reach the Digital World because of access impossibility?”

“Yes, it would be impossible… unless, I suppose…”

“The gods themselves intervened.” Gennai finished, making all eyes turn to the Obi-wan-esque young man. Conversation once again buzzed about the group as Izzy gasped, covering his mouth in realization.


“It’s not what you think, young Izumi.” Gennai shook his head, smiling. “It’s true, no living man or woman could be transferred through the worldly boundry…” His eyes seemed to transfix themselves miles away.

“Then how did you-“

“Izzy, when asked me whether I was human or Digimon,”

“You said you were neither. You’re a digital essence.”

“I’m afraid that’s where you’re wrong, young scribe.” Gennai smiled, looking him in the eyes.

“No LIVING man or woman could be transferred from the real to the Digital World… but the two once shared a common realm.”

“You mean-“ Izzy’s eyebrows raised with surprise.

“Me and 3 other young men, and one woman. None of us remembered our short lives in the real world, although we were assured our ends were natural… we were reborn into the Digital World.”

“So… you’re a human… reborn digitally?” Izzy sounded fascinated as the group listened with a strong, quiet awe. Gennai shook his finger.

“Not exactly, Izzy. To be born, one must be grown, hatched, or birthed by a parent.”

“Well, how were you… I mean… what happened?” Sora frowned, trying to think of an alternative.

“This is the Digital World, Sora, there’s always an alternative to the laws of nature… the digital god Kvasir chose the original digidestined from the nether realm after they met untimely fates at the median age of eleven… the standard, as you might have noticed, for every generation of digidestined since.”

“Why is that Gennai?” Cody asked, looking up to the young man’s face as he smiled, Joey squatting in the background, pretending not to listen to the boring guy who looked like he came out of a bad Star Wars prequel.

“I’m not sure… I never had a chance to ask… I was one of five children, as I said, me, my good friend, the digidestined of courage, Loki, and the digidestined of Power, Regin.”

“You were a digidestined??” Izzy gasped with surprise. Gennai smiled.

“One of the original quintet.” He smiled, fishing something out of his robes, attached to a chain around his neck. The digidestined Gasped, Joey standing up and turning around to see what all the fuss was about. He could feel his own Jaw drop.

“That’s… That’s…” Joey stuttered, reaching into his coat and pulling out the carved tablet he had been presented with the faithful day he met his lifetime companion near 4 years ago.

“We share a common trait, young Joseph… Although I wished you’d try harder to exhibit it…” He chuckled.

“Wait, you said there were five…” TK spoke up.

“Indeed, Takeru, you are correct.” Gennai sighed, letting his crest go to dangle upon its lustrous chain. “The digidestined were in fact divided into two groups… the bearers of the angelic presence, and those issued to guard the bearers… We, of course, were the guardians. The bearers themselves were children chosen with integrity such that they could withstand the holy powers of a disciple of one of the gods themselves. Only two crests were pure enough to contain these powers…” He rotated his body, motioning to TK and Kari. “Hope and Light.”

“Shoulda’ figured…” Tai muttered under his breath, smiling slightly as Davis hugged Veemon more, not even caring that once again the fates were against his boinking Kari some faithful day.

“While the guardian digidestined, such as all of yourselves,” Gennai swept his arm over the group excluding Kari and TK. “Have been chosen individually for strengths you had yet to develop, only young Hikari and Takeru here are reincarnates of the two original digidestined of hope and light.”

“So they contain the power of angels?” Izzy pondered to Gennai.

“Yes… Of course, they’ll need to survive long enough to learn how to use them…” The group gasped, hisses and quiet comments were murmured about. “The journey ahead is a long one… I’m afraid only the purest digidestined will be able to face it.”

“Purest?” Sora asked.

“Of course… the original quintet. Bearer of Courage,” Davis’ face snapped to his attention to Gennai’s. “Bearer of Wisdom,” Joey about faced from starring up at the sky, frowning slightly. “And the two most essential digidestined… Reincarnates of Hope and Light.” Kari and TK looked to each other nervously, Gatomon clutching Veemon slightly tighter with a nervous fear of what was to come.

“Hold on, what about the rest of us?” Tai frowned. “I refuse to stand by and let my sister go on a dangerous quest like this without me!”

“I want to help too!” Joe stepped up.

“And me as well.” Cody too joined.

“I’m afraid, my friends, there is a reason Davis must go without you.” Gennai nodded solemnly. “After years of defending the Digital world from great evils, we five wanted the future generation of digidestined, for whom we were in the process of created digimon for, we decided that the job was too much for five digidestined alone… For all the crests we, with the power of the angels, divided them into subcategories. We were foolish… it wouldn’t in fact decrease the amount of hardships digidestined would go through, for although there were more… hundreds now… they would each be weaker. In the end, only 3 pure crests were left, that of Wisdom, that of Power and that of Courage. The original three.”

“But I have the crest of courage!” Tai protested.

“I was getting to that, young leader… You see, I learned from the crusade of the dark masters… the guardian digidestined were all but obliterated… I could no longer keep subcategories separated… the next threat that came along, I was sure not to make the same mistake twice. I had to have my digidestined stronger, more powerful… I needed to start recombining the separated crests. I’m afraid, Tai, the crest you hold is not pure Courage… I believe Loki so rationally named it ‘Courage Minor’.”

“MINOR??” Tai obviously didn’t know whether to be more confused or offended… he picked the earlier of the two.

“Courage Minor was half of my friend and teammate Loki’s Crest, Courage Major, or so he called it after dividing it into Courage Minor and friendship.”

“But I have both those crests!” Davis exclaimed, all eyes turning to him for a good 20 seconds, waiting for him to figure it out. “Ooooooooohhhhhh……..”

“I didn’t choose Davis for his mind, not to worry.” Gennai chuckled.

“Just a moment, you said there were 5 crests, but there are only 4 ‘pure’ digidestined here…” Izzy pointed out.

“Observant as always, Izumi… I believe you’ll find the fifth one in Chicago.” Gennai stated bluntly as he began to walk off.

“Chicago?” Izzy scratched his head as the young Gennai seemed to vanish into the mist. “Hey, just a second! Come back!!” Izzy shouted.

“Find the crests, young digidestined, but remember, only the five and their digimon have enough of the original powers to continue and retrieve them!” The wise man was already gone.

“My grand old partner… he’ll never change…” Andromon grinned as those who heard him speak softly gasped.

“What about Chicago?” Joey and Davis turned around To Gazimon, a smile and slight blush over his face, his paw intertwined with that of a blushing Xenamon.

“Chicago…?” Xenamon whispered, panic slowly raising from her chest.

Glances were exchanged between Joey and Davis.

“I sure as hell I ain’t repeatin’ all that….” Joey simply muttered, putting up both hands defensively as Davis sighed. He knew their next objective. And he had a feeling Xenamon wouldn’t like it one bit.

“Huh boy…” he sighed.



To Be Continued...

(But not by me)


Jodan: There! It’s finally done! I’m quite sorry it took so long for all those who got annoyed with me waiting…

Gazimon: *Pats Jodan on back* There, there, these people are just insensitive and cruel.

Jodan: Yeah, just the way we like ‘em. Now, on a serious note, I brought up a lot of pretty radical theories, and anyone is free to use any of them, JUST SO LONG AS YOU CONTACT ME AND TELL ME BEFORE POSTING. Otherwise, I’ll have no choice but to round up a band of popular authors such as Red Rover and Sonimon and shame you by writing urine fetish lemons between you and Ogremon.


Jodan: Harsh, it seems, but I show no mercy for plagurists.Until then, Lemon fans!

Gazimon: May your dreams be rich with semen!