Chapter Two: New Heroes

Taichi Kamiya awoke with a start as something heavy landed on his head.
“Uh…” he groaned feebly.
“Get up, Tai,” said Kari, flatly.
“Why?” groaned Tai, awoken from a particularly good dream about Sora Takenouchi, his girlfriend for almost a year now.
“Because it’s the first day of school and class begins in an hour.”
Tai grumbled something almost inaudible, but it sounded suspiciously like, ‘fucking educational system’.
“Language, Taichi,” said Kari disapprovingly.
Tai shoved the heavy object (his backpack) off his head and looked at Kari with nothing but loathing.
“Leave the room so I can change,” he growled.
Kari ‘humph’-ed and left.
Tai got up and pulled on a blue t-shirt and a pair of worn, dark brown khakis.  He then put on his traditional goggles and socks.  He grabbed his backpack, slung one strap over a shoulder, and left the room.
“Glad to see you’re awake,” said his mom.
Tai grunted.
“I made you a nice hearty breakfast for your first day of senior year,” she said cheerfully and oblivious to the daggers Tai was shooting her.
Kari was already sitting at the table, chewing on a strip of bacon and glaring at her older brother.
Tai sat grabbed a plate, heaped it tall with pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and sat down to eat.  He inhaled the bacon swiftly, devoured the bacon, and doused his pancakes with syrup before eating them faster than a Meramon burns toast.  Kari stared in awe of this awesome display of speed eating.
“Well, I gotta go.  I have to find my new classes,” grumbled Tai.
He got up from the chair and left, slamming the door, irritated.
-A Half-Hour Later-
Tai walked into his home-room class, History.
‘Great, History.  Maybe I can catch up on my sleep.’
He looked around and saw, to his surprise, Sora, Matt, Izzy, and Mimi.  There were also a few others he didn’t know.  The class was kind of small, and he figured only 25.
He walked over to his fellow Digidestined friends.
“Hey guys!” he said, glad to see them.  Maybe History wouldn’t be so bad.
“Tai, man!” said Matt.
“Hey, babe,” said Sora, running forward to kiss him on the cheek.
“Hey, my little honey,” said Tai, snaking his arms around her waist.
“Hey!  You two!  PDA!” yelled someone.
Tai whirled to glare at the person.  He saw a group of 3, all guys, and one of them, the one in the middle, was looking cross.
“You say something?” asked Tai, agitated again.
“Yeah, big hair!” said the guy in the middle.  He was wearing a black baseball cap, a black t-shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket.
“Well why don’t you say it to my face!” snarled Tai.
The guy stood up, and so did his friends.  One was tall and skinny, wearing a brown t-shirt and green khakis.  The other was shorter, wearing a white shirt and a Camo jacket, as well as jeans.  The three walked over, and the leader stared eye-to-eye with Tai.
“Why don’t you two cool down before we have to get the hose?” he snarled.
“Why don’t you,” Tai said, shoving the guy back.  “Mind your own damn business!”
“That a challenge, goggles?” asked the guy.
“You wanna make it one, hat boy?” growled Tai.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tai noticed three girls look over.  One shook her head in a, ‘not again’, fashion and the trio rushed over.
The girl who shook her head, a pretty red-head with glasses, put her arm in front of the guy.
“You’ll have to excuse my friend here,” she said, sounding irritated at him.  “He’s afraid his girlfriend doesn’t share this class, so he may be feeling inadequate.”
“Inadequate my ass!” he snorted.
Suddenly, the door opened.  A girl in an orange sweatshirt and faded jeans walked in.  She was slender, and had blonde hair up in a ponytail.  She looked around, as if looking for someone.
“Uh, Paige!” said the guy.  He instantly forgot about Tai and rushed over to her.
“See?” said the redhead, cocking an eyebrow.  “By the way, my name’s Alyssa.  These are my idiot friend, Anthony, Pete, and that was Tenkazu.”
She identified the tall one as Pete and the short one as Anthony.
“These two behind me are Anna and Hannah.”
She pointed to the other two.  Hannah was a short, skinny girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.  She was wearing a pink shirt and brown pants.  The other, Anna, was taller and had short, face-framing brown hair and green eyes.  She was wearing a brightly colored rainbow shirt and jeans.
“I’m Tai, and these are Sora, Matt, Izzy, and Mimi,” Tai said, pointing to each in turn.
“Glad to meet you,” said Alyssa.
“Same here,” said Hannah.
“It’s good know that not all people are morons,” said Anna.
Anthony and Pete grunted.
Tenkazu walked over, his arm around the girl’s waist.
“Sorry about the way I acted,” he mumbled.  “Alyssa was right, but now I’m cool,” he said, rather sheepishly.
“If you didn’t know,” said the girl.  “My idiot boyfriend’s name is Tenkazu.  I’m Paige,” she said, warmly.
“I’m Tai,” said Tai, again.  “This is Sora, Matt, Izzy, and Mimi.  The rest of us have been introduced.”
“I’m charmed,” she said.  She elbowed Tenkazu is the ribs.
“Ow!  Oh, right, glad to meet you too, I guess.”
Then, the door opened again.  The entire male population of the room, in unison, looked over.
One of the hottest women ever walked into the room.  She was wearing tight black pants and an excruciatingly tight lavender top.  Her dirty blonde hair was long, reaching down to the middle of her back, and her eyes were bright pink.  She was wearing black high-heels that clicked across the floor.
All the men in the room felt their jaws drop, as well as their blood.
The women also turned to look, and fire blazed in their eyes.  Paige and Sora dumb-slapped (slapping the back of someone’s head) their respective boyfriends; Mimi did the same to Izzy and Matt, and Hannah and Anna both dumb-slapped Anthony and Pete, respectively.  The sounds of slaps could be heard elsewhere in the room as well.
“Well, ladies and gentlemen, shall we begin class?” the woman asked.
The men instantly sat down, but the women lingered to glare.
“I’ll begin with role call.  Tai Kamiya?”
Tai nodded dumbly and raised his hand.
“Sora Takenouchi?”
Sora glared at the teacher, and raised her hand as well.
She went down the list.  Men shakily raised their hands, staring dumbfounded, and the girls glared and let their presence be known.
“Well, now that I know your names,” she said.  “I shall introduce myself.  I am Miss Yuwaku, and I’ll be teaching you History.”
-1 Hour Later-
The class filed out.  The guys seemed to want to stay, but the women dragged them out.
“How could you just sit there like that!” snarled Paige.
“Well, I had to.  It was class,” said Tenkazu, calmly.
“You know what I mean, smartass!” raged Paige.
Tenkazu gulped.
“I outta cut it off!” she said in a low growl.
“No!” Tenkazu squeaked, his eyes wide.  He instantly clasped his hands over his crotch.
“Then you better stop drooling over our teacher,” she snarled.
The rest of the guys (Tai, Matt, Izzy, Pete, and Anthony) laughed at the spectacle.
“Don’t think you’re getting off the hook so easily,” growled each of the girls.
For the rest of the day, none of the girls would speak to any of the guys.

Sorry, no lemon this time.  But I’m already in the process of writing Tai’s punishment, which should make up for it.