Hoy there my fellow Digimon lovers! AgumonGugu here, a new and beginning author of Digimon lemons. Yeah, I guess you’ve seen some others with a name like mine, but I must admit, it’s quite catchy, hehe.



I do not own Digimon. You must be 18 or older to read, for it contains Yaoi. Please don’t get offended or don’t read at all. Blah blah blah, now read, lol... or not.




   The One In My




Part 1


By AgumonGugu


            It was a rainy day in the Digital World. The sky was dark and the rain fell lightly, as if the sky was weeping for a fallen Digimon. The forest loved the rain and drank from the sky feeding off these tears and taking life from them. The air smelled fragrant, like a forest's breath. You could smell every natural foresty scent that came about. The rain had unlocked them.


            A rouge Digimon wandered these forests during this rainfall. He was a Veemon, a blue and scaley dragon-like creature, who had big red eyes and two long spires who many mistake for ears or horns. Really, it's just a part of the Digimon that gives it looks.


            The rain continued to fall. It fell on Veemon and traced his smooth scaley body. It felt good to be out on a gentle day like this. He continued to walk untill he found a nice cool forest pond where he stopped and rested for a short while. He had been walking since he woke up. He closed his eyes and took a nice drink from the pond. He had forgotten how nice it was to be in a forest, since he was traveling through the desert and plains for awhile now. He was searching, for what he did not know, untill he got up from his drink. He opened his eyes and looked in the water. He could not believe his eyes. He saw the very thing he was longing for. A figure that looked to be human, but felt so much like a Veemon that it tricked his eyes into being one too. "I wish I had someone just like me", he muttered. He got stood and walked around. He saw many other Digimon and their carefree attitudes. Some were playing with one another, others just happy to be alive, and some were in love with each other, kissing and groping. Veemon was annoyed by this. "I see many different forms of Digimon and some have more than one of thier kind. I wish I could meet another like me." He continued to walk, through the forest, in the light rain.


            Veemon tried his best to ignore those around him. It was usually quiet in the forest except for the occasional laughing and playing Digimon. He wanted to get away from all this that made him jealous. He had heard of a forest that Digimon feared because unknown things happend in it. Digimon would wind up killed, mutilated, or would just dissapear in it. Veemon didn't care. If he died, at least it would end him of his pain. If he lived to tell the tale, he'd probably become famous, or find out the mystery of that forest. Either way, it sounded better than what he was dealing with.


            He took off towards that forest with but only his instincts to guide him. It was a days journy but he made it before dusk the next day. He took a good look at it. It was mossy and smelled like a swamp. Rain was a frequent thing in this area it seemed. It still rained lightly. The forest was just outside a small moutain pass. It was guarded by two fallen trees that criss-crossed each other in an X fashion. He was just big enough that he didn't have to duck while entering. There wasn't a Digimon in sight as he expected. Though this forest didn't have the enchanted feeling the previous one had, Veemon still felt that he could make his home here in peace from the world that made him feel inferior. He walked deeper into the forest and sensed no danger at all. Just when he was feeling satisfied, his head started to hurt. He could hear a male voice inside. "Who dares to enter my forest?" Before Veemon could say anything more than his name, the voice then said. "Leave my forest now and no harm shall befall you." boomed the voice inside Veemon's head. "Maybe you could help me?" "Help you? How can a creature such as me, made to harm, and cursed to being only able to survive in this forest, help you?" "I am searching for another like me. Have you seen-" "No. Now leave."


            Veemon was hopeless at hearing this. If he went back into the rest of the world, he would slowly die each day at heartbreak - No. He would die of only having half of one. He needed another like him to be complete. - "May I live in this forest with you? I despise the rest of the world. I was created alone to be alone. I am small and insignificant to you so I won't be much of a bother." The creature thought about this for a while. "I'm sorry. I treasure each and every space in this forest, for it is all I have to hold to. But there is something I can do. Normally, I'd kill those who ask too much questions and refuse to leave, but you aren't comming in here to pass my mountain pass or look for Digimon to play with like the rest, so I'll offer you a choice. I can transport you into another dimension with one of my attacks, or I can kill you and you'll be reborn as a baby Digimon with new memories and a different code and you won't be troubled by these feelings anymore." Something struck the little Veemon just then. He wanted to rid himself of the pain, but strangely enough he wanted to fullfill these feelings. Perhaps he could continue this journy elsewhere. "Take me from this world, I wish to continue my search across time and space." A brief pause. "Very well them" said the voice. Then he heard a faraway voice that wasn't in his head yell "Hand of Exile!"


            Veemon started to levitate and spin around in circles. His eyes got big and his mouth opened wide because this was such a shock to him. A black shadow crept out of the trees and took an ectoplasmic form. It was a black hand. The last thing Veemon saw, was the hand comming at his face, all fingers outstreched. Then everything went pitch black...


"Who are you?"




"Where am I?"


"That has yet to be revealed to you."


"What should I do?"


"Follow your heart."





            It was another lazy week. A kid named Leon, about 17 years old, was gazing at all his dragon collection. He had dragon statues ranging from 10 cm to his biggest which is 2 ft tall and 1 ft wide. Dragons have always been in his life. Since he was old enough to play cards (not just any cards) he was into them. He had an obsession with reptilian creatures. He loved the smoothness of their scales and their slender snouts with that cute tounge that pops out and tickles when it touches you. (Ok, so maybe alittle too obsessed? Nahh.)


            Leon never missed an episode of Digimon. The specific dragon in this show that had his eye was Veemon, who was cute, but could Digivolve into something much more attractive and powerful, Flamedramon. His blue, scaley reptillian body was always something to be amazed at. It wasn't only the looks that caught his eye, though they made up 75% of why Leon loved him, but the personality. Leon liked the fact that Flamedramon was with the Crest of Courage. He admired Flamedramon's deep, beautiful, sexy voice. He wished that he and Flamedramon shared an unbreakable bond together - that Flamedramon was actually real. Actually, he knew that even if in another dimension, he was real, but he wanted him here. This made Leon sound gay. It was half true. He had never actually been on a date with a girl because it wasn't in his best interests, and because he was too lazy and shy. Heck, he was even a virgin. He'd always ask girls who wanted him if they could just be friends instead and it worked most of the time. He was also “bi” because of the fact that he "liked" Flamedramon.


            Leon made eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice for breakfast. It was his usuall breakfast and a great one too. He had work that day, which was a friday, and it was going to be a full moon that night, which was an invigorating thing to see. On his way back from work, riding his bike, which was at , he felt something strange in the air; like a static or some kind of invisible web. And the air smelled funny... no, after a second whiff, it smelled beautiful; nerve calming. He wanted to stop along the bike path and inhale his surroundings. Something special was going on and he could feel it in his heart. Maybe it was nature, maybe it had been awhile since he smelled clean air, or maybe it was the lovely smell of spring. But then he realized he was there for 10 minutes and left for home.




            Veemon awoke on the ground in an area that seemed to be a forest. He rubbed his eyes and realized that there was an overused dirt path in it. He followed it untill it intersected a concrete path. He took a left and followed it for a few meters untill it interesected another concrete path. There, he took a right untill he could take his next left. Following that path, it led him to a long black road that had many houses facing it, many with lights and strange devices parked out in the front.


            It was unfamiliar in this realm. He had no idea where to start searching. He was lost in this world, and wished he would have chosen death instead. He took a right at the black road and followed it. "This place is weird! I hope the creatures here are friendly." then he took his next right down a darker road. Following it and ignoring two roads that turned off it, he noticed a house. It had many pine trees and a single car parked out in front. "I think I'll rest here, but how would I approach this place?" He went around to the back of the house, opening a gate to get back there, and nearly running into a wire fence. "Who are they trying to keep out?" he thought, while pushing it aside and continuing on. He smelled a strange scent comming from over a nearby fence that reminded him of a Gabumon. "Hey you, Gabumon!" He ran toward the scent and peeked over the fence, but it wasn't what he thought it was. It barked at him like it wanted to tear him to shreds. It ran at the Veemon. "Ahhh!!!!" Veemon ran as fast as he could away from the fence untill he reached some grass, the creature losing interest in the Veemon so it stopped. Cold, lost, scared and aggrivated, Veemon sat down in the grass. He wanted to cry, but he was too scared to make a sound.


            Just then, a light came on and someone stepped out of the house. "What's that dog yapping about now? It's probably a coon or something. He's gonna wake my parents up!" The teenager took some steps off his back porch and down into the grass. He saw something blue sitting in the grass.


            Veemon was too scared to run. He was literally frozen in fear. All his muscles were tensed up into an almost rigomortis-like state. His eyes were shut and his hands were over them. The teenager touched the Veemon and then picked him up. "Intriguing... A Veemon lawn ornament! I think I'll keep it in my room"


            Leon, the teenager, took him indoors, went across a few rooms and a hallway, and into his room. He set the Veemon, still frozen in a crouched position, right on his bed. Veemon suddenly became warm. Whoever was touching him was giving him a warm feeling. His fear slowly faded. His muscles were softening and his tail dropped to the bed. Leon was admiring the Veemon. He slid his fingers all around the Veemon. "This thing is so real! I wonder if I can get a Guilmon one too." Leon's touch was too much for him to hold his position and he uncurled and jumped to his feet. They bothed were startled by this. Veemon at the fact that he is seeing a being that he never seen before, and Leon at the face that his dream was comming to life before his eyes.


            Leon just stared in awe. Normally something like this would make him freak out. "Can this possibly be real?" Leon said under his breath. Veemon didn't know what to say, other than, "Hello there, being." Leon just wanted to shoot a barrage of questions at Veemon, but couldn't because he didn't want to upset or scare the little creature. It was like someone you had a crush on but was never able to tell them because they didn't notice you, just noticed you. What would be the first thing you'd say to make a good impression?


            They stared at each other. Leon smiled and gave Veemon a big hug. Veemon gasped in suprise, but was strangly comforted by this. "You look tired from where ever you came from. Do you need anything, anything at all?" asked Leon. "There's no need to serve me. Please, idol me not." Veemon said with a straight face and a calm voice. "You don't know how much of a shock this is to me right now. I need some time to sort out the past events. May I sleep in your bed tonight?". "Go right ahead. Goodnight." Veemon hopped in his bed and got under the covers. Just as Leon stepped out, Veemon mumbled. "Wait. Wait. Get in here with me." Leon turned around and did so, closeing the door behind him. "Your abode is cold, too cold for my liking." "Wait a minute, I thought all reptiles were cold blooded." Leon thought, but shrugged because Digimon weren't like the animals of Earth.


            Veemon cuddled up next to Leon. Leon was tired from work, but strangly enough, sleep wasn't something he wanted to do right away. He looked at the dim light reflecting off of Veemon's scales, as he listened to Veemon's breathing, and felt his heart beat. Veemon had put his arms around Leon's waist. Leon did feel that this was so sudden, but it was what he always dreamed of and this moment felt so familiar. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself, or does 'being' suit you?" "Forgive me. My name is Leon. I am a Human. Just as you are Veemon, and you are a Digimon."


            Veemon moved his face from Leon's chest level, to his face level. "I bet you never seen the likes of me, have you?" Leonwas liking how Veemon's voice sounded when it tried to sound seductive. "Not at all." Leon lied. Well, it was a half lie. He had seen Veemon in pictures and tv but never laying right next to him. "Then how do you know my name?" Veemon broke from the seductive voice. "I feel you in my heart." Leon once again made a half lie. Veemon found this hard to believe, but accepted it after he felt Leon playing with his tail. Then Leon put Veemon's tail in his mouth and played it with his toungue. This sent shivers down Veemon's spine. His tail was very sensitive. "I am searching for one just like me, but he is competing," Veemon thought. "Perhaps I can open up to him alittle more. I hope what I'm about to do next isn't foolish."


            "Leon, I want to show you something. Don't worry, I'll be very quiet in the process." Veemon whispered. Leon could only imagine, but he imagined wrong. It was better. In a flash of light and in a voice only Leon could hear: "Veemon digivolve to... Flamedramon!" Leon jumped out of bed while he was doing this to give him room. He was in even more awe as he saw this. There was Flamedramon, 6 ft tall, smooth blue scales, white belly, long blue tail. He was wearing his flame designed armor. Leon felt privlaged. Whoever was responsible for this, he would be forever in debted to. "Now, tell me Leon, what do you think of me now?" Flamedramon stepped off Leon's bed and stood in a casual position with his arms out. Leon found himself darting his eyes all around Flamedramon uncontrollably, as if his eyes had gone into a sizure, when really he was trying to take in this moment, feeding his eyes candy knowing that they were black holes and could never stop being satisfied.


            "I don't know. You're wearing armor. I can't see the natural you too well." Flamedramon flicked his tail. "In that case, let me show you the 'natural' me." He removed his armor starting with his spiked gloves, then he removed his spiked shoes (boots, pads, sandlals, whatever). Leondescovered that Flamedramon actually had hands, beautiful ones at that. His feet weren't that bad either. Next Flamedramon removed his extremely short, tight shirt. Then finally, he removed his helmet. No words were needed here. Leon just walked up to the naked Flamedramon and gave him a gentle kiss on his muzzle. Flamedramon gasped at this. He wasn't searching for lust. He was searching for love. But being tired and lonely in this strange new world, he didn't care anymore. He would leave in the morning and set out on a journy to find the right one.


            Flamedramon backed into the bed and lay down on it. He wanted to gain at least something for his troubles that day. He motioned for Leon to lie next to him. Leon did so. Flamedramon leaned in and kissed Leon. Their toungues played with one another, rubbing against each other, creating a warm, smooth friction. Leon slid one of his hands down Flamedramon's backside, and grasped his tail, groping and fondling it. He took the tail and slid it across his chest, feeling the smooth reptillian scales.


            They broke the kiss and Flamedramon laid flat on his back. Leon got on top of him and noticed somthing pushing against his mid section. Leon leaned to the side to see Flamedramon's long member poking outward. It hastily gained full length now that it had the room it needed. Leon licked it and slid his toungue around the sides and the tip. Flamedramon moaned at this. Leon didn't think twice about going for it. He knew what had to be done.


            Leon knelt forward, mouth open, mind blotting out everything except Flamedramon, and took in as much of Flamedramon's member as he could. Leon couldn't fit all of it in, but managed to fit most of it and that mattered enough. He moved his head up, sucking, creating a vacuume, then went down, blowing, cheeks expanded. He repeated the motion. Flamedramon couldn't believe the pleasure he felt from this. He was being filled with ecstasy. After awhile, he was feeling tense. He dug his fingers into the bed and and moaned alittle louder. If he were any louder, he could risk waking someone. Flamedramon's tail tried to twitch out from between his legs, only to rub against Leon's chest. Flamedramon grit his teeth, arched his back, and let out a wave of pleasure after pleasure as he came into Leon's mouth. Leon swallowed as much as he could but some escaped his lips. Flamedramon then kissed Leon, licking the cum off his face, tasteing his own natural juices.


            "This human," Flamedramon thought, "could he really be the one I've been searching for?" He shook his head, realizing that he must be drunk from ecstasy. Leon noticed Flamedramon's head shaking, but didn't say anything. He just gave Flamedramon a nice, long, tight hug and a gentle kiss. He didn't care for anything in return. Just being there with Flamedramon, and Flamedramon being satisfied with him, was enough. Flamedramon smiled. He was, for the time being, satisfied. They both fell asleep, lost in each other's eyes, Leon's gentle embrace around Flamedramon's neck.




            Veemon woke up at the crack of dawn. Sometime during their slumber, he de-digivolved. His armor wasn't under the bed anymore either. He looked at Leon's digital clock. He wanted to leave an hour earlier. It was already 7 and humans tend to wake up around this time (he didn't know Leon too well). He slowly removed Leon's arms from his neck and got up. He went for the door, but something hit him. He turned around and looked at Leon. Flamedramon felt reluctance towards leaveing. Maybe this human could at some point, really prove to love him. But then again... one night of lust proved nothing in his own heart. He escaped the house, tip-toeing so his rustling didn't wake anyone, this time going out the front door so he didn't have to confront that Gabumon imposter. The front door was tricky to close. He thought he closed it all the way, but he didn't. He ran off, trying to retrace his steps, hiding or acting like a statue when an occasional early morning jogger or dog walker came by.




            Leon woke up hours later, when everyone in the house was up and about. He forgot to set his alarm, and nobody cares to wake him up, so he got out of bed feeling the neither good nor bad feeling of oversleeping. He got fully dressed when it hit him. "Flamedramon!", he shouted, quickly holding his hand over his mouth hopeing that nobody heard that. His eyes were wide, hair a mess, legs taking him all over the house trying to find Flamedramon, hoping nobody saw him. He tried not to arouse suspicion from any of his family members.


            He noticed one single clue as he was about to check the front. The door wasn't shut fully. He ran out into the yard, barefoot, looking around for any clues. There were none. That was when Leon realized he had been used and ran back inside to his room, dissapointed and upset, not able to cry because of confusion. The night he and Flamedramon had shared was great. But why did Flamedramon leave? Did Leon do something wrong? Did Flamedramon return to his own world. Was he only a dream in the first place? That didn't bode well for Leon. If it were a dream, it would have been the most vivid one he ever had. If answers were not found, this would haunt him for the rest of his life.



Don’t miss part two, when you get to find out what happens to Veemon!


            So what did everyone think of my first lemon? Questions or comments go to me at agumongugu@hotmail.com


            I hope it was good enough for all of you to read part two ^_^ I must admit, finding time and motivation for writing this lemon wasn’t easy. But I owe it all to GabumonBubu! If it weren’t for him, I’d probably have gone to the military, but I’ve discovered a passion in being a Furry and now I aim to pursue it. Thanks again to you readers for reading this and thanks to CZD and GabumonBubu for inspiring me as a writer and much more.